Beispiel #1
class Config(DotSection):
    """Validation and encapsulation for the DXR config file


        # Settings from the [DXR] section:
        >>> Config(...).default_tree

        # Settings from individual trees:
        >>> Config(...).trees['some-tree'].build_command

        # Settings from plugin-specific sections of trees:
        >>> Config(...).trees['some-tree'].buglink.url

    # Design decisions:
    # * Keep the explicit [DXR] section name because, otherwise, global options
    #   can collide with tree names.
    # * Keep tree.config shortcut. It makes a lot of things shorter and doesn't
    #   hurt anything, since it's all read-only anyway.
    # * Crosswire __getattr__ with __getitem__. It makes callers more readable.
    # * Keep whitespace-delimited lists in config file. I prefer them to
    #   commas, people will have to change less, and it wasn't a big deal to
    #   customize.
    # * Use configobj to parse the ini file and then schema to validate it.
    #   configobj's favored "validate" module makes it very hard to have
    #   whitespace-delimited lists and doesn't compose well since its
    #   validators are strings. The downside is we only report 1 error at a
    #   time, but this can and should be fixed in the schema lib.

    def __init__(self, input, relative_to=None):
        """Pull in and validate a config file.

        :arg input: A string or dict from which to populate the config
        :arg relative_to: The dir relative to which to interpret relative paths

        Raise ConfigError if the configuration is invalid.

        schema = Schema({
            'DXR': {
                Optional('temp_folder', default=abspath('dxr-temp-{tree}')):
                Optional('default_tree', default=None): basestring,
                Optional('disabled_plugins', default=plugin_list('')): Plugins,
                Optional('enabled_plugins', default=plugin_list('*')): Plugins,
                                         .strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000")):
                Optional('log_folder', default=abspath('dxr-logs-{tree}')):
                Optional('workers', default=if_raises(NotImplementedError,
                Optional('skip_stages', default=[]): WhitespaceList,
                Optional('www_root', default=''): Use(lambda v: v.rstrip('/')),
                Optional('google_analytics_key', default=''): basestring,
                Optional('es_hosts', default=''):
                # A semi-random name, having the tree name and format version in it.
                Optional('es_index', default='dxr_{format}_{tree}_{unique}'):
                Optional('es_alias', default='dxr_{format}_{tree}'):
                Optional('es_catalog_index', default='dxr_catalog'):
                Optional('es_catalog_replicas', default=1):
                    Use(int, error='"es_catalog_replicas" must be an integer.'),
                Optional('max_thumbnail_size', default=20000):
                        lambda v: v >= 0,
                        error='"max_thumbnail_size" must be a non-negative '
                Optional('es_indexing_timeout', default=60):
                        lambda v: v >= 0,
                        error='"es_indexing_timeout" must be a non-negative '
                Optional('es_indexing_retries', default=0):
                        lambda v: v >= 0,
                        error='"es_indexing_retries" must be a non-negative '
                Optional('es_refresh_interval', default=60):
                    Use(int, error='"es_refresh_interval" must be an integer.')
            basestring: dict

        # Parse the ini into nested dicts:
        config_obj = ConfigObj(input.splitlines() if isinstance(input,
                               else input,

        if not relative_to:
            relative_to = getcwd()
        with cd(relative_to):
                config = schema.validate(config_obj.dict())
            except SchemaError as exc:
                raise ConfigError(exc.code, ['DXR'])

            self._section = config['DXR']

            # Normalize enabled_plugins:
            if self.enabled_plugins.is_all:
                # Then explicitly enable anything that isn't explicitly
                # disabled:
                self._section['enabled_plugins'] = [
                        p for p in all_plugins_but_core().values()
                        if p not in self.disabled_plugins]

            # Now that enabled_plugins and the other keys that TreeConfig
            # depends on are filled out, make some TreeConfigs:
            self.trees = OrderedDict()  # name -> TreeConfig
            for section in config_obj.sections:
                if section != 'DXR':
                        self.trees[section] = TreeConfig(section,
                    except SchemaError as exc:
                        raise ConfigError(exc.code, [section])

        # Make sure default_tree is defined:
        if not self.default_tree:
            self._section['default_tree'] = first(self.trees.iterkeys())

