def tidal_tag(ds, tidepost_lat=None, tidepost_lon=None, swap_dims=False): if not tidepost_lat or not tidepost_lon: tidepost_lon, tidepost_lat = ds.extent.centroid.to_crs( crs=CRS('EPSG:4326')).coords[0] print( f'Setting tide modelling location from dataset centroid: {tidepost_lon}, {tidepost_lat}' ) else: print( f'Using user-supplied tide modelling location: {tidepost_lon}, {tidepost_lat}' ) # Use the tidal mode to compute tide heights for each observation: obs_datetimes ='M8[s]').astype('O').tolist() obs_timepoints = [ TimePoint(tidepost_lon, tidepost_lat, dt) for dt in obs_datetimes ] obs_predictedtides = predict_tide(obs_timepoints) # If tides cannot be successfully modeled (e.g. if the centre of the xarray dataset # is located is over land), raise an exception if len(obs_predictedtides) == 0: raise ValueError( f'Tides could not be modelled for dataset centroid located at ' f'{tidepost_lon}, {tidepost_lat}. This can happen if this coordinate ' f'occurs over land. Please manually specify a tide modelling location ' f'located over water using the `tidepost_lat` and `tidepost_lon` parameters.' ) else: # Extract tide heights obs_tideheights = [ predictedtide.tide_m for predictedtide in obs_predictedtides ] # Assign tide heights to the dataset as a new variable ds['tide_height'] = xr.DataArray(obs_tideheights, [('time', ds.time)]) # If swap_dims = True, make tide height the primary dimension instead of time if swap_dims: # Swap dimensions and sort by tide height ds = ds.swap_dims({'time': 'tide_height'}) ds = ds.sortby('tide_height') return ds
def tidal_tag(ds, tidepost_lat=None, tidepost_lon=None, ebb_flow=False, swap_dims=False): """ Takes an xarray.Dataset and returns the same dataset with a new `tide_height` variable giving the height of the tide at the exact moment of each satellite acquisition. By default, the function models tides for the centroid of the dataset, but a custom tidal modelling location can be specified using `tidepost_lat` and `tidepost_lon`. Tides are modelled using the OTPS tidal modelling software based on the TPXO8 tidal model: Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset An xarray.Dataset object with x, y and time dimensions tidepost_lat, tidepost_lon : float or int, optional Optional coordinates used to model tides. The default is None, which uses the centroid of the dataset as the tide modelling location. ebb_flow : bool, optional An optional boolean indicating whether to compute if the tide phase was ebbing (falling) or flowing (rising) for each observation. The default is False; if set to True, a new `ebb_flow` variable will be added to the dataset with each observation labelled with 'Ebb' or 'Flow'. swap_dims : bool, optional An optional boolean indicating whether to swap the `time` dimension in the original xarray.Dataset to the new `tide_height` variable. Defaults to False. Returns ------- The original xarray.Dataset with a new `tide_height` variable giving the height of the tide (and optionally, its ebb-flow phase) at the exact moment of each satellite acquisition. """ # If custom tide modelling locations are not provided, use the # dataset centroid if not tidepost_lat or not tidepost_lon: tidepost_lon, tidepost_lat = ds.extent.centroid.to_crs( crs=CRS('EPSG:4326')).coords[0] print(f'Setting tide modelling location from dataset centroid: ' f'{tidepost_lon:.2f}, {tidepost_lat:.2f}') else: print(f'Using user-supplied tide modelling location: ' f'{tidepost_lon:.2f}, {tidepost_lat:.2f}') # Use the tidal model to compute tide heights for each observation: obs_datetimes ='M8[s]').astype('O').tolist() obs_timepoints = [TimePoint(tidepost_lon, tidepost_lat, dt) for dt in obs_datetimes] obs_predictedtides = predict_tide(obs_timepoints) # If tides cannot be successfully modeled (e.g. if the centre of the # xarray dataset is located is over land), raise an exception if len(obs_predictedtides) > 0: # Extract tide heights obs_tideheights = [predictedtide.tide_m for predictedtide in obs_predictedtides] # Assign tide heights to the dataset as a new variable ds['tide_height'] = xr.DataArray(obs_tideheights, [('time', ds.time)]) # Optionally