def backup_all(run_number, stations): """ Backup all indicated stations. See `main` for detailed parameter documentation. """ run = 'Run' + run_number for s in stations: station = 'station_' + s src_path = osjoin(DEFAULT_STATION_PATH, station) run_path = osjoin(DEFAULT_BACKUP_PATH, run) backup_path = osjoin(run_path, station) backup(src_path, run_path, backup_path)
def interactive_figure(self): """Add interactivity, ie. the option to show/hide lines to the figure.""" lines = self.plot_figure() # Generates a list of lines labels = [line for line in lines.keys()] # Prepare a list of labels for the tickboxes lineNames = ['l'+str(x) for x in range(len(lines))] # Prepare a list of names for the lines lines = {k: v for k, v in zip(lineNames, lines.values())} # Create a dictionary {name: line} activeL = list(range(len(lines))) # List of all line index to mark them as active in CheckboxGroup JScode = [self._visible_line_JS(k) for k in lines] # Generate JavaScript for each line JScode = '\n'.join(JScode) # From a list to a single string with open(osjoin(getcwd(), 'mLearning', 'JScodeAllLines.js'), 'r') as fileJS: buttonJS = # Read JavaScript code from a file to toggle the visibility of all lines # with open(osjoin(getcwd(), 'mLearning', 'JScode.js'), 'w+') as codeFile: # codeFile.write(JScode) # Write whole CustomJS to a file for debugging purposes callback = CustomJS(code=JScode, args={}) # Args will be added once checkbox and button are added to lines checkbox = CheckboxGroup(labels=labels, active=activeL, # Labels to be ticked from the beginning callback=callback, name='checkbox') # JavaScript var name buttonCallback = CustomJS(code=buttonJS, args={}) # Same as for callback button = Button(label="Select/Unselect All", # Button HTML text button_type="default", callback=buttonCallback, name='button') # JavaScript var name lines['checkbox'], lines['button'] = checkbox, button # Adding widget to lines callback.args, buttonCallback.args = lines, lines # And then lines to callback layout = row(self.fig, widgetbox(children=[button, checkbox], width=200)) # One row, two columns logging.debug('Interaction implemented') return layout
def openRasterImage(self): self.task_is_done = False dialog = wx.FileDialog( self, message="Choose a raster core", wildcard="BMP, PNG, JPG|*.bmp;*.png;*.jpg|"\ "BMP files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|"\ "PNG files (*.png)|*.png|"\ "JPG files (*.jpg)|*.jpg", style=wx.OPEN ) if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: raster_filename = dialog.GetFilename() raster_format = raster_filename.split('.')[-1] raster_directory = dialog.GetDirectory() raster_path = osjoin( raster_directory, raster_filename ) if open_image(raster_path): self.__reset_everything() self.raster_filename = copy(raster_filename) self.raster_format = copy(raster_format) self.raster_directory = copy(raster_directory) self.raster_path = copy(raster_path) self.task_is_done = True else: message_template = "'%s' is invalid %s image." message_data = (raster_path, raster_format) message = message_template % message_data self.showErrorMessage(message) dialog.Destroy()
def __call__(self,Ntrain): d = loadSimulation(self.source) H = eval(d[0]) # Check if a kalman filter exists, if not create one kalFile = self.noExtSource+"" if isfile(kalFile): with open(kalFile,'r') as f: kal = eval( else: kal=kalman(d[-2].T) with open(kalFile,'w') as f: f.write(repr(kal)) # Load data generated from same system self.sims = list() for f in self.fles: if f[-7:]==".pkl.gz" and f[-13:]!='_cache.pkl.gz': try: s = loadSimulation(osjoin(self.sourceDir,f)) if eval(s[0]).spec==H.spec: self.sims.append(s) except EOFError: print "Failed to open", f, "skipping." # Grab the trials from the loaded data x,y = zip(*[(s[2],s[-2]) for s in self.sims]) trials = Trials(x,y,Ntrain) trials.initialise(kal,self.pca,self.fd) return(DataSet(H,kal,trials,self.source,self.psfidx))
def write_output(in_reader, out_location, out_name, out_type, debug_flag=False): # Set up file to write to feature_index = 0 spatial_reference = SpatialReference() spatial_reference.ImportFromEPSG(4326) driver = GetDriverByName(out_type) if out_type == 'ESRI Shapefile': out_data = driver.CreateDataSource('{0}.shp'.format(splitext(osjoin(out_location, out_name))[0])) elif out_type == 'GeoJSON': out_data = driver.CreateDataSource('{0}.geojson'.format(splitext(osjoin(out_location, out_name))[0])) elif out_type == 'KML': out_data = driver.CreateDataSource('{0}.kml'.format(splitext(osjoin(out_location, out_name))[0])) out_layer = out_data.CreateLayer('layer', spatial_reference, wkbPoint) # Set up fields setup_fields(out_layer) # Set Layer definition layer_definition = out_layer.GetLayerDefn() # Add points as they are processed by the reader for entry in in_reader: point = Geometry(wkbPoint) point.SetPoint(0, entry[4], entry[5]) feature = Feature(layer_definition) feature.SetGeometry(point) # Increment FID value if it is a shp output if out_type == 'ESRI Shapefile': feature_index += 1 feature.SetFID(feature_index) # Fill out all other fields fill_fields(feature, entry) # Add the feature to the layer out_layer.CreateFeature(feature) # Cleanup feature.Destroy() point.Destroy() # Big cleanup out_data.Destroy()
def move_src_file(filename, new_name): '''Move file with data to directory with data files.''' new_filename = new_name + '.csv' curr_path = os.getcwd() new_path = osjoin( curr_path, 'site_media', 'csv', new_filename ) print 'Copy file %s to %s' % (new_filename, new_path) shutil.move( filename, new_path )
def create_project_file(self, project_name): fname=osjoin(self.project_folder, "%s.sublime-project" % project_name); if not self.picked_project_structure.has_project_proto: f = open(fname, "w+") #create folder for any buildscripts #os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.project_folder,"buildscripts")); settings = "" for item in self.picked_project_structure.settings: value = self.picked_project_structure.settings[item] settings += "\"%s\": %s," % (item, "\"%s\"" % value if isinstance(value, str) else value) if settings.endswith(","): settings = settings[:-1] build_systems = "" for bsystem in self.picked_project_structure.build_systems: build_systems += "{" for item in bsystem: value = bsystem[item] print value, type(value) build_systems += "\"%s\": %s," % (item, "\"%s\"" % value if isinstance(value, unicode) or isinstance(value, str) else value) if build_systems.endswith(","): build_systems = build_systems[:-1] build_systems += "}," if build_systems.endswith(","): build_systems = build_systems[:-1] f.write("{\"folders\":[{\"path\":\"%s\"}], \"settings\":{%s}, \"build_systems\":[%s]}" % (project_name, settings, build_systems)) f.close() else: #load the prototype as a json object print self.picked_project_structure.proto_file json_object = json.load(open(self.picked_project_structure.proto_file,'r')); project_folder=self.project_folder.lower(); # make sure all paths in the project file a nix style paths if"nt": project_folder=project_folder.replace("\\", "/").replace("c:", "/c") json_object["folders"][0]["path"]=project_folder; #dump the fname with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(unicode(pretty.json_dumps(json_object)))
def mk_temp_dir(dir, prefix): def randstr(): return hex(hash(random()))[2:7] base = osjoin(dir, prefix) while True: try: newdir = base + randstr() mkdir(newdir) return newdir except OSError: pass
