def read_data(dataroot): filenames = get_filenames(dataroot) data = read_csv(os_join(dataroot, filenames[0])) for filename in filenames[1:]: data_i = read_csv(os_join(dataroot, filename)) data = np.concatenate((data, data_i), axis=0) return data
def download(ftp, remote_file, target_dir): error = 0 attempt = 0 status = 1 max_attempts = getenv('MAX_RETRIES') if max_attempts is None: max_attempts = 3 else: max_attempts = int(max_attempts) sleep_retry = getenv('SLEEP_RETRY') if sleep_retry is None: sleep_retry = 5 else: sleep_retry = int(sleep_retry) ext = splitext(remote_file)[1] f_name = basename(remote_file) lock_file = os_join(target_dir, '.' + f_name) local_file = os_join(target_dir, f_name) while (status != 0 and attempt < max_attempts): attempt += 1 try: status = 0 with open(lock_file, 'wb') as f: ftp.retrbinary('RETR %s' % remote_file, f.write) file_rename(lock_file, local_file) except ftplib.all_errors as e: status = e if status != 0: time.sleep(sleep_retry) if attempt == max_attempts: error = status return error
def find_files(start_dir): """Find all .pyc[o] files as well as all __pycache__ directories. Returns a tuple consisting of: - a list of directories found that are called __pycache__ - a list of .pyc[o] files to remove - a list of directories that can be removed after the files are removed Note that the first and third lists may not be equal. """ dirs_to_check = list() for root, dirs, _ in os.walk(start_dir): if '__pycache__' in dirs: dirs_to_check.append(os_join(root, '__pycache__')) files_to_remove = list() dirs_to_remove = list() for directory in dirs_to_check: with os.scandir(directory) as dir_it: pyc_count = 0 dir_count = 0 for item in dir_it: dir_count += 1 if'.pyc') or'.pyco'): pyc_count += 1 files_to_remove.append(os_join(directory, if dir_count == pyc_count: dirs_to_remove.append(directory) return dirs_to_check, files_to_remove, dirs_to_remove
def init_dir(self, passphrase):'Init directory %s' % create_dir( self.git.init() self.git.add_gitignore(['*.ini', '/*.raw']) # Write default template file sample_file = ("""[foo] name = foo access type = web url = password = bar login = foo comments = foo is good website """) LOG.debug('Write sample file default.ini') with open(os_join(, 'default.ini'), 'w') as f: f.write(sample_file) # Write default raw create_dir(os_join(, 'default.raw')) sample_raw = ("""-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEpAIBAAKCA -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----""") LOG.debug('Write sample file default raw') with open(os_join(, 'default.raw', 'ssh_id.rsa'), 'w') as f: f.write(sample_raw) self.encrypt(passphrase=passphrase) # Remove old passkeeper files self.remove_old_encrypted_files(force_remove=True) self.cleanup()
def test_02_parse_peaks(self): """ function """ peak_files = [ os_join(TEST_PATH, 'data', 'peaks_protA.bed'), os_join(TEST_PATH, 'data', 'peaks_protB.bed') ] in_feature = False biases = os_join(TEST_PATH, 'data', 'biases.pickle') fh = open(biases, "rb") try: badcols = Unpickler(fh, encoding='latin1').load()['badcol'] except TypeError: badcols = Unpickler(fh).load()['badcol'] fh.close() peak_coord1, peak_coord2, npeaks1, npeaks2, submatrices, coord_conv = parse_peaks( peak_files[0], peak_files[1], RESOLUTION, in_feature, CHROM_SIZES, badcols, SECTION_POS, WINDOWS_SPAN) global COORD_CONV COORD_CONV = coord_conv global SUBMATRICES SUBMATRICES = submatrices self.assertEqual(peak_coord1, PEAK_COORD1) self.assertEqual(peak_coord2, PEAK_COORD2) self.assertEqual(npeaks1, 6) self.assertEqual(npeaks2, 14)
def scan_directory(): if type_scan == 'a': scan_result = [ root for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os_join(os.environ['HOMEPATH'], 'Music')) for song in files if Path(song).suffix == '.mp3' ] else: scan_result = [ os_join(folder[0], song) for folder in os.walk(music_directory) for song in folder[2] if Path(song).suffix == '.mp3' ] if config_file_readings['DEFAULT']['scan_type'] == 'date_created': sort_key = os.path.getctime elif config_file_readings['DEFAULT']['scan_type'] == 'date_modified': sort_key = os.path.getmtime else: print('ERROR, inappropriate scan type!') exit() scan_result = sorted(list(set(scan_result)), key=sort_key, reverse=True) if config_file_readings['DEFAULT']['scan_limit'] != 'none': scan_result = scan_result[:int(config_file_readings['DEFAULT']['scan_limit'])] return scan_result
def globalGetChanges(year, section, proposal_workless=False, job_opening=False): global path pathes = [ os_join(path, str(f"output/without_work{year}.json")) if not proposal_workless else '', os_join(path, str(f"output/opportunities{year}.json")) if not job_opening else '' ] data = [] for loc_path in filter(bool, pathes): if not isfile(loc_path): from data_analyze.ex import generate_opportunities_and_without_work_json_file generate_opportunities_and_without_work_json_file(year) if not isfile(loc_path): return dict(), dict() with open(loc_path, "r") as file: data.append(loads( print(*data[0].keys(), sep='\n') data = [unsetBrackets(dat[section]) for dat in data] if job_opening or proposal_workless and len(data) > 1: return data[0] null_elements1 = set(data[0].keys()) - set( data[1].keys()) # элементы, которых нет во втором null_elements2 = set(data[1].keys()) - set( data[0].keys()) # элементы, которых нет в первом data[0].update({key: 0 for key in null_elements2}) data[1].update({key: 0 for key in null_elements1}) return data # data_1{квалификация: количество}
