Beispiel #1
def main(info):

    for i in range(info.ntimes):
        raw_data = io_routines.load_data(info.times[i], info)
        processed_data = convert.era2gard(raw_data)
        output.write_file(info.times[i], info, processed_data)

    if info.daily:
def write_setup(filename, modulename, csrcs, cppsrcs, local_headers,
                include_dirs, library_dirs, libraries, swig_include_dirs,
                swigargs, cppargs, lddargs):
    """Generate a file. Intended for internal library use."""
    instant_debug("Generating %s." % filename)

    swig_include_dirs.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'swig'))

    # Handle arguments
    swigfilename = "%s.i" % modulename
    wrapperfilename = "%s_wrap.cxx" % modulename

    # Treat C and C++ files in the same way for now
    cppsrcs = cppsrcs + csrcs + [wrapperfilename]

    swig_args = ""
    if swigargs:
        swig_args = " ".join(swigargs)

    compile_args = ""
    if cppargs:
        compile_args = ", extra_compile_args=%r" % cppargs

    link_args = ""
    if lddargs:
        link_args = ", extra_link_args=%r" % lddargs

    swig_include_dirs = " ".join("-I%s" % d for d in swig_include_dirs)
    if len(local_headers) > 0:
        swig_include_dirs += " -I.."

    # Generate code
    code = reindent("""
        import os
        from distutils.core import setup, Extension
        name = '%s'
        swig_cmd =r'%s -python %s %s %s'
        sources = %s
        setup(name = '%s',
              ext_modules = [Extension('_' + '%s',
                             libraries=%s %s %s)])
        """ % (modulename, get_swig_binary(), swig_include_dirs, swig_args, \
               swigfilename, cppsrcs, modulename, modulename, include_dirs, \
               library_dirs, libraries, compile_args, link_args))

    write_file(filename, code)
    instant_debug("Done writing file.")
def write_setup(filename, modulename, csrcs, cppsrcs, local_headers, include_dirs, library_dirs, libraries, swig_include_dirs, swigargs, cppargs, lddargs):
    """Generate a file. Intended for internal library use."""
    instant_debug("Generating %s." % filename)

    swig_include_dirs.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'swig'))

    # Handle arguments
    swigfilename = "%s.i" % modulename
    wrapperfilename = "%s_wrap.cxx" % modulename

    # Treat C and C++ files in the same way for now
    cppsrcs = cppsrcs + csrcs + [wrapperfilename]

    swig_args = ""
    if swigargs:
        swig_args = " ".join(swigargs)

    compile_args = ""
    if cppargs:
        compile_args = ", extra_compile_args=%r" % cppargs

    link_args = ""
    if lddargs:
        link_args = ", extra_link_args=%r" % lddargs

    swig_include_dirs = " ".join("-I%s"%d for d in swig_include_dirs)
    if len(local_headers) > 0:
        swig_include_dirs += " -I.."

    # Generate code
    code = reindent("""
        import os
        from distutils.core import setup, Extension
        name = '%s'
        swig_cmd =r'%s -python %s %s %s'
        sources = %s
        setup(name = '%s',
              ext_modules = [Extension('_' + '%s',
                             libraries=%s %s %s)])
        """ % (modulename, get_swig_binary(), swig_include_dirs, swig_args, \
               swigfilename, cppsrcs, modulename, modulename, include_dirs, \
               library_dirs, libraries, compile_args, link_args))

    write_file(filename, code)
    instant_debug("Done writing file.")
Beispiel #4
def main(info):
    for k in info.keys():
        if k!="times" and k!="lat_data" and k!="lon_data":

    for curtime in info.times:
        if curtime.year>lastyear:
Beispiel #5
def main(info):

    for k in info.keys():
        if k != "times" and k != "lat_data" and k != "lon_data":
            print(k, info[k])

    print(info.times[0], info.times[-1])

    curyear = info.times[0].year
    lastyear = info.times[0].year - 1
    for curtime in info.times:
        if curtime.year > lastyear:
            raw_data = io_routines.load_data(curtime, info)
            processed_data = convert.cmip2icar(raw_data)
            output.write_file(curtime, info, processed_data)
            lastyear = curtime.year
Beispiel #6
def main(info):
    for k in info.keys():
        if k!="times" and k!="lat_data" and k!="lon_data":

    while curtime<=info.end_date:
Beispiel #7
def main(info):

    for k in info.keys():
        if k!="times" and k!="lat_data" and k!="lon_data":



    timesteps_per_year=365*4 # no leap calendar, 4 steps per day
    for i in range(info.nyears):

Beispiel #8
def main(info):
    for k in info.keys():
        if k!="times" and k!="lat_data" and k!="lon_data":

    timesteps_per_year=365*4 # no leap calendar, 4 steps per day
    for i in range(info.nyears):
                progress(cfg, "Accessing products (" + sublink.text +")...")
                response =
                as_text =

                #Check that the sublink contains products (and is not a sub-sub menu as some of them are)
                has_products = False
                for tmp_link in browser.links():
                    if "Add to trolley" in tmp_link.text:
                        has_products = True

                if not has_products:
                    #So if this is a sub-sub menu just add all the items to the bottom_tier list and pretend they were sub-menu items
                    bottom_tier += filter_links(browser.links(), (cat_list+bottom_tier_blacklist))
                    #Otherwise just go ahead and record the products
                    new_products = filter_products(browser.links(), product_page=as_text, products=None, running_total = total_status)

                    #Append to the master list
                    master_products = master_products + new_products

                    #Keep track of the total
                    num_products += len(new_products)

                    progress(cfg, str(len(new_products)) + " products found. Total: " + str(num_products))

    #Finally export the list as a file
Beispiel #10
def maketotals(totals, mytime, localText):
	tpage1 = u""
	tpage2 = u""
	tpage3 = u""

	page = u'''
<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta name="description" content="Guild Wars 2 always current crafting guide price totals">
	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">

	<link href="/css/layout.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
	<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/fi.gif" />

	<script src="//"></script>
	<script src="/js/menu.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	page += u"""<script> 
  (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

  ga('create', 'UA-38972433-1', 'auto');
  ga('send', 'pageview');

	page += localText.header%('total.html',u'total.html',u'total.html',u'total.html',u'total.html')
	page += u"<section class=\"main\">\n<strong>%s</strong><br />\n"%(localText.region)
	page += u"<h5 style=\"text-align:center;\">"+localText.updated+u": " + mytime + u"</h5>"
	# adword
	page += u'<div style="float:right;position:absolute;right:-320px;"> \
			\n<script async src=\"//\"></script> \
			\n<!-- large sidebar --> \
			\n<ins class=\"adsbygoogle\" \
			\n     style=\"display:inline-block;width:300px;height:600px\" \
			\n     data-ad-client=\"ca-pub-6865907345688710\" \
			\n     data-ad-slot=\"9285292589\"></ins> \
			\n<script> \
			\n(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); \
			\n</script> \
	page += localText.note
	page += u'	<table>'
	page += u'<tr><th>'+localText.craft+u'</th><th>'+localText.nGuides+u'</th><th>'+localText.fGuides+u'</th><th>1-200</th></tr>\n'
	page += u'<tr><td>'+localText.nHearts+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[u'cooking'])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[u'cooking_fast'])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[u'cooking_fast_200'])+u'</td></tr>\n'
	page += u'<tr><td>'+localText.tHearts+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[u'cooking_karma_light'])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[u'cooking_karma_fast_light'])+u'</td></tr>\n'
	page += u'<tr><td>'+localText.aHearts+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[u'cooking_karma'])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[u'cooking_karma_fast'])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[u'cooking_karma_fast_200'])+u'</td></tr>\n'
	page += u"</table>\n<br />\n<table>\n<tr><th>"+localText.craft+u"</th><th>"+localText.nGuides+u"</th><th>"+localText.fGuides+u"</th><th>400-450</th><th>400-500</th></tr>\n"

	tpage1 += u"</table>\n<br />\n<table>\n<tr><th>"+localText.nGuides+u"</th><th>"+localText.tiers+u" 1</th><th>"+localText.tiers+u" 2</th><th>"+localText.tiers+u" 3</th><th>"+localText.tiers+u" 4</th><th>"+localText.tiers+u" 5</th></tr>\n"
	tpage2 += u"</table>\n<br />\n<table>\n<tr><th>"+localText.fGuides+u"</th><th>"+localText.tiers+u" 1</th><th>"+localText.tiers+u" 2</th><th>"+localText.tiers+u" 3</th><th>"+localText.tiers+u" 4</th><th>"+localText.tiers+u" 5</th></tr>\n"

	ctnc = 0
	ctfc = 0
	cttc = 0
	ct4c = 0
	ct45c = 0
	for i in [(u'jewelcraft',u'jewelcraft_fast',localText.jc),
		ind = 2
		if len(i) == 3:
			page += u'<tr><td>'+i[ind]+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[0]][u'total'])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[1]][u'total'])+u'</td></tr>\n'
			ind = 4
			page += u'<tr><td>'+i[ind]+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[0]][u'total'])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[1]][u'total'])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[2]])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[3]])+u'</td></tr>\n'
			ct45c += totals[i[2]]
			ct4c += totals[i[3]]

		tpage1 += u'<tr><td>'+i[ind]+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[0]][0])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[0]][75])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[0]][150])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[0]][225])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[0]][300])+u'</td></tr>\n'
		tpage2 += u'<tr><td>'+i[ind]+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[1]][0])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[1]][75])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[1]][150])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[1]][225])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[1]][300])+u'</td></tr>\n'

		ctnc += totals[i[0]][u'total']
		ctfc += totals[i[1]][u'total']

	page += u'<tr><td><strong>'+localText.totals+u'</strong></td><td><strong>'+ mFormat(ctnc)+u'</strong></td><td><strong>'+ mFormat(ctfc)+u'</strong></td><td><strong>'+ mFormat(ct45c)+u'</strong></td><td><strong>'+ mFormat(ct4c)+u'</strong></td></tr></table>\n<br />\n'

	tpage1 += u' </table>\n<br />'
	tpage2 += u' </table>\n<br />'
	tpage3 += u' </table>'

	page += tpage1 + tpage2

	page += u'\n</section>\n' + localText.cright

Beispiel #11
def main(info):
    for i in range(info.ntimes):
Beispiel #12
def printtofile(tcost, treco, sell, craftexo, mTiers, make, pmake, buy, tierbuy, cList, filename, mytime, cListName, localText):
	scribewarn = 'This is a beta guide, read all steps before attempting.'
	buttonList = []
	totals = {}
	if tierbuy:
		totals[filename.split('.')[0]] = {0:defaultdict(int),75:defaultdict(int),150:defaultdict(int),225:defaultdict(int),300:defaultdict(int),u'total':int(tcost)}
		totals[filename.split('.')[0]] = int(tcost)

	non_item = [u'Refinement', u'Insignia', u'Inscription', u'Component']

	karma_items = {12337:{u'note':u"{} <br />{}".format(localText.pickins,localText.disa),u'cost':77}, # Almond
					12165:{u'note':u"{} <br />{}".format(localText.milton,localText.jack),u'cost':35}, # Apple
					12340:{u'note':u"{}".format(localText.makayla),u'cost':77}, # Avocado
					12251:{u'note':u"{} <br />{} <br />{} <br />{}".format(localText.jenks,localText.sangdo,localText.goran,localText.vejj),u'cost':49}, # Banana
					12237:{u'note':u"{} <br />{}".format(localText.jenks,localText.leius),u'cost':49}, # Black Bean
					12240:{u'note':u"{} <br />{}".format(localText.bjarni,localText.milton),u'cost':35}, # Celery Stalk
					12338:{u'note':u"{} <br />{}".format(localText.summers,localText.disa),u'cost':77}, # Cherry
					12515:{u'note':u"{}".format(localText.naknar),u'cost':112}, # Chickpea
					12350:{u'note':u"{}".format(localText.tunnira),u'cost':112}, # Coconut
					12256:{u'note':u"{} <br />{}".format(localText.sagum,localText.milton),u'cost':35}, # Cumin
					12502:{u'note':u"{}".format(localText.jenrys),u'cost':154}, # Eggplant
					12232:{u'note':u"{}".format(localText.albin),u'cost':35}, # Green Bean
					12518:{u'note':u"{} <br />{}".format(localText.laudren,localText.wupwup),u'cost':112}, # Horseradish Root
					12239:{u'note':u"{} <br />{} <br />{}".format(localText.brian,localText.kastaz,localText.hune),u'cost':49}, # Kidney Bean
					12252:{u'note':u"{} <br />{} <br />{}".format(localText.yoal,localText.hrappa,localText.milton),u'cost':35}, # Lemon
					12339:{u'note':u"{}".format(localText.shelp),u'cost':77}, # Lime
					12543:{u'note':u"{}".format(localText.crandle),u'cost':203}, # Mango
					12249:{u'note':u"{} <br />{}".format(localText.jenks,localText.milton),u'cost':35}, # Nutmeg Seed
					12503:{u'note':u"{}".format(localText.nrocroc),u'cost':154}, # Peach
					12514:{u'note':u"{}".format(localText.braxa),u'cost':112}, # Pear
					12516:{u'note':u"{}".format(localText.tholin),u'cost':112}, # Pinenut
					12517:{u'note':u"{}".format(localText.ichtaca),u'cost':112}} # Shallot

	karma_chef = {12159:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':35}, # Cheese Wedge
					12137:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':35}, # Glass of Buttermilk
					12152:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':35}, # Packet of Yeast
					12145:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':49}, # Rice Ball
					12325:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':77}, # Bowl of Sour Cream
					12141:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':35}, # Tomato
					12328:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':77}, # Ginger Root
					12245:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':49}, # Basil Leaf
					12235:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':49}} # Bell Pepper

