Beispiel #1
def main(argv=sys.argv):
    scope = SCOPES['ft']
    token_in = None
    command = None

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(sys.argv)
    if argv is None:
        return 0

    # Parse command line arguments.
    i = 1
    while i < len(argv):
        arg = argv[i]

        if arg == '-s' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            if argv[i + 1] in SCOPES:
                scope = SCOPES[argv[i + 1]]
            elif argv[i + 1].startswith('http'):
                scope = argv[i + 1]
                print('Scope %s not recognised.' % argv[i + 1])
                return Usage()
            i = i + 1

        elif arg[0] == '-':
            return Usage()

        elif command is None:
            command = arg

        elif token_in is None:
            token_in = arg

            return Usage()

        i = i + 1

    if command is None:
        command = 'interactive'

    if command == 'login':
    elif command == 'auth2refresh':
        print(gdal.GOA2GetRefreshToken(token_in, scope))
    elif command == 'refresh2access':
        print(gdal.GOA2GetAccessToken(token_in, scope))
    elif command != 'interactive':
        return Usage()
        # Interactive case
        print('Authorization requested for scope:')
        print('Please login and authorize access in web browser...')


        print('Enter authorization token:')
        auth_token = sys.stdin.readline()

        refresh_token = gdal.GOA2GetRefreshToken(auth_token, scope)

        print('Refresh Token:' + refresh_token)
        if scope == SCOPES['ft']:
            print('Consider setting a configuration option like:')
            print('GFT_REFRESH_TOKEN=' + refresh_token)
        elif scope in (SCOPES['storage'], SCOPES['storage-rw']):
            print('Consider setting a configuration option like:')
            print('GS_OAUTH2_REFRESH_TOKEN=' + refresh_token)
Beispiel #2
def gdal_edit(argv):

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)
    if argv is None:
        return -1

    datasetname = None
    srs = None
    ulx = None
    uly = None
    lrx = None
    lry = None
    nodata = None
    xres = None
    yres = None
    unsetgt = False
    unsetstats = False
    stats = False
    approx_stats = False
    unsetmd = False
    ro = False
    molist = []
    gcp_list = []
    open_options = []

    i = 1
    argc = len(argv)
    while i < argc:
        if argv[i] == '-ro':
            ro = True
        elif argv[i] == '-a_srs' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            srs = argv[i + 1]
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-a_ullr' and i < len(argv) - 4:
            ulx = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
            uly = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
            lrx = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
            lry = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-tr' and i < len(argv) - 2:
            xres = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
            yres = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-a_nodata' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            nodata = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-mo' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            molist.append(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-gcp' and i + 4 < len(argv):
            pixel = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
            line = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
            x = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
            y = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
            if i + 1 < len(argv) and ArgIsNumeric(argv[i + 1]):
                z = float(argv[i + 1])
                i = i + 1
                z = 0
            gcp = gdal.GCP(x, y, z, pixel, line)
        elif argv[i] == '-unsetgt':
            unsetgt = True
        elif argv[i] == '-unsetstats':
            unsetstats = True
        elif argv[i] == '-approx_stats':
            stats = True
            approx_stats = True
        elif argv[i] == '-stats':
            stats = True
        elif argv[i] == '-unsetmd':
            unsetmd = True
        elif argv[i] == '-oo' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            open_options.append(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i][0] == '-':
            sys.stderr.write('Unrecognized option : %s\n' % argv[i])
            return Usage()
        elif datasetname is None:
            datasetname = argv[i]
            sys.stderr.write('Unexpected option : %s\n' % argv[i])
            return Usage()

        i = i + 1

    if datasetname is None:
        return Usage()

    if (srs is None and lry is None and yres is None and not unsetgt
            and not unsetstats and not stats and nodata is None
            and len(molist) == 0 and not unsetmd):
        print('No option specified')
        return Usage()

    exclusive_option = 0
    if lry is not None:
        exclusive_option = exclusive_option + 1
    if yres is not None:
        exclusive_option = exclusive_option + 1
    if unsetgt:
        exclusive_option = exclusive_option + 1
    if exclusive_option > 1:
        print('-a_ullr, -tr and -unsetgt options are exclusive.')
        return Usage()

    if unsetstats and stats:
            '-unsetstats and either -stats or -approx_stats options are exclusive.'
        return Usage()

    if open_options is not None:
        if ro:
            ds = gdal.OpenEx(datasetname,
            ds = gdal.OpenEx(datasetname,
                             gdal.OF_RASTER | gdal.OF_UPDATE,
    # GDAL 1.X compat
    elif ro:
        ds = gdal.Open(datasetname)
        ds = gdal.Open(datasetname, gdal.GA_Update)
    if ds is None:
        return -1

    wkt = None
    if srs == '' or srs == 'None':
    elif srs is not None:
        sr = osr.SpatialReference()
        if sr.SetFromUserInput(srs) != 0:
            print('Failed to process SRS definition: %s' % srs)
            return -1
        wkt = sr.ExportToWkt()
        if len(gcp_list) == 0:

    if lry is not None:
        gt = [
            ulx, (lrx - ulx) / ds.RasterXSize, 0, uly, 0,
            (lry - uly) / ds.RasterYSize

    if yres is not None:
        gt = ds.GetGeoTransform()
        # Doh ! why is gt a tuple and not an array...
        gt = [gt[j] for j in range(6)]
        gt[1] = xres
        gt[5] = yres

    if unsetgt:
        ds.SetGeoTransform([0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1])

    if len(gcp_list) > 0:
        if wkt is None:
            wkt = ds.GetGCPProjection()
        if wkt is None:
            wkt = ''
        ds.SetGCPs(gcp_list, wkt)

    if nodata is not None:
        for i in range(ds.RasterCount):
            ds.GetRasterBand(i + 1).SetNoDataValue(nodata)

    if unsetstats:
        for i in range(ds.RasterCount):
            band = ds.GetRasterBand(i + 1)
            for key in band.GetMetadata().keys():
                if key.startswith('STATISTICS_'):
                    band.SetMetadataItem(key, None)

    if stats:
        for i in range(ds.RasterCount):
            ds.GetRasterBand(i + 1).ComputeStatistics(approx_stats)

    if len(molist) != 0:
        if unsetmd:
            md = {}
            md = ds.GetMetadata()
        for moitem in molist:
            equal_pos = moitem.find('=')
            if equal_pos > 0:
                md[moitem[0:equal_pos]] = moitem[equal_pos + 1:]
    elif unsetmd:

    ds = band = None

    return 0
Beispiel #3
def gdal_ls(argv, fout=sys.stdout):
    longformat = False
    recurse = False
    recurseInZip = False
    recurseInTGZ = False
    display_prefix = True
    dirname = None
    depth = 1024

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)
    if argv is None:
        return -1

    i = 1
    argc = len(argv)
    while i < argc:
        if argv[i] == '-l':
            longformat = True
        elif argv[i] == '-lr':
            longformat = True
            recurse = True
        elif argv[i] == '-R' or argv[i] == '-r':
            recurse = True
        elif argv[i] == '-Rzip':
            recurseInZip = True
        elif argv[i] == '-Rtgz':
            recurseInTGZ = True
        elif argv[i] == '-noprefix':
            display_prefix = False
        elif argv[i] == '-depth' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            depth = int(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i][0] == '-':
            sys.stderr.write('Unrecognized option : %s\n' % argv[i])
            return Usage()
        elif dirname is None:
            dirname = argv[i]
            sys.stderr.write('Unexpected option : %s\n' % argv[i])
            return Usage()

        i = i + 1

    if dirname is None:
        return Usage()

    # Remove trailing
    if dirname[-1] == '/':
        dirname = dirname[0:len(dirname) - 1]

    if needsVSICurl(dirname):
        dirname = '/vsicurl/' + dirname

    # if iszip(dirname) and not dirname.startswith('/vsizip'):
    #    dirname = '/vsizip/' + dirname

    # if istgz(dirname) and not dirname.startswith('/vsitar'):
    #    dirname = '/vsitar/' + dirname

    prefix = ''
    if display_prefix:
        prefix = dirname + '/'
    readDir(fout, dirname, prefix, longformat, recurse, depth, recurseInZip,
            recurseInTGZ, True)
    return 0
Beispiel #4
def main(argv=sys.argv):
    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)
    if argv is None:
        return 0

    driver_name = 'GTiff'
    src_color_filename = None
    src_greyscale_filename = None
    dst_color_filename = None
    quiet = False

    # Parse command line arguments.
    i = 1
    while i < len(argv):
        arg = argv[i]

        if arg == '-of':
            i = i + 1
            driver_name = argv[i]

        elif arg == '-q' or arg == '-quiet':
            quiet = True

        elif src_color_filename is None:
            src_color_filename = argv[i]

        elif src_greyscale_filename is None:
            src_greyscale_filename = argv[i]

        elif dst_color_filename is None:
            dst_color_filename = argv[i]
            return Usage()

        i = i + 1

    if dst_color_filename is None:
        return Usage()

    datatype = gdal.GDT_Byte

    hilldataset = gdal.Open(src_greyscale_filename, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
    colordataset = gdal.Open(src_color_filename, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)

    # check for 3 or 4 bands in the color file
    if (colordataset.RasterCount != 3 and colordataset.RasterCount != 4):
            'Source image does not appear to have three or four bands as required.'
        return 1

    # define output format, name, size, type and set projection
    out_driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(driver_name)
    outdataset = out_driver.Create(dst_color_filename,
                                   colordataset.RasterCount, datatype)

    # assign RGB and hillshade bands
    rBand = colordataset.GetRasterBand(1)
    gBand = colordataset.GetRasterBand(2)
    bBand = colordataset.GetRasterBand(3)
    if colordataset.RasterCount == 4:
        aBand = colordataset.GetRasterBand(4)
        aBand = None

    hillband = hilldataset.GetRasterBand(1)
    hillbandnodatavalue = hillband.GetNoDataValue()

    # check for same file size
    if ((rBand.YSize != hillband.YSize) or (rBand.XSize != hillband.XSize)):
        print('Color and hillshade must be the same size in pixels.')
        return 1

    # loop over lines to apply hillshade
    for i in range(hillband.YSize):
        # load RGB and Hillshade arrays
        rScanline = rBand.ReadAsArray(0, i, hillband.XSize, 1, hillband.XSize,
        gScanline = gBand.ReadAsArray(0, i, hillband.XSize, 1, hillband.XSize,
        bScanline = bBand.ReadAsArray(0, i, hillband.XSize, 1, hillband.XSize,
        hillScanline = hillband.ReadAsArray(0, i, hillband.XSize, 1,
                                            hillband.XSize, 1)

        # convert to HSV
        hsv = rgb_to_hsv(rScanline, gScanline, bScanline)

        # if there's nodata on the hillband, use the v value from the color
        # dataset instead of the hillshade value.
        if hillbandnodatavalue is not None:
            equal_to_nodata = numpy.equal(hillScanline, hillbandnodatavalue)
            v = numpy.choose(equal_to_nodata, (hillScanline, hsv[2]))
            v = hillScanline

        # replace v with hillshade
        hsv_adjusted = numpy.asarray([hsv[0], hsv[1], v])

        # convert back to RGB
        dst_color = hsv_to_rgb(hsv_adjusted)

        # write out new RGB bands to output one band at a time
        outband = outdataset.GetRasterBand(1)
        outband.WriteArray(dst_color[0], 0, i)
        outband = outdataset.GetRasterBand(2)
        outband.WriteArray(dst_color[1], 0, i)
        outband = outdataset.GetRasterBand(3)
        outband.WriteArray(dst_color[2], 0, i)
        if aBand is not None:
            aScanline = aBand.ReadAsArray(0, i, hillband.XSize, 1,
                                          hillband.XSize, 1)
            outband = outdataset.GetRasterBand(4)
            outband.WriteArray(aScanline, 0, i)

        # update progress line
        if not quiet:
            gdal.TermProgress_nocb((float(i + 1) / hillband.YSize))

    return 0
Beispiel #5
def main(argv=sys.argv):
    ntv2_filename = None
    loslas_list = []
    auto_flag = 0

    options = Options()

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)
    if argv is None:
        return 0

    # Parse command line arguments.

    i = 1
    while i < len(argv):
        arg = argv[i]

        if arg == '-v':
            options.verbose_flag = 1

        elif arg == '-version' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            options.metadata.append('VERSION=' + argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1

        elif arg == '-created' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            options.metadata.append('CREATED=' + argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1

        elif arg == '-updated' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            options.metadata.append('UPDATED=' + argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1

        elif arg == '-system_f' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            options.metadata.append('SYSTEM_F=' + argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1

        elif arg == '-system_t' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            options.metadata.append('SYSTEM_T=' + argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1

        elif arg == '-parent' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            options.metadata.append('PARENT=' + argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1

        elif arg == '-sub_name' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            options.metadata.append('SUB_NAME=' + argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1

        elif arg == '-gs_type' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            options.metadata.append('GS_TYPE=' + argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1

        elif arg == '-major_f' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            options.metadata.append('MAJOR_F=' + argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1

        elif arg == '-minor_f' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            options.metadata.append('MINOR_F=' + argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1

        elif arg == '-major_t' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            options.metadata.append('MAJOR_T=' + argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1

        elif arg == '-minor_t' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            options.metadata.append('MINOR_T=' + argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1

        elif arg == '-negate':
            options.negate = 1

        elif arg == '-auto':
            auto_flag = 1

        elif arg == '-a':
            options.append = 1

        elif arg[0] == '-':
            return Usage()

        elif arg[-4:] == '.los' or arg[-4:] == '.las':

        elif arg[-4:] == '.gsb' and ntv2_filename is None:
            ntv2_filename = arg

            print('Unrecognized argument: ', arg)
            return Usage()

        i = i + 1

    if not loslas_list:
        print('No .los/.las files specified as input.')
        return Usage()

    if auto_flag == 1:
        auto_noaa(options, loslas_list)

    if ntv2_filename is None:
        print('No NTv2 file specified.')
        return Usage()

    # Process loslas files.

    for los in loslas_list:

        TranslateLOSLAS(los, ntv2_filename, options)
        options.append = 1

    return 0
Beispiel #6
def gdal_cp(argv, progress=None):
    srcfile = None
    targetfile = None
    recurse = False
    skip_failure = False

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)
    if argv is None:
        return -1

    for i in range(1, len(argv)):
        if argv[i] == '-progress':
            progress = TermProgress()
        elif argv[i] == '-r':
            version_num = int(gdal.VersionInfo('VERSION_NUM'))
            if version_num < 1900:
                    'ERROR: Python bindings of GDAL 1.9.0 or later required for -r option'
                return -1
            recurse = True
        elif len(argv[i]) >= 5 and argv[i][0:5] == '-skip':
            skip_failure = True
        elif argv[i][0] == '-':
            print('Unrecognized option : %s' % argv[i])
            return Usage()
        elif srcfile is None:
            srcfile = argv[i]
        elif targetfile is None:
            targetfile = argv[i]
            print('Unexpected option : %s' % argv[i])
            return Usage()

    if srcfile is None or targetfile is None:
        return Usage()

    if needsVSICurl(srcfile):
        srcfile = '/vsicurl/' + srcfile

    if recurse:
        # Make sure that ' -r [srcdir/]lastsubdir targetdir' creates
        # targetdir/lastsubdir if targetdir already exists (like cp -r does).
        if srcfile[-1] == '/':
            srcfile = srcfile[0:len(srcfile) - 1]
        statBufSrc = gdal.VSIStatL(
            srcfile, gdal.VSI_STAT_EXISTS_FLAG | gdal.VSI_STAT_NATURE_FLAG)
        if statBufSrc is None:
            statBufSrc = gdal.VSIStatL(
                srcfile + '/',
                gdal.VSI_STAT_EXISTS_FLAG | gdal.VSI_STAT_NATURE_FLAG)
        statBufDst = gdal.VSIStatL(
            targetfile, gdal.VSI_STAT_EXISTS_FLAG | gdal.VSI_STAT_NATURE_FLAG)
        if statBufSrc is not None and statBufSrc.IsDirectory(
        ) and statBufDst is not None and statBufDst.IsDirectory():
            if targetfile[-1] == '/':
                targetfile = targetfile[0:-1]
            if srcfile.rfind('/') != -1:
                targetfile = targetfile + srcfile[srcfile.rfind('/'):]
                targetfile = targetfile + '/' + srcfile

            if gdal.VSIStatL(targetfile) is None:
                gdal.Mkdir(targetfile, int('0755', 8))

        return gdal_cp_recurse(srcfile, targetfile, progress, skip_failure)

    (srcdir, pattern) = os.path.split(srcfile)
    if pattern.find('*') != -1 or pattern.find('?') != -1:
        return gdal_cp_pattern_match(srcdir, pattern, targetfile, progress,
        return gdal_cp_single(srcfile, targetfile, progress)
Beispiel #7
def gdal_edit(argv):

