def create_adi_project(self, name):
        """Create an ADI project."""
        if not name:
            name = self._candidate_adi_project()
            name = self.adi_prj_from_number(name)

        adi_projects = self.get_adi_projects()
        if name in adi_projects:
            raise Exception('Project {} already exist'.format(name))

        meta = """
        <project name="{}">
          <repository name="standard">
            <path project="{}" repository="standard"/>
        </project>""".format(name, self.project)
        url = make_meta_url('prj', name, self.apiurl)
        http_PUT(url, data=meta)
        # put twice because on first put, the API adds useless maintainer
        http_PUT(url, data=meta)

        return name
    def set_prj_pseudometa(self, project, meta):
        Sets project description to the YAML of the provided object
        :param project: project to save into
        :param meta: data to save

        # Get current metadata
        url = make_meta_url('prj', project, self.apiurl)
        root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
        # Find description
        description = root.find('description')
        # Order the requests and replace it with yaml
        meta['requests'] = sorted(meta['requests'], key=lambda x: x['id'])
        description.text = yaml.dump(meta)
        # Find title
        title = root.find('title')
        # Put something nice into title as well
        new_title = []
        for request in meta['requests']:
        nt = ', '.join(sorted(new_title))
        title.text = nt[:240]
        # Write XML back
        url = make_meta_url('prj', project, self.apiurl, force=True)
        http_PUT(url, data=ET.tostring(root))

        # Invalidate here the cache for this stating project
    def switch_flag_in_prj(self,
        url = self.makeurl(['source', project, '_meta'])
        prjmeta = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()

        flagxml = prjmeta.find(flag)
        if not flagxml:  # appending is fine
            flagxml = ET.SubElement(prjmeta, flag)

        foundone = False
        for build in flagxml:
            if build.get('repository', None) == repository and build.get(
                    'arch', None) == arch:
                build.tag = state
                foundone = True

        # need to add a global one
        if not foundone:
            query = {}
            if arch:
                query['arch'] = arch
            if repository:
                query['repository'] = repository
            ET.SubElement(flagxml, state, query)

        http_PUT(url, data=ET.tostring(prjmeta))
Beispiel #4
    def update_factory_version(self):
        """Update project (Factory, 13.2, ...) version if is necessary."""

        # XXX TODO - This method have `factory` in the name.  Can be
        # missleading.

        project = self.api.project
        curr_version ='%Y%m%d')
        url = self.api.makeurl(['source', project], {'view': 'productlist'})

        products = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
        for product in products.findall('product'):
            product_name = product.get('name') + '.product'
            product_pkg = product.get('originpackage')
            url = self.api.makeurl(
                ['source', project, product_pkg, product_name])
            product_spec = http_GET(url).read()
            new_product = re.sub(r'<version>\d{8}</version>',
                                 '<version>%s</version>' % curr_version,

            if product_spec != new_product:
                http_PUT(url + '?comment=Update+version', data=new_product)

        service = {'cmd': 'runservice'}

        ports_prjs = ['PowerPC', 'ARM', 'zSystems']

        for ports in ports_prjs:
            project = self.api.project + ':' + ports
            if self.api.item_exists(project):
                baseurl = ['source', project, '000product']
                url = self.api.makeurl(baseurl, query=service)
    def create_adi_project(self, name):
        """Create an ADI project."""
        if not name:
            name = self._candidate_adi_project()
            name = self.adi_prj_from_number(name)

        adi_projects = self.get_adi_projects()
        if name in adi_projects:
            raise Exception('Project {} already exist'.format(name))

        meta = """
        <project name="{}">
          <repository name="standard">
            <path project="{}" repository="standard"/>
        </project>""".format(name, self.project)
        url = make_meta_url('prj', name, self.apiurl)
        http_PUT(url, data=meta)
        # put twice because on first put, the API adds useless maintainer
        http_PUT(url, data=meta)

        return name
Beispiel #6
def project_clone(apiurl_source, apiurl_target, project):
    users_clone(apiurl_source, apiurl_target, project)

    # Write stripped version that does not include repos with path references.
    url = makeurl(apiurl_target, ['source', project.get('name'), '_meta'])
    stripped = deepcopy(project)
    http_PUT(url, data=ET.tostring(stripped))

    for link in project.xpath('link[@project]'):
        if not project_fence(link.get('project')):

        # Valid reference to project and thus should be cloned.
        path = ['source', link.get('project'), '_meta']
        entity_clone(apiurl_source, apiurl_target, path, clone=project_clone)

    # Clone projects referenced in repository paths.
    for repository in project.findall('repository'):
        for target in repository.xpath('./path') + repository.xpath('./releasetarget'):
            if not project_fence(target.get('project')):