def shred_dir(directory): """ Shred all files in directory and remove this directory. Shred files on a directory to avoid a malicious read :param directory: Path of directory to shred :type directory: str :Example: >>> shred_dir('/opt/mypasskeeper/.git') Clean file master Clean file HEAD Clean file exclude .. seealso:: run_cmd() """ # Remove directory content for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory, topdown=False): for fname in files: filepath = os_join(root, fname)'Clean file %s' % fname) run_cmd('shred -f --remove %s' % filepath) for dname in dirs: dpath = os_join(root, dname) os.rmdir('%s' % dpath) # Remove the directory os.rmdir(directory)
def decrypt(self, passphrase):'Decrypt files :') source_dir = os_join(, self.encrypted_dir) status = True for root, dirs, files in os.walk(source_dir, topdown=False): for name in files: file_path = os_join(root, name) relative_file_path = relative_path(file_path, source_dir).lstrip('/') if (name.endswith('.passkeeper') and os.path.isfile(file_path)):'Decrypt file %s' % relative_file_path) decrypted_file_path = os_join(, re.sub('.passkeeper$', '', relative_file_path)) create_dir(path=dirname(decrypted_file_path)) decrypted = decrypt(source=file_path, output=decrypted_file_path, passphrase=passphrase) if decrypted.status == "decryption failed": status = False if not decrypted.ok: LOG.error("Decrypt file %s - %s" % (name, decrypted.stderr)) return status
def test_05_interactions_at_intersection(self): """ function """ genomic_mat = os_join(TEST_PATH, 'data', 'data_bam_10kb.tsv') submatrices = os_join(TEST_PATH, 'tmp.tsv') groups = { '': { 'sum_nrm': defaultdict(float), 'sqr_nrm': defaultdict(float), 'passage': defaultdict(int) } } interactions_at_intersection(groups, genomic_mat, (v for v in ITER_PAIRS), submatrices, '', window_size, both_features=False) self.assertEqual(groups['']['passage'], GROUPS['']['passage']) self.assertEqual([round(v, 5) for k, v in groups['']['sum_nrm']], [round(v, 5) for k, v in GROUPS['']['sum_nrm']]) self.assertEqual([round(v, 5) for k, v in groups['']['sqr_nrm']], [round(v, 5) for k, v in GROUPS['']['sqr_nrm']])
def remove_old_encrypted_files(self, force_remove=False): "remove old passkeeper files" root_dir = os_join(, self.encrypted_dir) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_dir, topdown=False): for efname in files: # /git/encrypt/foo/bar.passkeeper root_file_path = os_join(root, efname) # encrypt/foo/bar.passkeeper git_relative_encrypted_file_path = relative_path(path=root_file_path, LOG.debug('Check %s.' % git_relative_encrypted_file_path) # /git/foo/bar orig_file_path = os_join(, re.sub('.passkeeper$', '', relative_path(path=root_file_path, start=root_dir))) # Skip if file exist if os.path.isfile(orig_file_path): continue if not force_remove: # If not force, ask req = raw_input("File %s will be deleted because origin file hasn't been found, are you sure (y/n)\n" % git_relative_encrypted_file_path) if req != "y":'File %s has been concerved.' % git_relative_encrypted_file_path) continue # Remove the file'File %s will be deleted because origin file hasn t been found.' % git_relative_encrypted_file_path) # shred file and then git remove because git remove automaticaly empty dirs run_cmd('shred %s' % root_file_path) self.git.force_remove([git_relative_encrypted_file_path]) self.git.commit('Remove file %s' % git_relative_encrypted_file_path)
def plot_csvs(config): """Generate png graphs for all urls. From csv files""" # Ensure directory exist plot_path = config.get('plot_path') csv_path = config.get('csv_path') ensure_dir(plot_path) # Open csv and plot thems for url_config in config.get('urls'): label = url_config.get('label') render_step = url_config.get('render_step') render_rows = url_config.get('render_rows') # Get filename csv_file = os_join(csv_path, '%s.csv' % label) figure_file = os_join(plot_path, '%s.png' % label) if not isfile(csv_file): continue # Resample datas to display desired time periode time_serie = pd.read_csv(csv_file, index_col=0, parse_dates=True) time_serie = resampled_time_serie(time_serie=time_serie, rows=render_rows, step=render_step) # Get datas and generate figure data_frame = pd.DataFrame(data=time_serie, index=time_serie.index, columns=['time']) plot = data_frame.plot() figure = plot.get_figure() figure.savefig(figure_file)
def _get_dir_files(title): files = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in walk(os_join(MEDIA_DIR, title)): # print(dirpath, filenames) for f in filenames: if f[-4:] == '.jpg': files.append(abspath(os_join(dirpath, f))) break return files
