def _add_output_panel(self): """ Adds a widget to the bottom pane for django command output. """ self._output = OutputBox() self._output.set_font(self._font) panel = self.window.get_bottom_panel() panel.add_item_with_stock_icon(self._output, "DjangoOutput", "Django Output", Gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE)
def _add_output_panel(self): """ Adds a widget to the bottom pane for django command output. """ self._output = OutputBox() self._output.set_font(self._font) panel = self.window.get_bottom_panel() panel.add_item_with_stock_icon(self._output, "DjangoOutput", "Django Output", Gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE) try: command = "%s --version" % (self._admin_cmd) except: pass
class Plugin(GObject.Object, Gedit.WindowActivatable): __gtype_name__ = "GeditDjangoProjectPlugin" window = def __init__(self): GObject.Object.__init__(self) self._project = None self._server = None self._output = None self._shell = None self._dbshell = None self._install_stock_icons() self._admin_cmd = "" self._manage_cmd = "python" self._font = "monospace 10" def _add_dbshell_panel(self): """ Adds a database shell to the bottom pane. """ logger.debug("Adding database shell panel.") self._dbshell = Shell() self._dbshell.set_font(self._font) panel = self.window.get_bottom_panel() panel.add_item_with_stock_icon(self._dbshell, "DjangoDbShell", "Database Shell", STOCK_DBSHELL) self._setup_dbshell_panel() panel.activate_item(self._dbshell) def _add_output_panel(self): """ Adds a widget to the bottom pane for django command output. """ self._output = OutputBox() self._output.set_font(self._font) panel = self.window.get_bottom_panel() panel.add_item_with_stock_icon(self._output, "DjangoOutput", "Django Output", Gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE) def _add_server_panel(self, cwd=None): """ Adds a VTE widget to the bottom pane for development server. """ logger.debug("Adding server panel.") self._server = DjangoServer() self._server.set_font(self._font) self._server.command = "%s runserver" % (self._manage_cmd) if cwd: self._server.cwd = cwd self._server.connect("server-started", self.on_server_started) self._server.connect("server-stopped", self.on_server_stopped) panel = self.window.get_bottom_panel() panel.add_item_with_stock_icon(self._server, "DjangoServer", "Django Server", STOCK_SERVER) self._setup_server_panel() def _add_shell_panel(self): """ Adds a python shell to the bottom pane. """ logger.debug("Adding shell.") self._shell = Shell() self._shell.set_font(self._font) panel = self.window.get_bottom_panel() panel.add_item_with_stock_icon(self._shell, "DjangoShell", "Python Shell", STOCK_PYTHON) self._setup_shell_panel() panel.activate_item(self._shell) def _add_ui(self): """ Merge the 'Django' menu into the Gedit menubar. """ ui_file = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'menu.ui') manager = self.window.get_ui_manager() # global actions are always sensitive self._global_actions = Gtk.ActionGroup("DjangoGlobal") self._global_actions.add_actions([ ('Django', None, "_Django", None, None, None), ('NewProject', Gtk.STOCK_NEW, "_New Project...", "<Shift><Control>N", "Start a new Django project.", self.on_new_project_activate), ('OpenProject', Gtk.STOCK_OPEN, "_Open Project", "<Shift><Control>O", "Open an existing Django project.", self.on_open_project_activate), ('NewApp', Gtk.STOCK_NEW, "New _App...", "<Shift><Control>A", "Start a new Django application.", self.on_new_app_activate), ]) self._global_actions.add_toggle_actions([ ('ViewServerPanel', None, "Django _Server", None, "Add the Django development server to the bottom panel.", self.on_view_server_panel_activate, True), ('ViewPythonShell', None, "_Python Shell", None, "Add a Python shell to the bottom panel.", self.on_view_python_shell_panel_activate, False), ('ViewDbShell', None, "_Database Shell", None, "Add a Database shell to the bottom panel.", self.on_view_db_shell_panel_activate, False), ]) manager.insert_action_group(self._global_actions) # project actions are sensitive when a project is open self._project_actions = Gtk.ActionGroup("DjangoProject") self._project_actions.add_actions([ ('CloseProject', Gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, "_Close Project...", "", "Close the current Django project.", self.on_close_project_activate), ('Manage', None, "_Manage", None, None, None), ('SyncDb', Gtk.STOCK_REFRESH, "_Synchronize