def _plot_tpr_tnr_overall(assessments, trackers, names=None, colors=None, markers=None): bootstrap_modes = [False, True] if args.bootstrap else [False] for iou in args.iou_thresholds: for bootstrap in bootstrap_modes: for posthoc in ([False] if bootstrap else [False, True]): _plot_tpr_tnr(('tpr_tnr_iou_' + oxuva.float2str(iou) + ('_posthoc' if posthoc else '') + ('_bootstrap' if bootstrap else '')), assessments, trackers, iou, bootstrap, posthoc, names=names, colors=colors, markers=markers, min_time_sec=None, max_time_sec=None, include_score=True)
def _plot_present_absent(assessments, trackers, iou_threshold, bootstrap, names=None, colors=None, markers=None): names = names or {} colors = colors or {} markers = markers or {} stats_whole = { tracker: oxuva.dataset_quality(assessments[tracker][iou_threshold]['totals'], enable_bootstrap=bootstrap, num_trials=args.bootstrap_trials) for tracker in trackers } stats_all_present = { tracker: oxuva.dataset_quality_filter( assessments[tracker][iou_threshold]['totals'], require_none_absent=True, enable_bootstrap=bootstrap, num_trials=args.bootstrap_trials) for tracker in trackers } stats_any_absent = { tracker: oxuva.dataset_quality_filter( assessments[tracker][iou_threshold]['totals'], require_some_absent=True, enable_bootstrap=bootstrap, num_trials=args.bootstrap_trials) for tracker in trackers } order = _sort_quality(stats_whole) tpr_key = 'TPR_mean' if bootstrap else 'TPR' max_tpr = max( max([stats_all_present[tracker][tpr_key] for tracker in trackers]), max([stats_any_absent[tracker][tpr_key] for tracker in trackers])) plt.figure(figsize=(args.width_inches, args.height_inches)) plt.xlabel('TPR (tracks without absent labels)') plt.ylabel('TPR (tracks with some absent labels)') for tracker in order: if bootstrap: plot_func = functools.partial( _errorbar, xerr=args.errorbar_size * np.sqrt([stats_all_present[tracker]['TPR_var']]), yerr=args.errorbar_size * np.sqrt([stats_any_absent[tracker]['TPR_var']]), capsize=3) else: plot_func = plt.plot plot_func([stats_all_present[tracker][tpr_key]], [stats_any_absent[tracker][tpr_key]], label=names.get(tracker, tracker), color=colors.get(tracker, None), marker=markers.get(tracker, None), markerfacecolor='none', markeredgewidth=2, clip_on=False) plt.xlim(xmin=0, xmax=_ceil_nearest(CLEARANCE * max_tpr, 0.1)) plt.ylim(ymin=0, ymax=_ceil_nearest(CLEARANCE * max_tpr, 0.1)) plt.grid(color=GRID_COLOR, clip_on=False) _hide_spines() # Draw a diagonal line. plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], color=GRID_COLOR, linewidth=1, linestyle='dotted') plot_dir = os.path.join('analysis',, args.challenge) _ensure_dir_exists(plot_dir) base_name = ( 'present_absent_iou_{}'.format(oxuva.float2str(iou_threshold)) + ('_bootstrap' if bootstrap else '')) _save_fig(os.path.join(plot_dir, base_name + '_no_legend.pdf')) _legend_outside() _save_fig(os.path.join(plot_dir, base_name + '.pdf'))
def _plot_intervals(assessments, trackers, iou_threshold, bootstrap, names=None, colors=None, markers=None): # TODO: Add errorbars using bootstrap sampling? names = names or {} colors = colors or {} markers = markers or {} times_sec = range(0, args.max_time + 1, args.time_step) # Get overall stats for order in legend. overall_stats = { tracker: oxuva.dataset_quality(assessments[tracker][iou_threshold]['totals'], enable_bootstrap=bootstrap, num_trials=args.bootstrap_trials) for tracker in trackers } order = _sort_quality(overall_stats, use_bootstrap_mean=False) intervals_sec = {} points = {} for mode in INTERVAL_TYPES: intervals_sec[mode], points[mode] = _make_intervals(times_sec, mode) stats = { mode: { tracker: [ oxuva.dataset_quality_interval( assessments[tracker][iou_threshold]['quantized_totals'], min_time=None if min_time is None else FRAME_RATE * min_time, max_time=None if max_time is None else FRAME_RATE * max_time, enable_bootstrap=bootstrap, num_trials=args.bootstrap_trials) for min_time, max_time in intervals_sec[mode] ] for tracker in trackers } for mode in INTERVAL_TYPES } tpr_key = 'TPR_mean' if bootstrap else 'TPR' # Find maximum TPR value over all plots (to have same axes). max_tpr = { mode: max(s[tpr_key] for tracker in trackers for s in stats[mode][tracker]) for mode in INTERVAL_TYPES } for mode in INTERVAL_TYPES: plt.figure(figsize=(args.width_inches, args.height_inches)) plt.xlabel(INTERVAL_AXIS_LABEL[mode]) plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate') for tracker in order: tpr = [s.get(tpr_key, None) for s in stats[mode][tracker]] if bootstrap: tpr_var = [ s.get('TPR_var', None) for s in stats[mode][tracker] ] plot_func = functools.partial(_errorbar, yerr=args.errorbar_size * np.sqrt(tpr_var), capsize=3) else: plot_func = plt.plot plot_func(1 / 60.0 * np.asarray(points[mode]), tpr, label=names.get(tracker, tracker), marker=markers.get(tracker, None), color=colors.get(tracker, None), markerfacecolor='none', markeredgewidth=2, clip_on=False) plt.xlim(xmin=0, xmax=args.max_time / 60.0) ymax = max(max_tpr.values()) if args.same_axes else max_tpr[mode] plt.ylim(ymin=0, ymax=_ceil_nearest(CLEARANCE * ymax, 0.1)) plt.grid(color=GRID_COLOR, clip_on=False) _hide_spines() plot_dir = os.path.join('analysis',, args.challenge) _ensure_dir_exists(plot_dir) base_name = ('tpr_time_iou_{}_interval_{}'.format( oxuva.float2str(iou_threshold), mode) + ('_bootstrap' if bootstrap else '')) _save_fig(os.path.join(plot_dir, base_name + '_no_legend.pdf')) _legend_outside() _save_fig(os.path.join(plot_dir, base_name + '.pdf'))
def _plot_tpr_tnr_intervals(assessments, trackers, names=None, colors=None, markers=None): modes = ['before', 'after'] intervals_sec = {} for mode in modes: intervals_sec[mode], _ = _make_intervals(args.times, mode) bootstrap_modes = [False, True] if args.bootstrap else [False] for bootstrap in bootstrap_modes: for iou in args.iou_thresholds: # Order by performance on all frames. stats = { tracker: oxuva.dataset_quality(assessments[tracker][iou]['totals'], enable_bootstrap=bootstrap, num_trials=args.bootstrap_trials) for tracker in trackers } order = _sort_quality(stats, use_bootstrap_mean=False) tpr_key = 'TPR_mean' if bootstrap else 'TPR' # Get stats for all plots to establish axis range. # Note: This means that dataset_quality_interval() is called twice. max_tpr = max([ max([ max([ oxuva.dataset_quality_interval( assessments[tracker][iou]['quantized_totals'], min_time=None if min_time is None else FRAME_RATE * min_time, max_time=None if max_time is None else FRAME_RATE * max_time, enable_bootstrap=bootstrap, num_trials=args.bootstrap_trials)[tpr_key] for tracker in trackers ]) for min_time, max_time in intervals_sec[mode] ]) for mode in modes ]) for mode in modes: for min_time_sec, max_time_sec in intervals_sec[mode]: base_name = '_'.join([ 'tpr_tnr', 'iou_' + oxuva.float2str(iou), 'interval_{}_{}'.format(oxuva.float2str(min_time_sec), oxuva.float2str(max_time_sec)) ] + (['bootstrap'] if bootstrap else [])) _plot_tpr_tnr(base_name, assessments, trackers, iou, bootstrap, posthoc=False, min_time_sec=min_time_sec, max_time_sec=max_time_sec, max_tpr=max_tpr, order=order, names=names, colors=colors, markers=markers)
def _get_assessments(dataset, trackers): ''' Args: dataset: String that identifies dataset ("dev" or "test"). trackers: List of tracker names. Returns: Dictionary that maps [tracker][iou] to dataset assessment. Only returns assessments for subset of trackers that were successful. ''' # Create functions to load tasks with annotations on demand. # (Do not need annotations if using cached assessments.) # TODO: Code would be easier to read using a class with lazy-cached elements as members? get_annotations = oxuva.LazyCacheCaller( functools.partial( _load_tasks_with_annotations, os.path.join(REPO_DIR, 'dataset', 'annotations', dataset + '.csv'))) assessments = {} for tracker_ind, tracker in enumerate(trackers): try: log_context = 'tracker {}/{} {}'.format(tracker_ind + 1, len(trackers), tracker) tracker_assessments = {} # Load predictions at most once for all IOU thresholds (can be slow). get_predictions = oxuva.LazyCacheCaller( lambda: oxuva.load_predictions_and_select_frames( get_annotations(), os.path.join('predictions', dataset, tracker), permissive=args.permissive, log_prefix=log_context + ': ')) # Obtain results at all IOU thresholds in order to make axes equal in all graphs. # TODO: Is it unsafe to use float (iou) as dictionary key? for iou in args.iou_thresholds:'assess tracker "%s" with iou %g', tracker, iou) assess_func = lambda: oxuva.assess_dataset(get_annotations(), get_predictions(), iou, resolution_seconds= 30) if args.use_summary: tracker_assessments[iou] = oxuva.cache( oxuva.Protocol(dump=oxuva.dump_dataset_assessment_json, load=oxuva.load_dataset_assessment_json, binary=False), os.path.join( 'assess', dataset, tracker, 'iou_{}.json'.format(oxuva.float2str(iou))), assess_func) else: # When it is not cached, it will include frame_assessments. # TODO: Could cache (selected frames of) predictions to file if this is slow. tracker_assessments[iou] = assess_func() except IOError as ex: logger.warning( 'could not obtain assessment of tracker "%s" on dataset "%s": %s', tracker, dataset, ex) else: assessments[tracker] = tracker_assessments return assessments