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)
    if argv is None:
        return -1

    datasetname = None
    maskname = None
    outputname = None
    srs = None
    ulx = None
    uly = None
    lrx = None
    lry = None
    nodata = None
    xres = None
    yres = None
    unsetgt = False
    molist = []

    i = 1
    argc = len(argv)
    while i < argc:
        if argv[i] == '-a_srs' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            srs = argv[i + 1]
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-a_ullr' and i < len(argv) - 4:
            ulx = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
            uly = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
            lrx = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
            lry = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-tr' and i < len(argv) - 2:
            xres = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
            yres = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-a_nodata' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            nodata = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-mo' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            molist.append(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-unsetgt':
            unsetgt = True
        elif argv[i][0] == '-':
            sys.stderr.write('Unrecognized option : %s\n' % argv[i])
            return Usage()
        elif datasetname is None:
            datasetname = argv[i]
        elif maskname is None:
            maskname = argv[i]
        elif outputname is None:
            outputname = argv[i]
            sys.stderr.write('Unexpected option : %s\n' % argv[i])
            return Usage()

        i = i + 1

    if datasetname is None:
        return Usage()
    if maskname is None:
        return Usage()
    if outputname is None:
        return Usage()
    if srs is None and lry is None and yres is None and not unsetgt and nodata is None and len(
            molist) == 0:
        print('No option specified')
        return Usage()

    exclusive_option = 0
    if lry is not None:
        exclusive_option = exclusive_option + 1
    if yres is not None:
        exclusive_option = exclusive_option + 1
    if unsetgt:
        exclusive_option = exclusive_option + 1
    if exclusive_option > 1:
        print('-a_ullr, -tr and -unsetgt options are exclusive.')
        return Usage()

    source = gdal.Open(datasetname, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
    alphaBand = gdal.Open(maskname, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)

    bands = [source.GetRasterBand(i + 1) for i in range(source.RasterCount)]

    # check that bands 1-3 are RGB
    #assert [band.GetColorInterpretation() for band in bands] == [gdal.GCI_RedBand, gdal.GCI_GreenBand, gdal.GCI_BlueBand]

    target = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(
        outputname, source.RasterXSize, source.RasterYSize, 3, gdal.GDT_Byte,
    if target is None:
        return -1

    # copy georef

    if srs is not None:
        srs_real = osr.SpatialReference()

    if lry is not None:
        gt = [
            ulx, (lrx - ulx) / target.RasterXSize, 0, uly, 0,
            (lry - uly) / target.RasterYSize

    if yres is not None:
        gt = target.GetGeoTransform()
        # Doh ! why is gt a tuple and not an array...
        gt = [gt[i] for i in range(6)]
        gt[1] = xres
        gt[5] = yres

    if unsetgt:
        target.SetGeoTransform([0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1])

    if nodata is not None:
        for i in range(target.RasterCount):

    if len(molist) != 0:

    target_bands = [target.GetRasterBand(i + 1) for i in range(3)]
    block_width, block_height = target_bands[0].GetBlockSize()

    # Use straight up black if neither alpha nor nodata is present
    nodata = [band.GetNoDataValue() for band in bands]
    use_alpha = True  #(len(bands) > 4)
    use_nodata = False  #(not use_alpha and len([n for n in nodata if n is not None]) == 3)

    print >> sys.stderr, "Generating mask from",
    if use_alpha:
        print >> sys.stderr, "alpha band."
        if use_nodata:
            print >> sys.stderr, "NODATA values."
            nodata = [chr(int(n)) for n in nodata]
            print >> sys.stderr, "black pixels."
            nodata = ["\0", "\0", "\0"]
            use_nodata = True

    mask_band = target_bands[0].GetMaskBand()

    total_blocks = (target.RasterXSize * target.RasterYSize) / float(
        block_width * block_height)
    blocks_written = 0

    for col in range(0, target.RasterXSize, block_width):
        for row in range(0, target.RasterYSize, block_height):
            width = min(target.RasterXSize - col, block_width)
            height = min(target.RasterYSize - row, block_height)
            data = [
                band.ReadRaster(col, row, width, height) for band in bands[:3]
            mask = array.array("B", (1 for x in range(len(data[0]))))
            alpha = alphaBand.ReadRaster(col, row, width, height)

            tuple = struct.unpack('B' * width * height, alpha)
            alpha = None
            if use_alpha:
                alpha = alphaBand.ReadRaster(col, row, width, height)
    #            print len(alpha)
    #            print tuple
            for byte in range(len(data[0])):
                if use_alpha:
                    if not tuple[byte]:
                        mask[byte] = 0
                    if data[0][byte] == nodata[0] and data[1][byte] == nodata[
                            1] and data[2][byte] == nodata[2]:
                        mask[byte] = 0
            for n, block in enumerate(data):
                target_bands[n].WriteRaster(col, row, width, height, block)
            #print mask.tostring()
            mask_band.WriteRaster(col, row, width, height, mask.tostring())

            if int(blocks_written / total_blocks * 10) != int(
                (blocks_written + 1) / total_blocks * 10):
                count = int((blocks_written + 1) / total_blocks * 10)
                sys.stderr.write("done." if count == 10 else "%d0..." % count)
            blocks_written += 1

    mask_band = None
    target_bands = None
    target = None
    alphaBand = None
Beispiel #8
def main(argv=None):

    bReportHistograms = False
    bApproxStats = False
    scale = 1.0
    offset = 0.0
    bComputeMinMax = False
    bStats = False
    bScale = False
    pszFilename = None

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)

    if argv is None:
        return 1

    nArgc = len(argv)
    #/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #/*      Parse arguments.                                                */
    #/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    i = 1
    while i < nArgc:

        if EQUAL(argv[i], "--utility_version"):
            print(("%s is running against GDAL %s" %
                   (argv[0], gdal.VersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME"))))
            return 0
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-mm"):
            bComputeMinMax = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-unscale"):
            bScale = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-stats"):
            bStats = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-hist"):
            bReportHistograms = True
        elif argv[i][0] == '-':
            return Usage()
        elif pszFilename is None:
            pszFilename = argv[i]
            return Usage()

        i = i + 1

    if pszFilename is None:
        return Usage()
    if not (bComputeMinMax or bScale or bStats or bReportHistograms):
        return Usage()

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Open dataset.                                                   */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hDataset = gdal.Open(pszFilename, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)

    if hDataset is None:
        print(("gdalinfo failed - unable to open '%s'." % pszFilename))
        return 1

#/* ==================================================================== */
#/*      Loop over bands.                                                */
#/* ==================================================================== */
    for iBand in range(hDataset.RasterCount):
        hBand = hDataset.GetRasterBand(iBand + 1)
        (nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize) = hBand.GetBlockSize()

        if bScale:
            offset = hBand.GetOffset()
            if offset is None:
                offset = 0.0
            scale = hBand.GetScale()
            if scale is None:
                scale = 1.0

        if (hDataset.RasterCount > 1):
            print(( "Band %d Block=%dx%d Type=%s, ColorInterp=%s" % ( iBand+1, \
                 nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize, \
                 gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType), \
                 gdal.GetColorInterpretationName( \
                 hBand.GetRasterColorInterpretation()) )))

        dfMin = hBand.GetMinimum()
        dfMax = hBand.GetMaximum()
        if dfMin is not None or dfMax is not None or bComputeMinMax:

            line = ""
            if dfMin is not None:
                dfMin = (dfMin * scale) + offset
                line = line + ("Min=%.3f " % (dfMin))
            if dfMax is not None:
                dfMax = (dfMax * scale) + offset
                line = line + ("Max=%.3f " % (dfMax))

            if bComputeMinMax:
                adfCMinMax = hBand.ComputeRasterMinMax(True)
                if gdal.GetLastErrorType() == gdal.CE_None:
                    line = line + ( "  Computed Min/Max=%.3f,%.3f" % ( \
                            ((adfCMinMax[0] * scale) + offset), \
                            ((adfCMinMax[1] * scale) + offset) ))

            #if bStats:
            #   print( line )

        stats = hBand.GetStatistics(bApproxStats, bStats)
        #inType = gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType)

        # Dirty hack to recognize if stats are valid. If invalid, the returned
        # stddev is negative
        if stats[3] >= 0.0:
            if bStats:
                mean = (stats[2] * scale) + offset
                stdev = (stats[3] * scale) + offset
                rms = math.sqrt((mean * mean) + (stdev * stdev))
                print(( "Min=%.2f, Max=%.2f, Mean=%.2f, StdDev=%.2f, RMS=%.2f" \
                  % ((stats[0] * scale) + offset, (stats[1] * scale) + offset,\
                     mean, stdev, rms )))

        if bReportHistograms:

            #Histogram call not returning exact min and max.
            #...Workaround run gdalinfo -stats and then use min/max from above

            hist = hBand.GetDefaultHistogram(force=True)
            #hist = hBand.GetDefaultHistogram(force = True, callback = gdal.TermProgress)
            cnt = 0
            sum = 0
            sumTotal = 0
            if hist is not None:
                #use dfMin and dfMax from previous calls when possible
                if dfMin is None:
                    dfMin = (hist[0] * scale) + offset
                if dfMax is None:
                    dfMax = (hist[1] * scale) + offset
                nBucketCount = hist[2]
                panHistogram = hist[3]

                #print( "  %d buckets from %g to %g:" % ( \
                #        nBucketCount, dfMin, dfMax ))
                #print ( "scale: %g, offset: %g" % (scale, offset))
                increment = round(((dfMax - dfMin) / nBucketCount), 2)
                value = dfMin
                #get total to normalize (below)
                for bucket in panHistogram:
                    sumTotal = sumTotal + bucket
                for bucket in panHistogram:
                    sum = sum + bucket
                    #normalize cumulative
                    nsum = sum / float(sumTotal)
                    line = "%d\t%0.2f\t%d\t%0.6f" % (cnt, value, bucket, nsum)
                    cnt = cnt + 1
                    value = value + increment

    return True
Beispiel #9
def gdal_edit(argv):

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)
    if argv is None:
        return -1

    datasetname = None
    srs = None
    ulx = None
    uly = None
    lrx = None
    lry = None
    nodata = None
    xres = None
    yres = None
    unsetgt = False
    ro = False
    molist = []
    gcp_list = []

    i = 1
    argc = len(argv)
    while i < argc:
        if argv[i] == '-ro':
            ro = True
        elif argv[i] == '-a_srs' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            srs = argv[i + 1]
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-a_ullr' and i < len(argv) - 4:
            ulx = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
            uly = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
            lrx = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
            lry = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-tr' and i < len(argv) - 2:
            xres = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
            yres = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-a_nodata' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            nodata = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-mo' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            molist.append(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-gcp' and i + 4 < len(argv):
            pixel = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
            line = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
            x = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
            y = float(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
            if i + 1 < len(argv) and ArgIsNumeric(argv[i + 1]):
                z = float(argv[i + 1])
                i = i + 1
                z = 0
            gcp = gdal.GCP(x, y, z, pixel, line)
        elif argv[i] == '-unsetgt':
            unsetgt = True
        elif argv[i][0] == '-':
            sys.stderr.write('Unrecognized option : %s\n' % argv[i])
            return Usage()
        elif datasetname is None:
            datasetname = argv[i]
            sys.stderr.write('Unexpected option : %s\n' % argv[i])
            return Usage()

        i = i + 1

    if datasetname is None:
        return Usage()

    if srs is None and lry is None and yres is None and not unsetgt and nodata is None and len(
            molist) == 0:
        print('No option specified')
        return Usage()

    exclusive_option = 0
    if lry is not None:
        exclusive_option = exclusive_option + 1
    if yres is not None:
        exclusive_option = exclusive_option + 1
    if unsetgt:
        exclusive_option = exclusive_option + 1
    if exclusive_option > 1:
        print('-a_ullr, -tr and -unsetgt options are exclusive.')
        return Usage()

    if ro:
        ds = gdal.Open(datasetname)
        ds = gdal.Open(datasetname, gdal.GA_Update)
    if ds is None:
        return -1

    wkt = None
    if srs == '' or srs == 'None':
    elif srs is not None:
        sr = osr.SpatialReference()
        if sr.SetFromUserInput(srs) != 0:
            print('Failed to process SRS definition: %s' % srs)
            return -1
        wkt = sr.ExportToWkt()
        if len(gcp_list) == 0:

    if lry is not None:
        gt = [
            ulx, (lrx - ulx) / ds.RasterXSize, 0, uly, 0,
            (lry - uly) / ds.RasterYSize

    if yres is not None:
        gt = ds.GetGeoTransform()
        # Doh ! why is gt a tuple and not an array...
        gt = [gt[i] for i in range(6)]
        gt[1] = xres
        gt[5] = yres

    if unsetgt:
        ds.SetGeoTransform([0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1])

    if len(gcp_list) > 0:
        if wkt is None:
            wkt = ds.GetGCPProjection()
        if wkt is None:
            wkt = ''
        ds.SetGCPs(gcp_list, wkt)

    if nodata is not None:
        for i in range(ds.RasterCount):

    if len(molist) != 0:

    ds = None

    return 0
Beispiel #10
def main(argv):
    frmt = None
    options = []
    quiet_flag = 0
    src_filename = None
    src_band_n = 1

    dst_filename = None
    dst_layername = None
    dst_fieldname = None
    dst_field = -1

    mask = 'default'

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)
    if argv is None:
        return 0

    # Parse command line arguments.
    i = 1
    while i < len(argv):
        arg = argv[i]

        if arg == '-f' or arg == '-of':
            i = i + 1
            frmt = argv[i]

        elif arg == '-q' or arg == '-quiet':
            quiet_flag = 1

        elif arg == '-8':

        elif arg == '-nomask':
            mask = 'none'

        elif arg == '-mask':
            i = i + 1
            mask = argv[i]

        elif arg == '-b':
            i = i + 1
            if argv[i].startswith('mask'):
                src_band_n = argv[i]
                src_band_n = int(argv[i])

        elif src_filename is None:
            src_filename = argv[i]

        elif dst_filename is None:
            dst_filename = argv[i]

        elif dst_layername is None:
            dst_layername = argv[i]

        elif dst_fieldname is None:
            dst_fieldname = argv[i]

            return Usage()

        i = i + 1

    if src_filename is None or dst_filename is None:
        return Usage()

    if frmt is None:
        frmt = GetOutputDriverFor(dst_filename, is_raster=False)

    if dst_layername is None:
        dst_layername = 'out'

    # =============================================================================
    # 	Verify we have next gen bindings with the polygonize method.
    # =============================================================================
    except AttributeError:
            'gdal.Polygonize() not available.  You are likely using "old gen"')
        print('bindings or an older version of the next gen bindings.')
        return 1

    # =============================================================================
    # Open source file
    # =============================================================================

    src_ds = gdal.Open(src_filename)

    if src_ds is None:
        print('Unable to open %s' % src_filename)
        return 1

    if src_band_n == 'mask':
        srcband = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMaskBand()
        # Workaround the fact that most source bands have no dataset attached
        options.append('DATASET_FOR_GEOREF=' + src_filename)
    elif isinstance(src_band_n, str) and src_band_n.startswith('mask,'):
        srcband = src_ds.GetRasterBand(int(
        # Workaround the fact that most source bands have no dataset attached
        options.append('DATASET_FOR_GEOREF=' + src_filename)
        srcband = src_ds.GetRasterBand(src_band_n)

    if mask == 'default':
        maskband = srcband.GetMaskBand()
    elif mask == 'none':
        maskband = None
        mask_ds = gdal.Open(mask)
        maskband = mask_ds.GetRasterBand(1)

    # =============================================================================
    #       Try opening the destination file as an existing file.
    # =============================================================================

        dst_ds = ogr.Open(dst_filename, update=1)
        dst_ds = None

    # =============================================================================
    # 	Create output file.
    # =============================================================================
    if dst_ds is None:
        drv = ogr.GetDriverByName(frmt)
        if not quiet_flag:
            print('Creating output %s of format %s.' % (dst_filename, frmt))
        dst_ds = drv.CreateDataSource(dst_filename)

    # =============================================================================
    #       Find or create destination layer.
    # =============================================================================
        dst_layer = dst_ds.GetLayerByName(dst_layername)
        dst_layer = None

    if dst_layer is None:

        srs = src_ds.GetSpatialRef()
        dst_layer = dst_ds.CreateLayer(dst_layername,

        if dst_fieldname is None:
            dst_fieldname = 'DN'

        fd = ogr.FieldDefn(dst_fieldname, ogr.OFTInteger)
        dst_field = 0
        if dst_fieldname is not None:
            dst_field = dst_layer.GetLayerDefn().GetFieldIndex(dst_fieldname)
            if dst_field < 0:
                print("Warning: cannot find field '%s' in layer '%s'" %
                      (dst_fieldname, dst_layername))

    # =============================================================================
    # Invoke algorithm.
    # =============================================================================

    if quiet_flag:
        prog_func = None
        prog_func = gdal.TermProgress_nocb

    result = gdal.Polygonize(srcband,

    srcband = None
    src_ds = None
    dst_ds = None
    mask_ds = None

    return result
Beispiel #11
def main(argv=sys.argv):
    # Default GDAL argument parsing.