def test_06_windows(self): """ test if total intra chromsomal is the same as several windows """ biases = os_join(TEST_PATH, 'data', 'biases.pickle') fh = open(biases, "rb") try: badcols = Unpickler(fh, encoding='latin1').load()['badcol'] except TypeError: badcols = Unpickler(fh).load()['badcol'] fh.close() window = 'intra' groups = {} windows = [(0, 100), (100, 200), (200, 300), (300, 400)] for window in ['intra'] + windows: pair_peaks = generate_pairs(PEAK_COORD1, PEAK_COORD2, WINDOWS_SPAN, window, COORD_CONV, both_features=False) counter = defaultdict(int) iter_pairs = submatrix_coordinates(pair_peaks, (WINDOWS_SPAN * 1000) + 1, SUBMATRICES, counter, both_features=False) genomic_mat = os_join(TEST_PATH, 'data', 'data_bam_10kb.tsv') submatrices = os_join(TEST_PATH, 'tmp.tsv') groups[window] = { '': { 'sum_raw': defaultdict(int), 'sqr_raw': defaultdict(int), 'sum_nrm': defaultdict(float), 'sqr_nrm': defaultdict(float), 'passage': defaultdict(int) } } interactions_at_intersection(groups[window], genomic_mat, iter_pairs, submatrices, '', window_size, both_features=False) self.assertEqual( round(sum(groups['intra']['']['sum_nrm'].values()), 5), round( sum( sum(groups[window]['']['sum_nrm'].values()) for window in windows), 5)) self.assertEqual( round(sum(groups['intra']['']['sum_nrm'].values()), 5), round(2720.13242866, 5))
def test_corpus_restore(): ''' test the corpus restore sequence ''' with open(os_join(TEST_DIR, CORPUS_FILE)) as f: reference_sentences ="utf-8").strip() for input_file in INPUT_HTML: sentences = corpus_restore(diff_file=os_join(TEST_DIR, INPUT_CDIFF), working_directory=TEST_DIR, html_url=input_file) assert sentences == reference_sentences
def main(): argument_parser = ArgumentParser() args = argument_parser.parse_args() loader = Loader() loader.load_files(args.source) unique, duplicated = DuplicateAnalyzer.split(loader.files, FileSystem.create_dir(args.destination, 'duplicates') duplicated_path = os_join(args.destination, 'duplicates') [Copier.copy_file(file.filepath, duplicated_path) for file in duplicated] [FileSystem.create_dir(args.destination, file.formatted_modification_date, ignore_errors=True) for file in unique] [Copier.copy_file(file.filepath, os_join(args.destination, file.formatted_modification_date)) for file in unique] PyDuplicateLogger.debug("Successfully ended!")
def create_dump(self, name=None): name = name or "vocabularDump" backup_dump_file = os_join( self.temp_folder, "{0}.backup".format(name) ) dump_file = os_join( self.temp_folder, "{0}.json".format(name) ) with open(backup_dump_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as js_file: json.dump(self.tokens_array, js_file, ensure_ascii=False) copy2(backup_dump_file, dump_file) remove(backup_dump_file)
def main(): args = argparser() #if os.path.isdir(args.output_dir): # print('Error : output dir is exist.') # sys.exit() check_dataset(args.input_dir,args.year, args.test_set) for _set in ['train', args.test_set]: print('== output {} =='.format(_set)) anno = os_join(args.input_dir, '{}/instances_{}{}.json'.format(annotations, _set, args.year)) img = os_join(args.input_dir, '{}/{}{}'.format(images, _set, args.year)) mscoco.mscoco_to_voc(anno, img, args.output_dir, _set, rect_thr=args.rect_thr, name_size=args.name_length, view=args.view)
def check_dataset(input_path,year, test_set): # check dataset dir if not os.path.isdir('{}'.format(input_path)): os.makedirs(input_path) # check annotation file input_full_path = os.path.abspath(input_path) print('Full Path = {}'.format(input_full_path)) if not os.path.isfile(os_join(input_path, '{}/instances_train{}.json'.format(annotations, year))): if not os.path.isfile(os_join(input_path, 'annotations_trainval{}.zip'.format(year))): if year == '2014': #subprocess.check_call(['wget', '-c', anno_2014_url], cwd=input_full_path),out=input_full_path) else: #subprocess.check_call(['wget', '-c', anno_2017_url], cwd=input_full_path),out=input_full_path) subprocess.check_call(['unzip', os_join(input_path, 'annotations_trainval{}.zip'.format(year))], cwd=input_full_path) # check train data images_dir = os_join(input_full_path, images) if not os.path.isdir(os_join(input_full_path, '{}/train{}'.format(images, year))): if not os.path.isfile(os_join(input_full_path, 'train{}.zip'.format(year))): if year == '2014': #subprocess.check_call(['wget', '-c', train_2014_url], cwd=input_full_path), out=input_full_path) else: #subprocess.check_call(['wget', '-c', train_2017_url], cwd=input_full_path), out=input_full_path) if not os.path.isdir(images_dir): os.mkdir(images_dir) subprocess.check_call( ['unzip', os_join(input_full_path, 'train{}.zip'.format(year))], cwd=images_dir) # check val data if test_set == 'val': if not os.path.isdir(os_join(input_path, '{}/{}{}'.format(images, test_set, year))): if not os.path.isfile(os_join(input_full_path, '{}{}.zip'.format(test_set, year))): if year == '2014': #subprocess.check_call(['wget', '-c', val_2014_url], cwd=input_full_path), out=input_full_path) else: #subprocess.check_call(['wget', '-c', val_2017_url], cwd=input_full_path), out=input_full_path) subprocess.check_call( ['unzip', os_join(input_full_path, '{}{}.zip'.format(test_set, year))], cwd=images_dir)