def run(self): # load all settings settings = sublime.load_settings("FancyProjects.sublime-settings") self.template_path = settings.get("project_template_directory") self.user_project_path = settings.get("user_project_directory") self.use_sublime_project_format = settings.get("use_sublime_project_format") self.use_counter_if_project_folder_already_exists = settings.get("use_counter_if_project_folder_already_exists") self.has_project_proto=False # insert packages path self.template_path = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), "Fancy Projects", "templates"); self.user_project_path=os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),"Projects"); # get the content of the template folder template_folder_content = os.listdir(self.template_path) template_folder_items = [] # get .fancyproj files for item in template_folder_content: if item.endswith(".fancyproj"): template_folder_items.append(item) # create instances of ProjectStructure from the .fancyproj file list self.project_structures = [] for template_item in template_folder_items: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.template_path, template_item, "fancyproj.json")): sublime.error_message("ERROR: %s is invalid" % template_item) return json_object = json.load(open("%s/%s/fancyproj.json" % (self.template_path, template_item))) project_structure = ProjectStructure(osjoin(self.template_path, template_item), json_object) project_structure.check_for_protoproj(); self.project_structures.append(project_structure) # create a list with all templates self.quickpanel_template_list = [] for project_template in self.project_structures: self.quickpanel_template_list.append(project_template.to_quickpanel_item()) self.window.show_quick_panel(self.quickpanel_template_list, self.on_picked_template)
def create_project(self, project_structure, new_project_name): # if the user wants to use the sublime project format, the project file should be a directory below # the actual project project_subfolder = "" print "create_project" +"\n"; if self.use_sublime_project_format: project_subfolder = new_project_name # define the paths, which are used for copy source = os.path.join(project_structure.path, "contents") self.project_folder = os.path.join(self.user_project_path, new_project_name) destination = os.path.join(self.user_project_path, new_project_name, project_subfolder) # decide how the files should be copied if os.path.exists(self.project_folder) and not self.use_counter_if_project_folder_already_exists: sublime.error_message("Project %s already exists!" % new_project_name) elif os.path.exists(self.project_folder) and self.use_counter_if_project_folder_already_exists: counter = 2 solution_found = False while not solution_found: new_project_name_with_counter = "%s%s" % (new_project_name, counter) if self.use_sublime_project_format: project_subfolder = new_project_name_with_counter self.project_folder = os.path.join(self.user_project_path, new_project_name_with_counter) destination = os.path.join(self.user_project_path, new_project_name_with_counter, project_subfolder) if os.path.exists(self.project_folder): counter += 1 else: self.copy_folder(source, destination, new_project_name_with_counter) solution_found = True else: self.copy_folder(source, destination, new_project_name) #load project intends to use any custom scripts check for a script folder script_path=os.path.join(project_structure.path, "scripts"); if os.path.exists(script_path): copytree(script_path, osjoin(self.project_folder,"scripts"));
def _set_locators(s): s._attr_dir_path = osjoin(s._yamldb_dir, 'attr') s._recs_path = osjoin(s._yamldb_dir, 'recordings.yaml') s._event_dir = osjoin(s._yamldb_dir,'events') s._event_def_path = osjoin(s._event_dir, 'event_def.yaml') s._event_path_fn = ( lambda experiment : osjoin(s._event_dir, '_'.join([experiment, 'events.txt'])) ) # Environment s._env_path = osjoin(s._yamldb_dir, 'environment.yaml') s._env_def = yaml.load(open(s._env_path, 'r')) # Recording Meta s._meta_path_fn = lambda exp, sub : osjoin(s._env_def['data_base'], exp, 'meta', sub, '%s_%s_recordingDefinition.json' % (sub, exp))
def addModules(self): """auto-add or re-auto-add modules in self.moduleDirs NOTE: this function should be called if the bot is to have any modules imported. This is not automatically called simply for flexibility to the programmer.""" for mdir in self.moduleDirs: for dirpath, subdirs, files in walk(mdir): for f in files: if not f.endswith('.py'): continue try: module = load_source(f[:-3], osjoin(dirpath, f)) for attr in dir(module): if isfunction(getattr(module, attr)): print('trying to load module: {}'.format(attr)) eventHandler = getattr(module, attr) KWARGS = {} if hasattr(eventHandler, 'nick'): KWARGS['nick'] = eventHandler.nick if hasattr(eventHandler, 'ident'): KWARGS['ident'] = eventHandler.ident if hasattr(eventHandler, 'hostname'): KWARGS['hostname'] = self.hostname if hasattr(eventHandler, 'command'): KWARGS['command'] = eventHandler.command if hasattr(eventHandler, 'argument'): KWARGS['argument'] = eventHandler.argument if hasattr(eventHandler, 'message'): KWARGS['message'] = eventHandler.message self.eventHandlers.append( eventhandler.EventHandler(eventHandler, **KWARGS)); self.importedModules[eventHandler] =\ self.eventHandlers[-1] print('\x1b[32;1mmodule loaded: {}\x1b[0m'.\ format(module)) ## END> for attr in dir(module) except Exception as e: print('\x1b[31;1mError loading file {}: {}\x1b[0m'.\ format(f, e))
def saveVectorImage(self): self.task_is_done = False new_name = self.raster_filename.replace(self.raster_format, 'svg') dialog = wx.FileDialog( self, message="Save file as ...", defaultDir=self.raster_directory, defaultFile=new_name, wildcard="SVG file (*.svg)|*.svg", style=wx.SAVE | wx.OVERWRITE_PROMPT ) if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.svg_filename = dialog.GetFilename() self.svg_directory = dialog.GetDirectory() self.svg_path = osjoin(self.svg_directory, self.svg_filename) if not save(self.svg_path): message = "Cannot save the file with name\n'%s'." % self.svg_path self.showErrorMessage(message) else: self.task_is_done = True dialog.Destroy()
def calculate_focal_length(image_width, sensor_width, camera_params_path): focal_length = np.load(osjoin(camera_params_path, 'FocalLengthMm.npy'), allow_pickle=True) focal_length_pixel = (focal_length / sensor_width) * image_width return focal_length_pixel
for i,tm in enumerate(tau): t = tm %(2*pi) # Stride fractions must be between 0 and 2*pi # Calculate stability margins M.append([p0.margin(t),p1.margin(t)]) # Plot the convex hull of this pattern of motion for the forward walk figure(1) clf() plot(*,color='b',lw=4) #cv = (t-p0.fon)/((p0.foff-p0.fon)%(2*pi))%1.0 scatter(*array([:,:-1],s=900,c='m') axis([-1.5,1.5,-1.5,1.5]) axis('off') tight_layout() savefig(osjoin(animDir,"forwardgait"+str(i).zfill(5))) # Plot the convex hull of this pattern of motion for the reverse walk figure(2) clf() plot(*,color='b',lw=4) scatter(*array([:,:-1],s=900,c='r') axis([-1.5,1.5,-1.5,1.5]) axis('off') tight_layout() savefig(osjoin(animDir,"reversegait"+str(i).zfill(5))) M = array(M) # Plot the quasi-static stability margin for the forward and reverse walker # as a function of position in the cycle.
