Beispiel #1
class Player(otree.models.BasePlayer):

    # <built-in>
    group = models.ForeignKey(Group, null=True)
    subsession = models.ForeignKey(Subsession)
    # </built-in>

    training_question_1_husband = models.CurrencyField(
        bounds=[0, Constants.training_1_maximum_offered_points])

    training_question_1_wife = models.CurrencyField(
        bounds=[0, Constants.training_1_maximum_offered_points])

    decision = models.CharField(choices=['Football', 'Opera'],
                                doc="""Either football or the opera""",

    def is_training_question_1_husband_correct(self):
        return (self.training_question_1_husband ==

    def is_training_question_1_wife_correct(self):
        return (
            self.training_question_1_wife == Constants.training_1_wife_correct)

    def other_player(self):
        """Returns other player in group"""
        return self.get_others_in_group()[0]

    def role(self):
        if self.id_in_group == 1:
            return 'husband'
        if self.id_in_group == 2:
            return 'wife'
Beispiel #2
class Player(BasePlayer):
    # <built-in>
    subsession = models.ForeignKey(Subsession)
    group = models.ForeignKey(Group, null = True)
    # </built-in>

    contribution = models.CurrencyField(choices=[0,Constants.endowment],widget=widgets.RadioSelect())
    record = models.CurrencyField()
    punishment_p1 = models.CurrencyField(min=0, max=50)
    punishment_p2 = models.CurrencyField(min=0, max=50)
    punishment_p3 = models.CurrencyField(min=0, max=50)
    income = models.PositiveIntegerField(min=0, max=90)
    cost  = models.PositiveIntegerField(min=0, max=150)
    deduction = models.PositiveIntegerField(min=0, max=150)
    def other_player(self):
        """Returns other player in group. Only valid for 2-player groups."""
        return self.get_others_in_group()

    def set_payoff(self):
        self.income = Constants.endowment - self.contribution + group.individual_share
        self.cost = self.punishment_for_p1 + self.punishment_for_p2 + self.punishment_for_p3
        self.deduction = sum([q.punishment_p1 for q in self.other_player()])

    def role(self):
        if self.id_in_group == 1:
            return 'Player 1'
        if self.id_in_group == 2:
            return 'Player 2'
        if self.id_in_group == 3:
            return 'Player 3'
Beispiel #3
class Group(BaseGroup):
    # <built-in>
    subsession = models.ForeignKey(Subsession)
    # </built-in>
    total_contribution = models.CurrencyField()
    individual_share = models.CurrencyField()

    def set_records(self):
        for p in self.get_players():
            x = random.random()
            if x < 0.1:
                p.record = 0
            if x >= 0.1:
                p.record = p.contribution

    def set_payoffs(self):
        self.total_contribution = sum([p.contribution for p in self.get_players()])
        self.individual_share = self.total_contribution * Constants.efficiency_factor
        for p in self.get_players():
            p.income = Constants.endowment - p.contribution + self.individual_share
            p.cost = p.punishment_p1 + p.punishment_p2 + p.punishment_p3
            if p.id_in_group == 1:
                p.deduction = sum([q.punishment_p1 for q in p.other_player()])
            if p.id_in_group == 2:
                p.deduction = sum([q.punishment_p2 for q in p.other_player()])
            if p.id_in_group == 3:
                p.deduction = sum([q.punishment_p3 for q in p.other_player()])
            if p.income >= (3 * p.deduction):#ここは解釈が正しいか確信がない
                p.payoff = p.income - p.cost - 3 * p.deduction
            if p.income < (3 * p.deduction):
                p.payoff = 0 - p.cost
Beispiel #4
class Group(BaseGroup):

    total_extraction = models.DecimalField(max_digits=2, decimal_places=0)

    total_payment = models.CurrencyField()

    group_loss = models.CurrencyField()