            # Valid reference to project and thus should be cloned.
            path = ['source', target.get('project'), '_meta']
            entity_clone(apiurl_source, apiurl_target, path, clone=project_clone)
Beispiel #7
def source_file_save(apiurl, project, package, filename, content, comment=None):
    if not comment:
        comment = 'update by OSRT tools'
    comment += ' (host {})'.format(socket.gethostname())

    url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, package, filename], {'comment': comment})
    http_PUT(url, data=content)
Beispiel #8
def entity_clone(apiurl_source, apiurl_target, path, sanitize=None, clone=None, after=None):
    if not hasattr(entity_clone, 'cloned'):
        entity_clone.cloned = []

    if path[0] == 'source' and not project_fence(path[1]):
        # Skip projects outside of fence by marking as cloned.
        if path not in entity_clone.cloned:

    if path in entity_clone.cloned:
        print('skip {}'.format('/'.join(path)))

    print('clone {}'.format('/'.join(path)))

    url = makeurl(apiurl_source, path)
    entity = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()

    if sanitize:
    if clone:
        clone(apiurl_source, apiurl_target, entity)

    url = makeurl(apiurl_target, path)
    http_PUT(url, data=ET.tostring(entity))

    if after:
        after(apiurl_source, apiurl_target, entity)
Beispiel #9
    def update_factory_version(self):
        """Update project (Factory, 13.2, ...) version if is necessary."""

        # XXX TODO - This method have `factory` in the name.  Can be
        # missleading.

        # If thereis not product defined for this project, show the
        # warning and return.
        if not self.api.cproduct:
            warnings.warn('There is not product defined in the configuration file.')

        project = self.api.project
        url = self.api.makeurl(['source', project, '_product', self.api.cproduct])

        product = http_GET(url).read()
        curr_version ='%Y%m%d')
        new_product = re.sub(r'<version>\d{8}</version>', '<version>%s</version>' % curr_version, product)

        if product != new_product:
            http_PUT(url + '?comment=Update+version', data=new_product)

        service = {'cmd': 'runservice'}

        ports_prjs = ['PowerPC', 'ARM' ]

        for ports in ports_prjs:
            project = self.api.project + ':' + ports
            if self.api.item_exists(project):
                baseurl = ['source', project, '_product']
                url = self.api.makeurl(baseurl, query=service)
def entity_clone(apiurl_source, apiurl_target, path, sanitize=None, clone=None, after=None):
    if not hasattr(entity_clone, 'cloned'):
        entity_clone.cloned = []

    if path[0] == 'source' and not project_fence(path[1]):
        # Skip projects outside of fence by marking as cloned.
        if path not in entity_clone.cloned:

    if path in entity_clone.cloned:
        print('skip {}'.format('/'.join(path)))

    print('clone {}'.format('/'.join(path)))

    url = makeurl(apiurl_source, path)
    entity = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()

    if sanitize:
    if clone:
        clone(apiurl_source, apiurl_target, entity)

    url = makeurl(apiurl_target, path)
    http_PUT(url, data=ET.tostring(entity))

    if after:
        after(apiurl_source, apiurl_target, entity)
    def set_prj_pseudometa(self, project, meta):
        Sets project description to the YAML of the provided object
        :param project: project to save into
        :param meta: data to save

        # Get current metadata
        url = make_meta_url('prj', project, self.apiurl)
        root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
        # Find description
        description = root.find('description')
        # Order the requests and replace it with yaml
        meta['requests'] = sorted(meta['requests'], key=lambda x: x['id'])
        description.text = yaml.dump(meta)
        # Find title
        title = root.find('title')
        # Put something nice into title as well
        new_title = []
        for request in meta['requests']:
        nt = ', '.join(sorted(new_title))
        title.text = nt[:240]
        # Write XML back
        url = make_meta_url('prj', project, self.apiurl, force=True)
        http_PUT(url, data=ET.tostring(root))
Beispiel #12
    def update_factory_version(self):
        """Update project (Factory, 13.2, ...) version if is necessary."""

        # XXX TODO - This method have `factory` in the name.  Can be
        # missleading.

        project = self.api.project
        curr_version ='%Y%m%d')
        update_version_attr = False
        url = self.api.makeurl(['source', project], {'view': 'productlist'})

        products = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
        for product in products.findall('product'):
            product_name = product.get('name') + '.product'
            product_pkg = product.get('originpackage')
            url = self.api.makeurl(['source', project, product_pkg,  product_name])
            product_spec = http_GET(url).read()
            new_product = re.sub(r'<version>\d{8}</version>', '<version>%s</version>' % curr_version, product_spec)

            if product_spec != new_product:
                update_version_attr = True
                http_PUT(url + '?comment=Update+version', data=new_product)

        if update_version_attr:
            self.update_version_attribute(project, curr_version)

        ports_prjs = ['PowerPC', 'ARM', 'zSystems' ]

        for ports in ports_prjs:
            project = self.api.project + ':' + ports
            if self.api.item_exists(project) and update_version_attr:
                self.update_version_attribute(project, curr_version)
def project_clone(apiurl_source, apiurl_target, project):
    users_clone(apiurl_source, apiurl_target, project)

    # Write stripped version that does not include repos with path references.
    url = makeurl(apiurl_target, ['source', project.get('name'), '_meta'])
    stripped = deepcopy(project)
    http_PUT(url, data=ET.tostring(stripped))

    for link in project.xpath('link[@project]'):
        if not project_fence(link.get('project')):

        # Valid reference to project and thus should be cloned.
        path = ['source', link.get('project'), '_meta']
        entity_clone(apiurl_source, apiurl_target, path, clone=project_clone)

    # Clone projects referenced in repository paths.
    for repository in project.findall('repository'):
        for target in repository.xpath('./path') + repository.xpath('./releasetarget'):
            if not project_fence(target.get('project')):

            # Valid reference to project and thus should be cloned.
            path = ['source', target.get('project'), '_meta']
            entity_clone(apiurl_source, apiurl_target, path, clone=project_clone)
    def update_factory_version(self):
        """Update project (Factory, 13.2, ...) version if is necessary."""

