Beispiel #1
def select_keys(origin, keys, transform=lambda s: s, **kwargs):
    """Select from mapping object <code>origin</code> the "interesting" keys.
    The keys, that result in the same <code>transform(key)</code> value 
    are considered as non-distiguishable
    >>> dct = { ... }
    >>> res = select_keys ( dct , ( 'a' , 'b' ) , transform = lambda s : s.lower() )

    selected = cidict(transform=transform)

    ## transformed keys
    kt = set([selected.the_key(k) for k in keys])

    from ostap.core.core import items_loop

    for k, value in items_loop(origin):
        kk = selected.the_key(k)
        if kk in kt:
            selected[kk] = value

    for k, value in items_loop(kwargs):
        kk = selected.the_key(k)
        if kk in kt: selected[kk] = value

    return selected
Beispiel #2
def draw_options(**kwargs):
    """Collect predefined keys from  the dictionary
    >>> def somefunc (  ... , **kwargs ) :
    ...      draw_opts = draw_options ( kwargs )
    options = {}
    for k, v in items_loop(kwargs):
        if k.lower() in keys: options[k.lower()] = v
        if k.lower() in ('draw', 'draw_option', 'draw_options'):
            if isinstance(v, dict): options.update(v)
    return options
Beispiel #3
def draw_options(**kwargs):
    """Collect predefined keys from  the dictionary
    >>> def somefunc (  ... , **kwargs ) :
    ...      draw_opts = draw_options ( kwargs )
    options = {}
    for k, v in items_loop(kwargs):
        for key in keys:
            if key_compare(k, key):
                options[k] = v
    return options
Beispiel #4
    def __init__ ( self              ,
                   sample            , 
                   categories        ,
                   name       = None , 
                   title      = ''   ) :
        """Helper pdf-like class to simplify the creation and usage of simultaneous PDF
        >>> sample = ROOT.RooCategory( 'sample', 'fitting sample' , 'A' , 'B' )
        >>> pdfA   = ... ## pdf for the sample 'A'
        >>> pdfB   = ... ## pdf for the sample 'B'
        >>> simfit = SimFit (  sample , { 'A' : pdfA , 'B' : pdfB } )
        if isinstance ( sample , ( tuple , list ) ) :
            _cat = ROOT.RooCategory ( 'sample' , 'sample' )
            for i in sample : _cat.defineType ( i ) 
            sample =  _cat
        assert isinstance ( sample , ROOT.RooCategory ),\
               'Invalid type for "sample":' % ( sample ,  type ( sample ) )
        if not name  : name  = 'SimFit_'                 +          sample.GetName()
        if not title : title = 'Simultaneous PDF(%s,%s)' % ( name , sample.GetName() )

        ## propagatethe name = name
        self.__sample       = sample 
        self.__categories   = {}

        # =====================================================================
        ## components
        # =====================================================================
        labels = sample.labels()

        from ostap.fitting.basic import PDF 
        from ostap.fitting.fit2d import PDF2
        from ostap.fitting.fit3d import PDF3

        _xv = None 
        for label in labels :
            cmp   = None 
            if isinstance ( categories , dict ) : cmp = categories [ label ]
            else :
                for ii in categories :
                    if ii[0] == label :
                        cmp = ii[1]

            if not isinstance  ( cmp , PDF  ) :
                raise TypeError ( 'Can not find the proper category component: "%s"' % label ) 
            self.__categories [ label ] = cmp
            _xv = cmp.xvar
        sim_pdf     = PDF ( , xvar = _xv )
        sim_pdf.pdf = ROOT.RooSimultaneous ( 'Sim_' + , title , self.sample )
        keys = self.categories.keys()
        for key in sorted ( keys ) :
            sim_pdf.pdf.addPdf ( self.categories[key].pdf , key )

        self.__pdf = sim_pdf 
        for k , cmp in items_loop ( self.categories ) :
            for c in cmp.signals      : self.pdf.signals    .add ( c ) 
            for c in cmp.backgrounds  : self.pdf.backgrounds.add ( c ) 
            for c in cmp.crossterms1  : self.pdf.crossterms1.add ( c ) 
            for c in cmp.crossterms2  : self.pdf.crossterms2.add ( c )
            self.pdf.draw_options.update ( cmp.draw_options )
        # =====================================================================
        ##  drawing helpers
        # =====================================================================
        self.__drawpdfs   = {}
        for key in sorted ( keys ) :

