Beispiel #1
 def tcphandler(self, sock, addr, maxsize=16386, timeout=60):
     '''Handle an established TCP connection, and close it if no activity for timeout.'''
     remotes = []
         buffer = '' # buffer of data
         while True:
             try: data = yield multitask.recv(sock, maxsize, timeout=timeout)
             except multitask.Timeout: break # no activity for the timeout
             if not data: continue
             buffer = buffer + data
             if len(buffer) < 2: continue # wait for length atleast
             size = struct.unpack('!H', buffer[:2])
             if size>maxsize: buffer=''; print 'Network.tcphandler() something wrong, ignoring'; continue # TODO: something wrong happened, the protocol went out of sync?
             if len(buffer)<(2+size): continue # we need more data.
             data, buffer = buffer[2:2+size], buffer[2+size:]
             msg, remote = self.parse(data, addr, sock.type)
             if not msg: continue # TODO: handle non-p2p message
             if _debug: print, 'tcp-received %s=>%s: %r'%(remote.hostport, self.nodetcp.hostport, msg)
             if remote not in self.tcpc: 
                 self.tcpc[remote] = sock # update the table, indicating we have a connection to this node.
                 remotes.append(remote)   # store the remote node so that we can clear tcpc on exit
             if 'ack' in msg: del msg['ack'] # just remove the ack attribute. No need to ack on tcp.
             msg['remote'] = remote # put remote as an attribute in msg before putting on queue.
             yield self.put(msg)    # put the parsed msg so that other interested party may get it.
         toremove = map(lambda y: y[0], filter(lambda x: x[1] == sock, self.tcpc.items()))
         for node in toremove: del self.tcpc[node]
Beispiel #2
 def _tcpreceiver(self, stack, sock, remote, maxsize=16386): # handle the messages on the given TCP connection.
     self.conn[remote] = sock
     pending = ''
     while True:
         data = yield multitask.recv(sock, maxsize)
         logger.debug('%r=>%r on type=%r\n%s', remote, sock.getsockname(), stack.transport.type, data)
         if data: 
             pending += data
             while True:
                 msg = pending
                 index1, index2 = msg.find('\n\n'), msg.find('\n\r\n')
                 if index2 > 0 and index1 > 0:
                     if index1 < index2:
                         index = index1 + 2
                         index = index2 + 3
                 elif index1 > 0: 
                     index = index1 + 2
                 elif index2 > 0:
                     index = index2 + 3
                     logger.debug('no CRLF found'); break # no header part yet
                 match ='content-length\s*:\s*(\d+)\r?\n', msg.lower())
                 if not match: logger.debug('no content-length found'); break # no content length yet
                 length = int(
                 if len(msg) < index+length: logger.debug('has more content %d < %d (%d+%d)', len(msg), index+length, index, length); break # pending further content.
                 total, pending = msg[:index+length], msg[index+length:]
                 try: stack.received(total, remote)
                 except: logger.exception('receiving')
         else: # socket closed
     try: del self.conn[remote]
     except: pass
Beispiel #3
 def tcpreceiver(sock, remote):  # handle a new incoming TCP connection
     while True:
         data = (yield multitask.recv(sock, maxsize))
         if not data:
             break  # socket closed
         type, length, magic = struct.unpack("!HHL", data[:8])
         valid = (type & 0xC000 == 0) and magic == Message.MAGIC and length <= (maxsize - 8)  # valid
         if valid:
             yield datahandler(sock, data, remote)
             if _debug:
                 print "tcpreceiver() finished data handler"
             handler(sock, data, remote)
Beispiel #4
 def tcpreceiver(sock, remote):  # handle a new incoming TCP connection
     while True:
         data = (yield multitask.recv(sock, maxsize))
         if not data: break  # socket closed
         type, length, magic = struct.unpack('!HHL', data[:8])
         valid = (type & 0xC000
                  == 0) and magic == Message.MAGIC and length <= (
                      maxsize - 8)  # valid
         if valid:
             yield datahandler(sock, data, remote)
             if _debug: print 'tcpreceiver() finished data handler'
             handler(sock, data, remote)
Beispiel #5
 def tcphandler(self, sock, addr, maxsize=16386, timeout=60):
     '''Handle an established TCP connection, and close it if no activity for timeout.'''
     remotes = []
         buffer = ''  # buffer of data
         while True:
                 data = yield multitask.recv(sock, maxsize, timeout=timeout)
             except multitask.Timeout:
                 break  # no activity for the timeout
             if not data: continue
             buffer = buffer + data
             if len(buffer) < 2: continue  # wait for length atleast
             size = struct.unpack('!H', buffer[:2])
             if size > maxsize:
                 buffer = ''
                 print 'Network.tcphandler() something wrong, ignoring'
                 continue  # TODO: something wrong happened, the protocol went out of sync?
             if len(buffer) < (2 + size): continue  # we need more data.
             data, buffer = buffer[2:2 + size], buffer[2 + size:]
             msg, remote = self.parse(data, addr, sock.type)
             if not msg: continue  # TODO: handle non-p2p message
             if _debug:
                 print, 'tcp-received %s=>%s: %r' % (
                     remote.hostport, self.nodetcp.hostport, msg)
             if remote not in self.tcpc:
                     remote] = sock  # update the table, indicating we have a connection to this node.
                 )  # store the remote node so that we can clear tcpc on exit
             if 'ack' in msg:
                 del msg[
                     'ack']  # just remove the ack attribute. No need to ack on tcp.
             msg['remote'] = remote  # put remote as an attribute in msg before putting on queue.
             yield self.put(
             )  # put the parsed msg so that other interested party may get it.
         toremove = map(lambda y: y[0],
                        filter(lambda x: x[1] == sock, self.tcpc.items()))
         for node in toremove:
             del self.tcpc[node]
Beispiel #6
def request(sock, server=None, **kwargs):
    """Send a STUN client request with retransmissions and return the response.
    This is a generator function, and can be called as
        response, external = yield request(sock, ('', 3478))

