def _xml_to_log_message(self, output): """ author - string - the name of the author who committed the revision date - float time - the date of the commit message - string - the text of the log message for the commit revision - pysvn.Revision - the revision of the commit changed_paths - list of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains: path - string - the path in the repository action - string copyfrom_path - string - if copied, the original path, else None copyfrom_revision - pysvn.Revision - if copied, the revision of the original, else None """ doc = ET.fromstring(output) entries = [] for logentry in doc: entry = dict( revision=CommandLineRevision(logentry.get('revision')), author=logentry.findtext("author"), date=self._xmldate_to_timestamp(logentry.findtext("date")), message=logentry.findtext("msg"), ) entry['changed_paths'] = [] paths = logentry.find("paths") if paths: for path in paths: cp = CommandLineChangedPath() cp.kind = path.get('kind') cp.action = path.get('action') cp.path = path.text entry['changed_paths'].append(cp) entries.append(entry) return entries
def get_background_image(self): """Get the background image from file. Returns: The first group element of the SVG image file. """ scale = float(self.options['scale']) svg_ns = {'ns0': ''} xloc = self.get_page_dimensions()[0]/2 yloc = self.get_plaster_coord() image_file = os.path.expanduser(self.options['background-image']) image_tree = ET.parse(image_file) image_root = image_tree.getroot() image_group = image_root.find('ns0:g', svg_ns) image_group.set('transform', 'scale('+str(1/scale)+') ' 'translate('+str(xloc*scale)+' '+ str(yloc*scale)+')') for path in image_group: path_class = path.get('class') if path.get('class') in reference.usitt_line_weights: weight = reference.usitt_line_weights[path_class] else: weight = 'line-weight-medium' path.set('stroke-width', str(float(self.options[weight])*scale)) return image_group
def _xml_to_log_message(self, output): """ author - string - the name of the author who committed the revision date - float time - the date of the commit message - string - the text of the log message for the commit revision - pysvn.Revision - the revision of the commit changed_paths - list of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains: path - string - the path in the repository action - string copyfrom_path - string - if copied, the original path, else None copyfrom_revision - pysvn.Revision - if copied, the revision of the original, else None """ doc = ET.fromstring(output) entries = [] for logentry in doc: entry = dict( revision = CommandLineRevision(logentry.get('revision')), author = logentry.findtext("author"), date = self._xmldate_to_timestamp(logentry.findtext("date")), message = logentry.findtext("msg"), ) entry['changed_paths'] = [] paths = logentry.find("paths") if paths: for path in paths: cp = CommandLineChangedPath() cp.kind = path.get('kind') cp.action = path.get('action') cp.path = path.text entry['changed_paths'].append(cp) entries.append(entry) return entries
def ResizePic(): """缩放图像, 处理完成后弹出提示窗并打开图像所在文件夹 """ # 缩放图像并存储副本 resize_pic(path.get(), int(entry_width.get()), int(entry_height.get())) # 处理完成后弹出提示窗 messagebox.showinfo('提示', '图像缩放完成!') # 打开图像所在文件夹 os.startfile(os.path.split(path.get())[0])
def open(self, path): ''' Charger les actions du fichier @param path: Fichier d'entrée @author: Julien ''' fichier = open(path.get(), 'r') self.actionlist = pickle.load(fichier) self.filesave = path.get() Publisher.sendMessage(Model.ACTIONLIST_CHANGED)
def process_file(f_path): # filter by content. only parse if the file actually contains any reource that we are intesrested in. # parse file contnents. # analize resource definitinon. # collect enpoints. log.debug("path: %s" % f_path) api_found = False api = API(name=f_path) pattern = re.compile(pattern='^\s*("?kind"?\s*:\s*"?([Ii]ngress)"?).