Database", None, "Creates the database tables for all apps whose tables have not already been created.", self.on_manage_command_activate), ('Cleanup', None, "_Cleanup", None, "Clean out old data from the database.", self.on_manage_command_activate), ('DiffSettings', None, "Di_ff Settings", None, "Displays differences between the current settings and Django's default settings.", self.on_manage_command_activate), ('InspectDb', None, "_Inspect Database", None, "Introspects the database and outputs a Django model module.", self.on_manage_command_activate), ('Flush', None, "_Flush", None, "Returns the database to the state it was in immediately after syncdb was executed.", self.on_manage_command_activate), # all clear custom flush ('Sql', None, "S_QL...", None, "Prints the CREATE TABLE SQL statements for the given app name(s).", self.on_manage_app_select_command_activate), ('SqlAll', None, "SQL _All...", None, "Prints the CREATE TABLE and initial-data SQL statements for the given app name(s).", self.on_manage_app_select_command_activate), ('SqlClear', None, "SQL C_lear...", None, "Prints the DROP TABLE SQL statements for the given app name(s).", self.on_manage_app_select_command_activate), ('SqlCustom', None, "SQL C_ustom...", None, "Prints the custom SQL statements for the given app name(s).", self.on_manage_app_select_command_activate), ('SqlFlush', None, "S_QL Flush", None, "Prints the SQL statements that would be executed for the flush command.", self.on_manage_command_activate), ('SqlIndexes', None, "SQL _Indexes...", None, "Prints the CREATE INDEX SQL statements for the given app name(s).", self.on_manage_app_select_command_activate), ('SqlSequenceReset', None, "SQL Sequence Rese_t...", None, "Prints the SQL statements for resetting sequences for the given app name(s).", self.on_manage_app_select_command_activate), ('Validate', None, "_Validate", None, "Validates all installed models.", self.on_manage_command_activate), ('LoadData', None, "_Load Data...", None, "Loads the contents of fixtures into the database.", self.on_manage_load_data_activate), ('DumpData', None, "_Dump Data...", None, "Outputs all data in the database associated with the named application(s).", self.on_manage_app_select_command_activate), ]) self._project_actions.add_toggle_actions([ ('RunServer', None, "_Run Development Server", "<Shift>F5", "Start/Stop the Django development server.", self.on_manage_runserver_activate, False), ]) self._project_actions.set_sensitive(False) manager.insert_action_group(self._project_actions) self._ui_merge_id = manager.add_ui_from_file(ui_file) manager.ensure_update() def close_project(self): self._project = None self._server.stop() self._server.cwd = None self._server.refresh_ui() if self._shell: self._shell.kill() if self._dbshell: self._dbshell.kill() self._project_actions.set_sensitive(False) self._update_run_server_action() def confirmation_dialog(self, message): """ Display a very basic informative Yes/No dialog. """ dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(self.window, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL | Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION, Gtk.ButtonsType.YES_NO, message) dialog.set_title("Confirm") response = dialog.destroy() if response == Gtk.ResponseType.YES: return True else: return False def do_activate(self): logger.debug("Activating plugin.") self._add_ui() self._add_output_panel() self._add_server_panel() def do_deactivate(self): logger.debug("Deactivating plugin.") self._remove_ui() self._remove_output_panel() self._remove_server_panel() self._remove_shell_panel() self._remove_dbshell_panel() def do_update_state(self): pass def error_dialog(self, message): """ Display a very basic error dialog. """ logger.warn(message) dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(self.window, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL | Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, message) dialog.set_title("Error") dialog.destroy() def _install_stock_icons(self): """ Register custom stock icons used on the tabs. """ logger.debug("Installing stock icons.") icons = (STOCK_PYTHON, STOCK_DBSHELL, STOCK_SERVER) factory = Gtk.IconFactory() for name in icons: filename = name + ".png" pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "icons", filename)) iconset = Gtk.IconSet.new_from_pixbuf(pixbuf) factory.add(name, iconset) factory.add_default() def