def test_missing_segments(mock_osp):
    The generator should gracefully skip missing segments.

    # Add segments 0-10.
    mock_osp.add_segments(s1=0, s2=10)

    # Request segments 0-20.
    corpus = Corpus(mock_osp.path, s1=0, s2=20)
    segments = corpus.segments()

    # Should yield 10 segments.
    for i in range(10):
        assert_segment(corpus, next(segments), i)

    # And then stop.
    assert next(segments, False) == False
def test_bounded_partition(mock_osp):
    When segment boundaries are passed, just the segments that fall within the
    requested range should be provided.

    # Add segments 0-10.
    mock_osp.add_segments(s1=0, s2=10)

    # Request segments 0-10
    corpus = Corpus(mock_osp.path, s1=0, s2=10)
    segments = corpus.segments()

    # Should yield 10 segments.
    for i in range(10):
        assert_segment(corpus, next(segments), i)

    # And then stop.
    assert next(segments, False) == False
def test_full_partition(mock_osp):
    When no segment boundaries are passed to Corpus#segments(), instances for
    all 4096 segments should be generated.

    # Add all segments.

    # Request all segments.
    corpus = Corpus(mock_osp.path)
    segments = corpus.segments()

    # Should yield all segments.
    for i in range(4095):
        assert_segment(corpus, next(segments), i)

    # But no more.
    assert next(segments, False) == False
def test_missing_segments(mock_osp):

    The generator should gracefully skip missing segments.

    # Add segments 0-10.
    mock_osp.add_segments(s1=0, s2=10)

    # Request segments 0-20.
    corpus = Corpus(mock_osp.path, s1=0, s2=20)
    segments = corpus.segments()

    # Should yield 10 segments.
    for i in range(10):
        assert_segment(corpus, next(segments), i)

    # And then stop.
    assert next(segments, False) == False
def test_bounded_partition(mock_osp):

    When segment boundaries are passed, just the segments that fall within the
    requested range should be provided.

    # Add segments 0-10.
    mock_osp.add_segments(s1=0, s2=10)

    # Request segments 0-10
    corpus = Corpus(mock_osp.path, s1=0, s2=10)
    segments = corpus.segments()

    # Should yield 10 segments.
    for i in range(10):
        assert_segment(corpus, next(segments), i)

    # And then stop.
    assert next(segments, False) == False
def test_full_partition(mock_osp):

    When no segment boundaries are passed to Corpus#segments(), instances for
    all 4096 segments should be generated.

    # Add all segments.

    # Request all segments.
    corpus = Corpus(mock_osp.path)
    segments = corpus.segments()

    # Should yield all segments.
    for i in range(4095):
        assert_segment(corpus, next(segments), i)

    # But no more.
    assert next(segments, False) == False