*$', flags=(re.I | re.M)) resource_found = False with open(f_path) as file: line = file.readline() while line: # check if the file contains any type of resource of our interest result = pattern.match(line) resource_found = result != None and 2).lower() in r_types if resource_found: break line = file.readline() continue if not resource_found: return # Parse contents if f_path.endswith('yaml') or f_path.endswith('yml'): resources = load_yaml_resource(f_path) elif f_path.endswith('json'): resources = load_json_resource(f_path) else: log.error("Unsupported file type. No parser found for file '%s'", f_path) resources = None return for resource in resources: if not resource: continue try: # collect api paths # spec.rules.$ rules = resource.get('spec', {}).get('rules') if not rules: return for rule in rules: host = rule.get('host', '*') for path in rule.get('http').get('paths'): api_path = path.get('path', '/') api_service = path.get('backend').get('serviceName') api_service_port = path.get('backend').get('servicePort') endpoint = host + '/' + api_path api.add_endpoint(Endpoint(path=endpoint)) except Exception as e: log.error(e, exc_info=True) if len(api.endpoints) > 0: return api
def get_fixture_icon(self, fixture): """Return an SVG group for a single fixture. Search the package data for a symbol for this fixture, then transform as appropriate based on tags and plot scaling. Args: fixture: the fixture object to create an icon for. Returns: An ElementTree object representing an SVG 'g' element. """ # Get the base SVG element symbol_name =['symbol'] tree = ET.parse(get_data('symbol/'+symbol_name+'.svg')) root = tree.getroot() svg_ns = {'ns0': ''} symbol = root.find('ns0:g', svg_ns) # Transform based on scaling and data centre = self.get_page_dimensions()[0]/2 plaster = self.get_plaster_coord() scale = float(self.options['scale']) plot_pos = lambda dim: (float(['pos'+dim])*1000) rotation = fixture.get_rotation() colour = fixture.get_colour() symbol.set('transform', 'scale( '+str(1/scale)+' ) ' 'translate('+str(centre*scale+plot_pos('X'))+' '+ str(plot_pos('Y')+plaster*scale)+') ' 'rotate('+str(rotation)+')') for path in symbol: if path.get('class') == 'outer': path.set('fill', colour) path.set('stroke-width', str(float(self.options['line-weight-heavy'])*scale)) return symbol
def load_session(session): # session is useless, because path already defines which session is loaded global programs, scripts, aliases programs_ = _flatten_directory(path.get('/run/programs')) programs = set([ Program(child) for child in programs_ if type(child) is path.File ]) scripts_ = _flatten_directory(path.get('/run/scripts')) scripts = set([ Program(child) for child in scripts_ if type(child) is path.File ]) file = open(os.path.join('session', session, 'run.json')) aliases = json.load(file)['aliases'] file.close()
def create_user(admin_=False): global admin # TODO: make it so username prompt is repeated when the passwords don't match username = input('Username: '******'Username: '******'Password: '******'Confirm password: '******'Password: '******'Confirm password: '******'username': username, 'password': password}) user_dir = path.get('/user').create(username, path.Directory) run_dir = user_dir.create('run', path.Directory) run_dir.create('scripts', path.Directory) run_dir.create('programs', path.Directory) if admin_: admin = username print( "*Congratulation! the system's admin account has been set to yours." ) print("*Please restart for all services to work with your new account.", end=" ") input() internal.shutdown()
def execute(self, args, options, stdin, scope): # I think the ``scope`` arg is pretty much irrelevant super().execute(args, options, stdin, scope) # statements = re.split(r'(?:\\\\)*(?!\\);', path.get(self.path, path.File).read()) # TODO: what if ; is in a string?? # TODO: change to 'argv' list when/if lists are supported # The local scope (varname=>str, value=>str) local = EnvironmentDictionary() for i,arg in enumerate(args): local['arg%d'%i] = arg local['options'] = options local['stdin'] = stdin cli.process(path.get(self.path, path.File).read(), local)
def save(self, path): ''' Enregistrer les actions dans un fichier @param path: Fichier de sortie @author: Julien ''' fichier = open(path.get(), 'w') pickle.dump(self.actionlist, fichier) fichier.close() self.filesave = path