path_dir = sys.argv[-2] casa_path = sys.argv[-1]#/usr/local/bin/CASA-4.6/casa-release-4.6.0-el6/ # flux model vs time integ = 10. total_time = 10. * 60. num_points = total_time / integ time_bins = np.arange(integ, total_time + integ, integ) # end of bins noise = np.random.randn(len(time_bins)) fluxarray = 5. * np.sin((2 * np.pi / 160) * time_bins) + 10 + noise * 0.5 plt.plot(time_bins, fluxarray, marker='o', ls='') # array config # MAC:configf='/Applications/' # configf = '/usr/local/bin/CASA-4.6/casa-release-4.6.0-el6/data/alma/simmos/vla.c.cfg' configf = osjoin(casa_path, 'data/alma/simmos/vla.c.cfg') data =, data_start=1, names=['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'DIAM', 'ANT'], guess=True) xx = data['X'] yy = data['Y'] zz = data['Z'] diam = data['DIAM'] # src info loca = "J2000 10h00m00.00s -30d00m00.0s" hrsref = loca.split(' ')[1].split('h')[0] + 'h' minref = loca.split(' ')[2].split('d')[0] + 'deg' freq = '5GHz' mj = "0.5arcsec" ma = '0.1arcsec' pa = '45.0deg'
from turbustat.statistics.apodizing_kernels import \ (CosineBellWindow, TukeyWindow, HanningWindow, SplitCosineBellWindow) # Apodizing kernel shape = (101, 101) taper = HanningWindow() data = taper(shape) plt.subplot(121) plt.imshow(data, cmap='viridis', origin='lower') plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(122) plt.plot(data[shape[0] // 2]) plt.savefig(osjoin(fig_path, 'hanning.png')) plt.close() taper2 = CosineBellWindow(alpha=0.98) data2 = taper2(shape) plt.subplot(121) plt.imshow(data2, cmap='viridis', origin='lower') plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(122) plt.plot(data2[shape[0] // 2]) plt.savefig(osjoin(fig_path, 'cosine.png')) plt.close() taper3 = SplitCosineBellWindow(alpha=0.3, beta=0.8) data3 = taper3(shape)
from pc_path import definir_path path_git, path_datos_global = definir_path() from os.path import join as osjoin from sklearn.metrics import (normalized_mutual_info_score, mutual_info_score, adjusted_mutual_info_score) ############################################################################### ##### Importar grafos ############################################################################### dates = [2015, 2016, 2017, 2018] gs_hip = [] names_hip = ['MLyStats_{}-10-1.gexf'.format(i) for i in dates] paths_hip = [osjoin(path_git, 'Grafos_guardados', name) for name in names_hip] for path in paths_hip: gs_hip.append(nx.read_gexf(path)) gs_lsa = [] names_lsa = ['MLyStats_LSA_26dim_q0.005_{}-10-1.gexf'.format(i) for i in dates] paths_lsa = [osjoin(path_git, 'Grafos_guardados', name) for name in names_lsa] for path in paths_lsa: gs_lsa.append(nx.read_gexf(path)) ############################################################################### ##### Calcular info mutua entre 'infomap' y 'category' ############################################################################### def calcular_ims(grafos, mutual_info='normal'): mi_function = {'normal': mutual_info_score, 'normalized': normalized_mutual_info_score,
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path): if filenames: data_files[dirpath] = [f for f in filenames] return data_files setup( name='boilerplate', version=boilerplate.VERSION, description='Easy to use tool for painless project layout templating', author='Kuba Janoszek', author_email='*****@*****.**', include_package_data=True, url='' % boilerplate.VERSION, packages=find_packages(), package_data=package_data(osjoin("boilerplate", "tmpl")), classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', 'Environment :: Web Environment', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python', ], scripts=['bin/boil'], zip_safe=False, ) # python build sdist bdist_wheel upload
import numpy as np from align import AlignDlib # In[2]: # Load model train sẵn from model import create_model nn4_small2_pretrained = create_model() nn4_small2_pretrained.load_weights('weights/nn4.small2.v1.h5') # In[3]: #Load dữ liệu từ database import pickle PATH_NEW_DATABASE = osjoin(os.getcwd(), 'newdatabase') PATH_DATABASE = osjoin(os.getcwd(), 'database') PATH_DATABASE_IMAGE = osjoin(PATH_DATABASE, 'image') if not os.path.isfile(osjoin( PATH_DATABASE, 'x_vector.pkl')) or not os.path.isfile( osjoin(PATH_DATABASE, 'x_label.pkl')) or not os.path.isfile( osjoin(PATH_DATABASE, 'x_name.pkl')): x_vector = [] x_label = [] x_name = [] else: with open(osjoin(PATH_DATABASE, 'x_vector.pkl'), 'rb') as f: x_vector = pickle.load(f) with open(osjoin(PATH_DATABASE, 'x_label.pkl'), 'rb') as f: x_label = pickle.load(f)
def perform_plot_gridsearch(names, out_dirs): ''' Function for grid scores plotting (working with scikit 0.20) ''' logger = get_logger() for name, out_dir in zip(names, out_dirs): # Read written results gps = parse_yaml(osjoin(out_dir, "parameters.yaml")) score_obj = pickle.load(openfile(osjoin(out_dir, "results.pkl"), "rb")) param_keys = [f"param_{key}" for key in gps["params"].keys()] if not param_keys: logger.warning("Add at least 1 parameter (even just 1 value)") continue # Re-arrange scoring such that the refitted one is always on top score_names = gps["scoring"] refit_score = gps["refit"] del score_names[score_names.index(refit_score)] score_names.insert(0, refit_score) # Extract scores x_labels = [] y_values = {} y_errors = {} for sn in score_names: y_values[sn] = {"train": [], "test": []} y_errors[sn] = {"train": [], "test": []} # Get indices of values to put on x-axis and identify parameter combination values_indices = [ range(len(values)) for values in gps["params"].values() ] y_axis_mins = {sn: 9999 for sn in score_names} y_axis_maxs = {sn: -9999 for sn in score_names} for indices, case in zip( itertools.product(*values_indices), itertools.product(*list(gps["params"].values()))): df_case = score_obj.copy() for i_case, i_key in zip(case, param_keys): df_case = df_case.loc[df_case[i_key] == df_case[i_key].dtype.type(i_case)] x_labels.append(",".join([str(i) for i in indices])) # As we just nailed it down to one value for sn in score_names: for tt in ("train", "test"): y_values[sn][tt].append( df_case[f"mean_{tt}_{sn}"].values[0]) y_errors[sn][tt].append( df_case[f"std_{tt}_{sn}"].values[0]) y_axis_mins[sn] = min(y_axis_mins[sn], y_values[sn][tt][-1]) y_axis_maxs[sn] = max(y_axis_maxs[sn], y_values[sn][tt][-1]) # Prepare text for parameters text_parameters = "\n".join( [f"{key}: {values}" for key, values in gps["params"].items()]) # To determine fontsizes later figsize = (35, 18 * len(score_names)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(score_names), 1, sharex=True, gridspec_kw={"hspace": 0.05}, figsize=figsize) ax_plot = dict(zip(score_names, axes)) # The axes to put the parameter list ax_main = axes[-1] # The axes with the title being on top ax_top = axes[0] points_per_inch = 72 markerstyles = ["o", "+"] markersize = 20 for sn in score_names: ax = ax_plot[sn] ax_min = y_axis_mins[sn] - (y_axis_maxs[sn] - y_axis_mins[sn]) / 10. ax_max = y_axis_maxs[sn] + (y_axis_maxs[sn] - y_axis_mins[sn]) / 10. ax.set_ylim(ax_min, ax_max) ax.set_ylabel(f"mean {sn}", fontsize=20) ax.get_yaxis().set_tick_params(labelsize=20) for j, tt in enumerate(("train", "test")): markerstyle = markerstyles[j % len(markerstyles)] ax.errorbar(range(len(x_labels)), y_values[sn][tt], yerr=y_errors[sn][tt], ls="", marker=markerstyle, markersize=markersize, label=f"{sn} ({tt})") # Add values to points ylim = ax.get_ylim() plot_labels_offset = (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) / 40 for x, y in enumerate(y_values[sn][tt]): ax.text(x, y - plot_labels_offset, f"{y:.4f}", fontsize=20) ax_main.set_xlabel("parameter indices", fontsize=20) ax_top.set_title(f"Grid search {name}", fontsize=30) ax_main.get_xaxis().set_tick_params(labelsize=20) ax_main.set_xticks(range(len(x_labels))) ax_main.set_xticklabels(x_labels, rotation=45) text_point_size = int(4 * fig.dpi / points_per_inch * figsize[1] / len(gps["params"])) xlim = ax_main.get_xlim() ylim = ax_main.get_ylim() xlow = xlim[0] + (xlim[1] - xlim[0]) / 100 ylow = ylim[0] + (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) / 3 ax_main.text(xlow, ylow, text_parameters, fontsize=text_point_size) for ax in ax_plot.values(): ax.legend(loc="center right", fontsize=20) plotname = osjoin(out_dir, "GridSearchResults.png") plt.savefig(plotname) plt.close(fig)