            cmp = self.categories [ key ] 
            if isinstance  ( cmp , PDF3 ) :
                from ostap.fitting.fit3d import Generic3D_pdf                
                dpdf = Generic3D_pdf ( sim_pdf.pdf ,
                                       cmp.xvar    ,
                                       cmp.yvar    ,
                                       cmp.zvar    ,
                                       add_to_signals = False )
            elif isinstance  ( cmp , PDF2 ) :
                from ostap.fitting.fit2d import Generic2D_pdf                                
                dpdf = Generic2D_pdf ( sim_pdf.pdf ,
                                       cmp.xvar    ,
                                       cmp.yvar    ,
                                       add_to_signals = False )
            elif isinstance  ( cmp , PDF  ) :
                from ostap.fitting.basic import Generic1D_pdf   
                dpdf = Generic1D_pdf ( sim_pdf.pdf ,
                                       cmp.xvar    ,
                                       add_to_signals = False )
            for c in cmp.signals     : dpdf.signals    .add ( c ) 
            for c in cmp.backgrounds : dpdf.backgrounds.add ( c ) 
            for c in cmp.crossterms1 : dpdf.crossterms1.add ( c ) 
            for c in cmp.crossterms2 : dpdf.crossterms2.add ( c )

            dpdf.draw_options.update ( cmp.draw_options )
            self.__drawpdfs [ key ]  = dpdf

        self.config = {
            'name'       :       ,
            'title'      : title           ,            
            'sample'     : self.sample     ,
            'categories' : self.categories ,
Beispiel #5
    def __init__ ( self              ,
                   sample            , 
                   categories        ,
                   xvar       = None ,
                   name       = None , 
                   title      = ''   ) :

        warnings.warn("Usage of obsolete Sim1D. Use SimFit instead")
        if isinstance ( sample , ( tuple , list ) ) :
            _cat = ROOT.RooCategory ( 'sample' , 'sample' )
            for i in sample : _cat.defineType ( i ) 
            sample =  _cat
        assert isinstance ( sample , ROOT.RooCategory ),\
               'Invalid type for "sample":' % ( sample ,  type ( sample ) )
        if not name  : name  = 'SimFit_'                 +          sample.GetName()
        if not title : title = 'Simultaneous PDF(%s,%s)' % ( name , sample.GetName() )
        self.__sample     = sample 
        self.__categories = {}
        # =====================================================================
        ## components
        # =====================================================================
        labels = sample.labels()

        _xvar = xvar 
        for label in labels :
            cmp   = None 
            if isinstance ( categories , dict ) : cmp = categories [ label ]
            else :
                for ii in categories :
                    if ii[0] == label :
                        cmp = ii[1]
            if   isinstance ( cmp , PDF ) :
                _xv = cmp.xvar
                if _xvar and not ( _xvar is _xv ) : self.error('Mismatch in XVAR!')
                elif not _xvar                    : _xvar = _xv
                self.__categories [ label ] = cmp
            elif isinstance ( cmp , ROOT.RooAbsPdf ) and _xvar :
                self.__categories [ label ] = Generic1D_pdf ( pdf = cmp , cmp = _xvar )
            else :
                raise TypeError ( 'Can not find the category "%s"' % label ) 

        # =====================================================================
        assert _xvar, 'Unable to define "xvar"'

        ## initialize the base 
        PDF.__init__ ( self , name , xvar = _xvar ) 
        self.pdf = ROOT.RooSimultaneous ( 'sim_' + , 
                                          title              , 
                                          self.sample        )

        keys = self.categories.keys()
        for key in sorted ( keys ) :
            self.pdf.addPdf ( self.categories[key].pdf , key )

        for k , pdf in items_loop ( self.categories ) :
            for c in pdf.signals     : self.signals    .add ( c ) 
            for c in pdf.backgrounds : self.backgrounds.add ( c ) 
            for c in pdf.crossterms1 : self.crossterms1.add ( c ) 
            for c in pdf.crossterms2 : self.crossterms2.add ( c ) 

            ## for c in pdf.alist1      : self.alist1.add ( c ) 
            ## for c in pdf.alist2      : self.alist2.add ( c ) 

        self.config = {
            'name'       :       ,
            'title'      : title           ,            
            'sample'     : self.sample     ,
            'categories' : self.categories ,
            'xvar'       : self.xvar       ,