Beispiel #1
    def test_default_link_matcher(self):
        crawler = Crawler("", mirrors=[])
        crawler.follow_externals = True
        crawler._is_browsable = lambda *args: True
        base_url = ""
        content = """
<a href="../homepage" rel="homepage">link</a>
<a href="../download" rel="download">link2</a>
<a href="../simpleurl">link2</a>
        found_links = set(uri for uri, _ in
                          crawler._default_link_matcher(content, base_url))
        self.assertIn('', found_links)
        self.assertIn('', found_links)
        self.assertIn('', found_links)
Beispiel #2
    def test_simple_link_matcher(self):
        # Test that the simple link matcher finds the right links"""
        crawler = Crawler(follow_externals=False)

        # Here, we define:
        #   1. one link that must be followed, cause it's a download one
        #   2. one link that must *not* be followed, cause the is_browsable
        #      returns false for it.
        #   3. one link that must be followed cause it's a homepage that is
        #      browsable
        #   4. one link that must be followed, because it contain a md5 hash
        self.assertTrue(crawler._is_browsable("%stest" % crawler.index_url))
        content = """
        <a href="http://dl-link1" rel="download">download_link1</a>
        <a href="http://dl-link2" rel="homepage">homepage_link1</a>
        <a href="%(index_url)stest" rel="homepage">homepage_link2</a>
        <a href="%(index_url)stest/foobar-1.tar.gz#md5=abcdef>download_link2</a>
        """ % {'index_url': crawler.index_url}

        # Test that the simple link matcher yield the good links.
        generator = crawler._simple_link_matcher(content, crawler.index_url)
        self.assertEqual(('%stest/foobar-1.tar.gz#md5=abcdef' %
                          crawler.index_url, True), next(generator))
        self.assertEqual(('http://dl-link1', True), next(generator))
        self.assertEqual(('%stest' % crawler.index_url, False),
        self.assertRaises(StopIteration, generator.__next__)

        # Follow the external links is possible (eg. homepages)
        crawler.follow_externals = True
        generator = crawler._simple_link_matcher(content, crawler.index_url)
        self.assertEqual(('%stest/foobar-1.tar.gz#md5=abcdef' %
                          crawler.index_url, True), next(generator))
        self.assertEqual(('http://dl-link1', True), next(generator))
        self.assertEqual(('http://dl-link2', False), next(generator))
        self.assertEqual(('%stest' % crawler.index_url, False),
        self.assertRaises(StopIteration, generator.__next__)