	karma_recipe = {12131:{u'note':localText.elain,u'cost':35}, # Bowl of Watery Mushroom Soup
					12185:{u'note':localText.bjarni,u'cost':35}, # Handful of Bjarni's Rabbit Food
					12140:{u'note':localText.hrouda,u'cost':35}, # Bowl of Gelatinous Ooze Custard
					 8587:{u'note':localText.drottot,u'cost':35}, # Poached Egg
					12211:{u'note':localText.kevach,u'cost':35}, # Bowl of Cold Wurm Stew
					12198:{u'note':localText.vaastas,u'cost':35}, # Celebratory Steak
					12133:{u'note':localText.laewyn,u'cost':35}, # Warden Ration
					12149:{u'note':localText.krug,u'cost':35}, # Bowl of Ettin Stew
					12203:{u'note':localText.maxtar,u'cost':35}, # Bowl of Dolyak Stew
					12139:{u'note':localText.aidem,u'cost':35}, # Bowl of Front Line Stew
					12150:{u'note':localText.eda,u'cost':35}, # Eda's Apple Pie
					12343:{u'note':localText.kastaz,u'cost':35}, # Kastaz Roasted Poultry
					12160:{u'note':localText.auda,u'cost':35}, # Loaf of Walnut Sticky Bread
					12154:{u'note':localText.brian,u'cost':35}, # Bowl of Outrider Stew
					12292:{u'note':localText.glubb,u'cost':35}, # Bowl of Degun Shun Stew
					12233:{u'note':localText.tholin,u'cost':154}, # Handful of Trail Mix
					12739:{u'note':localText.triktiki,u'cost':35}, # Triktiki Omelet
					12352:{u'note':u"{} ({} {})".format(localText.pochtecatl,mFormat(368),localText.valuePer),u'cost':0}, # Griffon Egg Omelet
					12264:{u'note':localText.nrocroc,u'cost':35}, # Raspberry Pie
					12192:{u'note':localText.victor,u'cost':35}, # Beetletun Omelette
					19955:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Ravaging Intricate Wool Insignia
					19956:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Rejuvenating Intricate Wool Insignia
					19957:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Honed Intricate Wool Insignia
					19958:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Pillaging Intricate Wool Insignia
					19959:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Strong Intricate Wool Insignia
					19960:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Vigorous Intricate Wool Insignia
					19961:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Hearty Intricate Wool Insignia
					19962:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Ravaging Intricate Cotton Insignia
					19963:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Rejuvenating Intricate Cotton Insignia
					19964:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Honed Intricate Cotton Insignia
					19965:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Pillaging Intricate Cotton Insignia
					19966:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Strong Intricate Cotton Insignia
					19967:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Vigorous Intricate Cotton Insignia
					19968:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Hearty Intricate Cotton Insignia
					19969:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Carrion Intricate Linen Insignia
					19970:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Cleric's Intricate Linen Insignia
					19971:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Explorer's Intricate Linen Insignia
					19972:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Berserker's Intricate Linen Insignia
					19973:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Valkyrie Intricate Linen Insignia
					19974:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Rampager's Intricate Linen Insignia
					19975:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Knight's Intricate Linen Insignia
					19880:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Carrion Intricate Silk Insignia
					19881:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Cleric's Intricate Silk Insignia
					19882:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Explorer's Intricate Silk Insignia
					19883:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Berserker's Intricate Silk Insignia
					19886:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Valkyrie Intricate Silk Insignia
					19884:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Rampager's Intricate Silk Insignia
					19885:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Knight's Intricate Silk Insignia
					19934:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Ravaging Iron Imbued Inscription
					19935:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Rejuvenating Iron Imbued Inscription
					19936:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Honed Iron Imbued Inscription
					19937:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Pillaging Iron Imbued Inscription
					19938:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Strong Iron Imbued Inscription
					19939:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Vigorous Iron Imbued Inscription
					19940:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Hearty Iron Imbued Inscription
					19941:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Ravaging Steel Imbued Inscription
					19942:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Rejuvenating Steel Imbued Inscription
					19943:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Honed Steel Imbued Inscription
					19944:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Pillaging Steel Imbued Inscription
					19945:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Strong Steel Imbued Inscription
					19946:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
					19947:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Hearty Steel Imbued Inscription
					19948:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Carrion Darksteel Imbued Inscription
					19949:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Cleric's Darksteel Imbued Inscription
					19950:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Explorer's Darksteel Imbued Inscription
					19951:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Berserker's Darksteel Imbued Inscription
					19952:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Valkyrie Darksteel Imbued Inscription
					19953:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Rampager's Darksteel Imbued Inscription
					19954:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Knight's Darksteel Imbued Inscription
					19897:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Carrion Mithril Imbued Inscription
					19898:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Cleric's Mithril Imbued Inscription
					19899:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Explorer's Mithril Imbued Inscription
					19900:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Berserker's Mithril Imbued Inscription
					19903:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Valkyrie Mithril Imbued Inscription
					19901:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Rampager's Mithril Imbued Inscription
					19902:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Knight's Mithril Imbued Inscription
					19923:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':896}, # inscr
					19912:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':896}, # insig
					24543:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':896}, # jewel
					24904:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Intricate Topaz Jewel
					24902:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Intricate Spinel Jewel
					24901:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Intricate Peridot Jewel
					24903:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Intricate Sunstone Jewel
					24899:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Intricate Carnelian Jewel
					24898:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Intricate Amethyst Jewel
					24900:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Intricate Lapis Jewel
					24911:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Gilded Topaz Jewel
					24905:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Gilded Amethyst Jewel
					24906:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Gilded Carnelian Jewel
					24907:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Gilded Lapis Jewel
					24908:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Gilded Peridot Jewel
					24909:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Gilded Spinel Jewel
					24910:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Gilded Sunstone Jewel
					24912:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Ornate Beryl Jewel
					24913:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Ornate Chrysocola Jewel
					24914:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Ornate Coral Jewel
					24915:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Ornate Emerald Jewel
					24916:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Ornate Opal Jewel
					24917:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Ornate Ruby Jewel
					24918:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Ornate Sapphire Jewel
					24919:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Brilliant Beryl Jewel
					24920:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Brilliant Chrysocola Jewel
					24921:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Brilliant Coral Jewel
					24922:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Brilliant Emerald Jewel
					24923:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Brilliant Opal Jewel
					24924:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Brilliant Ruby Jewel
					24925:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Brilliant Sapphire Jewel
					38162:{u'note':u"{} ({}: {} {})".format(localText.bRecipes,localText.rTP,mFormat(cList[38207][u'cost']),localText.valuePer),u'cost':0}, # Giver's Intricate Gossamer Insignia
					38166:{u'note':u"{} ({}: {} {})".format(localText.bRecipes,localText.rTP,mFormat(cList[38208][u'cost']),localText.valuePer),u'cost':0}, # Giver's Embroidered Silk Insignia
					38167:{u'note':u"{} ({}: {} {})".format(localText.bRecipes,localText.rTP,mFormat(cList[38209][u'cost']),localText.valuePer),u'cost':0}, # Giver's Embroidered Linen Insignia
					38434:{u'note':u"{} ({}: {} {})".format(localText.bRecipes,localText.rTP,mFormat(cList[38297][u'cost']),localText.valuePer),u'cost':0}, # Giver's Orichalcum-Imbued Inscription
					38432:{u'note':u"{} ({}: {} {})".format(localText.bRecipes,localText.rTP,mFormat(cList[38296][u'cost']),localText.valuePer),u'cost':0}, # Giver's Mithril-Imbued Inscription
					38433:{u'note':u"{} ({}: {} {})".format(localText.bRecipes,localText.rTP,mFormat(cList[38295][u'cost']),localText.valuePer),u'cost':0}, # Giver's Darksteel-Imbued Inscription

	# Insignia -> Recipe Mapping.
	rsps = {38166:38208, # Giver's Embroidered Silk Insignia
		    38167:38209, # Giver's Embroidered Linen Insignia
			38434:38297, # Giver's Orichalcum-Imbued Inscription
			38432:38296, # Giver's Mithril-Imbued Inscription
			38433:38295, # Giver's Darksteel-Imbued Inscription
			38162:38207 # Giver's Intricate Gossamer Insignia

	recipebuy = []
	for tier in range(0,500,25):
		for item in make[tier]:
			if item in karma_recipe:

	vendor = [19792, 19789, 19794, 19793, 19791, 19704, 19750, 19924, 12157, 12151, 12158, 12153, 12155,
			  12156, 12324, 12136, 12271, 8576, 13010, 13006, 13007, 13008, 19790, 62942, 70647, 75762,
			  1000352, 1000589, 1000574, 1000601, 1000403, 1000376, 1000223, 1000548, 1000209, 1000516,
			  1000620, 1000202, 1000582, 1000437, 1000413, 1000224, 46747]

	# "Jute Scrap","Bolt of Jute","Copper Ore","Copper Ingot","Bronze Ingot","Rawhide Leather Section","Stretched Rawhide Leather Square","Green Wood Log","Green Wood Plank","Wool Scrap","Bolt of Wool","Iron Ore","Silver Ore","Iron Ingot","Silver Ingot","Thin Leather Section","Cured Thin Leather Square","Soft Wood Log","Soft Wood Plank","Cotton Scrap","Bolt of Cotton","Spool of Cotton Thread","Iron Ore","Gold Ore","Gold Ingot","Steel Ingot","Coarse Leather Section","Cured Coarse Leather Square","Seasoned Wood Log","Seasoned Wood Plank","Linen Scrap","Bolt of Linen","Platinum Ore","Platinum Ingot","Darksteel Ingot","Rugged Leather Section","Cured Rugged Leather Square","Hard Wood Log","Hard Wood Plank","Silk Scrap","Bolt of Silk","Mithril Ore","Mithril Ingot","Thick Leather Section","Cured Thick Leather Square","Elder Wood Log","Elder Wood Plank", Orichalcum Ore, Ancient Wood Log
	basic = [19718, 19720, 19697, 19680, 19679, 19719, 19738, 19723, 19710, 19739, 19740, 19699, 19703, 19683, 19687,
			 19728, 19733, 19726, 19713, 19741, 19742, 19794, 19699, 19698, 19682, 19688, 19730, 19734, 19727, 19714,
			 19743, 19744, 19702, 19686, 19681, 19731, 19736, 19724, 19711, 19748, 19747, 19700, 19684, 19729, 19735,
			 19722, 19709, 19701, 19725, 19685, 19712, 19732, 19737, 19745, 19746]

	# Fine Materials
	basic_f = range(24272,24301) + [37897,24363] + range(24341,24359)

	# Rare Materials and Ectoplasm
	basic_r = range(24301,24341) + [19721]

	# Gems
	basic_g = range(24500,24536) + [37907,24889] + range(24464,24476) + range(24870,24877)

	# "Tiny Snowflake","Delicate Snowflake","Glittering Snowflake","Unique Snowflake","Pristine Snowflake","Piece of Candy Corn","Chattering Skull","Nougat Center","Plastic Fang"
	basic_h = range(38130,38136) + [36041,36060,36061,36059]

	# "Artichoke","Asparagus Spear","Basil Leaf","Bay Leaf","Beet","Black Peppercorn","Blackberry","Blueberry","Butternut Squash","Carrot","Cayenne Pepper","Chili Pepper","Chocolate Bar","Cinnamon Stick","Clam","Clove","Coriander Seed","Dill Sprig","Egg","Head of Cabbage","Head of Cauliflower","Head of Garlic","Head of Lettuce","Kale Leaf","Leek","Mint Leaf","Mushroom","Onion","Orange","Oregano Leaf","Parsley Leaf","Parsnip","Passion Fruit","Piece of Candy Corn","Portobello Mushroom","Potato","Raspberry","Rosemary Sprig","Rutabaga","Sage Leaf","Sesame Seed","Slab of Poultry Meat","Slab of Red Meat","Snow Truffle","Spinach Leaf","Stick of Butter","Strawberry","Sugar Pumpkin","Tarragon Leaves","Thyme Leaf","Turnip","Vanilla Bean","Walnut","Yam","Zucchini","Green Onion", Omnomberry, Lotus Root
	basic_fo = [12512,  12505,  12245,  12247,  12161,  12236,  12537,  12255,  12511,  12134,  12504,  12331,  12229,  12258,  12327,  12534,  12531,  12336,  12143,  12332,  12532,  12163,  12238,  12333,  12508,  12536,  12147,  12142,  12351,  12244,  12246,  12507,  36731,  36041,  12334,  12135,  12254,  12335,  12535,  12243,  12342,  24360,  24359,  12144,  12241,  12138,  12253,  12538,  12506,  12248,  12162,  12234,  12250,  12329,  12330,  12533,  12128, 12510]

	b_karma_w = defaultdict(int)
	b_karma_c = defaultdict(int)
	b_vendor = defaultdict(int)
	b_common = defaultdict(int)
	b_fine = defaultdict(int)
	b_rare = defaultdict(int)
	b_gem = defaultdict(int)
	b_holiday = defaultdict(int)
	b_food = defaultdict(int)
	b_mix = defaultdict(int)

	for item in buy:
			if item in karma_chef:
				b_karma_c[item] = buy[item]
			elif item in karma_items:
				if localText.path == "":
					Globals.karmin[item] = buy[item] # used by cooking to make a top 5 list
				b_karma_w[item] = buy[item]
			elif item in vendor:
				b_vendor[item] = buy[item]
			elif item in basic:
				b_common[item] = buy[item]
			elif item in basic_f:
				b_fine[item] = buy[item]
			elif item in basic_r:
				b_rare[item] = buy[item]
			elif item in basic_g:
				b_gem[item] = buy[item]
			elif item in basic_h:
				b_holiday[item] = buy[item]
			elif item in basic_fo:
				b_food[item] = buy[item]
				b_mix[item] = buy[item]
	karma_str = u"<div class=\"s{0}\"><input type=\"checkbox\" /><span class=\"itemIcon\" style=\"background-image: url({1});\"></span><input type=\"number\" onkeypress=\"return event.charCode >= 48\" oninput=\"updateNeed(this, {2}, '{9}bv');\" id=\"{9}ih\" placeholder='0' min=\"0\" /><input type=\"number\" id=\"{9}bv\" value='{2}' raw_copper='0' readonly data-need = \"more\" min=\"0\" /> <button title=\""+localText.toggle+u"\" class=\"{3} arrow\" id=\"{4}\">{5}</button><div class=\"lsbutton\" id=\"1{6}\">{7} <span class=\"karmaIcon\"></span> "+localText.valuePer+u" 25 <br /> {8}</div></div>\n"
	collectable_str = u"<div class=\"s{0}\"><input type=\"checkbox\" /><span class=\"itemIcon\" style=\"background-image: url({1});\"></span><input type=\"number\" onkeypress=\"return event.charCode >= 48\" oninput=\"updateNeed(this, {2}, '{6}bv');\" id=\"{6}ih\" placeholder='0' min=\"0\" /><input type=\"number\" id=\"{6}bv\" value='{2}' raw_copper='{7}' class='vTotal' readonly data-need = \"more\" min=\"0\" /> <span class=\"{3}\">{4}</span> ({5} "+localText.valuePer+u")</div>\n"

	title = ""
	# Page Title Part 1
	if u"fast" in filename:
		title += localText.fGuides
	elif u"all" in filename:
		title += localText.tGuides
	else: # normal
		title += localText.nGuides
	# Page Title Part 2
	if filename in [u"cooking_fast.html",u"cooking.html"]:
		title += u': '' - '+localText.nHearts
	elif filename in [u"cooking_karma_fast.html",u"cooking_karma.html"]:
		title += u': '' - '+localText.aHearts
	elif filename in [u"cooking_karma_fast_light.html",u"cooking_karma_light.html"]:
		title += u': '' - '+localText.tHearts
	elif filename in [u"leatherworking_fast.html", u"leatherworking.html", u"leatherworking_400.html"]:
		title += u': '+localText.lw
	elif filename in [u"tailor_fast.html", u"tailor.html", u"tailor_400.html"]:
		title += u': '+localText.tailor
	elif filename in [u"artificing_fast.html", u"artificing.html", u"artificing_400.html", u"artificing_450.html"]:
		title += u': '
	elif filename in [u"jewelcraft_fast.html", u"jewelcraft.html", u"jewelcraft_400.html"]:
		title += u': '+localText.jc
	elif filename in [u"weaponcraft_fast.html", u"weaponcraft.html", u"weaponcraft_400.html", u"weaponcraft_450.html"]:
		title += u': '+localText.wc
	elif filename in [u"huntsman_fast.html", u"huntsman.html", u"huntsman_400.html", u"huntsman_450.html"]:
		title += u': '+localText.hunt
	elif filename in [u"armorcraft_fast.html", u"armorcraft.html", u"armorcraft_400.html"]:
		title += u': '

	t = 0 # used to control div background color
	kt = 0 # karma total
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	# Title Part 1
	page.append(u'	<title>'+title+u' - Guild War 2 Crafting Guide</title>\n')
	page.append(u'	<meta name="description" content="Guild Wars 2 always current crafting guide for '+filename.split('.')[0].replace("_"," ").title()+u'">\n')
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	page.append(u'<span class=\"warning\"></span><span style="position: relative; top: 4px;"><span style="color: red">%s</span>	%s: %s</span>\n'%(localText.warning1,localText.warning2,mytime))
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		page.append(u'<button title=\"{}\" class =\"arrow\" id=\"scribehint\">{}</button><div class=\"lsbutton\" id=\"1scribehint\">\n'.format(localText.toggle, localText.scribetease))
		page.append(u'{}</div><br /></div><br />\n'.format(localText.scribeinfo))

