Beispiel #1
class AbstractConditionalOffer(models.Model):
    A conditional offer (eg buy 1, get 10% off)
    name = models.CharField(
        help_text=_("This is displayed within the customer's basket"))
    slug = fields.AutoSlugField(_("Slug"),
    description = models.TextField(_("Description"),
                                   help_text=_("This is displayed on the offer"
                                               " browsing page"))

    # Offers come in a few different types:
    # (a) Offers that are available to all customers on the site.  Eg a
    #     3-for-2 offer.
    # (b) Offers that are linked to a voucher, and only become available once
    #     that voucher has been applied to the basket
    # (c) Offers that are linked to a user.  Eg, all students get 10% off.  The
    #     code to apply this offer needs to be coded
    # (d) Session offers - these are temporarily available to a user after some
    #     trigger event.  Eg, users coming from some affiliate site get 10%
    #     off.
    SITE, VOUCHER, USER, SESSION = ("Site", "Voucher", "User", "Session")
        (SITE, _("Site offer - available to all users")),
         _("Voucher offer - only available after entering "
           "the appropriate voucher code")),
        (USER, _("User offer - available to certain types of user")),
         _("Session offer - temporary offer, available for "
           "a user for the duration of their session")),
    offer_type = models.CharField(_("Type"),

    # We track a status variable so it's easier to load offers that are
    # 'available' in some sense.
    OPEN, SUSPENDED, CONSUMED = "Open", "Suspended", "Consumed"
    status = models.CharField(_("Status"), max_length=64, default=OPEN)

    condition = models.ForeignKey('offer.Condition',
    benefit = models.ForeignKey('offer.Benefit', verbose_name=_("Benefit"))

    # Some complicated situations require offers to be applied in a set order.
    priority = models.IntegerField(
        help_text=_("The highest priority offers are applied first"))


    # Range of availability.  Note that if this is a voucher offer, then these
    # dates are ignored and only the dates from the voucher are used to
    # determine availability.
    start_datetime = models.DateTimeField(_("Start date"),
    end_datetime = models.DateTimeField(
        _("End date"),
        help_text=_("Offers are active until the end of the 'end date'"))

    # Use this field to limit the number of times this offer can be applied in
    # total.  Note that a single order can apply an offer multiple times so
    # this is not necessarily the same as the number of orders that can use it.
    # Also see max_basket_applications.
    max_global_applications = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        _("Max global applications"),
        help_text=_("The number of times this offer can be used before it "
                    "is unavailable"),

    # Use this field to limit the number of times this offer can be used by a
    # single user.  This only works for signed-in users - it doesn't really
    # make sense for sites that allow anonymous checkout.
    max_user_applications = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        _("Max user applications"),
        help_text=_("The number of times a single user can use this offer"),

    # Use this field to limit the number of times this offer can be applied to
    # a basket (and hence a single order). Often, an offer should only be
    # usable once per basket/order, so this field will commonly be set to 1.
    max_basket_applications = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        _("Max basket applications"),
        help_text=_("The number of times this offer can be applied to a "
                    "basket (and order)"))

    # Use this field to limit the amount of discount an offer can lead to.
    # This can be helpful with budgeting.
    max_discount = models.DecimalField(
        _("Max discount"),
        help_text=_("When an offer has given more discount to orders "
                    "than this threshold, then the offer becomes "

    # These fields are used to enforce the limits set by the
    # max_* fields above.

    total_discount = models.DecimalField(_("Total Discount"),
    num_applications = models.PositiveIntegerField(_("Number of applications"),
    num_orders = models.PositiveIntegerField(_("Number of Orders"), default=0)

    redirect_url = fields.ExtendedURLField(_("URL redirect (optional)"),
    date_created = models.DateTimeField(_("Date Created"), auto_now_add=True)

    objects = models.Manager()
    active = ActiveOfferManager()

