Beispiel #1
def user_profile(token, u_id):

    user = find_with_uid(u_id)
    user_info = {
        'u_id': user['u_id'],
        'email': user['email'],
        'name_first': user['name_first'],
        'name_last': user['name_last'],
        'handle_str': user['handle_str'],
        'profile_img_url': user['profile_img_url']
    return {'user': user_info}
def channels_listall(token):
    # check that the token is valid

    channels_listalls = {}
    channel_list = []
    channel_info = {}

    for channel in data['channels']:
        channel_info = {'channel_id': channel['id'], 'name': channel['name']}
    channels_listalls['channels'] = channel_list
    return channels_listalls
Beispiel #3
def user_profile_setname(token, name_first, name_last):

    caller = check_token(token)

    # remove trailing and leading whitespaces
    fname = name_first.strip()
    lname = name_last.strip()

    # check name_first is between 1 and 50 characters
    if len(fname) < 1 or len(fname) > 50:
        raise error.InputError(
            'First name must be between 1 and 50 characters')

    # check name_last is between 1 and 50 characters
    if len(lname) < 1 or len(lname) > 50:
        raise error.InputError('Last name must be between 1 and 50 characters')

    caller["name_first"] = fname
    caller["name_last"] = lname

    # update the user's details in the channels they're part of
    for channel in data['channels']:
        for member in channel['all_members']:
            if member['u_id'] == caller['u_id']:
                member['name_first'] = fname
                member['name_last'] = lname

        for member in channel['owner_members']:
            if member['u_id'] == caller['u_id']:
                member['name_first'] = fname
                member['name_last'] = lname

    return {}
Beispiel #4
def standup_start(token, channel_id, length):
    # Check that the token is valid
    caller = check_token(token)

    # Find the channel
    target_channel = find_channel(channel_id)

    # Check to see if caller is part of that channe
    is_member = is_member_check(caller['u_id'], target_channel)
    if not is_member:
        raise error.AccessError('You are not part of the channel')

    # check for active standup
    standup = standup_active(token, channel_id)
    if standup['is_active'] is True:
        raise error.InputError("There is already an active standup in channel")

    # finds current time and calculates when standup finishes
    start_time = round(time.time())
    end_time = start_time + length

    # sets values on target_channel to indicate standup occuring
    target_channel['standup']['is_standup'] = True
    target_channel['standup']['time_finish'] = end_time
    target_channel['standup']['standup_messages'] = []

    # make new thread
                     args=(target_channel, token, length)).start()

    return {'time_finish': end_time}
Beispiel #5
def channel_removeowner(token, channel_id, u_id):
    # Check that token is valied
    caller = check_token(token)

    # Check that user is part of flockr
    removed_person = find_with_uid(u_id)

    # Find the channel
    target_channel = find_channel(channel_id)

    # Check person to remove is part of channel
    is_member = is_member_check(caller['u_id'], target_channel)
    if not is_member:
        raise error.InputError('User to be removed is not in the channel')

    # Check to see if caller is an owner
    is_owner = is_owner_check(caller['u_id'], target_channel)
    # Access Error if the person calling is not an owner
    if not is_owner:
        raise error.AccessError(
            'You are not an owner of the channel and cannot add owners')

    # Check to see if caller is a flockr owner
    if caller['permission_id'] == 1:
        is_owner = True

    # Check to see if the admin is removing a flockr owner
    if removed_person['permission_id'] == 1:
        raise error.AccessError('You cannot remove rights from Flockr Owner')

    # Access Error if the caller is not an owner
    if not is_owner:
        raise error.AccessError(
            'You are not an owner of the channel and cannot remove owners')

    # Check to see if removed person is an owner
    is_owner = is_owner_check(removed_person['u_id'], target_channel)
    # Input Error if the person to be removed is not owner
    if not is_owner:
        raise error.InputError('Person to be demoted is not an owner')

    # Check to see if we are removing ourselves as owner
    if caller['u_id'] == removed_person['u_id']:
        # If we are the only person left in the channel then raise error
        if len(target_channel['all_members']) == 1:
            raise error.InputError(
                'You are the only person in the channel, you cannot remove yourself as owner, please add another member'
        # If we are the only owner in the channel raise error to indicate a new owner must be assigned
        elif len(target_channel['owner_members']) == 1:
            raise error.InputError(
                'You are the only owner in the channel, please make someone else owner before removing yourself'
        # Otherwise, we can remove self as owner
            remove_helper_func(channel_id, removed_person)
            return {}
    # We can remove the person as owner
    remove_helper_func(channel_id, removed_person)
    return {}
Beispiel #6
def message_remove(token, message_id):
    # Check that the token is valid
    caller = check_token(token)

