def ip_OS_hostname(image_path, temp_mount): os = get_OS_version(temp_mount) if(os.find("Windows") != -1): get_win_ipos(image_path) else: get_lin_ipos(temp_mount)
def getOsPackageCommands(os, linuxDistro=""): command = '' options = '' if os.find("linux") > -1: if linuxDistro.find("Debian") > -1 or linuxDistro.find("Ubuntu") > -1: command = "dpkg" options = "-c" else: command = "rpm" options = "-qpvl" elif os.find("solaris") > -1: command = "pkgchk" options = "-ld" elif os.find("HP-UX") > -1: command = "swlist" options = "-l file -vd @" elif os.find("AIX") > -1: command = "restore" options = "-qTlvf" return command, options
def get_os(): ''' get os 类型 ''' os = platform.system() if os == "Windows": return "n" elif os.find("CYGWIN") >= 0: return 'n' else: return "c"
def __init__(self): self.ftp=FTP() self.ftp.connect(CONFIG.FTPIP) self.ftp.login(CONFIG.FUSER,CONFIG.FPASSWD) self.isLinux = os.find('Linux') self.isWindows = os.find('Windows') self.isUbuntu = os.find('Ubuntu') self.isRedHat = os.find('redhat') self.isCentOS = os.find('centos') self.is64 = os.find('x86_64') self.is32 = os.find('i686') self.dbackup = '/ftp_product_installer/wddps/2015/5.1/dev/' self.dbackup3=''
def parse_report(src): tree = elemTree.parse(src) root = tree.getroot() host = root.find("host") os = host.find("os") osmatch = os.find("osmatch") osclass = osmatch.find("osclass") os = osclass.attrib["osfamily"].lower() ports = host.find("ports") port = ports.findall("port") temps = [] for e in port: temps.append((e.attrib["protocol"].lower(), e.attrib["portid"])) ports = temps return (os, ports)
def crawl_phones_models_specification(self, li): phone_data = {} for link in li: print(link) try: soup = self.crawl_html_page(link) model = soup.find( class_='page__section page__section_quickSpecs') model_name = model.find("header").h1.text model_img_html = model.find(class_='head-image') model_img = model_img_html.find('img')['data-src'] specs_html = model.find( class_="phone__section phone__section_widget_quickSpecs") release_date = specs_html.find(class_="calendar") release_date = release_date.find(class_="title").p.text display = specs_html.find(class_="display") display = display.find(class_="title").p.text camera = specs_html.find(class_="camera") camera = camera.find(class_="title").p.text hardware = specs_html.find(class_="hardware") hardware = hardware.find(class_="title").p.text storage = specs_html.find(class_="storage") storage = storage.find(class_="title").p.text battery = specs_html.find(class_="battery") battery = battery.find(class_="title").p.text os = specs_html.find(class_="os") os = os.find(class_="title").p.text phone_data[model_name] = { "image": model_img, "release_date": release_date, "display": display, "camera": camera, "hardware": hardware, "storage": storage, "battery": battery, "os": os } with open(obj.absolute_path+'-PhoneSpecs.json', 'w+') as of: json.dump(phone_data, of) except: print("Exception happened!") continue return phone_data
def update_ip(self, name, ip): conn = self.conn vm = conn.lookupByName(name) xml = vm.XMLDesc(0) root = ET.fromstring(xml) if not vm: print("VM %s not found" % name) if vm.isActive() == 1: print("Machine up. Change will only appear upon next reboot") os = root.getiterator('os')[0] smbios = os.find('smbios') if smbios is None: newsmbios = ET.Element("smbios", mode="sysinfo") os.append(newsmbios) sysinfo = root.getiterator('sysinfo') system = root.getiterator('system') if not sysinfo: sysinfo = ET.Element("sysinfo", type="smbios") root.append(sysinfo) sysinfo = root.getiterator('sysinfo')[0] if not system: system = ET.Element("system") sysinfo.append(system) system = root.getiterator('system')[0] versionfound = False for entry in root.getiterator('entry'): attributes = entry.attrib if attributes['name'] == 'version': entry.text = ip versionfound = True if not versionfound: version = ET.Element("entry", name="version") version.text = ip system.append(version) newxml = ET.tostring(root) conn.defineXML(newxml)