    def set_payoffs(self):
        self.total_extraction = sum([p.extraction for p in self.get_players()])
        self.group_loss = Constants.beta_factor * (
            Constants.players_per_group * Constants.endowment -
        for p in self.get_players():
            p.payoff = p.extraction + self.group_loss
        self.total_payment = sum([p.payoff for p in self.get_players()])
        if self.id_in_subsession == 1:
            for p in self.get_players():
                p.aux_2_1 = 1
                p.aux_2_2 = 0
                p.aux_2_3 = 0
        if self.id_in_subsession == 2:
            for p in self.get_players():
                p.aux_2_1 = 0
                p.aux_2_2 = 1
                p.aux_2_3 = 0
        if self.id_in_subsession == 3:
            for p in self.get_players():
                p.aux_2_1 = 0
                p.aux_2_2 = 0
                p.aux_2_3 = 1
Beispiel #5
class Player(BasePlayer):
    contribution = models.CurrencyField(choices=currency_range(0, Constants.endowment, 1),)

    # payoff_s1 is the payment each round before the punishment stage
    payoff_s1 = models.CurrencyField()
    # prepayoff is the payment each round after the punishment stage
    prepayoff = models.CurrencyField()
    # payoff_block2 is the cumulative payoff of all the rounds in the public goods game
    payoff_block2 = models.CurrencyField()

    # Allocation of punishment points to each subject
    punish_p1 = models.CurrencyField(min=0, max=Constants.endowment, null = True)
    punish_p2 = models.CurrencyField(min=0, max=Constants.endowment, null = True)
    punish_p3 = models.CurrencyField(min=0, max=Constants.endowment, null = True)
    punish_p4 = models.CurrencyField(min=0, max=Constants.endowment, null = True)

    # Variables to store the responses to the understanding questions
    question_pg1 = models.CurrencyField()
    question_pg2 = models.CurrencyField()

    ethnicity = models.CharField()
    religion = models.CharField()

    def get_ethnicity(self):
        return self.in_all_rounds()[0].participant.vars['ethnic']

    def get_religion(self):
        return self.in_all_rounds()[0].participant.vars['religion']
Beispiel #6
class Group(BaseGroup):
    total_contribution = models.CurrencyField()
    individual_share = models.CurrencyField()
    def set_payoffs(self):
        self.total_contribution = sum([p.contribution for p in self.get_players()])
        self.individual_share = self.total_contribution * Constants.efficiency_factor / Constants.players_per_group
        for p in self.get_players():
            p.payoff = Constants.endowment - p.contribution + self.individual_share
Beispiel #7
class Group(BaseGroup):
    total_contribution = models.CurrencyField()
    individual_share = models.CurrencyField()
    # Total punishment points allocated to each player are stored as a group level variable

    # Function to compute the payoffs after the contribution to the public goods game
    def set_payoffs_s1(self):
        self.total_contribution = sum([p.contribution for p in self.get_players()])
        self.individual_share = self.total_contribution * Constants.effic_factor / Constants.players_per_group
        for p in self.get_players():
            p.prepayoff = Constants.endowment - p.contribution + self.individual_share
Beispiel #8
class Group(BaseGroup):
    # <built-in>
    subsession = models.ForeignKey(Subsession)
    # </built-in>
    total_contribution = models.CurrencyField()
    individual_share = models.CurrencyField()
    def set_payoffs(self):
        self.total_contribution = sum([p.contribution for p in self.get_players()])
        self.individual_share = self.total_contribution * Constants.efficiency_factor
        for p in self.get_players():
            p.payoff = Constants.endowment - p.contribution + self.individual_share # change to whatever the payoff should be
Beispiel #9
class Group(BaseGroup):

