def showpKD(self): """Show pKD calcs with exp data for selected ekindata""" protein = self.form.getfirst('protein') col = self.form.getfirst('column') showopt = self.form.getfirst('option') self.showHeader(menu=1) sys.stdout.flush() DB = self.DB = self.connect() protname = DB[protein]['name'] pdbid = DB[protein]['PDB_link']['text'] expdata = DB[protein][col] if type(expdata) is types.StringType: print '<a>No data for column %s, go back and choose another nucleus..</a>' %col return P = pKDInterface() calcs, pkas, pdblines = P.loadfrompKD(pdbid) print '<div><a>Protein: %s PDB: %s </a><br>' %(protname, pdbid) print 'Column data: %s <p></div>' %col if calcs == None or not type(calcs) is types.DictType: print '<a>There are currently no pKD calculations for this protein.</a>' return else: print '<a>Found data on pKD server. We can plot.</a>' sys.stdout.flush() #plot them self.plotpKDCalcs(calcs, expdata, showopt) self.footer() return
def selectpKD(self): """Allow user to select a protein and field for pKD""" self.showHeader(menu=1) sys.stdout.flush() DB = self.DB = self.connect() names = [] for p in DB.getRecs(): names.append((DB[p].name,p)) names.sort() nucl = ['1H NMR', '15N NMR', '13C NMR'] #check pKD available calcs P = pKDInterface() pkdprots = [string.upper(e[0]) for e in P.getProteins()] #add selection boxes print '<div align=left>' print '<form name="pkdform" action="%s/main.cgi" METHOD="POST" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">' %self.bindir self.write_sessionkey('showpKD') print '<big>Select experimental curves to compare with calculated curves in pKD</big><br>' print '<a>This will show a set of plots for each residue where there is an experimental and calculated curve</a><p>' print 'Choose the protein and nucleus:<p>' print '<select name="protein" class="btn">' for n in names: print '<option value="%s">%s</option>' %(n[1],n[0]) print '</select>' print '<select name="column" class="btn">' for c in nucl: print '<option value="%s">%s</option>' %(c,c) print '</select>' print '<p>' #button print '<input type=submit value="Display Plots" name=submit class="btn">' print '<label><input type=radio name="option" value=1 checked="yes">compare both</label>' print '<label><input type=radio name="option" value=2>exp only</label>' print '<label><input type=radio name="option" value=3>calcs only</label>' print '</form>' print '</div>' print 'Below is a reference table showing which proteins in our DB currently have calculations in the pKD, with the PDB ID and PDB link.<br>' print 'If the protein is not yet available, you can go to <a href= target="blank"> \ the pKD page</a> and submit the calculation.<p>' #table of proteins and their PDBs print '<div align=left>' print '<table id="mytable" cellspacing="0">' r=0 print '<th>Protein</th><th>PDB</th><th>Has pKD data</th>' for name in names: protein = name[1] protname = name[0] if not DB[protein].has_key('PDB_link'): continue pdbinfo = DB[protein].PDB_link if pdbinfo == '': continue pdbid = pdbinfo['text'] pdblink = pdbinfo['link'] if r % 2 == 0: cls = 'alt' else: cls = '' print '<tr>' print '<td class=%s> %s </td>' % (cls, protname) print '<td class=%s> <a href=%s target="blank"> %s</a> </td>' % (cls, pdblink, pdbid) if pdbid in pkdprots: status = 'yes' else: status = 'no' print '<td class=%s> <b>%s</b> </td>' %(cls, status) print '</tr>' r=r+1 print '</table>' return