def __init__(self, file, test): parser = le.XMLParser(resolve_entities=False) nscan = le.parse(file, parser) root = nscan.getroot() if 'nmaprun' not in root.tag: raise NamespaceErr("This doesn't seem to be a valid Nmap xml file.") dupes = {} hostInfo = "" for host in root.iter("host"): ip = host.find("address[@addrtype='ipv4']").attrib['addr'] fqdn = host.find("hostnames/hostname[@type='PTR']").attrib['name'] if host.find("hostnames/hostname[@type='PTR']") is not None else None for os in root.iter("os"): if ip is not None: hostInfo += "IP Address: %s\n" % ip if fqdn is not None: fqdn += "FQDN: %s\n" % ip if 'name' in os.find('osmatch').attrib: hostInfo += "Host OS: %s\n" % os.find('osmatch').attrib['name'] if 'accuracy' in os.find('osmatch').attrib: hostInfo += "Accuracy: {0}%\n".format(os.find('osmatch').attrib['accuracy']) hostInfo += "\n" for portelem in host.xpath("ports/port[state/@state='open']"): port = portelem.attrib['portid'] protocol = portelem.attrib['protocol'] title = "Open port: %s/%s" % (port, protocol) description = hostInfo description += "Port: %s\n" % (port) serviceinfo = "" if portelem.find('service') is not None: if 'product' in portelem.find('service').attrib: serviceinfo += "Product: %s\n" % portelem.find('service').attrib['product'] if 'version' in portelem.find('service').attrib: serviceinfo += "Version: %s\n" % portelem.find('service').attrib['version'] if 'extrainfo' in portelem.find('service').attrib: serviceinfo += "Extra Info: %s\n" % portelem.find('service').attrib['extrainfo'] description += serviceinfo description += '\n\n' severity = "Info" dupe_key = port if dupe_key in dupes: find = dupes[dupe_key] if description is not None: find.description += description else: find = Finding(title=title, test=test, active=False, verified=False, description=description, severity=severity, numerical_severity=Finding.get_numerical_severity(severity)) find.unsaved_endpoints = list() dupes[dupe_key] = find find.unsaved_endpoints.append(Endpoint(host=ip, fqdn=fqdn, port=port, protocol=protocol)) self.items = dupes.values()
def __init__(self, file, test): parser = le.XMLParser(resolve_entities=False) nscan = le.parse(file, parser) root = nscan.getroot() if 'nmaprun' not in root.tag: raise NamespaceErr( "This doesn't seem to be a valid Nmap xml file.") dupes = {} hostInfo = "" for host in root.iter("host"): ip = host.find("address[@addrtype='ipv4']").attrib['addr'] fqdn = host.find( "hostnames/hostname[@type='PTR']").attrib['name'] if host.find( "hostnames/hostname[@type='PTR']") is not None else None for os in root.iter("os"): if ip is not None: hostInfo += "IP Address: %s\n" % ip if fqdn is not None: fqdn += "FQDN: %s\n" % ip if 'name' in os.find('osmatch').attrib: hostInfo += "Host OS: %s\n" % os.find( 'osmatch').attrib['name'] if 'accuracy' in os.find('osmatch').attrib: hostInfo += "Accuracy: {0}%\n".format( os.find('osmatch').attrib['accuracy']) hostInfo += "\n" for portelem in host.xpath("ports/port[state/@state='open']"): port = portelem.attrib['portid'] protocol = portelem.attrib['protocol'] title = "Open port: %s/%s" % (port, protocol) description = hostInfo description += "Port: %s\n" % (port) serviceinfo = "" if portelem.find('service') is not None: if 'product' in portelem.find('service').attrib: serviceinfo += "Product: %s\n" % portelem.find( 'service').attrib['product'] if 'version' in portelem.find('service').attrib: serviceinfo += "Version: %s\n" % portelem.find( 'service').attrib['version'] if 'extrainfo' in portelem.find('service').attrib: serviceinfo += "Extra Info: %s\n" % portelem.find( 'service').attrib['extrainfo'] description += serviceinfo description += '\n\n' severity = "Info" dupe_key = port if dupe_key in dupes: find = dupes[dupe_key] if description is not None: find.description += description else: find = Finding( title=title, test=test, active=False, verified=False, description=description, severity=severity, numerical_severity=Finding.get_numerical_severity( severity)) find.unsaved_endpoints = list() dupes[dupe_key] = find find.unsaved_endpoints.append( Endpoint(host=ip, fqdn=fqdn, port=port, protocol=protocol)) self.items = dupes.values()
