def create(request):
    Render the public form for submitting reports
    ImageFormSet = get_image_formset()

    if request.POST:
        form = ReportForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
        formset = ImageFormSet(request.POST, request.FILES, queryset=Image.objects.none())
        if form.is_valid() and formset.is_valid():
            report =
  , fk=report)
            messages.success(request, "Report submitted successfully")
            request.session.setdefault("report_ids", []).append(
            request.session.modified = True
            response = redirect("reports-detail",
            # the template sets some cookies in JS that we want to clear when
            # the report is submitted. This means the next time they go to this
            # page, the map will be initialized with the defaults
            response.delete_cookie("center", request.get_full_path())
            response.delete_cookie("zoom", request.get_full_path())
            return response
        formset = ImageFormSet(queryset=Image.objects.none())
        form = ReportForm()

    return render(request, "reports/create.html", {
        "form": form,
        "category_id_to_species_id": category_id_to_species_id_json(),
        "formset": formset
Beispiel #2
def create(request):
    Render the public form for submitting reports
    ImageFormSet = get_image_formset()

    if request.POST:
        form = ReportForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
        formset = ImageFormSet(request.POST,
        if form.is_valid() and formset.is_valid():
            report =
  , fk=report)
            messages.success(request, "Report submitted successfully")
            request.session.setdefault("report_ids", []).append(
            request.session.modified = True
            response = redirect("reports-detail",
            # the template sets some cookies in JS that we want to clear when
            # the report is submitted. This means the next time they go to this
            # page, the map will be initialized with the defaults
            response.delete_cookie("center", request.get_full_path())
            response.delete_cookie("zoom", request.get_full_path())
            return response
        formset = ImageFormSet(queryset=Image.objects.none())
        form = ReportForm()

    return render(
        request, "reports/create.html", {
            "form": form,
            "category_id_to_species_id": category_id_to_species_id_json(),
            "formset": formset
def detail(request, report_id):
    This is a complex view that handles displaying all the information about a
    Report. It needs to take into account the user's role on the Report to
    determine whether to display the comment form, and which comments to
    display, etc. It also handles the management of the report by the expert
    who claimed it
    report = get_object_or_404(Report, pk=report_id)

    if ( in request.session.get("report_ids", []) and
            report.created_by.is_active and
            report.created_by_id != and
            not request.user.is_active):
        # if the report was created by an active user and they aren't logged in
        # as that user, force them to re-login
        return login_required(lambda request: None)(request)

    if ( in request.session.get("report_ids", []) and
            not report.created_by.is_active and
            report.created_by_id != and
            not request.user.is_active):
        # if the user submitted the report, allow them to masquerade as that
        # user for the life of this request
        request.user = report.created_by

    if not report.is_public:
        if request.user.is_anonymous():
  , "If this is your report, please use the login system below to authenticate yourself.")
            return login_required(lambda request: None)(request)
        elif not can_view_private_report(request.user, report):
            raise PermissionDenied()

    # there are a bunch of forms that can be filled out on this page, by
    # default, they can't be filled out
    comment_form = None
    image_formset = None
    invite_form = None
    management_form = None
    # this tells us which form was filled out since there are many on the page
    submit_flag = request.POST.get("submit_flag")

    # process the comment form only if they are allowed to leave comments
    if can_create_comment(request.user, report):
        ImageFormSet = get_image_formset(user=request.user)
        PartialCommentForm = curry(CommentForm, user=request.user, report=report)
        if request.POST and submit_flag == CommentForm.SUBMIT_FLAG:
            image_formset = ImageFormSet(request.POST, request.FILES, queryset=Image.objects.none())
            comment_form = PartialCommentForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
            if comment_form.is_valid() and image_formset.is_valid():
                comment =
      , fk=comment)
                messages.success(request, "Comment Added!")
                return redirect(request.get_full_path())
            comment_form = PartialCommentForm()
            image_formset = ImageFormSet(queryset=Image.objects.none())

    # handle all the management forms
    if can_manage_report(request.user, report):
        # Confirming the report form...
        if request.POST and submit_flag == ManagementForm.SUBMIT_FLAG:
            management_form = ManagementForm(request.POST, instance=report)
            if management_form.is_valid():
                messages.success(request, "Updated!")
                return redirect(request.get_full_path())
            management_form = ManagementForm(instance=report)

        # Inviting experts...
        if request.POST and submit_flag == InviteForm.SUBMIT_FLAG:
            invite_form = InviteForm(request.POST)
            if invite_form.is_valid():
                invite_report =, user=request.user, request=request)
                message = "%d invited" % (len(invite_report.invited))
                if invite_report.already_invited:
                    message += " (%d already invited)" % len(invite_report.already_invited)
                messages.success(request, message)
                return redirect(request.get_full_path())
            invite_form = InviteForm()

