def exit_system(): print() print('用户信息保存成功,退出成功,bye-bye ~') break_flag = 1 dbmysql.close_mysql(db,mysqldb) output_log.log_log('debug', '退出系统,关闭数据库连接') return break_flag
def main(): if is_login: output_log.log_log('debug', '登陆成功') print('=' * 70) print(''' \033[31m欢迎来到某某信息管理系统 \033[0m ''') print('=' * 70) break_flag = 0 while 1: if break_flag: print('卧槽 退出了') break print(''' 执行操作的序号: 1、 插入一个用户信息. 2、 查询当前用户信息. 3、 更新某个用户信息. 4、 删掉某个用户信息. 5、 退出系统. ''') # 输入对用户信息的操作 按数据库逻辑实现,id 为主键 action = input('\033[34m请输入需要执行操作的序号: \033[0m').strip() dict = { '1': operate.insert, '2':, '3': operate.update, '4': operate.delete, '5': operate.exit_system } break_flag = dict.get(action, operate.other_action)()
def select(): user_select = [] select_flag = 0 select_word = input('查询的字符串: ').strip() select_sql = ("select * from message where uid like '%{}%' or name like '%{}%' or tel like '%{}%'or address like '%{}%';" .format(select_word, select_word, select_word, select_word)) output_log.log_log('warn', select_sql) dbmysql.execute_mysql(mysqldb = mysqldb,sql = select_sql) for i in mysqldb.fetchall(): user_select.append(i) select_flag = 1 if select_flag: max_page = math.ceil(len(user_select) / PAGE_LIST) break_flag = 0 while 1: if break_flag == 1: break page = input('想看哪一页 (最大页码 %d): ' % max_page) if page.isdigit() and 0 < int(page) <= max_page: page_num = int(page) head_mess = prettytable.PrettyTable(["uid", "name", "age", "tel", "address", "createTime", "create_time", "updateTime", "update_time"]) head_mess.align["uid"] = "l" head_mess.padding_width = 1 for user in user_select[(page_num - 1) * PAGE_LIST : page_num * PAGE_LIST]: head_mess.add_row(user) print(head_mess) else: print('输入页码非法,请重新输入页码. eg:1 -- %d ' % max_page) continue print() show_quit = input('是否要继续查看信息 (输入 \'Q或q\' 则退出 将查询信息进行导出csv/html模式,否则继续): ').strip() if show_quit == 'Q' or show_quit == 'q': break_flag = 1 else: print('无数据') print(''' 1、导出csv 文件 2、导出html 文件 N/n、不进行导出 ''') choice = input('请选择导出csv或者html文件(N/n 不进行导出):') # mysqldb.execute(select_sql) # output_mess = prettytable.from_db_cursor(mysqldb) # print(output_mess) if choice == "1": output_file.output_csv(user_select) elif choice == "2": output_file.output_html(user_select) elif choice == "N" or choice == "n": output_file.dont_output() else: output_file.illegal()
def open_mysql(): server_ip = config['MYSQL']['server_ip'] user = str(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(config['MYSQL']['user']), encoding='utf-8') passwd = str(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(config['MYSQL']['passwd']), encoding='utf-8') db = pymysql.connect(server_ip, user, passwd, "USERMESSAGE") mysqldb = db.cursor() output_log.log_log('debug', '连接数据库了') return db, mysqldb
def output_html(user_select): template_loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader( searchpath=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) template_env = jinja2.Environment(loader=template_loader) template = template_env.get_template("index.html") content = {'user_select': user_select} html_str = template.render(content) with open('new.html', 'w') as fd: fd.write(html_str) print('成功导出html 文件, new.html') output_log.log_log('warn', '成功导出html 文件, new.html')