#	page.append(u"<div class=\"s{}\">{}: <button class=\"arrow {}\" title=\"{}\" id=\"{}{}\">{}</button> {}\n</div>\n".format(
#		t,, cList[item][u'rarity'], localText.toggle, item, tier, cListName[item], tstr))
	page.append(u"<strong>%s</strong><br />\n"%(localText.region))
#	# adword
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	# Page Title Part 1
	page.append(u'	<dt>%s</dt>\n'%localText.iCost)
	page.append(u'	<dd>'+mFormat(tcost)+u'</dd>\n')
	page.append(u'	<dt>%s</dt>\n'%localText.eRecovery)
	page.append(u'	<dd><span style="position: relative; left: -9px;">- '+mFormat(treco)+u'</span></dd>\n')
	page.append(u'	<dt>%s</dt>\n'%localText.fCost)
	page.append(u'	<dd style="border-top: 1px #666 solid;">'+mFormat(tcost-treco)+u'</dd>\n')
	page.append(u'<div class="clear"></div>')

	remaining = u'<dl>\n	<dt>{}</dt>\n	<dd><span class="mygold">{}</span><span class=\"goldIcon\"></span><span class="mysilver">{}</span><span class=\"silverIcon\"></span><span class="mycopper">{}</span><span class=\"copperIcon\"></span></dd>\n</dl><div class="clear"></div>'.format(localText.remCost,tcost//10000,(tcost//100)%100,tcost%100)

	page.append(u'<br /><button title=\"%s\" class=\"arrow\" id=\"tcost\">%s:</button><div class=\"lsbutton\" id=\"1tcost\">'%(localText.toggle,localText.sList))
	for line in sorted(sell):
		if cList[line][u'w'] > 0:
			t = (t + 1) % 2
			page.append(u'<div class=\"s%i\">%3i <span class=\"%s\">%s</span> - %s %s</div>\n'%(t,sell[line],cList[line][u'rarity'],cListName[line],(localText.soldVia%mFormat(cList[line][u'w'])),localText.method[cList[line][u'sellMethod']]))

	page.append(u"</div><script type=\"text/javascript\">$('#1tcost').hide();</script><br />")
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	page.append(u'<br /><br /><input type="text" id="api_key" name="api key" placeholder="Enter API key here" style=\'text-align: center;\'><br />')
	page.append(u'<button type="button" onclick="updateBank(document.getElementById(\'api_key\').value.trim());" style=\'text-align: center;\'>Get Bank Content</button>\n')
	page.append(u'<br /> The API key you enter needs \'inventories\' permission to work.  <a href="">You can generate a key here</a>. <br /><br />')
	page.append(u'Clicking the button will update the quantities of all items in your bank and material storage that are used in this guide.')
	page.append(u"<br /><br /><div class=\"s1\"><input type=\"checkbox\" /><span class=\"itemIcon\" style=\"background-image: url(/apple-touch-icon-144x144-precomposed.png);\"></span><input type=\"text\" value='Have' readonly style=\"width: 4em;\" /><input type=\"text\" value='Need' readonly style=\"width: 4em;\" /> Name of an item and its per unit cost.</div>\n")

	if b_vendor or b_karma_c or b_karma_w:
		if b_karma_c or b_karma_w:
			page.append(u"<span class=\"karmaIcon\"></span>{}<br /><br />\n".format(localText.kNote))

		for item in sorted(b_karma_w):
			t = (t + 1) % 2
			page.append(karma_str.format(t, cList[item][u'icon'], buy[item], cList[item][u'rarity'], item, cListName[item], item, karma_items[item][u'cost'], karma_items[item][u'note'], item))
			kt += int(math.ceil(buy[item]/25.0)*karma_items[item][u'cost'])

		for item in sorted(b_karma_c):
			t = (t + 1) % 2
			page.append(karma_str.format(t, cList[item][u'icon'], buy[item], cList[item][u'rarity'], item, cListName[item], item, karma_chef[item][u'cost'], karma_chef[item][u'note'], item))
			kt += int(math.ceil(buy[item]/25.0)*karma_chef[item][u'cost'])

		for item in sorted(b_vendor):
			t = (t + 1) % 2
			page.append(u"<div class=\"s{0}\"><input type=\"checkbox\" /><span class=\"itemIcon\" style=\"background-image: url({1});\"></span><input type=\"number\" onkeypress=\"return event.charCode >= 48\" oninput=\"updateNeed(this, {2}, '{8}bv');\" id=\"{8}ih\" placeholder='0' min=\"0\" /><input type=\"number\" id=\"{8}bv\" value='{2}' raw_copper='{9}' class='vTotal' readonly data-need = \"more\" min=\"0\" /> <span class=\"{3}\">{4}</span> ({5} {6} from {7})</div>\n".format(t, cList[item][u'icon'], buy[item], cList[item][u'rarity'], cListName[item], mFormat(cList[item][u'cost']), localText.valuePer, localText.method[0], item, cList[item][u'cost']))

	page.append(u'<!-- Ezoic - first_paragraph - under_first_paragraph -->\n<div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-107"></div>\n<!-- End Ezoic - first_paragraph - under_first_paragraph -->')
	if recipebuy:
		for item in recipebuy:
			t = (t + 1) % 2
			if karma_recipe[item][u'cost']:
				page.append((u"<div class=\"s%d\"><input type=\"checkbox\" /><span class=\"itemIcon\" style=\"background-image: url(%s);\"></span><button title=\""+localText.toggle+u"\" class=\"arrow %s\" id=\"%d\">%s</button><div class=\"lsbutton\" id=\"1%d\">%i <span class=\"karmaIcon\"></span>, %s</div></div>\n")%(t,cList[item][u'icon'],cList[item][u'rarity'],item,cListName[item],item,karma_recipe[item][u'cost'],karma_recipe[item][u'note']))
				if item in rsps:
					page.append((u"<div class=\"s%d\"><input type=\"checkbox\" /><span class=\"itemIcon\" style=\"background-image: url(%s);\"></span><button title=\""+localText.toggle+u"\" class=\"arrow %s\" id=\"%d\">%s</button><div class=\"lsbutton\" id=\"1%d\">%s</div></div>\n")%(t,cList[item]['icon'],cList[item][u'rarity'],item,cListName[rsps[item]],item,karma_recipe[item][u'note']))
					page.append((u"<div class=\"s%d\"><input type=\"checkbox\" /><span class=\"itemIcon\" style=\"background-image: url(%s);\"></span><button title=\""+localText.toggle+u"\" class=\"arrow %s\" id=\"%d\">%s</button><div class=\"lsbutton\" id=\"1%d\">%s</div></div>\n")%(t,cList[item]['icon'],cList[item][u'rarity'],item,cListName[item],item,karma_recipe[item][u'note']))
			kt += int(karma_recipe[item][u'cost'])
	if kt:
		page.append(u'<br />\nTotal <span class=\"karmaIcon\"></span>: '+str(kt)+u'<br />\n')
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		for item in sorted(b_common):
			t = (t + 1) % 2
			page.append(collectable_str.format(t, cList[item][u'icon'], buy[item], cList[item][u'rarity'], cListName[item], mFormat(cList[item][u'cost']), item, cList[item][u'cost']))
		for item in sorted(b_fine):
			t = (t + 1) % 2
			page.append(collectable_str.format(t, cList[item][u'icon'], buy[item], cList[item][u'rarity'], cListName[item], mFormat(cList[item][u'cost']), item, cList[item][u'cost']))
		for item in sorted(b_rare):
			t = (t + 1) % 2
			page.append(collectable_str.format(t, cList[item][u'icon'], buy[item], cList[item][u'rarity'], cListName[item], mFormat(cList[item][u'cost']), item, cList[item][u'cost']))
		for item in sorted(b_gem):
			t = (t + 1) % 2
			page.append(collectable_str.format(t, cList[item][u'icon'], buy[item], cList[item][u'rarity'], cListName[item], mFormat(cList[item][u'cost']), item, cList[item][u'cost']))
		for item in sorted(b_holiday):
			t = (t + 1) % 2
			page.append(collectable_str.format(t, cList[item][u'icon'], buy[item], cList[item][u'rarity'], cListName[item], mFormat(cList[item][u'cost']), item, cList[item][u'cost']))
		for item in sorted(b_food):
			t = (t + 1) % 2
			page.append(collectable_str.format(t, cList[item][u'icon'], buy[item], cList[item][u'rarity'], cListName[item], mFormat(cList[item][u'cost']), item, cList[item][u'cost']))
	page.append(u'<!-- Ezoic - second_paragraph - under_second_paragraph -->\n<div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-108"></div>\n<!-- End Ezoic - second_paragraph - under_second_paragraph -->')
	if b_mix:
		for item in sorted(b_mix):
			t = (t + 1) % 2
			page.append(collectable_str.format(t, cList[item][u'icon'], buy[item], cList[item][u'rarity'], cListName[item], mFormat(cList[item][u'cost']), item, cList[item][u'cost']))
	page.append(u'<!-- Ezoic - mid_content - mid_content -->\n<div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-109"></div>\n<!-- End Ezoic - mid_content - mid_content -->')

	page.append(u"<br />\n<br />\n<h2>%s</h2>\n"%localText.make)
	# adword adaptive
	page.append(u'<br /><div style="width: 100%;display:block;">\n')
	page.append(u'<!-- Ezoic - first banner - mid_content -->\n<div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-104"></div>\n<!-- End Ezoic - first banner - mid_content -->\n')

	page.append(u"<button title=\""+localText.toggle+u"\" class =\"info\" id=\"show_all\">%s</button><br />"%localText.expand)
	page.append(u"<button title=\""+localText.toggle+u"\" class =\"info\" id=\"hide_all\">%s</button>"%localText.collapse)
	rt = 0
	for tier in mTiers:

		if tier in [75, 425]:  # long content
			page.append(u'<!-- Ezoic - long_1 - long_content -->\n<div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-110"></div>\n<!-- End Ezoic - long_1 - long_content -->')
		elif tier in [100]:  # long content
			page.append(u'<!-- Ezoic - long_2 - long_content -->\n<div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-111"></div>\n<!-- End Ezoic - long_2 - long_content -->')
		elif tier in [150, 450]:  # longer
			page.append(u'<!-- Ezoic - longer_1 - longer_content -->\n<div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-112"></div>\n<!-- End Ezoic - longer_1 - longer_content -->')
		elif tier in [175]:  # longer
			page.append(u'<!-- Ezoic - longer_2 - longer_content -->\n<div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-113"></div>\n<!-- End Ezoic - longer_2 - longer_content -->')
		elif tier in [225, 475]:  # longest
			page.append(u'<!-- Ezoic - longest_1 - longest_content -->\n<div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-114"></div>\n<!-- End Ezoic - longest_1 - longest_content -->')
		elif tier in [250]:  # longest
			page.append(u'<!-- Ezoic - longest_2 - longest_content -->\n<div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-115"></div>\n<!-- End Ezoic - longest_2 - longest_content -->')
		elif tier in [300]:  # bottom
			page.append(u'<!-- Ezoic - bottom_1 - bottom_of_page -->\n<div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-116"></div>\n<!-- End Ezoic - bottom_1 - bottom_of_page -->')
		elif tier in [325]:  # bottom
			page.append(u'<!-- Ezoic - bottom_2 - bottom_of_page -->\n<div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-117"></div>\n<!-- End Ezoic - bottom_2 - bottom_of_page -->')

		if tier == 400:
			precraft = sorted([i for i in make if make[i] and i < 400])
			if precraft:
				page.append((u"<br />\n<h3>%s:<400</h3>\n")%(localText.level))
				for lvl in precraft:
					for item in make[lvl]:
						t = (t + 1) % 2
						page.append(u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\">"+localText.make+u":%3i <span class=\"%s\">%s</span></div>\n"%(make[lvl][item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item]))

		if tierbuy and tier in [0,75,150,225,300]:
			tt = 0
			tc = tier+75
			if tier == 300:
				tc += 25
			page.append((u"<br /><br /><h4>%s:<button title=\""+localText.toggle+u"\" class =\"info\" id=\""+str(tier)+u"tier\">%s</button></h4>\n<div class=\"lsbutton\" id=\"1"+str(tier)+u"tier\">")%((localText.tier%(tier/75+1,tier,tc)),localText.buyList%(tier/75+1)))
			for item in sorted(tierbuy[tier]):
				t = (t + 1) % 2
				page.append((u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\"><input type=\"checkbox\" /><span class=\"itemIcon\" style=\"background-image: url("+cList[item][u'icon']+u");\"></span><span class=\"quantity\">%i</span> <span class=\"%s\">%s</span> (%4s "+localText.valuePer+u")</div>\n")%(tierbuy[tier][item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item],mFormat(cList[item][u'cost'])))
				tt += tierbuy[tier][item]*cList[item][u'cost']
			rt += tt
			totals[filename.split('.')[0]][tier] = tt
		page.append((u"<br />\n<h3>%s:%3i</h3>\n")%(localText.level,tier))
		if pmake[tier]:
			for item in sorted(pmake[tier]):
				t = (t + 1) % 2
				page.append(u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\"><input type=\"checkbox\" />"+localText.make+u":%3i <span class=\"%s\">%s</span> (From %i tier) </div>\n"%(pmake[tier][item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item],tier-25))
		for item in sorted(make[tier], key=make[tier].get, reverse=True):
			if cList[item][u'type'] == u'Refinement':
				t = (t + 1) % 2
				if item == 19679: # Bronze Ingot
					page.append((u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\"><input type=\"checkbox\" />"+localText.make+u":%3i <span class=\"%s\">%s</span> (%s)</div>\n")%(make[tier][item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item],localText.bNote))
					page.append(u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\"><input type=\"checkbox\" />"+localText.make+u":%3i <span class=\"%s\">%s</span></div>\n"%(make[tier][item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item]))
		for item in sorted(make[tier], key=make[tier].get, reverse=True):
			if cList[item][u'type'] in non_item and not cList[item][u'type'] == u'Refinement':
				t = (t + 1) % 2
				if item in [13063,  13189,  13207,  13219,  13045,  13022,  13075,  13177,  13096,  13033, 13201, 13231]: # Sole
					page.append((u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\"><input type=\"checkbox\" />"+localText.make+u":%3i <span class=\"%s\">%s</span> (%s)</div>\n")%(make[tier][item]/2,cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item],localText.sNote))
					page.append(u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\"><input type=\"checkbox\" />"+localText.make+u":%3i <span class=\"%s\">%s</span></div>\n"%(make[tier][item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item]))

