Beispiel #1
    def rec(current_table):
        """If solution is found, return target. Else, return None."""
        nonlocal t_number
        t_number += 1
        cur_depth = current_table.effective_len()
        if t_number % 10 == 0:
            print(t_number, cur_depth)

        if cur_depth > depth:
            return None

        # First check if the table is closed
        flag_closed, new_S, new_R, move = current_table.is_closed()
        if not flag_closed:
            temp_tables = make_closed(new_S, new_R, move, current_table, sigma, AA)
            for table in temp_tables:
                target = rec(table)
                if target is not None:
                    return target
            return None

        # If is closed, check if the table is consistent
        flag_consistent, new_a, new_e_index, reset_index_i, reset_index_j, reset_i, reset_j = current_table.is_consistent()
        if not flag_consistent:
            temp_tables = make_consistent(new_a, new_e_index, reset_index_i, reset_index_j, reset_i, reset_j, current_table, sigma, AA)
            for table in temp_tables:
                target = rec(table)
                if target is not None:
                    return target
            return None
        # If prepared, check conversion to FA
        fa_flag, fa, sink_name = to_fa(current_table, t_number)
        if not fa_flag:
            return None

        # Can convert to FA: convert to OTA and test equivalence
        h = fa_to_ota(fa, sink_name, sigma, t_number)
        equivalent, ctx = equivalence_query_normal(max_time_value, AA, h, prev_ctx)
        # Add counterexample to prev list
        if not equivalent and ctx not in prev_ctx:
        if not equivalent:
            temp_tables = add_ctx_normal(ctx.tws, current_table, AA)
            for table in temp_tables:
                target = rec(table)
                if target is not None:
                    return target
            return None
            target = copy.deepcopy(h)
            return target
Beispiel #2
    def test_make_consistent(self):
        A = buildOTA('example2.json', 's')
        AA = buildAssistantOTA(A, 's')  # Assist
        max_time_value = AA.max_time_value()
        sigma = AA.sigma

        s1 = Element([], [0], [])
        s2 = Element([ResetTimedword('a', 0, True)], [-1], [])
        s3 = Element(
            [ResetTimedword('a', 1, False),
             ResetTimedword('b', 2, True)], [1], [])

        r1 = Element([ResetTimedword('b', 0, True)], [-1], [])
        r2 = Element(
            [ResetTimedword('a', 0, True),
             ResetTimedword('a', 0, True)], [-1], [])
        r3 = Element(
            [ResetTimedword('a', 0, True),
             ResetTimedword('b', 0, True)], [-1], [])
        r4 = Element([ResetTimedword('a', 1, False)], [0], [])
        r5 = Element([
            ResetTimedword('a', 1, False),
            ResetTimedword('b', 2, True),
            ResetTimedword('a', 0, False)
        ], [0], [])
        r6 = Element([
            ResetTimedword('a', 1, False),
            ResetTimedword('b', 2, True),
            ResetTimedword('b', 0, True)
        ], [-1], [])
        r7 = Element([ResetTimedword('b', 2, True)], [-1], [])