new_app(self, path, name): """ Runs the 'startapp' Django command. """ try: self.run_admin_command("startapp %s" % name, path) except Exception as e: self.error_dialog(str(e)) def new_dialog(self, title): filename = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'dialogs.ui') path = name = None builder = Gtk.Builder() try: builder.add_from_file(filename) except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed to load %s: %s." % (filename, str(e))) return dialog = builder.get_object('new_dialog') if not dialog: logger.error("Could not find 'new_dialog' widget in %s." % filename) return dialog.set_transient_for(self.window) dialog.set_default_response(Gtk.ResponseType.OK) dialog.set_title(title) response = if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: name_widget = builder.get_object('name') project_widget = builder.get_object('directory') name = name_widget.get_text() path = project_widget.get_filename() dialog.destroy() return (name, path) def new_project(self, path, name): """ Runs the 'startproject' Django command and opens the project. """ try: self.run_admin_command("startproject %s" % name, path) except Exception as e: self.error_dialog(str(e)) return self.open_project(os.path.join(path, name)) def new_tab_from_output(self): message = "Do you want to create a new document with the output?" if not self.confirmation_dialog(message): return tab = self.window.create_tab(False) buff = tab.get_view().get_buffer() end_iter = buff.get_end_iter() buff.insert(end_iter, self._output.get_last_output()) self.window.set_active_tab(tab) def on_close_project_activate(self, action, data=None): self.close_project() def on_manage_command_activate(self, action, data=None): """ Handles simple actions. """ command = action.get_name().lower() if command in ('syncdb', 'flush'): command += ' --noinput' try: self.run_management_command(command) except: pass # errors show up in output if command in ('inspectdb', 'sqlflush', 'diffsettings'): self.new_tab_from_output() def on_manage_app_select_command_activate(self, action, data=None): dialog = Gtk.Dialog("Select apps...", self.window, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL | Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Gtk.STOCK_OK, Gtk.ResponseType.OK)) dialog.set_default_size(300, 200) selector = AppSelector() selector.show_all() try: selector.load_from_settings(self._project.get_settings_module()) except Exception as e: self.error_dialog("Error getting app list: %s" % str(e)) box = dialog.get_content_area() box.set_border_width(10) box.pack_start(selector, True, True, 0) response = if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: files = selector.get_selected() command = action.get_name().lower() full_command = "%s %s" % (command, " ".join([f for f in files]) ) try: self.run_management_command(full_command) except Exception as e: self.error_dialog(str(e)) dialog.destroy() # only after the dialog is destroyed do we prompt them for a new tab if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: if command[:3] == "sql" or command in ('dumpdata'): self.new_tab_from_output() def on_manage_load_data_activate(self, action, data=None): """ Prompt user for fixtures to load into database. """ dialog = Gtk.FileChooserDialog("Select fixtures...", self.window, Gtk.FileChooserAction.OPEN, (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Gtk.STOCK_OPEN, Gtk.ResponseType.OK)) dialog.set_select_multiple(True) if self._project: dialog.set_filename(self._project.get_path()) response = if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: files = dialog.get_files() command = "loaddata "+" ".join([f.get_path() for f in files]) try: self.run_management_command(command) except Exception as e: self.error_dialog(str(e)) dialog.destroy() def on_manage_runserver_activate(self, action, data=None): """ Run Django development server. """ if not self._server: return try: if not action.get_active() and self._server.is_running(): self._server.stop() elif action.get_active() and not self._server.is_running(): self._server.start() except Exception as e: self.error_dialog(str(e)) return def on_new_app_activate(self, action, data=None): """ Prompt user for new app name and directory """ name, path = self.new_dialog("New Django App") if name and path: self.new_app(path, name) def on_new_project_activate(self, action, data=None): """ Prompt user for new project name and directory """ name, path = self.new_dialog("New