        # These aren't intended for actual use; they're just to influence
        # enabled_plugins of trees, and now we're done with them:
        del self._section['enabled_plugins']
        del self._section['disabled_plugins']
Beispiel #2
    class HybridView(newcls, JSONResponseMixin):
        """Middleware class which add the JSONResponseMixin in the view to
        handle ajax requests"""

        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            """Our newcls can be an instance of several mixins working with the
            get and post functions.
            e.g : CreateView is instance of BaseCreateView and ProcessFormView
            Let's add our custom mixins that implement get and post without
            returning a render_to_response, and call """

            newcls.__init__(self, **kwargs)
            # The order matters for the get/post calls.
            self.mixins = OrderedDict()
            self.mixins[BaseListView] = BaseListViewMixin
            self.mixins[BaseCreateView] = BaseCreateViewMixin
            self.mixins[BaseUpdateView] = BaseUpdateViewMixin
            self.mixins[BaseDetailView] = BaseDetailViewMixin
            self.mixins[BaseDeleteView] = BaseDeleteViewMixin
            self.mixins[ProcessFormView] = ProcessFormViewMixin
            [self.mixins.pop(baseView) for baseView in self.mixins.iterkeys()
                if not isinstance(self, baseView)]

        def is_ajax(self):
            """Check the META HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH and CONTENT_TYPE"""
            meta = self.request.META
            return meta.get('HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH') == 'XMLHttpRequest'\
                or "json" in meta.get("CONTENT_TYPE")

        def render_to_response(self, context):
            cls = type(self).__bases__[self.is_ajax]
            return cls.render_to_response(self, context)

        def get(self, request, **kwargs):
            if not self.is_ajax:
                "If it's not ajax, return the inherited get"
                return super(HybridView, self).get(self, **kwargs)

            for mixin in self.mixins.itervalues():
                self, kwargs = mixin().get(self, **kwargs)

            context = kwargs
            context.pop("form", None)
            context.pop("object", None)
            context.pop("object_list", None)
            return self.render_to_response(context)

        def post(self, request, **kwargs):
            """Hybrid post to handle all parents post actions"""
            if not self.is_ajax:
                "If it's not ajax, return the inherited get"
                return super(HybridView, self).post(self, **kwargs)

            for mixin in self.mixins.itervalues():
                    self, kwargs = mixin().post(self, **kwargs)
                except AttributeError:
                    """The inherited view doesn't handle post"""

            context = kwargs
            context.pop("form", None)
            return self.render_to_response(context)
Beispiel #3
class Config(DotSection):
    """Validation and encapsulation for the DXR config file


        # Settings from the [DXR] section:
        >>> Config(...).default_tree

        # Settings from individual trees:
        >>> Config(...).trees['some-tree'].build_command

        # Settings from plugin-specific sections of trees:
        >>> Config(...).trees['some-tree'].buglink.url


    # Design decisions:
    # * Keep the explicit [DXR] section name because, otherwise, global options
    #   can collide with tree names.
    # * Keep tree.config shortcut. It makes a lot of things shorter and doesn't
    #   hurt anything, since it's all read-only anyway.
    # * Crosswire __getattr__ with __getitem__. It makes callers more readable.
    # * Keep whitespace-delimited lists in config file. I prefer them to
    #   commas, people will have to change less, and it wasn't a big deal to
    #   customize.
    # * Use configobj to parse the ini file and then schema to validate it.
    #   configobj's favored "validate" module makes it very hard to have
    #   whitespace-delimited lists and doesn't compose well since its
    #   validators are strings. The downside is we only report 1 error at a
    #   time, but this can and should be fixed in the schema lib.

    def __init__(self, input, relative_to=None):
        """Pull in and validate a config file.

        :arg input: A string or dict from which to populate the config
        :arg relative_to: The dir relative to which to interpret relative paths

        Raise ConfigError if the configuration is invalid.