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)
    if argv is None:
        return 0

    if len(argv) == 1:
        return Usage(brief=0)

    # Script argument defaults
    src_crs_id = None
    src_crs_date = None
    dst_crs_id = None
    dst_crs_date = None

    # Decent representation of continental US
    griddef = (-127.0, 50.0, -66.0, 25.0, 611, 251)

    htdp_path = 'htdp'
    wrkdir = '.'
    kwf = 0
    output_grid_name = None

    # Script argument parsing.

    i = 1
    while i < len(argv):

        if argv[i] == '-griddef' and i < len(argv) - 6:
            griddef = (float(argv[i + 1]),
                       float(argv[i + 2]),
                       float(argv[i + 3]),
                       float(argv[i + 4]),
                       float(argv[i + 5]),
                       float(argv[i + 6]))
            i = i + 6

        elif argv[i] == '-htdp' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            htdp_path = argv[i + 1]
            i = i + 1

        elif argv[i] == '-kwf':
            kwf = 1

        elif argv[i] == '-wrkdir' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            wrkdir = argv[i + 1]
            i = i + 1

        elif argv[i] == '-o' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            output_grid_name = argv[i + 1]
            i = i + 1

        elif argv[i] == '-h' or argv[i] == '--help':
            return Usage(brief=0)

        elif argv[i][0] == '-':
            print('Urecognised argument: ' + argv[i])
            return Usage()

        elif src_crs_id is None:
            src_crs_id = int(argv[i])

        elif src_crs_date is None:
            src_crs_date = argv[i]

        elif dst_crs_id is None:
            dst_crs_id = int(argv[i])

        elif dst_crs_date is None:
            dst_crs_date = argv[i]

            print('Urecognised argument: ' + argv[i])
            return Usage()

        i = i + 1
        # next argument

    if output_grid_name is None:
        print('Missing output grid name (-o)')
        return Usage()

    if dst_crs_date is None:
        print('Source and Destination CRS Ids and Dates are mandatory, '
              'not all provided.')
        return Usage()

    # Do a bit of validation of parameters.
    if src_crs_id < 1 or src_crs_id > 32 \
       or dst_crs_id < 1 or dst_crs_id > 32:
        print('Invalid source or destination CRS Id %d and %d.'
              % (src_crs_id, dst_crs_id))
        return Usage(brief=0)

    if float(src_crs_date) < 1700.0 or float(src_crs_date) > 2300.0 \
       or float(dst_crs_date) < 1700.0 or float(dst_crs_date) > 2300.0:
        print('Source or destination CRS date seems odd %s and %s.'
              % (src_crs_date, dst_crs_date))
        return Usage(brief=0)

    # Prepare out set of working file names.

    in_grid_fn = wrkdir + '/crs2crs_input.txt'
    out_grid_fn = wrkdir + '/crs2crs_output.txt'
    control_fn = wrkdir + '/crs2crs_control.txt'

    # Write out the source grid file.
    grid = new_create_grid(griddef)

    write_grid(grid, in_grid_fn)
    write_control(control_fn, out_grid_fn, in_grid_fn,
                  src_crs_id, src_crs_date,
                  dst_crs_id, dst_crs_date)

    # Run htdp to transform the data.
    except OSError:

    rc = os.system(htdp_path + ' < ' + control_fn)
    if rc != 0:
        print('htdp run failed!')
        return 1

    print('htdp run complete.')

    adjustment = read_grid_crs_to_crs(out_grid_fn, grid.shape)
    if adjustment is None:
        return 1

    # Convert shifts to radians
    adjustment = adjustment * (3.14159265358979323846 / 180.0)

    # write to output output grid file.
    write_gdal_grid(output_grid_name, adjustment, griddef)

    # cleanup working files unless they have been requested to remain.
    if kwf == 0:

    print('Processing complete: see ' + output_grid_name)
    return 0
Beispiel #12
def handlecmd(argv=None):
    import optparse

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)

    parser = optparse.OptionParser(
                        usage='%prog [options] FILENAME',
                        version='%%prog %s' % __version__,
    parser.add_option('--no-stats', dest='stats', action='store_false',
                      help='disable statistics computation (default: False)')
    parser.add_option('--hist', action='store_true', default=False,
                      help='enable histogram computation (default: %default)')
    parser.add_option('-b', '--band', type='int',
                      help='compute statistics for a specific raster band '
                           '(default: all bands are precessed)')
    parser.add_option('-a', '--approxok', action='store_true', default=False,
                      help='if set then statistics may be computed based on '
                           'overviews or a subset of all tiles '
                           '(default: %default)')
    parser.add_option('--minmax-only', action='store_true', default=False,
                      help='only print minimum and maximum on the same line.')
    parser.add_option('--histreq', nargs=3, type='float',
                      metavar='MIN MAX NBUCKETS',
                      help='specify lower bound, upper bound and the number '
                           'of buckets for histogram computation '
                           '(automatically computed otherwise)')
    parser.add_option('-i', '--include_out_of_range', action='store_true',
                      help='if set then values below the histogram range will '
                           'be mapped into the first bucket, and values above '
                           'will be mapped into last one. '
                           'Otherwise out of range values are discarded.')
    parser.add_option('--srcwin', nargs=4, type='int',
                      metavar='XOFFSET YOFFSET XSIZE YSIZE',
                      help='specify source window in image coordinates: '
                           '(default: the entire image is processed)')
    parser.add_option('-o', '--outfile', metavar='FILE',
                      help='write results to FILE (default: stdout)', )
    parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true',
                      help='suppress progress messages')

    options, args = parser.parse_args()

    if options.histreq and not options.hist:
        options.hist = True
        #parser.error('"histreq" option requires "hist"')
    if options.include_out_of_range and not options.hist:
        parser.error('"include_out_of_range" option requires "hist"')
    if is not None and < 1:
        parser.error('the "band" parameter shoulb be a not null positive '
    histonly = bool(options.hist and not options.stats)
    if histonly and options.approxok and not options.histreq:
        logging.warning('the "approxok" option is ignored if "histreq" '
                        'is not set.')

    if not options.stats and not options.hist:
        parser.error('nothing to compute: '
                     'please check "--hist" and "--no-stats" optoions.')
    if len(args) != 1:
        parser.error('at least one argument is required.')

    return options, args
Beispiel #13
def main(argv):
    threshold = 2
    connectedness = 4
    quiet_flag = 0
    src_filename = None

    dst_filename = None
    frmt = None

    mask = 'default'

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)
    if argv is None:
        return 0

    # Parse command line arguments.
    i = 1
    while i < len(argv):
        arg = argv[i]

        if arg == '-of' or arg == '-f':
            i = i + 1
            frmt = argv[i]

        elif arg == '-4':
            connectedness = 4

        elif arg == '-8':
            connectedness = 8

        elif arg == '-q' or arg == '-quiet':
            quiet_flag = 1

        elif arg == '-st':
            i = i + 1
            threshold = int(argv[i])

        elif arg == '-nomask':
            mask = 'none'

        elif arg == '-mask':
            i = i + 1
            mask = argv[i]

        elif arg == '-mask':
            i = i + 1
            mask = argv[i]

        elif arg[:2] == '-h':
            return Usage()

        elif src_filename is None:
            src_filename = argv[i]

        elif dst_filename is None:
            dst_filename = argv[i]

            return Usage()

        i = i + 1

    if src_filename is None:
        return Usage()

    # =============================================================================
    # 	Verify we have next gen bindings with the sievefilter method.
    # =============================================================================
    except AttributeError:
            'gdal.SieveFilter() not available.  You are likely using "old gen"'
        print('bindings or an older version of the next gen bindings.')
        return 1

    # =============================================================================
    # Open source file
    # =============================================================================

    if dst_filename is None:
        src_ds = gdal.Open(src_filename, gdal.GA_Update)
        src_ds = gdal.Open(src_filename, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)

    if src_ds is None:
        print('Unable to open %s ' % src_filename)
        return 1

    srcband = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1)

    if mask == 'default':
        maskband = srcband.GetMaskBand()
    elif mask == 'none':
        maskband = None
        mask_ds = gdal.Open(mask)
        maskband = mask_ds.GetRasterBand(1)

    # =============================================================================
    #       Create output file if one is specified.
    # =============================================================================

    if dst_filename is not None:
        if frmt is None:
            frmt = GetOutputDriverFor(dst_filename)

        drv = gdal.GetDriverByName(frmt)
        dst_ds = drv.Create(dst_filename, src_ds.RasterXSize,
                            src_ds.RasterYSize, 1, srcband.DataType)
        wkt = src_ds.GetProjection()
        if wkt != '':
        gt = src_ds.GetGeoTransform(can_return_null=True)
        if gt is not None:

        dstband = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1)
        dstband = srcband

    # =============================================================================
    # Invoke algorithm.
    # =============================================================================

    if quiet_flag:
        prog_func = None
        prog_func = gdal.TermProgress_nocb

    result = gdal.SieveFilter(srcband,

    src_ds = None
    dst_ds = None
    mask_ds = None

    return result
Beispiel #14
def main(argv=sys.argv):
    return jpeg_in_tiff_extract(argv[1:])
Beispiel #15
def main(argv=sys.argv):
    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)
    if argv is None:
        return -1

    pan_name = None
    spectral_names = []
    spectral_ds = []
    spectral_bands = []
    band_nums = []
    weights = []
    driver_name = None
    creation_options = []
    progress_callback = gdal.TermProgress_nocb
    resampling = None
    spat_adjust = None
    verbose_vrt = False
    num_threads = None
    bitdepth = None
    nodata_value = None

    i = 1
    argc = len(argv)
    while i < argc:
        if (argv[i] == '-of' or argv[i] == '-f') and i < len(argv) - 1:
            driver_name = argv[i + 1]
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-r' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            resampling = argv[i + 1]
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-spat_adjust' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            spat_adjust = argv[i + 1]
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-b' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            band_nums.append(int(argv[i + 1]))
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-w' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            weights.append(float(argv[i + 1]))
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-co' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            creation_options.append(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-threads' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            num_threads = argv[i + 1]
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-bitdepth' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            bitdepth = argv[i + 1]
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-nodata' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            nodata_value = argv[i + 1]
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-q':
            progress_callback = None
        elif argv[i] == '-verbose_vrt':
            verbose_vrt = True
        elif argv[i][0] == '-':
            sys.stderr.write('Unrecognized option : %s\n' % argv[i])
            return Usage()
        elif pan_name is None:
            pan_name = argv[i]

        i = i + 1

    if pan_name is None or len(spectral_names) < 2:
        return Usage()

    dst_filename = spectral_names.pop()
    return gdal_pansharpen(argv=None,
Beispiel #16
def main(argv=None):

    print('Now in main!')

    bComputeMinMax = False
    bSample = False
    bShowGCPs = True
    bShowMetadata = False
    bShowRAT = False
    debug = False
    bStats = False
    bApproxStats = True
    bShowColorTable = True
    bComputeChecksum = False
    bReportHistograms = False
    pszFilename = None
    papszExtraMDDomains = []
    pszProjection = None
    hTransform = None
    bShowFileList = True
    dst_img = None
    dst_lbl = None
    bands = 1

    #/* Must process GDAL_SKIP before GDALAllRegister(), but we can't call */
    #/* GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor before it needs the drivers to be registered */
    #/* for the --format or --formats options */
    #for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
    #    if EQUAL(argv[i],"--config") and i + 2 < argc and EQUAL(argv[i + 1], "GDAL_SKIP"):
    #    {
    #        CPLSetConfigOption( argv[i+1], argv[i+2] );
    #        i += 2;
    #    }

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)

    if argv is None:
        return 1

    nArgc = len(argv)

    #/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #/*      Parse arguments.                                                */
    #/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    i = 1
    while i < nArgc:

        if EQUAL(argv[i], "--utility_version"):
            print("%s is running against GDAL %s" %
                  (argv[0], gdal.VersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME")))
            return 0
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-debug"):
            debug = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-mm"):
            bComputeMinMax = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-hist"):
            bReportHistograms = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-stats"):
            bStats = True
            bApproxStats = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-approx_stats"):
            bStats = True
            bApproxStats = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-sample"):
            bSample = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-checksum"):
            bComputeChecksum = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-nogcp"):
            bShowGCPs = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-nomd"):
            bShowMetadata = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-norat"):
            bShowRAT = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-noct"):
            bShowColorTable = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-mdd") and i < nArgc - 1:
            i = i + 1
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-nofl"):
            bShowFileList = False
        elif argv[i][0] == '-':
            return Usage(argv[0])
        elif pszFilename is None:
            pszFilename = argv[i]
        elif dst_img is None:
            dst_img = argv[i]
            return Usage(argv[0])

        i = i + 1

    if pszFilename is None:
        return Usage(argv[0])
    if dst_img is None:
        return Usage(argv[0])

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Open dataset.                                                   */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hDataset = gdal.Open(pszFilename, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
    if hDataset is None:
        print("gdalinfo failed - unable to open '%s'." % pszFilename)

    # Open the output file.
    if dst_img is not None:
        dst_lbl = dst_img.replace("IMG", "LBL")
        dst_lbl = dst_lbl.replace("img", "lbl")
        if (EQUAL(dst_lbl, dst_img)):
                'Extension must be .IMG or .img - unable to run using filename: %s'
                % pszFilename)
            f = open(dst_lbl, 'wt')
#    else:
#        f = sys.stdout
#        dst_img = "out.img"

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report general info.                                            */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hDriver = hDataset.GetDriver()
    if debug:
        print( "Driver: %s/%s" % ( \
                hDriver.ShortName, \
                hDriver.LongName ))

    papszFileList = hDataset.GetFileList()
    if papszFileList is None or len(papszFileList) == 0:
        print("Files: none associated")
        if debug:
            print("Files: %s" % papszFileList[0])
            if bShowFileList:
                for i in range(1, len(papszFileList)):
                    print("       %s" % papszFileList[i])

    if debug:
        print("Size is %d, %d" % (hDataset.RasterXSize, hDataset.RasterYSize))

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report projection.                                              */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszProjection = hDataset.GetProjectionRef()
    if pszProjection is not None:

        hSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
        if hSRS.ImportFromWkt(pszProjection) == gdal.CE_None:
            pszPrettyWkt = hSRS.ExportToPrettyWkt(False)

            #print( "Coordinate System is:\n%s" % pszPrettyWkt )
            mapProjection = "None"
            #Extract projection information
            target = hSRS.GetAttrValue("DATUM",
                                                  "").replace("_2000", "")
            semiMajor = hSRS.GetSemiMajor() / 1000.0
            semiMinor = hSRS.GetSemiMinor() / 1000.0
            if (pszProjection[0:6] == "GEOGCS"):
                mapProjection = "SIMPLE_CYLINDRICAL"
                centLat = 0
                centLon = 0
            if (pszProjection[0:6] == "PROJCS"):
                mapProjection = hSRS.GetAttrValue("PROJECTION", 0)

                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Equirectangular"):
                    centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('standard_parallel_1')
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')

                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Polar_Stereographic"):
                    centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('latitude_of_origin')
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')

                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Stereographic_South_Pole"):
                    centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('latitude_of_origin')
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')

                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Stereographic_North_Pole"):
                    centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('latitude_of_origin')
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')
            if debug:
                print("Coordinate System is:\n%s" % pszPrettyWkt)
            print("Warning - Can't parse this type of projection\n")
            print("Coordinate System is `%s'" % pszProjection)
        print("Warning - No Coordinate System defined:\n")

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report Geotransform.                                            */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    adfGeoTransform = hDataset.GetGeoTransform(can_return_null=True)
    if adfGeoTransform is not None:

        if adfGeoTransform[2] == 0.0 and adfGeoTransform[4] == 0.0:
            if debug:
                print( "Origin = (%.15f,%.15f)" % ( \
                        adfGeoTransform[0], adfGeoTransform[3] ))

                print( "Pixel Size = (%.15f,%.15f)" % ( \
                        adfGeoTransform[1], adfGeoTransform[5] ))

            if debug:
                print( "GeoTransform =\n" \
                        "  %.16g, %.16g, %.16g\n" \
                        "  %.16g, %.16g, %.16g" % ( \
                        adfGeoTransform[0], \
                        adfGeoTransform[1], \
                        adfGeoTransform[2], \
                        adfGeoTransform[3], \
                        adfGeoTransform[4], \
                        adfGeoTransform[5] ))

        if (pszProjection[0:6] == "GEOGCS"):
            #convert degrees/pixel to km/pixel
            mapres = 1 / adfGeoTransform[1]
            kmres = adfGeoTransform[1] * (semiMajor * math.pi / 180.0)
            #convert m/pixel to pixel/degree
            mapres = 1 / (adfGeoTransform[1] /
                          (semiMajor * 1000.0 * math.pi / 180.0))
            kmres = adfGeoTransform[1] / 1000.0

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report GCPs.                                                    */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if bShowGCPs and hDataset.GetGCPCount() > 0:

        pszProjection = hDataset.GetGCPProjection()
        if pszProjection is not None:

            hSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
            if hSRS.ImportFromWkt(pszProjection) == gdal.CE_None:
                pszPrettyWkt = hSRS.ExportToPrettyWkt(False)
                if debug:
                    print("GCP Projection = \n%s" % pszPrettyWkt)

                if debug:
                    print( "GCP Projection = %s" % \
                            pszProjection )

        gcps = hDataset.GetGCPs()
        i = 0
        for gcp in gcps:

            if debug:
                print( "GCP[%3d]: Id=%s, Info=%s\n" \
                        "          (%.15g,%.15g) -> (%.15g,%.15g,%.15g)" % ( \
                        i, gcp.Id, gcp.Info, \
                        gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine, \
                        gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY, gcp.GCPZ ))
            i = i + 1