    sent_amount = models.CurrencyField()
    sent_back_amount = models.CurrencyField(
    choices=currency_range(0, Constants.endowment, c(1)),
    def set_payoffs(self):
        p1 = self.get_player_by_id(1)
        p2 = self.get_player_by_id(2)
        p1.payoff = Constants.endowment - self.sent_amount + self.sent_back_amount
        p2.payoff = self.sent_amount * Constants.multiplication_factor - self.sent_back_amount
Beispiel #10
class Player(BasePlayer):
    # <built-in>
    subsession = models.ForeignKey(Subsession)
    group = models.ForeignKey(Group, null=True)
    # </built-in>

    contribution = models.CurrencyField(choices=[0, Constants.endowment],
    record = models.CurrencyField()

    def other_player(self):
        """Returns other player in group. Only valid for 2-player groups."""
        return self.get_others_in_group()
Beispiel #11
class Group(otree.models.BaseGroup):
    # <built-in>
    subsession = models.ForeignKey(Subsession)
    # </built-in>

    total_contribution = models.CurrencyField()
    individual_share = models.CurrencyField()

    def set_payoffs(self):
        self.total_contribution = sum([p.contribution for p in self.get_players()])
        self.individual_share = self.total_contribution * Constants.efficiency_factor / Constants.players_per_group
        for p in self.get_players():
            p.payoff = Constants.endowment - p.contribution + self.individual_share
Beispiel #12
class Group(BaseGroup):
    offer_amount = models.CurrencyField(choices=currency_range(
        0, Constants.endowment, c(5)), )
    punishment_amount = models.CurrencyField()

    def set_payoffs(self):
        p1 = self.get_player_by_id(1)
        p2 = self.get_player_by_id(2)
        p3 = self.get_player_by_id(3)
        p1.payoff = Constants.endowment - (self.offer_amount +
                                           (self.punishment_amount * 2))
        p2.payoff = Constants.endowment + self.offer_amount
        p3.payoff = Constants.endowment - self.punishment_amount
Beispiel #13
class Group(BaseGroup):
    # Amount sent in the trust game
    sent_amount = models.CurrencyField(
        choices=currency_range(0, Constants.endowment, 1),
        doc="""Amount sent by P1""",
    # Amount sent back in the trust game
    sent_back_amount = models.CurrencyField(doc="""Amount sent back by P2""", )

    def set_payoffs_s1(
            self):  # Compute payoffs for both players in the trust game
        p1 = self.get_player_by_id(1)
        p2 = self.get_player_by_id(2)
        p1.payoff = Constants.endowment - self.sent_amount + self.sent_back_amount
        p2.payoff = self.sent_amount * Constants.mult_factor - self.sent_back_amount
Beispiel #14
class Player(BasePlayer):
    ethnic_in = models.CharField(
        choices=[Constants.ethnicity_dai, Constants.ethnicity_han],
    # Input variable to ask the participants' religion
    religion_in = models.CharField(initial=None,

    # Function defined to get the ethnicity of the other participant in the group in the trust game
    def other_eth(self):
        return self.get_others_in_group()[0].participant.vars['ethnic']

    # Function defined to get the religion of the other participant in the group in the trust game
    def other_relig(self):
        return self.get_others_in_group()[0].participant.vars['religion']

    def get_ethnicity(self):
        return self.in_all_rounds()[0].participant.vars['ethnic']

    def get_religion(self):
        return self.in_all_rounds()[0].participant.vars['religion']

    payoff_block1 = models.CurrencyField()
Beispiel #15
class Player(BasePlayer):
    contribution = models.CurrencyField(choices=currency_range(0, Constants.endowment, 1),)