Django Project") if name and path: self.new_project(path, name) def on_open_project_activate(self, action, data=None): """ Prompt the user for the Django project directory. """ path = None dialog = Gtk.FileChooserDialog("Select project folder...", self.window, Gtk.FileChooserAction.SELECT_FOLDER, (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Gtk.STOCK_OPEN, Gtk.ResponseType.OK)) response = if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: path = dialog.get_filename() dialog.destroy() if path: self.open_project(path) def on_server_started(self, server, pid, data=None): self._project_actions.get_action("RunServer").set_active(True) panel = self.window.get_bottom_panel() panel.activate_item(self._server) def on_server_stopped(self, server, pid, data=None): self._project_actions.get_action("RunServer").set_active(False) panel = self.window.get_bottom_panel() panel.activate_item(self._server) def on_view_db_shell_panel_activate(self, action, data=None): """ Show/Hide database shell from main menu. """ if action.get_active(): self._add_dbshell_panel() else: self._remove_dbshell_panel() def on_view_python_shell_panel_activate(self, action, data=None): """ Show/Hide python shell from main menu. """ if action.get_active(): self._add_shell_panel() else: self._remove_shell_panel() def on_view_server_panel_activate(self, action, data=None): """ Show/Hide development server from main menu. """ if action.get_active(): self._add_server_panel() else: self._remove_server_panel() self._update_run_server_action() def open_project(self, path): logger.debug("Opening Django project: %s" % path) if self._project: self.close_project() try: self._project = DjangoProject(path) except IOError as e: self.error_dialog("Could not open project: %s" % str(e)) return self._output.cwd = self._project.get_path() self._setup_server_panel() self._setup_shell_panel() self._setup_dbshell_panel() self._project_actions.set_sensitive(True) self._update_run_server_action() # print version as it may have changed due to virtualenv try: #command = "%s --version" % (self._admin_cmd) self.run_admin_command("--version" , path) except: pass def _setup_dbshell_panel(self): if self._dbshell and self._project: self._dbshell.cwd = self._project.get_path() self._dbshell.command = "%s dbshell" % self._manage_cmd def _setup_server_panel(self): if self._server and self._project: self._server.cwd = self._project.get_path() self._server.refresh_ui() def _setup_shell_panel(self): if self._shell and self._project: self._shell.cwd = self._project.get_path() self._shell.command = "%s shell" % self._manage_cmd def _remove_output_panel(self): """ Remove the output box from the bottom panel. """ logger.debug("Removing output panel.") if self._output: self._remove_panel(self._output) self._output = None def _remove_panel(self, item): panel = self.window.get_bottom_panel() panel.remove_item(item) def _remove_server_panel(self): """ Stop and remove development server panel from the bottom panel. """ if self._server: logger.debug("Removing server panel.") self._server.stop() self._remove_panel(self._server) self._server = None def _remove_shell_panel(self): """ Remove python shell from bottom panel. """ if self._shell: logger.debug("Removing shell panel.") self._remove_panel(self._shell) self._shell = None def _remove_dbshell_panel(self): """ Remove database shell from bottom panel. """ if self._dbshell: logger.debug("Removing database shell panel.") self._remove_panel(self._dbshell) self._dbshell = None def _remove_ui(self): """ Remove the 'Django' menu from the the Gedit menubar. """ manager = self.window.get_ui_manager() manager.remove_ui(self._ui_merge_id) manager.remove_action_group(self._global_actions) manager.remove_action_group(self._project_actions) manager.ensure_update() def run_admin_command(self, command, path=None): """ Run a command in the output panel. """ self.window.get_bottom_panel().activate_item(self._output) full_command = "%s %s" % (self._admin_cmd, command) deb_command = "%s %s" % (self._admin_cmd[0:-3], command) original_cwd = self._output.cwd self._output.cwd = path try: except OSError: try: # try without ".py" for debian/ubuntu system installs print(deb_command) except: raise Exception("Could not execute command.\nIs Django installed?") finally: self._output.cwd = original_cwd def run_management_command(self, command): """ Run a command in the output panel. """ self.window.get_bottom_panel().activate_item(self._output) full_command = "%s %s" % (self._manage_cmd, command) def _update_run_server_action(self): if not self._server or not self._project: self._project_actions.get_action("RunServer").set_sensitive(False) else: self._project_actions.get_action("RunServer").set_sensitive(True)