    It raises ValueError in case of failure and multitask.Timeout in case of timeout
    or failure to connect TCP or invalid response received. For TCP, the sock remains
    connected after successful return or exception from this function.
    Arguments are as follows:
        sock: the socket to use for sending request and receiving response.
        server: optional server (ip, port), defaults to defaultServers[0]. For TCP if sock
          is already connected, then server argument is ignored.
        method: optional STUN method, defaults to Message.BINDING.
        tid: optional transaction id, by default generates a new.
        attrs: optional attributes, by default empty list [].
        rto: optional RTO, defaults to 0.1 for UDP and 9.3 for TCP.
        retry: optional retry count, defaults to 7 for UDP and 1 for TCP.
        maxsize: optional maximum packet size, defaults to 1500. 
        handler: optional handler function, that receives any message that was received
          but not handled by the request method. 
    The handler argument allows demultiplexing other types of received messages on the 
    same socket. Note that raising an exception is not good, because we still want to 
    wait for response instead of exiting. The handler is invoked as 
    handler(sock, remote, data) where data is raw data string and remote is usually 
    server (ip, port). If no handler is specified, then invalid data raises a ValueError.

    server = server or defaultServers[0]  # use first server if missing
    handler = kwargs.get("handler", None)
    maxsize = kwargs.get("maxsize", 1500)

    m = Message()
    m.method = kwargs.get("method", Message.BINDING)
    m.type = Message.REQUEST
    m.tid = kwargs.get("tid", urandom(12))
    m.attrs = kwargs.get("attrs", [])
    mstr = str(m)  # formatted message bytes to send

    if len(mstr) >= maxsize:
        raise ValueError, "Cannot send packet of length>%d" % (maxsize)

    if sock.type == socket.SOCK_STREAM:
        remote = None
            remote = sock.getpeername()
        if not remote:
                remote = server  # connect if not already connected.
                raise multitask.Timeout()  # can't connect, then raise a timeout error.
        tcp, rto, retry = True, kwargs.get("rto", 9.3), kwargs.get("retry", 1)
        tcp, rto, retry = False, kwargs.get("rto", 0.100), kwargs.get("retry", 7)