        new_S = [s1, s2, s3]
        new_R = [r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7]
        new_E = []
        T5 = OTATable(new_S, new_R, new_E, parent=-1, reason="test")
        print("-----------make consistent----------------")
        flag, new_a, new_e_index, i, j, reset_i, reset_j = T5.is_consistent()
        self.assertEqual(flag, False)
        tables = make_consistent(new_a, new_e_index, i, j, reset_i, reset_j,
                                 T5, sigma, AA)
        for tb in tables:
            S_U_R = [s for s in tb.S] + [r for r in tb.R]
            self.assertEqual(S_U_R[i].suffixes_resets[-1], [None])
            self.assertEqual(S_U_R[j].suffixes_resets[-1], [None])
Beispiel #3
def main():
    paras = sys.argv
    A, _ = buildOTA(paras[1], 's')
    #A,_ = buildOTA("example.json", 's')
    AA = buildAssistantOTA(A, 's')
    #print("--------------max value---------------------")
    max_time_value = A.max_time_value()
    #print("--------------all regions---------------------")
    #regions = get_regions(max_time_value)
    # for r in regions:
    #     print(
    print("**************Start to learn ...*******************")
    print("---------------initial table-------------------")
    sigma = AA.sigma
    T1 = init_table(sigma, AA)
    t_number = 1
    print("Table " + str(t_number) + " is as follow.")
    start = time.time()
    equivalent = False
    eq_total_time = 0
    table = copy.deepcopy(T1)
    eq_number = 0
    target = None
    while equivalent == False:
        prepared = table.is_prepared(AA)
        while prepared == False:
            flag_closed, new_S, new_R, move = table.is_closed()
            if flag_closed == False:
                temp = make_closed(new_S, new_R, move, table, sigma, AA)
                table = temp
                t_number = t_number + 1
                print("Table " + str(t_number) + " is as follow.")
            flag_consistent, new_a, new_e_index = table.is_consistent()
            if flag_consistent == False:
                temp = make_consistent(new_a, new_e_index, table, sigma, AA)
                table = temp
                t_number = t_number + 1
                print("Table " + str(t_number) + " is as follow.")
            flag_evi_closed, new_added = table.is_evidence_closed(AA)
            if flag_evi_closed == False:
                temp = make_evidence_closed(new_added, table, sigma, AA)
                table = temp
                t_number = t_number + 1
                print("Table " + str(t_number) + " is as follow.")
            prepared = table.is_prepared(AA)
        fa, sink_name = to_fa(table, t_number)
        h = fa_to_ota(fa, sink_name, sigma, t_number)
        target = copy.deepcopy(h)
        eq_start = time.time()
        equivalent, ctx = equivalence_query(max_time_value, AA, h)
        eq_end = time.time()
        eq_total_time = eq_total_time + eq_end - eq_start
        eq_number = eq_number + 1
        if equivalent == False:
            temp = add_ctx(ctx.tws, table, AA)
            table = temp
            t_number = t_number + 1
            print("Table " + str(t_number) + " is as follow.")
    end_learning = time.time()
    if target is None:
        print("Error! Learning Failed.")
        print("Succeed! The learned OTA is as follows.")
        # print("Total time of learning: " + str(end-start))
        # print("---------------------------------------------------")
        # print("Time intervals simplification...")
        # print()
        print("Removing the sink location...")
        print("The learned One-clock Timed Automtaton: ")
        target_without_sink = remove_sinklocation(target)
        end_removesink = time.time()
        print("Total time of learning: " + str(end_learning - start))
        #print("Total time of equivalence queries: " + str(eq_total_time))
        print("Total time of learning + simplifying: " +
              str(end_removesink - start))
        print("The element number of S in the last table: " +
        print("The element number of R in the last table: " +
            "The element number of E in the last table (excluding the empty-word): "
            + str(len(table.E)))
        print("Total number of observation table: " + str(t_number))
        print("Total number of membership query: " +
              str((len(table.S) + len(table.R)) * (len(table.E) + 1)))
        print("Total number of equivalence query: " + str(eq_number))
    def random_one_step(current_table):
        """Find a random successor of the current table.

        Here a successor is defined to be the table after executing
        one make_closed, one make_consistent, or one add_ctx_normal
        on existing counterexamples.

        nonlocal t_number

        # First check if the table is closed
        flag_closed, new_S, new_R, move = current_table.is_closed()
        if not flag_closed:
            if debug_flag:
                    "------------------make closed--------------------------")
            temp_tables = make_closed(new_S, new_R, move, current_table, sigma,
            if len(temp_tables) > 0:
                return random.choice(temp_tables)
                return 'failed'

        # If is closed, check if the table is consistent
        flag_consistent, new_a, new_e_index, reset_index_i, reset_index_j, reset_i, reset_j = current_table.is_consistent(
        if not flag_consistent:
            if debug_flag:
                    "------------------make consistent--------------------------"
            temp_tables = make_consistent(new_a, new_e_index, reset_index_i,
                                          reset_index_j, reset_i, reset_j,
                                          current_table, sigma, AA)
            if len(temp_tables) > 0:
                return random.choice(temp_tables)
                return 'failed'

        # If prepared, check conversion to FA
        t_number += 1
        fa_flag, fa, sink_name = to_fa(current_table, t_number)
        if not fa_flag:
            return 'failed'

        # Can convert to FA: convert to OTA and test equivalence
        h = fa_to_ota(fa, sink_name, sigma, t_number)

        equivalent, ctx = True, None
        if prev_ctx is not None:
            for ctx in prev_ctx:
                teacher_res = AA.is_accepted_delay(ctx.tws)
                hypothesis_res = h.is_accepted_delay(ctx.tws)
                if teacher_res != hypothesis_res and hypothesis_res != -2:
                    equivalent, ctx = False, ctx

        if equivalent:
            # If equivalent, the current table is a candidate
            return 'candidate'
            # Otherwise, add counterexample
            temp_tables = add_ctx_normal(ctx.tws, current_table, AA)
            if len(temp_tables) > 0:
                return random.choice(temp_tables)
                return 'failed'
Beispiel #5
def learn_ota(paras, debug_flag):
    A = buildOTA(paras, 's')
    AA = buildAssistantOTA(A, 's')
    max_time_value = A.max_time_value()

    print("**************Start to learn ...*******************")
    print("---------------initial table-------------------")
    sigma = AA.sigma

    need_to_explore = queue.PriorityQueue()
    for table in init_table_normal(sigma, AA):
        need_to_explore.put((table.effective_len(), table))

