Beispiel #1
 def test_add_contact_with_existing_contact_in_replacement_cache(self):
     Ensures that if the contact to be put in the replacement cache already
     exists in the replacement cache then it is bumped to the most recent
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     # Fill up the bucket and replacement cache
     for i in range(40):
         contact = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '192.168.0.%d' % i, 9999,
                            self.version, 0)
         contact.network_id = hex(i)
     # Sanity check of the replacement cache.
     self.assertEqual(len(r._replacement_cache[0]), 20)
     self.assertEqual(hex(20), r._replacement_cache[0][0].network_id)
     # Create a new contact that will be added to the replacement cache.
     new_contact = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, self.version,
     new_contact.network_id = hex(20)
     self.assertEqual(len(r._replacement_cache[0]), 20)
     self.assertEqual(new_contact, r._replacement_cache[0][19])
     self.assertEqual(hex(21), r._replacement_cache[0][0].network_id)
Beispiel #2
 def test_add_contact_with_full_replacement_cache(self):
     Ensures that if the replacement cache is full (length = k) then the
     oldest contact within the cache is replaced with the new contact that
     was just seen.
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     # Fill up the bucket and replacement cache
     for i in range(40):
         contact = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, "192.168.0.%d" % i, 9999,
                            self.version, 0)
         contact.network_id = hex(i)
     # Sanity check of the replacement cache.
     self.assertEqual(len(r._replacement_cache[0]), 20)
     self.assertEqual(hex(20), r._replacement_cache[0][0].network_id)
     # Create a new contact that will be added to the replacement cache.
     new_contact = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, "", 9999, self.version,
     new_contact.network_id = hex(40)
     self.assertEqual(len(r._replacement_cache[0]), 20)
     self.assertEqual(new_contact, r._replacement_cache[0][19])
     self.assertEqual(hex(21), r._replacement_cache[0][0].network_id)
Beispiel #3
    def test_find_close_nodes_in_correct_order(self):
        Ensures that the nearest nodes are returned in the correct order: from
        the node closest to the target key to the node furthest away.
        parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
        r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
        # Fill up the bucket and replacement cache
        for i in range(512):
            contact = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, "192.168.0.%d" % i, 9999,
                               self.version, 0)
            contact.network_id = hex(2 ** i)
        target_key = hex(2 ** 256)
        result = r.find_close_nodes(target_key)
        self.assertEqual(constants.K, len(result))

        # Ensure results are in the correct order.
        def key(node):
            return distance(node.network_id, target_key)
        sorted_nodes = sorted(result, key=key)
        self.assertEqual(sorted_nodes, result)
        # Ensure the order is from lowest to highest in terms of distance
        distances = [distance(x.network_id, target_key) for x in result]
        self.assertEqual(sorted(distances), distances)
Beispiel #4
 def test_get_contact_does_not_exist(self):
     Ensures that a ValueError is returned if the referenced contact does
     not exist in the routing table.
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     contact1 = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, self.version, 0)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, r.get_contact, '0xb')
Beispiel #5
 def test_add_contact_with_parent_node_id(self):
     If the newly discovered contact is, in fact, this node then it's not
     added to the routing table.
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     contact = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, 0)
     contact.network_id = parent_node_id
     self.assertEqual(len(r._buckets[0]), 0)
Beispiel #6
 def test_random_key_in_bucket_range(self):
     Ensures the returned key is within the expected bucket range.
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     bucket = Bucket(1, 2)
     r._buckets[0] = bucket
     expected = 1
     actual = int(r._random_key_in_bucket_range(0), 0)
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Beispiel #7
 def test_get_contact(self):
     Ensures that the correct contact is returned.
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     contact1 = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, self.version, 0)
     contact1.network_id = '0xa'
     result = r.get_contact('0xa')
     self.assertEqual(contact1, result)
Beispiel #8
 def test_blacklist(self):
     Ensures a misbehaving peer is correctly blacklisted. The remove_contact
     method is called and the contact's id is added to the _blacklist set.
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     contact = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, 0)
     r.remove_contact = MagicMock()
     r.remove_contact.called_once_with(contact, True)
     self.assertIn(contact.network_id, r._blacklist)
Beispiel #9
 def test_bucket_index_single_bucket(self):
     Ensures the expected index is returned when only a single bucket
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     # a simple test with only one bucket in the routing table.
     test_key = '0xabc123'
     expected_index = 0
     actual_index = r._bucket_index(test_key)
     self.assertEqual(expected_index, actual_index)
Beispiel #10
 def test_find_close_nodes_fewer_than_K(self):
     Ensures that all close nodes are returned if their number is < K.