class Plugin(GObject.Object, Gedit.WindowActivatable): __gtype_name__ = "GeditDjangoProjectPlugin" window = def __init__(self): GObject.Object.__init__(self) self._project = None self._server = None self._output = None self._shell = None self._dbshell = None self._install_stock_icons() self._admin_cmd = "" self._manage_cmd = "python" self._font = "monospace 10" def _add_dbshell_panel(self): """ Adds a database shell to the bottom pane. """ logger.debug("Adding database shell panel.") self._dbshell = Shell() self._dbshell.set_font(self._font) panel = self.window.get_bottom_panel() panel.add_item_with_stock_icon(self._dbshell, "DjangoDbShell", "Database Shell", STOCK_DBSHELL) self._setup_dbshell_panel() panel.activate_item(self._dbshell) def _add_output_panel(self): """ Adds a widget to the bottom pane for django command output. """ self._output = OutputBox() self._output.set_font(self._font) panel = self.window.get_bottom_panel() panel.add_item_with_stock_icon(self._output, "DjangoOutput", "Django Output", Gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE) def _add_server_panel(self, cwd=None): """ Adds a VTE widget to the bottom pane for development server. """ logger.debug("Adding server panel.") self._server = DjangoServer() self._server.set_font(self._font) self._server.command = "%s runserver" % (self._manage_cmd) if cwd: self._server.cwd = cwd self._server.connect("server-started", self.on_server_started) self._server.connect("server-stopped", self.on_server_stopped) panel = self.window.get_bottom_panel() panel.add_item_with_stock_icon(self._server, "DjangoServer", "Django Server", STOCK_SERVER) self._setup_server_panel() def _add_shell_panel(self): """ Adds a python shell to the bottom pane. """ logger.debug("Adding shell.") self._shell = Shell() self._shell.set_font(self._font) panel = self.window.get_bottom_panel() panel.add_item_with_stock_icon(self._shell, "DjangoShell", "Python Shell", STOCK_PYTHON) self._setup_shell_panel() panel.activate_item(self._shell) def _add_ui(self): """ Merge the 'Django' menu into the Gedit menubar. """ ui_file = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'menu.ui') manager = self.window.get_ui_manager() # global actions are always sensitive self._global_actions = Gtk.ActionGroup("DjangoGlobal") self._global_actions.add_actions([ ('Django', None, "_Django", None, None, None), ('NewProject', Gtk.STOCK_NEW, "_New Project...", "<Shift><Control>N", "Start a new Django project.", self.on_new_project_activate), ('OpenProject', Gtk.STOCK_OPEN, "_Open Project", "<Shift><Control>O", "Open an existing Django project.", self.on_open_project_activate), ('NewApp', Gtk.STOCK_NEW, "New _App...", "<Shift><Control>A", "Start a new Django application.", self.on_new_app_activate), ]) self._global_actions.add_toggle_actions([ ('ViewServerPanel', None, "Django _Server", None, "Add the Django development server to the bottom panel.", self.on_view_server_panel_activate, True), ('ViewPythonShell', None, "_Python Shell", None, "Add a Python shell to the bottom panel.", self.on_view_python_shell_panel_activate, False), ('ViewDbShell', None, "_Database Shell", None, "Add a Database shell to the bottom panel.", self.on_view_db_shell_panel_activate, False), ]) manager.insert_action_group(self._global_actions) # project actions are sensitive when a project is open self._project_actions = Gtk.ActionGroup("DjangoProject") self._project_actions.add_actions([ ('CloseProject', Gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, "_Close Project...", "", "Close the current Django project.", self.on_close_project_activate), ('Manage', None, "_Manage", None, None, None), ('SyncDb', Gtk.STOCK_REFRESH, "_Synchronize Database", None, "Creates the database tables for all apps whose tables have not already been created.", self.on_manage_command_activate), ('Cleanup', None, "_Cleanup", None, "Clean out old data from the database.", self.on_manage_command_activate), ('DiffSettings', None, "Di_ff Settings", None, "Displays differences between the current settings and Django's default