		index = 0
		if tier == 425:
			for item in sorted(make[tier]):
					index = cList[item][u'tier'].index(400)
					index = 0
				if cList[item][u'discover'][index] == 1 and not cList[item][u'rarity'] == u'Exotic':
					cList[item][u'discover'][index] = 0
					if make[tier][item] > 1:
						make[tier][item] -= 1
					t = (t + 1) % 2
					tstr = u"<div class=\"sbutton\" id=\"1"+str(item)+str(tier)+u"\">"
					for s in cList[item][u'recipe'][index]:
						tstr += u"\n<br />\t<span class=\"itemIcon\" style=\"background-image: url("+cList[s][u'icon']+u");\"></span> <span class=\""+cList[s][u'rarity']+u'\">'+cListName[s]+u"</span> ("+str(cList[item][u'recipe'][index][s])+u")"
					tstr += u"</div><br />"
					page.append(u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\"><input type=\"checkbox\" />"": <button class=\"arrow "+cList[item][u'rarity']+u'\" title=\"'+localText.toggle+u'\" id=\"'+str(item)+str(tier)+u'\">'+cListName[item]+u"</button> "+tstr+u"\n</div>\n")
			for item in sorted(make[tier]):
				if not cList[item][u'type'] in non_item and not cList[item][u'rarity'] == u'Exotic':
					t = (t + 1) % 2
					page.append(u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\"><input type=\"checkbox\" />"+localText.make+u":%3i <span class=\"%s\">%s</span></div>\n"%(make[tier][item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item]))
			for item in sorted(make[tier]):
					index = cList[item][u'tier'].index(400)
					index = 0
				if cList[item][u'discover'][index] == 1 and cList[item][u'rarity'] == u'Exotic':
					cList[item][u'discover'][index] = 0
					if make[tier][item] > 1:
						make[tier][item] -= 1
					t = (t + 1) % 2
					tstr = u"<div class=\"sbutton\" id=\"1"+str(item)+str(tier)+u"\">"
					if craftexo:
						inde = 400
						inde = tier
					for s in cList[item][u'recipe'][index]:
						tstr += u"\n<br />\t<span class=\"itemIcon\" style=\"background-image: url("+cList[s][u'icon']+u");\"></span> <span class=\""+cList[s][u'rarity']+u'\">'+cListName[s]+u"</span> ("+str(cList[item][u'recipe'][index][s])+u")"
					tstr += u"</div><br />"
					page.append(u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\"><input type=\"checkbox\" />"": <button class=\"arrow "+cList[item][u'rarity']+u'\" title=\"'+localText.toggle+u'\" id=\"'+str(item)+str(tier)+u'\">'+cListName[item]+u"</button> "+tstr+u"\n</div>\n")
			for item in sorted(make[tier]):
				if not cList[item][u'type'] in non_item and cList[item][u'rarity'] == u'Exotic':
					t = (t + 1) % 2
					page.append(u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\"><input type=\"checkbox\" />"+localText.make+u":%3i <span class=\"%s\">%s</span></div>\n"%(make[tier][item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item]))
			for item in sorted(make[tier]):
				if craftexo:
						index = cList[item][u'tier'].index(400)
						index = 0
					index = cList[item][u'tier'].index(tier)
				if cList[item][u'discover'][index] == 1:
					cList[item][u'discover'][index] = 0
					if make[tier][item] > 1:
						make[tier][item] -= 1
					t = (t + 1) % 2
					tstr = u"<div class=\"sbutton\" id=\"1"+str(item)+str(tier)+u"\">"
					for s in cList[item][u'recipe'][index]:
						tstr += u"\n<br />\t<span class=\"itemIcon\" style=\"background-image: url("+cList[s][u'icon']+u");\"></span> <span class=\""+cList[s][u'rarity']+u'\">'+cListName[s]+u"</span> ("+str(cList[item][u'recipe'][index][s])+u")"
					tstr += u"</div><br />"
					page.append(u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\"><input type=\"checkbox\" />"": <button class=\"arrow "+cList[item][u'rarity']+u'\" title=\"'+localText.toggle+u'\" id=\"'+str(item)+str(tier)+u'\">'+cListName[item]+u"</button> "+tstr+u"\n</div>\n")
			for item in sorted(make[tier]):
				if not cList[item][u'type'] in non_item:
					t = (t + 1) % 2
					page.append(u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\"><input type=\"checkbox\" />"+localText.make+u":%3i <span class=\"%s\">%s</span></div>\n"%(make[tier][item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item]))
	page.append(u'<br />\n<h3>%s:%i</h3>\n'%(localText.level,tier+25))
	t = (t + 1) % 2
	page.append(u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\">%s</div>\n"%localText.finish)
	# adword adaptive
	page.append(u'<br /><div style="width: 100%;display:block;">\n')
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	page.append(u'%s\n<script type="text/javascript">\n'%localText.cright)
	for item in buttonList:
		page.append(u"$(\"#"+str(item)+u"\").click(function () {\n\t$(\"#1"+str(item)+u"\").toggle();});\n")
	page.append(u"$(\"#show_all\").click(function () {$(\".sbutton\").show();")
	page.append(u"});\n$(\"#hide_all\").click(function () {$(\".sbutton\").hide();")

	return totals
Beispiel #13
def nav(localText):
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    page += localText.header % ('nav.html', 'nav.html', 'nav.html', 'nav.html',
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    page += u"%s<br />\n" % (
    page += u"<ul>\n"
    page += u"<li><a href=\"cooking.html\">%s</a><br /></li>\n" % (
    page += u"<li><a href=\"cooking_karma_light.html\">%s</a><br /></li>\n" % (
    page += u"<li><a href=\"cooking_karma.html\">%s</a><br /></li>\n" % (
    page += u"</ul>\n"
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    page += u"<a href=\"huntsman.html\">%s</a><br />\n" % (localText.hunt)
    page += u"<a href=\"weaponcraft.html\">%s</a><br />\n" % (localText.wc)
    page += u"<a href=\"armorcraft.html\">%s</a><br />\n" % (
    page += u"<a href=\"leatherworking.html\">%s</a><br />\n" % (localText.lw)
    page += u"<a href=\"tailor.html\">%s</a><br />\n" % (localText.tailor)
    page += u"<a href=\"scribe.html\">%s</a><br />\n" % (localText.scribe)
    page += u"<h3>%s</h3>\n" % (localText.fGuides)
    page += u"%s<br />\n" % (
    page += u"<ul>\n"
    page += u"<li><a href=\"cooking_fast.html\">%s</a><br /></li>\n" % (
    page += u"<li><a href=\"cooking_karma_fast_light.html\">%s</a><br /></li>\n" % (
    page += u"<li><a href=\"cooking_karma_fast.html\">%s</a><br /></li>\n" % (
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    page += u"<a href=\"huntsman_fast.html\">%s</a><br />\n" % (localText.hunt)
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    output.write_file(localText.path, u'nav.html', page)
Beispiel #14
def index(localText):
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    page += u"<li>%s</li>\n" % (localText.t3)
    page += u"<li>%s</li>\n" % (localText.t4)
    page += u"</ul><br />\n"
    page += u"<strong>%s:</strong> %s\n" % (localText.nGuides, localText.nge)
    page += u"<br /><br />\n"
    page += u"<strong>%s:</strong> %s\n" % (localText.fGuides, localText.fge)
    page += u"<br /><br />\n"
    page += u"%s\n" % (localText.wit)
    page += u"<br /><br />\n"
    page += u"%s\n" % (localText.nWarn)
    page += u"<br /><br />\n"
    page += u"%s\n" % (localText.rCost)
    #	page += u"<br /><hr>\n"
    #	page += u"%s\n<br />"%(localText.thanks2)
    # adword adaptive
    page += u'<br /><hr><br /><div style="width: 100%;display:block;">\n \

    page += u"</section>\n"
    page += localText.cright
    page += u"</body>\n"
    page += u"</html>\n"

    output.write_file(localText.path, u'index.html', page)
def write_cmakefile(module_name, cmake_packages, csrcs, cppsrcs, local_headers,
                    include_dirs, library_dirs, libraries, swig_include_dirs,
                    swigargs, cppargs, lddargs):

    find_package_template = """
# Configuration for package %(package)s

    cmake_form = dict(module_name=module_name)

    cmake_form["extra_libraries"] = ";".join(libraries)
    cmake_form["extra_include_dirs"] = ";".join(include_dirs)
    cmake_form["extra_swig_include_dirs"] = " -I".join([" "] +

    cmake_form["extra_swigargs"] = " ".join(swigargs)

    cmake_form["find_packages"] = "\n\n".join(find_package_template % \
                                              for package in cmake_packages)
    cmake_form["packages_definitions"] = "\n".join(
        "${%s_CXX_DEFINITIONS}" % package.upper()
        for package in cmake_packages)

    cmake_form["packages_definitions"] += "\n" + "\n".join(
        "${%s_PYTHON_DEFINITIONS}" % package.upper()
        for package in cmake_packages)

    cmake_form["package_include_dirs"] = "\n".join(\
        "include_directories(${%s_PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${${NAME}_SOURCE_DIR})" %
        package.upper() for package in cmake_packages)

    cmake_form["package_flags"] = "\n".join(\
        """set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS \"${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${%(package)s_LINK_FLAGS}\")
""" %
        dict(package=package.upper()) for package in cmake_packages)

    cmake_form["package_swig_link_libraries"] = "\n".join(\
  swig_link_libraries(${SWIG_MODULE_NAME} ${%(package)s_LIBRARIES} ${%(package)s_3RD_PARTY_LIBRARIES} ${%(package)s_PYTHON_LIBRARIES} ${EXTRA_SOURCE_LIB} ${ADDITIONAL_LIBS})
endif()""" %
        dict(package=package.upper()) for package in cmake_packages)

    cmake_form["package_python_definitions"] = "\n".join(\
        """if (DEFINED %(package)s_PYTHON_DEFINITIONS)
endif()""" %
        dict(package=package.upper()) for package in cmake_packages)

    if len(cppsrcs) > 0:
        cmake_form["extra_sources_files"] = "set(SOURCE_FILES %s) " % " ".join(
        cmake_form["extra_sources_files"] = "set(SOURCE_FILES)"

    if cppargs:
        cmake_form["cppargs"] = "set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS \"${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} %s\")" % \
                                (" ".join(cppargs))
        cmake_form["cppargs"] = ""

    if lddargs:
        cmake_form["lddargs"] = "set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS \""\
                                "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} %s\")" % (" ".join(lddargs))
        cmake_form["lddargs"] = ""

    cmake_template = """
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6.0)

set (NAME %(module_name)s)




find_package(SWIG REQUIRED)

  -module ${SWIG_MODULE_NAME}



set_source_files_properties(${SWIG_SOURCES} PROPERTIES CPLUSPLUS ON)

set(EXTRA_INCLUDE_DIRS \"%(extra_include_dirs)s\")




swig_add_module(${SWIG_MODULE_NAME} python ${SWIG_SOURCES})

set(EXTRA_LIBRARIES %(extra_libraries)s)
  set(EXTRA_LIBRARIES \"source_file_lib ${EXTRA_LIBRARIES}\")



""" % cmake_form

    filename = "CMakeLists.txt"
    write_file(filename, cmake_template)
Beispiel #16
def nav(localText):
	page = u"<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
	page += u"<html>\n"
	page += u"<head>\n"
	page += u"	<title>Nav Page</title>\n"
	page += u"	<meta name=\"description\" content=\"ACCG nav page\">\n"
	page += u"	<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=UTF-8\">\n"
	page += u"	<link href=\"/css/layout.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />\n"
	page += u"	<link rel=\"icon\" type=\"image/png\" href=\"/fi.gif\">\n"
	page += u"	<script src=\"//\"></script>\n"
	page += u"	<script src=\"/js/menu.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n"
	page += u"</head>\n"
	page += u"<body>\n"
	page += u"""<script> 
  (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

  ga('create', 'UA-38972433-1', 'auto');
  ga('send', 'pageview');

	page += localText.header%('nav.html','nav.html','nav.html','nav.html','nav.html')
	page += u"<section class=\"main\">\n"
	page += u"%s\n"%(localText.navNotice)
	page += u"<br /><br />\n"
	page += u"<a href=\"/\">%s</a><br />\n"%(localText.home)
	page += u"<a href=\"total.html\">%s</a><br />\n"%(localText.totals)
	page += u"<a href=\"faq.html\">%s</a>\n"%(localText.about)
	page += u"<h3>%s</h3>\n"%(localText.nGuides)
	page += u"%s<br />\n"%(
	page += u"<ul>\n"
	page += u"<li><a href=\"cooking.html\">%s</a><br /></li>\n"%(localText.nHearts)
	page += u"<li><a href=\"cooking_karma_light.html\">%s</a><br /></li>\n"%(localText.tHearts)
	page += u"<li><a href=\"cooking_karma.html\">%s</a><br /></li>\n"%(localText.aHearts)
	page += u"</ul>\n"
	page += u"<a href=\"jewelcraft.html\">%s</a><br />\n"%(localText.jc)
	page += u"<a href=\"artificing.html\">%s</a><br />\n"%(
	page += u"<a href=\"huntsman.html\">%s</a><br />\n"%(localText.hunt)
	page += u"<a href=\"weaponcraft.html\">%s</a><br />\n"%(localText.wc)
	page += u"<a href=\"armorcraft.html\">%s</a><br />\n"%(
	page += u"<a href=\"leatherworking.html\">%s</a><br />\n"%(localText.lw)
	page += u"<a href=\"tailor.html\">%s</a><br />\n"%(localText.tailor)
	page += u"<h3>%s</h3>\n"%(localText.fGuides)
	page += u"%s<br />\n"%(
	page += u"<ul>\n"
	page += u"<li><a href=\"cooking_fast.html\">%s</a><br /></li>\n"%(localText.nHearts)
	page += u"<li><a href=\"cooking_karma_fast_light.html\">%s</a><br /></li>\n"%(localText.tHearts)
	page += u"<li><a href=\"cooking_karma_fast.html\">%s</a><br /></li>\n"%(localText.aHearts)
	page += u"</ul>\n"
	page += u"<a href=\"jewelcraft_fast.html\">%s</a><br />\n"%(localText.jc)
	page += u"<a href=\"artificing_fast.html\">%s</a><br />\n"%(
	page += u"<a href=\"huntsman_fast.html\">%s</a><br />\n"%(localText.hunt)
	page += u"<a href=\"weaponcraft_fast.html\">%s</a><br />\n"%(localText.wc)
	page += u"<a href=\"armorcraft_fast.html\">%s</a><br />\n"%(
	page += u"<a href=\"leatherworking_fast.html\">%s</a><br />\n"%(localText.lw)
	page += u"<a href=\"tailor_fast.html\">%s</a>\n"%(localText.tailor)
	page += u"<h3>400+</h3>\n"
	page += u"%s<br />\n"%(
	page += u"<ul>\n"
	page += u"<li><a href=\"artificing_450.html\">450</a><br /></li>\n"
	page += u"<li><a href=\"artificing_400.html\">500</a><br /></li>\n"
	page += u"</ul>\n"
	page += u"%s<br />\n"%(localText.hunt)
	page += u"<ul>\n"
	page += u"<li><a href=\"huntsman_450.html\">450</a><br /></li>\n"
	page += u"<li><a href=\"huntsman_400.html\">500</a><br /></li>\n"
	page += u"</ul>\n"
	page += u"%s<br />\n"%(localText.wc)
	page += u"<ul>\n"
	page += u"<li><a href=\"weaponcraft_450.html\">450</a><br /></li>\n"
	page += u"<li><a href=\"weaponcraft_400.html\">500</a><br /></li>\n"
	page += u"</ul>\n"
	page += u"<h3>%s:%s</h3>\n"%(localText.navLang,localText.lang)
	page += u"<a href=\"/nav.html\" hreflang=\"en\">English</a><br />\n"
	page += u"<a href=\"/fr/nav.html\" hreflang=\"fr\">Français</a><br />\n"
	page += u"<a href=\"/cz/nav.html\" hreflang=\"cz\">Čeština</a><br />\n"
	page += u"<a href=\"/de/nav.html\" hreflang=\"de\">Deutsch</a><br />\n"
	page += u"<a href=\"/es/nav.html\" hreflang=\"es\">Español</a><br />\n"
	page += u"</section>\n"
	page += localText.cright
	page += u"</body>\n"
	page += u"</html>\n"

def write_interfacefile(filename, modulename, code, init_code,
                        additional_definitions, additional_declarations,
                        system_headers, local_headers, wrap_headers, arrays):
    """Generate a SWIG interface file. Intended for internal library use.