def search(self, pattern):'Search in files :') pattern = pattern.lower() config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() # Load files for fname in os.listdir( file_path = os_join(, fname) if (fname.endswith('.ini') and os.path.isfile(file_path)):'Loading file %s' % fname) # Search re_prep = re.compile(pattern) matching_sections = [] for section in config.sections(): # Section name match ? match = if match is not None: matching_sections.append(section) continue for option, value in config.items(section): # Value match ? match = if match is not None: matching_sections.append(section) break return config, matching_sections
def add_gitignore(self, lines): LOG.debug('Write .gitignore') gitignore_path = os_join(, '.gitignore') with open(gitignore_path, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(lines)) self.add(['.gitignore']) self.commit('Update .gitignore file')
def _run_git_cmd(self, command): work_tree = git_dir = os_join(, '.git') git_cmd = 'git --work-tree=%s --git-dir=%s %s' % (work_tree, git_dir, command) LOG.debug('Launch : %s' % git_cmd) run_cmd(git_cmd)
def is_DB_created(): from os import getcwd, chdir from os.path import (join as os_join, isfile) from settings.config import cfg path = getcwd() if path[-3:] in ['\db', '\\db', '/db']: chdir(path[:-2]) # изменяем текущую директорию до директории проекта path = getcwd() name_db = cfg.get("db", "name") if not isfile(os_join(path, "db", name_db)): db.bind(provider=cfg.get("db", "type"), filename=name_db, create_db=True) db.generate_mapping(create_tables=True) print('create db') else: db.bind(provider=cfg.get("db", "type"), filename=name_db) try: db.generate_mapping() except Exception as e: print( 'при создании бд произошла какая-то ошибка (видимо, структура БД была изменена)\n', e) print('попытка исправить.....') db.generate_mapping(create_tables=True)
def get_files(file_list): """ Returns a list of all the files in filename. """ from os.path import isdir as os_isdir from os.path import isdir as os_isfile from os.path import join as os_join from os import walk as os_walk from pathlib import Path out_list = [] ext = ['.mp3', '.flac', '.ogg', '.s3m', '.mod', '.xm', '.it'] for name in file_list: if os_isdir(name): for root, sub, files in os_walk(name): join_list = [ os_join(root, f) for f in files if Path(f.lower()).suffix in ext ] out_list.extend(join_list) else: out_list.append(name) return out_list
def wget(url, saved_dir, filename=None): resp = get(url) filename = filename or url.split('/')[-1] with open(os_join(saved_dir, filename), "wb") as fp: fp.write(resp.content) return True
def output_kinetic_energy(self, global_folder_path, pdf_report, display_plots, settings): print("Calculate modal kinetic energy") m = self.structure_model.m # which mass matrix ? lumped masses ? # k = self.structure_model.k vel = self.solver.velocity # disp = self.solver.displacement kin_energy = np.zeros(len(self.array_time)) # el_energy = np.zeros(len(self.array_time)) for i in range(0,len(self.array_time)): kin_energy[i] = 0.5 *[:,i]),,vel[:,i])) # el_energy[i] = 0.5 *[:,i]),,disp[:,i])) sum_energy = kin_energy #+ el_energy sum_over_time = np.sum(np.multiply(sum_energy, self.dt/self.array_time[-1])) ## EXPLIZIT WAY # vel = {} # for idx, label in zip(list(range(GD.DOFS_PER_NODE[self.structure_model.domain_size])), # GD.DOF_LABELS[self.structure_model.domain_size]): # start = idx # step = GD.DOFS_PER_NODE[self.structure_model.domain_size] # stop = self.solver.displacement.shape[0] + idx - step # vel[label] = self.solver.velocity[start:stop +1:step][:] # # TODO: make robust for 2d and 3d, here hard coded for 3d # # here taking sqrt # vel_magn = np.power(np.power(vel['y'],2) + np.power(vel['z'],2), 0.5) # # here power of previous sqrt # kin_energy = 0.5 *['m'],np.power(vel_magn,2)) # sum_energy = kin_energy #+ el_energy # # first here introducing dt (integral) # # and division with total length of time to get a normed integral # # could be extended to possible # sum_over_time = np.sum(np.multiply(sum_energy, self.dt/self.array_time[-1])) result_data = sum_energy if settings["write"]: file_header = "# Modal Kinetic Energy: Normed integral over time = " + str(sum_over_time) +" J \n" file_name = 'kinetic_energy.dat' writer_utilities.write_result_at_dof(os_join(global_folder_path, file_name), file_header, result_data, self.array_time) if settings["plot"]: plot_title = "Modal Kinetic Energy: Normed integral over time = " + str(sum_over_time) +" J" plotter_utilities.plot_dynamic_result(pdf_report, display_plots, plot_title, result_data, self.array_time)