    # Find the message in the message field of data
    target_message = find_message_in_messages(message_id)

    # Find the channel the message is in
    target_channel = find_channel(target_message['channel_id'])

    # Check to see if the caller has the right to remove the message
    is_allowed = False
    # 1) Caller u_id == target_message u_id
    if caller['u_id'] == target_message['u_id']:
        is_allowed = True

    # 2) Caller is channel owner
    if not is_allowed:
        is_allowed = is_owner_check(caller['u_id'], target_channel)

    # 3) Caller is flockr owner
    if not is_allowed:
        if caller['permission_id'] == 1:
            is_allowed = True

    # If permission is found then remove the message, else access error
    if is_allowed:
        for i, message in enumerate(target_channel['messages']):
            if message['message_id'] == target_message['message_id']:
                del target_channel['messages'][i]
        for i, message in enumerate(data['messages']):
            if message_id == message['message_id']:
                del data['messages'][i]
        return {}
    raise error.AccessError('You are not allowed to remove the message')
Beispiel #7
def message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message, time_sent):
    # Check that the token is valid
    caller = check_token(token)

    # Capture the current time asap
    current_time = (

    # Find the channel
    target_channel = find_channel(channel_id)

    # Check to see if caller is part of that channel
    is_member = is_member_check(caller['u_id'], target_channel)
    # Access Error if the person inviting is not within the server
    if not is_member:
        raise error.AccessError(
            'You are not part of the channel you want to send messages to')

    # Check the message length for issues
    if len(message) > 1000 or len(message) < 1 or len(message.strip()) < 1:
        raise error.InputError(
            'The message you are sending is over 1000 characters')

    # Check the time is not from before current
    if (time_sent - current_time) < 0:
        raise error.InputError('Trying to send message in the past')

    delay = time_sent - current_time
                        'caller': caller,
                        'message': message,
                        'target_channel': target_channel,
                        'channel_id': channel_id
Beispiel #8
def standup_send(token, channel_id, message):

    # check for valid token
    caller = check_token(token)

    # check valid channel
    target_channel = find_channel(channel_id)

    # check if user is in channel
    is_member = is_member_check(caller['u_id'], target_channel)
    if not is_member:
        raise error.AccessError('You are not part of the channel')

    # check the message length for issues
    if len(message) > 1000 or len(message) < 1 or len(message.strip()) < 1:
        raise error.InputError(
            'Invalid message. Please shorten to less than 1000 characters.')

    # check for active standup
    standup = standup_active(token, channel_id)
    if standup['is_active'] is False:
        raise error.InputError("There is already an active standup in channel")

    # throw error if message is user trying to start standup
    if message.startswith('/standup'):
        raise error.InputError("There is already an active standup in channel")

    # update standup with message and user's details
    target_channel['standup']['standup_messages'].append(caller['name_first'] +
                                                         ': ' + message)
    return {}
Beispiel #9
def message_unpin(token, message_id):

    # check for valid user
    caller = check_token(token)

    # check for valid message_id
    target_message = find_message_in_messages(message_id)
    if not target_message['is_pinned']:
        raise error.InputError('Message is not pinned')

    # Find the channel the message is in
    target_channel = find_channel(target_message['channel_id'])

    # Check to see if caller is part of that channel
    is_member = is_member_check(caller['u_id'], target_channel)
    if not is_member:
        raise error.AccessError('You are not part of this channel.')