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report metadata.                                                */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if debug:
        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List()
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                papszMetadata) > 0:
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("  %s" % metadata)

        if bShowMetadata:
            for extra_domain in papszExtraMDDomains:
                papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List(extra_domain)
                if papszMetadata is not None and len(papszMetadata) > 0:
                    print("Metadata (%s):" % extra_domain)
                    for metadata in papszMetadata:
                        print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report "IMAGE_STRUCTURE" metadata.                              */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("IMAGE_STRUCTURE")
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                papszMetadata) > 0:
            print("Image Structure Metadata:")
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report subdatasets.                                             */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("SUBDATASETS")
        if papszMetadata is not None and len(papszMetadata) > 0:
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report geolocation.                                             */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("GEOLOCATION")
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                papszMetadata) > 0:
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report RPCs                                                     */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("RPC")
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                papszMetadata) > 0:
            print("RPC Metadata:")
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Setup projected to lat/long transform if appropriate.           */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if pszProjection is not None and len(pszProjection) > 0:
        hProj = osr.SpatialReference(pszProjection)
        if hProj is not None:
            hLatLong = hProj.CloneGeogCS()

        if hLatLong is not None:
            hTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(hProj, hLatLong)
            if gdal.GetLastErrorMsg().find(
                    'Unable to load PROJ.4 library') != -1:
                hTransform = None

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report corners.                                                 */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if debug:
        print("Corner Coordinates:")
        GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Upper Left", \
                              0.0, 0.0 )
        GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Lower Left", \
                              0.0, hDataset.RasterYSize)
        GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Upper Right", \
                              hDataset.RasterXSize, 0.0 )
        GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Lower Right", \
                              hDataset.RasterXSize, \
                              hDataset.RasterYSize )
        GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Center", \
                              hDataset.RasterXSize/2.0, \
                              hDataset.RasterYSize/2.0 )

    #Get bounds
    ulx = GDALGetLon(hDataset, hTransform, 0.0, 0.0)
    uly = GDALGetLat(hDataset, hTransform, 0.0, 0.0)
    lrx = GDALGetLon( hDataset, hTransform, hDataset.RasterXSize, \
                          hDataset.RasterYSize )
    lry = GDALGetLat( hDataset, hTransform, hDataset.RasterXSize, \
                          hDataset.RasterYSize )

    #/* ==================================================================== */
    #/*      Loop over bands.                                                */
    #/* ==================================================================== */
    if debug:
        bands = hDataset.RasterCount
        for iBand in range(hDataset.RasterCount):

            hBand = hDataset.GetRasterBand(iBand + 1)

            #if( bSample )
            #    float afSample[10000];
            #    int   nCount;
            #    nCount = GDALGetRandomRasterSample( hBand, 10000, afSample );
            #    print( "Got %d samples.\n", nCount );

            (nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize) = hBand.GetBlockSize()
            print( "Band %d Block=%dx%d Type=%s, ColorInterp=%s" % ( iBand+1, \
                            nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize, \
                            gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType), \
                            gdal.GetColorInterpretationName( \
                                    hBand.GetRasterColorInterpretation()) ))

            if hBand.GetDescription() is not None \
                    and len(hBand.GetDescription()) > 0 :
                print("  Description = %s" % hBand.GetDescription())

            dfMin = hBand.GetMinimum()
            dfMax = hBand.GetMaximum()
            if dfMin is not None or dfMax is not None or bComputeMinMax:

                line = "  "
                if dfMin is not None:
                    line = line + ("Min=%.3f " % dfMin)
                if dfMax is not None:
                    line = line + ("Max=%.3f " % dfMax)

                if bComputeMinMax:
                    adfCMinMax = hBand.ComputeRasterMinMax(False)
                    if gdal.GetLastErrorType() == gdal.CE_None:
                        line = line + ( "  Computed Min/Max=%.3f,%.3f" % ( \
                                        adfCMinMax[0], adfCMinMax[1] ))


            stats = hBand.GetStatistics(bApproxStats, bStats)
            # Dirty hack to recognize if stats are valid. If invalid, the returned
            # stddev is negative
            if stats[3] >= 0.0:
                print( "  Minimum=%.3f, Maximum=%.3f, Mean=%.3f, StdDev=%.3f" % ( \
                                stats[0], stats[1], stats[2], stats[3] ))

            if bReportHistograms:

                hist = hBand.GetDefaultHistogram(force=True,
                if hist is not None:
                    dfMin = hist[0]
                    dfMax = hist[1]
                    nBucketCount = hist[2]
                    panHistogram = hist[3]

                    print( "  %d buckets from %g to %g:" % ( \
                                    nBucketCount, dfMin, dfMax ))
                    line = '  '
                    for bucket in panHistogram:
                        line = line + ("%d " % bucket)


            if bComputeChecksum:
                print("  Checksum=%d" % hBand.Checksum())

            dfNoData = hBand.GetNoDataValue()
            if dfNoData is not None:
                if dfNoData != dfNoData:
                    print("  NoData Value=nan")
                    print("  NoData Value=%.18g" % dfNoData)

            if hBand.GetOverviewCount() > 0:

                line = "  Overviews: "
                for iOverview in range(hBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                    if iOverview != 0:
                        line = line + ", "

                    hOverview = hBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                    if hOverview is not None:

                        line = line + ("%dx%d" %
                                       (hOverview.XSize, hOverview.YSize))

                        pszResampling = \
                                hOverview.GetMetadataItem( "RESAMPLING", "" )

                        if pszResampling is not None \
                           and len(pszResampling) >= 12 \
                           and EQUAL(pszResampling[0:12],"AVERAGE_BIT2"):
                            line = line + "*"

                        line = line + "(null)"


                if bComputeChecksum:

                    line = "  Overviews checksum: "
                    for iOverview in range(hBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                        if iOverview != 0:
                            line = line + ", "

                        hOverview = hBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                        if hOverview is not None:
                            line = line + ("%d" % hOverview.Checksum())
                            line = line + "(null)"

            if hBand.HasArbitraryOverviews():
                print("  Overviews: arbitrary")

            nMaskFlags = hBand.GetMaskFlags()
            if (nMaskFlags & (gdal.GMF_NODATA | gdal.GMF_ALL_VALID)) == 0:

                hMaskBand = hBand.GetMaskBand()

                line = "  Mask Flags: "
                if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_PER_DATASET) != 0:
                    line = line + "PER_DATASET "
                if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_ALPHA) != 0:
                    line = line + "ALPHA "
                if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_NODATA) != 0:
                    line = line + "NODATA "
                if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_ALL_VALID) != 0:
                    line = line + "ALL_VALID "

                if hMaskBand is not None and \
                        hMaskBand.GetOverviewCount() > 0:

                    line = "  Overviews of mask band: "
                    for iOverview in range(hMaskBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                        if iOverview != 0:
                            line = line + ", "

                        hOverview = hMaskBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                        if hOverview is not None:
                            line = line + ("%d" % hOverview.Checksum())
                            line = line + "(null)"

            if len(hBand.GetUnitType()) > 0:
                print("  Unit Type: %s" % hBand.GetUnitType())

            papszCategories = hBand.GetRasterCategoryNames()
            if papszCategories is not None:

                print("  Categories:")
                i = 0
                for category in papszCategories:
                    print("    %3d: %s" % (i, category))
                    i = i + 1

            if hBand.GetScale() != 1.0 or hBand.GetOffset() != 0.0:
                print( "  Offset: %.15g,   Scale:%.15g" % \
                                        ( hBand.GetOffset(), hBand.GetScale()))

            if bShowMetadata:
                papszMetadata = hBand.GetMetadata_List()
                papszMetadata = None
            if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                    papszMetadata) > 0:
                print("  Metadata:")
                for metadata in papszMetadata:
                    print("    %s" % metadata)

            if bShowMetadata:
                papszMetadata = hBand.GetMetadata_List("IMAGE_STRUCTURE")
                papszMetadata = None
            if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                    papszMetadata) > 0:
                print("  Image Structure Metadata:")
                for metadata in papszMetadata:
                    print("    %s" % metadata)

            hTable = hBand.GetRasterColorTable()
            if hBand.GetRasterColorInterpretation() == gdal.GCI_PaletteIndex  \
                    and hTable is not None:

                print( "  Color Table (%s with %d entries)" % (\
                                gdal.GetPaletteInterpretationName( \
                                        hTable.GetPaletteInterpretation(  )), \
                                hTable.GetCount() ))

                if bShowColorTable:

                    for i in range(hTable.GetCount()):
                        sEntry = hTable.GetColorEntry(i)
                        print( "  %3d: %d,%d,%d,%d" % ( \
                                        i, \
                                        sEntry[3] ))

            if bShowRAT:
                hRAT = hBand.GetDefaultRAT()

        #GDALRATDumpReadable( hRAT, None );

#/*                           WritePDSlabel()                            */
#def WritePDSlabel(outFile, DataSetID, pszFilename, sampleBits, lines, samples):
    instrList = pszFilename.split("_")
    hBand = hDataset.GetRasterBand(1)
    #get the datatype
    if EQUAL(gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType), "Float32"):
        sample_bits = 32
        sample_type = "PC_REAL"
        sample_mask = "2#11111111111111111111111111111111#"
    elif EQUAL(gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType), "INT16"):
        sample_bits = 16
        sample_type = "LSB_INTEGER"
        sample_mask = "2#1111111111111111#"
    elif EQUAL(gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType), "UINT16"):
        sample_bits = 16
        sample_type = "UNSIGNED_INTEGER"
        sample_mask = "2#1111111111111111#"
    elif EQUAL(gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType), "Byte"):
        sample_bits = 8
        sample_type = "UNSIGNED_INTEGER"
        sample_mask = "2#11111111#"
        print("  %s: Not supported pixel type" %

    f.write('PDS_VERSION_ID            = PDS3\n')
    f.write('/* The source image data definition. */\n')
    f.write('FILE_NAME      = \"%s\"\n' % (dst_img))
    f.write('RECORD_TYPE   = FIXED_LENGTH\n')
    f.write('RECORD_BYTES  = %d\n' % (hDataset.RasterYSize))
    f.write('FILE_RECORDS  = %d\n' %
            ((hDataset.RasterXSize * sample_bits / 8)))
    #f.write('LABEL_RECORDS = 1\n')
    f.write('^IMAGE        = \"%s\"\n' % (dst_img))
    f.write('/* Identification Information  */\n')
    f.write('DATA_SET_ID               = "%s"\n' % pszFilename.split(".")[0])
    f.write('DATA_SET_NAME             = "%s"\n' % pszFilename.split(".")[0])
        'PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "Lunar Mapping and Modeling Project"\n')
    f.write('PRODUCER_ID               = "LMMP_TEAM"\n')
    f.write('PRODUCER_FULL_NAME        = "LMMP TEAM"\n')
    f.write('PRODUCT_ID                = "%s"\n' % pszFilename.split(".")[0])
    if "_v" in pszFilename:
        f.write('PRODUCT_VERSION_ID        = "%s.0"\n' %
        f.write('PRODUCT_VERSION_ID        = "%s"\n' % "V1.0")
    f.write('PRODUCT_TYPE              = "RDR"\n')
    f.write('INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME      = "%s"\n' % instrList[0])
    f.write('INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID        = "%s"\n' % instrList[0])
    f.write('INSTRUMENT_NAME           = "%s"\n' % instrList[1])
    f.write('INSTRUMENT_ID             = "%s"\n' % instrList[1])
    f.write('TARGET_NAME               = MOON\n')
    f.write('MISSION_PHASE_NAME        = "POST MISSION"\n')
        'RATIONALE_DESC            = "Created at the request of NASA\'s Exploration\n'
        '                            Systems Mission Directorate to support future\n'
    f.write('                            human exploration"\n')
        'SOFTWARE_NAME             = "ISIS 3.2.1 | SOCET SET v5.5 (r) BAE Systems\n'
    f.write('                            | GDAL 1.8"\n')
    f.write('/* Time Parameters */\n')
    f.write('START_TIME                   = "N/A"\n')
    f.write('STOP_TIME                    = "N/A"\n')
    f.write('SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT  = "N/A"\n')
    f.write('PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME        = %s\n' %
            strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))  #2011-03-11T22:13:40
    f.write('    ^DATA_SET_MAP_PROJECTION     = "DSMAP.CAT"\n')
    f.write('    MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE          = \"%s\"\n' % mapProjection)
    f.write('    A_AXIS_RADIUS                = %.1f <KM>\n' % semiMajor)
    f.write('    B_AXIS_RADIUS                = %.1f <KM>\n' % semiMajor)
    f.write('    C_AXIS_RADIUS                = %.1f <KM>\n' % semiMinor)
    f.write('    KEYWORD_LATITUDE_TYPE        = PLANETOCENTRIC\n')
        '    /* NOTE:  CENTER_LATITUDE and CENTER_LONGITUDE describe the location   */\n'
        '    /* of the center of projection, which is not necessarily equal to the  */\n'
        '    /* location of the center point of the image.                          */\n'
    f.write('    CENTER_LATITUDE              = %5.2f <DEG>\n' % centLat)
    f.write('    CENTER_LONGITUDE             = %5.2f <DEG>\n' % centLon)
    f.write('    LINE_FIRST_PIXEL             = 1\n')
    f.write('    LINE_LAST_PIXEL              = %d\n' % hDataset.RasterYSize)
    f.write('    SAMPLE_FIRST_PIXEL           = 1\n')
    f.write('    SAMPLE_LAST_PIXEL            = %d\n' % hDataset.RasterXSize)
    f.write('    MAP_PROJECTION_ROTATION      = 0.0 <DEG>\n')
    f.write('    MAP_RESOLUTION               = %.4f <PIX/DEG>\n' % mapres)
    f.write('    MAP_SCALE                    = %.8f <KM/PIXEL>\n' % kmres)
    f.write('    MINIMUM_LATITUDE             = %.8f <DEGREE>\n' % lry)
    f.write('    MAXIMUM_LATITUDE             = %.8f <DEGREE>\n' % uly)
    f.write('    WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE        = %.8f <DEGREE>\n' % ulx)
    f.write('    EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE        = %.8f <DEGREE>\n' % lrx)
    f.write('    LINE_PROJECTION_OFFSET       = %.1f\n' %
            ((ulx / kmres * 1000) - 0.5))
    f.write('    SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET     = %.1f\n' %
            ((uly / kmres * 1000) + 0.5))
    f.write('OBJECT = IMAGE\n')
    f.write('    NAME                       = \"%s\"\n' % (pszFilename))
        '    DESCRIPTION                = "Export data set from LMMP portal.\n'
    f.write('                                 see filename for data type."\n')
    f.write('    LINES                      = %d\n' % hDataset.RasterYSize)
    f.write('    LINE_SAMPLES               = %d\n' % hDataset.RasterXSize)
    f.write('    UNIT                       = METER\n')
    f.write('    OFFSET                     = %.10g\n' % (hBand.GetOffset()))
    f.write('    SCALING_FACTOR             = %.10g\n' % (hBand.GetScale()))
    f.write('    SAMPLE_TYPE                = %s\n' % (sample_type))
    f.write('    SAMPLE_BITS                = %d\n' % (sample_bits))
    f.write('    SAMPLE_BIT_MASK            = %s\n' % (sample_mask))
    f.write('    BANDS                      = %d\n' % hDataset.RasterCount)
    f.write('    BAND_STORAGE_TYPE          = BAND_SEQUENTIAL\n')
    if (sample_bits == 32):
        f.write('    CORE_NULL                  = 16#FF7FFFFB#\n')
        f.write('    CORE_LOW_REPR_SATURATION   = 16#FF7FFFFC#\n')
        f.write('    CORE_LOW_INSTR_SATURATION  = 16#FF7FFFFD#\n')
        f.write('    CORE_HIGH_REPR_SATURATION  = 16#FF7FFFFF#\n')
        f.write('    CORE_HIGH_INSTR_SATURATION = 16#FF7FFFFE#\n')
    elif (sample_bits == 16):
        f.write('    CORE_NULL                  = -32768\n')
        f.write('    CORE_LOW_REPR_SATURATION   = -32767\n')
        f.write('    CORE_LOW_INSTR_SATURATION  = -32766\n')
        f.write('    CORE_HIGH_REPR_SATURATION  = 32767\n')
        f.write('    CORE_HIGH_INSTR_SATURATION = 32768\n')
    else:  #8bit
        f.write('    CORE_NULL                  = 0\n')
        f.write('    CORE_LOW_REPR_SATURATION   = 0\n')
        f.write('    CORE_LOW_INSTR_SATURATION  = 0\n')
        f.write('    CORE_HIGH_REPR_SATURATION  = 255\n')
        f.write('    CORE_HIGH_INSTR_SATURATION = 255\n')
    f.write('END_OBJECT = IMAGE\n')