calculate the tide phase for each observation if ebb_flow: # Model tides for a time 15 minutes prior to each previously # modelled satellite acquisition time. This allows us to compare # tide heights to see if they are rising or falling. print('Modelling tidal phase (e.g. ebb or flow)') pre_times = (ds.time - pd.Timedelta('15 min')) pre_datetimes ='M8[s]').astype('O').tolist() pre_timepoints = [TimePoint(tidepost_lon, tidepost_lat, dt) for dt in pre_datetimes] pre_predictedtides = predict_tide(pre_timepoints) # Compare tides computed for each timestep. If the previous tide # was higher than the current tide, the tide is 'ebbing'. If the # previous tide was lower, the tide is 'flowing' tidal_phase = ['Ebb' if pre.tide_m > obs.tide_m else 'Flow' for pre, obs in zip(pre_predictedtides, obs_predictedtides)] # Assign tide phase to the dataset as a new variable ds['ebb_flow'] = xr.DataArray(tidal_phase, [('time', ds.time)]) # If swap_dims = True, make tide height the primary dimension # instead of time if swap_dims: # Swap dimensions and sort by tide height ds = ds.swap_dims({'time': 'tide_height'}) ds = ds.sortby('tide_height') return ds else: raise ValueError( f'Tides could not be modelled for dataset centroid located ' f'at {tidepost_lon}, {tidepost_lat}. This can happen if ' f'this coordinate occurs over land. Please manually specify ' f'a tide modelling location located over water using the ' f'`tidepost_lat` and `tidepost_lon` parameters.' )
def tidal_stats(ds, tidepost_lat=None, tidepost_lon=None, plain_english=True, plot=True, modelled_freq='2h', round_stats=3): """ Takes an xarray.Dataset and statistically compares the tides modelled for each satellite observation against the full modelled tidal range. This comparison can be used to evaluate whether the tides observed by satellites (e.g. Landsat) are biased compared to the natural tidal range (e.g. fail to observe either the highest or lowest tides etc). By default, the function models tides for the centroid of the dataset, but a custom tidal modelling location can be specified using `tidepost_lat` and `tidepost_lon`. Tides are modelled using the OTPS tidal modelling software based on the TPXO8 tidal model: For more information about the tidal statistics computed by this function, refer to Figure 8 in Bishop-Taylor et al. 2018: Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset An xarray.Dataset object with x, y and time dimensions tidepost_lat, tidepost_lon : float or int, optional Optional coordinates used to model tides. The default is None, which uses the centroid of the dataset as the tide modelling location. plain_english : bool, optional An optional boolean indicating whether to print a plain english version of the tidal statistics to the screen. Defaults to True. plot : bool, optional An optional boolean indicating whether to plot how satellite- observed tide heights compare against the full tidal range. Defaults to True. modelled_freq : str, optional An optional string giving the frequency at which to model tides when computing the full modelled tidal range. Defaults to '2h', which computes a tide height for every two hours across the temporal extent of `ds`. round_stats : int, optional The number of decimal places used to round the output statistics. Defaults to 3. Returns ------- A pandas.Series object containing the following statistics: tidepost_lat: latitude used for modelling tide heights tidepost_lon: longitude used for modelling tide heights observed_min_m: minimum tide height observed by the satellite all_min_m: minimum tide height from full modelled tidal range observed_max_m: maximum tide height observed by the satellite all_max_m: maximum tide height from full modelled tidal range observed_range_m: tidal range observed by the satellite all_range_m: full modelled tidal range spread_m: proportion of the full modelled tidal range observed by the satellite (see Bishop-Taylor et al. 2018) low_tide_offset: proportion of the lowest tides never observed by the satellite (see Bishop-Taylor et al. 2018) high_tide_offset: proportion of the highest tides never observed by the satellite (see Bishop-Taylor et al. 2018) observed_slope: slope of any relationship between observed tide heights and time all_slope: slope of any relationship between all modelled tide heights and time observed_pval: significance/p-value of any relationship between observed tide heights and time all_pval: significance/p-value of any relationship between all modelled tide heights and time """ # Model tides for each observation in the supplied xarray object ds_tides, tidepost_lon, tidepost_lat = tidal_tag(ds, tidepost_lat=tidepost_lat, tidepost_lon=tidepost_lon, return_tideposts=True) # Generate range of times covering entire period of satellite record all_timerange = pd.date_range(start=ds_tides.time.min().item(), end=ds_tides.time.max().item(), freq=modelled_freq) all_datetimes = all_timerange.values.astype('M8[s]').astype('O').tolist() # Use the tidal model to compute tide heights for each observation: all_timepoints = [ TimePoint(tidepost_lon, tidepost_lat, dt) for dt in all_datetimes ] all_predictedtides = predict_tide(all_timepoints) all_tideheights = [ predictedtide.tide_m for predictedtide in all_predictedtides ] # Get coarse statistics on all and observed tidal ranges obs_mean = ds_tides.tide_height.mean().item() all_mean = np.mean(all_tideheights) obs_min, obs_max = ds_tides.tide_height.quantile([0.0, 1.0]).values all_min, all_max = np.quantile(all_tideheights, [0.0, 1.0]) # Calculate tidal range obs_range = (obs_max - obs_min) all_range = (all_max - all_min) # Calculate Bishop-Taylor et al. 2018 tidal metrics spread = obs_range / all_range low_tide_offset = abs(all_min - obs_min) / all_range high_tide_offset = abs(all_max - obs_max) / all_range # Extract x (time in decimal years) and y (distance) values all_x = (all_timerange.year + ((all_timerange.dayofyear - 1) / 365) + ((all_timerange.hour - 1) / 24)) all_y = all_tideheights time_period = all_x.max() - all_x.min() # Extract x (time in decimal years) and y (distance) values obs_x = (ds_tides.time.dt.year + ((ds_tides.time.dt.dayofyear - 1) / 365) + ((ds_tides.time.dt.hour - 1) / 24)) obs_y = ds_tides.tide_height.values.astype(np.float) # Compute linear regression obs_linreg = stats.linregress(x=obs_x, y=obs_y) all_linreg = stats.linregress(x=all_x, y=all_y) if plain_english: print(f'\n{spread:.0%} of the full {all_range:.2f} m modelled tidal ' f'range is observed at this location.\nThe lowest ' f'{low_tide_offset:.0%} and highest {high_tide_offset:.0%} ' f'of tides are never observed.\n') # Plain english if obs_linreg.pvalue > 0.05: print(f'Observed tides do not increase or decrease significantly ' f'over the ~{time_period:.0f} year period.') else: obs_slope_desc = 'decrease' if obs_linreg.slope < 0 else 'increase' print( f'Observed tides {obs_slope_desc} significantly ' f'(p={obs_linreg.pvalue:.3f}) over time by ' f'{obs_linreg.slope:.03f} m per year (i.e. a ' f'~{time_period * obs_linreg.slope:.2f} m ' f'{obs_slope_desc} over the ~{time_period:.0f} year period).') if all_linreg.pvalue > 0.05: print(f'All tides do not increase or decrease significantly over ' f'the ~{time_period:.0f} year period.') else: all_slope_desc = 'decrease' if all_linreg.slope < 0 else 'increase' print( f'All tides {all_slope_desc} significantly ' f'(p={all_linreg.pvalue:.3f}) over time by ' f'{all_linreg.slope:.03f} m per year (i.e. a ' f'~{time_period * all_linreg.slope:.2f} m ' f'{all_slope_desc} over the ~{time_period:.0f} year period).') if plot: # Create plot and add all time and observed tide data fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5)) ax.plot(all_timerange, all_tideheights, alpha=0.4) ds_tides.tide_height.plot.line(ax=ax, marker='o', linewidth=0.0, color='black', markersize=2) # Add horizontal lines for spread/offsets ax.axhline(obs_min, color='black', linestyle=':', linewidth=1) ax.axhline(obs_max, color='black', linestyle=':', linewidth=1) ax.axhline(all_min, color='black', linestyle=':', linewidth=1) ax.axhline(all_max, color='black', linestyle=':', linewidth=1) # Add text annotations for spread/offsets ax.annotate(' High tide\n