    # prepayoff is the payment each round after the punishment stage
    prepayoff = models.CurrencyField()
    # payoff_block2 is the cumulative payoff of all the rounds in the public goods game
    payoff_block2 = models.CurrencyField()

    ethnicity = models.CharField()
    religion = models.CharField()

    def get_ethnicity(self):
        return self.in_all_rounds()[0].participant.vars['ethnic']

    def get_religion(self):
        return self.in_all_rounds()[0].participant.vars['religion']
Beispiel #16
class Group(BaseGroup):
    # variables that change for each group
    treatment_endowment = models.IntegerField()
    treatment_treatment = models.TextField()
    a_takes = models.DecimalField(min=0, max=100, max_digits=5, decimal_places=2)
    total_taken = models.CurrencyField()
    b_predicts = models.PositiveIntegerField(min=0, max=100)
    b_willing = models.DecimalField(min=0, max_digits=6, decimal_places=3)
    b_message = models.TextField()
    b_message_price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=5, decimal_places=2)
    price_method = models.TextField()
    price_display = models.TextField()
    b_eligible = models.BooleanField()
    target_income = models.DecimalField(max_digits=5, decimal_places=2)
    reader_index = models.IntegerField()

    def final_pay(self):
        p1 = self.get_player_by_id(1)
        p2 = self.get_player_by_id(2)
        p1.final_reward = self.treatment_endowment+ p1.task_reward + self.total_taken

        if self.price_method != 'WTA':
            if self.b_eligible:
                p2.final_reward = self.treatment_endowment+ p2.task_reward - self.total_taken - self.b_message_price
                p2.final_reward = self.treatment_endowment + p2.task_reward - self.total_taken
        else:  # WTA
            if self.b_eligible:
                p2.final_reward = self.treatment_endowment + p2.task_reward - self.total_taken
            else:  # gave up right to send message
                p2.final_reward = self.treatment_endowment + p2.task_reward - self.total_taken + self.b_message_price

    def reader_pay(self):
        for p in self.get_players():
            p.final_reward = self.treatment_endowment + p.task_reward
Beispiel #17
class Group(BaseGroup):
    offered_coins = models.CurrencyField(choices=Constants.offered_choices)

    offer_accepted = models.BooleanField()

    punish_dictator = models.BooleanField()

    response_0 = models.BooleanField(widget=widgets.RadioSelectHorizontal())
    response_5 = models.BooleanField(widget=widgets.RadioSelectHorizontal())
    response_10 = models.BooleanField(widget=widgets.RadioSelectHorizontal())

    def set_payoffs(self):
        dictator = self.get_player_by_id(1)
        recipient = self.get_player_by_id(2)
        punisher = self.get_player_by_id(3)
        # if offer is accepted the punisher does not get involved/punish
        if self.offer_accepted:
            if self.amount_offered >= 5:
                dictator.payoff = Constants.endowment - self.amount_offered
                recipient.payoff = self.amount_offered
                punisher.payoff = 0
                dictator.payoff = Constants.endowment / 2
                recipient.payoff = dictator.payoff
                punisher.payoff = dictator.payoff

        # if the offer is rejected the punisher get invoved and deducts payoff
        # from the dictator or player one
        elif self.punish_dictator:
            # dictators pay is cut in half by the punisher
            dictator.payoff = Constants.endowment / 2
            # recipient gets a quater off the dictators payoff
            recipient.payoff = (dictator.payoff / 2) / 4
            # punisher gets a quater off the dictators payoff
            punisher.payoff = (dictator.payoff / 2) / 4
Beispiel #18
class Player(BasePlayer):
    # <built-in>
    subsession = models.ForeignKey(Subsession)
    group = models.ForeignKey(Group, null=True)
    # </built-in>

    contribution = models.CurrencyField(min=0, max=Constants.endowment)
Beispiel #19
class Group(BaseGroup):

    sent = models.CurrencyField(min=50, max=Constants.endowment)
    sent_back = models.CurrencyField()
    bribe = models.CurrencyField()

    # money transferred by sender, multiplied
    def multiplication(self):
        return self.sent * Constants.multiplication_factor

    # fine receiver should pay. If positive, receiver returned less than half the money
    # maximum bribe = fine * 6
    def fine(self):
        return self.multiplication() * 0.5 - self.sent_back

