Beispiel #1
    def _lookup_iocs(self, all_iocs):
        """Caches the VirusTotal info for a set of domains.

        Domains on a whitelist will be ignored.

            all_iocs - a list of domains.
            A dict with domain as key and threat info as value
        threat_info = {}

        cache_file_name = config_get_deep(
            'virustotal.LookupDomainsFilter.cache_file_name', None)
        vt = VirusTotalApi(self._api_key, cache_file_name=cache_file_name)

        iocs = filter(lambda x: not self._whitelist.match_values(x), all_iocs)
        reports = vt.get_domain_reports(iocs)
        for domain in reports.keys():
            if not reports[domain]:

            trimmed_report = self._trim_domain_report(domain, reports[domain])
            if self._should_store_ioc_info(trimmed_report):
                threat_info[domain] = trimmed_report

        return threat_info
    def _lookup_iocs(self, all_iocs):
        """Caches the VirusTotal info for a set of domains.

        Domains on a whitelist will be ignored.

            all_iocs - a list of domains.
            A dict with domain as key and threat info as value
        threat_info = {}

        cache_file_name = config_get_deep('virustotal.LookupDomainsFilter.cache_file_name', None)
        vt = VirusTotalApi(self._api_key, cache_file_name=cache_file_name)

        iocs = filter(lambda x: not self._whitelist.match_values(x), all_iocs)
        reports = vt.get_domain_reports(iocs)
        for domain in reports.keys():
            if not reports[domain]:

            trimmed_report = self._trim_domain_report(domain, reports[domain])
            if self._should_store_ioc_info(trimmed_report):
                threat_info[domain] = trimmed_report

        return threat_info
    def _lookup_iocs(self):
        """Caches the OpenDNS info for a set of domains"""
        vt = VirusTotalApi(self._api_key)
        reports = vt.get_domain_reports(self._all_iocs)
        for domain in reports.keys():

            # TODO(ivanlei): Should score the VT results here and only add them if they're interesting
            self._threat_info_by_iocs[domain] = self._trim_domain_report(domain, reports[domain])
Beispiel #4
    def _lookup_iocs(self):
        """Caches the OpenDNS info for a set of domains"""
        vt = VirusTotalApi(self._api_key)
        reports = vt.get_domain_reports(self._all_iocs)

        for md5 in reports.keys():
            report = reports[md5]

            # TODO(ivanlei): Should score the VT results here and only add them if they're interesting
            if 1 == report.get('response_code'):
                self._threat_info_by_iocs[md5] = reports[md5]
Beispiel #5
    def _lookup_iocs(self, all_iocs):
        """Caches the VirusTotal info for a set of hashes.

            all_iocs - a list of hashes.
            A dict with hash as key and threat info as value
        threat_info = {}

        cache_file_name = config_get_deep('virustotal.LookupHashesFilter.cache_file_name', None)
        vt = VirusTotalApi(self._api_key, cache_file_name=cache_file_name)
        reports = vt.get_file_reports(all_iocs)

        for hash_val in reports.keys():
            report = reports[hash_val]
            if not report:
            if self._should_store_ioc_info(report):
                threat_info[hash_val] = self._trim_hash_report(report)

        return threat_info
Beispiel #6
    def _lookup_iocs(self, all_iocs):
        """Caches the VirusTotal info for a set of URLs.

            all_iocs - a list of URLs.
            A dict with URL as key and threat info as value
        threat_info = {}

        cache_file_name = config_get_deep(
            'virustotal.LookupURLsFilter.cache_file_name', None)
        vt = VirusTotalApi(self._api_key, cache_file_name=cache_file_name)
        reports = vt.get_url_reports(all_iocs)

        for url in reports.keys():
            report = reports[url]
            if not report:
            if self._should_store_ioc_info(report):
                threat_info[url] = self._trim_url_report(report)

        return threat_info