    The input arguments are as follows:
      - modulename (Name of the module)
      - code (Code to be wrapped)
      - init_code (Code to put in the init section of the interface file)
      - additional_definitions (Definitions to be placed in initial block with
        C code as well as in the main section of the SWIG interface file)
      - additional_declarations (Declarations to be placed in the main section
        of the SWIG interface file)
      - system_headers (A list of system headers with declarations needed by the wrapped code)
      - local_headers (A list of local headers with declarations needed by the wrapped code)
      - wrap_headers (A list of local headers that will be included in the code and wrapped by SWIG)
      - arrays (A nested list, the inner lists describing the different arrays)

    The result of this function is that a SWIG interface with
    the name modulename.i is written to the current directory.
    instant_debug("Generating SWIG interface file '%s'." % filename)

    # create typemaps
    typemaps = ""
    valid_types = [
        'float', 'double', 'short', 'int', 'long', 'long long',
        'unsigned short', 'unsigned int', 'unsigned long', 'unsigned long long'
    for a in arrays:
        if type(a) == tuple:
            a = list(a)
        DATA_TYPE = 'double'
        for vt in valid_types:
            if vt in a:
                DATA_TYPE = vt
        if 'in' in a:
            # input arrays
                len(a) > 1 and len(a) < 5,
                "Wrong number of elements in input array")
            if len(a) == 2:
                # 1-dimensional arrays, i.e. vectors
                typemaps += reindent("""
                %%apply (int DIM1, %(dtype)s* IN_ARRAY1) {(int %(n1)s, %(dtype)s* %(array)s)};
                """ % {
                    'n1': a[0],
                    'array': a[1],
                    'dtype': DATA_TYPE
            elif len(a) == 3:
                # 2-dimensional arrays, i.e. matrices
                typemaps += reindent("""
                %%apply (int DIM1, int DIM2, %(dtype)s* IN_ARRAY2) {(int %(n1)s, int %(n2)s, %(dtype)s* %(array)s)};
                """ % {
                    'n1': a[0],
                    'n2': a[1],
                    'array': a[2],
                    'dtype': DATA_TYPE
                # 3-dimensional arrays, i.e. tensors
                typemaps += reindent(
                %%apply (int DIM1, int DIM2, int DIM3, %(dtype)s* IN_ARRAY3) {(int %(n1)s, int %(n2)s, int %(n3)s, %(dtype)s* %(array)s)};
                """ % {
                        'n1': a[0],
                        'n2': a[1],
                        'n3': a[2],
                        'array': a[3],
                        'dtype': DATA_TYPE
        elif 'out' in a:
            # output arrays
            instant_assert(len(a) == 2, "Output array must be 1-dimensional")
            # 1-dimensional arrays, i.e. vectors
            typemaps += reindent("""
            %%apply (int DIM1, %(dtype)s* ARGOUT_ARRAY1) {(int %(n1)s, %(dtype)s* %(array)s)};
            """ % {
                'n1': a[0],
                'array': a[1],
                'dtype': DATA_TYPE
            # in-place arrays
                len(a) > 1 and len(a) < 5,
                "Wrong number of elements in output array")
            if 'multi' in a:
                # n-dimensional arrays, i.e. tensors > 3-dimensional
                typemaps += reindent("""
                %%typemap(in) (int %(n)s,int* %(ptv)s,%(dtype)s* %(array)s){
                  if (!PyArray_Check($input)) {
                    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Not a NumPy array");
                    return NULL; ;
                  PyArrayObject* pyarray;
                  pyarray = (PyArrayObject*)$input;
                  $1 = int(pyarray->nd);
                  int* dims = new int[$1];
                  for (int d=0; d<$1; d++) {
                     dims[d] = int(pyarray->dimensions[d]);

                  $2 = dims;
                  $3 = (%(dtype)s*)pyarray->data;
                %%typemap(freearg) (int %(n)s,int* %(ptv)s,%(dtype)s* %(array)s){
                    // deleting dims
                    delete $2;
                """ % {
                    'n': a[0],
                    'ptv': a[1],
                    'array': a[2],
                    'dtype': DATA_TYPE
            elif len(a) == 2:
                # 1-dimensional arrays, i.e. vectors
                typemaps += reindent("""
                %%apply (int DIM1, %(dtype)s* INPLACE_ARRAY1) {(int %(n1)s, %(dtype)s* %(array)s)};
                """ % {
                    'n1': a[0],
                    'array': a[1],
                    'dtype': DATA_TYPE
            elif len(a) == 3:
                # 2-dimensional arrays, i.e. matrices
                typemaps += reindent("""
                %%apply (int DIM1, int DIM2, %(dtype)s* INPLACE_ARRAY2) {(int %(n1)s, int %(n2)s, %(dtype)s* %(array)s)};
                """ % {
                    'n1': a[0],
                    'n2': a[1],
                    'array': a[2],
                    'dtype': DATA_TYPE
                # 3-dimensional arrays, i.e. tensors
                typemaps += reindent(
                %%apply (int DIM1, int DIM2, int DIM3, %(dtype)s* INPLACE_ARRAY3) {(int %(n1)s, int %(n2)s, int %(n3)s, %(dtype)s* %(array)s)};
                """ % {
                        'n1': a[0],
                        'n2': a[1],
                        'n3': a[2],
                        'array': a[3],
                        'dtype': DATA_TYPE
            # end
        # end if
    # end for

    system_headers_code = mapstrings('#include <%s>', system_headers)
    local_headers_code = mapstrings('#include "%s"', local_headers)
    wrap_headers_code1 = mapstrings('#include "%s"', wrap_headers)
    wrap_headers_code2 = mapstrings('%%include "%s"', wrap_headers)

    numpy_i_include = ''
    if arrays:
        numpy_i_include = r'%include "numpy.i"'

    # Do not reindent as SWIG interface code can also include Python code.
    interface_string = """%%module  %(modulename)s
//%%module (directors="1") %(modulename)s


#include <iostream>

//%%feature("autodoc", "1");



""" % locals()

    write_file(filename, interface_string)
    instant_debug("Done generating interface file.")
Beispiel #18
def faq(localText):
    page = u"<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
    page += u"<html>\n"
    page += u"<head>\n"
    page += u'''<!-- Ezoic Code -->
<script>var ezoicId = 39853;</script>
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<!-- Ezoic Code -->
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<script src="//"></script>
<!-- Ezoic Ad Testing Code-->'''
    page += u"	<title>%s</title>\n" % (localText.about)
    page += u"	<meta name=\"description\" content=\"ACCG FAQ, Contact information, and Privacy Policy\">\n"
    page += u'	<meta name="keywords" content="best videogames, free mmos, free mmorpg, best free mmorpg, best mmorpg, free to play, mmos, mmorpg, free game, online games, fantasy games, PC games, PC gaming, crafting guide, crafting guides, Guild Wars 2, Trading Post"/>\n'
    page += u"	<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=UTF-8\">\n"
    page += u'	<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="public, max-age=7776000">\n'
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    page += u"</head>\n"
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    page += u"""<script> 
  (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

  ga('create', 'UA-38972433-1', 'auto');
  ga('send', 'pageview');

    page += localText.header % (u'faq.html', u'faq.html', u'faq.html',
                                u'faq.html', u'faq.html', u'faq.html')
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    page += u"<br /><br />\n"
    page += u"%s\n" % (
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    page += u"<hr>\n"
    page += u"<strong>%s)</strong> %s\n" % (localText.question,
    page += u"<br /><br />\n"
    page += u"<strong>%s)</strong> <a href=\"\">Github</a>\n" % (
    #	page += u"<br /><hr> \n"
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    #	page += u"<br /><br />\n"
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    page += u"<br /><hr>\n"
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    page += u"<br /><br />\n"
    page += u"<strong>%s)</strong> %s\n" % (localText.answer, localText.a2)
    page += u"<br /><hr>\n"
    page += u"<strong>%s)</strong> %s\n" % (localText.question, localText.q3)
    page += u"<br /><br />\n"
    page += u"<strong>%s)</strong> %s\n" % (localText.answer, localText.a31)
    page += u"<br /><br />%s\n" % (localText.a32)
    page += u"<br /><hr>\n"
    page += u"<strong>%s)</strong> %s\n" % (localText.question, localText.q4)
    page += u"<br /><br />\n"
    page += u"<strong>%s)</strong> %s\n" % (localText.answer, localText.a4)
    page += u"<br /><hr>\n"
    page += u"<strong>%s)</strong> %s\n" % (localText.question, localText.q5)
    page += u"<br /><br />\n"
    page += u"<strong>%s)</strong> %s\n" % (localText.answer, localText.a51)
    page += u"<br /><br />%s\n" % (localText.a52)
    page += u"<br /><hr>\n"
    page += u"<strong>%s)</strong> %s\n" % (localText.question, localText.q6)
    page += u"<br /><br />\n"
    page += u"<strong>%s)</strong> %s\n" % (localText.answer, localText.a6)
    page += u"<br /><hr>\n"
    page += u"<strong>%s)</strong> %s\n" % (localText.question, localText.q7)
    page += u"<br /><br />\n"
    page += u"<strong>%s)</strong> %s\n" % (localText.answer, localText.a7)
    page += u"<br /><hr>\n"
    page += u"<strong>%s)</strong> %s\n" % (localText.question, localText.q8)
    page += u"<br /><br />\n"
    page += u"<strong>%s)</strong> %s\n" % (localText.answer, localText.a8)
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    page += u"<h3 style=\"text-align:center;\">[Privacy Policy]</h3>\n"
    page += u"<p>This site makes use of default Google Analytics settings to evaluate usage over time which has an opt out option <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">here.</a>  Google Analytic's privacy policy can be found <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">here.</a></p>"
    page += u"<p>Ezoic privacy policy should be embedded below but it can also be found <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">here.</a></p>"
    page += u"<p>No other data should be collected as this site does not use any local storage or cookies except as needed for Google Analytics and Ezoic.</p>"
    page += u"<br /><br /><span id=\"ezoic-privacy-policy-embed\"></span>"

    page += u"</section>\n"
    page += localText.cright
    page += u"</body>\n"
    page += u"</html>\n"

    output.write_file(localText.path, u'faq.html', page)
def write_cmakefile(module_name, cmake_packages, csrcs, cppsrcs, local_headers, include_dirs, library_dirs, libraries, swig_include_dirs, swigargs, cppargs, lddargs):

    find_package_template = """
# Configuration for package %(package)s

    cmake_form = dict(module_name=module_name)

    cmake_form["extra_libraries"] = ";".join(libraries)
    cmake_form["extra_include_dirs"] = ";".join(include_dirs)
    cmake_form["extra_swig_include_dirs"] = " -I".join([" "] + swig_include_dirs)

    cmake_form["extra_swigargs"] = " ".join(swigargs)

    cmake_form["find_packages"] = "\n\n".join(find_package_template % \
                                              for package in cmake_packages)
    cmake_form["packages_definitions"] = "\n".join(
        "${%s_CXX_DEFINITIONS}" % package.upper()
        for package in cmake_packages)

    cmake_form["packages_definitions"] += "\n"+"\n".join(
        "${%s_PYTHON_DEFINITIONS}" % package.upper()
        for package in cmake_packages)

    cmake_form["package_include_dirs"] = "\n".join(\
        "include_directories(${%s_PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${${NAME}_SOURCE_DIR})" %
        package.upper() for package in cmake_packages)

    cmake_form["package_flags"] = "\n".join(\
        """set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS \"${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${%(package)s_LINK_FLAGS}\")
""" %
        dict(package=package.upper()) for package in cmake_packages)

    cmake_form["package_swig_link_libraries"] = "\n".join(\
  swig_link_libraries(${SWIG_MODULE_NAME} ${%(package)s_LIBRARIES} ${%(package)s_3RD_PARTY_LIBRARIES} ${%(package)s_PYTHON_LIBRARIES} ${EXTRA_SOURCE_LIB} ${ADDITIONAL_LIBS})
endif()""" %
        dict(package=package.upper()) for package in cmake_packages)

    cmake_form["package_python_definitions"] = "\n".join(\
        """if (DEFINED %(package)s_PYTHON_DEFINITIONS)
endif()""" %
        dict(package=package.upper()) for package in cmake_packages)

    if len(cppsrcs) > 0:
        cmake_form["extra_sources_files"] = "set(SOURCE_FILES %s) " %  " ".join(cppsrcs)
        cmake_form["extra_sources_files"] = "set(SOURCE_FILES)"

    if cppargs:
        cmake_form["cppargs"] = "set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS \"${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} %s\")" % \
                                (" ".join(cppargs))
        cmake_form["cppargs"] = ""

    if lddargs:
        cmake_form["lddargs"] = "set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS \""\
                                "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} %s\")" % (" ".join(lddargs))
        cmake_form["lddargs"] = ""

    cmake_template = """
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6.0)

set (NAME %(module_name)s)




find_package(SWIG REQUIRED)

  -module ${SWIG_MODULE_NAME}



set_source_files_properties(${SWIG_SOURCES} PROPERTIES CPLUSPLUS ON)

set(EXTRA_INCLUDE_DIRS \"%(extra_include_dirs)s\")




swig_add_module(${SWIG_MODULE_NAME} python ${SWIG_SOURCES})

set(EXTRA_LIBRARIES %(extra_libraries)s)
  set(EXTRA_LIBRARIES \"source_file_lib ${EXTRA_LIBRARIES}\")



""" % cmake_form

    filename = "CMakeLists.txt"
    write_file(filename, cmake_template)
Beispiel #20
def index(localText):
    page = u"<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
    page += u"<html>\n"
    page += u"<head>\n"
    # Ezoic adwords
    page += u'''<!-- Ezoic Code -->
<script>var ezoicId = 39853;</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<!-- Ezoic Code -->
<!-- Ezoic Ad Testing Code-->
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- Ezoic Ad Testing Code-->'''
    page += u"	<title>ACCGs for Guild Wars 2</title>\n"
    page += u"	<meta name=\"description\" content=\"Always Current Crafting Guides for Guild Wars 2 with guides that are updated every 30 minutes based on current TP prices.  Multiple styles.\">\n"
    page += u'	<meta name="keywords" content="best videogames, free mmos, free mmorpg, best free mmorpg, best mmorpg, free to play, mmos, mmorpg, free game, online games, fantasy games, PC games, PC gaming, crafting guide, crafting guides, Guild Wars 2, Trading Post"/>\n'
    page += u"	<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=UTF-8\">\n"
    page += u'	<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="public, max-age=7776000">\n'
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    page += u"	<script src=\"/js/menu.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n"
    page += u"</head>\n"
    page += u"<body>\n"
    page += u"""<script> 
  (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

  ga('create', 'UA-38972433-1', 'auto');
  ga('send', 'pageview');

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    page += localText.header % (u'index.html', u'index.html', u'index.html',
                                u'index.html', u'index.html', u'index.html')
    page += u"<section class=\"main\">\n"
    #	page += u"<p>The scribe guides need a new guild with unlocks as RiFa appears to be defunct.  Please email me at <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]</a> if you have a guild that can accommodate.  Would need a contact name and guild, they will go on the scribe page.</p>"
    page += u"<p>All guide pages now have a permalink, at the top in the warning, to a cached version.  Amazon claims unlimited space, so these likely won't be deleted.</p>"
    page += u"<p>Support for Cooking 400-450 has been added.  450+ needs to be done via the in-game quest system and cannot be handled by these guides.</p>"
    #	page += u"\t<div class=\"g-plusone\" data-size=\"medium\" data-href=\"\"></div><script type=\"text/javascript\">(function() {var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true;po.src = '';var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);})();</script>\n"
    #	page += u"\t<div class=\"fb-like\" data-href=\"\" data-width=\"150\" data-layout=\"button_count\" data-show-faces=\"false\" data-send=\"false\"></div>"
    page += u"<hr>"
    #	page += u"<strong>%s</strong>: <a href=\"/\" hreflang=\"en\">English</a>, <a href=\"/fr/\" hreflang=\"fr\">Français</a>, <a href=\"/de/\" hreflang=\"de\">Deutsch</a>, <a href=\"/es/\" hreflang=\"es\">Español</a> (temporary to draw attention)\n<br />"%(localText.navLang)
    page += u"<strong>%s</strong><br /><br />\n" % (localText.region)
    page += u"<strong>%s:</strong>\n" % (localText.fThings)
    page += u"<ul>\n"
    page += u"<li>%s</li>\n" % (localText.t1)
    page += u"<li>%s</li>\n" % (localText.t2)
    page += u"<li>%s</li>\n" % (localText.t3)
    page += u"<li>%s</li>\n" % (localText.t4)
    page += u"</ul><br />\n"
    page += u"<strong>%s:</strong> %s\n" % (localText.nGuides, localText.nge)
    page += u"<br /><br />\n"
    page += u"<strong>%s:</strong> %s\n" % (localText.fGuides, localText.fge)
    page += u"<br /><br />\n"
    page += u"%s\n" % (localText.wit)
    page += u"<br /><br />\n"
    page += u"%s\n" % (localText.nWarn)
    page += u"<br /><br />\n"
    page += u"%s\n" % (localText.rCost)
    #	page += u"<br /><hr>\n"
    #	page += u"%s\n<br />"%(localText.thanks2)
    # adword adaptive
    page += u'<br /><hr><br /><div style="width: 100%;display:block;">\n \
<!-- Ezoic - Tail - bottom_of_page -->\n \
<div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-102"></div>\n \
<!-- End Ezoic - Tail - bottom_of_page --></div>\n'

    page += u"</section>\n"
    page += localText.cright
    page += u"</body>\n"
    page += u"</html>\n"

    output.write_file(localText.path, u'index.html', page)
def write_interfacefile(filename, modulename, code, init_code,
                        additional_definitions, additional_declarations,
                        system_headers, local_headers, wrap_headers, arrays):
    """Generate a SWIG interface file. Intended for internal library use.