    # check user is owner
    is_allowed = is_owner_check(caller['u_id'], target_channel)
    if not is_allowed:
        raise error.AccessError('You do not have permission to unpin message')

    for message in target_channel['messages']:
        if message['message_id'] == message_id:
            message['is_pinned'] = False
    for message in data['messages']:
        if message_id == message['message_id']:
            message['is_pinned'] = False
            return {}
Beispiel #10
def message_unreact(token, message_id, react_id):
    # Make sure react_id is valid
    thumbs_up = 1
    if react_id != thumbs_up:
        raise error.InputError('Invalid react_id')

    # check for valid user
    user = check_token(token)

    # Find the message in the message field of data
    target_message = {}
    for message_value in data['messages']:
        if message_id == message_value['message_id']:
            target_message = message_value
    # InputError if message doesnt exist
    if target_message == {}:
        raise error.InputError('Message does not exist')

    # Find the channel the message is in
    target_channel = find_channel(target_message['channel_id'])

    # Remove u_id in messages for react type
    for reacts in target_message['reacts']:
        if react_id == reacts['react_id']:

    # update channel['messages'] with react data as well
    for channel_message in target_channel['messages']:
        if channel_message['message_id'] == target_message['message_id']:
            for reacts in channel_message['reacts']:
                if react_id == reacts['react_id']:
    return {}
Beispiel #11
def channel_messages(token, channel_id, start):
    # Check that the token is valid
    caller = check_token(token)

    # Find the channel
    target_channel = find_channel(channel_id)

    # Check to see if calling is part of that channel
    is_member = is_member_check(caller['u_id'], target_channel)
    # Access Error if the person inviting is not within the server
    if not is_member:
        raise error.AccessError(
            'You are not part of the channel you want details about')

    # Made it through all checks so now we start building the return
    # Looping through the message data of the channel
    message_data = []
    number_of_messages = len(target_channel['messages'])
    message_number = start
    end = 0
    # Check if start is beyond range of messages
    if start > number_of_messages:
        raise error.InputError(
            'The start value entered is older than all messages')
    # Check to see if start is the least recent message
    elif start == (number_of_messages - 1):
        message = target_channel['messages'][start]

        if len(message['reacts']) > 0:
            for reacts in message['reacts']:
                reacts['is_this_user_reacted'] = False
                for u_id in reacts['u_ids']:
                    if u_id == caller['u_id']:
                        reacts['is_this_user_reacted'] = True
        return {
            'messages': message_data,
            'start': start,
            'end': -1,
    # We can iterate from start until either end or start + 50
        while (message_number < number_of_messages) and (end <= start + 49):
            message = target_channel['messages'][message_number]

            if len(message['reacts']) > 0:
                for reacts in message['reacts']:
                    reacts['is_this_user_reacted'] = False
                    for u_id in reacts['u_ids']:
                        if u_id == caller['u_id']:
                            reacts['is_this_user_reacted'] = True
            message_number += 1
            end += 1
        return {
            'messages': message_data,
            'start': start,
            'end': end,
Beispiel #12
def user_profile_uploadphoto(token, img_url, x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end):
    #Check that the token is valid
    caller = check_token(token)
    file_path = f'src/static/{caller["u_id"]}.jpeg'
    urllib.request.urlretrieve(img_url, file_path)
        img =
    except UnidentifiedImageError:
        raise error.InputError('Please upload an image')

    #img =

    #Identifies size of image and calculates the size of the crop image
    width, height = img.size
    heightv = [y_start, y_end]
    widthv = [x_start, x_end]

    #Ensures all values are within the bound of the original image
    for y_value in heightv:
        if y_value < 0:
            raise error.InputError('Please enter non-negative values')
        if y_value > height:
            raise error.InputError('Please enter smaller values')

    for x_value in widthv:
        if x_value < 0:
            raise error.InputError('Please enter non-negative values')
        if x_value > width:
            raise error.InputError('Please enter smaller values')

    #Ensures requested width or height is not negative or zero
    c_width = y_end - y_start
    c_height = x_end - x_start

    if (c_width <= 0) or (c_height <= 0):
        raise error.InputError('Please enter a proper length')

    #Checks that the image is in jpeg format
    if img.format.lower() == 'jpeg':
        cropped = img.crop((x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end))
            "profile_img_url"] = request.host_url + f'static/{caller["u_id"]}.jpeg'
        for channel in data['channels']:
            for owner in channel['owner_members']:
                if caller['u_id'] == owner['u_id']:
                        "profile_img_url"] = request.host_url + f'static/{caller["u_id"]}.jpeg'
            for member in channel['all_members']:
                if caller['u_id'] == member['u_id']:
                        "profile_img_url"] = request.host_url + f'static/{caller["u_id"]}.jpeg'
        return {}
        raise error.InputError('Image url is not a JPG')
Beispiel #13
def auth_logout(token):
        user = check_token(token)
        return {'is_success': False}
    flag = False
    if user['token'] == token:
        for info in data['users']:
            if info == user:
                flag = True
                user['token'] = "False"
    return {'is_success': flag}
Beispiel #14
def channel_join(token, channel_id):
    # Check that the token is valid
    caller = check_token(token)

    # Find the channel
    target_channel = find_channel(channel_id)

    # If caller is flockr owner then add them to the channel and make them an owner
    if caller['permission_id'] == 1:
        return {}

    # Otherwise, check to see if the channel they are joining is private
    if not target_channel['is_public']:
        raise error.AccessError(
            'The channel you are trying to join is private')
        # Channel is public so we add their details into the channel list
        return {}
Beispiel #15
def message_send(token, channel_id, message):
    # Check that the token is valid
    caller = check_token(token)

    # Find the channel
    target_channel = find_channel(channel_id)

    # Check to see if caller is part of that channel
    is_member = is_member_check(caller['u_id'], target_channel)
    # Access Error if the person inviting is not within the server
    if not is_member:
        raise error.AccessError(
            'You are not part of the channel you want to send messages to')

    # Check the message length for issues
    if len(message) > 1000 or len(message) < 1 or len(message.strip()) < 1:
        raise error.InputError(
            'The message you are sending is over 1000 characters')

    # message gets added to the channel's message key
    if len(data['messages']) == 0:
        message_id = 0
        message_id = data['messages'][0]['message_id'] + 1
    time_created = round((
    channel_message = {
        'message_id': message_id,
        'u_id': caller['u_id'],
        'message': message,
        'time_created': time_created,
        'reacts': [],
        'is_pinned': False,
    target_channel['messages'].insert(0, channel_message)

    # adding data to messages for easier searching
    message_data = {
        'message_id': message_id,
        'u_id': caller['u_id'],
        'message': message,
        'time_created': time_created,
        'channel_id': channel_id,
        'reacts': [],
        'is_pinned': False,
    data['messages'].insert(0, message_data)
    return {'message_id': message_id}
def channels_list(token):
    # Check that the token is valid
    caller = check_token(token)
    u_id = caller['u_id']
    channels = {}
    channel_list = []
    channel_info = {}
    # get all channels info
    for channel in data['channels']:
        for member_id in channel['all_members']:
            if member_id['u_id'] == u_id:
                channel_info = {
                    'channel_id': channel['id'],
                    'name': channel['name']
    channels['channels'] = channel_list
    return channels
Beispiel #17
def channel_addowner(token, channel_id, u_id):
    # Check that the token is valid
    caller = check_token(token)
    # Checks that user is part of the flockr
    added_person = find_with_uid(u_id)

    # Find the channel
    target_channel = find_channel(channel_id)

    # Check to see if caller is an owner
    is_owner = is_owner_check(caller['u_id'], target_channel)
    # Access Error if the person calling is not an owner
    if not is_owner:
        raise error.AccessError(
            'You are not an owner of the channel and cannot add owners')

    # We know the caller is an owner, now we see if they are adding themselves as owner
    if added_person['u_id'] == caller['u_id']:
        raise error.InputError('You are already an owner of this channel')

    # If we are here then we can proceed to check if the person to be promoted is in the channel
    is_member = is_member_check(added_person['u_id'], target_channel)
    # Input Error if the user doesn't exist
    if not is_member:
        raise error.InputError('User to be promoted is not in the channel')

    # We now check if the person to be promoted is already and owner
    is_owner = is_owner_check(added_person['u_id'], target_channel)
    if is_owner:
        raise error.InputError(
            'The person you are trying promote is already an owner')

    # We can now promote the user to owner
    return {}
Beispiel #18
def channel_invite(token, channel_id, u_id):
    # Check that the token is valid
    inviter = check_token(token)

    # Check if user to be added exists within database
    invitee = find_with_uid(u_id)

    # Find the channel
    target_channel = find_channel(channel_id)

    # Check to see if inviter is part of that channel
    is_member = is_member_check(inviter['u_id'], target_channel)
    if not is_member:
        raise error.AccessError('You are not a member of the channel')
    # Check to see if invitee is part of that channel
    is_member = is_member_check(invitee['u_id'], target_channel)
    if is_member:
        raise error.InputError('User is already part of the channel')