        schema = Schema({
            'DXR': {
                Optional('temp_folder', default=abspath('dxr-temp-{tree}')):
                Optional('default_tree', default=None):
                Optional('disabled_plugins', default=plugin_list('')):
                Optional('enabled_plugins', default=plugin_list('*')):
                         default=datetime.utcnow().strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000")):
                Optional('log_folder', default=abspath('dxr-logs-{tree}')):
                         default=if_raises(NotImplementedError, cpu_count, 1)):
                    lambda v: v >= 0,
                    error='"workers" must be a non-negative integer.'),
                Optional('skip_stages', default=[]):
                Optional('www_root', default=''):
                Use(lambda v: v.rstrip('/')),
                Optional('google_analytics_key', default=''):
                Optional('es_hosts', default=''):
                # A semi-random name, having the tree name and format version in it.
                Optional('es_index', default='dxr_{format}_{tree}_{unique}'):
                Optional('es_alias', default='dxr_{format}_{tree}'):
                Optional('es_catalog_index', default='dxr_catalog'):
                Optional('es_catalog_replicas', default=1):
                Use(int, error='"es_catalog_replicas" must be an integer.'),
                Optional('max_thumbnail_size', default=20000):
                    lambda v: v >= 0,
                    error='"max_thumbnail_size" must be a non-negative '
                Optional('es_indexing_timeout', default=60):
                    lambda v: v >= 0,
                    error='"es_indexing_timeout" must be a non-negative '
                Optional('es_indexing_retries', default=0):
                    lambda v: v >= 0,
                    error='"es_indexing_retries" must be a non-negative '
                Optional('es_refresh_interval', default=60):
                Use(int, error='"es_refresh_interval" must be an integer.')
            basestring: dict

        # Parse the ini into nested dicts:
        config_obj = ConfigObj(
            input.splitlines() if isinstance(input, basestring) else input,

        if not relative_to:
            relative_to = getcwd()
        with cd(relative_to):
                config = schema.validate(config_obj.dict())
            except SchemaError as exc:
                raise ConfigError(exc.code, ['DXR'])

            self._section = config['DXR']

            # Normalize enabled_plugins:
            if self.enabled_plugins.is_all:
                # Then explicitly enable anything that isn't explicitly
                # disabled:
                self._section['enabled_plugins'] = [
                    p for p in all_plugins_but_core().values()
                    if p not in self.disabled_plugins

            # Now that enabled_plugins and the other keys that TreeConfig
            # depends on are filled out, make some TreeConfigs:
            self.trees = OrderedDict()  # name -> TreeConfig
            for section in config_obj.sections:
                if section != 'DXR':
                        self.trees[section] = TreeConfig(
                            section, config[section],
                            config_obj[section].sections, self)
                    except SchemaError as exc:
                        raise ConfigError(exc.code, [section])

        # Make sure default_tree is defined:
        if not self.default_tree:
            self._section['default_tree'] = first(self.trees.iterkeys())

        # These aren't intended for actual use; they're just to influence
        # enabled_plugins of trees, and now we're done with them:
        del self._section['enabled_plugins']
        del self._section['disabled_plugins']
Beispiel #4
while line != '':  # mientras la linea no sea la "última", o sea, el fin del archivo.
    if line[:2] == '//':  # si la nueva linea es un separador de PTMs "//" hacer un INSERT
        # output.write(str(record.items()))
        sql_insert_values = '\'' + '\', \''.join(record.itervalues()) + '\''  # unir los elementos devalues con comas
        tgs = (((sql_insert_values.replace("'", "").replace(".", "")).split(", "))[3])
        tgs = tgs.split("-")

        #output.write(("INSERT INTO ptm_table VALUES (%r);"
        #              % sql_insert_values + '\n').replace("\"", '').replace('.', ''))
        cur.execute(("INSERT INTO ptm_table VALUES (%r);"
                     % sql_insert_values + '\n').replace("\"", '').replace('.', ''))
        con.commit()  # con esto logro que se graben los inserts, sino no anda... pero lo hace re lenteja!
        record = empty_record.copy()
        line = ptmlist.readline()  # y cambiar de linea.
    for cat in categories.iterkeys():  # toma cada elemento de categoria (en orden)
        if cat == "TG" and cat == line[:2]:
                record[cat] = line[5:-1]
                line = ptmlist.readline()
        elif line[:2] == cat:  # y si la linea corresponde a la categoria
            record[cat] = line[5:-1].replace("'", "''")  # agrega su contenido al registro para esa categoria
            line = ptmlist.readline()  # y cambia a una nueva linea
            while line[:2] == cat:  # mientras la linea nueva sea de la misma id que la anterior
                record[cat] += ' --- ' + line[5:-1]  # agrega su contenido con un separador
                line = ptmlist.readline()  # y cambia a una nueva linea
    # si la linea está vacía, es porque llegó al final del archivo y el while termina

#Cerrar el kiosko
cur.execute("SHOW WARNINGS")
if con: