Beispiel #1
def parse(tokens):
    if tokens[0] == '{':
        ret = OrderedDict()
        tokens = tokens[1:]
        while tokens[0] != '}':
            key = tokens[0]
            tokens = tokens[1:]

            tokens = tokens[1:] # :

            value, tokens = parse(tokens)

            if tokens[0] == ',':
                tokens = tokens[1:]

            ret[key] = value
        tokens = tokens[1:]
        return ret, tokens
    elif tokens[0] == '[':
        ret = []
        tokens = tokens[1:]
        while tokens[0] != ']':
            value, tokens = parse(tokens)
            if tokens[0] == ',':
                tokens = tokens[1:]
        tokens = tokens[1:]
        return ret, tokens
        return tokens[0], tokens[1:]
Beispiel #2
def parse(tokens):
    if tokens[0] == "{":
        ret = OrderedDict()
        tokens = tokens[1:]
        while tokens[0] != "}":
            key = tokens[0]
            tokens = tokens[1:]

            tokens = tokens[1:]  # :

            value, tokens = parse(tokens)

            if tokens[0] == ",":
                tokens = tokens[1:]

            ret[key] = value
        tokens = tokens[1:]
        return ret, tokens
    elif tokens[0] == "[":
        ret = []
        tokens = tokens[1:]
        while tokens[0] != "]":
            value, tokens = parse(tokens)
            if tokens[0] == ",":
                tokens = tokens[1:]
        tokens = tokens[1:]
        return ret, tokens
        return tokens[0], tokens[1:]
def parse(tokens):
    if tokens[0] == '{':
        ret = OrderedDict()
        tokens = tokens[1:]
        while tokens[0] != '}':
            key = tokens[0]
            tokens = tokens[1:]

            tokens = tokens[1:]  # :

            value, tokens = parse(tokens)

            if tokens[0] == ',':
                tokens = tokens[1:]

            ret[key] = value
        tokens = tokens[1:]
        return ret, tokens
    elif tokens[0] == '[':
        ret = []
        tokens = tokens[1:]
        while tokens[0] != ']':
            value, tokens = parse(tokens)
            if tokens[0] == ',':
                tokens = tokens[1:]
        tokens = tokens[1:]
        return ret, tokens
        return tokens[0], tokens[1:]
Beispiel #4
    def readLine(self, line):
        Reads a single line from the stanza, extracting the key-value pair

        if line.startswith('#') or line == '':
            OrderedDict.append(self, line)
            raKey = line.split(' ', 1)[0].strip()
            raVal = ''
            if (len(line.split(' ', 1)) == 2):
                raVal = line.split(' ', 1)[1].strip()
            #if raKey in self:
                #raise KeyError(raKey + ' already exists')
            self[raKey] = raVal
Beispiel #5
    def read(self, filePath, key=None):
        Reads an rafile stanza by stanza, and internalizes it. Don't override
        this for derived types, instead override readStanza.
        self._filename = filePath
        file = open(filePath, 'r')
        scopes = list()

        #entry = None
        stanza = list()
        keyValue = ''

        reading = 1

        while reading:
            line = file.readline()  # get the line
            if line == '':
                reading = 0

            # if its a comment or whitespace we append it to the list representation and ignore in dict
            #line = line.strip()
            if len(stanza) == 0 and (line.strip().startswith('#') or
                                     (line.strip() == '' and reading)):
                OrderedDict.append(self, line)

            if line.strip() != '':
            elif len(stanza) > 0:
                if keyValue == '':
                    keyValue, name, entry = self.readStanza(stanza, key)
                    testKey, name, entry = self.readStanza(stanza, key)
                    if entry != None and keyValue != testKey:
                        raise KeyError('Inconsistent Key ' + testKey)

                if entry != None:
                    if name != None or key == None:
                        if name in self:
                            print KeyError('Duplicate Key ' + name)
                        self[name] = entry

                stanza = list()