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     # Fill up the bucket and replacement cache
     for i in range(10):
         contact = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, "192.168.0.%d" % i, 9999,
                            self.version, 0)
         contact.network_id = hex(i)
     result = r.find_close_nodes(hex(1))
     self.assertEqual(10, len(result))
Beispiel #11
 def test_find_close_nodes_single_bucket(self):
     Ensures K number of closest nodes get returned.
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     # Fill up the bucket and replacement cache
     for i in range(40):
         contact = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, "192.168.0.%d" % i, 9999,
                            self.version, 0)
         contact.network_id = hex(i)
     result = r.find_close_nodes(hex(1))
     self.assertEqual(constants.K, len(result))
Beispiel #12
 def test_touch_bucket(self):
     Ensures that the lastAccessed field of the affected k-bucket is updated
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     # At this point the single k-bucket in the routing table will have a
     # lastAccessed time of 0 (zero). Sanity check.
     self.assertEqual(0, r._buckets[0].last_accessed)
     # Since all keys are in the range of the single k-bucket any key will
     # do for the purposes of testing.
     self.assertNotEqual(0, r._buckets[0].last_accessed)
Beispiel #13
    def test_remove_contact_with_cached_replacement(self):
        Ensures that the removed contact is replaced by the most up-to-date
        contact in the affected k-bucket's cache.
        parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
        r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
        contact1 = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, self.version, 0)
        contact1.network_id = '0xa'
        contact2 = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, self.version, 0)
        contact2.network_id = '0xb'
        # contact2 will have the wrong number of failedRPCs
        contact2.failed_RPCs = constants.ALLOWED_RPC_FAILS
        # Add something into the cache.
        contact3 = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, self.version, 0)
        contact3.network_id = '0x3'
        r._replacement_cache[0] = [contact3, ]
        # Sanity check
        self.assertEqual(len(r._buckets[0]), 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(r._replacement_cache[0]), 1)

        self.assertEqual(len(r._buckets[0]), 2)
        self.assertEqual(contact1, r._buckets[0]._contacts[0])
        self.assertEqual(contact3, r._buckets[0]._contacts[1])
        self.assertEqual(len(r._replacement_cache[0]), 0)
Beispiel #14
 def test_add_contact_simple(self):
     Ensures that a newly discovered node in the network is added to the
     correct bucket in the routing table.
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     contact1 = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, 0)
     contact1.network_id = hex(2)
     contact2 = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, 0)
     contact2.network_id = hex(4)
     self.assertEqual(len(r._buckets[0]), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(r._buckets[0]), 2)
Beispiel #15
 def test_find_close_nodes_multiple_buckets(self):
     Ensures that nodes are returned from neighbouring k-buckets if the
     k-bucket containing the referenced ID doesn't contain K entries.
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     # Fill up the bucket and replacement cache
     for i in range(512):
         contact = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, "192.168.0.%d" % i, 9999,
                            self.version, 0)
         contact.network_id = hex(2 ** i)
     result = r.find_close_nodes(hex(2 ** 256))
     self.assertEqual(constants.K, len(result))
Beispiel #16
 def test_find_close_nodes_exclude_contact(self):
     Ensure that nearest nodes are returned except for the specified
     excluded node.
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     # Fill up the bucket and replacement cache
     for i in range(20):
         contact = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, "192.168.0.%d" % i, 9999,
                            self.version, 0)
         contact.network_id = hex(i)
     result = r.find_close_nodes(hex(1), network_id=contact.network_id)
     self.assertEqual(constants.K - 1, len(result))
Beispiel #17
 def test_bucket_index_multiple_buckets(self):
     Ensures the expected index is returned when multiple buckets exist.
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     split_point = int((2 ** 512) / 2)
     lower_key = split_point - 1
     higher_key = split_point + 1
     expected_lower_index = 0
     expected_higher_index = 1
     actual_lower_index = r._bucket_index(lower_key)
     actual_higher_index = r._bucket_index(higher_key)
     self.assertEqual(expected_lower_index, actual_lower_index)
     self.assertEqual(expected_higher_index, actual_higher_index)
Beispiel #18
 def test_remove_contact_with_unknown_contact(self):
     Ensures that attempting to remove a non-existent contact results in
     no change.
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     contact1 = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, self.version, 0)
     contact1.network_id = '0xa'
     # Sanity check
     self.assertEqual(len(r._buckets[0]), 1)
     result = r.remove_contact('0xb')
     self.assertEqual(None, result)
     self.assertEqual(len(r._buckets[0]), 1)
     self.assertEqual(contact1, r._buckets[0]._contacts[0])
Beispiel #19
 def test_bucket_index_as_string_and_int(self):
     Ensures that the specified key can be expressed as both a string
     and integer value.