def execute(self, args, options, stdin, piped, scope): super().execute(args, options, stdin, piped, scope) try: fn = program.compile_fn(path.get(self.path, path.File).read()) return fn(args, options, stdin, piped, scope) except ArgumentCountException as e: raise ArgumentCountException(self.usage) except Exception as e: if not isinstance(e, (cli.CliException, path.PathException, RunException)): print('An error occured during script execution:') traceback.print_exc() else: raise e
def listpeers(self): """List node peers""" peers = self.node.get_peer() print "200 listpeers <ztaddr> <paths> <latency> <version> <role>" for peer in peers: ztaddr = peer["address"] role = peer["role"] version = ( peer.get("versionMajor", -1), peer.get("versionMinor", -1), peer.get("versionRev", -1), ) if version[0] < 0 or version[1] < 0 or version[2] < 0: version = "-" else: version = "{}.{}.{}".format(*version) latency = peer.get("latency", 0) paths = [] now = int(time.time() * 1000) for path in peer.get("paths", []): addr = path["address"] last_send = path.get("lastSend", 0) last_receive = path.get("lastReceive", 0) if last_send > 0: last_send = now - last_send if last_receive > 0: last_receive = now - last_receive if path.get("fixed"): state = "fixed" elif path.get("active"): state = "active" else: state = "inactive" paths.append( "{addr};{last_send};{last_receive};{state}".format( **locals())) paths = ",".join(paths) or "-" print( "200 listpeers " "{ztaddr} {paths} {latency} {version} {role}").format( **locals())
def listpeers(self): """List node peers""" peers = self.node.get_peer() print "200 listpeers <ztaddr> <paths> <latency> <version> <role>" for peer in peers: ztaddr = peer["address"] role = peer["role"] version = ( peer.get("versionMajor", -1), peer.get("versionMinor", -1), peer.get("versionRev", -1), ) if version[0] < 0 or version[1] < 0 or version[2] < 0: version = "-" else: version = "{}.{}.{}".format(*version) latency = peer.get("latency", 0) paths = [] now = int(time.time() * 1000) for path in peer.get("paths", []): addr = path["address"] last_send = path.get("lastSend", 0) last_receive = path.get("lastReceive", 0) if last_send > 0: last_send = now - last_send if last_receive > 0: last_receive = now - last_receive if path.get("fixed"): state = "fixed" elif path.get("active"): state = "active" else: state = "inactive" paths.append( "{addr};{last_send};{last_receive};{state}".format( **locals())) paths = ",".join(paths) or "-" print ( "200 listpeers " "{ztaddr} {paths} {latency} {version} {role}" ).format(**locals())
def get_fixture_group(self): """Return a transformed symbol g element.""" posX_mm = float(['posX'])*1000 posY_mm = float(['posY'])*1000 rotation_deg =['rotation'] colour =['colour'] self.image_group.set('transform', 'translate('+ str(posX_mm)+' '+str(posY_mm)+') rotate('+str(rotation_deg)+')') for path in self.image_group: if path.get('class') == 'outer': path.set('fill', colour) return self.image_group
def cleantext(path, file): file_to_open = os.path.join(path.get(), "no_emptyline.txt") fnew = open(file_to_open, 'w') fnew.truncate() # clear the content of new file raw = file.replace('\n', ' ') #raw = raw.lower() sentences = sent_tokenize(raw) for sentence in sentences: lines = re.split('\n+', sentence) # exclude extra empty lines for line in lines: newline = ' '.join(line.split()) # exclude extra spaces fnew.write(newline) fnew.write('\n') fnew.close()
def get_svn_log(svn_branch_url): command = ['svn', 'log', '--non-interactive', '-v', '--xml', '--stop-on-copy', svn_branch_url] if username: command.extend(['--username', username]) if password: command.extend(['--password', password]) return_code, stdout = call(command) if return_code != 0: raise RuntimeError('svn log %s failed.' % svn_branch_url) root = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(stdout) svn_log = [] for logentry in root.findall('logentry'): log = {} log['revision'] = int(logentry.get('revision')) log['author'] = logentry.findtext('author') log['msg'] = logentry.findtext('msg') # date looks like this: 2010-10-11T11:03:25.847546Z log['date'] = logentry.findtext('date').split('.')[0].replace('T', ' ') svn_log.append(log) copyfrom = None for path in logentry.findall('paths/path'): if path.get('copyfrom-rev'): copyfrom_path = path.get('copyfrom-path') copyfrom_rev = path.get('copyfrom-rev') command = ['svn', 'log', '--xml', '--limit=1', '%s%s@%s' % ( server_url, copyfrom_path, copyfrom_rev)] if username: command.extend(['--username', username]) if password: command.extend(['--password', password]) return_code, stdout = call(command) log = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(stdout) copyfrom = int(log.find('logentry').get('revision')) svn_log.reverse() return svn_log, copyfrom