        # XXX TODO - This method have `factory` in the name.  Can be
        # missleading.

        # If thereis not product defined for this project, show the
        # warning and return.
        if not self.api.cproduct:
            warnings.warn('There is not product defined in the configuration file.')

        project = self.api.project
        url = self.api.makeurl(['source', project, '_product', self.api.cproduct])

        product = http_GET(url).read()
        curr_version ='%Y%m%d')
        new_product = re.sub(r'<version>\d{8}</version>', '<version>%s</version>' % curr_version, product)

        if product != new_product:
            http_PUT(url + '?comment=Update+version', data=new_product)

        service = {'cmd': 'runservice'}

        ports_prjs = ['PowerPC', 'ARM' ]

        for ports in ports_prjs:
            project = self.api.project + ':' + ports
            if self.api.item_exists(project):
                baseurl = ['source', project, '_product']
                url = self.api.makeurl(baseurl, query=service)
Beispiel #15
    def submit_to_prj(self, act, project, force_enable_build=False):
        Links sources from request to project
        :param act: action for submit request
        :param project: project to link into
        :param force_enable_build: overwrite the ring criteria to enable
               or disable the build

        src_prj = act.src_project
        src_rev = act.src_rev
        src_pkg = act.src_package
        tar_pkg = act.tgt_package

        disable_build = False
        # The force_enable_build will avoid the
        # map_ring_package_to_subproject
        if not force_enable_build:
            if self.crings and not self.ring_packages.get(tar_pkg) and not self.is_adi_project(project):
                disable_build = True
                logging.warning("{}/{} not in ring, build disabled".format(project, tar_pkg))
                project = self.map_ring_package_to_subject(project, tar_pkg)

        self.create_package_container(project, tar_pkg,

        # expand the revision to a md5
        url = self.makeurl(['source', src_prj, src_pkg],
                           {'rev': src_rev, 'expand': 1})
        f = http_GET(url)
        root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
        src_rev = root.attrib['srcmd5']
        src_vrev = root.attrib.get('vrev')

        # link stuff - not using linkpac because linkpac copies meta
        # from source
        root = ET.Element('link', package=src_pkg, project=src_prj,
        if src_vrev:
            root.attrib['vrev'] = src_vrev
        url = self.makeurl(['source', project, tar_pkg, '_link'])
        http_PUT(url, data=ET.tostring(root))

        for sub_prj, sub_pkg in self.get_sub_packages(tar_pkg):
            sub_prj = self.map_ring_package_to_subject(project, sub_pkg)
            # print project, tar_pkg, sub_pkg, sub_prj
            if sub_prj == project:  # skip inner-project links
            self.create_package_container(sub_prj, sub_pkg)

            root = ET.Element('link', package=tar_pkg, project=project)
            url = self.makeurl(['source', sub_prj, sub_pkg, '_link'])
            http_PUT(url, data=ET.tostring(root))

        return tar_pkg
Beispiel #16
 def save_file_content(self, project, package, filename, content):
     Save content to a project/package/file
     :param project: The project containing the package
     :param package: the package to update
     :param filename: the filename to save the data to
     :param content: the content to write to the file
     url = self.makeurl(['source', project, package, filename])
     http_PUT(url + '?comment=scripted+update', data=content)
Beispiel #17
 def save_file_content(self, project, package, filename, content):
     Save content to a project/package/file
     :param project: The project containing the package
     :param package: the package to update
     :param filename: the filename to save the data to
     :param content: the content to write to the file
     url = self.makeurl(['source', project, package, filename])
     http_PUT(url + '?comment=scripted+update', data=content)
Beispiel #18
    def submit_to_prj(self, act, project, force_enable_build=False):
        Links sources from request to project
        :param act: action for submit request
        :param project: project to link into
        :param force_enable_build: overwrite the ring criteria to enable
               or disable the build

        src_prj = act.src_project
        src_rev = act.src_rev
        src_pkg = act.src_package
        tar_pkg = act.tgt_package

        disable_build = False
        # The force_enable_build will avoid the
        # map_ring_package_to_subproject
        if not force_enable_build:
            if self.crings and not self.ring_packages.get(tar_pkg) and not self.is_adi_project(project):
                disable_build = True
                project = self.map_ring_package_to_subject(project, tar_pkg)

        self.create_package_container(project, tar_pkg,

        # expand the revision to a md5
        url = self.makeurl(['source', src_prj, src_pkg],
                           {'rev': src_rev, 'expand': 1})
        f = http_GET(url)
        root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
        src_rev = root.attrib['srcmd5']
        src_vrev = root.attrib.get('vrev')

