Beispiel #1
class RerouteController(object):
    """Controller for the fast rerouting exercise."""
    def __init__(self):
        """Initializes the topology and data structures."""

        if not os.path.exists("topology.db"):
            print "Could not find topology object!\n"
            raise Exception

        self.topo = Topology(db="topology.db")
        self.controllers = {}

        # Preconfigure all MAC addresses

        # Install nexthop indices and populate registers.

    def connect_to_switches(self):
        """Connects to all the switches in the topology."""
        for p4switch in self.topo.get_p4switches():
            thrift_port = self.topo.get_thrift_port(p4switch)
            self.controllers[p4switch] = SimpleSwitchAPI(thrift_port)

    def reset_states(self):
        """Resets registers, tables, etc."""
        for control in self.controllers.values():

    def install_macs(self):
        """Install the port-to-mac map on all switches.

        You do not need to change this.

        Note: Real switches would rely on L2 learning to achieve this.
        for switch, control in self.controllers.items():
            print "Installing MAC addresses for switch '%s'." % switch
            print "=========================================\n"
            for neighbor in self.topo.get_neighbors(switch):
                mac = self.topo.node_to_node_mac(neighbor, switch)
                port = self.topo.node_to_node_port_num(switch, neighbor)
                control.table_add('rewrite_mac', 'rewriteMac', [str(port)],

    def install_nexthop_indices(self):
        """Install the mapping from prefix to nexthop ids for all switches."""
        for switch, control in self.controllers.items():
            print "Installing nexthop indices for switch '%s'." % switch
            print "===========================================\n"
            for host in self.topo.get_hosts():
                subnet = self.get_host_net(host)
                index = self.get_nexthop_index(host)
                control.table_add('ipv4_lpm', 'read_port', [subnet],

    def get_host_net(self, host):
        """Return ip and subnet of a host.

            host (str): The host for which the net will be retruned.

            str: IP and subnet in the format "address/mask".
        gateway = self.topo.get_host_gateway_name(host)
        return self.topo[host][gateway]['ip']

    def get_nexthop_index(self, host):
        """Return the nexthop index for a destination.

            host (str): Name of destination node (host).

            int: nexthop index, used to look up nexthop ports.
        # For now, give each host an individual nexthop id.
        host_list = sorted(list(self.topo.get_hosts().keys()))
        return host_list.index(host)

    def get_port(self, node, nexthop_node):
        """Return egress port for nexthop from the view of node.

            node (str): Name of node for which the port is determined.
            nexthop_node (str): Name of node to reach.

            int: nexthop port
        return self.topo.node_to_node_port_num(node, nexthop_node)

    def failure_notification(self, failures):
        """Called if a link fails.

            failures (list(tuple(str, str))): List of failed links.

    # Helpers to update nexthops.
    # ===========================

    def dijkstra(self, failures=None):
        """Compute shortest paths and distances.

            failures (list(tuple(str, str))): List of failed links.

            tuple(dict, dict): First dict: distances, second: paths.
        graph = self.topo.network_graph

        if failures is not None:
            graph = graph.copy()
            for failure in failures:

        # Compute the shortest paths from switches to hosts.
        dijkstra = dict(all_pairs_dijkstra(graph, weight='weight'))

        distances = {node: data[0] for node, data in dijkstra.items()}
        paths = {node: data[1] for node, data in dijkstra.items()}

        return distances, paths

    def compute_nexthops(self, failures=None):
        """Compute the best nexthops for all switches to each host.

        Optionally, a link can be marked as failed. This link will be excluded
        when computing the shortest paths.

            failures (list(tuple(str, str))): List of failed links.

            dict(str, list(str, str, int))):
                Mapping from all switches to subnets, MAC, port.
        # Compute the shortest paths from switches to hosts.
        all_shortest_paths = self.dijkstra(failures=failures)[1]

        # Translate shortest paths to mapping from host to nexthop node
        # (per switch).
        results = {}
        for switch in self.controllers:
            switch_results = results[switch] = []
            for host in self.topo.network_graph.get_hosts():
                    path = all_shortest_paths[switch][host]
                except KeyError:
                    print "WARNING: The graph is not connected!"
                    print "'%s' cannot reach '%s'." % (switch, host)
                nexthop = path[1]  # path[0] is the switch itself.
                switch_results.append((host, nexthop))

        return results

    # Update nexthops.
    # ================

    def update_nexthops(self, failures=None):
        """Install nexthops in all switches."""
        nexthops = self.compute_nexthops(failures=failures)

        for switch, destinations in nexthops.items():
            print "Updating nexthops for switch '%s'." % switch
            control = self.controllers[switch]
            for host, nexthop in destinations:
                nexthop_id = self.get_nexthop_index(host)
                port = self.get_port(switch, nexthop)
                # Write the port in the nexthop lookup register.
                control.register_write('primaryNH', nexthop_id, port)