def output_csv(user_select): data = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8') table = data.add_sheet('Sheet 1', cell_overwrite_ok=True) keys = [ "uid", "name", "age", "tel", "address", "createTime", "create_time", "updateTime", "update_time" ] for x in range(len(keys)): table.write(0, x, keys[x]) for i in range(len(user_select)): for j in range(len(user_select[i])): table.write(i + 1, j, user_select[i][j])'new.csv') print('成功导出csv 文件, new.csv') output_log.log_log('warn', '成功导出csv 文件, new.csv')
def insert(): has_error = 0 insert_name = input('请输入增加用户的姓名: ').strip() insert_age = input('请输入增加用户的年龄: ').strip() insert_tel = input('请输入增加用户的电话: ').strip() insert_add = input('请输入增加用户的地址: ').strip() insert_create_time = int(time.time()) insert_update_time = int(time.time()) if len(insert_tel) < 7 or len(insert_name) < 1: has_error = 1 if not insert_age.isdigit() or int(insert_age) < 1 or int(insert_age) > 200: has_error = 1 if has_error: print('Illegal,输入非法↓') output_log.log_log('warn', '增加用户信息错误') return False print('\033[34m这是新增的信息,请核对:\033[0m') insert_dict = {'name': insert_name, 'age': insert_age, 'tel': insert_tel,'address': insert_add} print(insert_dict) change_flag = input('是否进行插入?(Y,y) 否则不更改 ') if change_flag == 'Y' or change_flag == 'y': try: insert_sql = ("insert into message(name, age, tel, address,create_time,update_time) values ('{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}');" .format(insert_name, insert_age, insert_tel, insert_add, insert_create_time, insert_update_time)) dbmysql.execute_mysql(mysqldb = mysqldb,sql = insert_sql) dbmysql.commit_mysql(db = db) print(insert_sql) # insert_sql = '''insert into message(name, age, tel, address,create_time,update_time) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);''' # mysqldb.execute(insert_sql, (insert_name, insert_age, insert_tel, insert_add, insert_create_time, insert_update_time)) print('用户信息插入成功') output_log.log_log('debug', '增加用户信息') output_log.log_log('debug', insert_dict) except: dbmysql.rollback_mysql(db) print('数据库报错,未插入这个用户信息') output_log.log_log('debug', '数据库报错,未插入这个用户信息') else: print('手动取消,未插入这个用户信息') output_log.log_log('debug', '手动取消,未插入这个用户信息')
def login_def(): now_time = time.time() lasttime = float(config['LOCK']['lasttime']) count = int(config['LOCK']['count']) usermessage = {'count': count, 'lasttime': lasttime} usermessage['lasttime'] = now_time config.set("LOCK", "lasttime", str(now_time)) config.write(open('conf.ini', "w")) drop = now_time - lasttime # 判断是否大于1天 if int(drop) > lock_time: usermessage['count'] = MAX_LOGIN_TIMES count = int(usermessage.get('count')) is_login = 0 for i in range(count): TOKEN = getpass.getpass( '\033[33m 请输入你的TOKEN(5775cbe26a3a3b153a3be6e68b9925e8db10557e): \033[0m' ).strip() headers = {'Authorization': 'token ' + TOKEN} #user_name = input('\033[33m 请输入你的姓名: \033[0m').strip() #password = getpass.getpass('\033[33m 请输入你的密码: \033[0m').strip() req = requests.get('', headers=headers) output_log.log_log('info', json.dumps(req.json())) output_log.log_log('info', req.url) res = req.json() #if user_name == usermessage['name'] and password == usermessage['passwd']: if res.get("login", None) == my_name: print('\033[32m login success ---> 登陆成功 \033[0m') is_login = 1 break else: count -= 1 usermessage['count'] = count config.set("LOCK", "count", str(count)) config.write(open('conf.ini', "w")) print('用户信息错误,登陆失败,还有 %d 次机会' % count) output_log.log_log('warn', '用户信息错误,登陆失败') else: print( '\033[31m请在 30秒后(为调试方便,使用30s,可自定义调整)重试, 或者联系曹智(18000000000)...\033[0m' ) output_log.log_log('warn', '用户信息错误,登陆失败,已锁定') return is_login