def batch_predict_and_save( csv_infilename=setting.batch_filename_csv, storage_dir_infile=setting.data_dir_interim, batch_predictions_outfilename=setting.batch_predictions_outfilename, storage_dir_out=setting.data_dir_processed): """ runs batch predictions and saves output in parquet files :param csv_infilename: Input filename :param storage_dir_infile: storage directory for input file :param batch_predictions_outfilename: output filename :param storage_dir_out: storage directory for output file :return: None """ df = make_dataset.ingest_raw_csv(raw_csv_filename=csv_infilename, storage_dir=storage_dir_infile, tip_amount_present=False, cleanup=True)"input file for batch predictions: " "{}".format(os_join(storage_dir_infile, csv_infilename))) ml_model = train_model.EnsembleModel(load_existing=True) _batch_predict_and_save( df=df, batch_predictions_outfilename=batch_predictions_outfilename, storage_dir_out=storage_dir_out, ml_model=ml_model)
def arguments(): readme_md = os_join(PATH, '') if os.path.isfile(readme_md): with open(readme_md, 'r') as f: description ="utf-8") else: description = DESCRIPTION parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument('--url', help='Ссылка на маршрут', required=True) parser.add_argument('--phantomjs', default=DEFAULT_PHANTOMJS, help='Путь к phantomjs') parser.add_argument('--resolution', '-r', type=int, default=FULLHD, help='Разрешение скриншота') parser.add_argument('--ya_class', default=DEFAULT_YA_CLASS, help="""Название класса DOM элемента из которого возьмётся время и дистанция""") parser.add_argument('--screen_path', help="Путь к папке со скриншотами") parser.add_argument('--screen_pattern', help="Паттерн названия скриншотов") parser.add_argument('--csv_path', help="Путь к csv файлу со статистикой") args = parser.parse_args() return vars(args)
def get_gtk_builder(name): filename = os_join(UI_PATH, "%s.ui" % name) assert ospath.exists(filename) b = gtk.Builder() b.set_property("translation-domain", I18N_APP) b.add_from_file(filename) return b
def __init__(self, chain_order=2, vk_object=None, *file_paths): """ :chain_order: Количество звеньев цепи, для принятия решения о следующем. :vk_object: Объект класса Владя-бота, для интеграции. Не обязателен. :file_paths: Пути к текстовым файлам, для обучения модели. """ if chain_order < 1: raise MarkovTextExcept( "Цепь не может быть {0}-порядка.".format(chain_order) ) self.chain_order = chain_order self.tokens_array = () self.base_dict = {} self.start_arrays = () self.vk_object = vk_object self.vocabulars = {} self.temp_folder = abspath( os_join(expanduser("~"), "textGeneratorTemp") ) if not isdir(self.temp_folder): makedirs(self.temp_folder) for _path in frozenset(filter(isfile, map(abspath, file_paths))): self.update(_path)
def _lead_add_attachment(self): for file_name in [ os_join(settings.BASE_DIR, 'deep/tests_files/leads/doc.docx'), os_join(settings.BASE_DIR, 'deep/tests_files/leads/doc.pdf'), os_join(settings.BASE_DIR, 'deep/tests_files/leads/doc.pptx') ]: with open(file_name, 'rb') as fp: response =, { **self.basic_lead_data, 'lead-type': 'attachment', 'file': fp, }) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302, "Leads Add Att file: "+file_name + " POST :Failed")
def sing_msg_multi_num(numb_path, msg_path): with open(numb_path) as numbers: with open(msg_path) as msg_chunks: msg = msg_chunks.readlines() m = "\n".join(msg) browser = Wsp(driver_path=os_join(getcwd(), 'chromedriver')) browser.pressEnter([s_url(n, m) for n in numbers])
def _save_screenshot(self, now): if '%s' in self.screen_pattern: file_name = self.screen_pattern % (now, ) else: file_name = self.screen_pattern file_name = os_join(self.screen_path, file_name) self.driver.save_screenshot(file_name)
def __init__(self, url, phantomjs=None, resolution=None, ya_class=None, screen_path=None, screen_pattern=None, csv_path=None): self.url = url self.phantomjs = phantomjs or DEFAULT_PHANTOMJS assert os.path.isfile(self.phantomjs), "phantomjs не найден" resolution = resolution or FULLHD assert isinstance(resolution, (list, tuple)) assert len(resolution) == 2 self.ya_class = ya_class or DEFAULT_YA_CLASS self.screen_path = screen_path or PATH self.screen_pattern = screen_pattern or '%s.png' assert '%s' in self.screen_pattern self.csv_path = csv_path or os_join(PATH, 'statistic.csv') self.driver = PhantomJS(self.phantomjs) self.driver.set_window_size(*resolution)
def _load_reflist(cls): """ Load the reference list. """ filename = os_join(data_path, 'ref_list.json.gz') with, 'rb') as reflist: cls._ref_list = json.loads(