    The input arguments are as follows:
      - modulename (Name of the module)
      - code (Code to be wrapped)
      - init_code (Code to put in the init section of the interface file)
      - additional_definitions (Definitions to be placed in initial block with
        C code as well as in the main section of the SWIG interface file)
      - additional_declarations (Declarations to be placed in the main section
        of the SWIG interface file)
      - system_headers (A list of system headers with declarations needed by the wrapped code)
      - local_headers (A list of local headers with declarations needed by the wrapped code)
      - wrap_headers (A list of local headers that will be included in the code and wrapped by SWIG)
      - arrays (A nested list, the inner lists describing the different arrays)

    The result of this function is that a SWIG interface with
    the name modulename.i is written to the current directory.
    instant_debug("Generating SWIG interface file '%s'." % filename)

    # create typemaps
    typemaps = ""
    valid_types = ['float', 'double', 'short', 'int', 'long', 'long long',
                   'unsigned short', 'unsigned int', 'unsigned long',
                   'unsigned long long']
    for a in arrays:
        if type(a) == tuple:
            a = list(a)
        DATA_TYPE = 'double'
        for vt in valid_types:
            if vt in a:
                DATA_TYPE = vt
        if 'in' in a:
            # input arrays
            instant_assert(len(a) > 1 and len(a) < 5, "Wrong number of elements in input array")
            if len(a) == 2:
                # 1-dimensional arrays, i.e. vectors
                typemaps += reindent("""
                %%apply (int DIM1, %(dtype)s* IN_ARRAY1) {(int %(n1)s, %(dtype)s* %(array)s)};
                """ % { 'n1' : a[0], 'array' : a[1], 'dtype' : DATA_TYPE })
            elif len(a) == 3:
                # 2-dimensional arrays, i.e. matrices
                typemaps += reindent("""
                %%apply (int DIM1, int DIM2, %(dtype)s* IN_ARRAY2) {(int %(n1)s, int %(n2)s, %(dtype)s* %(array)s)};
                """ % { 'n1' : a[0], 'n2' : a[1], 'array' : a[2], 'dtype' : DATA_TYPE })
                # 3-dimensional arrays, i.e. tensors
                typemaps += reindent("""
                %%apply (int DIM1, int DIM2, int DIM3, %(dtype)s* IN_ARRAY3) {(int %(n1)s, int %(n2)s, int %(n3)s, %(dtype)s* %(array)s)};
                """ % { 'n1' : a[0], 'n2' : a[1], 'n3' : a[2], 'array' : a[3], 'dtype' : DATA_TYPE })
        elif 'out' in a:
            # output arrays
            instant_assert(len(a) == 2, "Output array must be 1-dimensional")
            # 1-dimensional arrays, i.e. vectors
            typemaps += reindent("""
            %%apply (int DIM1, %(dtype)s* ARGOUT_ARRAY1) {(int %(n1)s, %(dtype)s* %(array)s)};
            """ % { 'n1' : a[0], 'array' : a[1], 'dtype' : DATA_TYPE })
            # in-place arrays
            instant_assert(len(a) > 1 and len(a) < 5, "Wrong number of elements in output array")
            if 'multi' in a:
                # n-dimensional arrays, i.e. tensors > 3-dimensional
                typemaps += reindent("""
                %%typemap(in) (int %(n)s,int* %(ptv)s,%(dtype)s* %(array)s){
                  if (!PyArray_Check($input)) {
                    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Not a NumPy array");
                    return NULL; ;
                  PyArrayObject* pyarray;
                  pyarray = (PyArrayObject*)$input;
                  $1 = int(pyarray->nd);
                  int* dims = new int[$1];
                  for (int d=0; d<$1; d++) {
                     dims[d] = int(pyarray->dimensions[d]);

                  $2 = dims;
                  $3 = (%(dtype)s*)pyarray->data;
                %%typemap(freearg) (int %(n)s,int* %(ptv)s,%(dtype)s* %(array)s){
                    // deleting dims
                    delete $2;
                """ % { 'n' : a[0] , 'ptv' : a[1], 'array' : a[2], 'dtype' : DATA_TYPE })
            elif len(a) == 2:
                # 1-dimensional arrays, i.e. vectors
                typemaps += reindent("""
                %%apply (int DIM1, %(dtype)s* INPLACE_ARRAY1) {(int %(n1)s, %(dtype)s* %(array)s)};
                """ % { 'n1' : a[0], 'array' : a[1], 'dtype' : DATA_TYPE })
            elif len(a) == 3:
                # 2-dimensional arrays, i.e. matrices
                typemaps += reindent("""
                %%apply (int DIM1, int DIM2, %(dtype)s* INPLACE_ARRAY2) {(int %(n1)s, int %(n2)s, %(dtype)s* %(array)s)};
                """ % { 'n1' : a[0], 'n2' : a[1], 'array' : a[2], 'dtype' : DATA_TYPE })
                # 3-dimensional arrays, i.e. tensors
                typemaps += reindent("""
                %%apply (int DIM1, int DIM2, int DIM3, %(dtype)s* INPLACE_ARRAY3) {(int %(n1)s, int %(n2)s, int %(n3)s, %(dtype)s* %(array)s)};
                """ % { 'n1' : a[0], 'n2' : a[1], 'n3' : a[2], 'array' : a[3], 'dtype' : DATA_TYPE})
            # end
        # end if
    # end for

    system_headers_code = mapstrings('#include <%s>', system_headers)
    local_headers_code  = mapstrings('#include "%s"', local_headers)
    wrap_headers_code1  = mapstrings('#include "%s"', wrap_headers)
    wrap_headers_code2  = mapstrings('%%include "%s"', wrap_headers)

    numpy_i_include = ''
    if arrays:
        numpy_i_include = r'%include "numpy.i"'

    # Do not reindent as SWIG interface code can also include Python code.
    interface_string = """%%module  %(modulename)s
//%%module (directors="1") %(modulename)s


#include <iostream>

//%%feature("autodoc", "1");



""" % locals()

    write_file(filename, interface_string)
    instant_debug("Done generating interface file.")
Beispiel #22
def maketotals(totals, mytime, localText):
	tpage1 = u""
	tpage2 = u""
	tpage3 = u""

	page = u'''
<!DOCTYPE html>
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	<!-- Ezoic Code -->
	<!-- Ezoic Ad Testing Code-->
	<script src="//"></script>
	<!-- Ezoic Ad Testing Code-->
	<meta name="description" content="Guild Wars 2 always current crafting guide price totals">
	<meta name="keywords" content="best videogames, free mmos, free mmorpg, best free mmorpg, best mmorpg, free to play, mmos, mmorpg, free game, online games, fantasy games, PC games, PC gaming, crafting guide, crafting guides, Guild Wars 2, Trading Post"/>
	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">

	<link href="/css/layout.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
	<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/fi.gif" />

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  (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

  ga('create', 'UA-38972433-1', 'auto');
  ga('send', 'pageview');

	page += localText.header%(u'total.html',u'total.html',u'total.html',u'total.html',u'total.html',u'total.html')
	page += u"<section class=\"main\">\n<strong>%s</strong><br />\n"%(localText.region)
	page += u"<h5 style=\"text-align:center;\">"+localText.updated+u": " + mytime + u"</h5>"
	# adword
	page += u'<div style="float:right;position:absolute;right:-320px;">\n \
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<div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-103"></div>\n\
<!-- End Ezoic - Large sidebar - sidebar -->\n\
	page += localText.note
	page += u'	<table>'
	page += u'<tr><th>'+localText.craft+u'</th><th>'+localText.nGuides+u'</th><th>'+localText.fGuides+u'</th><th>1-200</th></tr>\n'
	page += u'<tr><td>'+localText.nHearts+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[u'cooking'])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[u'cooking_fast'])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[u'cooking_fast_200'])+u'</td></tr>\n'
	page += u'<tr><td>'+localText.tHearts+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[u'cooking_karma_light'])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[u'cooking_karma_fast_light'])+u'</td></tr>\n'
	page += u'<tr><td>'+localText.aHearts+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[u'cooking_karma'])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[u'cooking_karma_fast'])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[u'cooking_karma_fast_200'])+u'</td></tr>\n'

	page += u"</table>\n<br />\n<table>\n<tr><th>"+localText.craft+u"</th><th>"+localText.nGuides+u"</th><th>"+localText.fGuides+u"</th><th>400-450</th><th>400-500</th></tr>\n"

	tpage1 += u"</table>\n<br />\n<table>\n<tr><th>"+localText.nGuides+u"</th><th>"+localText.tiers+u" 1</th><th>"+localText.tiers+u" 2</th><th>"+localText.tiers+u" 3</th><th>"+localText.tiers+u" 4</th><th>"+localText.tiers+u" 5</th></tr>\n"
	tpage2 += u"</table>\n<br />\n<table>\n<tr><th>"+localText.fGuides+u"</th><th>"+localText.tiers+u" 1</th><th>"+localText.tiers+u" 2</th><th>"+localText.tiers+u" 3</th><th>"+localText.tiers+u" 4</th><th>"+localText.tiers+u" 5</th></tr>\n"

	ctnc = 0
	ctfc = 0
	cttc = 0
	ct4c = 0
	ct45c = 0
	for i in [(u'jewelcraft',u'jewelcraft_fast',localText.jc),
			  (u'tailor', u'tailor_fast', u'tailor_450', u'tailor_400', localText.tailor)]:

		ind = 2
		if len(i) == 3:
			page += u'<tr><td>'+i[ind]+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[0]][u'total'])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[1]][u'total'])+u'</td></tr>\n'
			ind = 4
			page += u'<tr><td>'+i[ind]+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[0]][u'total'])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[1]][u'total'])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[2]])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[3]])+u'</td></tr>\n'
			ct45c += totals[i[2]]
			ct4c += totals[i[3]]

		tpage1 += u'<tr><td>'+i[ind]+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[0]][0])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[0]][75])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[0]][150])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[0]][225])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[0]][300])+u'</td></tr>\n'
		tpage2 += u'<tr><td>'+i[ind]+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[1]][0])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[1]][75])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[1]][150])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[1]][225])+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[i[1]][300])+u'</td></tr>\n'

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	page += u'<tr><td>'+localText.scribe+u'</td><td>'+mFormat(totals[u'scribe'][u'total'])+u'</td></tr></table>\n'
	tpage1 += u'<tr><td>' + localText.scribe + u'</td><td>' + mFormat(totals[u'scribe'][0]) + u'</td><td>' + mFormat(totals[u'scribe'][75]) + u'</td><td>' + mFormat(totals[u'scribe'][150]) + u'</td><td>' + mFormat(totals[u'scribe'][225]) + u'</td><td>' + mFormat(totals[u'scribe'][300]) + u'</td></tr>\n'

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	page += u'\n</section>\n' + localText.cright
	page += u'</body>\n'
	page += u'</html>\n'

Beispiel #23
def nav(localText):
	page = u"<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
	page += u"<html>\n"
	page += u"<head>\n"
	page += u"	<title>Nav Page</title>\n"
	page += u"	<meta name=\"description\" content=\"ACCG nav page\">\n"
	page += u'	<meta name="keywords" content="best videogames, free mmos, free mmorpg, best free mmorpg, best mmorpg, free to play, mmos, mmorpg, free game, online games, fantasy games, PC games, PC gaming, crafting guide, crafting guides, Guild Wars 2, Trading Post"/>\n'
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Beispiel #24
def index(localText):
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Beispiel #25
def faq(localText):
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Beispiel #26
def main(info):

    for i in range(info.ntimes):
        raw_data = io_routines.load_data(info.times[i], info)
        processed_data = convert.era2icar(raw_data)
        output.write_file(info.times[i], info, processed_data)
Beispiel #27
def printtofile(tcost, treco, sell, craftexo, mTiers, make, pmake, buy, tierbuy, cList, filename, mytime, cListName, localText):
	buttonList = []
	totals = {}
	if tierbuy:
		totals[filename.split('.')[0]] = {0:defaultdict(int),75:defaultdict(int),150:defaultdict(int),225:defaultdict(int),300:defaultdict(int),u'total':int(tcost)}
		totals[filename.split('.')[0]] = int(tcost)

	non_item = [u'Refinement', u'Insignia', u'Inscription', u'Component']

	karma_items  = {12337:{u'note':u"{} <br />{}".format(localText.pickins,localText.disa),u'cost':77}, # Almond
					12165:{u'note':u"{} <br />{}".format(localText.milton,localText.jack),u'cost':35}, # Apple
					12340:{u'note':u"{}".format(localText.makayla),u'cost':77}, # Avocado
					12251:{u'note':u"{} <br />{} <br />{} <br />{}".format(localText.jenks,localText.sangdo,localText.goran,localText.vejj),u'cost':49}, # Banana
					12237:{u'note':u"{} <br />{}".format(localText.jenks,localText.leius),u'cost':49}, # Black Bean
					12240:{u'note':u"{} <br />{}".format(localText.bjarni,localText.milton),u'cost':35}, # Celery Stalk
					12338:{u'note':u"{} <br />{}".format(localText.summers,localText.disa),u'cost':77}, # Cherry
					12515:{u'note':u"{}".format(localText.naknar),u'cost':112}, # Chickpea
					12350:{u'note':u"{}".format(localText.tunnira),u'cost':112}, # Coconut
					12256:{u'note':u"{} <br />{}".format(localText.sagum,localText.milton),u'cost':35}, # Cumin
					12502:{u'note':u"{}".format(localText.jenrys),u'cost':154}, # Eggplant
					12232:{u'note':u"{}".format(localText.albin),u'cost':35}, # Green Bean
					12518:{u'note':u"{} <br />{}".format(localText.laudren,localText.wupwup),u'cost':112}, # Horseradish Root
					12239:{u'note':u"{} <br />{} <br />{}".format(localText.brian,localText.kastaz,localText.hune),u'cost':49}, # Kidney Bean
					12252:{u'note':u"{} <br />{} <br />{}".format(localText.eona,localText.hrappa,localText.milton),u'cost':35}, # Lemon
					12339:{u'note':u"{}".format(localText.shelp),u'cost':77}, # Lime
					12543:{u'note':u"{}".format(localText.crandle),u'cost':203}, # Mango
					12249:{u'note':u"{} <br />{}".format(localText.jenks,localText.milton),u'cost':35}, # Nutmeg Seed
					12503:{u'note':u"{}".format(localText.nrocroc),u'cost':154}, # Peach
					12514:{u'note':u"{}".format(localText.braxa),u'cost':112}, # Pear
					12516:{u'note':u"{}".format(localText.tholin),u'cost':112}, # Pinenut
					12517:{u'note':u"{}".format(localText.ichtaca),u'cost':112}} # Shallot

	karma_chef   = {12159:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':35}, # Cheese Wedge
					12137:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':35}, # Glass of Buttermilk
					12152:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':35}, # Packet of Yeast
					12145:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':49}, # Rice Ball
					12325:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':77}, # Bowl of Sour Cream
					12141:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':35}, # Tomato
					12328:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':77}, # Ginger Root
					12245:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':49}, # Basil Leaf
					12235:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':49}} # Bell Pepper