    # filter down the comments based on the user's permissions
    comments = Comment.objects.filter(report=report)
    images = Image.objects.filter(Q(report=report) | Q(comment__report=report))
    if request.user.is_anonymous():
        comments = comments.filter(visibility=Comment.PUBLIC)
        images = images.filter(visibility=Image.PUBLIC)
    elif request.user.is_active or Invite.objects.filter(user=request.user, report=report).exists():
        # no need to filter for these folks
        # the logged in user is the person who reported
        comments = comments.filter(Q(visibility=Comment.PUBLIC) | Q(visibility=Comment.PROTECTED))
        images = images.filter(Q(visibility=Image.PUBLIC) | Q(visibility=Image.PROTECTED))

    invites = list( for i in Invite.objects.filter(report=report).select_related("user"))

    return render(request, "reports/detail.html", {
        "report": report,
        "comments": comments,
        "images": list(images),
        "category_id_to_species_id": category_id_to_species_id_json(),
        "invites": invites,
        # all the forms
        "image_formset": image_formset,
        "comment_form": comment_form,
        "invite_form": invite_form,
        "management_form": management_form,
Beispiel #4
def detail(request, report_id):
    This is a complex view that handles displaying all the information about a
    Report. It needs to take into account the user's role on the Report to
    determine whether to display the comment form, and which comments to
    display, etc. It also handles the management of the report by the expert
    who claimed it
    report = get_object_or_404(Report, pk=report_id)

    if ( in request.session.get("report_ids", [])
            and report.created_by.is_active
            and report.created_by_id !=
            and not request.user.is_active):
        # if the report was created by an active user and they aren't logged in
        # as that user, force them to re-login
        return login_required(lambda request: None)(request)

    if ( in request.session.get("report_ids", [])
            and not report.created_by.is_active
            and report.created_by_id !=
            and not request.user.is_active):
        # if the user submitted the report, allow them to masquerade as that
        # user for the life of this request
        request.user = report.created_by

    if not report.is_public:
        if request.user.is_anonymous:
                "If this is your report, please use the login system below to authenticate yourself."
            return login_required(lambda request: None)(request)
        elif not can_view_private_report(request.user, report):
            raise PermissionDenied()

    # there are a bunch of forms that can be filled out on this page, by
    # default, they can't be filled out
    comment_form = None
    image_formset = None
    invite_form = None
    management_form = None
    # this tells us which form was filled out since there are many on the page
    submit_flag = request.POST.get("submit_flag")

    # process the comment form only if they are allowed to leave comments
    if can_create_comment(request.user, report):
        ImageFormSet = get_image_formset(user=request.user)
        PartialCommentForm = functools.partial(CommentForm,

        if request.POST and submit_flag == CommentForm.SUBMIT_FLAG:
            image_formset = ImageFormSet(request.POST,
            comment_form = PartialCommentForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
            if comment_form.is_valid() and image_formset.is_valid():
                comment =
      , fk=comment)
                messages.success(request, "Comment Added!")
                if can_claim_report(request.user, report):
                    if report.claimed_by is None:
                        report.claimed_by = request.user
                        messages.success(request, "Report claimed!")
                return redirect(request.get_full_path())

            comment_form = PartialCommentForm()
            image_formset = ImageFormSet(queryset=Image.objects.none())

    # handle all the management forms
    if can_manage_report(request.user, report):
        # Confirming the report form...
        if request.POST and submit_flag == ManagementForm.SUBMIT_FLAG:
            management_form = ManagementForm(request.POST, instance=report)
            if management_form.is_valid():
                messages.success(request, "Updated!")
                return redirect(request.get_full_path())
            management_form = ManagementForm(instance=report)

        # Inviting experts...
        if request.POST and submit_flag == InviteForm.SUBMIT_FLAG:
            invite_form = InviteForm(request.POST)
            if invite_form.is_valid():
                invite_report =, report)
                message = "%d invited" % (len(invite_report.invited))
                if invite_report.already_invited:
                    message += " (%d already invited)" % len(
                messages.success(request, message)
                return redirect(request.get_full_path())
            invite_form = InviteForm()

    # filter down the comments based on the user's permissions
    comments = Comment.objects.filter(report=report)
    images = Image.objects.filter(Q(report=report) | Q(comment__report=report))
    if request.user.is_anonymous:
        comments = comments.filter(visibility=Comment.PUBLIC)
        images = images.filter(visibility=Image.PUBLIC)
    elif request.user.is_active or Invite.objects.filter(
            user=request.user, report=report).exists():
        # no need to filter for these folks
        # the logged in user is the person who reported
        comments = comments.filter(
            Q(visibility=Comment.PUBLIC) | Q(visibility=Comment.PROTECTED))
        images = images.filter(
            Q(visibility=Image.PUBLIC) | Q(visibility=Image.PROTECTED))

    invites = list(
        for i in Invite.objects.filter(report=report).select_related("user"))

    return render(
            "report": report,
            "comments": comments,
            "images": list(images),
            "category_id_to_species_id": category_id_to_species_id_json(),
            "invites": invites,
            # all the forms
            "image_formset": image_formset,
            "comment_form": comment_form,
            "invite_form": invite_form,
            "management_form": management_form,