    while retry > 0:
        retry = retry - 1
        if _debug:
            print "sending STUN request method=%d, len=%d, remaining-retry=%d" % (m.method, len(mstr), retry)
        if tcp:
            yield multitask.send(sock, mstr)  # send the request
            yield multitask.sendto(sock, mstr, server)
            if tcp:  # receiving a TCP packet is complicated. remote is already set
                data = (yield multitask.recv(sock, maxsize, timeout=rto))
                if not data:
                if _debug:
                    print "request() received data"
                type, length, magic = struct.unpack("!HHL", data[:8])
                if type & 0xC000 != 0 or magic != Message.MAGIC:
                    raise ValueError, "invalid STUN response from server type=0x%x, magic=0x%x" % (type, magic)
                if length > (maxsize - 8):
                    raise ValueError, "very large response length[%d]>%d" % (length + 8, maxsize)
            else:  # receive a UDP datagram
                data, remote = (yield multitask.recvfrom(sock, maxsize, timeout=rto))

            if data:
                    response = Message(data)  # parse the message if any
                    if _debug:
                        print "received STUN message method=%d, type=%d" % (response.method, response.type)
                    if _debug:
                        print "received invalid STUN message len=%d" % (len(response))
                    if handler:
                        handler(sock, remote, data)  # allow app to demultiplex
                        continue  # retry next
                        raise ValueError, "Invalid response from server"

                if response.tid != m.tid:
                    if _debug:
                        print "The tid does not match. ignoring"
                    if handler:
                        handler(sock, remote, data)
                    continue  # probably a old response, don't raise exception.

                external = None
                for attr in response.attrs:
                    if not attr.optional and attr.type not in Attribute.knownTypes:
                        raise ValueError, "Attribute 0x%04x not understood in response" % attr.type
                if response.type == Message.RESPONSE:  # success response
                    for attr in response.attrs:
                        if m.method == Message.BINDING:
                            if attr.type == Attribute.XOR_MAPPED_ADDRESS:
                                external = attr.xorAddress  # (family, ip, port)
                            elif attr.type == Attribute.MAPPED_ADDRESS:  # for backward compatibility with RFC 3489
                                external = attr.address
                elif response.type == Message.ERROR:  # error response
                    error = None
                    for attr in response.attrs:
                        if attrs.type == Attribute.ERROR_CODE:
                            error = attrs.error  # (code, reason)
                    raise ValueError, "Request failed with error %r" % error
                if external:
                    external = external[1:]  # ignore the address family
                    raise StopIteration(response, external)  # result to the caller
                # TODO: else do we continue or raise an error?
        except multitask.Timeout:
            rto = rto * 2  # double the rto
        except StopIteration:
            if _debug:
                print "request() returning external=" + str(external)
        except:  # any other exception, fall back to Timeout exception
            if _debug:
                print "Some ValueError exception", sys.exc_info()

    raise multitask.Timeout  # no response after all retransmissions
Beispiel #7
def request(sock, server=None, **kwargs):
    '''Send a STUN client request with retransmissions and return the response.
    This is a generator function, and can be called as
        response, external = yield request(sock, ('', 3478))

    It raises ValueError in case of failure and multitask.Timeout in case of timeout
    or failure to connect TCP or invalid response received. For TCP, the sock remains
    connected after successful return or exception from this function.
    Arguments are as follows:
        sock: the socket to use for sending request and receiving response.
        server: optional server (ip, port), defaults to defaultServers[0]. For TCP if sock
          is already connected, then server argument is ignored.
        method: optional STUN method, defaults to Message.BINDING.
        tid: optional transaction id, by default generates a new.
        attrs: optional attributes, by default empty list [].
        rto: optional RTO, defaults to 0.1 for UDP and 9.3 for TCP.
        retry: optional retry count, defaults to 7 for UDP and 1 for TCP.
        maxsize: optional maximum packet size, defaults to 1500. 
        handler: optional handler function, that receives any message that was received
          but not handled by the request method. 
    The handler argument allows demultiplexing other types of received messages on the 
    same socket. Note that raising an exception is not good, because we still want to 
    wait for response instead of exiting. The handler is invoked as 
    handler(sock, remote, data) where data is raw data string and remote is usually 
    server (ip, port). If no handler is specified, then invalid data raises a ValueError.