    # Made it through all the checks so now we can add the invitee
    # Also if permission_id is 1, then make them an owner
    if invitee['permission_id'] == 1:
    return {}
Beispiel #19
def standup_active(token, channel_id):
    # Check that the token is valid
    caller = check_token(token)

    # Find the channel
    target_channel = find_channel(channel_id)

    # Check to see if caller is part of that channel
    is_member = is_member_check(caller['u_id'], target_channel)
    if not is_member:
        raise error.AccessError('You are not part of the channel')

    # check for active standup
    if target_channel['standup']['is_standup']:
        return {
            'is_active': True,
            'time_finish': target_channel['standup']['time_finish']
    return {'is_active': False, 'time_finish': None}
Beispiel #20
def end_standup(target_channel, token, length):


    # update channel with end standup
    target_channel['standup']['is_standup'] = False
    target_channel['standup']['time_finish'] = None

    # join all messages into standup_messages separated by new line
    standup_messages = '\n'.join(target_channel['standup']['standup_messages'])

    # get user
    caller = check_token(token)

    # send standup_messages from the user who called the standup
    send_message(caller, standup_messages, target_channel,

    # clear messages from standup buffer
    for old_message in target_channel['standup']['standup_messages']:
Beispiel #21
def message_edit(token, message_id, message):

    caller = check_token(token)

    # Find the message in the message field of data
    target_message = find_message_in_messages(message_id)

    # Find the channel the message is in
    target_channel = find_channel(target_message['channel_id'])

    # Check to see if the caller has the right to remove the message
    is_allowed = False
    # 1) Caller u_id == target_message u_id
    if caller['u_id'] == target_message['u_id']:
        is_allowed = True

    # 2) Caller is channel owner
    if not is_allowed:
        is_allowed = is_owner_check(caller['u_id'], target_channel)

    # 3) Caller is flockr owner
    if not is_allowed:
        if caller['permission_id'] == 1:
            is_allowed = True

    if not is_allowed:
        raise error.AccessError('You do not have permission to edit message')

    # If the message parsed in all white space or empty, then remove
    message_length = len(message.strip())
    if message_length == 0:
        message_remove(token, message_id)
        return {}
    for message_data in target_channel['messages']:
        if message_id == message_data['message_id']:
            message_data['message'] = message
    for messages in data['messages']:
        if message_id == messages['message_id']:
            messages['message'] = message
            return {}
Beispiel #22
def channel_details(token, channel_id):
    # Check that the token is valid
    caller = check_token(token)

    # Find the channel
    target_channel = find_channel(channel_id)

    # Check to see if calling is part of that channel
    is_member = is_member_check(caller['u_id'], target_channel)
    # Access Error if the person inviting is not within the server
    if not is_member:
        raise error.AccessError(
            'You are not part of the channel you want details about')

    # Made it through all checks so now we start building the return
    channel_name = target_channel['name']
    # Append owner details
    channel_owners = []
    for owner in target_channel['owner_members']:
            'u_id': owner['u_id'],
            'name_first': owner['name_first'],
            'name_last': owner['name_last'],
            'profile_img_url': owner['profile_img_url']
    # Append member details
    channel_members = []
    for member in target_channel['all_members']:
            'u_id': member['u_id'],
            'name_first': member['name_first'],
            'name_last': member['name_last'],
            'profile_img_url': member['profile_img_url']

    return {
        'name': channel_name,
        'owner_members': channel_owners,
        'all_members': channel_members,
def channels_create(token, name, is_public):
    # Check the token is valid
    caller = check_token(token)

    # Check channel name length
    if len(name) > 20:
        raise error.InputError('Channel name is more than 20 characters')

    # Assigning channel ID, empty = 0 else last ID+1
    if len(data['channels']) == 0:
        channel_id = 0
        channel_id = data['channels'][-1]['id'] + 1
        'owner_members': [{
            'u_id': caller['u_id'],
            'name_first': caller['name_first'],
            'name_last': caller['name_last'],
            'profile_img_url': caller['profile_img_url']
        'all_members': [{
            'u_id': caller['u_id'],
            'name_first': caller['name_first'],
            'name_last': caller['name_last'],
            'profile_img_url': caller['profile_img_url']
        'messages': [],
        'standup': {
            'is_standup': False,
            'time_finish': None
    return {'channel_id': channel_id}
Beispiel #24
def user_profile_setemail(token, email):

    caller = check_token(token)

    # remove trailing and leading whitespaces from input
    email = email.strip()

    # check for valid email
    if not email_check(email):
        raise error.InputError('Entered email is not valid')

    # check user isn't trying to update the same email
    if email == caller["email"]:
        raise error.InputError("Entered email is same as current email.")