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     # key as a string
     test_key = '0xabc123'
     expected_index = 0
     actual_index = r._bucket_index(test_key)
     self.assertEqual(expected_index, actual_index)
     # key as an integer
     test_key = 1234567
     actual_index = r._bucket_index(test_key)
     self.assertEqual(expected_index, actual_index)
Beispiel #20
 def test_get_refresh_list(self):
     Ensures that only keys from stale k-buckets are returned.
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     bucket1 = Bucket(1, 2)
     # Set the lastAccessed flag on bucket 1 to be out of date
     bucket1.last_accessed = int(time.time()) - 3700
     r._buckets[0] = bucket1
     bucket2 = Bucket(2, 3)
     bucket2.last_accessed = int(time.time())
     expected = 1
     result = r.get_refresh_list(0)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(result))
     self.assertEqual(expected, int(result[0], 0))
Beispiel #21
    def test_remove_contact_with_not_enough_RPC_fails(self):
        Ensures that the contact is not removed if it's failedRPCs counter is
        less than constants.ALLOWED_RPC_FAILS
        parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
        r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
        contact1 = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, self.version, 0)
        contact1.network_id = '0xa'
        contact2 = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, self.version, 0)
        contact2.network_id = '0xb'
        # Sanity check
        self.assertEqual(len(r._buckets[0]), 2)

        self.assertEqual(len(r._buckets[0]), 2)
Beispiel #22
    def test_remove_contact_with_not_enough_RPC_but_forced(self):
        Ensures that the contact is removed despite it's failedRPCs counter
        being less than constants.ALLOWED_RPC_FAILS because the 'forced' flag
        is used.
        parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
        r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
        contact1 = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, self.version, 0)
        contact1.network_id = '0xa'
        contact2 = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, self.version, 0)
        contact2.network_id = '0xb'
        # Sanity check
        self.assertEqual(len(r._buckets[0]), 2)

        r.remove_contact('0xb', forced=True)
        self.assertEqual(len(r._buckets[0]), 1)
Beispiel #23
 def test_get_forced_refresh_list(self):
     Ensures that keys from all k-buckets (no matter if they're stale or
     not) are returned.
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     bucket1 = Bucket(1, 2)
     # Set the lastAccessed flag on bucket 1 to be out of date
     bucket1.last_accessed = int(time.time()) - 3700
     r._buckets[0] = bucket1
     bucket2 = Bucket(2, 3)
     bucket2.last_accessed = int(time.time())
     result = r.get_refresh_list(0, True)
     # Even though bucket 2 is not stale it still has a key for it in
     # the result.
     self.assertEqual(2, len(result))
     self.assertEqual(1, int(result[0], 0))
     self.assertEqual(2, int(result[1], 0))
Beispiel #24
 def test_add_contact_with_bucket_full(self):
     Checks if a bucket is full and a new contact within the full bucket's
     range is added then it gets put in the replacement cache.
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     # Fill up the bucket
     for i in range(20):
         contact = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '192.168.0.%d' % i, 9999,
                            self.version, 0)
         contact.network_id = hex(i)
     # Create a new contact that will be added to the replacement cache.
     contact = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, self.version, 0)
     contact.network_id = hex(20)
     self.assertEqual(len(r._buckets[0]), 20)
     self.assertTrue(0 in r._replacement_cache)
     self.assertEqual(contact, r._replacement_cache[0][0])
Beispiel #25
 def test_add_contact_with_bucket_split(self):
     Ensures that newly discovered nodes are added to the appropriate
     bucket given a bucket split.
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     for i in range(20):
         contact = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '192.168.0.%d' % i, 9999,
                            self.version, 0)
         contact.network_id = hex(i)
     # This id will be just over the max range for the bucket in position 0
     contact = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, self.version, 0)
     large_id = int(((2 ** 512) / 2) + 1)
     contact.network_id = hex(large_id)
     self.assertEqual(len(r._buckets), 2)
     self.assertEqual(len(r._buckets[0]), 20)
     self.assertEqual(len(r._buckets[1]), 1)
Beispiel #26
 def test_add_contact_with_blacklisted_contact(self):
     If the newly discovered contact is, in fact, already in the local
     node's blacklist then ensure it doesn't get re-added.