    #Export out raw image
    #Setup the output dataset
    print('Please wait, writing out raw image: %s' % dst_img)
    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('ENVI')
    output = driver.CreateCopy(dst_img, hDataset, 1)
    print('Complete. PDS label also created: %s' % dst_lbl)

    return 0
Beispiel #17
def main(args = None):

    global Verbose
    global CreateOptions
    global Names
    global TileWidth
    global TileHeight
    global Format
    global BandType
    global Driver
    global Extension
    global MemDriver
    global TileIndexFieldName
    global TileIndexName
    global CsvDelimiter
    global CsvFileName

    global TileIndexDriverTyp
    global Source_SRS
    global TargetDir
    global ResamplingMethod
    global Levels
    global PyramidOnly
    global UseDirForEachRow


    if args is None:
        args = sys.argv
    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor( args )
    if argv is None:
        return 1

    # Parse command line arguments.
    i = 1
    while i < len(argv):
        arg = argv[i]

        if arg == '-of':
            Format = argv[i]
        elif arg == '-ot':
            BandType = gdal.GetDataTypeByName( argv[i] )
            if BandType == gdal.GDT_Unknown:
                print('Unknown GDAL data type: %s' % argv[i])
                return 1
        elif arg == '-co':
            CreateOptions.append( argv[i] )

        elif arg == '-v':
            Verbose = True

        elif arg == '-targetDir':

            if os.path.exists(TargetDir)==False:
                print("TargetDir " + TargetDir + " does not exist")
                return 1
            if TargetDir[len(TargetDir)-1:] != os.sep:
                TargetDir =  TargetDir+os.sep

        elif arg == '-ps':

        elif arg == '-r':
            if ResamplingMethodString=="near":
            elif ResamplingMethodString=="bilinear":
            elif ResamplingMethodString=="cubic":
            elif ResamplingMethodString=="cubicspline":
            elif ResamplingMethodString=="lanczos":
                print("Unknown resampling method: %s" % ResamplingMethodString)
                return 1
        elif arg == '-levels':
            if Levels<1:
                print("Invalid number of levels : %d" % Levels)
                return 1
        elif arg == '-s_srs':
            Source_SRS = osr.SpatialReference()
            if Source_SRS.SetFromUserInput( argv[i] ) != 0:
                print('invalid -s_srs: ' + argv[i]);
                return 1;

        elif arg ==  "-pyramidOnly":
        elif arg == '-tileIndex':
            if len(parts[1])==0:

        elif arg == '-tileIndexField':
        elif arg == '-csv':
            if len(parts[1])==0:
        elif arg == '-csvDelim':
        elif arg == '-useDirForEachRow':
        elif arg[:1] == '-':
            print('Unrecognised command option: %s' % arg)
            return 1

            Names.append( arg )

    if len(Names) == 0:
        print('No input files selected.')
        return 1

    if (TileWidth==0 or TileHeight==0):
        print("Invalid tile dimension %d,%d" % (TileWidth,TileHeight))
        return 1

    if (TargetDir is None):
        print("Missing Directory for Tiles -targetDir")
        return 1

    # create level 0 directory if needed
    if(UseDirForEachRow and PyramidOnly==False) :
        if (os.path.exists(leveldir)==False):

    if Levels > 0:    #prepare Dirs for pyramid
        for levelIndx in range (startIndx,Levels+1):
            if (os.path.exists(leveldir)):
            if (os.path.exists(leveldir)==False):
                print("Cannot create level dir: %s" % leveldir)
                return 1
            if Verbose :
                print("Created level dir: %s" % leveldir)

    Driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(Format)
    if Driver is None:
        print('Format driver %s not found, pick a supported driver.' % Format)
        return 1

    DriverMD = Driver.GetMetadata()
    if 'DCAP_CREATE' not in DriverMD:

    if tileIndexDS is None:
        print("Error building tile index")
        return 1;
    minfo = mosaic_info(Names[0],tileIndexDS)
    ti=tile_info(minfo.xsize,minfo.ysize, TileWidth, TileHeight)

    if Source_SRS is None and len(minfo.projection) > 0 :
       Source_SRS = osr.SpatialReference()
       if Source_SRS.SetFromUserInput( minfo.projection ) != 0:
           print('invalid projection  ' + minfo.projection);
           return 1

    if Verbose:

    if PyramidOnly==False:
       dsCreatedTileIndex = tileImage(minfo,ti)

    if Levels>0:
       buildPyramid(minfo,dsCreatedTileIndex,TileWidth, TileHeight)

    if Verbose:
    return 0
Beispiel #18
def main(argv):
    names = []
    out_file = 'out.vrt'

    ulx = None
    psize_x = None
    separate = False
    # pre_init = None

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)
    if argv is None:
        return 0

    # Parse command line arguments.
    i = 1
    while i < len(argv):
        arg = argv[i]

        if arg == '-o':
            i = i + 1
            out_file = argv[i]

        elif arg == '-i':
            i = i + 1
            in_file_list = open(argv[i])

        elif arg == '-separate':
            separate = True

        elif arg == '-ul_lr':
            ulx = float(argv[i + 1])
            uly = float(argv[i + 2])
            lrx = float(argv[i + 3])
            lry = float(argv[i + 4])
            i = i + 4

        elif arg[:1] == '-':
            print('Unrecognized command option: ', arg)
            return 1


        i = i + 1

    if not names:
        print('No input files selected.')
        return 1

    # Collect information on all the source files.
    file_infos = names_to_fileinfos(names)
    if not file_infos:
        print('Nothing to process, exiting.')
        return 1

    if ulx is None:
        ulx = file_infos[0].ulx
        uly = file_infos[0].uly
        lrx = file_infos[0].lrx
        lry = file_infos[0].lry

        for fi in file_infos:
            ulx = min(ulx, fi.ulx)
            uly = max(uly, fi.uly)
            lrx = max(lrx, fi.lrx)
            lry = min(lry, fi.lry)

    if psize_x is None:
        psize_x = file_infos[0].geotransform[1]
        psize_y = file_infos[0].geotransform[5]

    projection = file_infos[0].projection

    for fi in file_infos:
        if fi.geotransform[1] != psize_x or fi.geotransform[5] != psize_y:
            print("All files must have the same scale; %s does not" %
            return 1

        if fi.geotransform[2] != 0 or fi.geotransform[4] != 0:
            print("No file must be rotated; %s is" % fi.filename)
            return 1

        if fi.projection != projection:
            print("All files must be in the same projection; %s is not" %
            return 1

    geotransform = (ulx, psize_x, 0.0, uly, 0.0, psize_y)

    xsize = int(((lrx - ulx) / geotransform[1]) + 0.5)
    ysize = int(((lry - uly) / geotransform[5]) + 0.5)

    if separate:
        bands = len(file_infos)
        bands = file_infos[0].bands

    t_fh = open(out_file, 'w')
    t_fh.write('<VRTDataset rasterXSize="%i" rasterYSize="%i">\n' %
               (xsize, ysize))
        '\t<GeoTransform>%24.16f, %24.16f, %24.16f, %24.16f, %24.16f, %24.16f</GeoTransform>\n'
        % geotransform)

    if projection:
        t_fh.write('\t<SRS>%s</SRS>\n' % projection)

    if separate:
        band_n = 0
        for fi in file_infos:
            band_n = band_n + 1
            if len(fi.band_types) != 2:
                print('File %s has %d bands. Only first band will be taken '
                      'into account' % (fi.filename, len(fi.band_types) - 1))
            dataType = gdal.GetDataTypeName(fi.band_types[1])

            t_fh.write('\t<VRTRasterBand dataType="%s" band="%i">\n' %
                       (dataType, band_n))
            t_fh.write('\t\t<ColorInterp>%s</ColorInterp>\n' %
            fi.write_source(t_fh, geotransform, xsize, ysize, 1)
        for band in range(1, bands + 1):
            dataType = gdal.GetDataTypeName(file_infos[0].band_types[band])

            t_fh.write('\t<VRTRasterBand dataType="%s" band="%i">\n' %
                       (dataType, band))
            if file_infos[0].nodata != [None]:
                t_fh.write('\t\t<NoDataValue>%f</NoDataValue>\n' %
            t_fh.write('\t\t<ColorInterp>%s</ColorInterp>\n' %

            ct = file_infos[0].cts[band]
            if ct is not None:
                for i in range(ct.GetCount()):
                        '\t\t\t<Entry c1="%i" c2="%i" c3="%i" c4="%i"/>\n' %

            for fi in file_infos:
                fi.write_source(t_fh, geotransform, xsize, ysize, band)



    return 0
Beispiel #19
def main(argv=None):

    bComputeMinMax = False
    bShowGCPs = True
    bShowMetadata = True
    bShowRAT = True
    bStats = False
    bApproxStats = True
    bShowColorTable = True
    bComputeChecksum = False
    bReportHistograms = False
    pszFilename = None
    papszExtraMDDomains = []
    pszProjection = None
    hTransform = None
    bShowFileList = True

    # Must process GDAL_SKIP before GDALAllRegister(), but we can't call
    # GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor before it needs the drivers to be registered
    # for the --format or --formats options
    # for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
    # {
    #    if EQUAL(argv[i],"--config") and i + 2 < argc and EQUAL(argv[i + 1], "GDAL_SKIP"):
    #    {
    #        CPLSetConfigOption( argv[i+1], argv[i+2] );
    #        i += 2;
    #    }
    # }
    # GDALAllRegister();

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)

    if argv is None:
        return 1

    nArgc = len(argv)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Parse arguments.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    i = 1
    while i < nArgc:

        if EQUAL(argv[i], "--utility_version"):
            print("%s is running against GDAL %s" %
                  (argv[0], gdal.VersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME")))
            return 0
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-mm"):
            bComputeMinMax = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-hist"):
            bReportHistograms = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-stats"):
            bStats = True
            bApproxStats = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-approx_stats"):
            bStats = True
            bApproxStats = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-checksum"):
            bComputeChecksum = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-nogcp"):
            bShowGCPs = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-nomd"):
            bShowMetadata = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-norat"):
            bShowRAT = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-noct"):
            bShowColorTable = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-mdd") and i < nArgc - 1:
            i = i + 1
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-nofl"):
            bShowFileList = False
        elif argv[i][0] == '-':
            return Usage()
        elif pszFilename is None:
            pszFilename = argv[i]
            return Usage()

        i = i + 1

    if pszFilename is None:
        return Usage()

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Open dataset.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    hDataset = gdal.Open(pszFilename, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)

    if hDataset is None:

        print("gdalinfo failed - unable to open '%s'." % pszFilename)

        return 1

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report general info.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    hDriver = hDataset.GetDriver()
    print("Driver: %s/%s" % (

    papszFileList = hDataset.GetFileList()
    if papszFileList is None or not papszFileList:
        print("Files: none associated")
        print("Files: %s" % papszFileList[0])
        if bShowFileList:
            for i in range(1, len(papszFileList)):
                print("       %s" % papszFileList[i])

    print("Size is %d, %d" % (hDataset.RasterXSize, hDataset.RasterYSize))

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report projection.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    pszProjection = hDataset.GetProjectionRef()
    if pszProjection is not None:

        hSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
        if hSRS.ImportFromWkt(pszProjection) == gdal.CE_None:
            pszPrettyWkt = hSRS.ExportToPrettyWkt(False)

            print("Coordinate System is:\n%s" % pszPrettyWkt)
            print("Coordinate System is `%s'" % pszProjection)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report Geotransform.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    adfGeoTransform = hDataset.GetGeoTransform(can_return_null=True)
    if adfGeoTransform is not None:

        if adfGeoTransform[2] == 0.0 and adfGeoTransform[4] == 0.0:
            print("Origin = (%.15f,%.15f)" % (
                adfGeoTransform[0], adfGeoTransform[3]))

            print("Pixel Size = (%.15f,%.15f)" % (
                adfGeoTransform[1], adfGeoTransform[5]))

            print("GeoTransform =\n"
                  "  %.16g, %.16g, %.16g\n"
                  "  %.16g, %.16g, %.16g" % (

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report GCPs.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if bShowGCPs and hDataset.GetGCPCount() > 0:

        pszProjection = hDataset.GetGCPProjection()
        if pszProjection is not None:

            hSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
            if hSRS.ImportFromWkt(pszProjection) == gdal.CE_None:
                pszPrettyWkt = hSRS.ExportToPrettyWkt(False)
                print("GCP Projection = \n%s" % pszPrettyWkt)

                print("GCP Projection = %s" %

        gcps = hDataset.GetGCPs()
        i = 0
        for gcp in gcps:

            print("GCP[%3d]: Id=%s, Info=%s\n"
                  "          (%.15g,%.15g) -> (%.15g,%.15g,%.15g)" % (
                      i, gcp.Id, gcp.Info,
                      gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine,
                      gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY, gcp.GCPZ))
            i = i + 1

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report metadata.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if bShowMetadata:
        papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List()
        papszMetadata = None
    if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata:
        for metadata in papszMetadata:
            print("  %s" % metadata)

    if bShowMetadata:
        for extra_domain in papszExtraMDDomains:
            papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List(extra_domain)
            if papszMetadata:
                print("Metadata (%s):" % extra_domain)
                for metadata in papszMetadata:
                    print("  %s" % metadata)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report "IMAGE_STRUCTURE" metadata.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if bShowMetadata:
        papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("IMAGE_STRUCTURE")
        papszMetadata = None
    if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata:
        print("Image Structure Metadata:")
        for metadata in papszMetadata:
            print("  %s" % metadata)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report subdatasets.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("SUBDATASETS")
    if papszMetadata:
        for metadata in papszMetadata:
            print("  %s" % metadata)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report geolocation.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if bShowMetadata:
        papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("GEOLOCATION")
        papszMetadata = None
    if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata:
        for metadata in papszMetadata:
            print("  %s" % metadata)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report RPCs
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if bShowMetadata:
        papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("RPC")
        papszMetadata = None
    if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata:
        print("RPC Metadata:")
        for metadata in papszMetadata:
            print("  %s" % metadata)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Setup projected to lat/long transform if appropriate.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if pszProjection:
        hProj = osr.SpatialReference(pszProjection)
        if hProj is not None:
            hLatLong = hProj.CloneGeogCS()

        if hLatLong is not None:
            hTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(hProj, hLatLong)
            if gdal.GetLastErrorMsg().find('Unable to load PROJ.4 library') != -1:
                hTransform = None

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report corners.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    print("Corner Coordinates:")
    GDALInfoReportCorner(hDataset, hTransform, "Upper Left",
                         0.0, 0.0)
    GDALInfoReportCorner(hDataset, hTransform, "Lower Left",
                         0.0, hDataset.RasterYSize)
    GDALInfoReportCorner(hDataset, hTransform, "Upper Right",
                         hDataset.RasterXSize, 0.0)
    GDALInfoReportCorner(hDataset, hTransform, "Lower Right",
    GDALInfoReportCorner(hDataset, hTransform, "Center",
                         hDataset.RasterXSize / 2.0,
                         hDataset.RasterYSize / 2.0)

# ====================================================================
#      Loop over bands.
# ====================================================================
    for iBand in range(hDataset.RasterCount):

        hBand = hDataset.GetRasterBand(iBand + 1)

        # if( bSample )
        # {
        #    float afSample[10000];
        #    int   nCount;
        #    nCount = GDALGetRandomRasterSample( hBand, 10000, afSample );
        #    print( "Got %d samples.\n", nCount );
        # }