offset', xy=(all_timerange.max(), np.mean([all_max, obs_max])), va='center') ax.annotate(' Spread', xy=(all_timerange.max(), np.mean([obs_min, obs_max])), va='center') ax.annotate(' Low tide\n offset', xy=(all_timerange.max(), np.mean([all_min, obs_min]))) # Remove top right axes and add labels ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.set_ylabel('Tide height (m)') ax.set_xlabel('') ax.margins(x=0.015) # Export pandas.Series containing tidal stats return pd.Series({ 'tidepost_lat': tidepost_lat, 'tidepost_lon': tidepost_lon, 'observed_mean_m': obs_mean, 'all_mean_m': all_mean, 'observed_min_m': obs_min, 'all_min_m': all_min, 'observed_max_m': obs_max, 'all_max_m': all_max, 'observed_range_m': obs_range, 'all_range_m': all_range, 'spread': spread, 'low_tide_offset': low_tide_offset, 'high_tide_offset': high_tide_offset, 'observed_slope': obs_linreg.slope, 'all_slope': all_linreg.slope, 'observed_pval': obs_linreg.pvalue, 'all_pval': all_linreg.pvalue }).round(round_stats)
def interval_uncertainty(polygon_id, item_polygon_path, products=('ls5_pq_albers', 'ls7_pq_albers', 'ls8_pq_albers'), time_period=('1986-01-01', '2017-01-01')): """ This function uses the Digital Earth Australia archive to compute the standard deviation of tide heights for all Landsat observations that were used to generate the ITEM 2.0 composite layers and resulting tidal intervals. These standard deviations (one for each ITEM 2.0 interval) quantify the 'uncertainty' of each NIDEM elevation estimate: larger values indicate the ITEM interval was produced from a composite of images with a larger range of tide heights. Last modified: September 2018 Author: Robbi Bishop-Taylor :param polygon_id: An integer giving the polygon ID of the desired ITEM v2.0 polygon to analyse. :param item_polygon_path: A string giving the path to the ITEM v2.0 polygon shapefile. :param products: An optional tuple of DEA Landsat product names used to calculate tide heights of all observations used to generate ITEM v2.0 tidal intervals. Defaults to ('ls5_pq_albers', 'ls7_pq_albers', 'ls8_pq_albers'), which loads Landsat 5, Landsat 7 and Landsat 8. :param time_period: An optional tuple giving the start and end date to analyse. Defaults to ('1986-01-01', '2017-01-01'), which analyses all Landsat observations from the start of 1986 to the end of 2016. :return: An array of shape (9,) giving the standard deviation of tidal heights for all Landsat observations used to produce each ITEM interval. """ # Import tidal model data and extract geom and tide post item_gpd = gpd.read_file(item_polygon_path) lat, lon, poly = item_gpd[item_gpd.ID == int(polygon_id)][['lat', 'lon', 'geometry']].values[0] geom = geometry.Geometry(mapping(poly), crs=geometry.CRS(['init'])) all_times_obs = list() # For each product: for source in products: # Use entire time range unless LS7 time_range = ('1986-01-01', '2003-05-01') if source == 'ls7_pq_albers' else time_period # Determine matching datasets for geom area and group into solar day ds = dc.find_datasets(product=source, time=time_range, geopolygon=geom) group_by = query_group_by(group_by='solar_day') sources = dc.group_datasets(ds, group_by) # If data is found, add time to list then sort if len(ds) > 0: all_times_obs.extend('M8[s]').astype('O').tolist()) # Calculate tide data from X-Y-time location all_times_obs = sorted(all_times_obs) tp_obs = [TimePoint(float(lon), float(lat), dt) for dt in all_times_obs] tides_obs = [tide.tide_m for tide in predict_tide(tp_obs)] # Covert to dataframe of observed dates and tidal heights df1_obs = pd.DataFrame({'Tide_height': tides_obs}, index=pd.DatetimeIndex(all_times_obs)) ################## # ITEM intervals # ################## # Compute percentage tide height min_height = df1_obs.Tide_height.min() max_height = df1_obs.Tide_height.max() observed_range = max_height - min_height # Create dict of percentile values per10_dict = {perc + 1: min_height + observed_range * perc * 0.1 for perc in range(0, 10, 1)} # Bin each observation into an interval df1_obs['interval'] = pd.cut(df1_obs.Tide_height, bins=list(per10_dict.values()), labels=list(per10_dict.keys())[:-1]) return df1_obs.groupby('interval').std().values.flatten()