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     contact1 = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, 0)
     contact1.network_id = hex(2)
     contact2 = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, 0)
     contact2.network_id = hex(4)
     self.assertEqual(len(r._buckets[0]), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(r._buckets[0]), 1)
Beispiel #27
 def test_bucket_index_out_of_range(self):
     If the requested id is not within the range of the keyspace then a
     ValueError should be raised.
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     # Populate the routing table with contacts.
     for i in range(512):
         contact = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, "192.168.0.%d" % i, 9999,
                            self.version, 0)
         contact.network_id = hex(2 ** i)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         # Incoming id that's too small.
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         # Incoming id that's too big
         big_id = 2 ** 512
Beispiel #28
    def test_remove_contact(self):
        Ensures that a contact is removed, given that it's failedRPCs counter
        exceeds or is equal to constants.ALLOWED_RPC_FAILS
        parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
        r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
        contact1 = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, self.version, 0)
        contact1.network_id = '0xa'
        contact2 = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, self.version, 0)
        contact2.network_id = '0xb'
        # contact2 will have the wrong number of failedRPCs
        contact2.failed_RPCs = constants.ALLOWED_RPC_FAILS
        # Sanity check
        self.assertEqual(len(r._buckets[0]), 2)

        self.assertEqual(len(r._buckets[0]), 1)
        self.assertEqual(contact1, r._buckets[0]._contacts[0])
Beispiel #29
    def test_remove_contact_removes_from_replacement_cache(self):
        Ensures that if a contact is signalled to be removed it is also cleared
        from the replacement_cache that would otherwise be another route for
        it to be re-added to the routing table.
        parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
        r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
        contact1 = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, self.version, 0)
        contact1.network_id = '0xa'
        contact2 = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, self.version, 0)
        contact2.network_id = '0xb'
        r._replacement_cache[0] = []
        # Sanity check
        self.assertEqual(len(r._buckets[0]), 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(r._replacement_cache[0]), 1)

        r.remove_contact('0xb', forced=True)
        self.assertEqual(len(r._buckets[0]), 1)
        self.assertNotIn(contact2, r._replacement_cache[0])
Beispiel #30
 def test_split_bucket(self):
     Ensures that the correct bucket is split in two and that the contacts
     are found in the right place.
     parent_node_id = '0xdeadbeef'
     r = RoutingTable(parent_node_id)
     bucket = Bucket(0, 100)
     contact1 = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 9999, 0)
     contact1.network_id = hex(20)
     contact2 = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 8888, 0)
     contact2.network_id = hex(40)
     contact3 = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 8888, 0)
     contact3.network_id = hex(60)
     contact4 = PeerNode(PUBLIC_KEY, '', 8888, 0)
     contact4.network_id = hex(80)
     r._buckets[0] = bucket
     # Sanity check
     self.assertEqual(1, len(r._buckets))
     # Two buckets!
     self.assertEqual(2, len(r._buckets))
     bucket1 = r._buckets[0]
     bucket2 = r._buckets[1]
     # Ensure the right number of contacts are in each bucket in the correct
     # order (most recently added at the head of the list).
     self.assertEqual(2, len(bucket1._contacts))
     self.assertEqual(2, len(bucket2._contacts))
     self.assertEqual(contact1, bucket1._contacts[0])
     self.assertEqual(contact2, bucket1._contacts[1])
     self.assertEqual(contact3, bucket2._contacts[0])
     self.assertEqual(contact4, bucket2._contacts[1])
     # Split the new bucket again, ensuring that only the target bucket is
     # modified.
     self.assertEqual(3, len(r._buckets))
     bucket3 = r._buckets[2]
     # bucket1 remains un-changed
     self.assertEqual(2, len(bucket1._contacts))
     # bucket2 only contains the lower half of its original contacts.
     self.assertEqual(1, len(bucket2._contacts))
     self.assertEqual(contact3, bucket2._contacts[0])
     # bucket3 now contains the upper half of the original contacts.
     self.assertEqual(1, len(bucket3._contacts))
     self.assertEqual(contact4, bucket3._contacts[0])
     # Split the bucket at position 0 and ensure the resulting buckets are
     # in the correct position with the correct content.
     self.assertEqual(4, len(r._buckets))
     bucket1, bucket2, bucket3, bucket4 = r._buckets
     self.assertEqual(1, len(bucket1._contacts))
     self.assertEqual(contact1, bucket1._contacts[0])
     self.assertEqual(1, len(bucket2._contacts))
     self.assertEqual(contact2, bucket2._contacts[0])
     self.assertEqual(1, len(bucket3._contacts))
     self.assertEqual(contact3, bucket3._contacts[0])
     self.assertEqual(1, len(bucket4._contacts))
     self.assertEqual(contact4, bucket4._contacts[0])