    # determination of whether receiever pays the bribe, fine, or neither
    # if player pays the fine, they're marked as 'uncooperative' for future rounds.
    def fine_bribe(self):
        if random.random() > 0.0000001 and (self.fine() > 0):
            if self.bribe > random.randrange(0, self.fine() * 6):
                return self.bribe
                    2).participant.vars['uncooperative'] = True
                return self.fine()

            return c(0)

    # if player was found to be uncooperative, changes the message for player 1 in group on 'send' page
    def is_uncooperative(self):
        if self.get_player_by_id(2).participant.vars['uncooperative'] == True:
            return True
            return False

    # payoffs for each round
    def set_payoffs(self):

        for p in self.get_players():
            if p.participant.vars['role'] == 'sender':
                p.payoff = Constants.endowment - self.sent + self.sent_back
                p.payoff = self.sent * Constants.multiplication_factor - self.sent_back - self.fine_bribe(
Beispiel #20
class Group(BaseGroup):
    # <built-in>
    subsession = models.ForeignKey(Subsession)
    # </built-in>
    total_contribution = models.CurrencyField()
    individual_share = models.CurrencyField()

    def set_payoffs(self):
        self.total_contribution = sum(
            [p.contribution for p in self.get_players()])
        self.individual_share = self.total_contribution * Constants.efficiency_factor
        for p in self.get_players():
            p.payoff = Constants.endowment - p.contribution + self.individual_share
            x = random.random()
            if x < 0.1:
                p.record = 0
            if x >= 0.1:
                p.record = p.contribution
Beispiel #21
class Player(BasePlayer):

    ethnic = models.CharField(
    )  # Variable to store the participants' ethnicity
    religion = models.CharField(
    )  # Variable to store the participants' religion
    # Input variable to ask the participants' ethnicity
    ethnic_in = models.CharField(
        choices=[Constants.ethnicity_dai, Constants.ethnicity_han],
    # Input variable to ask the participants' religion
    religion_in = models.CharField(initial=None,

    # Function defined to get the ethnicity of the other participant in the group in the trust game
    def other_eth(self):
        return self.get_others_in_group()[0].participant.vars['ethnic']

    # Function defined to get the religion of the other participant in the group in the trust game
    def other_relig(self):
        return self.get_others_in_group()[0].participant.vars['religion']

    def get_ethnicity(self):
        return self.in_all_rounds()[0].participant.vars['ethnic']

    def get_religion(self):
        return self.in_all_rounds()[0].participant.vars['religion']

    # Prepayoff is the payment of each round
    prepayoff = models.CurrencyField()
    # Payoff_block1 is the payment of the round selected to be paid
    # Block 1 refers to the trust game
    # Block 2 refers to the public goods game with punishment
    payoff_block1 = models.CurrencyField()

    # Variables to store the responses to the understanding questions
    question_trustA = models.CurrencyField()
    question_trustB = models.CurrencyField()
Beispiel #22
class Player(BasePlayer):

    ethnic_in = models.CharField(initial=None,
                                 choices=['Dai', 'Han'],
    religion_in = models.CharField(
        choices=['Buddhist', 'Christian', 'None (atheist)'],

    def other_eth(self):
        return self.get_others_in_group()[0].participant.vars['ethnic']

    def other_relig(self):
        return self.get_others_in_group()[0].participant.vars['religion']

    prepayoff = models.CurrencyField()

    question_trustA = models.CurrencyField()
    question_trustB = models.CurrencyField()
Beispiel #23
class Player(BasePlayer):
    # <built-in>
    subsession = models.ForeignKey(Subsession)
    group = models.ForeignKey(Group, null=True)
    # </built-in>
    x_place = models.FloatField()
    y_place = models.FloatField()
    price = models.CurrencyField(doc="""The mill price""", )

    def other_player(self):
        """Returns other player in group. Only valid for 2-player groups."""
        return self.get_others_in_group()[0]
Beispiel #24
class Group(BaseGroup):

