def test_unsupported_space(self): """Test tpe only work for supported search space""" space = Space() dim1 = Real('yolo1', 'uniform', -10, 10) space.register(dim1) dim2 = Real('yolo2', 'reciprocal', 10, 20) space.register(dim2) categories = ['a', 0.1, 2, 'c'] dim3 = Categorical('yolo3', categories) space.register(dim3) dim4 = Fidelity('epoch', 1, 9, 3) space.register(dim4) TPE(space) space = Space() dim = Real('yolo1', 'norm', 0.9) space.register(dim) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ex: TPE(space) assert 'TPE now only supports uniform, loguniform, uniform discrete and choices' \ in str(ex.value) space = Space() dim = Real('yolo1', 'uniform', 0.9, shape=(2, 1)) space.register(dim) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ex: TPE(space) assert 'TPE now only supports 1D shape' in str(ex.value)
def test_unsupported_space(self): """Test tpe only work for supported search space""" space = Space() dim1 = Real("yolo1", "uniform", -10, 10) space.register(dim1) dim2 = Real("yolo2", "reciprocal", 10, 20) space.register(dim2) categories = ["a", 0.1, 2, "c"] dim3 = Categorical("yolo3", categories) space.register(dim3) dim4 = Fidelity("epoch", 1, 9, 3) space.register(dim4) TPE(space) space = Space() dim = Real("yolo1", "norm", 0.9) space.register(dim) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ex: tpe = TPE(space) = build_required_space( space, shape_requirement=TPE.requires_shape ) assert ( "TPE now only supports uniform, loguniform, uniform discrete and choices" in str(ex.value) )
def test_split_trials(self): """Test observed trials can be split based on TPE gamma""" space = Space() dim1 = Real("yolo1", "uniform", -3, 6) space.register(dim1) tpe = TPE(space, seed=1) rng = np.random.RandomState(1) points = numpy.linspace(-3, 3, num=10, endpoint=False).reshape(-1, 1) objectives = numpy.linspace(0, 1, num=10, endpoint=False) point_objectives = list(zip(points, objectives)) rng.shuffle(point_objectives) points, objectives = zip(*point_objectives) for point, objective in zip(points, objectives): trial = _array_to_trial(point,, y=objective) tpe.observe([trial]) tpe.gamma = 0.25 below_trials, above_trials = tpe.split_trials() below_points = [ _trial_to_array(t, for t in below_trials ] assert below_points == [[-3.0], [-2.4], [-1.8]] assert len(above_trials) == 7 tpe.gamma = 0.2 below_trials, above_trials = tpe.split_trials() below_points = [ _trial_to_array(t, for t in below_trials ] assert below_points == [[-3.0], [-2.4]] assert len(above_trials) == 8
def test_sample_real_dimension(self): """Test sample values for a real dimension""" space = Space() dim1 = Real('yolo1', 'uniform', -10, 20) space.register(dim1) dim2 = Real('yolo2', 'uniform', -5, 10, shape=(2)) space.register(dim2) dim3 = Real('yolo3', 'reciprocal', 1, 20) space.register(dim3) tpe = TPE(space) points = numpy.random.uniform(-10, 10, 20) below_points = [points[:8]] above_points = [points[8:]] points = tpe._sample_real_dimension(dim1, 1, below_points, above_points) points = numpy.asarray(points) assert len(points) == 1 assert all(points >= -10) assert all(points < 10) points = numpy.random.uniform(1, 20, 20) below_points = [points[:8]] above_points = [points[8:]] points = tpe._sample_real_dimension(dim3, 1, below_points, above_points) points = numpy.asarray(points) assert len(points) == 1 assert all(points >= 1) assert all(points < 20) below_points = numpy.random.uniform(-10, 0, 25).reshape(1, 25) above_points = numpy.random.uniform(0, 10, 75).reshape(1, 75) points = tpe._sample_real_dimension(dim1, 1, below_points, above_points) points = numpy.asarray(points) assert len(points) == 1 assert all(points >= -10) assert all(points < 0) points = numpy.random.uniform(-5, 5, 32) below_points = [points[:8], points[8:16]] above_points = [points[16:24], points[24:]] points = tpe._sample_real_dimension(dim2, 2, below_points, above_points) points = numpy.asarray(points) assert len(points) == 2 assert all(points >= -10) assert all(points < 10) tpe.n_ei_candidates = 0 points = tpe._sample_real_dimension(dim2, 2, below_points, above_points) assert len(points) == 0