def initialize_app(config_name): app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(config[config_name]) config[config_name].initapp(app) logfile = os_join(app.config['LOG_DIR'], 'haxxorbb.log') handler = TimedRotatingFileHandler(logfile, when='d', interval=1, backupCount=3) handler.setFormatter(Formatter("[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s %(name)s: %(message)s")) handler.setLevel('INFO') app.logger.addHandler(handler)'Initialization started') app.wsgi_app = ReverseProxied(app.wsgi_app) login_manager.init_app(app) db.init_app(app) mail.init_app(app) pagedown.init_app(app) # Init the Media directory = app.config['MEDIA_ROOT'] # Register blueprints from .auth import auth as authentication app.register_blueprint(authentication) from .front_page import front_page app.register_blueprint(front_page) from .profile import profile app.register_blueprint(profile) from .utilities import filters app.register_blueprint(filters.filters) from .forum import forum app.register_blueprint(forum) @app.route('/robots.txt') def robots(): return send_from_directory(app.static_folder, request.path[1:]) @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(e): app.logger.warning("Request for {} from source IP {}".format(request.path, request.remote_addr)) return render_template("404.html", error=e), 404 @app.route('/media/<path:filename>') def media(filename): return send_from_directory(app.config['MEDIA_ROOT'], filename)'Initialization completed.') return app
def detect( self , value ): """ detects the format of the sequence(s) contained in fileName @param value: the src object and the filename in the src of the data to detect @type value: tuple ( session/Job/MobyleJob instance , string filename ) @return: a tuple of the detection run information: - the detected format, - the detected items number, - program name used for the detection. """ detected_mt = super( AlignmentDataType , self ).detect( value ) squizzDir = _cfg.format_detector_cache_path() if squizzDir : ############################################## # This part of is used to back up all # # submitted sequences which are not detected # # by squizz for further analysis # ############################################## squizz_detector = None for detector in _cfg.dataconverter( self.__class__.__name__[:-8] ): if detector.program_name == 'squizz': squizz_detector = detector break if squizz_detector is not None : detected_data_format = detected_mt.getDataFormat() from os import link from os.path import join as os_join if ( detected_data_format is None ) or ( detected_data_format in squizz_detector.detectedFormat() and not detected_mt.getFormatProgram() == 'squizz' ): try: #dump the data to further annalysis link( os_join( value[0].getDir() , value[1] ) , os_join( squizzDir , "%s_%s_%s"%( self.__class__.__name__[:-8] , value[0].getKey() , value[1] ) ) ) except Exception , err : c_log.error( "unable to link data in format_detector_cache_path : %s " % err )
def __init__(self, name="", path=""): """ Initialize the dbm. """ self._non_key_text_regx = re.compile(r"[<>\{\}]") path = path if path else INDEX_PATH self._name = "%s.dbm" % name self._path = path dbm_name = os_join(path, "%s.dbm" % name) self._dbm_dict = IndexDbm(dbm_name, "r") super(DbmDict, self).__init__()
def decrypt(self, passphrase):'Decrypt files :') source_dir = os_join(, self.encrypted_dir) status = True for root, dirs, files in os.walk(source_dir, topdown=False): for name in files: file_path = os_join(root, name) relative_file_path = relative_path(file_path, source_dir).lstrip('/') if (name.endswith('.passkeeper') and os.path.isfile(file_path)):'Decrypt file %s' % relative_file_path) decrypted_file_path = os_join(, re.sub('.passkeeper$', '', relative_file_path)) create_dir(path=dirname(decrypted_file_path)) decrypted = decrypt(source=file_path, output=decrypted_file_path, passphrase=passphrase) if decrypted.status == "decryption failed": status = False if not decrypted.ok: LOG.error("Decrypt file %s - %s" % (name, decrypted.stderr)) return status
def cleanup(self): "Shred all ini and raw files" # Remove ini files for fname in os.listdir( file_path = os_join(, fname) if (fname.endswith('.ini') and os.path.isfile(file_path)):'Clean file %s' % fname) run_cmd('shred --remove %s' % file_path) # Remove raw files elif (fname.endswith('.raw') and os.path.isdir(file_path)):'Clean directory %s' % fname) shred_dir(file_path)
def corpus_restore(diff_file, working_directory="", html_url=""): ''' creates the corpus diff file for the given two texts. ::param diff_file: the diff_file ::param working_directory: an optional working_directory containing the HTML files. ::param html_url: optionally overwrite the url used in the diff_file (useful for testing) ::returns the text file used to create the cdiff ''' cdiff = CDiffFile(diff_file) if html_url: fpath = os_join(working_directory, html_url) else: fpath = os_join(working_directory, cdiff.url) from_text = get_text(get_resource(fpath)) sentences = filter(None, (extract_sentence(from_text, sentence_cdiff) for sentence_cdiff in cdiff.sentences)) return "\n".join(sentences)