        # link stuff - not using linkpac because linkpac copies meta
        # from source
        root = ET.Element('link', package=src_pkg, project=src_prj,
        if src_vrev:
            root.attrib['vrev'] = src_vrev
        url = self.makeurl(['source', project, tar_pkg, '_link'])
        http_PUT(url, data=ET.tostring(root))

        for sub_prj, sub_pkg in self.get_sub_packages(tar_pkg):
            sub_prj = self.map_ring_package_to_subject(project, sub_pkg)
            # print project, tar_pkg, sub_pkg, sub_prj
            if sub_prj == project:  # skip inner-project links
            self.create_package_container(sub_prj, sub_pkg)

            root = ET.Element('link', package=tar_pkg, project=project)
            url = self.makeurl(['source', sub_prj, sub_pkg, '_link'])
            http_PUT(url, data=ET.tostring(root))

        return tar_pkg
Beispiel #19
    def sync(self):
        hash = core.dgst(self.filename)
        if self.change_is_required == True and hash == self.hash_orig:
            return True

        # don't do any exception handling... it's up to the caller what to do in case
        # of an exception
        core.http_PUT(self.url, file=self.filename)
        return True
    def sync(self):
        hash = core.dgst(self.filename)
        if self.change_is_required == True and hash == self.hash_orig:
            return True

        # don't do any exception handling... it's up to the caller what to do in case
        # of an exception
        core.http_PUT(self.url, file=self.filename)
        return True
    def update_factory_version(self):
        """Update openSUSE (Factory, 13.2, ...)  version if is necessary."""
        project = 'openSUSE:{}'.format(self.api.opensuse)
        url = self.api.makeurl(['source', project, '_product', 'openSUSE.product'])

        product = http_GET(url).read()
        curr_version ='%Y%m%d')
        new_product = re.sub(r'<version>\d{8}</version>', '<version>%s</version>' % curr_version, product)

        if product != new_product:
            http_PUT(url + '?comment=Update+version', data=new_product)
Beispiel #22
def source_file_save(apiurl,
    if not comment:
        comment = 'update by OSRT tools'
    comment += ' (host {})'.format(socket.gethostname())

    url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, package, filename],
                  {'comment': comment})
    http_PUT(url, data=content)
    def __update_meta(self, project, providers, metatype):
        """Extracts a meta xml from rpm and uploads them to project.

        :returns: uploaded pattern names and error messages
        :rtype: tuple(list, list)
        uploaded = []
        errors = []
        for package, targets in providers.items():
            for target, binaries in targets.items():
                for binary in binaries:
                    with Lab(prefix=metatype) as lab:
                        # Download the rpm
                            self.obs.getBinary(project, target, package,
                                               binary, lab.real_path(binary))
                        except HTTPError as exc:
                            errors.append("Failed to download %s: HTTP %s %s" %
                                         (binary, exc.code, exc.filename))
                        except Exception as exc:
                            errors.append("Failed to download %s: %s" % (binary, exc))
                        if errors:
                            return uploaded, errors
                        # Extract pattern (xml) files from the rpm
                        for xml in extract_rpm(lab.real_path(binary), lab.path,
                            meta = os.path.basename(xml)
                            submetatype = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(xml))
                            print(meta, metatype, submetatype)
                                with open(lab.real_path(xml), 'r') as fd:
                                    metadata = [line.replace("@PROJECT@", project) for line in fd.readlines()]
                                # Update meta
                                if submetatype == "aggregates":
                                    pkgname = os.path.splitext(meta)[0]
                                    core.edit_meta(metatype='pkg', path_args=(project, pkgname), template_args=({'name': pkgname, 'user': '******'}), apiurl=self.obs.apiurl)
                                    u = core.makeurl(self.obs.apiurl, ['source', project, pkgname, '_aggregate'])
                                    print u
                                    print metadata
                                    core.http_PUT(u, data="\n".join(metadata))
                                    core.edit_meta(metatype, project, data=metadata)
                                uploaded.append(metatype + '/' + meta)
                            except HTTPError as exc:
                                errors.append("Failed to upload %s:\nHTTP %s %s\n%s" %
                                        (meta, exc.code, exc.filename,
                            except Exception as exc:
                                errors.append("Failed to upload %s: %s" %
                                        (meta, exc))
                    return uploaded, errors
Beispiel #24
 def retried_PUT(self, url, data):
         return http_PUT(url, data=data)
     except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
         if e.code / 100 == 5:
             print 'Retrying {}'.format(url)
             return self.retried_PUT(url, data)
         raise e
 def retried_PUT(self, url, data):
         return http_PUT(url, data=data)
     except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
         if e.code / 100 == 5:
             print 'Retrying {}'.format(url)
             return self.retried_PUT(url, data)
         raise e
Beispiel #26
    def create_package_container(self, project, package, disable_build=False):
        Creates a package container without any fields in project/package
        :param project: project to create it
        :param package: package name
        :param disable_build: should the package be created with build
                              flag disabled
        dst_meta = '<package name="{}"><title/><description/></package>'
        dst_meta = dst_meta.format(package)
        if disable_build:
            root = ET.fromstring(dst_meta)
            elm = ET.SubElement(root, 'build')
            ET.SubElement(elm, 'disable')
            dst_meta = ET.tostring(root)

        url = self.makeurl(['source', project, package, '_meta'])
        http_PUT(url, data=dst_meta)
    def reset_rebuild_data(self, project):
        url = self.api.makeurl(['source', self.api.cstaging, 'dashboard', 'support_pkg_rebuild?expand=1'])
            data = http_GET(url)
        except urllib2.HTTPError:
        tree = ET.parse(data)
        root = tree.getroot()
        for stg in root.findall('staging'):
            if stg.get('name') == project:
                stg.find('rebuild').text = 'unknown'
                stg.find('supportpkg').text = ''