    # We need to track the voucher that this offer came from (if it is a
    # voucher offer)
    _voucher = None

    class Meta:
        abstract = True
        app_label = 'offer'
        ordering = ['-priority']
        verbose_name = _("Conditional offer")
        verbose_name_plural = _("Conditional offers")

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Check to see if consumption thresholds have been broken
        if not self.is_suspended:
            if self.get_max_applications() == 0:
                self.status = self.CONSUMED
                self.status = self.OPEN

        return super(AbstractConditionalOffer, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return reverse('offer:detail', kwargs={'slug': self.slug})

    def __str__(self):

    def clean(self):
        if (self.start_datetime and self.end_datetime
                and self.start_datetime > self.end_datetime):
            raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                _('End date should be later than start date'))

    def is_open(self):
        return self.status == self.OPEN

    def is_suspended(self):
        return self.status == self.SUSPENDED

    def suspend(self):
        self.status = self.SUSPENDED

    suspend.alters_data = True

    def unsuspend(self):
        self.status = self.OPEN

    unsuspend.alters_data = True

    def is_available(self, user=None, test_date=None):
        Test whether this offer is available to be used
        if self.is_suspended:
            return False
        if test_date is None:
            test_date = now()
        predicates = []
        if self.start_datetime:
            predicates.append(self.start_datetime > test_date)
        if self.end_datetime:
            predicates.append(test_date > self.end_datetime)
        if any(predicates):
            return False
        return self.get_max_applications(user) > 0

    def is_condition_satisfied(self, basket):
        return self.condition.proxy().is_satisfied(self, basket)

    def is_condition_partially_satisfied(self, basket):
        return self.condition.proxy().is_partially_satisfied(self, basket)

    def get_upsell_message(self, basket):
        return self.condition.proxy().get_upsell_message(self, basket)

    def apply_benefit(self, basket):
        Applies the benefit to the given basket and returns the discount.
        if not self.is_condition_satisfied(basket):
            return results.ZERO_DISCOUNT
        return self.benefit.proxy().apply(basket, self.condition.proxy(), self)

    def apply_deferred_benefit(self, basket, order, application):
        Applies any deferred benefits.  These are things like adding loyalty
        points to somone's account.
        return self.benefit.proxy().apply_deferred(basket, order, application)

    def set_voucher(self, voucher):
        self._voucher = voucher

    def get_voucher(self):
        return self._voucher

    def get_max_applications(self, user=None):
        Return the number of times this offer can be applied to a basket for a
        given user.
        if self.max_discount and self.total_discount >= self.max_discount:
            return 0

        # Hard-code a maximum value as we need some sensible upper limit for
        # when there are not other caps.
        limits = [10000]
        if self.max_user_applications and user:
                    0, self.max_user_applications -
        if self.max_basket_applications:
        if self.max_global_applications:
                max(0, self.max_global_applications - self.num_applications))
        return min(limits)

    def get_num_user_applications(self, user):
        OrderDiscount = get_model('order', 'OrderDiscount')
        aggregates = OrderDiscount.objects.filter(,
        return aggregates['total'] if aggregates['total'] is not None else 0

    def shipping_discount(self, charge):
        return self.benefit.proxy().shipping_discount(charge)

    def record_usage(self, discount):
        self.num_applications += discount['freq']
        self.total_discount += discount['discount']
        self.num_orders += 1

    record_usage.alters_data = True

    def availability_description(self):
        Return a description of when this offer is available
        restrictions = self.availability_restrictions()
        descriptions = [r['description'] for r in restrictions]
        return "<br/>".join(descriptions)

    def availability_restrictions(self):  # noqa (too complex (15))
        restrictions = []
        if self.is_suspended:
                'description': _("Offer is suspended"),
                'is_satisfied': False

        if self.max_global_applications:
            remaining = self.max_global_applications - self.num_applications
            desc = _("Limited to %(total)d uses (%(remainder)d remaining)") \
                % {'total': self.max_global_applications,
                   'remainder': remaining}
                'description': desc,
                'is_satisfied': remaining > 0