def get(spec): """Convenience wrapper around ``spack.repo.get()``.""" return path.get(spec)
{'path': 'h1_hesc/tests/code/fixtures/eukaryote_model.xlsx'}, {'path': 'h1_hesc/tests/code/fixtures/mock_model.xlsx'}, # rand_wc_model_gen {'path': 'rand_wc_model_gen/rand_wc_model_gen/model_gen/model.xlsx'}, {'path': 'rand_wc_model_gen/rand_wc_model_gen/model_gen/model_2.xlsx'}, ] paths = [ {'path': 'wc_sim/tests/submodels/fixtures/test_next_reaction_method_submodel_2.xlsx'}, ] for i_path, path in enumerate(paths): print('Migrating path {} of {}: {}'.format(i_path + 1, len(paths), path['path'])) abs_path = os.path.join(base_dir, path['path']) # migrate migration.transform(abs_path) # validate if path.get('validate', True): kwargs = copy.copy(path) kwargs.pop('path') if 'validate' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('validate') try:, **kwargs) except ValueError as err: warnings.warn('{} is invalid: {}'.format(path['path'], str(err)))
def on_message(self, message): global globalPath a=message.split(",") project=(a[0].split("/")) #batFileCmd = CypsaEnginePath+" " + project[len(project)-2] +" " + a[1] #print batFileCmd #from subprocess import Popen #p = Popen(batFileCmd, cwd=CypsaEngineRoot) #stdout, stderr = p.communicate() xmlfilepath=a[0]+"/pw_analysis_attack_graph_current.xml" csvfilepath=a[0]+"/patched.csv" percentage=0 sumtotal=0 counter=0 assets = {} dup=0 patched = [] #read patched csv file and store elements already patched with open(csvfilepath) as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in reader: if(row['Patch']=="1"): patched.append(row['IP Address']) else: print row['Patch'] #print patched[1] from xml.etree import ElementTree with open(xmlfilepath, 'rt') as f: tree = ElementTree.parse(f) for Nmap in tree.findall('NmapAnalysis'): source = Nmap.get('sourceNode') destination = Nmap.get('destinationNode') for path in Nmap.findall('Path'): performanceIndex = path.get('performanceIndex') securityIndex = path.get('securityIndex') cyberCost = path.get('cyberCost') for node in path.findall('Node'): ipAddress = node.get('IPAddress') vulID = node.get('vulnID') if ipAddress == source: type = "source" elif ipAddress == destination: type = "destination" else: type = "intermediate" for ip in assets: if (assets[ip][1]==ipAddress and assets[ip][0]==type): dupkey = ip dup=1 break if dup == 1: assets[dupkey][2]+=float(performanceIndex) assets[dupkey][3]+=float(securityIndex) assets[dupkey][4]+=float(cyberCost) assets[dupkey][5]+=1 assets[dupkey][10]+=","+vulID percentage+=float(securityIndex) sumtotal+=1 assets[dupkey][11]=percentage assets[dupkey][12]=sumtotal else: arr = [] arr.append(type) arr.append(ipAddress) arr.append(float(performanceIndex)) arr.append(float(securityIndex)) arr.append(float(cyberCost)) arr.append(1) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(vulID) percentage+=float(securityIndex) sumtotal+=1 arr.append(percentage) arr.append(sumtotal) if(ipAddress in patched): arr.append(1) else: arr.append(0) assets[counter] = arr counter+=1 dup=0 type="" dupkey="" xmlfilepath1=a[0]+"/pw_analysis_attack_graph_previous.xml" if os.path.isfile(xmlfilepath1): from xml.etree import ElementTree with open(xmlfilepath1,'rt') as f: tree = ElementTree.parse(f) for Nmap in tree.findall('NmapAnalysis'): source = Nmap.get('sourceNode') destination=Nmap.get('destinationNode') for path in Nmap.findall('Path'): performanceIndex = path.get('performanceIndex') securityIndex = path.get('securityIndex') cyberCost = path.get('cyberCost') for node in path.findall('Node'): ipAddress = node.get('IPAddress') vulID = node.get('vulnID') if ipAddress == source: type = "source" elif ipAddress == destination: type = "destination" else: type = "intermediate" for ip in assets: if (assets[ip][1]==ipAddress