    sent_amount = models.CurrencyField(
        choices=currency_range(0, Constants.endowment, 1),
        doc="""Amount sent by P1""",

    sent_back_amount = models.CurrencyField(doc="""Amount sent back by P2""", )

    def set_payoffs_s1(self):
        p1 = self.get_player_by_id(1)
        p2 = self.get_player_by_id(2)
        p1.prepayoff = Constants.endowment - self.sent_amount + self.sent_back_amount
        p2.prepayoff = self.sent_amount * Constants.mult_factor - self.sent_back_amount

    def set_payoffs_final(self):
        paying_round = self.session.vars['paying_round']
        p1 = self.get_player_by_id(1)
        p2 = self.get_player_by_id(2)
        p1.payoff = p1.prepayoff
        p2.payoff = p2.prepayoff
Beispiel #25
class Group(BaseGroup):
    # <built-in>
    subsession = models.ForeignKey(Subsession)
    # </built-in>
    total_contribution = models.CurrencyField()
    individual_share = models.CurrencyField()

    def set_payoffs(self):
        self.total_contribution = sum(
            [p.contribution for p in self.get_players()])
        self.individual_share = self.total_contribution * Constants.efficiency_factor
        for p in self.get_players():
            p.income = Constants.endowment - p.contribution + self.individual_share
            p.cost = p.punishment_p1 + p.punishment_p2 + p.punishment_p3
            if p.id_in_group == 1:
                p.deduction = sum([q.punishment_p1 for q in p.other_player()])
            if p.id_in_group == 2:
                p.deduction = sum([q.punishment_p2 for q in p.other_player()])
            if p.id_in_group == 3:
                p.deduction = sum([q.punishment_p3 for q in p.other_player()])
            p.payoff = p.income - p.cost - 6 * p.deduction
Beispiel #26
class Player(BasePlayer):

    extraction = models.DecimalField(
        choices=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        doc="""The amount extracted by the player""",

    partial_pay = models.CurrencyField()

    ranking = models.DecimalField(max_digits=2, decimal_places=0)

    auxiliar = models.PositiveIntegerField()

    aux_2_1 = models.DecimalField(max_digits=2, decimal_places=0)
    aux_2_2 = models.DecimalField(max_digits=2, decimal_places=0)
    aux_2_3 = models.DecimalField(max_digits=2, decimal_places=0)

    gp_ranking = models.DecimalField(max_digits=2, decimal_places=0)

    def the_ranking(self):
        self.auxiliar = self.participant_id
        if self.auxiliar == self.subsession.posit_1:
            self.ranking = self.subsession.rank_p_1
        elif self.auxiliar == self.subsession.posit_2:
            self.ranking = self.subsession.rank_p_2
        elif self.auxiliar == self.subsession.posit_3:
            self.ranking = self.subsession.rank_p_3
        elif self.auxiliar == self.subsession.posit_4:
            self.ranking = self.subsession.rank_p_4
        elif self.auxiliar == self.subsession.posit_5:
            self.ranking = self.subsession.rank_p_5
        elif self.auxiliar == self.subsession.posit_6:
            self.ranking = self.subsession.rank_p_6
        elif self.auxiliar == self.subsession.posit_7:
            self.ranking = self.subsession.rank_p_7
        elif self.auxiliar == self.subsession.posit_8:
            self.ranking = self.subsession.rank_p_8
        elif self.auxiliar == self.subsession.posit_9:
            self.ranking = self.subsession.rank_p_9
        elif self.auxiliar == self.subsession.posit_10:
            self.ranking = self.subsession.rank_p_10
        elif self.auxiliar == self.subsession.posit_11:
            self.ranking = self.subsession.rank_p_11
        elif self.auxiliar == self.subsession.posit_12:
            self.ranking = self.subsession.rank_p_12
Beispiel #27
class Player(BasePlayer):
    def role(self):
        if self.id_in_group == 1:
            return "игрок A"
        elif self.id_in_group == 2:
            return "игрок B"
            return "судья"