def encrypt(self, passphrase, commit_message='Update encrypted files'):'Encryption') create_dir(os_join(, self.encrypted_dir))'Encrypt files :') # Encrypt files for fname in os.listdir( file_path = os_join(, fname) # Handle ini file if (fname.endswith('.ini') and os.path.isfile(file_path)):'Encrypt file %s' % fname) git_relative_encrypted_file_path = os_join(self.encrypted_dir, '%s.passkeeper' % fname) encrypted_file_path = os_join(, git_relative_encrypted_file_path) encrypted = encrypt(source=file_path, output=encrypted_file_path, passphrase=passphrase) if not encrypted.ok: LOG.error("Encrypt file %s - %s" % (fname, encrypted.stderr)) self.git.add([git_relative_encrypted_file_path]) # Handle .raw directory if (fname.endswith('.raw') and os.path.isdir(file_path)): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(file_path, topdown=False): for name in files: # /git/foo.raw/file root_raw_file_path = os.path.join(root, name) # foo.raw/file git_relative_file_path = relative_path(root_raw_file_path,'/')'Encrypt file %s' % git_relative_file_path) # encrypt/foo.raw/file.passkeeper git_encrypted_relative_file_path = os_join(self.encrypted_dir, '%s.passkeeper' % git_relative_file_path) # /git/encrypt/foo.raw/file.passkeeper root_encrypted_file_path = os_join(, git_encrypted_relative_file_path) # /git/encrypt/foo.raw root_encrypted_dirname_path = dirname(root_encrypted_file_path) create_dir(root_encrypted_dirname_path) encrypted = encrypt(source=root_raw_file_path, output=root_encrypted_file_path, passphrase=passphrase) if not encrypted.ok: LOG.error("Encrypt file %s - %s" % (fname, encrypted.stderr)) self.git.add([git_encrypted_relative_file_path]) self.git.commit('%s' % commit_message) return True
def __getitem__(self, key): """ If a filename was given then use it to retrieve keys when they are needed. """ # Cleanup Strong's and Morphology key = self._non_key_text_regx.sub("", key).strip() if self._name and (key not in self): # Load the value from the database if we don't have it. try: dbm_name = os_join(self._path, self._name) with IndexDbm(dbm_name, "r") as dbm_dict: self[key] = dbm_dict.get(key) except Exception as err: print("The error was: %s" % err) return err.message return super(DbmDict, self).__getitem__(key)
def get_files(file_list): """ Returns a list of all the files in filename. """ from os.path import isdir as os_isdir from os.path import isdir as os_isfile from os.path import join as os_join from os import walk as os_walk out_list = [] for name in file_list: if os_isdir(name): for root, sub, files in os_walk(name): join_list = [os_join(root, f) for f in files] out_list.extend(join_list) else: out_list.append(name) return out_list
def upload(local_fname, lifetime, webdav_file_pattern, file_url_pattern): ''' Uploads the given file to the webdav server :) :param local_fname: file name of the local file :param lifetime: suggested lifetime of the uploaded file ''' file_storage = get_passwords()[0] webdav = easywebdav.connect(file_storage.server, username=file_storage.username, password=file_storage.password, protocol=file_storage.protocol) file_url_dict = get_file_name_dict(local_fname, lifetime, get_version_suffix()) file_url_dict['protocol'] = file_storage.protocol file_url_dict['file_server'] = file_storage.server file_url_dict['file_path'] = file_storage.path file_url_dict['lifetime'] = lifetime file_url_dict['url'] = file_url_pattern.format(**file_url_dict) remote_fname = os_join(file_storage.path, quote(webdav_file_pattern.format(**file_url_dict))) webdav.upload(local_fname, remote_fname) return file_url_dict
def flush_history(self): """ Flush the git history Destroy .git directory by shred all files and init git again. This allow to clear git history and to insure more security :Example: >>> flush_history() Clean file master Clean file HEAD Clean file exclude ... Dépôt Git vide initialisé dans /opt/mypasskeeper/.git/ master (commit racine) 9e4a2a0] Clean git History .. seealso:: shred_dir(), git.init(), git.add(), git.commit() """ shred_dir(os_join(, '.git')) self.git.init() self.git.add([self.encrypted_dir, '.gitignore']) self.git.commit('Clean git History')
def resample_csvs(config): """Resample csv files to match the config. Do the average and delete spared values""" csv_path = config.get('csv_path') # For each urls for url_config in config.get('urls'): label = url_config.get('label') render_step = url_config.get('render_step') render_rows = url_config.get('render_rows') # Get filename csv_file = os_join(csv_path, '%s.csv' % label) if not isfile(csv_file): continue # Load time serie time_serie = pd.read_csv(csv_file, index_col=0, parse_dates=True) # Resample datas for desired time periode time_serie = resampled_time_serie(time_serie=time_serie, rows=render_rows, step=render_step) # Dump datas in csv file (resampled file) time_serie.to_csv(csv_file, header=['time'], index_label='date')
def get_files(file_list): """ Returns a list of all the files in filename. """ from os.path import isdir as os_isdir from os.path import isdir as os_isfile from os.path import join as os_join from os import walk as os_walk from pathlib import Path out_list = [] ext = ['.mp3', '.flac', '.ogg', '.s3m', '.mod', '.xm', '.it'] for name in file_list: if os_isdir(name): for root, sub, files in os_walk(name): join_list = [os_join(root, f) for f in files if Path(f.lower()).suffix in ext] out_list.extend(join_list) else: out_list.append(name) return out_list