        (nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize) = hBand.GetBlockSize()
        print("Band %d Block=%dx%d Type=%s, ColorInterp=%s" % (iBand + 1,
                                                               nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize,

        if hBand.GetDescription() is not None \
                and hBand.GetDescription():
            print("  Description = %s" % hBand.GetDescription())

        dfMin = hBand.GetMinimum()
        dfMax = hBand.GetMaximum()
        if dfMin is not None or dfMax is not None or bComputeMinMax:

            line = "  "
            if dfMin is not None:
                line = line + ("Min=%.3f " % dfMin)
            if dfMax is not None:
                line = line + ("Max=%.3f " % dfMax)

            if bComputeMinMax:
                adfCMinMax = hBand.ComputeRasterMinMax(False)
                if gdal.GetLastErrorType() == gdal.CE_None:
                    line = line + ("  Computed Min/Max=%.3f,%.3f" % (
                        adfCMinMax[0], adfCMinMax[1]))


        stats = hBand.GetStatistics(bApproxStats, bStats)
        # Dirty hack to recognize if stats are valid. If invalid, the returned
        # stddev is negative
        if stats[3] >= 0.0:
            print("  Minimum=%.3f, Maximum=%.3f, Mean=%.3f, StdDev=%.3f" % (
                stats[0], stats[1], stats[2], stats[3]))

        if bReportHistograms:

            hist = hBand.GetDefaultHistogram(force=True, callback=gdal.TermProgress)
            if hist is not None:
                dfMin = hist[0]
                dfMax = hist[1]
                nBucketCount = hist[2]
                panHistogram = hist[3]

                print("  %d buckets from %g to %g:" % (
                    nBucketCount, dfMin, dfMax))
                line = '  '
                for bucket in panHistogram:
                    line = line + ("%d " % bucket)


        if bComputeChecksum:
            print("  Checksum=%d" % hBand.Checksum())

        dfNoData = hBand.GetNoDataValue()
        if dfNoData is not None:
            if dfNoData != dfNoData:
                print("  NoData Value=nan")
                print("  NoData Value=%.18g" % dfNoData)

        if hBand.GetOverviewCount() > 0:

            line = "  Overviews: "
            for iOverview in range(hBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                if iOverview != 0:
                    line = line + ", "

                hOverview = hBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                if hOverview is not None:

                    line = line + ("%dx%d" % (hOverview.XSize, hOverview.YSize))

                    pszResampling = \
                        hOverview.GetMetadataItem("RESAMPLING", "")

                    if pszResampling is not None \
                       and len(pszResampling) >= 12 \
                       and EQUAL(pszResampling[0:12], "AVERAGE_BIT2"):
                        line = line + "*"

                    line = line + "(null)"


            if bComputeChecksum:

                line = "  Overviews checksum: "
                for iOverview in range(hBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                    if iOverview != 0:
                        line = line + ", "

                    hOverview = hBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                    if hOverview is not None:
                        line = line + ("%d" % hOverview.Checksum())
                        line = line + "(null)"

        if hBand.HasArbitraryOverviews():
            print("  Overviews: arbitrary")

        nMaskFlags = hBand.GetMaskFlags()
        if (nMaskFlags & (gdal.GMF_NODATA | gdal.GMF_ALL_VALID)) == 0:

            hMaskBand = hBand.GetMaskBand()

            line = "  Mask Flags: "
            if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_PER_DATASET) != 0:
                line = line + "PER_DATASET "
            if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_ALPHA) != 0:
                line = line + "ALPHA "
            if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_NODATA) != 0:
                line = line + "NODATA "
            if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_ALL_VALID) != 0:
                line = line + "ALL_VALID "

            if hMaskBand is not None and \
                    hMaskBand.GetOverviewCount() > 0:

                line = "  Overviews of mask band: "
                for iOverview in range(hMaskBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                    if iOverview != 0:
                        line = line + ", "

                    hOverview = hMaskBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                    if hOverview is not None:
                        line = line + ("%d" % hOverview.Checksum())
                        line = line + "(null)"

        if hBand.GetUnitType():
            print("  Unit Type: %s" % hBand.GetUnitType())

        papszCategories = hBand.GetRasterCategoryNames()
        if papszCategories is not None:

            print("  Categories:")
            i = 0
            for category in papszCategories:
                print("    %3d: %s" % (i, category))
                i = i + 1

        scale = hBand.GetScale()
        if not scale:
            scale = 1.0
        offset = hBand.GetOffset()
        if not offset:
            offset = 0.0
        if scale != 1.0 or offset != 0.0:
            print("  Offset: %.15g,   Scale:%.15g" %
                  (offset, scale))

        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hBand.GetMetadata_List()
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata:
            print("  Metadata:")
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("    %s" % metadata)

        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hBand.GetMetadata_List("IMAGE_STRUCTURE")
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata:
            print("  Image Structure Metadata:")
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("    %s" % metadata)

        hTable = hBand.GetRasterColorTable()
        if hBand.GetRasterColorInterpretation() == gdal.GCI_PaletteIndex  \
                and hTable is not None:

            print("  Color Table (%s with %d entries)" % (

            if bShowColorTable:

                for i in range(hTable.GetCount()):
                    sEntry = hTable.GetColorEntry(i)
                    print("  %3d: %d,%d,%d,%d" % (

        if bShowRAT:
            # hRAT = hBand.GetDefaultRAT()

            # GDALRATDumpReadable( hRAT, None );

    return 0
Beispiel #20
def main(args=None, g=None):
    if g is None:
        g = RetileGlobals()

    if args is None:
        args = sys.argv
    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(args)
    if argv is None:
        return 1

    # Parse command line arguments.
    i = 1
    while i < len(argv):
        arg = argv[i]

        if arg == '-of' or arg == '-f':
            i += 1
            g.Format = argv[i]
        elif arg == '-ot':
            i += 1
            g.BandType = gdal.GetDataTypeByName(argv[i])
            if g.BandType == gdal.GDT_Unknown:
                print('Unknown GDAL data type: %s' % argv[i])
                return 1
        elif arg == '-co':
            i += 1

        elif arg == '-v':
            g.Verbose = True
        elif arg == '-q':
            g.Quiet = True

        elif arg == '-targetDir':
            i += 1
            g.TargetDir = argv[i]

            if not os.path.exists(g.TargetDir):
                print("TargetDir " + g.TargetDir + " does not exist")
                return 1
            if g.TargetDir[len(g.TargetDir) - 1:] != os.sep:
                g.TargetDir = g.TargetDir + os.sep

        elif arg == '-ps':
            i += 1
            g.TileWidth = int(argv[i])
            i += 1
            g.TileHeight = int(argv[i])

        elif arg == '-overlap':
            i += 1
            g.Overlap = int(argv[i])

        elif arg == '-r':
            i += 1
            ResamplingMethodString = argv[i]
            if ResamplingMethodString == "near":
                g.ResamplingMethod = gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour
            elif ResamplingMethodString == "bilinear":
                g.ResamplingMethod = gdal.GRA_Bilinear
            elif ResamplingMethodString == "cubic":
                g.ResamplingMethod = gdal.GRA_Cubic
            elif ResamplingMethodString == "cubicspline":
                g.ResamplingMethod = gdal.GRA_CubicSpline
            elif ResamplingMethodString == "lanczos":
                g.ResamplingMethod = gdal.GRA_Lanczos
                print("Unknown resampling method: %s" % ResamplingMethodString)
                return 1
        elif arg == '-levels':
            i += 1
            g.Levels = int(argv[i])
            if g.Levels < 1:
                print("Invalid number of levels : %d" % g.Levels)
                return 1
        elif arg == '-s_srs':
            i += 1
            g.Source_SRS = osr.SpatialReference()
            if g.Source_SRS.SetFromUserInput(argv[i]) != 0:
                print('invalid -s_srs: ' + argv[i])
                return 1

        elif arg == "-pyramidOnly":
            g.PyramidOnly = True
        elif arg == '-tileIndex':
            i += 1
            g.TileIndexName = argv[i]
            parts = os.path.splitext(g.TileIndexName)
            if not parts[1]:
                g.TileIndexName += ".shp"

        elif arg == '-tileIndexField':
            i += 1
            g.TileIndexFieldName = argv[i]
        elif arg == '-csv':
            i += 1
            g.CsvFileName = argv[i]
            parts = os.path.splitext(g.CsvFileName)
            if not parts[1]:
                g.CsvFileName += ".csv"
        elif arg == '-csvDelim':
            i += 1
            g.CsvDelimiter = argv[i]
        elif arg == '-useDirForEachRow':
            g.UseDirForEachRow = True
        elif arg == "-resume":
            g.Resume = True
        elif arg[:1] == '-':
            print('Unrecognized command option: %s' % arg)
            return Usage()

        i += 1

    if not g.Names:
        print('No input files selected.')
        return Usage()

    if (g.TileWidth == 0 or g.TileHeight == 0):
        print("Invalid tile dimension %d,%d" % (g.TileWidth, g.TileHeight))
        return 1
    if (g.TileWidth - g.Overlap <= 0 or g.TileHeight - g.Overlap <= 0):
        print("Overlap too big w.r.t tile height/width")
        return 1

    if g.TargetDir is None:
        print("Missing Directory for Tiles -targetDir")
        return Usage()

    # create level 0 directory if needed
    if g.UseDirForEachRow and not g.PyramidOnly:
        leveldir = g.TargetDir + str(0) + os.sep
        if not os.path.exists(leveldir):

    if g.Levels > 0:  # prepare Dirs for pyramid
        startIndx = 1
        for levelIndx in range(startIndx, g.Levels + 1):
            leveldir = g.TargetDir + str(levelIndx) + os.sep
            if os.path.exists(leveldir):
            if not os.path.exists(leveldir):
                print("Cannot create level dir: %s" % leveldir)
                return 1
            if g.Verbose:
                print("Created level dir: %s" % leveldir)

    g.Driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(g.Format)
    if g.Driver is None:
        print('Format driver %s not found, pick a supported driver.' %
        return UsageFormat()

    DriverMD = g.Driver.GetMetadata()
    g.Extension = DriverMD.get(gdal.DMD_EXTENSION)
    if 'DCAP_CREATE' not in DriverMD:
        g.MemDriver = gdal.GetDriverByName("MEM")

    tileIndexDS = getTileIndexFromFiles(g)
    if tileIndexDS is None:
        print("Error building tile index")
        return 1
    minfo = mosaic_info(g.Names[0], tileIndexDS)
    ti = tile_info(minfo.xsize, minfo.ysize, g.TileWidth, g.TileHeight,

    if g.Source_SRS is None and minfo.projection:
        g.Source_SRS = osr.SpatialReference()
        if g.Source_SRS.SetFromUserInput(minfo.projection) != 0:
            print('invalid projection  ' + minfo.projection)
            return 1

    if g.Verbose:

    if not g.PyramidOnly:
        dsCreatedTileIndex = tileImage(g, minfo, ti)
        dsCreatedTileIndex = tileIndexDS

    if g.Levels > 0:
        buildPyramid(g, minfo, dsCreatedTileIndex, g.TileWidth, g.TileHeight,

    if g.Verbose:
    return 0
Beispiel #21
def main(argv):
    output_format = '-pretty_wkt'
    authority = None

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)
    if argv is None:
        return 0

    # Parse command line arguments.

    i = 1
    while i < len(argv):
        arg = argv[i]

        if arg == '-wkt' or arg == '-pretty_wkt' or arg == '-proj4' \
           or arg == '-postgis' or arg == '-xml' or arg == '-copy':
            output_format = arg

        elif arg == '-authority':
            i = i + 1
            authority = argv[i]

        elif arg[0] == '-':
            return Usage()

            return Usage()

        i = i + 1

    # Output BEGIN transaction for PostGIS
    if output_format == '-postgis':

    # loop over all codes to generate output

    if authority:
        authorities = [authority]
    elif output_format == '-postgis':
        authorities = ['EPSG', 'ESRI']
        authorities = ['EPSG', 'ESRI', 'IGNF']

    set_srid = set()
    for authority in authorities:
        if authority in ('EPSG', 'ESRI'):
            set_codes_geographic = set()
            set_codes_geographic_3d = set()
            set_codes_projected = set()
            set_codes_geocentric = set()
            set_codes_compound = set()
            set_deprecated = set()

            for crs_info in osr.GetCRSInfoListFromDatabase(authority):
                code = int(crs_info.code)
                if crs_info.type == osr.OSR_CRS_TYPE_COMPOUND:
                elif crs_info.type == osr.OSR_CRS_TYPE_GEOGRAPHIC_3D:
                elif crs_info.type == osr.OSR_CRS_TYPE_GEOGRAPHIC_2D:
                elif crs_info.type == osr.OSR_CRS_TYPE_PROJECTED:
                elif crs_info.type == osr.OSR_CRS_TYPE_GEOCENTRIC:

                if crs_info.deprecated:

            set_codes_geographic = sorted(set_codes_geographic)
            set_codes_geographic_3d = sorted(set_codes_geographic_3d)
            set_codes_projected = sorted(set_codes_projected)
            set_codes_geocentric = sorted(set_codes_geocentric)
            set_codes_compound = sorted(set_codes_compound)
            for typestr, set_codes in (('Geographic 2D CRS',
                                       ('Projected CRS', set_codes_projected),
                                       ('Geocentric CRS',
                                       ('Compound CRS', set_codes_compound),
                                       ('Geographic 3D CRS',
                if set_codes and output_format == '-postgis':
                    print('-' * 80)
                    print('--- ' + authority + ' ' + typestr)
                    print('-' * 80)

                for code in set_codes:
                    srs = osr.SpatialReference()
                    srs.SetFromUserInput(authority + ':' + str(code))
                    deprecated = False
                    if code in set_deprecated:
                        deprecated = True
                    trHandleCode(set_srid, srs, authority, str(code),
                                 deprecated, output_format)

            for crs_info in osr.GetCRSInfoListFromDatabase(authority):
                srs = osr.SpatialReference()
                srs.SetFromUserInput(authority + ':' + crs_info.code)
                trHandleCode(set_srid, srs, authority, crs_info.code,
                             crs_info.deprecated, output_format)

    # Output COMMIT transaction for PostGIS
    if output_format == '-postgis':
        print('VACUUM ANALYZE spatial_ref_sys;')
Beispiel #22
def main(argv=sys.argv):
    srcwin = None
    bands = []

    filename = None

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)
    if argv is None:
        return 0

    # Parse command line arguments.
    i = 1
    while i < len(argv):
        arg = argv[i]

        if arg == '-b':
            i = i + 1

        elif arg == '-srcwin':
            srcwin = [
                int(argv[i + 1]),
                int(argv[i + 2]),
                int(argv[i + 3]),
                int(argv[i + 3])
            i = i + 4

        elif filename is None:
            filename = argv[i]

            return Usage()

        i = i + 1

    if filename is None:
        return Usage()

    # Open source file

    ds = gdal.Open(filename)
    if ds is None:
        print('Unable to open %s' % filename)
        return 1

    # Default values

    if srcwin is None:
        srcwin = [0, 0, ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize]

    if not bands:
        bands = list(range(1, (ds.RasterCount + 1)))

    # Generate checksums

    for band_num in bands:
        oBand = ds.GetRasterBand(band_num)
        result = oBand.Checksum(srcwin[0], srcwin[1], srcwin[2], srcwin[3])

    ds = None
Beispiel #23
def gdal_edit(argv):

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor( argv )
    if argv is None:
        return -1

    datasetname = None
    srs = None
    ulx = None
    uly = None
    lrx = None
    lry = None
    nodata = None
    unsetnodata = False
    xres = None
    yres = None
    unsetgt = False
    unsetstats = False
    stats = False
    approx_stats = False
    unsetmd = False
    ro = False
    molist = []
    gcp_list = []
    open_options = []
    offset = None
    scale = None
    colorinterp = {}

    i = 1
    argc = len(argv)
    while i < argc:
        if argv[i] == '-ro':
            ro = True
        elif argv[i] == '-a_srs' and i < len(argv)-1:
            srs = argv[i+1]
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-a_ullr' and i < len(argv)-4:
            ulx = float(argv[i+1])
            i = i + 1
            uly = float(argv[i+1])
            i = i + 1
            lrx = float(argv[i+1])
            i = i + 1
            lry = float(argv[i+1])
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-tr' and i < len(argv)-2:
            xres = float(argv[i+1])
            i = i + 1
            yres = float(argv[i+1])
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-a_nodata' and i < len(argv)-1:
            nodata = float(argv[i+1])
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-scale' and i < len(argv)-1:
            scale = float(argv[i+1])
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-offset' and i < len(argv)-1:
            offset = float(argv[i+1])
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-mo' and i < len(argv)-1:
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-gcp' and i + 4 < len(argv):
            pixel = float(argv[i+1])
            i = i + 1
            line = float(argv[i+1])
            i = i + 1
            x = float(argv[i+1])
            i = i + 1
            y = float(argv[i+1])
            i = i + 1
            if i + 1 < len(argv) and ArgIsNumeric(argv[i+1]):
                z = float(argv[i+1])
                i = i + 1
                z = 0
            gcp = gdal.GCP(x,y,z,pixel,line)
        elif argv[i] == '-unsetgt' :
            unsetgt = True
        elif argv[i] == '-unsetstats':
            unsetstats = True
        elif argv[i] == '-approx_stats':
            stats = True
            approx_stats = True
        elif argv[i] == '-stats':
            stats = True
        elif argv[i] == '-unsetmd':
            unsetmd = True
        elif argv[i] == '-unsetnodata':
            unsetnodata = True
        elif argv[i] == '-oo' and i < len(argv)-1:
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i].startswith('-colorinterp_')and i < len(argv)-1:
            band = int(argv[i][len('-colorinterp_'):])
            val = argv[i+1]
            if val.lower() == 'red':
                val = gdal.GCI_RedBand
            elif val.lower() == 'green':
                val = gdal.GCI_GreenBand
            elif val.lower() == 'blue':
                val = gdal.GCI_BlueBand
            elif val.lower() == 'alpha':
                val = gdal.GCI_AlphaBand
            elif val.lower() == 'gray' or val.lower() == 'grey':
                val = gdal.GCI_GrayIndex
            elif val.lower() == 'undefined':
                val = gdal.GCI_Undefined
                sys.stderr.write('Unsupported color interpretation %s.\n' % val + \
                    'Only red, green, blue, alpha, gray, undefined are supported.\n' )
                return Usage()
            colorinterp[band] = val
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i][0] == '-':
            sys.stderr.write('Unrecognized option : %s\n' % argv[i])
            return Usage()
        elif datasetname is None:
            datasetname = argv[i]
            sys.stderr.write('Unexpected option : %s\n' % argv[i])
            return Usage()

        i = i + 1

    if datasetname is None:
        return Usage()

