def test_ordnance_survey_tile_styles(): """ Tests that setting the Ordnance Survey tile style works as expected. This is essentially just assures information is properly propagated through the class structure. """ dummy_apikey = "None" ref_url = ('' 'mapping_api/v1/service/wmts?' 'key=None&height=256&width=256&tilematrixSet=EPSG%3A3857&' 'version=1.0.0&style=true&layer={layer}%203857&' 'SERVICE=WMTS&REQUEST=GetTile&format=image%2Fpng&' 'TileMatrix=EPSG%3A3857%3A{z}&TileRow={y}&TileCol={x}') tile = ["1", "2", "3"] # Default is Road. os = cimgt.OrdnanceSurvey(dummy_apikey) url = os._image_url(tile) assert url == ref_url.format(layer="Road", z=tile[2], y=tile[1], x=tile[0]) for layer in ['Outdoor', 'Light', 'Night', 'Leisure']: os = cimgt.OrdnanceSurvey(dummy_apikey, layer=layer) url = os._image_url(tile) assert url == ref_url.format(layer=layer, z=tile[2], y=tile[1], x=tile[0]) # Exception is raised if unknown style is passed. with pytest.raises(ValueError): cimgt.OrdnanceSurvey(dummy_apikey, layer="random_style")