        if self.max_user_applications:
            if self.max_user_applications == 1:
                desc = _("Limited to 1 use per user")
                desc = _("Limited to %(total)d uses per user") \
                    % {'total': self.max_user_applications}
            restrictions.append({'description': desc, 'is_satisfied': True})

        if self.max_basket_applications:
            if self.max_user_applications == 1:
                desc = _("Limited to 1 use per basket")
                desc = _("Limited to %(total)d uses per basket") \
                    % {'total': self.max_basket_applications}
            restrictions.append({'description': desc, 'is_satisfied': True})

        def hide_time_if_zero(dt):
            # Only show hours/minutes if they have been specified
            if dt.tzinfo:
                localtime = dt.astimezone(get_current_timezone())
                localtime = dt
            if localtime.hour == 0 and localtime.minute == 0:
                return date_filter(localtime, settings.DATE_FORMAT)
            return date_filter(localtime, settings.DATETIME_FORMAT)

        if self.start_datetime or self.end_datetime:
            today = now()
            if self.start_datetime and self.end_datetime:
                desc = _("Available between %(start)s and %(end)s") \
                    % {'start': hide_time_if_zero(self.start_datetime),
                       'end': hide_time_if_zero(self.end_datetime)}
                is_satisfied \
                    = self.start_datetime <= today <= self.end_datetime
            elif self.start_datetime:
                desc = _("Available from %(start)s") % {
                    'start': hide_time_if_zero(self.start_datetime)
                is_satisfied = today >= self.start_datetime
            elif self.end_datetime:
                desc = _("Available until %(end)s") % {
                    'end': hide_time_if_zero(self.end_datetime)
                is_satisfied = today <= self.end_datetime
                'description': desc,
                'is_satisfied': is_satisfied

        if self.max_discount:
            desc = _("Limited to a cost of %(max)s") % {
                'max': currency(self.max_discount)
                self.total_discount < self.max_discount

        return restrictions

    def has_products(self):
        return self.condition.range is not None

    def products(self):
        Return a queryset of products in this offer
        Product = get_model('catalogue', 'Product')
        if not self.has_products:
            return Product.objects.none()

        cond_range = self.condition.range
        if cond_range.includes_all_products:
            # Return ALL the products
            queryset = Product.browsable
            queryset = cond_range.all_products()
        return queryset.filter(is_discountable=True).exclude(
class AbstractConditionalOffer(models.Model):
    A conditional offer (eg buy 1, get 10% off)
    name = models.CharField(
        _("Name"), max_length=128, unique=True,
        help_text=_("This is displayed within the customer's basket"))
    # 这陈列在顾客的购物篮里。
    slug = fields.AutoSlugField(
        _("Slug"), max_length=128, unique=True, populate_from='name')
    description = models.TextField(_("Description"), blank=True,
                                   help_text=_("This is displayed on the offer"
                                               " browsing page"))
    # 这将陈列在报价浏览页面上。

    # Offers come in a few different types:
    # (a) Offers that are available to all customers on the site.  Eg a
    #     3-for-2 offer.
    # (b) Offers that are linked to a voucher, and only become available once
    #     that voucher has been applied to the basket
    # (c) Offers that are linked to a user.  Eg, all students get 10% off.  The
    #     code to apply this offer needs to be coded
    # (d) Session offers - these are temporarily available to a user after some
    #     trigger event.  Eg, users coming from some affiliate site get 10%
    #     off.

