def test_CDisk70_modeGet(self):
   p = path_join(self.path, 'testfile')
   chmod(p, 0o100666)
   stat, res ='getm', p)
   self.assertTrue(res == ('getm', 'testfile'))
   self.assertTrue(file_info(p).st_mode == 0o100640)
Beispiel #2
 def _upload(self, cmd, path):
     r_path = relpath(path, start=self.path)
     status, res = super().task(cmd, r_path, path)
     if status and pathExists(path):
         fst = file_info(path)
         self.h_data[path] = int(fst.st_mtime)
         self._r_setMode(r_path, fst.st_mode)
     return status, res
Beispiel #3
 def ignore_path_down(path):
     nonlocal ignore
     ret = set()
     while path not in ignore and path != self.path:
         if pathExists(path):
             self.h_data[path] = int(file_info(path).st_mtime)
         path = path_split(path)[0]
     ignore |= ret
     return ret
Beispiel #4
 def _move(self, cmd, pathto, pathfrom):
     status, res = super().task(cmd, relpath(pathto, start=self.path),
                                relpath(pathfrom, start=self.path))
     if status:
         # update history date too
         p = self.h_data.pop(pathfrom, None)
         if p is not None:
             self.h_data[pathto] = p
             if pathExists(pathto):
                 self.h_data[pathto] = int(file_info(pathto).st_mtime)
     return status, res
Beispiel #5
 def _download(
         self, cmd, path
 ):  # download via temporary file to make it in transaction manner
     with tempFile(suffix='.temp',
                   delete=False) as f:  # , dir=self.work_dir
         temp =
     r_path = relpath(path, start=self.path)
     status, res = super().task(cmd, r_path, temp)
     if status:
             fileMove(temp, path)
             self.h_data[path] = int(file_info(path).st_mtime)
             self._getMode('', path)
         except OSError as e:
             status = False
             res = {
                 'code': -1,
                 'error': 'OSError',
                 'path': path,
                 'errno': e.errno,
                 'description': e.strerror
     return status, res
Beispiel #6
 def _mkDir(self, cmd, path):
     status, res = super().task(cmd, relpath(path, start=self.path))
     if status:
         self.h_data[path] = int(file_info(path).st_mtime)
     return status, res
Beispiel #7
 def _setMode(self, cmd, path):
     st, res = self._r_setMode(relpath(path, start=self.path),
     if st:
         res = ('setm', res[1])
     return st, res
Beispiel #8
        def _fullSync(self):
            def ignore_path_down(path):
                nonlocal ignore
                ret = set()
                while path not in ignore and path != self.path:
                    if pathExists(path):
                        self.h_data[path] = int(file_info(path).st_mtime)
                    path = path_split(path)[0]
                ignore |= ret
                return ret

            ignore = set(
            )  # set of files that shouldn't be synced or already in sync
            exclude = set(
            # {colud} - {local} -> download from cloud or delete from cloud if it exist in the history
            # ({cloud} & {local}) and hashes are equal = ignore
            # ({cloud} & {local}) and hashes not equal -> decide conflict/upload/download depending on
            # the update time of files and time stored in the history
            for status, i in self.task('list', 40):
                if status:
                    path = i[
                        'path']  # full file path !NOTE! getList doesn't return empty folders
                    p = path_split(path)[0]  # containing folder
                    if in_paths(p, exclude):
                    if pathExists(path):