settings.", self.on_manage_command_activate), ('InspectDb', None, "_Inspect Database", None, "Introspects the database and outputs a Django model module.", self.on_manage_command_activate), ('Flush', None, "_Flush", None, "Returns the database to the state it was in immediately after syncdb was executed.", self.on_manage_command_activate), # all clear custom flush ('Sql', None, "S_QL...", None, "Prints the CREATE TABLE SQL statements for the given app name(s).", self.on_manage_app_select_command_activate), ('SqlAll', None, "SQL _All...", None, "Prints the CREATE TABLE and initial-data SQL statements for the given app name(s).", self.on_manage_app_select_command_activate), ('SqlClear', None, "SQL C_lear...", None, "Prints the DROP TABLE SQL statements for the given app name(s).", self.on_manage_app_select_command_activate), ('SqlCustom', None, "SQL C_ustom...", None, "Prints the custom SQL statements for the given app name(s).", self.on_manage_app_select_command_activate), ('SqlFlush', None, "S_QL Flush", None, "Prints the SQL statements that would be executed for the flush command.", self.on_manage_command_activate), ('SqlIndexes', None, "SQL _Indexes...", None, "Prints the CREATE INDEX SQL statements for the given app name(s).", self.on_manage_app_select_command_activate), ('SqlSequenceReset', None, "SQL Sequence Rese_t...", None, "Prints the SQL statements for resetting sequences for the given app name(s).", self.on_manage_app_select_command_activate), ('Validate', None, "_Validate", None, "Validates all installed models.", self.on_manage_command_activate), ('LoadData', None, "_Load Data...", None, "Loads the contents of fixtures into the database.", self.on_manage_load_data_activate), ('DumpData', None, "_Dump Data...", None, "Outputs all data in the database associated with the named application(s).", self.on_manage_app_select_command_activate), ]) self._project_actions.add_toggle_actions([ ('RunServer', None, "_Run Development Server", "<Shift>F5", "Start/Stop the Django development server.", self.on_manage_runserver_activate, False), ]) self._project_actions.set_sensitive(False) manager.insert_action_group(self._project_actions) self._ui_merge_id = manager.add_ui_from_file(ui_file) manager.ensure_update() def close_project(self): self._project = None self._server.stop() self._server.cwd = None self._server.refresh_ui() if self._shell: self._shell.kill() if self._dbshell: self._dbshell.kill() self._project_actions.set_sensitive(False) self._update_run_server_action() def confirmation_dialog(self, message): """ Display a very basic informative Yes/No dialog. """ dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog( self.window, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL | Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION, Gtk.ButtonsType.YES_NO, message) dialog.set_title("Confirm") response = dialog.destroy() if response == Gtk.ResponseType.YES: return True else: return False def do_activate(self): logger.debug("Activating plugin.") self._add_ui() self._add_output_panel() self._add_server_panel() def do_deactivate(self): logger.debug("Deactivating plugin.") self._remove_ui() self._remove_output_panel() self._remove_server_panel() self._remove_shell_panel() self._remove_dbshell_panel() def do_update_state(self): pass def error_dialog(self, message): """ Display a very basic error dialog. """ logger.warn(message) dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog( self.window, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL | Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, message) dialog.set_title("Error") dialog.destroy() def _install_stock_icons(self): """ Register custom stock icons used on the tabs. """ logger.debug("Installing stock icons.") icons = (STOCK_PYTHON, STOCK_DBSHELL, STOCK_SERVER) factory = Gtk.IconFactory() for name in icons: filename = name + ".png" pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file( os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "icons", filename)) iconset = Gtk.IconSet.new_from_pixbuf(pixbuf) factory.add(name, iconset) factory.add_default() def new_app(self, path, name): """ Runs the 'startapp' Django command. """ try: self.run_admin_command("startapp %s" % name, path) except Exception as e: self.error_dialog(str(e)) def new_dialog(self, title): filename = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'dialogs.ui') path = name = None builder = Gtk.Builder() try: builder.add_from_file(filename) except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed to load %s: %s." % (filename, str(e))) return dialog = builder.get_object('new_dialog') if not dialog: logger.error("Could not find 'new_dialog' widget in %s." % filename) return dialog.set_transient_for(self.window) dialog.set_default_response(Gtk.ResponseType.OK) dialog.set_title(title) response = if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: name_widget = builder.get_object('name') project_widget = builder.get_object('directory') name = name_widget.get_text() path = project_widget.get_filename() dialog.destroy() return (name, path) def new_project(self, path, name): """ Runs the 'startproject' Django command and opens the project. """ try: self.run_admin_command("startproject %s" % name, path) except Exception as e: self.error_dialog(str(e)) return self.open_project(os.path.join(path, name)) def new_tab_from_output(self): message = "Do you want to create a new document with the output?" if not self.confirmation_dialog(message): return tab = self.window.create_tab(False) buff = tab.get_view().get_buffer() end_iter = buff.get_end_iter() buff.insert(end_iter, self._output.get_last_output()) self.window.set_active_tab(tab) def on_close_project_activate(self, action, data=None): self.close_project() def on_manage_command_activate(self, action, data=None): """ Handles simple actions. """ command = action.get_name().lower() if command in ('syncdb', 'flush'): command += ' --noinput' try: self.run_management_command(command) except: pass # errors show up in output if command in ('inspectdb', 'sqlflush', 'diffsettings'): self.new_tab_from_output() def on_manage_app_select_command_activate(self, action, data=None): dialog = Gtk.Dialog( "Select apps...", self.window, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL | Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Gtk.STOCK_OK, Gtk.ResponseType.OK)) dialog.set_default_size(300, 200) selector = AppSelector() selector.show_all() try: selector.load_from_settings(self._project.get_settings_module()) except Exception as e: self.error_dialog("Error getting app list: %s" % str(e)) box = dialog.get_content_area() box.set_border_width(10) box.pack_start(selector, True, True, 0) response = if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: files = selector.get_selected() command = action.get_name().lower() full_command = "%s %s" % (command, " ".join([f for f in files])) try: self.run_management_command(full_command) except Exception as e: self.error_dialog(str(e)) dialog.destroy() # only after the dialog is destroyed do we prompt them for a new tab if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: if command[:3] == "sql" or command in ('dumpdata'): self.new_tab_from_output() def on_manage_load_data_activate(self, action, data=None): """ Prompt user for fixtures to load into database. """ dialog = Gtk.FileChooserDialog( "Select fixtures...", self.window, Gtk.FileChooserAction.OPEN, (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Gtk.STOCK_OPEN, Gtk.ResponseType.OK)) dialog.set_select_multiple(True) if self._project: dialog.set_filename(self._project.get_path()) response = if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: files = dialog.get_files() command = "loaddata " + " ".join([f.get_path() for f in files]) try: self.run_management_command(command) except Exception as e: self.error_dialog(str(e)) dialog.destroy() def on_manage_runserver_activate(self, action, data=None): """ Run Django development server. """ if not self._server: return try: if not action.get_active() and self._server.is_running(): self._server.stop() elif action.get_active() and not self._server.is_running(): self._server.start() except Exception as e: self.error_dialog(str(e)) return def on_new_app_activate(self, action, data=None): """ Prompt user for new app name and directory """ name, path = self.new_dialog("New Django App") if name and path: self.new_app(path, name) def on_new_project_activate(self, action, data=None): """ Prompt user for new project name and directory """ name, path = self.new_dialog("New Django Project") if name and path: self.new_project(path, name) def on_open_project_activate(self, action, data=None): """ Prompt the user for the Django project directory. """ path = None dialog = Gtk.FileChooserDialog( "Select project