def select_test_cases(args, catalog=None): DEFAULT_CATALOG = "_ExecutionConfig/OTC/TC/TP/support/plangenerator/tc_catalog.xml" if not catalog: catalog = DEFAULT_CATALOG tree = ET.parse(catalog) root = tree.getroot() testcases = root.findall("testcase") print "Total Test Cases in Catalog: " + str(len(testcases)) selected_tcs = [] for tc in testcases: selected_test_case = {} # Only handle ACS test cases if not tc.attrib["runner"] == "ACS": continue # Check the Doamin if not tc.attrib["domain"] == args.domain: continue # Check the Android OS os = tc.find("targets/target[@version='{os}']".format(os=args.os)) if os is None: continue # Check the platform platform = os.find( "variant[@name='{platform}']".format(platform=args.platform)) if platform is None: continue # Check the Priority if args.priority is not None: priority_list = str.lower(args.priority).split(",") if not str.lower(tc.attrib["priority"][:2]) in priority_list: continue # Check the Test Case Type if args.type is not None: type_list = str.lower(args.type).split(",") if not str.lower(tc.attrib["tctype"]) in type_list: continue # Check the CI Ready status if is not None: ci_list = str.lower(",") if not str.lower(tc.attrib["ci_ready"]) in ci_list: continue # Check the AREQ if args.areq is not None: areq_list = str.lower(args.areq).split(",") areqs = tc.findall("requirements/requirement") matched = False for a in areqs: try: if not str.lower( a.attrib["name"] [:a.attrib["name"].index(" ")]) in areq_list: continue matched = True except: continue if not matched: continue # Composite the node attribute selected_test_case["id"] = tc.attrib["id"] selected_test_case["template"] = tc.attrib["template"] selected_tcs.append(selected_test_case) print tc.attrib["domain"], os.attrib["version"], platform.attrib[ "name"], tc.attrib["priority"], tc.attrib["tctype"], tc.attrib[ "id"] return selected_tcs
def _parse_results(self, file_nmaprun): tree = etree.parse(file_nmaprun) nmaprun = tree.getroot() nmap_scan=NmapScan() nmap_scan.startstr = nmaprun.get('startstr') nmap_scan.profile_name = nmaprun.get('profile_name') nmap_scan.scanner = nmaprun.get('scanner') nmap_scan.version = nmaprun.get('version') nmap_scan.args = nmaprun.get('args') scaninfo = nmaprun.find('scaninfo') = scaninfo.get('services') nmap_scan.protocol = scaninfo.get('protocol') nmap_scan.numservices = scaninfo.get('numservices') nmap_scan.type = scaninfo.get('type') output = nmaprun.find('output') if output is not None: nmap_scan.output = output.text for host in nmaprun.findall('host'): nmap_host=NmapHost() nmap_host.status = host.find('status').get('state') for address in host.findall('address'): if address.get('addrtype')=='ipv4': nmap_host.addr_ipv4=address.get('addr') if address.get('addrtype')=='ipv6': nmap_host.addr_ipv6=address.get('addr') if address.get('addrtype')=='mac': nmap_host.addr_mac=address.get('addr') nmap_host.addr_mac_vendor=address.get('vendor') hostnames = host.find('hostnames') for hostname in hostnames.findall('hostname'): nmap_host.hostnames.append(hostname.get('name')) os=host.find('os') if os is not None: osmatch=os.find('osmatch') if osmatch is not None: nmap_host.os_name = osmatch.get('name') nmap_host.os_accuracy = int(osmatch.get('accuracy')) osclass=osmatch.find('osclass') if osclass is not None: nmap_host.os_type=osclass.get('type') nmap_host.os_family=osclass.get('osfamily') nmap_host.os_vendor=osclass.get('vendor') nmap_host.os_gen=osclass.get('osgen') hostscript=host.find('hostscript') if hostscript is not None: scripts=hostscript.findall('script') for script in scripts: nmap_host_script=NmapHostScript() nmap_host_script.host_script_id=script.get('id') nmap_host_script.host_script_output=script.get('output') nmap_host.host_scripts.append(nmap_host_script) ports=host.find('ports') for port in