def test_sample_categorical_dimension(self): """Test sample values for a categorical dimension""" space = Space() categories = ["a", "b", 11, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, "c"] dim1 = Categorical("yolo1", categories) space.register(dim1) dim2 = Categorical("yolo2", categories, shape=(2)) space.register(dim2) tpe = TPE(space) obs_points = numpy.random.randint(0, 10, 100) obs_points = [categories[point] for point in obs_points] below_points = [obs_points[:25]] above_points = [obs_points[25:]] points = tpe.sample_one_dimension( dim1, 1, below_points, above_points, tpe._sample_categorical_point ) assert len(points) == 1 assert points[0] in categories obs_points_below = numpy.random.randint(0, 3, 25) obs_points_above = numpy.random.randint(3, 10, 75) below_points = [[categories[point] for point in obs_points_below]] above_points = [[categories[point] for point in obs_points_above]] points = tpe.sample_one_dimension( dim1, 1, below_points, above_points, tpe._sample_categorical_point ) assert len(points) == 1 assert points[0] in categories[:3] obs_points = numpy.random.randint(0, 10, 100) obs_points = [categories[point] for point in obs_points] below_points = [obs_points[:25], obs_points[25:50]] above_points = [obs_points[50:75], obs_points[75:]] points = tpe.sample_one_dimension( dim2, 2, below_points, above_points, tpe._sample_categorical_point ) assert len(points) == 2 assert points[0] in categories assert points[1] in categories tpe.n_ei_candidates = 0 points = tpe.sample_one_dimension( dim2, 2, below_points, above_points, tpe._sample_categorical_point ) assert len(points) == 0
def test_sample_int_dimension(self): """Test sample values for a integer dimension""" space = Space() dim1 = Integer("yolo1", "uniform", -10, 20) space.register(dim1) dim2 = Integer("yolo2", "uniform", -5, 10, shape=(2)) space.register(dim2) tpe = TPE(space) obs_points = numpy.random.randint(-10, 10, 100) below_points = [obs_points[:25]] above_points = [obs_points[25:]] points = tpe.sample_one_dimension( dim1, 1, below_points, above_points, tpe._sample_int_point ) points = numpy.asarray(points) assert len(points) == 1 assert all(points >= -10) assert all(points < 10) obs_points_below = numpy.random.randint(-10, 0, 25).reshape(1, 25) obs_points_above = numpy.random.randint(0, 10, 75).reshape(1, 75) points = tpe.sample_one_dimension( dim1, 1, obs_points_below, obs_points_above, tpe._sample_int_point ) points = numpy.asarray(points) assert len(points) == 1 assert all(points >= -10) assert all(points < 0) obs_points = numpy.random.randint(-5, 5, 100) below_points = [obs_points[:25], obs_points[25:50]] above_points = [obs_points[50:75], obs_points[75:]] points = tpe.sample_one_dimension( dim2, 2, below_points, above_points, tpe._sample_int_point ) points = numpy.asarray(points) assert len(points) == 2 assert all(points >= -10) assert all(points < 10) tpe.n_ei_candidates = 0 points = tpe.sample_one_dimension( dim2, 2, below_points, above_points, tpe._sample_int_point ) assert len(points) == 0
def tpe(space): """Return an instance of TPE.""" return TPE(space, seed=1)