        # Compute loop-free alternate nexthops and install them below.

Beispiel #2
class RSVPController(object):
    def __init__(self):
        """Initializes the topology and data structures

        if not os.path.exists("topology.db"):
            print("Could not find topology object!!!\n")
            raise (Exception)

        self.topo = Topology(db="topology.db")
        self.controllers = {}

        # sorted by timeouts
        self.current_reservations = {}
        # initial link capacity
        self.links_capacity = self.build_links_capacity()

        self.update_lock = threading.Lock()
        self.timeout_thread = threading.Thread(
            target=self.reservations_timeout_thread, args=(1, ))
        self.timeout_thread.daemon = True

    def init(self):
        """Connects to switches and resets.

    def reset_states(self):
        """Resets registers, tables, etc.
        [controller.reset_state() for controller in self.controllers.values()]

    def connect_to_switches(self):
        """Connects to all the switches in the topology and saves them
         in self.controllers.
        for p4switch in self.topo.get_p4switches():
            thrift_port = self.topo.get_thrift_port(p4switch)
            self.controllers[p4switch] = SimpleSwitchAPI(thrift_port)

    def build_links_capacity(self):
        """Builds link capacities dictionary

            dict: {edge: bw}

        links_capacity = {}
        # Iterates all the edges in the topology formed by switches
        for src, dst in self.topo.network_graph.keep_only_p4switches().edges:
            bw = self.topo.network_graph.edges[(src, dst)]['bw']
            # add both directions
            links_capacity[(src, dst)] = bw
            links_capacity[(dst, src)] = bw

        return links_capacity

    def reservations_timeout_thread(self, refresh_rate=1):
        """Every refresh_rate checks all the reservations. If any times out
        tries to delete it.

            refresh_rate (int, optional): Refresh rate. Defaults to 1.

        while True:
            # sleeps

            # locks the self.current_reservations data structure. This is done
            # because the CLI can also access the reservations.
            with self.update_lock:
                to_remove = []

                # iterates all the reservations and updates its timeouts
                # if timeout is reached we delete it
                for reservation, data in self.current_reservations.items():
                    data['timeout'] -= refresh_rate
                    # has expired?
                    if data['timeout'] <= 0:

                # removes all the reservations that expired
                for reservation in to_remove:

    def set_mpls_tbl_labels(self):
        """We set all the table defaults to reach all the hosts/networks in the network

        # for all switches
        for sw_name, controller in self.controllers.items():

            # get all direct hosts and add direct entry
            for host in self.topo.get_hosts_connected_to(sw_name):
                sw_port = self.topo.node_to_node_port_num(sw_name, host)
                host_ip = self.topo.get_host_ip(host)
                host_mac = self.topo.get_host_mac(host)

                # adds direct forwarding rule
                    "FEC_tbl", "ipv4_forward",
                    ["", str(host_ip)],
                    [str(host_mac), str(sw_port)])

            for switch in self.topo.get_switches_connected_to(sw_name):
                sw_port = self.topo.node_to_node_port_num(sw_name, switch)
                # reverse port mac
                other_switch_mac = self.topo.node_to_node_mac(switch, sw_name)

                # we add a normal rule and a penultimate one
                controller.table_add("mpls_tbl", "mpls_forward",
                                     [str(sw_port), '0'],
                controller.table_add("mpls_tbl", "penultimate",
                                     [str(sw_port), '1'],

    def build_mpls_path(self, switches_path):
        """Using a path of switches builds the mpls path. In our simplification
        labels are port indexes. 

            switches_path (list): path of switches to allocate

            list: label path

        # label path
        label_path = []
        # iterate over all pair of switches in the path
        for current_node, next_node in zip(switches_path, switches_path[1:]):
            # we get sw1->sw2 port number from topo object
            label = self.topo.node_to_node_port_num(current_node, next_node)
        return label_path

    def get_sorted_paths(self, src, dst):
        """Gets all paths between src, dst 
        sorted by length. This function uses the internal networkx API.

            src (str): src name
            dst (str): dst name

            list: paths between src and dst

        paths = self.topo.get_all_paths_between_nodes(src, dst)
        # trim src and dst
        paths = [x[1:-1] for x in paths]
        return paths

    def get_shortest_path(self, src, dst):
        """Computes shortest path. Simple function used to test the system 
        by always allocating the shortest path. 

            src (str): src name
            dst (str): dst name

            list: shortest path between src,dst

        return self.get_sorted_paths(src, dst)[0]

    def check_if_reservation_fits(self, path, bw):
        """Checks if a the candidate reservation fits in the current
        state of the network. Using the path of switches, checks if all
        the edges (links) have enough space. Otherwise, returns False.