    if (srs is None and lry is None and yres is None and not unsetgt
            and not unsetstats and not stats and nodata is None
            and len(molist) == 0 and not unsetmd and len(gcp_list) == 0
            and not unsetnodata and len(colorinterp) == 0
            and scale is None and offset is None):
        print('No option specified')
        return Usage()

    exclusive_option = 0
    if lry is not None:
        exclusive_option = exclusive_option + 1
    if yres is not None:
        exclusive_option = exclusive_option + 1
    if unsetgt:
        exclusive_option = exclusive_option + 1
    if exclusive_option > 1:
        print('-a_ullr, -tr and -unsetgt options are exclusive.')
        return Usage()

    if unsetstats and stats:
        print('-unsetstats and either -stats or -approx_stats options are exclusive.')
        return Usage()

    if unsetnodata and nodata:
        print('-unsetnodata and -nodata options are exclusive.')
        return Usage()

    if open_options is not None:
        if ro:
            ds = gdal.OpenEx(datasetname, gdal.OF_RASTER, open_options = open_options)
            ds = gdal.OpenEx(datasetname, gdal.OF_RASTER | gdal.OF_UPDATE, open_options = open_options)
    # GDAL 1.X compat
    elif ro:
        ds = gdal.Open(datasetname)
        ds = gdal.Open(datasetname, gdal.GA_Update)
    if ds is None:
        return -1

    wkt = None
    if srs == '' or srs == 'None':
    elif srs is not None:
        sr = osr.SpatialReference()
        if sr.SetFromUserInput(srs) != 0:
            print('Failed to process SRS definition: %s' % srs)
            return -1
        wkt = sr.ExportToWkt()
        if len(gcp_list) == 0:

    if lry is not None:
        gt = [ ulx, (lrx - ulx) / ds.RasterXSize, 0,
               uly, 0, (lry - uly) / ds.RasterYSize ]

    if yres is not None:
        gt = ds.GetGeoTransform()
        # Doh ! why is gt a tuple and not an array...
        gt = [ gt[j] for j in range(6) ]
        gt[1] = xres
        gt[5] = yres

    if unsetgt:
        # For now only the GTiff drivers understands full-zero as a hint
        # to unset the geotransform
        if ds.GetDriver().ShortName == 'GTiff':

    if len(gcp_list) > 0:
        if wkt is None:
            wkt = ds.GetGCPProjection()
        if wkt is None:
            wkt = ''
        ds.SetGCPs(gcp_list, wkt)

    if nodata is not None:
        for i in range(ds.RasterCount):
    elif unsetnodata:
        for i in range(ds.RasterCount):

    if scale is not None:
        for i in range(ds.RasterCount):

    if offset is not None:
       for i in range(ds.RasterCount):

    if unsetstats:
        for i in range(ds.RasterCount):
            band = ds.GetRasterBand(i+1)
            for key in band.GetMetadata().keys():
                if key.startswith('STATISTICS_'):
                    band.SetMetadataItem(key, None)

    if stats:
        for i in range(ds.RasterCount):

    if len(molist) != 0:
        if unsetmd:
            md = {}
            md = ds.GetMetadata()
        for moitem in molist:
            equal_pos = moitem.find('=')
            if equal_pos > 0:
                md[moitem[0:equal_pos]] = moitem[equal_pos+1:]
    elif unsetmd:

    for band in colorinterp:

    ds = band = None

    return 0
Beispiel #24
def main(argv):
    threshold = 2
    connectedness = 4
    quiet = False
    src_filename = None

    dst_filename = None
    driver_name = None

    mask = 'default'

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)
    if argv is None:
        return 0

    # Parse command line arguments.
    i = 1
    while i < len(argv):
        arg = argv[i]

        if arg == '-of' or arg == '-f':
            i = i + 1
            driver_name = argv[i]

        elif arg == '-4':
            connectedness = 4

        elif arg == '-8':
            connectedness = 8

        elif arg == '-q' or arg == '-quiet':
            quiet = True

        elif arg == '-st':
            i = i + 1
            threshold = int(argv[i])

        elif arg == '-nomask':
            mask = 'none'

        elif arg == '-mask':
            i = i + 1
            mask = argv[i]

        elif arg == '-mask':
            i = i + 1
            mask = argv[i]

        elif arg[:2] == '-h':
            return Usage()

        elif src_filename is None:
            src_filename = argv[i]

        elif dst_filename is None:
            dst_filename = argv[i]

            return Usage()

        i = i + 1

    if src_filename is None:
        return Usage()

    return gdal_sieve(src_filename=src_filename, dst_filename=dst_filename, driver_name=driver_name,
                      mask=mask, threshold=threshold, connectedness=connectedness, quiet=quiet)
Beispiel #25
def gdal_pansharpen(argv):

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)
    if argv is None:
        return -1

    pan_name = None
    last_name = None
    spectral_ds = []
    spectral_bands = []
    out_name = None
    bands = []
    weights = []
    format = 'GTiff'
    creation_options = []
    callback = gdal.TermProgress_nocb
    resampling = None
    spat_adjust = None
    verbose_vrt = False
    num_threads = None
    bitdepth = None
    nodata = None

    i = 1
    argc = len(argv)
    while i < argc:
        if argv[i] == '-of' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            format = argv[i + 1]
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-r' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            resampling = argv[i + 1]
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-spat_adjust' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            spat_adjust = argv[i + 1]
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-b' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            bands.append(int(argv[i + 1]))
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-w' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            weights.append(float(argv[i + 1]))
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-co' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            creation_options.append(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-threads' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            num_threads = argv[i + 1]
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-bitdepth' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            bitdepth = argv[i + 1]
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-nodata' and i < len(argv) - 1:
            nodata = argv[i + 1]
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == '-q':
            callback = None
        elif argv[i] == '-verbose_vrt':
            verbose_vrt = True
        elif argv[i][0] == '-':
            sys.stderr.write('Unrecognized option : %s\n' % argv[i])
            return Usage()
        elif pan_name is None:
            pan_name = argv[i]
            pan_ds = gdal.Open(pan_name)
            if pan_ds is None:
                return 1
            if last_name is not None:
                pos = last_name.find(',band=')
                if pos > 0:
                    spectral_name = last_name[0:pos]
                    ds = gdal.Open(spectral_name)
                    if ds is None:
                        return 1
                    band_num = int(last_name[pos + len(',band='):])
                    band = ds.GetRasterBand(band_num)
                    spectral_name = last_name
                    ds = gdal.Open(spectral_name)
                    if ds is None:
                        return 1
                    for j in range(ds.RasterCount):
                        spectral_bands.append(ds.GetRasterBand(j + 1))

            last_name = argv[i]

        i = i + 1

    if pan_name is None or len(spectral_bands) == 0:
        return Usage()
    out_name = last_name

    if len(bands) == 0:
        bands = [j + 1 for j in range(len(spectral_bands))]
        for i in range(len(bands)):
            if bands[i] < 0 or bands[i] > len(spectral_bands):
                print('Invalid band number in -b: %d' % bands[i])
                return 1

    if len(weights) != 0 and len(weights) != len(spectral_bands):
            'There must be as many -w values specified as input spectral bands'
        return 1

    vrt_xml = """<VRTDataset subClass="VRTPansharpenedDataset">\n"""
    if bands != [j + 1 for j in range(len(spectral_bands))]:
        for i in range(len(bands)):
            band = spectral_bands[bands[i] - 1]
            datatype = gdal.GetDataTypeName(band.DataType)
            colorname = gdal.GetColorInterpretationName(
            vrt_xml += """  <VRTRasterBand dataType="%s" band="%d" subClass="VRTPansharpenedRasterBand">
  </VRTRasterBand>\n""" % (datatype, i + 1, colorname)

    vrt_xml += """  <PansharpeningOptions>\n"""

    if len(weights) != 0:
        vrt_xml += """      <AlgorithmOptions>\n"""
        vrt_xml += """        <Weights>"""
        for i in range(len(weights)):
            if i > 0: vrt_xml += ","
            vrt_xml += "%.16g" % weights[i]
        vrt_xml += "</Weights>\n"
        vrt_xml += """      </AlgorithmOptions>\n"""

    if resampling is not None:
        vrt_xml += '      <Resampling>%s</Resampling>\n' % resampling

    if num_threads is not None:
        vrt_xml += '      <NumThreads>%s</NumThreads>\n' % num_threads

    if bitdepth is not None:
        vrt_xml += '      <BitDepth>%s</BitDepth>\n' % bitdepth

    if nodata is not None:
        vrt_xml += '      <NoData>%s</NoData>\n' % nodata

    if spat_adjust is not None:
        vrt_xml += '      <SpatialExtentAdjustment>%s</SpatialExtentAdjustment>\n' % spat_adjust

    pan_relative = '0'
    if format.upper() == 'VRT':
        if not os.path.isabs(pan_name):
            pan_relative = '1'
            pan_name = os.path.relpath(pan_name, os.path.dirname(out_name))

    vrt_xml += """    <PanchroBand>
      <SourceFilename relativeToVRT="%s">%s</SourceFilename>
    </PanchroBand>\n""" % (pan_relative, pan_name)

    for i in range(len(spectral_bands)):
        dstband = ''
        for j in range(len(bands)):
            if i + 1 == bands[j]:
                dstband = ' dstBand="%d"' % (j + 1)

        ms_relative = '0'
        ms_name = spectral_ds[i].GetDescription()
        if format.upper() == 'VRT':
            if not os.path.isabs(ms_name):
                ms_relative = '1'
                ms_name = os.path.relpath(ms_name, os.path.dirname(out_name))

        vrt_xml += """    <SpectralBand%s>
      <SourceFilename relativeToVRT="%s">%s</SourceFilename>
    </SpectralBand>\n""" % (dstband, ms_relative, ms_name,

    vrt_xml += """  </PansharpeningOptions>\n"""
    vrt_xml += """</VRTDataset>\n"""

    if format.upper() == 'VRT':
        f = gdal.VSIFOpenL(out_name, 'wb')
        if f is None:
            print('Cannot create %s' % out_name)
            return 1
        gdal.VSIFWriteL(vrt_xml, 1, len(vrt_xml), f)
        if verbose_vrt:
            vrt_ds = gdal.Open(out_name, gdal.GA_Update)
            vrt_ds = gdal.Open(out_name)
        if vrt_ds is None:
            return 1

        return 0

    vrt_ds = gdal.Open(vrt_xml)
    out_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName(format).CreateCopy(out_name,
    if out_ds is None:
        return 1
    return 0
def main():
    global create_csv
    global fields_descript
    global fields_csv

    inRasters = []
    rasterPath = None
    inShapeName = None
    ext = None
    nodata = -9999
    needTransform = False
    gdalalloc = False
    fields_descript = False
    create_csv = False
    rasterPaths2 = None
    quiet = False


    formats = gdalInfo().getSupportedRasters()
    ###  print formats

    args = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(sys.argv)

    if args is None or len(args) < 2:

    # parse command line arguments
    i = 1
    while i < len(args):
        arg = args[i]
        if arg == '-r':
            needTransform = True
        elif arg == '-g':
            gdalalloc = True
        elif arg == '-q':
            quiet = True
        elif arg == '-f':
            fields_descript = True
        elif arg == '-c':
            create_csv = True
        elif arg == '-rl':
            inRasters.extend(args[i + 1].split(','))
        elif arg == '-d':
            i += 1
            rasterPaths = args[i]
            rasterPaths2 = []
            for rasterPath in rasterPaths.split(','):
                if os.path.exists(rasterPath) == False:
                    print('Directory ' + rasterPath + ' does not exist')
                if rasterPath[len(rasterPath) - 1:] != os.sep:
                    rasterPath = rasterPath + os.sep
            if len(rasterPaths2) == 0:
        elif arg == '-e':
            i += 1
            ext = args[i]
        elif arg == '-nodata':
            i += 1
            nodata = int(args[i])
        elif inShapeName is None:
            inShapeName = arg
        elif arg != '-d' and arg != '-rl':
        i += 1

    if not quiet: print('Found GDAL version:', gdalInfo().version(), '\n')

    if inShapeName is None:
        print("No point shapefile was specified. Nothing to do.")

    if fields_descript:
        fields_csv = open(inShapeName.replace('.shp', '_fields.csv'), 'wb')

    if create_csv:
        extract_csv = open(inShapeName.replace('.shp', '_extract.csv'), 'wb')

    #-d is set
    if rasterPaths2 is not None:
        if ext is not None:
            for rasterPaths in rasterPaths2:
                f = '*.' + ext
                if f not in formats:
                    print('Raster extension (%s) is not supported' % ext)
                files = glob.glob(rasterPath + f)
            for rasterPaths in rasterPaths2:
                for f in formats:
                    # look for supported rasters in directory
                    files = glob.glob(rasterPath + f)

    if len(inRasters) == 0:
        print('No input rasters selected.')

    # convert filenames to fileinfos
    fileInfos, bands = fileNamesToFileInfos(inRasters)

    # try to open source shapefile
    if int(gdal.VersionInfo()) > 1990000:
        inShape = ogr.Open(inShapeName, gdal.OF_VECTOR)
        inShape = ogr.Open(inShapeName, 1)
    if inShape is None:
        print('Unable to open shapefile', inShapeName)

    inLayer = inShape.GetLayer(0)
    if fields_descript:
        layerDefinition = inLayer.GetLayerDefn()
        for i in range(layerDefinition.GetFieldCount()):
                layerDefinition.GetFieldDefn(i).GetName() + ';' +
                layerDefinition.GetFieldDefn(i).GetName() + ';1\n')

    if create_csv:
    featCount = inLayer.GetFeatureCount()
    layerCRS = inLayer.GetSpatialRef()

    # add new fields to the shapefile
    createFields(inLayer, fileInfos)

    # init progressbar
    if gdalalloc:
        max = featCount * len(inRasters)
        max = featCount * bands
    if not quiet: pb = ProgressBar(max + 1, 65)
    i = 0
    start = time.time()
    # process points and rasters
    fi = 0
    if create_csv:
        arExt = np.zeros((featCount, len(fileInfos) + 1))
    for f in fileInfos:
        fi += 1
        i += 1
        if not quiet: pb.update(i)
        gt = f.geotransform
        rasterCRS = f.projection
        #print("Layer", layerCRS.ExportToWkt())
        #print("Raster", rasterCRS.ExportToWkt())
        if needTransform:
            coordTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(layerCRS, rasterCRS)
            if coordTransform is None and needTransform:
                print('Error while creating coordinate transformation.')
        if not gdalalloc:
            ds = gdal.Open(f.fileName)
        if f.bands == 1:
            shortName = f.fileBaseName[:10]
            if not gdalalloc:
                band = ds.ReadAsArray()
            inFeat = inLayer.GetNextFeature()
            while inFeat is not None:
                i += 1
                if not quiet: pb.update(i)
                geom = inFeat.GetGeometryRef()
                x = geom.GetX()
                y = geom.GetY()
                #print("BEFORE", x, y)
                if needTransform:
                    res = coordTransform.TransformPoint(x, y, 0)
                    x = res[0]
                    y = res[1]
                rX, rY = mapToPixel(x, y, gt)
                if rX > f.xSize or rY > f.ySize:
                    inFeat = inLayer.GetNextFeature()
                if gdalalloc:
                    value = os.popen(
                        'gdallocationinfo -valonly -wgs84 %s %s %s' %
                        (f.fileName, x, y)).read()
                    value = band[rY, rX]
                if np.isclose(float(value), f.nodata[0]):
                    value = -9999
                if create_csv:
                    arExt[inFeat.GetFID(), 0] = inFeat.GetFID()
                    arExt[inFeat.GetFID(), fi] = value
                    inFeat.SetField(shortName, float(value))
                    if inLayer.SetFeature(inFeat) != 0:
                        print('Failed to update feature.')

                inFeat = inLayer.GetNextFeature()
            shortName = f.fileBaseName[:8]
            inFeat = inLayer.GetNextFeature()
            while inFeat is not None:
                i += 1
                if not quiet: pb.update(i)
                geom = inFeat.GetGeometryRef()
                x = geom.GetX()
                y = geom.GetY()
                if needTransform:
                    res = coordTransform.TransformPoint(x, y, 0)
                    x = res[0]
                    y = res[1]
                rX, rY = mapToPixel(x, y, gt)
                if rX > f.xSize or rY > f.ySize:
                    inFeat = inLayer.GetNextFeature()
                if gdalalloc:
                    #TODO: check that raster has CRS assigned
                    values = os.popen(
                        'gdallocationinfo -valonly -wgs84 %s %s %s' %
                        (f.fileName, x, y)).read().split('\n')
                    values = [v.replace('.#IND', '') for v in values]
                    values = [
                        -9999 if np.isclose(float(v), f.nodata[idx]) else v
                        for idx, v in enumerate(values)
                    for b in range(f.bands):
                        if create_csv:
                            arExt[inFeat.GetFID(), 0] = inFeat.GetFID()
                            arExt[inFeat.GetFID(), fi] = float(values[b])
                            inFeat.SetField(shortName + str(b + 1),
                            if inLayer.SetFeature(inFeat) != 0:
                                print('Failed to update feature.')
                    for b in range(f.bands):
                        rband = ds.GetRasterBand(b + 1)
                        band = rband.ReadAsArray()
                        value = band[rY, rX]
                        rband = None
                        if create_csv:
                            arExt[inFeat.GetFID(), 0] = inFeat.GetFID()
                            arExt[inFeat.GetFID(), fi] = value
                            inFeat.SetField(shortName + str(b + 1),
                            if inLayer.SetFeature(inFeat) != 0:
                                print('Failed to update feature.')
                inFeat = inLayer.GetNextFeature()
        ds = None

    if create_csv:
        for r in range(featCount):
            extract_csv.write(str(arExt[r, 0]) + ';')
            for c in range(1, fi):
                extract_csv.write(str(arExt[r, c]) + ';')
            extract_csv.write(str(arExt[r, fi]))
    if not quiet: pb.done()
Beispiel #27
def main(argv=None):

    global verbose, quiet
    verbose = 0
    quiet = 0
    names = []
    frmt = None
    out_file = 'out.tif'

    ulx = None
    psize_x = None
    separate = 0
    copy_pct = 0
    nodata = None
    a_nodata = None
    create_options = []
    pre_init = []
    band_type = None
    createonly = 0
    bTargetAlignedPixels = False
    start_time = time.time()