def consumer(stop_process, result_queue, config): "Consume results from workers. And write them in csv files" # Disable ctrl + c signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) # Ensure directory exist (move to consumer) csv_path = config.get('csv_path') ensure_dir(csv_path) # Get and print results'consumer - Start consumer') while stop_process.value != 1: try: msg = result_queue.get_nowait() label = msg['url_config']['label'] record = msg['job_result'] record_file = os_join(csv_path, '%s.csv' % label) LOG.debug('consumer - Receved ->>> %s\n' % str(msg))'consumer - Save record %s in %s\n' % (str(record), record_file)) record_http_time(record=record, record_file=record_file) except Empty: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(config.get('consumer_frequency', 0.1))
""" from db.configs import * from os.path import join as os_join from config.defaults import MEDIA_ROOT MAPTYPE = 'slopes' ROUTEDB = SlopeDBConfig() ROUTEDB.schema = 'slopes' ROUTEDB.relation_subset = """ tags ? 'route' and tags->'type' IN ('route', 'superroute') AND array['ski', 'piste'] && regexp_split_to_array(tags->'route', ';') AND NOT (tags ? 'state' AND tags->'state' = 'proposed') AND NOT (tags->'piste:type' = 'skitour')""" ROUTEDB.way_subset = """ tags ? 'piste:type' AND NOT (tags ? 'state' AND tags->'state' = 'proposed') AND NOT (tags->'piste:type' = 'downhill' AND nodes[array_lower(nodes,1)] = nodes[array_upper(nodes,1)]) AND NOT (tags->'piste:type' = 'skitour')""" PISTE = PisteTableConfig() PISTE.symbols = ('Slopes', 'Nordic') SYMBOLS = ShieldConfiguration() SYMBOLS.symbol_outdir = os_join(MEDIA_ROOT, 'symbols/slopes') SYMBOLS.image_size = (20, 20) SYMBOLS.text_color = (1, 1, 1) # white SYMBOLS.text_bgcolor = (0, 0, 0) # black
# along with this program. If not, see <>. from collections import defaultdict from xml.dom.minidom import parseString from textwrap import fill from os.path import dirname as os_dirname from os.path import join as os_join import dbm import sys import re import Sword from .utils import * data_path = os_join(os_dirname(__file__), 'data') def book_gen(): """ A Generator function that yields book names in order. """ # Yield a list of all the book names in the bible. verse_key = Sword.VerseKey('Genesis 1:1') for testament in [1, 2]: for book in range(1, verse_key.bookCount(testament) + 1): yield(verse_key.bookName(testament, book)) # book_list = list(book_gen()) try: book_list = []
ROUTEDB = RouteDBConfig() ROUTEDB.schema = 'cycling' ROUTEDB.relation_subset = """ tags ? 'route' and tags->'type' IN ('route', 'superroute') AND 'bicycle' = any(regexp_split_to_array(tags->'route', ';')) AND NOT (tags ? 'state' AND tags->'state' = 'proposed')""" ROUTES = RouteTableConfig() ROUTES.network_map = { 'icn': 0,'ncn': 10, 'rcn': 20, 'lcn': 30 } ROUTES.symbols = ( 'NorwichColorBox', 'SwissMobile', 'JelRef', 'TextColorBelow', 'TextSymbol', 'ColorBox') DEFSTYLE = RouteStyleTableConfig() GUIDEPOSTS = GuidePostConfig() GUIDEPOSTS.subtype = 'bicycle' GUIDEPOSTS.require_subtype = True NETWORKNODES = NetworkNodeConfig() NETWORKNODES.node_tag = 'rcn_ref' SYMBOLS = ShieldConfiguration() SYMBOLS.symbol_outdir = os_join(MEDIA_ROOT, 'symbols/cycling') SYMBOLS.swiss_mobil_bgcolor = (0.66, 0.93, 1.0) SYMBOLS.swiss_mobil_networks = ('rcn', 'ncn')
def get_tokens(sentence): from json import loads sentence = loads(sentence) text = sentence['value'] tokens = [] for indices in sentence['tok_list'].split(' '): start, end = map(int, indices.split(',')) tokens.append(text[start:end]) return tokens if __name__ == '__main__': print("Reading corpus...") CORPUS_PATH = os_join(dirname(__file__), '../corpus', '*.txt.gz') corpus_documents = read_corpus_files(CORPUS_PATH) print("Pre-processing corpus...") xml_corpus_documents = get_weblyzard_xml_documents(corpus_documents) print("Configuring keyword service...") jesaja = Jesaja() jesaja.set_stoplist(STOPLIST_NAME, [stopword.strip() for stopword in GzipFile(STOPLIST_FILE)]) jesaja.set_keyword_profile(PROFILE_NAME, PROFILE) jesaja.set_matview_profile( matview_id=MATVIEW_NAME, profile_name=PROFILE_NAME) # check whether we have already shards available for the given matview if not jesaja.has_corpus(matview_id=MATVIEW_NAME):
""", default="") args = parser.parse_args() # Search for the keyfile _is_temp_file = False if len(args.key) != 0: if not os.path.isfile(args.key): print("Keyfile '%s' not found." % args.key) exit(1) keyfile = args.key else: if os.path.isfile('server.pem'): keyfile = 'server.pem' os.path.join(a) elif isfile(os_join(dirname(realpath(__file__)), 'server.pem')): keyfile = os_join(dirname(realpath(__file__)), 'server.pem') else: # We need to create a temporary file for the key # as ssl.wrap_socket just pass the path. from tempfile import mkstemp fd, keyfile = mkstemp() offset = 0 _len = len(_fallback_key) while offset < _len: offset += os.write(fd, _fallback_key[offset:]) os.close(fd) _is_temp_file = True print('Using keyfile "%s"' % keyfile) print('START LISTENING ON https://%s:%i\n' % ('localhost', args.port))