Beispiel #1
def load_assembler(description: Dict, index: Index, manifest: Manifest):
    pipeline = manifest["tree"]

    build, base, runner =,, pipeline.runner
    name, options = description["name"], description.get("options", {})

    # Add a pipeline with one stage for our assembler
    pipeline = manifest.add_pipeline("assembler", runner, build)

    info = index.get_module_info("Assembler", name)

    stage = pipeline.add_stage(info, options, {})
    info = index.get_module_info("Input", "org.osbuild.tree")
    ip = stage.add_input("tree", info, "org.osbuild.pipeline")
    return pipeline
Beispiel #2
def load_input(name: str, description: Dict, index: Index, stage: Stage, manifest: Manifest, source_refs: set):
    input_type = description["type"]
    origin = description["origin"]
    options = description.get("options", {})

    info = index.get_module_info("Input", input_type)
    ip = stage.add_input(name, info, origin, options)

    refs = description.get("references", {})

    if isinstance(refs, list):
        refs = {r: {} for r in refs}

    if origin == "org.osbuild.pipeline":
        resolved = {}
        for r, desc in refs.items():
            if not r.startswith("name:"):
            target = resolve_ref(r, manifest)
            resolved[target] = desc
        refs = resolved
    elif origin == "org.osbuild.source":
        unknown_refs = set(refs.keys()) - source_refs
        if unknown_refs:
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown source reference(s) {unknown_refs}")

    for r, desc in refs.items():
        ip.add_reference(r, desc)
Beispiel #3
def load_stage(description: Dict, index: Index, pipeline: Pipeline, manifest: Manifest):
    stage_type = description["type"]
    opts = description.get("options", {})
    info = index.get_module_info("Stage", stage_type)

    stage = pipeline.add_stage(info, opts)

    ips = description.get("inputs", {})
    for name, desc in ips.items():
        load_input(name, desc, index, stage, manifest)

    return stage
Beispiel #4
def load_stage(description: Dict, index: Index, pipeline: Pipeline):
    name = description["name"]
    opts = description.get("options", {})
    info = index.get_module_info("Stage", name)

    stage = pipeline.add_stage(info, opts)

    if == "org.osbuild.rpm":
        info = index.get_module_info("Input", "org.osbuild.files")
        ip = stage.add_input("packages", info, "org.osbuild.source")
        for pkg in stage.options["packages"]:
            options = None
            if isinstance(pkg, dict):
                gpg = pkg.get("check_gpg")
                if gpg:
                    options = {"metadata": {"rpm.check_gpg": gpg}}
                pkg = pkg["checksum"]
            ip.add_reference(pkg, options)
    elif == "org.osbuild.ostree":
        info = index.get_module_info("Input", "org.osbuild.ostree")
        ip = stage.add_input("commits", info, "org.osbuild.source")
        commit, ref = opts["commit"], opts.get("ref")
        options = {"ref": ref} if ref else None
        ip.add_reference(commit, options)
Beispiel #5
def load_device(name: str, description: Dict, index: Index, stage: Stage):
    device_type = description["type"]
    options = description.get("options", {})
    parent = description.get("parent")

    if parent:
        device = stage.devices.get(parent)
        if not parent:
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown parent device: {parent}")
        parent = device

    info = index.get_module_info("Device", device_type)

    if not info:
        raise TypeError(f"Missing meta information for {device_type}")
    stage.add_device(name, info, parent, options)
Beispiel #6
def load_source(name: str, description: Dict, index: Index, manifest: Manifest):
    if name == "org.osbuild.files":
        name = "org.osbuild.curl"

    info = index.get_module_info("Source", name)

    if name == "org.osbuild.curl":
        items = description["urls"]
    elif name == "org.osbuild.ostree":
        items = description["commits"]
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown source type: {name}")

    # NB: the entries, i.e. `urls`, `commits` are left in the
    # description dict, although the sources are not using
    # it anymore. The reason is that it makes `describe` work
    # without any special casing

    manifest.add_source(info, items, description)
Beispiel #7
def load(description: Dict, index: Index) -> Manifest:
    """Load a manifest description"""

    sources = description.get("sources", {})
    pipelines = description.get("pipelines", [])

    manifest = Manifest()
    source_refs = set()

    # load the sources
    for name, desc in sources.items():
        info = index.get_module_info("Source", name)
        items = desc.get("items", {})
        options = desc.get("options", {})
        manifest.add_source(info, items, options)

    for desc in pipelines:
        load_pipeline(desc, index, manifest, source_refs)

    # The "runner" property in the manifest format is the
    # runner to the run the pipeline with. In osbuild the
    # "runner" property belongs to the "build" pipeline,
    # i.e. is what runner to use for it. This we have to
    # go through the pipelines and fix things up
    pipelines = manifest.pipelines.values()

    host_runner = detect_host_runner()
    runners = { pl.runner for pl in pipelines

    for pipeline in pipelines:
        if not
            pipeline.runner = host_runner

        runner = runners[]
        pipeline.runner = runner

    return manifest
Beispiel #8
def load_mount(description: Dict, index: Index, stage: Stage):
    mount_type = description["type"]
    info = index.get_module_info("Mount", mount_type)

    name = description["name"]

    if name in stage.mounts:
        raise ValueError(f"Duplicated mount '{name}'")

    source = description.get("source")
    target = description.get("target")

    options = description.get("options", {})

    device = None
    if source:
        device = stage.devices.get(source)
        if not device:
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown device '{source}' for mount '{name}'")

    stage.add_mount(name, info, device, target, options)
Beispiel #9
def load_stage(description: Dict, index: Index, pipeline: Pipeline, manifest: Manifest, source_refs):
    stage_type = description["type"]
    opts = description.get("options", {})
    info = index.get_module_info("Stage", stage_type)

    stage = pipeline.add_stage(info, opts)

    devs = description.get("devices", {})
    devs = sort_devices(devs)

    for name, desc in devs.items():
        load_device(name, desc, index, stage)

    ips = description.get("inputs", {})
    for name, desc in ips.items():
        load_input(name, desc, index, stage, manifest, source_refs)

    mounts = description.get("mounts", [])
    for mount in mounts:
        load_mount(mount, index, stage)

    return stage