def save_stereo_calibration_params(D1, D2, E, F, K1, K2, P1, P2, Q, R, R1, R2, T, camera_params_path):, "K1"), K1), "D1"), D1), "K2"), K2), "D2"), D2), "R"), R), "T"), T), "E"), E), "F"), F), "R1"), R1), "R2"), R2), "P1"), P1), "P2"), P2), "Q"), Q)
def do_GET(self): # Response status code print(self.path) request_gp, data_fields = self.path.split('?') if '.' in request_gp: self.send_response(403) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(bytes('invalid directory', 'utf8')) return else: print('got request') script_dir = request_gp.split('/')[1] script_basename = request_gp.split('/')[2] script_name = f'{script_basename}.py' print([script_dir, script_basename, script_name]) script_path = '' for f in listdir(config.VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY): if f == script_dir: print('got dir') for j in listdir( osjoin(config.VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY, script_dir)): if j.lower() == script_name.lower(): script_path = osjoin(config.VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY, script_dir, script_name) break else: print('cannot find file') self.send_response(403) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(bytes('invalid request', 'utf8')) return break else: print('cannot find directory') self.send_response(403) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(bytes('invalid request', 'utf8')) return scr_spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( script_basename, script_path) script_mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(scr_spec) scr_spec.loader.exec_module(script_mod) print(script_mod.CONFIG_INFO) data_list = data_fields.split('&') if len(data_list) != len(script_mod.CONFIG_INFO['inputs']): print('invalid inputs') self.send_response(403) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(bytes('invalid number of inputs', 'utf8')) params = [] for i, data_item in enumerate(data_list): name, value = data_item.split('=') params.append(script_mod.CONFIG_INFO['inputs'][i](name, value)) results = script_mod.CONFIG_INFO['main_function'](*params) result_data = {} for param in results: result_data[] = param.value result_text = dumps(result_data) self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(bytes(result_text, 'utf8'))
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd from os.path import join as osjoin if __name__ == "__main__": # Les chemins entre les fichiers étant differents sous Windows et MacOS/Linux nous devons utiliser # os.path.join (ici renommé osjoin) pour naviguer entre les dossiers path_df = osjoin(osjoin("data", "process"), "toy_dataset.csv") df = pd.read_csv(path_df) plt.hist(df["monthly"]) path_fig = osjoin(osjoin("rapport", "image"), "hist.png") plt.savefig(path_fig)
msg = "{0:<50}{1:<30}" hdr = msg.format("Warning","Difference (dev - ops)") border = "=" * len(hdr) # Check for basin name specifically by user if != None: ops_paths = [p for p in ops_paths if in p] # Wanr user if no matches found if len(ops_paths) == 0: out.error('{} not found in any ops paths'.format( for r in ops_paths: basin_name = path_split(r)[-2] ops_f = osjoin(r,"") dev_f = osjoin(dev_dir,basin_name, "model_setup", "basin_setup", "") ops = Dataset(ops_f) dev = Dataset(dev_f) out.msg("Checking extents of {}...".format(basin_name)) warnings = [] dimensional_issue = False for v in ["x", "y"]: # Check extents for op in ["min", "max"]: # Check the coordinates mo = getattr(ops.variables[v][:], op)()
def extract_files(self, files, tempdir): call([ self.tar_command, self.extract_option, self.file_option, self.file, self.directory_option, tempdir ] + files) return ((f, osjoin(tempdir, f)) for f in files)
velocity = make_3dfield(cube_size, powerlaw=vel, amp=vel_amp, randomseed=rseed_vel) * / u.s # Deal with negative density values. density = make_3dfield(cube_size, powerlaw=dens, amp=dens_amp, randomseed=rseed_dens) ***-3 density += density.std() density[density.value < 0.] = 0. ***-3 # Save the raw 3D fields filename = "fBM_density_{0:.2f}_velocity_{1:.2f}_rep_{2}_size_{3}_3D_vel.npy"\ .format(np.abs(dens), np.abs(vel), i, cube_size), filename), velocity.value) filename = "fBM_density_{0:.2f}_velocity_{1:.2f}_rep_{2}_size_{3}_3D_dens.npy"\ .format(np.abs(dens), np.abs(vel), i, cube_size), filename), density.value) # Also fit and record the best-fit field index vel_spec = threeD_pspec(velocity.value) vel_slope = linregress(np.log10(vel_spec[0][:-1]), np.log10(vel_spec[1][:-1])) vel_slopes.append(vel_slope.slope) dens_spec = threeD_pspec(density.value) dens_slope = linregress(np.log10(dens_spec[0][:-1]), np.log10(dens_spec[1][:-1]))
def do_gridsearch(names, classifiers, grid_params, x_train, y_train, nkfolds, out_dirs, ncores=-1): """Hyperparameter grid search for a list of classifiers Given a list of classifiers, do a hyperparameter grid search based on a corresponding set of parameters Args: names: iteratable of classifier names classifiers: iterable of classifiers grid_params: iterable of parameters used to perform the grid search x_train: feature dataframe y_train: targets dataframe nkfolds: int, cross-validation generator or an iterable out_dirs: Write parameters and pickle of summary dataframe ncores: number of cores to distribute jobs to Returns: lists of grid search models, the best model and scoring dataframes """ logger = get_logger() for clf_name, clf, gps, out_dir in zip(names, classifiers, grid_params, out_dirs): if not gps:"Nothing to be done for grid search of model %s", clf_name) continue"Grid search for model %s with following parameters:", clf_name) print_dict(gps) # To work for probabilities. This will call model.decision_function or # model.predict_proba as it is done for the nominal ROC curves as well to decide on the # performance scoring = get_scorers(gps["scoring"]) grid_search = GridSearchCV(clf, gps["params"], cv=nkfolds, refit=gps["refit"], scoring=scoring, n_jobs=ncores, verbose=2, return_train_score=True), y_train) cvres = grid_search.cv_results_ # Save the results as soon as we have them in case something goes wrong later # (would be quite unfortunate to loose grid search reults...) out_file = osjoin(out_dir, "results.pkl") pickle.dump(pd.DataFrame(cvres), openfile(out_file, "wb"), protocol=4) # Parameters dump_yaml_from_dict(gps, osjoin(out_dir, "parameters.yaml")) savemodels((clf_name, ), (grid_search.best_estimator_, ), out_dir, "")