        # reset accpted staging project rebuild state to unknown and clean up
        # supportpkg list
        url = self.api.makeurl(['source', self.api.cstaging, 'dashboard', 'support_pkg_rebuild'])
        content = ET.tostring(root)
        http_PUT(url + '?comment=accept+command+update', data=content)
    def create_package_container(self, project, package, disable_build=False):
        Creates a package container without any fields in project/package
        :param project: project to create it
        :param package: package name
        :param disable_build: should the package be created with build
                              flag disabled
        dst_meta = '<package name="{}"><title/><description/></package>'
        dst_meta = dst_meta.format(package)
        if disable_build:
            root = ET.fromstring(dst_meta)
            elm = ET.SubElement(root, 'build')
            ET.SubElement(elm, 'disable')
            dst_meta = ET.tostring(root)

        url = self.makeurl(['source', project, package, '_meta'])
        http_PUT(url, data=dst_meta)
Beispiel #29
    def delete_to_prj(self, act, project):
        Hides Package in project
        :param act: action for delete request
        :param project: project to hide in

        tar_pkg = act.tgt_package
        project = self.map_ring_package_to_subject(project, tar_pkg)
        self.create_and_wipe_package(project, tar_pkg)

        for sub_prj, sub_pkg in self.get_sub_packages(tar_pkg):
            sub_prj = self.map_ring_package_to_subject(project, sub_pkg)
            self.create_and_wipe_package(sub_prj, sub_pkg)

            # create a link so unselect can find it
            root = ET.Element('link', package=tar_pkg, project=project)
            url = self.makeurl(['source', sub_prj, sub_pkg, '_link'])
            http_PUT(url, data=ET.tostring(root))

        return tar_pkg
    def delete_to_prj(self, act, project):
        Hides Package in project
        :param act: action for delete request
        :param project: project to hide in

        tar_pkg = act.tgt_package
        project = self.map_ring_package_to_subject(project, tar_pkg)
        self.create_and_wipe_package(project, tar_pkg)

        for sub_prj, sub_pkg in self.get_sub_packages(tar_pkg):
            sub_prj = self.map_ring_package_to_subject(project, sub_pkg)
            self.create_and_wipe_package(sub_prj, sub_pkg)

            # create a link so unselect can find it
            root = ET.Element('link', package=tar_pkg, project=project)
            url = self.makeurl(['source', sub_prj, sub_pkg, '_link'])
            http_PUT(url, data=ET.tostring(root))

        return tar_pkg
    def update_factory_version(self):
        """Update project (Factory, 13.2, ...) version if is necessary."""

        # XXX TODO - This method have `factory` in the name.  Can be
        # missleading.

        project = self.api.project
        curr_version ='%Y%m%d')
        update_version_attr = False
        url = self.api.makeurl(['source', project], {'view': 'productlist'})

        products = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
        for product in products.findall('product'):
            product_name = product.get('name') + '.product'
            product_pkg = product.get('originpackage')
            product_spec = source_file_load(self.api.apiurl, project,
                                            product_pkg, product_name)
            new_product = re.sub(r'<version>\d{8}</version>',
                                 '<version>%s</version>' % curr_version,

            if product_spec != new_product:
                update_version_attr = True
                url = self.api.makeurl(
                    ['source', project, product_pkg, product_name])
                http_PUT(url + '?comment=Update+version', data=new_product)

        if update_version_attr:
            self.update_version_attribute(project, curr_version)

        ports_prjs = ['PowerPC', 'ARM', 'zSystems']

        for ports in ports_prjs:
            project = self.api.project + ':' + ports
            if self.api.item_exists(project) and update_version_attr:
                self.update_version_attribute(project, curr_version)
    def switch_flag_in_prj(self, project, flag='build', state='disable', repository=None, arch=None):
        url = self.makeurl(['source', project, '_meta'])
        prjmeta = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()

        flagxml = prjmeta.find(flag)
        if not flagxml:  # appending is fine
            flagxml = ET.SubElement(prjmeta, flag)

        foundone = False
        for build in flagxml:
            if build.get('repository', None) == repository and build.get('arch', None) == arch:
                build.tag = state
                foundone = True