    server = server or defaultServers[0]  # use first server if missing
    handler = kwargs.get('handler', None)
    maxsize = kwargs.get('maxsize', 1500)

    m = Message()
    m.method = kwargs.get('method', Message.BINDING)
    m.type = Message.REQUEST
    m.tid = kwargs.get('tid', urandom(12))
    m.attrs = kwargs.get('attrs', [])
    mstr = str(m)  # formatted message bytes to send

    if len(mstr) >= maxsize:
        raise ValueError, 'Cannot send packet of length>%d' % (maxsize)

    if sock.type == socket.SOCK_STREAM:
        remote = None
            remote = sock.getpeername()
        if not remote:
                remote = server  # connect if not already connected.
                raise multitask.Timeout(
                )  # can't connect, then raise a timeout error.
        tcp, rto, retry = True, kwargs.get('rto', 9.3), kwargs.get('retry', 1)
        tcp, rto, retry = False, kwargs.get('rto',
                                            0.100), kwargs.get('retry', 7)

    while retry > 0:
        retry = retry - 1
        if _debug:
            print 'sending STUN request method=%d, len=%d, remaining-retry=%d' % (
                m.method, len(mstr), retry)
        if tcp:
            yield multitask.send(sock, mstr)  # send the request
            yield multitask.sendto(sock, mstr, server)
            if tcp:  # receiving a TCP packet is complicated. remote is already set
                data = (yield multitask.recv(sock, maxsize, timeout=rto))
                if not data: break
                if _debug: print 'request() received data'
                type, length, magic = struct.unpack('!HHL', data[:8])
                if type & 0xC000 != 0 or magic != Message.MAGIC:
                    raise ValueError, 'invalid STUN response from server type=0x%x, magic=0x%x' % (
                        type, magic)
                if length > (maxsize - 8):
                    raise ValueError, 'very large response length[%d]>%d' % (
                        length + 8, maxsize)
            else:  # receive a UDP datagram
                data, remote = (yield multitask.recvfrom(sock,

            if data:
                    response = Message(data)  # parse the message if any
                    if _debug:
                        print 'received STUN message method=%d, type=%d' % (
                            response.method, response.type)
                    if _debug:
                        print 'received invalid STUN message len=%d' % (
                    if handler:
                        handler(sock, remote, data)  # allow app to demultiplex
                        continue  # retry next
                        raise ValueError, 'Invalid response from server'

                if response.tid != m.tid:
                    if _debug: print 'The tid does not match. ignoring'
                    if handler: handler(sock, remote, data)
                    continue  # probably a old response, don't raise exception.

                external = None
                for attr in response.attrs:
                    if not attr.optional and attr.type not in Attribute.knownTypes:
                        raise ValueError, 'Attribute 0x%04x not understood in response' % attr.type
                if response.type == Message.RESPONSE:  # success response
                    for attr in response.attrs:
                        if m.method == Message.BINDING:
                            if attr.type == Attribute.XOR_MAPPED_ADDRESS:
                                external = attr.xorAddress  # (family, ip, port)
                            elif attr.type == Attribute.MAPPED_ADDRESS:  # for backward compatibility with RFC 3489
                                external = attr.address
                elif response.type == Message.ERROR:  # error response
                    error = None
                    for attr in response.attrs:
                        if attrs.type == Attribute.ERROR_CODE:
                            error = attrs.error  # (code, reason)
                    raise ValueError, 'Request failed with error %r' % error
                if external:
                    external = external[1:]  # ignore the address family
                    raise StopIteration(response,
                                        external)  # result to the caller
                # TODO: else do we continue or raise an error?
        except multitask.Timeout:
            rto = rto * 2  # double the rto
        except StopIteration:
            if _debug: print 'request() returning external=' + str(external)
        except:  # any other exception, fall back to Timeout exception
            if _debug: print 'Some ValueError exception', sys.exc_info()