    # 报价有几种不同的类型:
    # (a)提供给网站上所有客户的报价。3比2报价。
    # (b)与优惠券相关联的报价,只有在优惠券适用于购物篮后才可使用
    # (c)与用户相关的报价。 例如,所有学生都可享受10%的折扣。 需要对应用此报价
    #      的代码进行编码
    # (d)会话提供 - 在某些触发事件之后,这些提供暂时可供用户使用。 例如,来自某
    #      个联盟网站的用户可获得10%的折扣。
    SITE, VOUCHER, USER, SESSION = ("Site", "Voucher", "User", "Session")
        (SITE, _("Site offer - available to all users")),
        (VOUCHER, _("Voucher offer - only available after entering "
                    "the appropriate voucher code")),
        (USER, _("User offer - available to certain types of user")),
        (SESSION, _("Session offer - temporary offer, available for "
                    "a user for the duration of their session")),
    offer_type = models.CharField(
        _("Type"), choices=TYPE_CHOICES, default=SITE, max_length=128)

    exclusive = models.BooleanField(
        _("Exclusive offer"),
        help_text=_("Exclusive offers cannot be combined on the same items"),
        # 独家报价不能组合在同一项目上

    # We track a status variable so it's easier to load offers that are
    # 'available' in some sense.
    # 我们跟踪状态变量,因此在某种意义上加载“可用”的商品更容易。
    OPEN, SUSPENDED, CONSUMED = "Open", "Suspended", "Consumed"
    status = models.CharField(_("Status"), max_length=64, default=OPEN)

    condition = models.ForeignKey(
    benefit = models.ForeignKey(

    # Some complicated situations require offers to be applied in a set order.
    # 某些复杂情况需要按订单顺序应用商品。
    priority = models.IntegerField(
        _("Priority"), default=0,
        help_text=_("The highest priority offers are applied first"))
    # 首先应用优先级最高的报价


    # Range of availability.  Note that if this is a voucher offer, then these
    # dates are ignored and only the dates from the voucher are used to
    # determine availability.
    # 可用范围。 请注意,如果这是优惠券报价,则会忽略这些日期,并且仅使用优惠
    # 券中的日期来确定可用性。
    start_datetime = models.DateTimeField(
        _("Start date"), blank=True, null=True,
        help_text=_("Offers are active from the start date. "
                    "Leave this empty if the offer has no start date."))
    # 报价从开始日期起生效,如果报价没有开始日期,则空。
    end_datetime = models.DateTimeField(
        _("End date"), blank=True, null=True,
        help_text=_("Offers are active until the end date. "
                    "Leave this empty if the offer has no expiry date."))
    # 报价一直有效到截止日期为止。如果报价没有到期日,请保留此空白。

    # Use this field to limit the number of times this offer can be applied in
    # total.  Note that a single order can apply an offer multiple times so
    # this is not necessarily the same as the number of orders that can use it.
    # Also see max_basket_applications.
    # 使用此字段可限制此要约的总计应用次数。 请注意,单个订单可以多次应用要约,
    # 因此这不一定与可以使用它的订单数量相同。 另请参见max_basket_applications。
    max_global_applications = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        _("Max global applications"),
        help_text=_("The number of times this offer can be used before it "
                    "is unavailable"), blank=True, null=True)
    # 在不可用之前,可以使用该报价的次数。

    # Use this field to limit the number of times this offer can be used by a
    # single user.  This only works for signed-in users - it doesn't really
    # make sense for sites that allow anonymous checkout.
    # 使用此字段可限制单个用户可以使用此优惠的次数。 这仅适用于已登录的用户 - 对于允许
    # 匿名结帐的网站而言,它实际上没有意义。
    max_user_applications = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        _("Max user applications"),
        help_text=_("The number of times a single user can use this offer"),
        # 单个用户可以使用此优惠的次数
        blank=True, null=True)

    # Use this field to limit the number of times this offer can be applied to
    # a basket (and hence a single order). Often, an offer should only be
    # usable once per basket/order, so this field will commonly be set to 1.
    # 使用此字段可限制此优惠可应用于购物篮的次数(因此也可以是单个订单)。 通常,
    # 报价每个购物篮/订单只能使用一次,因此该字段通常设置为1。
    max_basket_applications = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        _("Max basket applications"),
        blank=True, null=True,
        help_text=_("The number of times this offer can be applied to a "
                    "basket (and order)"))
    # 此优惠可应用于购物篮(和订单)的次数