    # List of existing counterexamples
    prev_ctx = []

    # Current number of tables
    t_number = 0
    start = time.time()
    eq_total_time = 0
    eq_number = 0
    target = None

    while True:
        if need_to_explore.qsize() == 0:
        depth, current_table = need_to_explore.get()
        t_number = t_number + 1

        if t_number % 1 == 0:
            print(t_number, need_to_explore.qsize(), current_table.effective_len())
        if debug_flag:
            print("Table " + str(t_number) + " is as follow, %s has parent %s by %s" % (, current_table.parent, current_table.reason))

        # First check if the table is closed
        flag_closed, new_S, new_R, move = current_table.is_closed()
        if not flag_closed:
            if debug_flag:
                print("------------------make closed--------------------------")
            temp_tables = make_closed(new_S, new_R, move, current_table, sigma, AA)
            if len(temp_tables) > 0:
                for table in temp_tables:
                    need_to_explore.put((table.effective_len(), table))

        # If is closed, check if the table is consistent
        flag_consistent, new_a, new_e_index, reset_index_i, reset_index_j, reset_i, reset_j = current_table.is_consistent()
        if not flag_consistent:
            if debug_flag:
                print("------------------make consistent--------------------------")
            temp_tables = make_consistent(new_a, new_e_index, reset_index_i, reset_index_j, reset_i, reset_j, current_table, sigma, AA)
            if len(temp_tables) > 0:
                for table in temp_tables:
                    need_to_explore.put((table.effective_len(), table))
        # If prepared, check conversion to FA
        fa_flag, fa, sink_name = to_fa(current_table, t_number)
        if not fa_flag:

        # Can convert to FA: convert to OTA and test equivalence
        h = fa_to_ota(fa, sink_name, sigma, t_number)
        eq_start = time.time()
        # equivalent, ctx = equivalence_query_normal(max_time_value, AA, h, prev_ctx)
        equivalent, ctx = True, None
        if prev_ctx is not None:
            for ctx in prev_ctx:
                teacher_res = AA.is_accepted_delay(ctx.tws)
                hypothesis_res = h.is_accepted_delay(ctx.tws)
                if teacher_res != hypothesis_res and hypothesis_res != -2:
                    equivalent, ctx = False, ctx
                    ctx = minimizeCounterexample(AA, h, ctx)

        if equivalent:
            AA.equiv_query_num += 1
            equivalent, ctx, _ = pac_equivalence_query(A, max_time_value, AA, h, AA.equiv_query_num, 0.001, 0.001)

        if not equivalent:
            # remove_sinklocation(copy.deepcopy(h)).show()

        # print(ratio)

        # Add counterexample to prev list
        if not equivalent and ctx not in prev_ctx:
        eq_end = time.time()
        eq_total_time = eq_total_time + eq_end - eq_start
        eq_number = eq_number + 1
        if not equivalent:
            temp_tables = add_ctx_normal(ctx.tws, current_table, AA)
            if len(temp_tables) > 0:
                for table in temp_tables:
                    need_to_explore.put((table.effective_len(), table))
            target = copy.deepcopy(h)

    end_learning = time.time()
    if target is None:
        print("Error! Learning Failed.")
        return False
        print("Succeed! The learned OTA is as follows.")
        print("-------------Final table instance------------------")
        print("---------------Learned OTA-------------------------")
        print("Removing the sink location...")
        print("The learned One-clock Timed Automtaton: ")
        target_without_sink = remove_sinklocation(target)
        end_removesink = time.time()
        print("Number of transitions in teacher: " + str(len(A.trans)))
        print("Total number of membership query: " + str(len(AA.membership_query)))
        # print("Total number of membership query (no-cache): " + str(AA.mem_query_num))
        # print("Total number of equivalence query: " + str(len(prev_ctx) + 1))
        print("Total number of equivalence query (no-cache): " + str(AA.equiv_query_num))
        print("Total number of tests: " + str(AA.test_query_num))
        print("Total number of tables explored: " + str(t_number))
        # print("Total number of tables to explore: " + str(need_to_explore.qsize()))
        print("Number of locations in learned table: " + str(len(target_without_sink.locations)))
        print("Total time of learning: " + str(end_learning-start))
        return target_without_sink