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)
    if argv is None:

    # Parse command line arguments.
    i = 1
    while i < len(argv):
        arg = argv[i]

        if arg == '-o':
            i = i + 1
            out_file = argv[i]

        elif arg == '-v':
            verbose = 1

        elif arg == '-q' or arg == '-quiet':
            quiet = 1

        elif arg == '-createonly':
            createonly = 1

        elif arg == '-separate':
            separate = 1

        elif arg == '-seperate':
            separate = 1

        elif arg == '-pct':
            copy_pct = 1

        elif arg == '-ot':
            i = i + 1
            band_type = gdal.GetDataTypeByName(argv[i])
            if band_type == gdal.GDT_Unknown:
                print('Unknown GDAL data type: %s' % argv[i])

        elif arg == '-init':
            i = i + 1
            str_pre_init = argv[i].split()
            for x in str_pre_init:

        elif arg == '-n':
            i = i + 1
            nodata = float(argv[i])

        elif arg == '-a_nodata':
            i = i + 1
            a_nodata = float(argv[i])

        elif arg == '-f' or arg == '-of':
            i = i + 1
            frmt = argv[i]

        elif arg == '-co':
            i = i + 1

        elif arg == '-ps':
            psize_x = float(argv[i + 1])
            psize_y = -1 * abs(float(argv[i + 2]))
            i = i + 2

        elif arg == '-tap':
            bTargetAlignedPixels = True

        elif arg == '-ul_lr':
            ulx = float(argv[i + 1])
            uly = float(argv[i + 2])
            lrx = float(argv[i + 3])
            lry = float(argv[i + 4])
            i = i + 4

        elif arg[:1] == '-':
            print('Unrecognized command option: %s' % arg)


        i = i + 1

    if not names:
        print('No input files selected.')

    if frmt is None:
        frmt = GetOutputDriverFor(out_file)

    Driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(frmt)
    if Driver is None:
        print('Format driver %s not found, pick a supported driver.' % frmt)

    DriverMD = Driver.GetMetadata()
    if 'DCAP_CREATE' not in DriverMD:
            'Format driver %s does not support creation and piecewise writing.\nPlease select a format that does, such as GTiff (the default) or HFA (Erdas Imagine).'
            % frmt)

    # Collect information on all the source files.
    file_infos = names_to_fileinfos(names)

    if ulx is None:
        ulx = file_infos[0].ulx
        uly = file_infos[0].uly
        lrx = file_infos[0].lrx
        lry = file_infos[0].lry

        for fi in file_infos:
            ulx = min(ulx, fi.ulx)
            uly = max(uly, fi.uly)
            lrx = max(lrx, fi.lrx)
            lry = min(lry, fi.lry)

    if psize_x is None:
        psize_x = file_infos[0].geotransform[1]
        psize_y = file_infos[0].geotransform[5]

    if band_type is None:
        band_type = file_infos[0].band_type

    # Try opening as an existing file.
    t_fh = gdal.Open(out_file, gdal.GA_Update)

    # Create output file if it does not already exist.
    if t_fh is None:

        if bTargetAlignedPixels:
            ulx = math.floor(ulx / psize_x) * psize_x
            lrx = math.ceil(lrx / psize_x) * psize_x
            lry = math.floor(lry / -psize_y) * -psize_y
            uly = math.ceil(uly / -psize_y) * -psize_y

        geotransform = [ulx, psize_x, 0, uly, 0, psize_y]

        xsize = int((lrx - ulx) / geotransform[1] + 0.5)
        ysize = int((lry - uly) / geotransform[5] + 0.5)

        if separate != 0:
            bands = 0

            for fi in file_infos:
                bands = bands + fi.bands
            bands = file_infos[0].bands

        t_fh = Driver.Create(out_file, xsize, ysize, bands, band_type,
        if t_fh is None:
            print('Creation failed, terminating gdal_merge.')


        if copy_pct:
        if separate != 0:
            bands = 0
            for fi in file_infos:
                bands = bands + fi.bands
            if t_fh.RasterCount < bands:
                    'Existing output file has less bands than the input files. You should delete it before. Terminating gdal_merge.'
            bands = min(file_infos[0].bands, t_fh.RasterCount)

    # Do we need to set nodata value ?
    if a_nodata is not None:
        for i in range(t_fh.RasterCount):
            t_fh.GetRasterBand(i + 1).SetNoDataValue(a_nodata)

    # Do we need to pre-initialize the whole mosaic file to some value?
    if pre_init is not None:
        if t_fh.RasterCount <= len(pre_init):
            for i in range(t_fh.RasterCount):
                t_fh.GetRasterBand(i + 1).Fill(pre_init[i])
        elif len(pre_init) == 1:
            for i in range(t_fh.RasterCount):
                t_fh.GetRasterBand(i + 1).Fill(pre_init[0])

    # Copy data from source files into output file.
    t_band = 1

    if quiet == 0 and verbose == 0:
    fi_processed = 0

    for fi in file_infos:
        if createonly != 0:

        if verbose != 0:
                "Processing file %5d of %5d, %6.3f%% completed in %d minutes."
                (fi_processed + 1, len(file_infos), fi_processed * 100.0 /
                 len(file_infos), int(round(
                     (time.time() - start_time) / 60.0))))

        if separate == 0:
            for band in range(1, bands + 1):
                fi.copy_into(t_fh, band, band, nodata)
            for band in range(1, fi.bands + 1):
                fi.copy_into(t_fh, band, t_band, nodata)
                t_band = t_band + 1

        fi_processed = fi_processed + 1
        if quiet == 0 and verbose == 0:
            progress(fi_processed / float(len(file_infos)))

    # Force file to be closed.
    t_fh = None
Beispiel #28
def main(argv=sys.argv):
    driver_name = None
    creation_options = []
    alg_options = []
    src_filename = None
    src_band_n = 1
    dst_filename = None
    dst_band_n = 1
    creation_type = 'Float32'
    quiet = False

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)
    if argv is None:
        return 0

    # Parse command line arguments.
    i = 1
    while i < len(argv):
        arg = argv[i]

        if arg == '-of' or arg == '-f':
            i = i + 1
            driver_name = argv[i]

        elif arg == '-co':
            i = i + 1

        elif arg == '-ot':
            i = i + 1
            creation_type = argv[i]

        elif arg == '-maxdist':
            i = i + 1
            alg_options.append('MAXDIST=' + argv[i])

        elif arg == '-values':
            i = i + 1
            alg_options.append('VALUES=' + argv[i])

        elif arg == '-distunits':
            i = i + 1
            alg_options.append('DISTUNITS=' + argv[i])

        elif arg == '-nodata':
            i = i + 1
            alg_options.append('NODATA=' + argv[i])

        elif arg == '-use_input_nodata':
            i = i + 1
            alg_options.append('USE_INPUT_NODATA=' + argv[i])

        elif arg == '-fixed-buf-val':
            i = i + 1
            alg_options.append('FIXED_BUF_VAL=' + argv[i])

        elif arg == '-srcband':
            i = i + 1
            src_band_n = int(argv[i])

        elif arg == '-dstband':
            i = i + 1
            dst_band_n = int(argv[i])

        elif arg == '-q' or arg == '-quiet':
            quiet = True

        elif src_filename is None:
            src_filename = argv[i]

        elif dst_filename is None:
            dst_filename = argv[i]

            return Usage()

        i = i + 1

    if src_filename is None or dst_filename is None:
        return Usage()

    return gdal_proximity(src_filename=src_filename,

# Argument processing.

infile = None
outfile = None
layer_list = []
relative = "0"
schema = 0
feature_count = 0
extent = 0
openoptions = []

argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(sys.argv)
if argv is None:

i = 1
while i < len(argv):
    arg = argv[i]

    if arg == '-relative':
        relative = "1"

    elif arg == '-schema':
        schema = 1

    elif arg == '-feature_count':
        feature_count = 1
Beispiel #30
def main(argv):
    infile = None
    outfile = None
    layer_list = []
    relative = "0"
    schema = 0
    feature_count = 0
    extent = 0
    openoptions = []

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)
    if argv is None:
        return 0

    i = 1
    while i < len(argv):
        arg = argv[i]

        if arg == '-relative':
            relative = "1"

        elif arg == '-schema':
            schema = 1

        elif arg == '-feature_count':
            feature_count = 1

        elif arg == '-extent':
            extent = 1

        elif arg == '-oo':
            i += 1

        elif arg[0] == '-':
            return Usage()

        elif infile is None:
            infile = arg

        elif outfile is None:
            outfile = arg


        i = i + 1

    if outfile is None:
        return Usage()

    if schema and feature_count:
        sys.stderr.write('Ignoring -feature_count when used with -schema.\n')
        feature_count = 0

    if schema and extent:
        sys.stderr.write('Ignoring -extent when used with -schema.\n')
        extent = 0

    # Open the datasource to read.

    src_ds = gdal.OpenEx(infile, gdal.OF_VECTOR, open_options=openoptions)

    if schema:
        infile = '@dummy@'

    if not layer_list:
        for lyr_idx in range(src_ds.GetLayerCount()):

    # Start the VRT file.

    vrt = '<OGRVRTDataSource>\n'

    # Metadata

    mdd_list = src_ds.GetMetadataDomainList()
    if mdd_list is not None:
        for domain in mdd_list:
            if domain == '':
                vrt += '  <Metadata>\n'
            elif len(domain) > 4 and domain[0:4] == 'xml:':
                vrt += '  <Metadata domain="%s" format="xml">\n' % Esc(domain)
                vrt += '  <Metadata domain="%s">\n' % Esc(domain)
            if len(domain) > 4 and domain[0:4] == 'xml:':
                vrt += src_ds.GetMetadata_List(domain)[0]
                md = src_ds.GetMetadata(domain)
                for key in md:
                    vrt += '    <MDI key="%s">%s</MDI>\n' % (Esc(key),
            vrt += '  </Metadata>\n'

    # Process each source layer.

    for name in layer_list:
        layer = src_ds.GetLayerByName(name)
        layerdef = layer.GetLayerDefn()

        vrt += '  <OGRVRTLayer name="%s">\n' % Esc(name)

        mdd_list = layer.GetMetadataDomainList()
        if mdd_list is not None:
            for domain in mdd_list:
                if domain == '':
                    vrt += '    <Metadata>\n'
                elif len(domain) > 4 and domain[0:4] == 'xml:':
                    vrt += '    <Metadata domain="%s" format="xml">\n' % Esc(
                    vrt += '    <Metadata domain="%s">\n' % Esc(domain)
                if len(domain) > 4 and domain[0:4] == 'xml:':
                    vrt += layer.GetMetadata_List(domain)[0]
                    md = layer.GetMetadata(domain)
                    for key in md:
                        vrt += '      <MDI key="%s">%s</MDI>\n' % (
                            Esc(key), Esc(md[key]))
                vrt += '    </Metadata>\n'

        if not os.path.isabs(outfile) and not os.path.isabs(infile) and \
           os.path.dirname(outfile) == '' and os.path.dirname(infile) == '':
            relative = 1

        vrt += '    <SrcDataSource relativeToVRT="%s" shared="%d">%s</SrcDataSource>\n' \
               % (relative, not schema, Esc(infile))

        if openoptions:
            vrt += '    <OpenOptions>\n'
            for option in openoptions:
                (key, value) = option.split('=')
                vrt += '        <OOI key="%s">%s</OOI>\n' % (Esc(key),
            vrt += '    </OpenOptions>\n'

        if schema:
            vrt += '    <SrcLayer>@dummy@</SrcLayer>\n'
            vrt += '    <SrcLayer>%s</SrcLayer>\n' % Esc(name)

        # Historic format for mono-geometry layers
        if layerdef.GetGeomFieldCount() == 0:
            vrt += '    <GeometryType>wkbNone</GeometryType>\n'
        elif layerdef.GetGeomFieldCount() == 1 and \
            vrt += '    <GeometryType>%s</GeometryType>\n' \
                % GeomType2Name(layerdef.GetGeomType())
            srs = layer.GetSpatialRef()
            if srs is not None:
                vrt += '    <LayerSRS>%s</LayerSRS>\n' \
                    % (Esc(srs.ExportToWkt()))
            if extent:
                (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) = layer.GetExtent()
                vrt += '    <ExtentXMin>%.15g</ExtentXMin>\n' % xmin
                vrt += '    <ExtentYMin>%.15g</ExtentYMin>\n' % ymin
                vrt += '    <ExtentXMax>%.15g</ExtentXMax>\n' % xmax
                vrt += '    <ExtentYMax>%.15g</ExtentYMax>\n' % ymax

        # New format for multi-geometry field support
            for fld_index in range(layerdef.GetGeomFieldCount()):
                src_fd = layerdef.GetGeomFieldDefn(fld_index)
                vrt += '    <GeometryField name="%s"' % src_fd.GetName()
                if src_fd.IsNullable() == 0:
                    vrt += ' nullable="false"'
                vrt += '>\n'
                vrt += '      <GeometryType>%s</GeometryType>\n' \
                    % GeomType2Name(src_fd.GetType())
                srs = src_fd.GetSpatialRef()
                if srs is not None:
                    vrt += '      <SRS>%s</SRS>\n' \
                        % (Esc(srs.ExportToWkt()))
                if extent:
                    (xmin, xmax, ymin,
                     ymax) = layer.GetExtent(geom_field=fld_index)
                    vrt += '      <ExtentXMin>%.15g</ExtentXMin>\n' % xmin
                    vrt += '      <ExtentYMin>%.15g</ExtentYMin>\n' % ymin
                    vrt += '      <ExtentXMax>%.15g</ExtentXMax>\n' % xmax
                    vrt += '      <ExtentYMax>%.15g</ExtentYMax>\n' % ymax
                vrt += '    </GeometryField>\n'

        # Process all the fields.
        for fld_index in range(layerdef.GetFieldCount()):
            src_fd = layerdef.GetFieldDefn(fld_index)
            if src_fd.GetType() == ogr.OFTInteger:
                typ = 'Integer'
            elif src_fd.GetType() == ogr.OFTInteger64:
                typ = 'Integer64'
            elif src_fd.GetType() == ogr.OFTString:
                typ = 'String'
            elif src_fd.GetType() == ogr.OFTReal:
                typ = 'Real'
            elif src_fd.GetType() == ogr.OFTStringList:
                typ = 'StringList'
            elif src_fd.GetType() == ogr.OFTIntegerList:
                typ = 'IntegerList'
            elif src_fd.GetType() == ogr.OFTInteger64List:
                typ = 'Integer64List'
            elif src_fd.GetType() == ogr.OFTRealList:
                typ = 'RealList'
            elif src_fd.GetType() == ogr.OFTBinary:
                typ = 'Binary'
            elif src_fd.GetType() == ogr.OFTDate:
                typ = 'Date'
            elif src_fd.GetType() == ogr.OFTTime:
                typ = 'Time'
            elif src_fd.GetType() == ogr.OFTDateTime:
                typ = 'DateTime'
                typ = 'String'

            vrt += '    <Field name="%s" type="%s"' \
                   % (Esc(src_fd.GetName()), typ)
            if src_fd.GetSubType() != ogr.OFSTNone:
                vrt += ' subtype="%s"' % ogr.GetFieldSubTypeName(
            if not schema:
                vrt += ' src="%s"' % Esc(src_fd.GetName())
            if src_fd.GetWidth() > 0:
                vrt += ' width="%d"' % src_fd.GetWidth()
            if src_fd.GetPrecision() > 0:
                vrt += ' precision="%d"' % src_fd.GetPrecision()
            if src_fd.IsNullable() == 0:
                vrt += ' nullable="false"'
                if src_fd.IsUnique():
                    vrt += ' unique="true"'
            except AttributeError:  # if run with GDAL < 3.2
            vrt += '/>\n'

        if feature_count:
            vrt += '    <FeatureCount>%d</FeatureCount>\n' % layer.GetFeatureCount(

        vrt += '  </OGRVRTLayer>\n'

    vrt += '</OGRVRTDataSource>\n'

    # Write vrt

    open(outfile, 'w').write(vrt)
    return 0