            path (list): list of switches
            bw (float): requested bandwidth in mbps

            bool: true if allocation can be performed on path

        # iterates over all pairs of switches (edges)
        for link in zip(path, path[1:]):
            # checks if there is enough capacity
            if (self.links_capacity[link] - bw) < 0:
                return False
        return True

    def add_link_capacity(self, path, bw):
        """Adds bw capacity to a all the edges along path. This 
        function is used when an allocation is removed.

            path (list): list of switches
            bw (float): requested bandwidth in mbps

        # iterates over all pairs of switches (edges)
        for link in zip(path, path[1:]):
            # adds capacity
            self.links_capacity[link] += bw

    def sub_link_capacity(self, path, bw):
        """subtracts bw capacity to a all the edges along path. This 
        function is used when an allocation is added.

            path (list): list of switches
            bw (float): requested bandwidth in mbps

        # iterates over all pairs of switches (edges)
        for link in zip(path, path[1:]):
            # subtracts capacity
            self.links_capacity[link] -= bw

    def get_available_path(self, src, dst, bw):
        """Checks all paths from src to dst and picks the 
        shortest path that can allocate bw.

            src (str): src name
            dst (str): dst name
            bw (float): requested bandwidth in mbps

            list/bool: best path/ False if none

        # get all paths sorted from shorter to longer
        paths = self.get_sorted_paths(src, dst)

        for path in paths:
            # checks if the path has capacity
            if self.check_if_reservation_fits(path, bw):
                return path
        return False

    def get_meter_rates_from_bw(self, bw, burst_size=700000):
        """Returns the CIR and PIR rates and bursts to configure 
          meters at bw.

            bw (float): desired bandwdith in mbps
            burst_size (int, optional): Max capacity of the meter buckets. Defaults to 50000.

            list: [(rate1, burst1), (rate2, burst2)]

        rates = []
        rates.append((0.125 * bw, burst_size))
        rates.append((0.125 * bw, burst_size))
        return rates

    def set_direct_meter_bandwidth(self, sw_name, meter_name, handle, bw):
        """Sets a meter entry (using a table handle) to color packets using
           bw mbps

            sw_name (str): switch name
            meter_name (str): meter name
            handle (int): entry handle
            bw (float): desired bandwidth to rate limit

        rates = self.get_meter_rates_from_bw(bw)
        self.controllers[sw_name].meter_set_rates(meter_name, handle, rates)

    def _add_reservation(self, src, dst, duration, bandwidth, priority, path,
        """Adds or updates a single reservation

            src (str): src name
            dst (str): dst name
            duration (float): reservation timeout
            bandwidth (float): requested bandwidth in mbps
            priority (int): reservation priority
            path (list): switch path were to allocate the reservation
            update (bool): update flag

        # We build the label path. For that we use self.build_mpls_path and
        # reverse the returned labels, since our rsvp.p4 will push them in
        # reverse order.
        label_path = [str(x) for x in self.build_mpls_path(path)[::-1]]

        # Get required info to add a table rule

        # get ingress switch as the first node in the path
        src_gw = path[0]
        # compute the action name using the length of the labels path
        action = "mpls_ingress_{}_hop".format(len(label_path))
        # src lpm address
        src_ip = str(self.topo.get_host_ip(src) + "/32")
        # dst exact address
        dst_ip = str(self.topo.get_host_ip(dst))
        # match list
        match = [src_ip, dst_ip]

        # if we have a label path
        if len(label_path) != 0:

            # If the entry is new we simply add it
            if not update:
                entry_handle = self.controllers[src_gw].table_add(
                    "FEC_tbl", action, match, label_path)
                self.set_direct_meter_bandwidth(src_gw, "rsvp_meter",
                                                entry_handle, bandwidth)
            # if the entry is being updated we modify if using its handle
                entry = self.current_reservations.get((src, dst), None)
                entry_handle = self.controllers[src_gw].table_modify(
                    "FEC_tbl", action, entry['handle'], label_path)
                self.set_direct_meter_bandwidth(src_gw, "rsvp_meter",
                                                entry_handle, bandwidth)

            # udpates controllers link and reservation structures if rules were added succesfully
            if entry_handle:
                self.sub_link_capacity(path, bandwidth)
                self.current_reservations[(src, dst)] = {
                    "timeout": (duration),
                    "bw": (bandwidth),
                    "priority": (priority),
                    'handle': entry_handle,
                    'path': path
                print("Successful reservation({}->{}): path: {}".format(
                    src, dst, "->".join(path)))
                print("\033[91mFailed reservation({}->{}): path: {}\033[0m".
                      format(src, dst, "->".join(path)))

            print("Warning: Hosts are connected to the same switch!")

