Beispiel #1
def main():
    print "\n---------- Start of Padding Oracle Attack ----------\n"
    plaintext = raw_input("Enter your plaintext WITHOUT padding: ")

    oracle = Oracle(KEY, BLOCK_SIZE)
    padded_plaintext = pkcs7_pad(plaintext, BLOCK_SIZE)
    ciphertext = oracle.aes_padding(padded_plaintext, IV)

    print "\nPlaintext Entered: {} Number of bytes: {}".format(
        plaintext, len(plaintext))
    print "Padded Plaintext: {} Number of bytes: {}".format(
        padded_plaintext, len(padded_plaintext))
    print "Ciphertext: {} Number of bytes: {}\n".format(
        repr(ciphertext), len(ciphertext))

    print "Executing attack..."
    decoded_ciphertext = execute_padding_oracle_attack(oracle, ciphertext, IV)
    print "Attack has ended.\n"

    print "Decoded Ciphertext: {} Number of bytes: {}".format(
        decoded_ciphertext, len(decoded_ciphertext))
    print "\n---------- End of Padding Oracle Attack ----------\n"