from staticstab import Polyped from numpy import array,ones,pi,linspace from pylab import plot,scatter,figure,show,cm,savefig,xlabel,ylabel,title from os.path import join as osjoin Nsubcyc = 500 # Number of subcycles to calculate Nlatsep = 10 # Number of lateral seperations to calculate amax = 2.0 amin = 0.1 tau = linspace(0,2*pi,Nsubcyc) # Define polyped parameters g = 2.0*pi*ones((3))/4.0 # Relative phase d = 2.0*pi*ones((4))*(3.0/4.0) # Duty cycle for a in linspace(amin,amax,Nlatsep): x = array([[-0.4,a],[1.2,-a],[-0.8,-a],[1,a]]) # Touchdown positions lda = 0.3 # Stride length # Create a forward and reverse walker p0 = Polyped(g,d,x,lda) p1 = Polyped(-g,d,x,lda) plot(tau,array([p0.margin(t)-p1.margin(t) for t in tau]), xlabel("fraction of stride") ylabel("stability margin difference") title("stability margin differences between forward and reverse walker\n(hotter colour is wider body)") savefig(osjoin("figure","quadconfigs.png"))
def test_upload_and_retrieve(self): # Upload a random file _file = osjoin(self.testdir, 'test_file') test_md5 = write_random_file(_file) rv ='/', data={ 'file': (open(_file, 'r'), 'test_pastefile_random.file'), }) self.assertEquals(rv.get_data(), "http://localhost/%s\n" % (test_md5)) self.assertEquals(rv.status, '200 OK') # Get the file rv ="/%s" % (test_md5), headers={'User-Agent': 'curl'}) gotten_file = osjoin(self.testdir, 'gotten_test_file') gotten_test_md5 = write_file(filename=gotten_file, content=rv.get_data()) self.assertEquals(test_md5, gotten_test_md5) self.assertEquals(rv.status, '200 OK') self.assertEquals(rv.headers['Content-Disposition'], 'attachment; filename=test_pastefile_random.file') # Try to re upload the same file. Should return same url rv ='/', data={ 'file': (open(_file, 'r'), 'test_pastefile_random.file'), }) self.assertEquals(rv.get_data(), "http://localhost/%s\n" % (test_md5)) # Try to upload a second file with the same filename. Both file should still available _file_bis = osjoin(self.testdir, 'test_file') test_md5_bis = write_random_file(_file_bis) rv ='/', data={ 'file': (open(_file_bis, 'r'), 'test_pastefile_random.file'), }) self.assertEquals(rv.get_data(), "http://localhost/%s\n" % (test_md5_bis)) db_content = json.load(open(['FILE_LIST'])) md5s = sorted([md5 for md5 in db_content.keys()]) self.assertEquals(sorted([test_md5, test_md5_bis]), md5s) # can't lock the database, post should work for an existing file (using last test file) with mock.patch('pastefile.controller.JsonDB._lock', mock.Mock(return_value=False)): # Take file from last test rv ='/', data={ 'file': (open(_file_bis, 'r'), 'test_pastefile_random.file'), }) self.assertEquals(rv.get_data(), "http://localhost/%s\n" % (test_md5_bis)) # can't lock the database, get should work (using last test file) with mock.patch('pastefile.controller.JsonDB._lock', mock.Mock(return_value=False)): # Take file from last test rv ="/%s" % (test_md5_bis), headers={'User-Agent': 'curl'}) gotten_file = osjoin(self.testdir, 'gotten_test_file') gotten_test_md5 = write_file(filename=gotten_file, content=rv.get_data()) self.assertEquals(test_md5_bis, gotten_test_md5) self.assertEquals(rv.status, '200 OK') # can't lock the database, post should NOT work for new file with mock.patch('pastefile.controller.JsonDB._lock', mock.Mock(return_value=False)): _file = osjoin(self.testdir, 'test_file') test_md5 = write_random_file(_file) rv ='/', data={ 'file': (open(_file, 'r'), 'test_pastefile_random.file'), }) self.assertTrue('Unable to upload the file' in rv.get_data())
def leave_doc_trail(self, path): with open(osjoin(path, self.DOC_TRAIL), 'wb') as f: pass
''' from urllib import quote_plus generator = [(quote_plus(str(xx)) for xx in row) for row in x[fields]] return ["+".join(gen) for gen in generator] # Get parameters and set up variables input_origin = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) origin_fields = arcpy.GetParameter(1) input_destination = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) destination_fields = arcpy.GetParameter(3) output_directory = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4) output_filename = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(5) # Combine output location from parameters output_location = osjoin(output_directory, output_filename) # Prefix ObjectID to location fields origin_fields = ["OID@"] + [str(field) for field in origin_fields] destination_fields = ["OID@"] + [str(field) for field in destination_fields] #arcpy.AddMessage(origin_fields) #arcpy.AddMessage(destination_fields) # Convert origins and destination layers with selected fields to NumPy arrays origins = FeatureClassToNumPyArray(input_origin, origin_fields) destinations = FeatureClassToNumPyArray(input_destination, destination_fields) # Create pairs (2-tuples) from feature IDs and API parameter strings
from turbustat.statistics import PowerSpectrum from plotting_styles import twocolumn_figure # Load model functions repo_path = os.path.expanduser("~/ownCloud/project_code/DustyPowerSpectra/") code_name = os.path.join(repo_path, "") exec(compile(open(code_name, "rb").read(), code_name, 'exec')) # For M33, load in the HI and CO and make a gas surface density map with # default-ish conversion factors. data_path = os.path.expanduser("~/bigdata/ekoch/Utomo19_LGdust/") hi_name = osjoin(data_path, "M31_HI", "M31_14A_HI_contsub_width_04kms.image.pbcor.mom0.Kkms.fits") co_name = osjoin(data_path, "M31_CO", "m31_iram_Kkms.fits") dust_name = osjoin( data_path, "M31", r"m31_dust.surface.density_FB.beta=1.8_gauss46.3_regrid_bksub.fits") co10_mass_conversion = 4.8 * (u.Msun / u.pc**2) / (u.K * / u.s) # Note that the top two conversions contain a 1.4x correction for He. # So they will give the atomic mass, not the HI mass! hi_mass_conversion = 0.0196 * (u.M_sun / u.pc**2) / (u.K * / u.s) hi_proj = Projection.from_hdu(
run_pca = True run_pdf = False run_pspec = False run_scf = False run_moments = False run_tsallis = False run_vca = False run_vcs = False run_wavelet = False # Bispectrum if run_bispec: from turbustat.statistics import BiSpectrum moment0 = osjoin(data_path, "Design4_flatrho_0021_00_radmc_moment0.fits"))[0] bispec = BiSpectrum(moment0), nsamples=10000, save_name=osjoin(fig_path, "bispectrum_design4.png")) # With mean subtraction bispec2 = BiSpectrum(moment0), mean_subtract=True, seed=4242424) # Plot comparison w/ and w/o mean sub plt.subplot(121) plt.imshow(bispec.bicoherence, vmin=0, vmax=1, origin='lower') plt.title("Without mean subtraction")
try: import pycountry except: pycountry = None if __name__ == '__main__': for j in ('', '.'): if j in sys.path: sys.stderr.write('Warning: deleting %r from sys.path\n', j) del sys.path[sys.path.index(j)] # a = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]) a = os.path.dirname(a) a = os.path.dirname(a) COLDOC_SRC_ROOT = a a = osjoin(a, 'ColDocDjango') assert os.path.isdir(a), a if a not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, a) del a # from ColDoc import loggin import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) ############# django import django from django.db import transaction