    def add_reservation(self, src, dst, duration, bandwidth, priority):
        """Adds a new reservation taking into account the priority. This
        addition can potentially move or delete other allocations.

            src (str): src name
            dst (str): dst name
            duration (float): reservation timeout
            bandwidth (float): requested bandwidth in mbps
            priority (int): reservation priority

        # locks the self.current_reservations data structure. This is done
        # because there is a thread that could access it concurrently.
        with self.update_lock:

            # if reservation exists, we allocate it again, by just updating the entry
            # for that we set the FLAG UPDATE_ENTRY and restore its link capacity
            # such the new re-allocation with a possible new bw/prioirty can be done
            # taking new capacities into account.
            UPDATE_ENTRY = False
            if self.current_reservations.get((src, dst), None):
                data = self.current_reservations[(src, dst)]
                path = data['path']
                bw = data['bw']
                # updates link capacities
                self.add_link_capacity(path, bw)
                UPDATE_ENTRY = True

            # finds the best (if exists) path to allocate the requestes reservation
            path = self.get_available_path(src, dst, bandwidth)

            if path:
                # add or update the reservation
                self._add_reservation(src, dst, duration, bandwidth, priority,
                                      path, UPDATE_ENTRY)

            # Cant be allocated! However, it might be possible to re-allocate things
                # check if the flow could be placed removing lower priorities
                previous_links_capacities = self.links_capacity.copy()
                for reservation, data in self.current_reservations.items():
                    # make sure we do not remove ourselves
                    # again in case this is a modification
                    if reservation == (src, dst):
                    if data['priority'] < priority:
                        self.add_link_capacity(data['path'], data['bw'])

                # check if it fits in a newtwork without lower priority flows
                path = self.get_available_path(src, dst, bandwidth)

                # we rebalance lower priority reservations if possible
                if path:
                    # adds main new allocation
                    self._add_reservation(src, dst, duration, bandwidth,
                                          priority, path, UPDATE_ENTRY)

                    # re-allocate everything if possible
                    for reservation, data in sorted(
                            key=lambda x: x[1]['priority'],
                        if data['priority'] < priority:
                            src, dst = reservation[0], reservation[1]
                            path = self.get_available_path(
                                src, dst, data['bw'])
                            if path:
                                # add or update the reservation
                                self._add_reservation(src, dst,
                                                      data['priority'], path,
                                # delete it
                                data = self.current_reservations[(src, dst)]
                                path = data['path']
                                bw = data['bw']
                                self.sub_link_capacity(path, bw)
                                    "\033[91mDeleting allocation {}->{} due to a higher priority allocation!\033[0m"
                                    .format(src, dst))
                                self.del_reservation(src, dst)

                    # restore capacities
                    self.links_capacity = previous_links_capacities
                    # if we failed and it was an entry to be updated we remove it
                    if UPDATE_ENTRY:
                        data = self.current_reservations[(src, dst)]
                        path = data['path']
                        bw = data['bw']
                        self.sub_link_capacity(path, bw)
                        print("Deleting new allocation. Does not fit anymore!")
                        self.del_reservation(src, dst)
                        "\033[91mRESERVATION FAILURE: no bandwidth available!\033[0m"

    def del_reservation(self, src, dst):
        """Deletes a reservation between src and dst, if exists. To 
        delete the reservation the self.current_reservations data structure 
        is used to retrieve all the needed information. After deleting the reservation
        from the ingress switch, path capacities are updated.

            src (str): src name
            dst (str): dst name

        # checks if there is an allocation between src->dst
        entry = self.current_reservations.get((src, dst), None)
        if entry:
            # gets handle to delete entry
            entry_handle = entry['handle']
            # gets src ingress switch
            sw_gw = self.topo.get_host_gateway_name(src)
            # removes table entry using the handle
            self.controllers[sw_gw].table_delete("FEC_tbl", entry_handle, True)
            # updates links capacity
            self.add_link_capacity(entry['path'], entry['bw'])
            # removes the reservation from the controllers memory
            del (self.current_reservations[(src, dst)])
                "\nRSVP Deleted/Expired Reservation({}->{}): path: {}".format(
                    src, dst, "->".join(entry['path'])))
            print("No entry for {} -> {}".format(src, dst))

    def del_all_reservations(self):
        """Deletes all the current reservations

        # locks the self.current_reservations data structure. This is done
        # because there is a thread that could access it concurrently.
        with self.update_lock:

            # makes a copy of all the reservation pairs
            reservation_keys = self.current_reservations.keys()
            for src, dst in reservation_keys:
                self.del_reservation(src, dst)