and assets[ip][0]==type): dupkey = ip dup=1 break if dup == 1: assets[dupkey][6]+=float(performanceIndex) assets[dupkey][7]+=float(securityIndex) assets[dupkey][8]+=float(cyberCost) assets[dupkey][9]+=1 assets[dupkey][10]+=","+vulID assets[dupkey][11]=percentage assets[dupkey][12]=sumtotal print assets[dupkey] else: arr = [] arr.append(type) arr.append(ipAddress) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(float(performanceIndex)) arr.append(float(securityIndex)) arr.append(float(cyberCost)) arr.append(1) arr.append(vulID) arr.append(percentage) arr.append(sumtotal) if(ipAddress in patched): arr.append(1) else: arr.append(0) assets[counter] = arr counter+=1 dup=0 type="" dupkey="" for ip in assets: assets[ip][11]=percentage assets[ip][12]=sumtotal json_data = json.dumps(assets) event_handler = MyHandler() args = a[0] if args: print args[0] else: print "helo" observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, path=a[0], recursive=False) observer.start() globalPath=a[0] print globalPath+" This is intializing" self.write_message(json_data) def on_close(self): pass
def selectPath(): global path_ path_ = askdirectory() path.set(path_) return path.get()
def on_message(self, message): global flag s="" #self.write_message("hello") if flag == "b": #read PID's #save them in an array filepath=globalPath+"/pw_analysis_attack_graph_current.xml" prevfilepath=globalPath+"/pw_analysis_attack_graph_previous.xml" print "This is csvfile path timer "+filepath percentage=0 sumtotal=0 counter=0 assets = {} dup=0 csvfilepath=globalPath+"/patched.csv" print "This is csvfile path timer"+csvfilepath patched = [] #read patched csv file and store elements already patched if os.path.isfile(csvfilepath): with open(csvfilepath) as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in reader: if(row['Patch']=="1"): patched.append(row['IP Address']) #else: # print row['Patch'] #print patched[1] if os.path.isfile(filepath): tree = ET.parse(filepath) for Nmap in tree.findall('NmapAnalysis'): source = Nmap.get('sourceNode') destination = Nmap.get('destinationNode') for path in Nmap.findall('Path'): performanceIndex = path.get('performanceIndex') securityIndex = path.get('securityIndex') cyberCost = path.get('cyberCost') for node in path.findall('Node'): ipAddress = node.get('IPAddress') vulID = node.get('vulnID') if ipAddress == source: type = "source" elif ipAddress == destination: type = "destination" else: type = "intermediate" for ip in assets: if (assets[ip][1]==ipAddress and assets[ip][0]==type): dupkey = ip dup=1 break if dup == 1: assets[dupkey][2]+=float(performanceIndex) assets[dupkey][3]+=float(securityIndex) assets[dupkey][4]+=float(cyberCost) assets[dupkey][5]+=1 assets[dupkey][10]+=","+vulID percentage+=float(securityIndex) sumtotal+=1 assets[dupkey][11]=percentage assets[dupkey][12]=sumtotal else: arr = [] arr.append(type) arr.append(ipAddress) arr.append(float(performanceIndex)) arr.append(float(securityIndex)) arr.append(float(cyberCost)) arr.append(1) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(vulID) percentage+=float(securityIndex) sumtotal+=1 arr.append(percentage) arr.append(sumtotal) if(ipAddress in patched): arr.append(1) else: arr.append(0) assets[counter] = arr counter+=1 dup=0 type="" dupkey="" if os.path.isfile(prevfilepath): tree = ET.parse(prevfilepath) for Nmap in tree.findall('NmapAnalysis'): source = Nmap.get('sourceNode') destination=Nmap.get('destinationNode') for path in Nmap.findall('Path'): performanceIndex = path.get('performanceIndex') securityIndex = path.get('securityIndex') cyberCost = path.get('cyberCost') for node in path.findall('Node'): ipAddress = node.get('IPAddress') vulID = node.get('vulnID') if ipAddress == source: type = "source" elif ipAddress == destination: type = "destination" else: type = "intermediate" for ip in assets: if (assets[ip][1]==ipAddress and assets[ip][0]==type): dupkey = ip dup=1 break if dup == 1: assets[dupkey][6]+=float(performanceIndex) assets[dupkey][7]+=float(securityIndex) assets[dupkey][8]+=float(cyberCost) assets[dupkey][9]+=1 assets[dupkey][10]+=","+vulID assets[dupkey][11]=percentage assets[dupkey][12]=sumtotal print assets[dupkey] else: arr = [] arr.append(type) arr.append(ipAddress) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(float(performanceIndex)) arr.append(float(securityIndex)) arr.append(float(cyberCost)) arr.append(1) arr.append(vulID) arr.append(percentage) arr.append(sumtotal) if(ipAddress in patched): arr.append(1) else: arr.append(0) assets[counter] = arr counter+=1 dup=0 type="" dupkey="" for ip in assets: assets[ip][11]=percentage assets[ip][12]=sumtotal json_data = json.dumps(assets) flag = "a" self.write_message(json_data) else: self.write_message(flag)