# Nos quedamos solo con los grafos de las categorías visitadas graphs = { date: graphs[date].subgraph(data[date]['names']) for date in dates } ### Enriquecimiento por categorías ## Creación del category_mapping ## Como es un proceso manual, se hace una vez y se guarda # category_mapping = get_descendantsdict(children, 1) # category_mapping = category_mapping_helper(category_mapping) # with open(osjoin(path_datos_global, 'category_mapping_MLyStats.json'), 'w') as fp: # json.dump(cat_map_4, fp, indent=4) ## Importamos with open(osjoin(path_datos_global, 'category_mapping_MLyStats.json'), 'r') as fp: category_mapping = json.load(fp) ### Enriquecemos category_info = (category_mapping, names_ml, names_st) enrich_history(graphs, data, category_info, method='mapping_MLyStats') ### Agregamos clustering por infomap for date, g in graphs.items(): calculate_infomap(g, directed=True) # Guardamos los grafos save_graphs(graphs, 'MLyStats', osjoin(path_git, 'Grafos_guardados')) ### Esto es si calculate_infomap requiere que le pase la compo gig
import xbmcaddon from xbmcvfs import translatePath from xbmcgui import Dialog, DialogProgress from os.path import join as osjoin addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(uservar.pluginid) addoninfo = addon.getAddonInfo addon_id = addoninfo('id') addon_version = addoninfo('version') addon_name = addoninfo('name') addon_icon = addoninfo("icon") addon_fanart = addoninfo("fanart") addon_profile = translatePath(addoninfo('profile')) addon_path = translatePath(addoninfo('path')) local_string = addon.getLocalizedString dialog = Dialog() dp = DialogProgress() resources = osjoin(addon_path, 'resources/') data = osjoin(resources, 'data') icons = osjoin(resources, 'icons') search_json = osjoin(addon_profile, 'search.json') customiser_json = osjoin(addon_profile, 'customiser.json') fav_json = osjoin(addon_profile, 'user_fav.json') m3udata_json = osjoin(addon_profile, 'm3udata.json') recentplayed_json = osjoin(addon_profile, 'recent_played.json') icon_search = osjoin(icons, 'search.png') icon_fav = osjoin(icons, 'favorites.png') icon_recent = osjoin(icons, 'recent.png') icon_settings = osjoin(icons, 'settings.png') iso_country_codes = ''
def test_get(self): cm = self.contents_manager untitled_nb = 'Untitled.ipynb' untitled_txt = 'untitled.txt' for prefix, real_dir in iteritems(self.temp_dir_names): # Create a notebook model = cm.new_untitled(path=prefix, type='notebook') name = model['name'] path = model['path'] self.assertEqual(name, untitled_nb) self.assertEqual(path, pjoin(prefix, untitled_nb)) self.assertTrue(exists(osjoin(real_dir, untitled_nb))) # Check that we can 'get' on the notebook we just created model2 = cm.get(path) assert isinstance(model2, dict) self.assertDictContainsSubset( { 'name': name, 'path': path }, model2, ) nb_as_file = cm.get(path, content=True, type='file') self.assertDictContainsSubset( { 'name': name, 'path': path, 'format': 'text' }, nb_as_file, ) self.assertNotIsInstance(nb_as_file['content'], dict) nb_as_bin_file = cm.get(path=path, content=True, type='file', format='base64') self.assertDictContainsSubset( { 'name': name, 'path': path, 'format': 'base64' }, nb_as_bin_file, ) self.assertNotIsInstance(nb_as_bin_file['content'], dict) # Test notebook in sub-directory sub_dir = 'foo' mkdir(osjoin(real_dir, sub_dir)) prefixed_sub_dir = pjoin(prefix, sub_dir) cm.new_untitled(path=prefixed_sub_dir, ext='.ipynb') self.assertTrue(exists(osjoin(real_dir, sub_dir, untitled_nb))) sub_dir_nbpath = pjoin(prefixed_sub_dir, untitled_nb) model2 = cm.get(sub_dir_nbpath) self.assertDictContainsSubset( { 'type': 'notebook', 'format': 'json', 'name': untitled_nb, 'path': sub_dir_nbpath, }, model2, ) self.assertIn('content', model2) # Test .txt in sub-directory. cm.new_untitled(path=prefixed_sub_dir, ext='.txt') self.assertTrue(exists(osjoin(real_dir, sub_dir, untitled_txt))) sub_dir_txtpath = pjoin(prefixed_sub_dir, untitled_txt) file_model = cm.get(path=sub_dir_txtpath) self.assertDictContainsSubset( { 'content': '', 'format': 'text', 'mimetype': 'text/plain', 'name': 'untitled.txt', 'path': sub_dir_txtpath, 'type': 'file', 'writable': True, }, file_model, ) self.assertIn('created', file_model) self.assertIn('last_modified', file_model) # Test directory in sub-directory. sub_sub_dirname = 'bar' sub_sub_dirpath = pjoin(prefixed_sub_dir, sub_sub_dirname) { 'type': 'directory', 'path': sub_sub_dirpath }, sub_sub_dirpath, ) self.assertTrue(exists(osjoin(real_dir, sub_dir, sub_sub_dirname))) sub_sub_dir_model = cm.get(sub_sub_dirpath) self.assertDictContainsSubset( { 'type': 'directory', 'format': 'json', 'name': sub_sub_dirname, 'path': sub_sub_dirpath, 'content': [], }, sub_sub_dir_model, ) # Test list with content on prefix/foo. dirmodel = cm.get(prefixed_sub_dir) self.assertDictContainsSubset( { 'type': 'directory', 'path': prefixed_sub_dir, 'name': sub_dir, }, dirmodel, ) self.assertIsInstance(dirmodel['content'], list) self.assertEqual(len(dirmodel['content']), 3) # Request each item in the subdirectory with no content. nbmodel_no_content = cm.get(sub_dir_nbpath, content=False) file_model_no_content = cm.get(sub_dir_txtpath, content=False) sub_sub_dir_no_content = cm.get(sub_sub_dirpath, content=False) for entry in dirmodel['content']: # Order isn't guaranteed by the spec, so this is a hacky way of # verifying that all entries are matched. if entry['path'] == sub_sub_dir_no_content['path']: self.assertEqual(entry, sub_sub_dir_no_content) elif entry['path'] == nbmodel_no_content['path']: self.assertEqual(entry, nbmodel_no_content) elif entry['path'] == file_model_no_content['path']: self.assertEqual(entry, file_model_no_content) else:"Unexpected directory entry: %s" % entry)
exec(compile(open(code_name, "rb").read(), code_name, 'exec')) twocolumn_figure() gals = { 'LMC': 50.1 * u.kpc, 'SMC': 62.1 * u.kpc, 'M31': 744 * u.kpc, 'M33': 840 * u.kpc } # Running on SegFault w/ data on bigdata data_path = os.path.expanduser("~/bigdata/ekoch/Utomo19_LGdust/") # Make a plot output folder plot_folder = osjoin(data_path, "summary_plots") if not os.path.exists(plot_folder): os.mkdir(plot_folder) fitinfo_dict = dict() fitinfo_dict["LMC"] = { 'filename': r"lmc_dust.surface.density_FB.beta=1.8_gauss53.4_regrid_mwsub.fits", 'beam': Beam(53.4 * u.arcsec), 'apod_kern': None, 'low_int_cut': None, 'high_int_cut': None, 'low_cut': None, 'high_cut': None, 'distance': 50.1 * u.kpc,
def test_get(self): cm = self.contents_manager untitled_nb = 'Untitled.ipynb' untitled_txt = 'untitled.txt' for prefix, real_dir in iteritems(self.temp_dir_names): # Create a notebook model = cm.new_untitled(path=prefix, type='notebook') name = model['name'] path = model['path'] self.assertEqual(name, untitled_nb) self.assertEqual(path, pjoin(prefix, untitled_nb)) self.assertTrue( exists(osjoin(real_dir, untitled_nb)) ) # Check that we can 'get' on the notebook we just created model2 = cm.get(path) assert isinstance(model2, dict) self.assertDictContainsSubset( {'name': name, 'path': path}, model2, ) nb_as_file = cm.get(path, content=True, type='file') self.assertDictContainsSubset( {'name': name, 'path': path, 'format': 'text'}, nb_as_file, ) self.assertNotIsInstance(nb_as_file['content'], dict) nb_as_bin_file = cm.get( path=path, content=True, type='file', format='base64' ) self.assertDictContainsSubset( {'name': name, 'path': path, 'format': 'base64'}, nb_as_bin_file, ) self.assertNotIsInstance(nb_as_bin_file['content'], dict) # Test notebook in sub-directory sub_dir = 'foo' mkdir(osjoin(real_dir, sub_dir)) prefixed_sub_dir = pjoin(prefix, sub_dir) cm.new_untitled(path=prefixed_sub_dir, ext='.ipynb') self.assertTrue(exists(osjoin(real_dir, sub_dir, untitled_nb))) sub_dir_nbpath = pjoin(prefixed_sub_dir, untitled_nb) model2 = cm.get(sub_dir_nbpath) self.assertDictContainsSubset( { 'type': 'notebook', 'format': 'json', 'name': untitled_nb, 'path': sub_dir_nbpath, }, model2, ) self.assertIn('content', model2) # Test .txt in sub-directory. cm.new_untitled(path=prefixed_sub_dir, ext='.txt') self.assertTrue(exists(osjoin(real_dir, sub_dir, untitled_txt))) sub_dir_txtpath = pjoin(prefixed_sub_dir, untitled_txt) file_model = cm.get(path=sub_dir_txtpath) self.assertDictContainsSubset( { 'content': '', 'format': 'text', 'mimetype': 'text/plain', 'name': 