def other_action(): print() print('你输入操作的动作非法') output_log.log_log('warn', '输入操作非法')
def delete(): has_error = 0 Dselect_flag = 0 delete_uid = input('请输入删除用户的id: ').strip() if delete_uid.isdigit(): Dselect_sql = "(select * from message where uid='{}' limit 1);".format(delete_uid) dbmysql.execute_mysql(mysqldb = mysqldb,sql = Dselect_sql) for i in mysqldb.fetchall(): print('这是要删的原数据→') print(i) output_log.log_log('debug', i) output_log.log_log('debug', '准备删除这个id的信息') Dselect_flag = 1 break else: print('Sorry, 没有这个用户id') if Dselect_flag: if not has_error: delete_sql = "delete from message where uid='{}';".format(delete_uid) delete_flag = input('这是是更改的信息,请核对 是否更改?(Y|y) 否则不更改: ') if delete_flag == 'Y' or delete_flag == 'y': try: dbmysql.execute_mysql(mysqldb = mysqldb,sql = delete_sql) dbmysql.commit_mysql(db = db) print('用户信息删除成功') output_log.log_log('debug', '删除用户信息成功') except: dbmysql.rollback_mysql(db = db) print('数据删除失败,已回滚') else: print('未进行删除') output_log.log_log('debug', '手动取消,未删除这个用户信息') else: print('请重新进行删除用户数据') output_log.log_log('warn', '删除用户输入id错误') else: print('Sorry, id非法') output_log.log_log('warn', '更新输入id非法')
def update(): has_error = 0 Uselect_flag = 0 update_uid = input('请输入更新用户的id: ').strip() if update_uid.isdigit(): Uselect_sql = "select * from message where uid='{}' limit 1;".format(update_uid) dbmysql.execute_mysql(mysqldb = mysqldb,sql = Uselect_sql) for i in mysqldb.fetchall(): print('这是要改的原数据→') print(i) Uselect_flag = 1 break else: print('Sorry, 没有这个用户id') output_log.log_log('debug', update_uid) output_log.log_log('debug', '更新数据,没有这个id用户信息') if Uselect_flag: update_name = input('请输入更新用户的姓名: ').strip() update_age = input('请输入更新用户的年龄: ').strip() update_tel = input('请输入更新用户的电话: ').strip() update_add = input('请输入更新用户的地址: ').strip() update_update_time = int(time.time()) if len(update_name) < 1: has_error = 1 print('输入姓名非法') if not update_age.isdigit() or int(update_age) < 1 or int(update_age) > 200: has_error = 1 print('输入年龄非法') if len(update_tel) < 7: has_error = 1 print('输入电话非法') if len(update_add) < 1: has_error = 1 print('输入地址非法') if not has_error: update_sql = ("update message set name='{}', age='{}', tel='{}', address='{}', update_time='{}' where uid='{}';" .format(update_name, update_age, update_tel, update_add, update_update_time, update_uid)) update_message = {'name': update_name, 'age': update_age, 'tel': update_tel,'address': update_add} print(update_message) change_flag = input('这是是更改的信息,请核对 是否更改?(Y|y) 否则不更改: ') if change_flag == 'Y' or change_flag == 'y': dbmysql.execute_mysql(mysqldb = mysqldb,sql = update_sql) dbmysql.commit_mysql(db = db) print('用户信息更新成功') output_log.log_log('debug', '更新用户信息') output_log.log_log('debug', update_sql) output_log.log_log('debug', update_message) else: print('未进行更新') output_log.log_log('debug', '手动取消,未更改这个用户信息') else: print('请重新更新用户数据') output_log.log_log('warn', '修改用户输入信息错误') else: print('Sorry, id非法') output_log.log_log('warn', '更新输入id非法')