	karma_recipe = {12131:{u'note':localText.elain,u'cost':35}, # Bowl of Watery Mushroom Soup
					12185:{u'note':localText.bjarni,u'cost':35}, # Handful of Bjarni's Rabbit Food
					12140:{u'note':localText.hrouda,u'cost':35}, # Bowl of Gelatinous Ooze Custard
					 8587:{u'note':localText.drottot,u'cost':35}, # Poached Egg
					12211:{u'note':localText.kevach,u'cost':35}, # Bowl of Cold Wurm Stew
					12198:{u'note':localText.vaastas,u'cost':35}, # Celebratory Steak
					12133:{u'note':localText.laewyn,u'cost':35}, # Warden Ration
					12149:{u'note':localText.krug,u'cost':35}, # Bowl of Ettin Stew
					12203:{u'note':localText.maxtar,u'cost':35}, # Bowl of Dolyak Stew
					12139:{u'note':localText.aidem,u'cost':35}, # Bowl of Front Line Stew
					12150:{u'note':localText.eda,u'cost':35}, # Eda's Apple Pie
					12343:{u'note':localText.kastaz,u'cost':35}, # Kastaz Roasted Poultry
					12160:{u'note':localText.auda,u'cost':35}, # Loaf of Walnut Sticky Bread
					12154:{u'note':localText.brian,u'cost':35}, # Bowl of Outrider Stew
					12292:{u'note':localText.glubb,u'cost':35}, # Bowl of Degun Shun Stew	
					12233:{u'note':localText.tholin,u'cost':154}, # Handful of Trail Mix
					12739:{u'note':localText.triktiki,u'cost':35}, # Triktiki Omelet
					12352:{u'note':u"{} ({} {})".format(localText.pochtecatl,mFormat(368),localText.valuePer),u'cost':0}, # Griffon Egg Omelet
					12264:{u'note':localText.nrocroc,u'cost':35}, # Raspberry Pie
					12192:{u'note':localText.victor,u'cost':35}, # Beetletun Omelette
					19955:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Ravaging Intricate Wool Insignia
					19956:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Rejuvenating Intricate Wool Insignia
					19957:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Honed Intricate Wool Insignia
					19958:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Pillaging Intricate Wool Insignia	
					19959:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Strong Intricate Wool Insignia
					19960:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Vigorous Intricate Wool Insignia
					19961:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Hearty Intricate Wool Insignia
					19962:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Ravaging Intricate Cotton Insignia
					19963:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Rejuvenating Intricate Cotton Insignia
					19964:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Honed Intricate Cotton Insignia
					19965:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Pillaging Intricate Cotton Insignia
					19966:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Strong Intricate Cotton Insignia
					19967:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Vigorous Intricate Cotton Insignia
					19968:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Hearty Intricate Cotton Insignia
					19969:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Carrion Intricate Linen Insignia
					19970:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Cleric's Intricate Linen Insignia
					19971:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Explorer's Intricate Linen Insignia
					19972:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Berserker's Intricate Linen Insignia
					19973:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Valkyrie Intricate Linen Insignia
					19974:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Rampager's Intricate Linen Insignia
					19975:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Knight's Intricate Linen Insignia
					19880:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Carrion Intricate Silk Insignia
					19881:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Cleric's Intricate Silk Insignia
					19882:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Explorer's Intricate Silk Insignia
					19883:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Berserker's Intricate Silk Insignia
					19886:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Valkyrie Intricate Silk Insignia
					19884:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Rampager's Intricate Silk Insignia
					19885:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Knight's Intricate Silk Insignia
					19934:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Ravaging Iron Imbued Inscription
					19935:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Rejuvenating Iron Imbued Inscription
					19936:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Honed Iron Imbued Inscription
					19937:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Pillaging Iron Imbued Inscription
					19938:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Strong Iron Imbued Inscription
					19939:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Vigorous Iron Imbued Inscription
					19940:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':350}, # Hearty Iron Imbued Inscription
					19941:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Ravaging Steel Imbued Inscription
					19942:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Rejuvenating Steel Imbued Inscription
					19943:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Honed Steel Imbued Inscription
					19944:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Pillaging Steel Imbued Inscription
					19945:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Strong Steel Imbued Inscription
					19946:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
					19947:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':455}, # Hearty Steel Imbued Inscription
					19948:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Carrion Darksteel Imbued Inscription
					19949:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Cleric's Darksteel Imbued Inscription
					19950:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Explorer's Darksteel Imbued Inscription
					19951:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Berserker's Darksteel Imbued Inscription
					19952:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Valkyrie Darksteel Imbued Inscription
					19953:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Rampager's Darksteel Imbued Inscription
					19954:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':567}, # Knight's Darksteel Imbued Inscription
					19897:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Carrion Mithril Imbued Inscription
					19898:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Cleric's Mithril Imbued Inscription
					19899:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Explorer's Mithril Imbued Inscription
					19900:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Berserker's Mithril Imbued Inscription
					19903:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Valkyrie Mithril Imbued Inscription
					19901:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Rampager's Mithril Imbued Inscription
					19902:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':672}, # Knight's Mithril Imbued Inscription
					19923:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':896}, # inscr
					19912:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':896}, # insig
					24543:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':896}, # jewel
					24904:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Intricate Topaz Jewel
					24902:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Intricate Spinel Jewel
					24901:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Intricate Peridot Jewel
					24903:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Intricate Sunstone Jewel
					24899:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Intricate Carnelian Jewel
					24898:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Intricate Amethyst Jewel
					24900:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Intricate Lapis Jewel
					24911:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Gilded Topaz Jewel
					24905:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Gilded Amethyst Jewel
					24906:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Gilded Carnelian Jewel
					24907:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Gilded Lapis Jewel
					24908:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Gilded Peridot Jewel
					24909:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Gilded Spinel Jewel
					24910:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Gilded Sunstone Jewel
					24912:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Ornate Beryl Jewel
					24913:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Ornate Chrysocola Jewel
					24914:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Ornate Coral Jewel
					24915:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Ornate Emerald Jewel
					24916:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Ornate Opal Jewel
					24917:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Ornate Ruby Jewel
					24918:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Ornate Sapphire Jewel
					24919:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Brilliant Beryl Jewel
					24920:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Brilliant Chrysocola Jewel
					24921:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Brilliant Coral Jewel
					24922:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Brilliant Emerald Jewel
					24923:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Brilliant Opal Jewel
					24924:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Brilliant Ruby Jewel
					24925:{u'note':localText.mcov,u'cost':231}, # Embellished Brilliant Sapphire Jewel
					38162:{u'note':u"{} ({}: {} {})".format(localText.bRecipes,localText.rTP,mFormat(cList[38207][u'cost']),localText.valuePer),u'cost':0}, # Giver's Intricate Gossamer Insignia
					38166:{u'note':u"{} ({}: {} {})".format(localText.bRecipes,localText.rTP,mFormat(cList[38208][u'cost']),localText.valuePer),u'cost':0}, # Giver's Embroidered Silk Insignia
					38167:{u'note':u"{} ({}: {} {})".format(localText.bRecipes,localText.rTP,mFormat(cList[38209][u'cost']),localText.valuePer),u'cost':0}, # Giver's Embroidered Linen Insignia
					38434:{u'note':u"{} ({}: {} {})".format(localText.bRecipes,localText.rTP,mFormat(cList[38297][u'cost']),localText.valuePer),u'cost':0}, # Giver's Orichalcum-Imbued Inscription
					38432:{u'note':u"{} ({}: {} {})".format(localText.bRecipes,localText.rTP,mFormat(cList[38296][u'cost']),localText.valuePer),u'cost':0}, # Giver's Mithril-Imbued Inscription
					38433:{u'note':u"{} ({}: {} {})".format(localText.bRecipes,localText.rTP,mFormat(cList[38295][u'cost']),localText.valuePer),u'cost':0}, # Giver's Darksteel-Imbued Inscription

	# Insignia -> Recipe Mapping.
	rsps = {38166:38208, # Giver's Embroidered Silk Insignia
		    38167:38209, # Giver's Embroidered Linen Insignia
			38434:38297, # Giver's Orichalcum-Imbued Inscription
			38432:38296, # Giver's Mithril-Imbued Inscription
			38433:38295, # Giver's Darksteel-Imbued Inscription
			38162:38207 # Giver's Intricate Gossamer Insignia

	recipebuy = []
	for tier in range(0,500,25):
		for item in make[tier]:
			if item in karma_recipe:

	# 'Spool of Jute Thread',u'Spool of Wool Thread',u'Spool of Cotton Thread',u'Spool of Linen Thread',u'Spool of Silk Thread',u'Lump of Tin',u'Lump of Coal',u'Lump of Primordium',u'Jar of Vinegar',u'Packet of Baking Powder',u'Jar of Vegetable Oil',u'Packet of Salt',u'Bag of Sugar',u'Jug of Water',u'Bag of Starch',u'Bag of Flour',u'Bottle of Soy Sauce',"Bottle of Rice Wine", "Minor Rune of Holding", "Rune of Holding", "Major Rune of Holding", "Greater Rune of Holding"
	vendor = [19792,  19789,  19794,  19793,  19791,  19704,  19750,  19924,  12157,  12151,  12158,  12153,  12155,  12156,  12324,  12136,  12271,  8576,  13010,  13006,  13007,  13008,  19790, 62942]

	# "Jute Scrap","Bolt of Jute","Copper Ore","Copper Ingot","Bronze Ingot","Rawhide Leather Section","Stretched Rawhide Leather Square","Green Wood Log","Green Wood Plank","Wool Scrap","Bolt of Wool","Iron Ore","Silver Ore","Iron Ingot","Silver Ingot","Thin Leather Section","Cured Thin Leather Square","Soft Wood Log","Soft Wood Plank","Cotton Scrap","Bolt of Cotton","Spool of Cotton Thread","Iron Ore","Gold Ore","Gold Ingot","Steel Ingot","Coarse Leather Section","Cured Coarse Leather Square","Seasoned Wood Log","Seasoned Wood Plank","Linen Scrap","Bolt of Linen","Platinum Ore","Platinum Ingot","Darksteel Ingot","Rugged Leather Section","Cured Rugged Leather Square","Hard Wood Log","Hard Wood Plank","Silk Scrap","Bolt of Silk","Mithril Ore","Mithril Ingot","Thick Leather Section","Cured Thick Leather Square","Elder Wood Log","Elder Wood Plank", Orichalcum Ore, Ancient Wood Log
	basic = [19718,  19720,  19697,  19680,  19679,  19719,  19738,  19723,  19710,  19739,  19740,  19699,  19703,  19683,  19687,  19728,  19733,  19726,  19713,  19741,  19742,  19794,  19699,  19698,  19682,  19688,  19730,  19734,  19727,  19714,  19743,  19744,  19702,  19686,  19681,  19731,  19736,  19724,  19711,  19748,  19747,  19700,  19684,  19729,  19735,  19722,  19709,  19701,  19725, 19685, 19712, 19732, 19737, 19745, 19746]

	# Fine Materials
	basic_f = range(24272,24301) + [37897,24363] + range(24341,24359)

	# Rare Materials and Ectoplasm
	basic_r = range(24301,24341) + [19721]

	# Gems
	basic_g = range(24500,24536) + [37907,24889] + range(24464,24476) + range(24870,24877)

	# "Tiny Snowflake","Delicate Snowflake","Glittering Snowflake","Unique Snowflake","Pristine Snowflake","Piece of Candy Corn","Chattering Skull","Nougat Center","Plastic Fang"
	basic_h = range(38130,38136) + [36041,36060,36061,36059]

	# "Artichoke","Asparagus Spear","Basil Leaf","Bay Leaf","Beet","Black Peppercorn","Blackberry","Blueberry","Butternut Squash","Carrot","Cayenne Pepper","Chili Pepper","Chocolate Bar","Cinnamon Stick","Clam","Clove","Coriander Seed","Dill Sprig","Egg","Head of Cabbage","Head of Cauliflower","Head of Garlic","Head of Lettuce","Kale Leaf","Leek","Mint Leaf","Mushroom","Onion","Orange","Oregano Leaf","Parsley Leaf","Parsnip","Passion Fruit","Piece of Candy Corn","Portobello Mushroom","Potato","Raspberry","Rosemary Sprig","Rutabaga","Sage Leaf","Sesame Seed","Slab of Poultry Meat","Slab of Red Meat","Snow Truffle","Spinach Leaf","Stick of Butter","Strawberry","Sugar Pumpkin","Tarragon Leaves","Thyme Leaf","Turnip","Vanilla Bean","Walnut","Yam","Zucchini","Green Onion", Omnomberry, Lotus Root
	basic_fo = [12512,  12505,  12245,  12247,  12161,  12236,  12537,  12255,  12511,  12134,  12504,  12331,  12229,  12258,  12327,  12534,  12531,  12336,  12143,  12332,  12532,  12163,  12238,  12333,  12508,  12536,  12147,  12142,  12351,  12244,  12246,  12507,  36731,  36041,  12334,  12135,  12254,  12335,  12535,  12243,  12342,  24360,  24359,  12144,  12241,  12138,  12253,  12538,  12506,  12248,  12162,  12234,  12250,  12329,  12330,  12533,  12128, 12510]

	# TODO add check for buying bronze ingot and reduce by amount we add, remove if <0
	if 19679 in make[0]:
		var = 5 - (make[0][19679] % 5)
		if var in [1,2,3,4]:
			make[0][19679] += var
			tierbuy[0][19697] += 2*var
			tierbuy[0][19704] += 0.2*var
			buy[19697] += 2*var
			buy[19704] += 0.2*var
			tcost += cList[19697][u'cost']*var+8.0*(0.2*var)
		make[0][19679] = make[0][19679]/5

	if 19704 in buy and buy[19704] == 0.0:

	b_karma_w = defaultdict(int)
	b_karma_c = defaultdict(int)
	b_vendor = defaultdict(int)
	b_common = defaultdict(int)
	b_fine = defaultdict(int)
	b_rare = defaultdict(int)
	b_gem = defaultdict(int)
	b_holiday = defaultdict(int)
	b_food = defaultdict(int)
	b_mix = defaultdict(int)

	for item in buy:	
			if item in karma_chef:
				b_karma_c[item] = buy[item]
			elif item in karma_items:
				if localText.path == "":
					Globals.karmin[item] = buy[item] # used by cooking to make a top 5 list
				b_karma_w[item] = buy[item]
			elif item in vendor:
				b_vendor[item] = buy[item]
			elif item in basic:
				b_common[item] = buy[item]
			elif item in basic_f:
				b_fine[item] = buy[item]
			elif item in basic_r:
				b_rare[item] = buy[item]
			elif item in basic_g:
				b_gem[item] = buy[item]
			elif item in basic_h:
				b_holiday[item] = buy[item]
			elif item in basic_fo:
				b_food[item] = buy[item]
				b_mix[item] = buy[item]

	karma_str = u"<div class=\"s%d\"><input type=\"checkbox\" /><span class=\"itemIcon\" style=\"background-image: url(%s);\"></span><span class=\"quantity\">%d</span> <button title=\""+localText.toggle+u"\" class=\"%s arrow\" id=\"%d\">%s</button><div class=\"lsbutton\" id=\"1%d\">%d <span class=\"karmaIcon\"></span> "+localText.valuePer+u" 25 <br /> %s</div></div>\n"
	collectable_str = u"<div class=\"s%d\"><input type=\"checkbox\" /><span class=\"itemIcon\" style=\"background-image: url(%s);\"></span><span class=\"quantity\">%d</span> <span class=\"%s\">%s</span> (%4s "+localText.valuePer+u")</div>\n"