'untitled.txt', 'path': sub_dir_txtpath, 'type': 'file', 'writable': True, }, file_model, ) self.assertIn('created', file_model) self.assertIn('last_modified', file_model) # Test directory in sub-directory. sub_sub_dirname = 'bar' sub_sub_dirpath = pjoin(prefixed_sub_dir, sub_sub_dirname) {'type': 'directory', 'path': sub_sub_dirpath}, sub_sub_dirpath, ) self.assertTrue(exists(osjoin(real_dir, sub_dir, sub_sub_dirname))) sub_sub_dir_model = cm.get(sub_sub_dirpath) self.assertDictContainsSubset( { 'type': 'directory', 'format': 'json', 'name': sub_sub_dirname, 'path': sub_sub_dirpath, 'content': [], }, sub_sub_dir_model, ) # Test list with content on prefix/foo. dirmodel = cm.get(prefixed_sub_dir) self.assertDictContainsSubset( { 'type': 'directory', 'path': prefixed_sub_dir, 'name': sub_dir, }, dirmodel, ) self.assertIsInstance(dirmodel['content'], list) self.assertEqual(len(dirmodel['content']), 3) # Request each item in the subdirectory with no content. nbmodel_no_content = cm.get(sub_dir_nbpath, content=False) file_model_no_content = cm.get(sub_dir_txtpath, content=False) sub_sub_dir_no_content = cm.get(sub_sub_dirpath, content=False) for entry in dirmodel['content']: # Order isn't guaranteed by the spec, so this is a hacky way of # verifying that all entries are matched. if entry['path'] == sub_sub_dir_no_content['path']: self.assertEqual(entry, sub_sub_dir_no_content) elif entry['path'] == nbmodel_no_content['path']: self.assertEqual(entry, nbmodel_no_content) elif entry['path'] == file_model_no_content['path']: self.assertEqual(entry, file_model_no_content) else:"Unexpected directory entry: %s" % entry)
RCA_DIR = sys.argv[1] ST_FILE = sys.argv[2] # DIS_GROUP = sys.argv[3] AGG_GINI_PATH = sys.argv[3] st_df = pd.read_csv(ST_FILE, sep="\t", names=["COUNTRY", "ST"]) # dis_group = pd.read_csv(DIS_GROUP, sep="\t", header=None, names=["DIS", "GROUP"]) root, basename = os.path.split(RCA_DIR) rca_all_list = [] print(root) print(basename) for filename in os.listdir(root): if basename in filename: rca_df = pd.read_csv(osjoin(root, filename)) rca_df = pd.melt(rca_df, id_vars=["COUNTRY"], var_name="DIS", value_name="VALUES") year = os.path.splitext(filename)[0].split("_")[2] rca_df["YEAR"] = year rca_all_list.append(rca_df) rca_all_df = pd.concat(rca_all_list, ignore_index=True) # rca_all_df = rca_all_df.merge(right=dis_group, right_on="DIS", left_on="DIS") rca_all_df = rca_all_df[rca_all_df.YEAR != "1973-2017"] rca_all_df.merge(right=st_df, left_on="COUNTRY", right_on="COUNTRY").to_csv(AGG_GINI_PATH, index=False)
'''Utilities for opening files or URLs in the registered default application and for sending e-mail using the user's preferred composer. ''' __version__ = '1.0' __all__ = ['open', 'mailto'] import os import sys import webbrowser try: import subprocess except ImportError: from os.path import join as osjoin sys.path.append(osjoin("..", "formularios")) import subprocess from email.Utils import encode_rfc2231 _controllers = {} _open = None class BaseController(object): '''Base class for open program controllers.''' def __init__(self, name): = name def open(self, filename):
# Contour levels for the two plots V0 = linspace(-0.7,2.5,17)+0.1 V1 = linspace(-0.875,2.5,10) fs = 18 # Font size # Contour plot of the minimum stability margin Bpp = -pi/2-B*2*pi fig = figure(figsize=(12,6),dpi=100) ax0 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1) ax0.contourf(Bpp,A,Mbm,V0,cmap=cmgreen) C = ax0.contour(Bpp,A,Mbm,V0,colors='k',linewidths=3) ax0.clabel(C,c='k',fontsize=fs) ax0.set_axis_bgcolor('k') ax0.set_xticks([-3*pi/2,-pi,-pi/2,0,pi/2]) ax0.set_xticklabels(["$-3\pi/2$","$-\pi$","$-\pi/2$","$0$","$\pi/2$"]) ylabel("duty factor (\%)") # Plot the average stability margin ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2) ax1.contourf(Bpp,A,Mba,V1,cmap=cmgreen) C = ax1.contour(Bpp,A,Mba,V1,colors='k',linewidths=3) ax1.clabel(C,c='k',fontsize=fs) ax1.set_axis_bgcolor('k') ax1.set_xticks([-3*pi/2,-pi,-pi/2,0,pi/2]) ax1.set_xticklabels(["$-3\pi/2$","$-\pi$","$-\pi/2$","$0$","$\pi/2$"]) xlabel("projected distance to trot $\lambda$ (rad)") savefig(osjoin("figure","stabilitycontours.pdf")) savefig(osjoin("figure","stabilitycontours.png")) savefig(osjoin("figure","stabilitycontours.svg"))
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" import argparse import os from os.path import join as osjoin #import shutil import subprocess BASE_PATH = osjoin('/', 'media', 'asb_share') DEFAULT_STATION_PATH = osjoin(BASE_PATH, 'stations') DEFAULT_BACKUP_PATH = osjoin(BASE_PATH, 'data') def backup(src_path, run_path, backup_path): print "Backing up %s to %s" % (src_path, backup_path) if not os.path.isdir(backup_path): # shutil.copytree had errors os I have to call out to cp # shutil.copytree(src_path, dist_path) retval = subprocess.check_call(["mkdir", "-p", run_path]) retval = subprocess.check_call(["cp", "-R", src_path, backup_path]) else: print "Directory %s exists, skipping..." % backup_path
def extract_files(self, files, tempdir): call([self.unzip_command, self.file] + files + \ [self.directory_option, tempdir]) return ((f, osjoin(tempdir, f)) for f in files)
PLATFORM=platform().lower() PROJECT_DIR=dirname(abspath(__file__)) if 'windows' in PLATFORM: if exists(oenviron['LOCALAPPDATA']+r'\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe'): CHROME_EXEC_PATH=oenviron['LOCALAPPDATA']+r'\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe' else: CHROME_EXEC_PATH = r'c:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe' CHROME_USER_DATA= oenviron['LOCALAPPDATA'] + r"/Google/Chrome/User Data" if exists(r'c:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chromedriver.exe'): CHROMEDRIVER_EXEC_PATH = r'c:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chromedriver.exe' else: CHROMEDRIVER_EXEC_PATH = oenviron['LOCALAPPDATA']+r'\Google\Chrome\Application\chromedriver.exe' elif 'linux' in PLATFORM: CHROME_EXEC_PATH='/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome' CHROME_USER_DATA=osjoin(PROJECT_DIR,'userdata') CHROMEDRIVER_EXEC_PATH='chromedriver' else: raise SystemError('platform should be windows or linux') CHROME_COOKIES_PATH= osjoin(CHROME_USER_DATA,"Default/Cookies") ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/74.0.3729.169 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1.46' ua_pc = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36" BROWSERLESS_ENGINE='ws://browserless:3000' if 'linux' in PLATFORM else 'ws://localhost:4001' # 'wss://' MAIL163_ENGINE = 'http://localhost:4002/mail163_login' LINKEIN_ENGINE = 'http://localhost:4002/linkedin_login' LOCAL_ENGINE='local' # PYPPETEER_ENGINE 是表示浏览器如何连接的选项,docker里browserless/chrome,本地的local PYPPETEER_ENGINE=LOCAL_ENGINE
""" aggeragate the nestedness modularity calculation into one file """ import fnmatch import pandas as pd import os from os.path import join as osjoin import sys NESTMODU_DIR = sys.argv[1] AGG_NESTMODU_PATH = sys.argv[2] collist = ['NodfRes', 'ModuRes', 'Flag', 'YEAR'] NestModu_all = pd.DataFrame(columns=collist) for filename in os.listdir(NESTMODU_DIR): NestModu_df = pd.read_csv(osjoin(NESTMODU_DIR, filename)) year = os.path.splitext(filename)[0].split("_")[2] NestModu_df["YEAR"] = year NestModu_all = pd.concat([NestModu_all, NestModu_df], ignore_index=True) NestModu_all.to_csv(AGG_NESTMODU_PATH, index=False)