Beispiel #6
    def read(self, filePath, key=None):
        Reads an rafile stanza by stanza, and internalizes it. Don't override
        this for derived types, instead override readStanza.
        self._filename = filePath
        file = open(filePath, 'r')
        scopes = list()

        #entry = None
        stanza = list()
        keyValue = ''

        reading = 1
        while reading:
            line = file.readline() # get the line
            if line == '':
                reading = 0
            # if its a comment or whitespace we append it to the list representation and ignore in dict
            #line = line.strip()
            if len(stanza) == 0 and (line.strip().startswith('#') or (line.strip() == '' and reading)):
                OrderedDict.append(self, line)

            if line.strip() != '':
            elif len(stanza) > 0:
                if keyValue == '':
                    keyValue, name, entry = self.readStanza(stanza, key)
                    testKey, name, entry = self.readStanza(stanza, key)
                    if entry != None and keyValue != testKey:
                        raise KeyError('Inconsistent Key ' + testKey)

                if entry != None:
                    if name != None or key == None:
                        if name in self:
                            print KeyError('Duplicate Key ' + name)
                        self[name] = entry

                stanza = list()

Beispiel #7
def find_unique_points(explored_parameters):
    """Takes a list of explored parameters and finds unique parameter combinations.

    If parameter ranges are hashable operates in O(N), otherwise O(N**2).

    :param explored_parameters:

        List of **explored** parameters


        List of tuples, first entry being the parameter values, second entry a list
        containing the run position of the unique combination.

    ranges = [param.f_get_range(copy=False) for param in explored_parameters]
    zipped_tuples = list(zip(*ranges))
        unique_elements = OrderedDict()
        for idx, val_tuple in enumerate(zipped_tuples):
            if val_tuple not in unique_elements:
                unique_elements[val_tuple] = []
        return compat.listitems(unique_elements)
    except TypeError:
        logger = logging.getLogger('pypet.find_unique')
        logger.error('Your parameter entries could not be hashed, '
                     'now I am sorting slowly in O(N**2).')
        unique_elements = []
        for idx, val_tuple in enumerate(zipped_tuples):
            matches = False
            for added_tuple, pos_list in unique_elements:
                matches = True
                for idx2, val in enumerate(added_tuple):
                    if not explored_parameters[idx2]._equal_values(
                            val_tuple[idx2], val):
                        matches = False
                if matches:
            if not matches:
                unique_elements.append((val_tuple, [idx]))
        return unique_elements
Beispiel #8
def find_unique_points(explored_parameters):
    """Takes a list of explored parameters and finds unique parameter combinations.

    If parameter ranges are hashable operates in O(N), otherwise O(N**2).

    :param explored_parameters:

        List of **explored** parameters


        List of tuples, first entry being the parameter values, second entry a list
        containing the run position of the unique combination.

    ranges = [param.f_get_range(copy=False) for param in explored_parameters]
    zipped_tuples = list(zip(*ranges))
        unique_elements = OrderedDict()
        for idx, val_tuple in enumerate(zipped_tuples):
            if val_tuple not in unique_elements:
                unique_elements[val_tuple] = []
        return compat.listitems(unique_elements)
    except TypeError:
        logger = logging.getLogger('pypet.find_unique')
        logger.error('Your parameter entries could not be hashed, '
                     'now I am sorting slowly in O(N**2).')
        unique_elements = []
        for idx, val_tuple in enumerate(zipped_tuples):
            matches = False
            for added_tuple, pos_list in unique_elements:
                matches = True
                for idx2, val in enumerate(added_tuple):
                    if not explored_parameters[idx2]._equal_values(val_tuple[idx2], val):
                        matches = False
                if matches:
            if not matches:
                unique_elements.append((val_tuple, [idx]))
        return unique_elements
Beispiel #9
 def append(self, item):
     OrderedDict.append(self, item)
Beispiel #10
 def append(self, item):
     OrderedDict.append(self, item)