folder...", self.window, Gtk.FileChooserAction.SELECT_FOLDER, (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Gtk.STOCK_OPEN, Gtk.ResponseType.OK)) response = if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: path = dialog.get_filename() dialog.destroy() if path: self.open_project(path) def on_server_started(self, server, pid, data=None): self._project_actions.get_action("RunServer").set_active(True) panel = self.window.get_bottom_panel() panel.activate_item(self._server) def on_server_stopped(self, server, pid, data=None): self._project_actions.get_action("RunServer").set_active(False) panel = self.window.get_bottom_panel() panel.activate_item(self._server) def on_view_db_shell_panel_activate(self, action, data=None): """ Show/Hide database shell from main menu. """ if action.get_active(): self._add_dbshell_panel() else: self._remove_dbshell_panel() def on_view_python_shell_panel_activate(self, action, data=None): """ Show/Hide python shell from main menu. """ if action.get_active(): self._add_shell_panel() else: self._remove_shell_panel() def on_view_server_panel_activate(self, action, data=None): """ Show/Hide development server from main menu. """ if action.get_active(): self._add_server_panel() else: self._remove_server_panel() self._update_run_server_action() def open_project(self, path): logger.debug("Opening Django project: %s" % path) if self._project: self.close_project() try: self._project = DjangoProject(path) except IOError as e: self.error_dialog("Could not open project: %s" % str(e)) return self._output.cwd = self._project.get_path() self._setup_server_panel() self._setup_shell_panel() self._setup_dbshell_panel() self._project_actions.set_sensitive(True) self._update_run_server_action() # print version as it may have changed due to virtualenv try: #command = "%s --version" % (self._admin_cmd) self.run_admin_command("--version", path) except: pass def _setup_dbshell_panel(self): if self._dbshell and self._project: self._dbshell.cwd = self._project.get_path() self._dbshell.command = "%s dbshell" % self._manage_cmd def _setup_server_panel(self): if self._server and self._project: self._server.cwd = self._project.get_path() self._server.refresh_ui() def _setup_shell_panel(self): if self._shell and self._project: self._shell.cwd = self._project.get_path() self._shell.command = "%s shell" % self._manage_cmd def _remove_output_panel(self): """ Remove the output box from the bottom panel. """ logger.debug("Removing output panel.") if self._output: self._remove_panel(self._output) self._output = None def _remove_panel(self, item): panel = self.window.get_bottom_panel() panel.remove_item(item) def _remove_server_panel(self): """ Stop and remove development server panel from the bottom panel. """ if self._server: logger.debug("Removing server panel.") self._server.stop() self._remove_panel(self._server) self._server = None def _remove_shell_panel(self): """ Remove python shell from bottom panel. """ if self._shell: logger.debug("Removing shell panel.") self._remove_panel(self._shell) self._shell = None def _remove_dbshell_panel(self): """ Remove database shell from bottom panel. """ if self._dbshell: logger.debug("Removing database shell panel.") self._remove_panel(self._dbshell) self._dbshell = None def _remove_ui(self): """ Remove the 'Django' menu from the the Gedit menubar. """ manager = self.window.get_ui_manager() manager.remove_ui(self._ui_merge_id) manager.remove_action_group(self._global_actions) manager.remove_action_group(self._project_actions) manager.ensure_update() def run_admin_command(self, command, path=None): """ Run a command in the output panel. """ self.window.get_bottom_panel().activate_item(self._output) full_command = "%s %s" % (self._admin_cmd, command) deb_command = "%s %s" % (self._admin_cmd[0:-3], command) original_cwd = self._output.cwd self._output.cwd = path try: except OSError: try: # try without ".py" for debian/ubuntu system installs print(deb_command) except: raise Exception( "Could not execute command.\nIs Django installed?" ) finally: self._output.cwd = original_cwd def run_management_command(self, command): """ Run a command in the output panel. """ self.window.get_bottom_panel().activate_item(self._output) full_command = "%s %s" % (self._manage_cmd, command) def _update_run_server_action(self): if not self._server or not self._project: self._project_actions.get_action("RunServer").set_sensitive(False) else: self._project_actions.get_action("RunServer").set_sensitive(True)