    # Use this field to limit the amount of discount an offer can lead to.
    # This can be helpful with budgeting.
    # 使用此字段可限制要约可能带来的折扣金额。 这对预算编制很有帮助。
    max_discount = models.DecimalField(
        _("Max discount"), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12, null=True,
        help_text=_("When an offer has given more discount to orders "
                    "than this threshold, then the offer becomes "
    # 当报价给订单的折扣超过此阈值时,报价就会变得不可用

    # TRACKING 跟踪
    # These fields are used to enforce the limits set by the
    # max_* fields above.
    # 这些字段用于强制执行上述max_ *字段设置的限制。

    total_discount = models.DecimalField(
        _("Total Discount"), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12,
    num_applications = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        _("Number of applications"), default=0)
    num_orders = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        _("Number of Orders"), default=0)

    redirect_url = fields.ExtendedURLField(
        _("URL redirect (optional)"), blank=True)
    date_created = models.DateTimeField(_("Date Created"), auto_now_add=True)

    objects = models.Manager()
    active = ActiveOfferManager()

    # We need to track the voucher that this offer came from (if it is a
    # voucher offer)
    # 我们需要跟踪此优惠来自的优惠券(如果是优惠券优惠)
    _voucher = None

    class Meta:
        abstract = True
        app_label = 'offer'
        ordering = ['-priority', 'pk']
        verbose_name = _("Conditional offer")
        verbose_name_plural = _("Conditional offers")

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Check to see if consumption thresholds have been broken
        # 检查消耗阈值是否已被破坏
        if not self.is_suspended:
            if self.get_max_applications() == 0:
                self.status = self.CONSUMED
                self.status = self.OPEN

        return super().save(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return reverse('offer:detail', kwargs={'slug': self.slug})

    def __str__(self):

    def clean(self):
        if (self.start_datetime and self.end_datetime and
                self.start_datetime > self.end_datetime):
            raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                _('End date should be later than start date'))

    def is_open(self):
        return self.status == self.OPEN

    def is_suspended(self):
        return self.status == self.SUSPENDED

    def suspend(self):
        self.status = self.SUSPENDED
    suspend.alters_data = True

    def unsuspend(self):
        self.status = self.OPEN
    unsuspend.alters_data = True

    def is_available(self, user=None, test_date=None):
        Test whether this offer is available to be used
        if self.is_suspended:
            return False
        if test_date is None:
            test_date = now()
        predicates = []
        if self.start_datetime:
            predicates.append(self.start_datetime > test_date)
        if self.end_datetime:
            predicates.append(test_date > self.end_datetime)
        if any(predicates):
            return False
        return self.get_max_applications(user) > 0

    def is_condition_satisfied(self, basket):
        return self.condition.proxy().is_satisfied(self, basket)

    def is_condition_partially_satisfied(self, basket):
        return self.condition.proxy().is_partially_satisfied(self, basket)

    def get_upsell_message(self, basket):
        return self.condition.proxy().get_upsell_message(self, basket)

    def apply_benefit(self, basket):
        Applies the benefit to the given basket and returns the discount.
        if not self.is_condition_satisfied(basket):
            return ZERO_DISCOUNT
        return self.benefit.proxy().apply(
            basket, self.condition.proxy(), self)

    def apply_deferred_benefit(self, basket, order, application):
        Applies any deferred benefits.  These are things like adding loyalty
        points to someone's account.
        适用任何递延利益。 这些是将忠诚度积分添加到某人的帐户。
        return self.benefit.proxy().apply_deferred(basket, order, application)

    def set_voucher(self, voucher):
        self._voucher = voucher

    def get_voucher(self):
        return self._voucher

    def get_max_applications(self, user=None):
        Return the number of times this offer can be applied to a basket for a
        given user.
        if self.max_discount and self.total_discount >= self.max_discount:
            return 0

