def ops(): turtle.clear() import options options.option()
def launcher(): clock = pygame.time.Clock() fond = [] for i in range(0, 19): if i < 10: nomimage = "launcher\sprite_menuanimation0" + str(i) + ".png" else: nomimage = "launcher\sprite_menuanimation" + str(i) + ".png" fond.append(pygame.image.load(nomimage).convert()) nfond = 0 x = 0 y = 0 hardcoremod = pygame.image.load("launcher\hardcore.png").convert_alpha() retravel = pygame.image.load("launcher/retravel_logo.png").convert() retravels = pygame.Surface((800, 700)) retravels.blit(retravel, (15, 0)) test = pygame.image.load("launcher\pixelgitan.png").convert_alpha() mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(test) rect = test.get_rect() for i in range(99): fenetre.fill((0, 0, 0)) fenetre.blit(retravels, (0, 0 - i)) pygame.display.flip() bouton0 = pygame.image.load("launcher\sprite_boutons0.png").convert_alpha() bouton0mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(bouton0) bouton1 = pygame.image.load("launcher\sprite_boutons1.png").convert_alpha() bouton1mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(bouton1) bouton2 = pygame.image.load("launcher\sprite_boutons2.png").convert_alpha() bouton2mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(bouton2) boutonvierge = pygame.image.load( "launcher\sprite_bouton vierge.png").convert_alpha() lisere = pygame.image.load( "launcher\sprite_boutonliseret.png").convert_alpha() clique = 0 k = 0 save = open("save1\\save", "r") passshooter = int( save.close() save = open("save1\\runner", "r") runner = bool(int( save.close() while 1: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: # pour pouvoir quitter le jeux pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == KEYDOWN: # les deplacements if event.key == K_ESCAPE: pygame.quit() exit() if event.key == K_h: if combat.hardcore == False: combat.hardcore = True else: combat.hardcore = False if event.type == MOUSEMOTION: # Si mouvement de souris x = event.pos[0] y = event.pos[1] if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: if clique == 1: fenetre.fill((0, 0, 0)) fenetre.blit(retravel, (15, -99)) pygame.display.flip() if passshooter == 0: ok = shooter(fenetre) if ok == 1: selecmap() if passshooter == 1 and not runner: selecmap() if runner: g = Jeu() g.start_screen() while g.running: g.game_over_screen() pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: if clique == 2: endle = Endless() endle.interface() save = open("save1\\save", "r") passshooter = int( save.close() save = open("save1\\runner", "r") runner = bool(int( save.close() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP and event.button == 1: if clique == 3: option() save = open("save1\\save", "r") passshooter = int( save.close() save = open("save1\\runner", "r") runner = bool(int( save.close() if nfond < 30: fenetre.blit(fond[0], (0, 0)) elif nfond < 60: fenetre.blit(fond[1], (0, 0)) elif nfond < 90: fenetre.blit(fond[2], (0, 0)) elif nfond < 120: fenetre.blit(fond[3], (0, 0)) elif nfond < 150: fenetre.blit(fond[4], (0, 0)) elif nfond < 180: fenetre.blit(fond[5], (0, 0)) elif nfond < 210: fenetre.blit(fond[6], (0, 0)) elif nfond < 240: fenetre.blit(fond[7], (0, 0)) elif nfond < 270: fenetre.blit(fond[8], (0, 0)) elif nfond < 300: fenetre.blit(fond[9], (0, 0)) elif nfond < 330: fenetre.blit(fond[10], (0, 0)) elif nfond < 360: fenetre.blit(fond[11], (0, 0)) elif nfond < 390: fenetre.blit(fond[12], (0, 0)) elif nfond < 420: fenetre.blit(fond[13], (0, 0)) elif nfond < 450: fenetre.blit(fond[14], (0, 0)) elif nfond < 480: fenetre.blit(fond[15], (0, 0)) elif nfond < 510: fenetre.blit(fond[16], (0, 0)) elif nfond < 540: fenetre.blit(fond[17], (0, 0)) elif nfond < 570: fenetre.blit(fond[18], (0, 0)) if combat.hardcore == True: nfond += 2 nfond += 1 if nfond > 570: nfond = 0 fenetre.blit(bouton0, (250, 300)) fenetre.blit(bouton1, (250, 400)) fenetre.blit(bouton2, (250, 500)) if combat.hardcore == True: fenetre.blit(hardcoremod, (0, 0)) rect = (x, y) offset_x = 250 - x offset_y0 = 300 - y offset_y1 = 400 - y offset_y2 = 500 - y if mask.overlap(bouton0mask, (offset_x, offset_y0)): fenetre.blit(lisere, (246, 297)) clique = 1 elif mask.overlap(bouton1mask, (offset_x, offset_y1)): fenetre.blit(lisere, (246, 397)) clique = 2 elif mask.overlap(bouton2mask, (offset_x, offset_y2)): fenetre.blit(lisere, (246, 497)) clique = 3 else: clique = 0 k += 1 if 255 - k >= 0: retravels.set_alpha(255 - k) fenetre.blit(retravels, (0, -99)) clock.tick(60) pygame.display.flip()
print(rsp.text) return json.loads(rsp.text) opt = ['-n', '--help'] help = ''' 드론 가상화 시뮬레이터 options : -n : set drone's id ''' ## 초기 실행 if __name__ == "__main__": arg = options.option() if (arg.setup(opt) == "help"): print(help) quit() id = arg.get(opt[0]) if (id[0] == False): id = int(input("Drone id : ")) else: id = id[1] print(id) req = request() return_json = req.get({"uri": "/drone/", "dict": {"id": id}}) droneInfo['id'] = id