    last_correct_answer = models.IntegerField()
    tasks_correct = models.IntegerField(default=0)
    tasks_attempted = models.IntegerField(default=0)

    pay = models.CurrencyField()

    training_answer_A = models.IntegerField(verbose_name='Игрок A заработает')
    training_answer_B = models.IntegerField(verbose_name='Игрок B заработает')
    training_answer_C = models.IntegerField(verbose_name='Судья заработает')
Beispiel #28
class Group(BaseGroup):

    strategy = models.BooleanField(
    doc="""Whether this group uses strategy method"""

    amount_offered = models.CurrencyField(choices=Constants.offer_choices)

    offer_accepted = models.BooleanField(
        doc="if offered amount is accepted (direct response method)"

    def set_payoffs(self):
        p1, p2, p3 = self.get_players()

        if self.strategy:
            self.offer_accepted = getattr(self, 'response_{}'.format(int(self.amount_offered)))

        if self.offer_accepted:
            p1.payoff = Constants.endowment - self.amount_offered
            p2.payoff = self.amount_offered
Beispiel #29
class Player(otree.models.BasePlayer):
    # <built-in>
    subsession = models.ForeignKey(Subsession)
    group = models.ForeignKey(Group, null=True)

    # </built-in>

    def other_player(self):
        """Returns other player in group. Only valid for 2-player groups."""
        return self.get_others_in_group()[0]

    # example field
    my_field = models.CurrencyField(min=c(0),
        Description of this field, for documentation

    def role(self):
        # you can make this depend of self.id_in_group
        return ''
Beispiel #30
class Group(BaseGroup):
    total_contribution = models.CurrencyField()
    individual_share = models.CurrencyField()

    # Total punishment points allocated to each player are stored as a group level variable
    total_punish_p1 = models.CurrencyField()
    total_punish_p2 = models.CurrencyField()
    total_punish_p3 = models.CurrencyField()
    total_punish_p4 = models.CurrencyField()

    # Function to compute the payoffs after the contribution to the public goods game
    def set_payoffs_s1(self):
        self.total_contribution = sum(
            [p.contribution for p in self.get_players()])
        self.individual_share = self.total_contribution * Constants.effic_factor / Constants.players_per_group
        for p in self.get_players():
            p.payoff_s1 = Constants.endowment - p.contribution + self.individual_share

    # Function to compute the payoffs after the punishment stage
    def set_payoffs_s2(self):
        # Compute the total punishment points received by each player
        self.total_punish_p1 = sum([p.punish_p1 for p in self.get_players()])
        self.total_punish_p2 = sum([p.punish_p2 for p in self.get_players()])
        self.total_punish_p3 = sum([p.punish_p3 for p in self.get_players()])
        self.total_punish_p4 = sum([p.punish_p4 for p in self.get_players()])

        p1 = self.get_player_by_id(1)
        p2 = self.get_player_by_id(2)
        p3 = self.get_player_by_id(3)
        p4 = self.get_player_by_id(4)

        # Update the payoff after deducting allocated and received punishment points
        # Payments of each round are stored as "prepayoff"
        p1.prepayoff = p1.payoff_s1 - self.total_punish_p1 * Constants.punish_tech - (
            p1.punish_p2 + p1.punish_p3 + p1.punish_p4)
        p2.prepayoff = p2.payoff_s1 - self.total_punish_p2 * Constants.punish_tech - (
            p2.punish_p1 + p2.punish_p3 + p2.punish_p4)
        p3.prepayoff = p3.payoff_s1 - self.total_punish_p3 * Constants.punish_tech - (
            p3.punish_p1 + p3.punish_p2 + p3.punish_p4)
        p4.prepayoff = p4.payoff_s1 - self.total_punish_p4 * Constants.punish_tech - (
            p4.punish_p1 + p4.punish_p2 + p4.punish_p3)