        # Hard-code a maximum value as we need some sensible upper limit for
        # when there are not other caps.
        # 硬编码最大值,因为当没有其他上限时我们需要一些合理的上限。
        limits = [10000]
        if self.max_user_applications and user:
            limits.append(max(0, self.max_user_applications -
        if self.max_basket_applications:
        if self.max_global_applications:
                max(0, self.max_global_applications - self.num_applications))
        return min(limits)

    def get_num_user_applications(self, user):
        OrderDiscount = get_model('order', 'OrderDiscount')
        aggregates = OrderDiscount.objects.filter(,
        return aggregates['total'] if aggregates['total'] is not None else 0

    def shipping_discount(self, charge):
        return self.benefit.proxy().shipping_discount(charge)

    def record_usage(self, discount):
        self.num_applications += discount['freq']
        self.total_discount += discount['discount']
        self.num_orders += 1
    record_usage.alters_data = True

    def availability_description(self):
        Return a description of when this offer is available
        restrictions = self.availability_restrictions()
        descriptions = [r['description'] for r in restrictions]
        return "<br/>".join(descriptions)

    # 可用性限制
    def availability_restrictions(self):  # noqa (too complex (15))
        restrictions = []
        if self.is_suspended:
                'description': _("Offer is suspended"),
                'is_satisfied': False})

        if self.max_global_applications:
            remaining = self.max_global_applications - self.num_applications
            desc = _("Limited to %(total)d uses (%(remainder)d remaining)") \
                % {'total': self.max_global_applications,
                   'remainder': remaining}
            restrictions.append({'description': desc,
                                 'is_satisfied': remaining > 0})

        if self.max_user_applications:
            if self.max_user_applications == 1:
                desc = _("Limited to 1 use per user")
                desc = _("Limited to %(total)d uses per user") \
                    % {'total': self.max_user_applications}
            restrictions.append({'description': desc,
                                 'is_satisfied': True})

        if self.max_basket_applications:
            if self.max_user_applications == 1:
                desc = _("Limited to 1 use per basket")
                desc = _("Limited to %(total)d uses per basket") \
                    % {'total': self.max_basket_applications}
                'description': desc,
                'is_satisfied': True})

        def hide_time_if_zero(dt):
            # Only show hours/minutes if they have been specified
            # 仅显示小时/分钟(如果已指定)
            if dt.tzinfo:
                localtime = dt.astimezone(get_current_timezone())
                localtime = dt
            if localtime.hour == 0 and localtime.minute == 0:
                return date_filter(localtime, settings.DATE_FORMAT)
            return date_filter(localtime, settings.DATETIME_FORMAT)

        if self.start_datetime or self.end_datetime:
            today = now()
            if self.start_datetime and self.end_datetime:
                desc = _("Available between %(start)s and %(end)s") \
                    % {'start': hide_time_if_zero(self.start_datetime),
                       'end': hide_time_if_zero(self.end_datetime)}
                is_satisfied \
                    = self.start_datetime <= today <= self.end_datetime
            elif self.start_datetime:
                desc = _("Available from %(start)s") % {
                    'start': hide_time_if_zero(self.start_datetime)}
                is_satisfied = today >= self.start_datetime
            elif self.end_datetime:
                desc = _("Available until %(end)s") % {
                    'end': hide_time_if_zero(self.end_datetime)}
                is_satisfied = today <= self.end_datetime
                'description': desc,
                'is_satisfied': is_satisfied})

        if self.max_discount:
            desc = _("Limited to a cost of %(max)s") % {
                'max': currency(self.max_discount)}
                'description': desc,
                'is_satisfied': self.total_discount < self.max_discount})

        return restrictions

    def has_products(self):
        return self.condition.range is not None

    def products(self):
        Return a queryset of products in this offer
        Product = get_model('catalogue', 'Product')
        if not self.has_products:
            return Product.objects.none()

        cond_range = self.condition.range
        if cond_range.includes_all_products:
            # Return ALL the products
            # 退回所有产品
            queryset = Product.browsable
            queryset = cond_range.all_products()
        return queryset.filter(is_discountable=True).exclude(