Beispiel #1
    def getDatasets(self):
        """ Get the datasets for the output files """

        # Get the default dataset
        if self.__job.destinationDblock and self.__job.destinationDblock[
                0] != 'NULL' and self.__job.destinationDblock[0] != ' ':
            dsname = self.__job.destinationDblock[0]
            dsname = "%s-%s-%s" % (time.localtime()[0:3]
                                   )  # pass it a random name

        # Create the dataset dictionary
        # (if None, the dsname above will be used for all output files)
        datasetDict = getDatasetDict(self.__job.outFiles,
                                     self.__job.logFile, self.__job.logDblock)
        if datasetDict:
            tolog("Dataset dictionary has been verified: %s" %
                "Dataset dictionary could not be verified, output files will go to: %s"
                % (dsname))

        return dsname, datasetDict
Beispiel #2
def TransferFiles(job_state, datadir, files, **kwargs):
    Transfers files from list 'files'

    May change CWD with pUtil.chdir (several times)

    :param job_state:
    :param datadir: job data dir
    :param files: list of filenames
    :param kwargs: specific arguments for other purposes
    job = job_state.job


    XMLMetadata = pUtil.getMetadata(, job.jobId)
    thisSite = DorE(kwargs, 'thisSite')

    if not setGuids(job_state, files, **kwargs):
        job.result[2] = PilotErrors().ERR_LOSTJOBPFC
        return ReturnCode.FailedJob

    outPFC = updateOutPFC(job, **kwargs)
    if not outPFC:
        return ReturnCode.FailedJob

    dsname = defaultDSname(job.destinationDblock)

    datasetDict = pUtil.getDatasetDict(job.outFiles, job.destinationDblock, job.logFile, job.logDblock)
    if not datasetDict:
        log("Output files will go to default dataset: %s" % (dsname))

    # the cmtconfig is needed by at least the xrdcp site mover
    cmtconfig = pUtil.getCmtconfig(job.cmtconfig)

    tin_0 = os.times()
    rf = None
    _state = ReturnCode.OK
    _msg = ""
    ec = -1
        # Note: alt stage-out numbers are not saved in recovery mode (job object not returned from this function)
        rc, pilotErrorDiag, rf, rs, job.filesNormalStageOut, job.filesAltStageOut, os_bucket_id = Mover.mover_put_data(
            "xmlcatalog_file:%s" % outPFC, dsname,
            thisSite.sitename, thisSite.computingElement, analysisJob=pUtil.isAnalysisJob(job.trf.split(",")[0]),
            proxycheck=DorE(kwargs, 'proxycheckFlag'),
            pinitdir=DorE(kwargs, 'pilot_initdir'),
            stageoutTries=DorE(kwargs, 'stageoutretry'), 
            cmtconfig=cmtconfig, recoveryWorkDir=thisSite.workdir,
    except Exception, e:
        pilotErrorDiag = "Put function can not be called for staging out: %s" % str(e)
        log("!!%s!!1105!! %s" % (env['errorLabel'], pilotErrorDiag))
        ec = PilotErrors().ERR_PUTFUNCNOCALL
        _state = ReturnCode.Holding
        _msg = env['errorLabel']
Beispiel #3
def getDatasets(job):
    """ get the datasets for the output files """

    # get the default dataset
    if job.destinationDblock and job.destinationDblock[0] != 'NULL' and job.destinationDblock[0] != ' ':
        dsname = job.destinationDblock[0]
        dsname = "%s-%s-%s" % (time.localtime()[0:3]) # pass it a random name

    # create the dataset dictionary
    # (if None, the dsname above will be used for all output files)
    datasetDict = getDatasetDict(job.outFiles, job.destinationDblock, job.logFile, job.logDblock)
    if datasetDict:
        tolog("Dataset dictionary has been verified")
        tolog("Dataset dictionary could not be verified, output files will go to: %s" % (dsname))

    return dsname, datasetDict