Beispiel #1
def main():

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Download data from OSF project")
                        help="Text file containing list of directories"
                        " to download")
    parser.add_argument("destination", help="Root destination directory")
    parser.add_argument("--project", help="Project code")
    parser.add_argument("--username", help="Username for project")
    parser.add_argument("--password", help="Password for user")
    parser.add_argument("--token", help="Access token")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Override file config if provided
    config = osfcli.config_from_file()
    config.update({k: v for k, v in vars(args).items() if v is not None})

    osf = OSF(username=args.username, password=args.password, token=args.token)
    project = osf.project(config['project'])
    dest = args.destination
    to_download = parse_download_list(args.directories)
    for s in project.storages:
        download_folders(s, to_download, dest)
Beispiel #2
    def fetch(self, spec, output_dir, yield_output=False):
        """Fetch RDM directory"""
        project_id = spec["project_id"]
        path = spec["path"]
        host = spec["host"]
        api_url = host["api"][:-1] if host["api"].endswith(
            "/") else host["api"]

        yield "Fetching RDM directory {} on {} at {}.\n".format(
            path, project_id, api_url)
        osf = OSF(
            token=host["token"] if "token" in host else os.getenv("OSF_TOKEN"),
        project = osf.project(project_id)

        if len(path):
            storage =[:path.index("/")] if "/" in
                                      path else path)
            subpath = path[path.index("/"):] if "/" in path else "/"
            for line in self._fetch_storage(storage, output_dir, subpath):
                yield line
            for storage in project.storages:
                for line in self._fetch_storage(storage, output_dir):
                    yield line
Beispiel #3
def upload_to_osf(username, password, local_path):
    # All the data in the data folder will be:
    # 1. split to public and private data directories if not done already
    # 2. zipped to tar.gz format
    # 3. uploaded to private and public osf repositiories

    local_path = Path(local_path)
    remote_path = Path(REMOTE_PATH)
    if not local_path.is_dir():
        raise RuntimeError(f"Expected source ({local_path})"
                           "to be a directory")
    osf = OSF(username=username, password=password)

    # ########################################################
    # TODO: make the split to public and private data directories
    # to have a path:
    # local_path
    #       |---public
    #       |---private
    # all the data in the public directory will be added to the
    # public repo, and from private directory to the private repo
    # here the split has already been done beforehand

    # make sure there are private and public subdirs in your data directory
    assert (local_path / 'private').is_dir()
    assert (local_path / 'public').is_dir()

    project_types = ['public', 'private']

    for project_code, project_type in zip(project_codes, project_types):

        print(f'compressing {project_type} data')
        used_dir = local_path / project_type
        tar_name = local_path / (project_type + '.tar.gz')

        # add files from the given dir to your archive
        with, "w:gz") as tar_handle:
            for next_file in used_dir.rglob('*'):
                if not next_file.is_file():
                remote_name = next_file.relative_to(used_dir)
                tar_handle.add(next_file, arcname=remote_name)
        print(f'uploading {project_type} data')

        # establish the connection with the correct repo on osf
        project = osf.project(project_code)
        store ='osfstorage')

        with open(tar_name, 'rb') as fp:
            fname = remote_path / (project_type + '.tar.gz')
            store.create_file(fname, fp, force=True)
        print(f'successfully uploaded {fname} to {REMOTE_PATH}')
def get_connection_info(get_private, username=None, password=None):
    "Get connection to OSF and info relative to public/private data."
    if get_private:
        osf, folder_name = OSF(username=username, password=password), 'private'
        assert username is None and password is None, (
            "Username and password should only be provided when fetching "
            "private data.")
        osf, folder_name = OSF(), 'public'
    data_config = RAMP_FOLDER_CONFIGURATION[folder_name]

        project = osf.project(data_config['code'])
        store ='osfstorage')
    except UnauthorizedException:
        raise ValueError("Invalid credentials for RAMP private storage.")
    return store, data_config
Beispiel #5
def download_from_osf(private, username, password):
    file_idx = 0
    if private:
        project_code = PROJECT_CODE_PRIVATE
        project_code = PROJECT_CODE

    # if the file already exists it will overwrite it
    # osf = OSF(username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD)
    if private:
        osf = OSF(username=username, password=password)
        osf = OSF()
    project = osf.project(project_code)
    store ='osfstorage')

    for file_ in store.files:
        # get only those files which are stored in REMOTE_PATH
        pathname = file_.path

        if REMOTE_PATH not in pathname:
            # we are not interested in this file
        # otherwise we are copying it locally
        # check if the directory tree exists and add the dirs if necessary

        # do not include project name
        pathname = pathname[pathname.find(REMOTE_PATH) + len(REMOTE_PATH):]
        save_file = os.path.join(LOCAL_PATH, pathname)
        pathfile, filename = os.path.split(save_file)

        if not os.path.exists(pathfile):

        if not os.path.exists(save_file):
            # do not save it if the file already exists
            with open(save_file, "wb") as f:
            file_idx += 1
            print(f'Skipping existing file {save_file}')
    print(f'saved {file_idx} files to {LOCAL_PATH}')
Beispiel #6
# in the command line: osf -p t4uf8 clone temp/
# however this corresponds to the whole project. we are interested only in the
# stroke data here

# this script does the same as (from terminal)
# osf upload local_path remote_path

LOCAL_PATH = 'data'  # local path to the data
REMOTE_PATH = 'stroke/'  # remote path where to store the data on OSF
PROJECT_CODE = 't4uf8'  # to find your PROJECT_CODE navigate to your OSF
# project on the web. The link will be something of this type:
# , here t4uf8 is the PROJECT_CODE

# if the file already exists it will overwrite it
# osf = OSF(username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD)
osf = OSF()
project = osf.project(PROJECT_CODE)

destination = '' + PROJECT_CODE + '/'
store ='osfstorage')

def download_from_osf():
    file_idx = 0
    for file_ in store.files:
        # get only those files which are stored in REMOTE_PATH
        pathname = file_.path

        if REMOTE_PATH not in pathname:
            # we are not interested in this file
Beispiel #7
from osfclient.api import OSF

# this script does the same as (from terminal)
# osf -r -p your_password -u your_username upload local_path remote_path

LOCAL_PATH = 'data/'  # local path to the data
REMOTE_PATH = 'stroke'  # remote path where to store the data on OSF
PROJECT_CODE = 't4uf8'  # to find your PROJECT_CODE navigate to your OSF
# project on the web. The link will be something of this type:
# , here t4uf8 is the PROJECT_CODE
USERNAME = '******'
PASSWORD = '******'  # for uploading the data you need to give the username
# and the password of one of the project owners

# if the file already exists it will overwrite it
osf = OSF(username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD)
project = osf.project(PROJECT_CODE)

destination = '' + PROJECT_CODE + '/'
store ='osfstorage')

def upload_recursive_to_osf():
    # here we are only using recursive
    if not os.path.isdir(LOCAL_PATH):
        raise RuntimeError(f"Expected source ({LOCAL_PATH})"
                           "to be a directory")

    _, dir_name = os.path.split(LOCAL_PATH)

    idx = 1