def body_record(body):
    """Create a one-line ASCII data record to transmit for each body."""
    position = "%f %f %f " % body.position
    xaxis, yaxis = quaternion_to_xaxis_yaxis(body.orientation)
    xvec = "%f %f %f " % tuple(xaxis)
    yvec = "%f %f %f\n" % tuple(yaxis)
    return position + xvec + yvec
Beispiel #2
    def make_plane_list(self):
        """Return the received rigid body frames as a list of Plane or None (for missing data), one entry per rigid body stream."""

        # convert each quaternion into a pair of X,Y basis vectors
        basis_vectors = [quaternion_to_xaxis_yaxis(rot) for rot in self.rotations]

        # Extract the X and Y axis basis elements into lists of Vector3d objects.
        xaxes = [Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(*(basis[0])) for basis in basis_vectors]
        yaxes = [Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(*(basis[1])) for basis in basis_vectors]

        # Generate either Plane or None for each coordinate frame.
        planes = [plane_or_null(origin, x, y) for origin,x,y in zip(self.positions, xaxes, yaxes)]
        return planes
Beispiel #3
def all_Planes(take, stride=1):
    """Return a DataTree of trajectories containing Planes or None.

    The tree has one branch for each rigid body; each branch contains a list of
    objects, either Plane for a valid sample or None if the sample is missing.

    Due to implicit ghpython conversions, the branches will end up described by
    paths {0;0},{0;1},{0;2}, etc.

    :param stride: the skip factor to apply for subsampling input (default=1, no subsampling)

    # Extract the origin position data and convert to Point3d objects within a
    # Python list structure.  The subsampling is handled within the
    # comprehension.  Note that missing data is returned as None.  Each 'body'
    # in the take.rigid_bodies dictionary is a RigidBody object.  body.positions
    # is a list with one element per frame, either None or [x,y,z].
    origins = [ [rotated_point(pos) for pos in itertools.islice(body.positions, 0, len(body.positions), stride)] \
                for body in take.rigid_bodies.values()]

    # Similar to extract a tree of quaternion trajectories.  The leaves are
    # numbers, the dimensions are (num_bodies, num_frames, 4).
    quats = [ [rotated_orientation(rot) for rot in itertools.islice(body.rotations, 0, len(body.rotations), stride)] \
              for body in take.rigid_bodies.values()]

    # Generate a tree of basis vector pairs (xaxis, yaxis).  Dimensions are (num_bodies, num_frames, 2, 3)
    basis_vectors = [[quaternion_to_xaxis_yaxis(rot) for rot in body]
                     for body in quats]

    # Extract the X axis basis elements into a tree of Vector3d objects with dimension (num_bodies, num_frames).
    xaxes = [[Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(*(basis[0])) for basis in body]
             for body in basis_vectors]

    # Same for Y.
    yaxes = [[Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(*(basis[1])) for basis in body]
             for body in basis_vectors]

    # Iterate over the 2D list structures, combining them into a 2D list of Plane objects.
    planes = [[
        plane_or_null(origin, x, y) for origin, x, y in zip(os, xs, ys)
    ] for os, xs, ys in zip(origins, xaxes, yaxes)]

    # Recursively convert from a Python tree to a data tree.
    return list_to_tree(planes)
Beispiel #4
def all_Planes(take, stride=1):
    """Return a DataTree of trajectories containing Planes or None.

    The tree has one branch for each rigid body; each branch contains a list of
    objects, either Plane for a valid sample or None if the sample is missing.

    Due to implicit ghpython conversions, the branches will end up described by
    paths {0;0},{0;1},{0;2}, etc.

    :param stride: the skip factor to apply for subsampling input (default=1, no subsampling)

    # Extract the origin position data and convert to Point3d objects within a
    # Python list structure.  The subsampling is handled within the
    # comprehension.  Note that missing data is returned as None.  Each 'body'
    # in the take.rigid_bodies dictionary is a RigidBody object.  body.positions
    # is a list with one element per frame, either None or [x,y,z].
    origins = [ [rotated_point(pos) for pos in itertools.islice(body.positions, 0, len(body.positions), stride)] \
                for body in take.rigid_bodies.values()]

    # Similar to extract a tree of quaternion trajectories.  The leaves are
    # numbers, the dimensions are (num_bodies, num_frames, 4).
    quats = [ [rotated_orientation(rot) for rot in itertools.islice(body.rotations, 0, len(body.rotations), stride)] \
              for body in take.rigid_bodies.values()]

    # Generate a tree of basis vector pairs (xaxis, yaxis).  Dimensions are (num_bodies, num_frames, 2, 3)
    basis_vectors = [[quaternion_to_xaxis_yaxis(rot) for rot in body] for body in quats]

    # Extract the X axis basis elements into a tree of Vector3d objects with dimension (num_bodies, num_frames).
    xaxes = [[Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(*(basis[0])) for basis in body] for body in basis_vectors]

    # Same for Y.
    yaxes = [[Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(*(basis[1])) for basis in body] for body in basis_vectors]

    # Iterate over the 2D list structures, combining them into a 2D list of Plane objects.
    planes = [[plane_or_null(origin, x, y) for origin,x,y in zip(os,xs,ys)] for os,xs,ys in zip(origins, xaxes, yaxes)]

    # Recursively convert from a Python tree to a data tree.
    return list_to_tree(planes)