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	elif u"all" in filename:
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	else: # normal
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	# Page Title Part 2
	if filename in [u"cooking_fast.html",u"cooking.html"]:
		title += u': '' - '+localText.nHearts
	elif filename in [u"cooking_karma_fast.html",u"cooking_karma.html"]:
		title += u': '' - '+localText.aHearts
	elif filename in [u"cooking_karma_fast_light.html",u"cooking_karma_light.html"]:
		title += u': '' - '+localText.tHearts
	elif filename in [u"leatherworking_fast.html", u"leatherworking.html", u"leatherworking_400.html"]:
		title += u': '+localText.lw
	elif filename in [u"tailor_fast.html", u"tailor.html", u"tailor_400.html"]:
		title += u': '+localText.tailor
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		title += u': '
	elif filename in [u"jewelcraft_fast.html", u"jewelcraft.html", u"jewelcraft_400.html"]:
		title += u': '+localText.jc
	elif filename in [u"weaponcraft_fast.html", u"weaponcraft.html", u"weaponcraft_400.html", u"weaponcraft_450.html"]:
		title += u': '+localText.wc
	elif filename in [u"huntsman_fast.html", u"huntsman.html", u"huntsman_400.html", u"huntsman_450.html"]:
		title += u': '+localText.hunt
	elif filename in [u"armorcraft_fast.html", u"armorcraft.html", u"armorcraft_400.html"]:
		title += u': '

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	kt = 0 # karma total
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	page += u'	<dd><span style="position: relative; left: -9px;">- '+mFormat(treco)+u'</span></dd>\n'
	page += u'	<dt>%s</dt>\n'%localText.fCost
	page += u'	<dd style="border-top: 1px #666 solid;">'+mFormat(tcost-treco)+u'</dd>\n'
	page += u'</dl>'
	page += u'<div class="clear"></div>'
	page += u'<br /><button title=\"%s\" class=\"arrow\" id=\"tcost\">%s:</button><div class=\"lsbutton\" id=\"1tcost\">'%(localText.toggle,localText.sList)
	for line in sorted(sell):
		if cList[line][u'w'] > 0:
			t = (t+1)%2
			page += u'<div class=\"s%i\">%3i <span class=\"%s\">%s</span> - %s %s</div>\n'%(t,sell[line],cList[line][u'rarity'],cListName[line],(localText.soldVia%mFormat(cList[line][u'w'])),localText.method[cList[line][u'sellMethod']])

	page += u"</div><script type=\"text/javascript\">$('#1tcost').hide();</script><br />"

	if b_vendor or b_karma_c or b_karma_w:
		page += u"<h2>%s</h2>\n"%localText.buyVendor
		if b_karma_c or b_karma_w:
			page += u"<span class=\"karmaIcon\"></span> %s<br /><br />\n"%(localText.kNote)

		for item in sorted(b_karma_w):
			t = (t+1)%2
			page += karma_str%(t,cList[item][u'icon'],buy[item],cList[item][u'rarity'],item,cListName[item],item,karma_items[item][u'cost'],karma_items[item][u'note'])
			kt += int(math.ceil(buy[item]/25.0)*karma_items[item][u'cost'])

		for item in sorted(b_karma_c):
			t = (t+1)%2
			page += karma_str%(t,cList[item][u'icon'],buy[item],cList[item][u'rarity'],item,cListName[item],item,karma_chef[item][u'cost'],karma_chef[item][u'note'])
			kt += int(math.ceil(buy[item]/25.0)*karma_chef[item][u'cost'])

		for item in sorted(b_vendor):
			t = (t+1)%2
			page += (u"<div class=\"s%i\"><input type=\"checkbox\" /><span class=\"itemIcon\" style=\"background-image: url(%s);\"></span><span class=\"quantity\">%i</span> <span class=\"%s\">%s</span> (%4s %s from %s)</div>\n")%(t,cList[item][u'icon'],buy[item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item],mFormat(cList[item][u'cost']),localText.valuePer,localText.method[0])

	if recipebuy:
		page += u"<h2>%s</h2>\n"%localText.bRecipes
		for item in recipebuy:
			t = (t+1)%2
			if karma_recipe[item]['cost']:
				page += (u"<div class=\"s%d\"><input type=\"checkbox\" /><span class=\"itemIcon\" style=\"background-image: url(%s);\"></span><button title=\""+localText.toggle+u"\" class=\"arrow %s\" id=\"%d\">%s</button><div class=\"lsbutton\" id=\"1%d\">%i <span class=\"karmaIcon\"></span>, %s</div></div>\n")%(t,cList[item]['icon'],cList[item]['rarity'],item,cListName[item],item,karma_recipe[item]['cost'],karma_recipe[item]['note'])
				if item in rsps:
					page += (u"<div class=\"s%d\"><input type=\"checkbox\" /><span class=\"itemIcon\" style=\"background-image: url(%s);\"></span><button title=\""+localText.toggle+u"\" class=\"arrow %s\" id=\"%d\">%s</button><div class=\"lsbutton\" id=\"1%d\">%s</div></div>\n")%(t,cList[item]['icon'],cList[item]['rarity'],item,cListName[rsps[item]],item,karma_recipe[item]['note'])
					page += (u"<div class=\"s%d\"><input type=\"checkbox\" /><span class=\"itemIcon\" style=\"background-image: url(%s);\"></span><button title=\""+localText.toggle+u"\" class=\"arrow %s\" id=\"%d\">%s</button><div class=\"lsbutton\" id=\"1%d\">%s</div></div>\n")%(t,cList[item]['icon'],cList[item]['rarity'],item,cListName[item],item,karma_recipe[item]['note'])
			kt += int(karma_recipe[item][u'cost'])
	if kt:
		page += u'<br />\nTotal <span class=\"karmaIcon\"></span>: '+str(kt)+u'<br />\n'
	if b_common or b_fine or b_rare or b_gem or b_holiday or b_food:
		page += u'<h2>%s</h2>\n'%localText.collectibles
		for item in sorted(b_common):
			t = (t+1)%2
			page += collectable_str%(t,cList[item][u'icon'],buy[item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item],mFormat(cList[item][u'cost']))
		for item in sorted(b_fine):
			t = (t+1)%2
			page += collectable_str%(t,cList[item][u'icon'],buy[item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item],mFormat(cList[item][u'cost']))
		for item in sorted(b_rare):
			t = (t+1)%2
			page += collectable_str%(t,cList[item][u'icon'],buy[item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item],mFormat(cList[item][u'cost']))
		for item in sorted(b_gem):
			t = (t+1)%2
			page += collectable_str%(t,cList[item][u'icon'],buy[item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item],mFormat(cList[item][u'cost']))
		for item in sorted(b_holiday):
			t = (t+1)%2
			page += collectable_str%(t,cList[item][u'icon'],buy[item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item],mFormat(cList[item][u'cost']))
		for item in sorted(b_food):
			t = (t+1)%2
			page += collectable_str%(t,cList[item][u'icon'],buy[item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item],mFormat(cList[item][u'cost']))

	if b_mix:
		page += u'<h2>%s</h2>\n'%localText.mixedTP
		for item in sorted(b_mix):
			t = (t+1)%2
			page += collectable_str%(t,cList[item][u'icon'],buy[item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item],mFormat(cList[item][u'cost']))

	page += u"<br />\n<br />\n<h2>%s</h2>\n"%localText.make
	page += u"<button title=\""+localText.toggle+u"\" class =\"info\" id=\"show_all\">%s</button><br />"%localText.expand
	page += u"<button title=\""+localText.toggle+u"\" class =\"info\" id=\"hide_all\">%s</button>"%localText.collapse
	rt = 0
	for tier in mTiers:
		if tier == 400:
			precraft = sorted([i for i in make if make[i] and i < 400])
			if precraft:
				page += (u"<br />\n<h3>%s:<400</h3>\n")%(localText.level)
				for lvl in precraft:
					for item in make[lvl]:
						t = (t+1)%2
						page += u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\">"+localText.make+u":%3i <span class=\"%s\">%s</span></div>\n"%(make[lvl][item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item])

		if tier == 150:
			# adword 2
			page += u'<div style="float:right;position:absolute;right:-320px;"> \
				\n<script async src=\"//\"></script> \
				\n<!-- large side ad 2 --> \
				\n<ins class=\"adsbygoogle\" \
				\n     style=\"display:inline-block;width:300px;height:600px\" \
				\n     data-ad-client=\"ca-pub-6865907345688710\" \
				\n     data-ad-slot=\"4410765382\"></ins> \
				\n<script> \
				\n(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); \
				\n</script> \

		if tierbuy and tier in [0,75,150,225,300]:
			tt = 0
			tc = tier+75
			if tier == 300:
				tc += 25
			page += (u"<br /><br /><h4>%s:<button title=\""+localText.toggle+u"\" class =\"info\" id=\""+str(tier)+u"tier\">%s</button></h4>\n<div class=\"lsbutton\" id=\"1"+str(tier)+u"tier\">")%((localText.tier%(tier/75+1,tier,tc)),localText.buyList%(tier/75+1))
			page += u"<h5>%s</h5>"%localText.blNotice
			for item in sorted(tierbuy[tier]):
				t = (t+1)%2
				page += (u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\"><input type=\"checkbox\" /><span class=\"itemIcon\" style=\"background-image: url("+cList[item][u'icon']+u");\"></span><span class=\"quantity\">%i</span> <span class=\"%s\">%s</span> (%4s "+localText.valuePer+u")</div>\n")%(tierbuy[tier][item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item],mFormat(cList[item][u'cost']))
				tt += tierbuy[tier][item]*cList[item][u'cost']
			rt += tt
			totals[filename.split('.')[0]][tier] = tt
			page += u"</div><h4>%s</h4>\n"%(localText.costRT%(mFormat(tt),mFormat(rt)))		
		page += (u"<br />\n<h3>%s:%3i</h3>\n")%(localText.level,tier)
		if pmake[tier]:
			for item in sorted(pmake[tier]):
				t = (t+1)%2
				page += u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\">"+localText.make+u":%3i <span class=\"%s\">%s</span> (From %i tier) </div>\n"%(pmake[tier][item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item],tier-25)
		for item in sorted(make[tier], key=make[tier].get,reverse=True):
			if cList[item][u'type'] == u'Refinement':
				t = (t+1)%2
				if item == 19679: # Bronze Ingot
					page += (u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\">"+localText.make+u":%3i <span class=\"%s\">%s</span> (%s)</div>\n")%(make[tier][item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item],localText.bNote)
					page += u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\">"+localText.make+u":%3i <span class=\"%s\">%s</span></div>\n"%(make[tier][item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item])
		for item in sorted(make[tier], key=make[tier].get,reverse=True):
			if cList[item][u'type'] in non_item and not cList[item][u'type'] == u'Refinement':
				t = (t+1)%2
				if item in [13063,  13189,  13207,  13219,  13045,  13022,  13075,  13177,  13096,  13033, 13201, 13231]: # Sole
					page += (u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\">"+localText.make+u":%3i <span class=\"%s\">%s</span> (%s)</div>\n")%(make[tier][item]/2,cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item],localText.sNote)
					page += u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\">"+localText.make+u":%3i <span class=\"%s\">%s</span></div>\n"%(make[tier][item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item])

		index = 0
		if tier == 425:
			for item in sorted(make[tier]):
					index = cList[item][u'tier'].index(400)
					index = 0
				if cList[item][u'discover'][index] == 1 and not cList[item][u'rarity'] == u'Exotic':
					cList[item][u'discover'][index] = 0
					if make[tier][item] > 1:
						make[tier][item] -= 1
					t = (t+1)%2
					tstr = "<div class=\"sbutton\" id=\"1"+str(item)+str(tier)+u"\">"
					for s in cList[item][u'recipe'][index]:
						tstr += "\n<br />\t<span class=\"itemIcon\" style=\"background-image: url("+cList[s][u'icon']+u");\"></span> <span class=\""+cList[s][u'rarity']+u'\">'+cListName[s]+u"</span> ("+str(cList[item][u'recipe'][index][s])+u")"
					tstr += "</div><br />"
					page += u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\">"": <button class=\"arrow "+cList[item][u'rarity']+u'\" title=\"'+localText.toggle+u'\" id=\"'+str(item)+str(tier)+u'\">'+cListName[item]+u"</button> "+tstr+u"\n</div>\n"
			for item in sorted(make[tier]):
				if not cList[item][u'type'] in non_item and not cList[item][u'rarity'] == u'Exotic':
					t = (t+1)%2
					page += u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\">"+localText.make+u":%3i <span class=\"%s\">%s</span></div>\n"%(make[tier][item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item])
			for item in sorted(make[tier]):
					index = cList[item][u'tier'].index(400)
					index = 0
				if cList[item][u'discover'][index] == 1 and cList[item][u'rarity'] == u'Exotic':
					cList[item][u'discover'][index] = 0
					if make[tier][item] > 1:
						make[tier][item] -= 1
					t = (t+1)%2
					tstr = "<div class=\"sbutton\" id=\"1"+str(item)+str(tier)+u"\">"
					if craftexo:
						inde = 400
						inde = tier
					for s in cList[item][u'recipe'][index]:
						tstr += "\n<br />\t<span class=\"itemIcon\" style=\"background-image: url("+cList[s][u'icon']+u");\"></span> <span class=\""+cList[s][u'rarity']+u'\">'+cListName[s]+u"</span> ("+str(cList[item][u'recipe'][index][s])+u")"
					tstr += "</div><br />"
					page += u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\">"": <button class=\"arrow "+cList[item][u'rarity']+u'\" title=\"'+localText.toggle+u'\" id=\"'+str(item)+str(tier)+u'\">'+cListName[item]+u"</button> "+tstr+u"\n</div>\n"
			for item in sorted(make[tier]):
				if not cList[item][u'type'] in non_item and cList[item][u'rarity'] == u'Exotic':
					t = (t+1)%2
					page += u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\">"+localText.make+u":%3i <span class=\"%s\">%s</span></div>\n"%(make[tier][item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item])
			for item in sorted(make[tier]):
				if craftexo:
						index = cList[item][u'tier'].index(400)
						index = 0
					index = cList[item][u'tier'].index(tier)
				if cList[item][u'discover'][index] == 1:
					cList[item][u'discover'][index] = 0
					if make[tier][item] > 1:
						make[tier][item] -= 1
					t = (t+1)%2
					tstr = "<div class=\"sbutton\" id=\"1"+str(item)+str(tier)+u"\">"
					for s in cList[item][u'recipe'][index]:
						tstr += "\n<br />\t<span class=\"itemIcon\" style=\"background-image: url("+cList[s][u'icon']+u");\"></span> <span class=\""+cList[s][u'rarity']+u'\">'+cListName[s]+u"</span> ("+str(cList[item][u'recipe'][index][s])+u")"
					tstr += "</div><br />"
					page += u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\">"": <button class=\"arrow "+cList[item][u'rarity']+u'\" title=\"'+localText.toggle+u'\" id=\"'+str(item)+str(tier)+u'\">'+cListName[item]+u"</button> "+tstr+u"\n</div>\n"
			for item in sorted(make[tier]):
				if not cList[item][u'type'] in non_item:
					t = (t+1)%2
					page += u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\">"+localText.make+u":%3i <span class=\"%s\">%s</span></div>\n"%(make[tier][item],cList[item][u'rarity'],cListName[item])
	page += u'<br />\n<h3>%s:%i</h3>\n'%(localText.level,tier+25)
	t = (t+1)%2
	page += u"<div class=\"s"+str(t)+u"\">%s</div>\n"%localText.finish
	# adword
	page += u'<br /><div style="display:block;text-align:Right;"> \
			\n<script async src=\"//\"></script> \
			\n<!-- Tail ad --> \
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			\n     style=\"display:inline-block;width:336px;height:280px\" \
			\n     data-ad-client=\"ca-pub-6865907345688710\" \
			\n     data-ad-slot=\"9889445788\"></ins> \
			\n<script> \
			\n(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); \
			\n</script> \
	page += u'</section>\n'
	page += u'%s\n<script type="text/javascript">\n'%localText.cright
	for item in buttonList:
		page += u"$(\"#"+str(item)+u"\").click(function () {\n\t$(\"#1"+str(item)+u"\").toggle();});\n"
	page += u"$(\".sbutton\").hide();\n"
	page += u"$(\".lsbutton\").hide();\n"
	page += u"$(\"#show_all\").click(function () {$(\".sbutton\").show();"
	page += u"});\n$(\"#hide_all\").click(function () {$(\".sbutton\").hide();"
	page += u'});\n</script>\n'
	page += u'</body>\n'
	page += u'</html>\n'

	return totals