                        if i['type'] == 'dir':  # it is existing directory
                            # there is nothing to check for directories
                            # here we may check UGM and if they are different we have to decide:
                            # - store UGM to cloud or
                            # - restore UGM from cloud
                            # but for this decision we need last updated data for directories in history
                            # !!! Actually Yd don't return empty folders in file list !!!
                            # This section newer run
                            #ignore_path_down(path); continue
                        else:  # existig file
                                with open(path, 'rb') as f:
                                    hh = sha256(
                                hh = ''
                            c_t = i[
                                'modified']  # cloud file modified date-time
                            l_t = int(file_info(path).st_mtime
                                      )  # local file modified date-time
                            h_t = self.h_data.get(
                                path, l_t)  # history file modified date-time
                            if hh == i['sha256']:
                                # Cloud and local hashes are equal
                                # here we may check UGM and if they are different we have to decide:
                                # - store UGM to cloud or
                                # - restore UGM from cloud
                                # depending on modified time (compare c_t and l_t)
                                )  # add in ignore and history all folders by way to file
                                # Cloud and local files are different. Need to decide what to do: upload,
                                # download, or it is conflict.
                                # Solutions:
                                # - conflict if both cloud and local files are newer than stored in the history
                                # - download if the cloud file newer than the local, or
                                # - upload if the local file newer than the cloud file.
                                if l_t > h_t and c_t > h_t:  # conflict
                                    continue  ### it is not fully designed and not tested yet !!!
                                    # Concept: rename older file to file.older and copy both files --> cloud and local
                                    path2 = path + '.older'
                                    if l_t > c_t:  # older file is in cloud
                                            'move', path2,
                                            path)  # need to do before rest
                                        self._submit('down', path2)
                                        self._submit('up', path)
                                    else:  # local file is older than file in cloud
                                            path, path2
                                        )  # it will be captured as move from & move to !!!???
                                        self._submit('down', path)
                                        self._submit('up', path2)
                                elif l_t > c_t:  # local time greater than the cloud time
                                    # upload (as file exists the dir exists too - no need to create dir in cloud)
                                    self._submit('up', path)
                                    )  # add in ignore and history all folders by way to file
                                else:  # download
                                    # upload (as file exists the dir exists too - no need to create local dir)
                                    )  # remember in downloads to avod events on this path
                                    self._submit('down', path)
                                    )  # add in ignore and history all folders by way to file
                    # The file is not exists
                    # it means that it has to be downloaded or.... deleted from the cloud when local file
                    # was deleted and this deletion was not cached by active client (client was not
                    # connected to cloud or was not running at the moment of deletion).
                    if self.h_data.get(
                            False):  # do we have history data for this path?
                        # as we have history info for path but local path doesn't exists then we have to
                        # delete it from cloud
                        if not pathExists(
                                p):  # containing directory is also removed?
                            while True:  # go down to the shortest removed directory
                                p_ = path_split(p)[0]
                                if pathExists(p_):
                                p = p_
                                self.h_data.pop(p)  # remove history
                                ### !!! all files in this folder mast be removed too, but we
                                ### can't walk as files/folders was deleted from local FS!
                                ### NEED history database to do delete where path.startwith(p) - it can't be done in dict
                            self._submit('del', p)
                            # add d to exceptions to avoid unnecessary checks for other files which are within p
                        else:  # only file was deleted
                            self._submit('del', path)
                            del self.h_data[path]  # remove history
                    else:  # local file have to be downloaded from the cloud
                        if i['type'] == 'file':
                            if not pathExists(p):
                                self.downloads |= ignore_path_down(
                                )  # store new dir in downloads to avoid upload
                                makedirs(p, exist_ok=True)
                            )  # store downloaded file in downloads to avoid upload
                            self._submit('down', path)
                        #else:                                 # directory not exists  !!! newer run !!!
                        #  self.downloads.add(ignore_path_down(path))  # store new dir in downloads to avoid upload
                        #  makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
            # ---- Done forward path (sync cloud to local) ------
            # (local - ignored) -> upload to cloud
            for root, dirs, files in walk(self.path):
                if in_paths(root, exclude):
                for d in dirs:
                    d = path_join(root, d)
                    if d not in ignore | exclude:
                        # directory have to be created before start of uploading a file in it
                        # do it in-line as it rather fast operation
                        s, r = self.task('mkdir', d)
                        info('done in-line %s %s' % (str(s), str(r)))
                        ### !need to check success of folder creation! !need to decide what to do in case of error!
                for f in files:
                    f = path_join(root, f)
                    if f not in ignore:
                        self._submit('up', f)
            return 'fullSync'