        # need to add a global one
        if not foundone:
            query = {}
            if arch:
                query['arch'] = arch
            if repository:
                query['repository'] = repository
            ET.SubElement(flagxml, state, query)

        http_PUT(url, data=ET.tostring(prjmeta))
    def handle_wi(self, wid):
        """ Workitem handling function """
        wid.result = False
        f = wid.fields
        p = wid.params

        project = None
        package = None

        if f.project and f.package:
            project = f.project
            package = f.package

        if p.project and p.package:
            project = p.project
            package = p.package

        if not project or not package:
           raise RuntimeError("Missing mandatory field or parameter: package, project")

        if not f.repourl and not p.repourl:
           raise RuntimeError("Missing mandatory field or parameter: repourl")

        params = {}

        if f.repourl:
            params["url"] = f.repourl

        if p.repourl:
            params["url"] = p.repourl

        params["service"], params["repo"] = find_service_repo(params["url"])

        if f.branch:
            params["branch"] = f.branch
        if p.branch:
            params["branch"] = p.branch
        params["revision"] = ""
        if f.revision:
            params["revision"] = f.revision
        if p.revision:
            params["revision"] = p.revision
        params["token"] = ""
        params["debian"] = ""
        params["dumb"] = ""
        if f.token:
            params["token"] = f.token
        if p.token:
            params["token"] = p.token
        if p.debian:
            params["debian"] = p.debian
        if f.debian:
            params["debian"] = f.debian

        if p.dumb:
            params["dumb"] = p.dumb
        if f.dumb:
            params["dumb"] = f.dumb

        if "branch" in params and params["branch"].startswith("pkg-"):
            if not "service" in params or not "repo" in params:
                raise RuntimeError("Service/Repo not found in repourl %s " % p.repourl)
            service = git_pkg_service
            service = tar_git_service

        # the simple approach doesn't work with project links
        #if self.obs.isNewPackage(project, package):
            #self.obs.getCreatePackage(str(project), str(package))
            core.show_files_meta(self.obs.apiurl, str(project), str(package), expand=False, meta=True)
        except Exception, exc:
            data = core.metatypes['pkg']['template']
            data = StringIO(data % { "name" : str(package), "user" : self.obs.getUserName() }).readlines()
            u = core.makeurl(self.obs.apiurl, ['source', str(project), str(package), "_meta"])
            x = core.http_PUT(u, data="".join(data))
    def __update_meta(self, project, providers, metatype):
        """Extracts a meta xml from rpm and uploads them to project.

        :returns: uploaded pattern names and error messages
        :rtype: tuple(list, list)
        uploaded = []
        errors = []
        for package, targets in providers.items():
            for target, binaries in targets.items():
                for binary in binaries:
                    with Lab(prefix=metatype) as lab:
                        # Download the rpm
                            self.obs.getBinary(project, target, package,
                                               binary, lab.real_path(binary))
                        except HTTPError as exc:
                            errors.append("Failed to download %s: HTTP %s %s" %
                                          (binary, exc.code, exc.filename))
                        except Exception as exc:
                            errors.append("Failed to download %s: %s" %
                                          (binary, exc))
                        if errors:
                            return uploaded, errors
                        # Extract pattern (xml) files from the rpm
                        for xml in extract_rpm(lab.real_path(binary), lab.path,
                            meta = os.path.basename(xml)
                            submetatype = os.path.basename(
                            print(meta, metatype, submetatype)
                                with open(lab.real_path(xml), 'r') as fd:
                                    metadata = [
                                        line.replace("@PROJECT@", project)
                                        for line in fd.readlines()
                                # Update meta
                                if submetatype == "aggregates":
                                    pkgname = os.path.splitext(meta)[0]
                                    u = core.makeurl(self.obs.apiurl, [
                                        'source', project, pkgname,
                                    print u
                                    print metadata
                                    core.http_PUT(u, data="\n".join(metadata))
                                uploaded.append(metatype + '/' + meta)
                            except HTTPError as exc:
                                    "Failed to upload %s:\nHTTP %s %s\n%s" %
                                    (meta, exc.code, exc.filename,
                            except Exception as exc:
                                errors.append("Failed to upload %s: %s" %
                                              (meta, exc))
                    return uploaded, errors
    def handle_wi(self, wid):
        """ Workitem handling function """
        wid.result = False
        f = wid.fields
        p = wid.params

        project = None
        package = None

        if f.project and f.package:
            project = f.project
            package = f.package

        if p.project and p.package:
            project = p.project
            package = p.package

        if not project or not package:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Missing mandatory field or parameter: package, project")

        if not f.repourl and not p.repourl:
            raise RuntimeError("Missing mandatory field or parameter: repourl")

        params = {}

        if f.repourl:
            params["url"] = f.repourl

        if p.repourl:
            params["url"] = p.repourl

        params["service"], params["repo"] = find_service_repo(params["url"])

        if f.branch:
            params["branch"] = f.branch
        if p.branch:
            params["branch"] = p.branch
        params["revision"] = ""
        if f.revision:
            params["revision"] = f.revision
        if p.revision:
            params["revision"] = p.revision
        params["token"] = ""
        params["debian"] = ""
        params["dumb"] = ""
        if f.token:
            params["token"] = f.token
        if p.token:
            params["token"] = p.token
        if p.debian:
            params["debian"] = p.debian
        if f.debian:
            params["debian"] = f.debian

        if p.dumb:
            params["dumb"] = p.dumb
        if f.dumb:
            params["dumb"] = f.dumb

        if "branch" in params and params["branch"].startswith("pkg-"):
            if not "service" in params or not "repo" in params:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Service/Repo not found in repourl %s " % p.repourl)
            service = git_pkg_service
            service = tar_git_service

