Beispiel #1
def get_wm_mask(wm=data_path + 'SUB1_wm_mask.nii.gz', resample=None):
    Get me a white matter mask. Resample if need be
    bm_nii = ni.load(wm)
    if resample is not None:
        return ozv.resample_volume(wm, resample).get_data()
        return ni.load(wm).get_data()
Beispiel #2
def get_wm_mask(wm=data_path + 'SUB1_wm_mask.nii.gz', resample=None):
    Get me a white matter mask. Resample if need be
    bm_nii = ni.load(wm)
    if resample is not None:
        return ozv.resample_volume(wm, resample).get_data()
        return ni.load(wm).get_data()
Beispiel #3
def get_brain_mask(bm=data_path + 'brainMask.nii.gz',resample=None):
    Get the brain mask (derived from DWI using mrDiffusion) and resample if
    bm_nii = ni.load(bm)
    if resample is not None:
        return ozv.resample_volume(bm, resample).get_data()
        return ni.load(bm).get_data()
Beispiel #4
def get_brain_mask(bm=data_path + 'brainMask.nii.gz', resample=None):
    Get the brain mask (derived from DWI using mrDiffusion) and resample if
    bm_nii = ni.load(bm)
    if resample is not None:
        return ozv.resample_volume(bm, resample).get_data()
        return ni.load(bm).get_data()
Beispiel #5
def get_t1(subject, resample=None):
    Get the high-res T1-weighted anatomical scan. If requested, resample it to
    the resolution of a nifti file for which the name is provided as input
    t1=data_path + '/%s/%s_t1.nii.gz'%(subject, subject)
    t1_nii = ni.load(t1)
    if resample is not None:
        return ozv.resample_volume(t1, resample).get_data()
        return ni.load(t1).get_data()
Beispiel #6
def get_t1(subject, resample=None):
    Get the high-res T1-weighted anatomical scan. If requested, resample it to
    the resolution of a nifti file for which the name is provided as input
    t1 = data_path + '/%s/%s_t1.nii.gz' % (subject, subject)
    t1_nii = ni.load(t1)
    if resample is not None:
        return ozv.resample_volume(t1, resample).get_data()
        return ni.load(t1).get_data()
Beispiel #7
def test_resample_volume():
    Testing resampling of one volume into another volumes space (a t1 into a
    dwi space, for example) 

    source = ni.Nifti1Image(np.random.randn(10,10,10), np.eye(4))
    target = ni.Nifti1Image(np.random.randn(10,10,10), np.eye(4))
    new_vol = ozv.resample_volume(source, target)

    npt.assert_equal(new_vol.shape, target.shape[:3])
Beispiel #8
def make_wm_mask(seg_path, dwi_path, out_path=data_path + 'wm_mask.nii.gz',

    Function that makes a white-matter mask from an itk-gray class file and DWI
    data, at the resolution of the DWI data.

    seg_path : str
       Full path to an itk-gray segmentation

    dwi_path : str
        Full path to some DWI data (used to determine the mean diffusivity in
        each voxel, see below)

    out_path : str (optional)
        Where to put the resulting file
    n_IQR: float (optional)
        How many IQRs away for the definition of MD outliers (see below) 


    This follows [Jeurissen2012]_. First, we resample a segmentation based on a
    T1-weighted image. Then, we calculate the mean diffusivity in a
    coregistered DWI image. We then also exclude from the segmentation white
    matter voxels that have

         MD > median (MD) + n_IQR * IQR (MD)

    Where IQR is the interquartile range. Note that per default we take a
    slightly more restrictive criterion (of 2 * IQR, instead of 1.5 * IQR),
    based on some empirical looking at data. Not so sure why there would be a

    [Jeurissen2012]Jeurissen B, Leemans A, Tournier, J-D, Jones, DK and Sijbers
    J (2012). Investigating the prevalence of complex fiber configurations in
    white matter tissue with diffusion magnetic resonance imaging. Human Brain
    Mapping. doi: 10.1002/hbm.2209

    dwi_nii, dwi_bvecs, dwi_bvals = make_data_set(dwi_path) 
    # Resample the segmentation image to the DWI resolution:
    seg_resamp = ozv.resample_volume(seg_path, dwi_nii)
    # Find WM voxels (this is ITK gray coding 3=LHWM, 4=RHWM)
    wm_idx = np.where(np.logical_or(seg_resamp==3, seg_resamp==4))
    vol = np.zeros(seg_resamp.shape)
    vol[wm_idx] = 1

    # OK - now we need to find and exclude MD outliers: 
    TM = ozm.TensorModel(dwi_nii, dwi_bvecs, dwi_bvals, mask=vol,

    MD = TM.mean_diffusivity
    IQR = (stats.scoreatpercentile(MD[np.isfinite(MD)],75) -
    cutoff = np.median(MD[np.isfinite(MD)]) + n_IQR * IQR
    cutoff_idx = np.where(MD > cutoff)

    # Null 'em out
    vol[cutoff_idx] = 0

    # Now, let's save some output:
    ni.Nifti1Image(vol, dwi_ni.get_affine()).to_filename(out_path)
Beispiel #9
def make_wm_mask(seg_path,
                 out_path=data_path + 'wm_mask.nii.gz',

    Function that makes a white-matter mask from an itk-gray class file and DWI
    data, at the resolution of the DWI data.

    seg_path : str
       Full path to an itk-gray segmentation

    dwi_path : str
        Full path to some DWI data (used to determine the mean diffusivity in
        each voxel, see below)

    out_path : str (optional)
        Where to put the resulting file

    n_IQR: float (optional)
        How many IQRs away for the definition of MD outliers (see below)


    This follows [Jeurissen2012]_. First, we resample a segmentation based on a
    T1-weighted image. Then, we calculate the mean diffusivity in a
    coregistered DWI image. We then also exclude from the segmentation white
    matter voxels that have

         MD > median (MD) + n_IQR * IQR (MD)

    Where IQR is the interquartile range. Note that per default we take a
    slightly more restrictive criterion (of 2 * IQR, instead of 1.5 * IQR),
    based on some empirical looking at data. Not so sure why there would be a

    [Jeurissen2012]Jeurissen B, Leemans A, Tournier, J-D, Jones, DK and Sijbers
    J (2012). Investigating the prevalence of complex fiber configurations in
    white matter tissue with diffusion magnetic resonance imaging. Human Brain
    Mapping. doi: 10.1002/hbm.2209

    dwi_nii, dwi_bvecs, dwi_bvals = make_data_set(dwi_path)
    # Resample the segmentation image to the DWI resolution:
    seg_resamp = ozv.resample_volume(seg_path, dwi_nii)
    # Find WM voxels (this is ITK gray coding 3=LHWM, 4=RHWM)
    wm_idx = np.where(np.logical_or(seg_resamp == 3, seg_resamp == 4))
    vol = np.zeros(seg_resamp.shape)
    vol[wm_idx] = 1

    # OK - now we need to find and exclude MD outliers:
    TM = ozm.TensorModel(dwi_nii,

    MD = TM.mean_diffusivity

    IQR = (stats.scoreatpercentile(MD[np.isfinite(MD)], 75) -
           stats.scoreatpercentile(MD[np.isfinite(MD)], 25))
    cutoff = np.median(MD[np.isfinite(MD)]) + n_IQR * IQR
    cutoff_idx = np.where(MD > cutoff)

    # Null 'em out
    vol[cutoff_idx] = 0

    # Now, let's save some output:
    ni.Nifti1Image(vol, dwi_ni.get_affine()).to_filename(out_path)