def on_message(self, message): global globalPath a = message.split(",") project = (a[0].split("/")) #batFileCmd = CypsaEnginePath+" " + project[len(project)-2] +" " + a[1] #print batFileCmd #from subprocess import Popen #p = Popen(batFileCmd, cwd=CypsaEngineRoot) #stdout, stderr = p.communicate() xmlfilepath = a[0] + "/pw_analysis_attack_graph_current.xml" csvfilepath = a[0] + "/patched.csv" percentage = 0 sumtotal = 0 counter = 0 assets = {} dup = 0 patched = [] #read patched csv file and store elements already patched with open(csvfilepath) as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in reader: if (row['Patch'] == "1"): patched.append(row['IP Address']) else: print row['Patch'] #print patched[1] from xml.etree import ElementTree with open(xmlfilepath, 'rt') as f: tree = ElementTree.parse(f) for Nmap in tree.findall('NmapAnalysis'): source = Nmap.get('sourceNode') destination = Nmap.get('destinationNode') for path in Nmap.findall('Path'): performanceIndex = path.get('performanceIndex') securityIndex = path.get('securityIndex') cyberCost = path.get('cyberCost') for node in path.findall('Node'): ipAddress = node.get('IPAddress') vulID = node.get('vulnID') if ipAddress == source: type = "source" elif ipAddress == destination: type = "destination" else: type = "intermediate" for ip in assets: if (assets[ip][1] == ipAddress and assets[ip][0] == type): dupkey = ip dup = 1 break if dup == 1: assets[dupkey][2] += float(performanceIndex) assets[dupkey][3] += float(securityIndex) assets[dupkey][4] += float(cyberCost) assets[dupkey][5] += 1 assets[dupkey][10] += "," + vulID percentage += float(securityIndex) sumtotal += 1 assets[dupkey][11] = percentage assets[dupkey][12] = sumtotal else: arr = [] arr.append(type) arr.append(ipAddress) arr.append(float(performanceIndex)) arr.append(float(securityIndex)) arr.append(float(cyberCost)) arr.append(1) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(vulID) percentage += float(securityIndex) sumtotal += 1 arr.append(percentage) arr.append(sumtotal) if (ipAddress in patched): arr.append(1) else: arr.append(0) assets[counter] = arr counter += 1 dup = 0 type = "" dupkey = "" xmlfilepath1 = a[0] + "/pw_analysis_attack_graph_previous.xml" if os.path.isfile(xmlfilepath1): from xml.etree import ElementTree with open(xmlfilepath1, 'rt') as f: tree = ElementTree.parse(f) for Nmap in tree.findall('NmapAnalysis'): source = Nmap.get('sourceNode') destination = Nmap.get('destinationNode') for path in Nmap.findall('Path'): performanceIndex = path.get('performanceIndex') securityIndex = path.get('securityIndex') cyberCost = path.get('cyberCost') for node in path.findall('Node'): ipAddress = node.get('IPAddress') vulID = node.get('vulnID') if ipAddress == source: type = "source" elif ipAddress == destination: type = "destination" else: type = "intermediate" for ip in assets: if (assets[ip][1] == ipAddress and assets[ip][0] == type): dupkey = ip dup = 1 break if dup == 1: assets[dupkey][6] += float( performanceIndex) assets[dupkey][7] += float(securityIndex) assets[dupkey][8] += float(cyberCost) assets[dupkey][9] += 1 assets[dupkey][10] += "," + vulID assets[dupkey][11] = percentage assets[dupkey][12] = sumtotal print assets[dupkey] else: arr = [] arr.append(type) arr.append(ipAddress) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(float(performanceIndex)) arr.append(float(securityIndex)) arr.append(float(cyberCost)) arr.append(1) arr.append(vulID) arr.append(percentage) arr.append(sumtotal) if (ipAddress in patched): arr.append(1) else: arr.append(0) assets[counter] = arr counter += 1 dup = 0 type = "" dupkey = "" for ip in assets: assets[ip][11] = percentage assets[ip][12] = sumtotal json_data = json.dumps(assets) event_handler = MyHandler() args = a[0] if args: print args[0] else: print "helo" observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, path=a[0], recursive=False) observer.start() globalPath = a[0] print globalPath + " This is intializing" self.write_message(json_data) def on_close(self): pass