print("Spec_compare Spectral Processing and comparison program") print("J. Smith v.1.1 24 June") print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") # prompt the user to select the file option=[] # List to store file number choices xs = np.linspace(100, 4500, 1000) # Define basis for spline grid num=0 while num<5: print("+++++++++++++++++\n++ Available Spectral Files ++\n+++++++++++++++++") for i in range(len(onlycsv)): print( i, onlycsv[i] ) option.append(int(input("-> Select a file ({}) by number or none (-1): ".format(num)))) if option[-1]==-1: break filename = osjoin(mypath, onlycsv[option[-1]]) print("File selected: ",onlycsv[option[-1]]) headers = ["wavenumber","AU","W1","W2","W3","WG"] data = pd.read_csv(filename, sep=',', skiprows=1, names = headers, engine='python') #print(data.head) x = data["wavenumber"] y = data["AU"] if num==-1: specx=x specy=y else: print("num: ",num) specx.append(x) specy.append(y) spl = UnivariateSpline(x, y,k=4,s=0) indexes = find_peaks_cwt(y, np.arange(1, 550),noise_perc=95)
# Check for basin name specifically by user if != None: ops_paths = [p for p in ops_paths if in p] # Wanr user if no matches found if len(ops_paths) == 0: out.error('{} not found in any ops paths'.format( for r in ops_paths: basin_name = path_split(r)[-2] if basin_name == 'brb': dev_basin_name = 'boise' else: dev_basin_name = basin_name ops_f = osjoin(r, "") dev_f = osjoin(dev_dir, dev_basin_name, "topo", "basin_setup", "") if not isfile(dev_f): out.warn( "Unable to compare ops {} topo since the development version doesn't exist" .format(basin_name)) else: ops = Dataset(ops_f) dev = Dataset(dev_f) out.msg("Checking extents of {}...".format(basin_name)) warnings = [] dimensional_issue = False for v in ["x", "y"]:
''' # Generate some very simple but shifted test # data. y = simpleTestData(T=[0.1,0.0]) # Manually specify the shape to reflect in A = array([[42.2,0.3],[0.3,4.7]]) R = EllipseReflector(2,2,A=A) yp = R(y) # Get ellipse ex,ey = R.getEllipse() pl.plot(ex,ey,c='k') pl.scatter(*y.T,c='r',alpha=0.3) pl.scatter(*yp.T,c='b',alpha=0.3) pl.xlabel("horizontal position (arb)") pl.ylabel("vertical position (arb)") pl.savefig(osjoin("..","..","graphics","ellipseReflectExample.png")) # Check jacobian of ellipse reflector delta = 1e-9 Delta = delta*eye(2) R = EllipseReflector(2,2,q=2.0) y0 = array([[0.01,0.01]]) print R.derv(y0) - array([(R(y0+d)-R(y0))/delta for d in Delta]) y0 = array([[0.11,0.22,0.33,0.44]]) er = EllipseReflector(D2=4,D=4,q=2) delta = 1e-9 Delta = delta*eye(4) print array([(er(y0+d)-er(y0))/delta for d in Delta])[:,0,:]-er.derv(y0) er = EllipseReflector(D2=4,D=3,q=1.3) print array([(er(y0[:,:3]+d[:3])-er(y0[:,:3]))/delta for d in Delta])[:3,0,:]-er.derv(y0[:,:3])
run_mvc = False run_pca = False run_pdf = False run_pspec = False run_scf = False run_moments = False # run_tsallis = False run_vca = False run_vcs = False run_wavelet = False # Bispectrum if run_bispec: from turbustat.statistics import Bispectrum_Distance moment0 =, "Design4_flatrho_0021_00_radmc_moment0.fits"))[0] moment0_fid =, "Fiducial0_flatrho_0021_00_radmc_moment0.fits"))[0] bispec = Bispectrum_Distance(moment0_fid, moment0, stat_kwargs={'nsamples': 10000}) bispec.distance_metric(verbose=True, save_name=osjoin(fig_path, "bispectrum_distmet.png")) print(bispec.surface_distance) print(bispec.mean_distance) # Cramer Statistic if run_cramer: from turbustat.statistics import Cramer_Distance
def image_dir(self, filename): return 'memes/' + osjoin(str(, filename)
run_mvc = False run_pca = False run_pdf = False run_pspec = False run_scf = False run_moments = False run_tsallis = False run_vca = False run_vcs = False run_wavelet = False # Bispectrum if run_bispec: from turbustat.statistics import BiSpectrum moment0 =, "Design4_flatrho_0021_00_radmc_moment0.fits"))[0] bispec = BiSpectrum(moment0), nsamples=10000, save_name=osjoin(fig_path, "bispectrum_design4.png")) # With mean subtraction bispec2 = BiSpectrum(moment0), mean_subtract=True, seed=4242424) # Plot comparison w/ and w/o mean sub plt.subplot(121) plt.imshow(bispec.bicoherence, vmin=0, vmax=1, origin='lower') plt.title("Without mean subtraction") plt.subplot(122)
Model and compare the stacked profiles from ''' figure_folder = allfigs_path("stacked_profiles") if not os.path.exists(figure_folder): os.mkdir(figure_folder) dr = 500 * u.pc max_radius = (7.0 * u.kpc).to(u.pc) wstring = "{0}{1}".format(int(dr.value), dr.unit) maxrad_string = "{0}{1}".format(int(max_radius.value), max_radius.unit) # Load the CO stacks co_stackpath = lambda x: osjoin(iram_co21_14B088_data_path("smooth_2beam/stacked_spectra"), x) total_spectrum_co_cent = OneDSpectrum.from_hdu("centroid_stacked_{}.fits".format(maxrad_string)))) total_spectrum_co_peakvel = OneDSpectrum.from_hdu("peakvel_stacked_{}.fits".format(maxrad_string)))) # Load the total HI profiles in hi_stackpath = lambda x: osjoin(fourteenB_HI_data_wGBT_path("smooth_2beam/stacked_spectra"), x) total_spectrum_hi_cent = OneDSpectrum.from_hdu("centroid_stacked_{}.fits".format(maxrad_string)))) total_spectrum_hi_peakvel = OneDSpectrum.from_hdu("peakvel_stacked_{}.fits".format(maxrad_string)))) spectra = [total_spectrum_co_cent, total_spectrum_co_peakvel] hi_spectra = [total_spectrum_hi_cent, total_spectrum_hi_peakvel] co_fit_vals = {}
LICENSE Tom at [email protected] some rights reserved, 2011 """ # # Imports # # Python Imports import sys, os, pdb, logging from os.path import (abspath, dirname, join as osjoin, exists) from datetime import(datetime, date, timedelta) from random import (randint, choice, sample) import hashlib # Extend sys.path PROJECT_PATH = abspath(osjoin(dirname(__file__), '../..')) if PROJECT_PATH not in sys.path: sys.path.append(PROJECT_PATH) # App Engine Imports from google.appengine.ext import (testbed, db) # Appswell Imports from framework.lib.testing import (AppswellUnitTest, run_test_from_command_line) from framework.lib import (multicache) # # Module Parameters # # Test Configuration
"gtol": 2.0e-5, "ftol": 2.0e-7, "maxiter": 100, "maxls": 15 }) return m_opt ######################################################################### # MAIN # call the function with: python <this file> ######################################################################## output_dir = "./output/" f_log = open(osjoin(output_dir, 'log.txt'), 'a') rat_num = sys.argv[1] rat_idx = int(sys.argv[2]) day_idx = int(sys.argv[3]) # Days data and time steps input_dir = "../rat-data/rat" + rat_num + "/" alldata = sc_io_loadmat("../rat-data/finaldata.mat", ) days = alldata['rat'][0][rat_idx][3][0] days[:] = [x - days[0] for x in days] day = days[day_idx] steps = [] for i in range(1, len(days)): steps.append(days[i] - days[i - 1]) # Constant inputs for optimization
def extract_files(self, files, tempdir): call([self.p7z_command, self.extract_option, \ self.directory_option + tempdir, self.file] + files) return ((f, osjoin(tempdir, f)) for f in files)
X = array([(2 + cos(x0[..., 0])) * cos(x0[..., 1]), (2 + cos(x0[..., 0])) * sin(x0[..., 1]), -sin(x0[..., 0])]).T # Training data Y = array([(2 + cos(som.xmap[0])) * cos(som.xmap[1]), (2 + cos(som.xmap[0])) * sin(som.xmap[1]), -sin(som.xmap[0])]).T # SOM theta = linspace(0., 2. * pi, 100) u, v = meshgrid(theta, theta) Z = array([(2 + cos(u)) * cos(v), (2 + cos(u)) * sin(v), -sin(u)]).T # The torus ax = fig.add_subplot(122, projection='3d') ax.scatter(X[..., 0], X[..., 1], X[..., 2], color='b', marker='x', s=9, lw=1, alpha=0.5) ax.scatter(Y[..., 0], Y[..., 1], Y[..., 2], color='r', marker='o', s=36, lw=2) ax.plot_wireframe(Z[..., 0], Z[..., 1], Z[..., 2], alpha=0.1) axis('off') savefig(osjoin("..", "figure", "toroidalsomexample.png"))