        # the simple approach doesn't work with project links
        # if self.obs.isNewPackage(project, package):
            # self.obs.getCreatePackage(str(project), str(package))
        # else:
            pkginfo = core.show_files_meta(
                self.obs.apiurl, str(project), str(package), expand=False, meta=True)
            if "<entry" not in pkginfo:
                # This is a link and it needs branching from the linked project
                # so grab the meta and extract the project from the link
                print "Found %s as a link in %s" % (package, project)
                x = etree.fromstring(
                    "".join(core.show_project_meta(self.obs.apiurl, project)))
                l = x.find('link')
                if l is None:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Expected a <link> in project %s." % project)
                print "Got a link  %s" % l
                linked_project = l.get('project')
                print "Branching %s to overwrite _service" % package
                core.branch_pkg(self.obs.apiurl, linked_project,
                                str(package), target_project=str(project))
        except Exception, exc:
            print "Doing a metatype pkg add because I caught %s" % exc
            print "Creating package %s in project %s" % (package, project)
            data = core.metatypes['pkg']['template']
            data = StringIO(
                data % {"name": str(package), "user": self.obs.getUserName()}).readlines()
            u = core.makeurl(
                self.obs.apiurl, ['source', str(project), str(package), "_meta"])
            x = core.http_PUT(u, data="".join(data))
            print "HTTP PUT result of pkg add : %s" % x
    def handle_wi(self, wid):
        """ Workitem handling function """
        wid.result = False
        f = wid.fields
        p = wid.params

        project = None
        package = None

        if f.project and f.package:
            project = f.project
            package = f.package

        if p.project and p.package:
            project = p.project
            package = p.package

        if not project or not package:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Missing mandatory field or parameter: package, project")

        if not f.repourl and not p.repourl:
            raise RuntimeError("Missing mandatory field or parameter: repourl")

        params = {}

        if f.repourl:
            params["url"] = f.repourl

        if p.repourl:
            params["url"] = p.repourl

        params["service"], params["repo"] = find_service_repo(params["url"])

        if f.branch:
            params["branch"] = f.branch
        if p.branch:
            params["branch"] = p.branch
        params["revision"] = ""
        if f.revision:
            params["revision"] = f.revision
        if p.revision:
            params["revision"] = p.revision
        params["token"] = ""
        params["debian"] = ""
        params["dumb"] = ""
        if f.token:
            params["token"] = f.token
        if p.token:
            params["token"] = p.token
        if p.debian:
            params["debian"] = p.debian
        if f.debian:
            params["debian"] = f.debian

        if p.dumb:
            params["dumb"] = p.dumb
        if f.dumb:
            params["dumb"] = f.dumb

        if "branch" in params and params["branch"].startswith("pkg-"):
            if "service" not in params or "repo" not in params:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Service/Repo not found in repourl %s " % p.repourl)
            service = git_pkg_service
            service = tar_git_service

        # the simple approach doesn't work with project links
        # if self.obs.isNewPackage(project, package):
            # self.obs.getCreatePackage(str(project), str(package))
        # else:
            pkginfo = core.show_files_meta(
                self.obs.apiurl, str(project), str(package),
                expand=False, meta=True)
            if "<entry" not in pkginfo:
                # This is a link and it needs branching from the linked project
                # so grab the meta and extract the project from the link
                print("Found %s as a link in %s" % (package, project))
                x = etree.fromstring(
                    "".join(core.show_project_meta(self.obs.apiurl, project)))
                link = x.find('link')
                if link is None:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Expected a <link> in project %s." % project)
                print("Got a link  %s" % link)
                linked_project = link.get('project')
                print("Branching %s to overwrite _service" % package)
                core.branch_pkg(self.obs.apiurl, linked_project,
                                str(package), target_project=str(project))
        except Exception as exc:
            print("Doing a metatype pkg add because I caught %s" % exc)
            print("Creating package %s in project %s" % (package, project))
            data = core.metatypes['pkg']['template']
            data = StringIO(
                data % {
                    "name": str(package),
                    "user": self.obs.getUserName()}
            u = core.makeurl(
                ['source', str(project), str(package), "_meta"])
            x = core.http_PUT(u, data="".join(data))
            print("HTTP PUT result of pkg add : %s" % x)

        # Set any constraint before we set the service file
        constraint_xml = make_constraint(package)
        if constraint_xml:
            # obs module only exposed the putFile by filepath so
            # this is a reimplement to avoid writing a tmpfile
            u = core.makeurl(self.obs.apiurl,
                             ['source', project, package, "_constraints"])
            core.http_PUT(u, data=constraint_xml)
            print "New _constraints file:\n%s" % constraint_xml
            print "No _constraints for %s" % package

        # Start with an empty XML doc
        try:  # to get any existing _service file.
            # We use expand=0 as otherwise a failed service run won't
            # return the _service file
            print("Trying to get _service file for %s/%s" % (project, package))
            services_xml = self.obs.getFile(
                project, package, "_service", expand=0)
        except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
            print("Exception %s trying to get _service file for %s/%s" %
                  (e, project, package))
            if e.code == 404:
                services_xml = empty_service
            elif e.code == 400:
                # HTTP Error 400: service in progress error
                wid.result = True
                print("Service in progress, could not get _service file. "
                      "Not triggering another run.")
                raise e

        services_xml = services_xml.strip() or empty_service

        # Replace the matching one:
            services = etree.fromstring(services_xml)
        except etree.XMLSyntaxError as e:

        # Create our new service (not services anymore)
        new_service_xml = service % params
        new_service = etree.fromstring(new_service_xml)
        svcname = new_service.find(".").get("name")
        old_service = services.find("./service[@name='%s']" % svcname)
        if old_service is not None:
            services.replace(old_service, new_service)

        svc_file = etree.tostring(services, pretty_print=True)
        print("New _service file:\n%s" % svc_file)

        # And send our new service file
        self.obs.setupService(project, package, svc_file)

        wid.result = True
Beispiel #37
def source_file_save(apiurl, project, package, filename, content, comment=None):
    comment = message_suffix('updated', comment)
    url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, package, filename], {'comment': comment})
    http_PUT(url, data=content)
    def handle_wi(self, wid):
        """ Workitem handling function """
        wid.result = False
        f = wid.fields
        p = wid.params

        project = None
        package = None

        if f.project and f.package:
            project = f.project
            package = f.package

        if p.project and p.package:
            project = p.project
            package = p.package

        if not project or not package:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Missing mandatory field or parameter: package, project")

        if not f.repourl and not p.repourl:
            raise RuntimeError("Missing mandatory field or parameter: repourl")

        params = {}

        if f.repourl:
            params["url"] = f.repourl

        if p.repourl:
            params["url"] = p.repourl

        params["service"], params["repo"] = find_service_repo(params["url"])

        if f.branch:
            params["branch"] = f.branch
        if p.branch:
            params["branch"] = p.branch
        params["revision"] = ""
        if f.revision:
            params["revision"] = f.revision
        if p.revision:
            params["revision"] = p.revision
        params["token"] = ""
        params["debian"] = ""
        params["dumb"] = ""
        if f.token:
            params["token"] = f.token
        if p.token:
            params["token"] = p.token
        if p.debian:
            params["debian"] = p.debian
        if f.debian:
            params["debian"] = f.debian

        if p.dumb:
            params["dumb"] = p.dumb
        if f.dumb:
            params["dumb"] = f.dumb

        if "branch" in params and params["branch"].startswith("pkg-"):
            if "service" not in params or "repo" not in params:
                raise RuntimeError("Service/Repo not found in repourl %s " %
            service = git_pkg_service
            service = tar_git_service

        # the simple approach doesn't work with project links
        # if self.obs.isNewPackage(project, package):
        # self.obs.getCreatePackage(str(project), str(package))
        # else:
            pkginfo = core.show_files_meta(self.obs.apiurl,
            if "<entry" not in pkginfo:
                # This is a link and it needs branching from the linked project
                # so grab the meta and extract the project from the link
                self.log.debug("Found %s as a link in %s" % (package, project))
                x = etree.fromstring("".join(
                    core.show_project_meta(self.obs.apiurl, project)))
                link = x.find('link')
                if link is None:
                    raise Exception("Expected a <link> in project %s." %
                self.log.debug("Got a link  %s" % link)
                linked_project = link.get('project')
                self.log.debug("Branching %s to overwrite _service" % package)
        except Exception as exc:
            self.log.warn("Doing a metatype pkg add because I caught %s" % exc)
            self.log.warn("Creating package %s in project %s" %
                          (package, project))
            data = core.metatypes['pkg']['template']
            data = StringIO(data % {
                "name": str(package),
                "user": self.obs.getUserName()
            u = core.makeurl(
                ['source', str(project),
                 str(package), "_meta"])
            x = core.http_PUT(u, data="".join(data))
            self.log.debug("HTTP PUT result of pkg add : %s" % x)

        # Set any constraint before we set the service file
        constraint_xml = self.make_constraint(package)
        if constraint_xml:
            # obs module only exposed the putFile by filepath so
            # this is a reimplement to avoid writing a tmpfile
            u = core.makeurl(self.obs.apiurl,
                             ['source', project, package, "_constraints"])
            core.http_PUT(u, data=constraint_xml)
  "New _constraints file:\n%s" % constraint_xml)
  "No _constraints for %s" % package)

        # Start with an empty XML doc
        try:  # to get any existing _service file.
            # We use expand=0 as otherwise a failed service run won't
            # return the _service file
            self.log.debug("Trying to get _service file for %s/%s" %
                           (project, package))
            services_xml = self.obs.getFile(project,
        except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
                "Exception %s trying to get _service file for %s/%s" %
                (e, project, package))
            if e.code == 404:
                services_xml = empty_service
            elif e.code == 400:
                # HTTP Error 400: service in progress error
                wid.result = True
                    "Service in progress, could not get _service file. "
                    "Not triggering another run.")
                raise e

        services_xml = services_xml.strip() or empty_service

        # Replace the matching one:
            services = etree.fromstring(services_xml)
        except etree.XMLSyntaxError as e:
            self.log.exception("Creating services xml failed")

        # Create our new service (not services anymore)
        new_service_xml = service % params
        new_service = etree.fromstring(new_service_xml)
        svcname = new_service.find(".").get("name")
        old_service = services.find("./service[@name='%s']" % svcname)
        if old_service is not None:
            services.replace(old_service, new_service)

        svc_file = etree.tostring(services, pretty_print=True)
        self.log.debug("New _service file:\n%s" % svc_file)

        # And send our new service file
        self.obs.setupService(project, package, svc_file)

        wid.result = True