ports.findall('port'): nmap_port=NmapPort() nmap_port.protocol=port.get('protocol') nmap_port.portid=port.get('portid') nmap_port.state=port.find('state').get('state') nmap_port.svc_name=port.find('service').get('name') nmap_port.svc_product=port.find('service').get('product') nmap_port.svc_version=port.find('service').get('version') nmap_port.svc_extrainfo=port.find('service').get('extrainfo') nmap_port.svc_conf=port.find('service').get('conf') scripts=port.findall('script') for script in scripts: nmap_port_script=NmapPortScript() nmap_port_script.port_script_id=script.get('id') nmap_port_script.port_script_output=script.get('output') nmap_port.port_scripts.append(nmap_port_script) nmap_host.ports.append(nmap_port) nmap_scan.hosts.append(nmap_host) self.reports.append(nmap_scan)
def get_repo_type(os): if os.find('deb') != -1: return 'deb' return 'yum'
def save_attributes_to_db(response, db_file, state_vector, logging, dictionary): """ 1. Parses XML returned by CTI_OS service into desired parts which will represent database table attributes 2. Connects to Export_vse.db 3. Alters table by adding OS_ID column if not exists 4. Updates attributes for all posidents in SQLITE3 table rows Keyword arguments: xml file returned by CTI_OS service, path to the database file and state information vector, logging Returns: failed! if problem appears otherwise updated state vector """ root = et.fromstring(response) for os in root.findall('.//{}os'): # check errors of given posidents, if error occurs continue back to the function beginning if os.find('{}chybaPOSIdent' ) is not None: posident = os.find( '{}pOSIdent').text if os.find('{}chybaPOSIdent' ).text == "NEPLATNY_IDENTIFIKATOR": state_vector[0] = state_vector[0] + 1 logging.error( 'POSIDENT {} NEPLATNY IDENTIFIKATOR'.format(posident)) continue if os.find('{}chybaPOSIdent' ).text == "EXPIROVANY_IDENTIFIKATOR": state_vector[1] = state_vector[1] + 1 logging.error( 'POSIDENT {}: EXPIROVANY IDENTIFIKATOR'.format(posident)) continue if os.find('{}chybaPOSIdent' ).text == "OPRAVNENY_SUBJEKT_NEEXISTUJE": state_vector[2] = state_vector[2] + 1 logging.error( 'POSIDENT {}: OPRAVNENY SUBJEKT NEEXISTUJE'.format( posident)) continue else: state_vector[3] = state_vector[3] + 1 # no error # Parse XML returned by CTI_OS service into desired parts # create the dictionary, where will be XML child attribute names and particular texts xml_attributes = {} database_attributes = {} for child in os: name = child.tag if name == '{}pOSIdent': pos = os.find(name) posident = pos.text if name == '{}osId': o = os.find(name) osid = o.text for child in os.find( './/{}osDetail'): name2 = child.tag xml_attributes[child.tag[child.tag.index('}') + 1:]] = os.find( './/{}'.format(name2)).text # Find out the names of columns in database and if column os_id doesnt exist, add it try: conn = create_connection(db_file) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("PRAGMA read_committed = true;") cur.execute('select * from OPSUB') col_names = list(map(lambda x: x[0], cur.description)) if 'OS_ID' not in col_names: cur.execute('ALTER TABLE OPSUB ADD COLUMN OS_ID TEXT') cur.close() except conn.Error: cur.close() conn.close() logging.exception('Pripojeni k databazi selhalo') raise Exception("CONNECTION TO DATABSE FAILED") # Transform xml_names to database_names for xml_name, xml_value in xml_attributes.items(): database_name = transform_names(xml_name) if database_name not in col_names: database_name = transform_names_dict(xml_name, dictionary) database_attributes.update({database_name: xml_value}) # Update table OPSUB by database_attributes items try: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION") for dat_name, dat_value in database_attributes.items(): cur.execute( """UPDATE OPSUB SET {0} = ? WHERE id = ?""".format( dat_name), (dat_value, posident)) cur.execute("""UPDATE OPSUB SET OS_ID = ? WHERE id = ?""", (osid, posident)) cur.execute("COMMIT TRANSACTION") cur.close() 'Radky v databazi u POSIdentu {} aktualizovany'.format( posident)) except conn.Error: print("failed!") cur.execute("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION") cur.close() conn.close() conn.close() return state_vector