    # check for existing email

    # update field in user
    caller["email"] = email

    return {}
Beispiel #25
def user_profile_sethandle(token, handle_str):
    #Check that the token is valid
    caller = check_token(token)

    # remove trailing and leading whitespaces from input
    handle_str = handle_str.strip()

    handle_str_len = len(handle_str.strip())
    if handle_str_len > 20 or handle_str_len < 3:
        raise error.InputError(
            'User handle must be between 3 and 20 characters.')

    #check that the handle is not already used
    for other_user in data['users']:
        if handle_str == other_user['handle_str']:
            raise error.InputError(
                'User handle is already used by another user')

    # update handle
    caller['handle_str'] = handle_str

    return {}
Beispiel #26
def channel_leave(token, channel_id):
    # Check that the token is valid
    caller = check_token(token)

    # Find the channel
    target_channel = find_channel(channel_id)

    # Check to see if inviter is part of that channel
    is_member = is_member_check(caller['u_id'], target_channel)
    # Access Error if the person calling is not within the server
    if not is_member:
        raise error.AccessError(
            'You are not a member of the channel you are trying to leave')

    # Check if the user is the only owner but other members exist, input error if so
    is_owner = False
    for owner in target_channel['owner_members']:
        if owner['u_id'] == caller['u_id']:
            is_owner = True
            if len(target_channel['owner_members']) == 1 and len(
                    target_channel['all_members']) != 1:
                raise error.InputError(
                    'Please make another member an owner before leaving')

    # If the user is an owner, remove them from the owner list
    if is_owner:
        for owner in target_channel['owner_members']:
            if owner['u_id'] == caller['u_id']:
    # Navigate to the user entry in all members and remove them
    for user in target_channel['all_members']:
        if user['u_id'] == caller['u_id']:
    # If there is now no one in the channel, delete the channel
    if len(target_channel['all_members']) == 0:
        for i, channel in enumerate(data['channels']):
            if channel['id'] == channel_id:
                del data['channels'][i]
    return {}
Beispiel #27
def http_user_profile_uploadphoto():
    data = request.json
    user.user_profile_uploadphoto(data['token'], data['img_url'], int(data['x_start']), int(data['y_start']), int(data['x_end']), int(data['y_end']))
    caller = other.check_token(data['token'])
    return send_from_directory(APP.static_folder, f'{caller["u_id"]}.jpeg')
Beispiel #28
def message_react(token, message_id, react_id):
    # Make sure react_id is valid
    thumbs_up = 1
    if react_id != thumbs_up:
        raise error.InputError('Invalid react_id')

    # check for valid user
    user = check_token(token)

    # Find the message in the message field of data
    target_message = find_message_in_messages(message_id)

    # Find the channel the message is in
    target_channel = {}
    channel_index = 0
    for channel in data['channels']:
        if target_message['channel_id'] == channel['id']:
            target_channel = channel
        channel_index += 1
    # Make sure the user is in the channel
    channel_check = 0
    for members in target_channel['all_members']:
        if user['u_id'] == members['u_id']:
            channel_check += 1

    # InputError if channel does not exist
    if target_channel == {}:
        raise error.InputError('You are trying to access an invalid channel')

    append_flag = 0
    # Add react to u_id in messages for react type if react is not found
    for reacts in target_message['reacts']:
        if react_id == reacts['react_id']:
            append_flag += 1
        if append_flag == 1:
                'react_id': react_id,
                'u_ids': [
                'is_this_user_reacted': False,
    append_flag = 0
    # update channel['messages'] with react data as well
    for channel_message in target_channel['messages']:
        if channel_message['message_id'] == target_message['message_id']:
            for reacts in channel_message['reacts']:
                if react_id == reacts['react_id']:
                    append_flag += 1
            if append_flag == 1:
                    'react_id': react_id,
                    'u_ids': [
                    'is_this_user_reacted': False,
    return {}