    raise multitask.Timeout  # no response after all retransmissions
Beispiel #8
    def _wsreceiver(self, stack, sock, remote, maxsize=16386): # handle the messages on the given TCP connection.
        handshake = False
        pending = ''
        while True:
            data = yield multitask.recv(sock, maxsize)
            logger.debug('%r=>%r on type=%r length %d', sock.getpeername(), sock.getsockname(), stack.transport.type, len(data))
            if data: 
                pending += data
                if not handshake:
                    # do handshake first
                    logger.debug('handshake\n%s', data)
                    if pending.startswith('<policy-file-request/>'):
                        logger.debug('received policy-file-request, responding for port %r'%(stack.transport.port,))
                        sock.sendall('''<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "">
<cross-domain-policy><allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="%d"/></cross-domain-policy>'''%(stack.transport.port,))
                        msg = pending
                        index1, index2 = msg.find('\n\n'), msg.find('\n\r\n')
                        if index2 > 0 and index1 > 0:
                            if index1 < index2:
                                index = index1 + 2
                                index = index2 + 3
                        elif index1 > 0: 
                            index = index1 + 2
                        elif index2 > 0:
                            index = index2 + 3
                            logger.debug('no CRLF found'); break # no header part yet, wait for more
                        match ='content-length\s*:\s*(\d+)\r?\n', msg[:index].lower())
                        length = int( if match else 0
                        if len(msg) < index+length: logger.debug('has more content %d < %d (%d+%d)', len(msg), index+length, index, length); break # pending further content.
                        total, pending = pending[:index+length], pending[index+length:]
                            lines = total.split('\n')
                            headers = dict([(h.strip().lower(), value.strip()) for h,sep,value in [line.strip().partition(':') for line in lines[1:] if line.strip()]])
                            method, path, protocol = lines[0].split(' ')
                            headers.update(method=method, path=path, protocol=protocol)
                            if method != 'GET' or headers.get('upgrade', '').lower() != 'websocket' or headers.get('connection', '') != 'Upgrade' or headers.get('sec-websocket-protocol', '').lower() != 'sip':
                                raise ValueError, 'Invalid WS request with invalid method, upgrade, connection or protocol'
                            if int(headers.get('sec-websocket-version', '0')) < 13: # version is too old
                                raise ValueError, 'Old or missing websocket version. Must be >= 13'
                            stack.websocket = headers # store the handshake parameters
                            key = headers.get('sec-websocket-key','')
                            # key = 'dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==' # used for testing, generates accept = s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo=
                            accept = base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha1(key + "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11").digest())
                            response = '\r\n'.join([
                                        'HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols', 'Upgrade: websocket', 'Connection: Upgrade',
                                        'Sec-WebSocket-Accept: %s'%(accept,), 'Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: sip']) + '\r\n\r\n'
                            logger.debug('%r=>%r\n%s', sock.getsockname(), sock.getpeername(), response)
                            handshake = True
                            self.conn[remote] = sock
                            logger.exception('parsing websocket request')
                    # process request
                    while pending:
                        m = pending
                        opcode, length = ord(m[0]) & 0x0f, ord(m[1]) & 0x7f
                        if opcode != 0x01:
                            logger.warning('only text opcode is supported')
                        if length == 126:
                            length = struct.unpack('>H', m[2:4])[0]
                            masks = m[4:8]
                            offset = 8
                        elif length == 127:
                            lengths = struct.unpack('>II', m[2:10])
                            length = lengths[0] * 2**32 + lengths[1]
                            masks = m[10:14]
                            offset = 14
                            masks = m[2:6]
                            offset = 6
                        logger.debug('offset=%r length=%r', offset, length)
                        if len(m) < offset + length:
                            logger.debug('incomplete message')
                        decoded, encoded, pending = [], m[offset:offset+length], m[offset+length:]
                        for i, ch in enumerate(encoded):
                            decoded.append(chr(ord(ch) ^ ord(masks[i % 4])))
                        decoded = ''.join(decoded)
                        logger.debug('websocket received\n%s', decoded)
                        try: stack.received(decoded, remote)
                        except: logger.exception('receiving')
            else: # socket closed
        try: del self.conn[remote]
        except: pass