def on_message(self, message): global flag s = "" #self.write_message("hello") if flag == "b": #read PID's #save them in an array filepath = globalPath + "/pw_analysis_attack_graph_current.xml" prevfilepath = globalPath + "/pw_analysis_attack_graph_previous.xml" print "This is csvfile path timer " + filepath percentage = 0 sumtotal = 0 counter = 0 assets = {} dup = 0 csvfilepath = globalPath + "/patched.csv" print "This is csvfile path timer" + csvfilepath patched = [] #read patched csv file and store elements already patched if os.path.isfile(csvfilepath): with open(csvfilepath) as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in reader: if (row['Patch'] == "1"): patched.append(row['IP Address']) #else: # print row['Patch'] #print patched[1] if os.path.isfile(filepath): tree = ET.parse(filepath) for Nmap in tree.findall('NmapAnalysis'): source = Nmap.get('sourceNode') destination = Nmap.get('destinationNode') for path in Nmap.findall('Path'): performanceIndex = path.get('performanceIndex') securityIndex = path.get('securityIndex') cyberCost = path.get('cyberCost') for node in path.findall('Node'): ipAddress = node.get('IPAddress') vulID = node.get('vulnID') if ipAddress == source: type = "source" elif ipAddress == destination: type = "destination" else: type = "intermediate" for ip in assets: if (assets[ip][1] == ipAddress and assets[ip][0] == type): dupkey = ip dup = 1 break if dup == 1: assets[dupkey][2] += float(performanceIndex) assets[dupkey][3] += float(securityIndex) assets[dupkey][4] += float(cyberCost) assets[dupkey][5] += 1 assets[dupkey][10] += "," + vulID percentage += float(securityIndex) sumtotal += 1 assets[dupkey][11] = percentage assets[dupkey][12] = sumtotal else: arr = [] arr.append(type) arr.append(ipAddress) arr.append(float(performanceIndex)) arr.append(float(securityIndex)) arr.append(float(cyberCost)) arr.append(1) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(vulID) percentage += float(securityIndex) sumtotal += 1 arr.append(percentage) arr.append(sumtotal) if (ipAddress in patched): arr.append(1) else: arr.append(0) assets[counter] = arr counter += 1 dup = 0 type = "" dupkey = "" if os.path.isfile(prevfilepath): tree = ET.parse(prevfilepath) for Nmap in tree.findall('NmapAnalysis'): source = Nmap.get('sourceNode') destination = Nmap.get('destinationNode') for path in Nmap.findall('Path'): performanceIndex = path.get('performanceIndex') securityIndex = path.get('securityIndex') cyberCost = path.get('cyberCost') for node in path.findall('Node'): ipAddress = node.get('IPAddress') vulID = node.get('vulnID') if ipAddress == source: type = "source" elif ipAddress == destination: type = "destination" else: type = "intermediate" for ip in assets: if (assets[ip][1] == ipAddress and assets[ip][0] == type): dupkey = ip dup = 1 break if dup == 1: assets[dupkey][6] += float(performanceIndex) assets[dupkey][7] += float(securityIndex) assets[dupkey][8] += float(cyberCost) assets[dupkey][9] += 1 assets[dupkey][10] += "," + vulID assets[dupkey][11] = percentage assets[dupkey][12] = sumtotal print assets[dupkey] else: arr = [] arr.append(type) arr.append(ipAddress) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(0) arr.append(float(performanceIndex)) arr.append(float(securityIndex)) arr.append(float(cyberCost)) arr.append(1) arr.append(vulID) arr.append(percentage) arr.append(sumtotal) if (ipAddress in patched): arr.append(1) else: arr.append(0) assets[counter] = arr counter += 1 dup = 0 type = "" dupkey = "" for ip in assets: assets[ip][11] = percentage assets[ip][12] = sumtotal json_data = json.dumps(assets) flag = "a" self.write_message(json_data) else: self.write_message(flag)
def fanbianyi(): os.system("node" + " " + pwd + "\wxappUnpacker-master\wuWxapkg.js" + " " + path.get())