Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self,
        Instantiates a :py:object:`Population`.
        global controller, multi_cast_vertex

        # Raise an exception if the Pop. attempts to employ spatial structure
        if structure:
            raise Exception(
                "Spatial structure is unsupported for Populations.")

        # Create a graph vertex for the population and add it to PACMAN
        self.vertex = cellclass(size, label=label, **cellparams)

        #check if the vertex is a cmd sender, if so store for future
        if self.vertex.requires_multi_cast_source():
            if multi_cast_vertex is None:
                multi_cast_vertex = MultiCastSource()
            edge = graph.Edge(multi_cast_vertex, self.vertex)

        self.parameters = PyNNParametersSurrogate(self.vertex)

        #add any dependant edges and verts if needed
        dependant_verts, dependant_edges = \

        if dependant_verts is not None:
            for dependant_vert in dependant_verts:

        if dependant_edges is not None:
            for dependant_edge in dependant_edges:

        #initlise common stuff
        self.size = size
        self.recordSpikeFile = None
        self.recordVFile = None
        self.recordGSynFile = None
    def __init__(self, size, cellclass, cellparams, structure=None, label=None):
        Instantiates a :py:object:`Population`.
        global controller, multi_cast_vertex

        # Raise an exception if the Pop. attempts to employ spatial structure
        if structure:
            raise Exception("Spatial structure is unsupported for Populations.")

        # Create a graph vertex for the population and add it to PACMAN
        self.vertex = cellclass(size, label=label, **cellparams)

        #check if the vertex is a cmd sender, if so store for future
        if self.vertex.requires_multi_cast_source():
            if multi_cast_vertex is None:
                multi_cast_vertex = MultiCastSource()
            edge = graph.Edge(multi_cast_vertex, self.vertex)

        self.parameters = PyNNParametersSurrogate(self.vertex)

        #add any dependant edges and verts if needed
        dependant_verts, dependant_edges = \

        if dependant_verts is not None:
            for dependant_vert in dependant_verts:

        if dependant_edges is not None:
            for dependant_edge in dependant_edges:

        #initlise common stuff
        self.size = size
        self.recordSpikeFile = None
        self.recordVFile = None
        self.recordGSynFile = None
Beispiel #3
class Population(object):
    A collection neuron of the same types. It encapsulates a type of :class:`pacman103.lib.graph.Vertex`
    used with Spiking Neural Networks, comprising n cells (atoms)
    of the same :py:mod:`pacman103.front.pynn.models` type.

    :param int size:
        size (number of cells) of the Population.
    :param `pacman103.front.pynn.models` cellclass:
        specifies the neural model to use for the Population
    :param dict cellparams:
        a dictionary containing model specific parameters and values
    :param `` structure:
        a spatial structure - not supported
    :param string label:
        a label identifying the Population

    def __init__(self,
        Instantiates a :py:object:`Population`.
        global controller, multi_cast_vertex

        # Raise an exception if the Pop. attempts to employ spatial structure
        if structure:
            raise Exception(
                "Spatial structure is unsupported for Populations.")

        # Create a graph vertex for the population and add it to PACMAN
        self.vertex = cellclass(size, label=label, **cellparams)

        #check if the vertex is a cmd sender, if so store for future
        if self.vertex.requires_multi_cast_source():
            if multi_cast_vertex is None:
                multi_cast_vertex = MultiCastSource()
            edge = graph.Edge(multi_cast_vertex, self.vertex)

        self.parameters = PyNNParametersSurrogate(self.vertex)

        #add any dependant edges and verts if needed
        dependant_verts, dependant_edges = \

        if dependant_verts is not None:
            for dependant_vert in dependant_verts:

        if dependant_edges is not None:
            for dependant_edge in dependant_edges:

        #initlise common stuff
        self.size = size
        self.recordSpikeFile = None
        self.recordVFile = None
        self.recordGSynFile = None

    def __add__(self, other):
        merges populations
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _add_recorder(self, variable):
        """Create a new Recorder for the supplied variable."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def all(self):
        Iterator over cell ids on all nodes.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def conductance_based(self):
        returns a boolean based on if the population is a conductance based pop
        raise NotImplementedError

    def describe(self, template='population_default.txt', engine='default'):
        Returns a human-readable description of the population.

        The output may be customized by specifying a different template
        togther with an associated template engine (see ``pyNN.descriptions``).

        If template is None, then a dictionary containing the template context
        will be returned.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def grandparent(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get(self, paramter_name, gather=False):
        Get the values of a parameter for every local cell in the population.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _get_cell_position(self, id):
        returns the position of a cell (no idea what a cell is)
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _get_cell_initial_value(self, id, variable):
        set a given cells intial value
        raise NotImplementedError

    def getSpikes(self, compatible_output=False, gather=True):
        Return a 2-column numpy array containing cell ids and spike times for
        recorded cells.   This is read directly from the memory for the board.
        global controller
        timer = None
        if conf.config.getboolean("Reports", "outputTimesForSections"):
            timer = Timer()
        spikes = self.vertex.getSpikes(controller, controller.dao.run_time,

        if conf.config.getboolean("Reports", "outputTimesForSections"):
        return spikes

    def get_spike_counts(self, gather=True):
        Returns the number of spikes for each neuron.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_gsyn(self, gather=True, compatible_output=False):
        Return a 3-column numpy array containing cell ids and synaptic conductances for recorded cells.

        global controller
        timer = None
        if conf.config.getboolean("Reports", "outputTimesForSections"):
            timer = Timer()
        gsyn = self.vertex.get_gsyn(controller,
        if conf.config.getboolean("Reports", "outputTimesForSections"):
        return gsyn

    def get_v(self, gather=True, compatible_output=False):
        Return a 3-column numpy array containing cell ids, time, and Vm for recorded cells.

        :param bool gather:
            not used - inserted to match PyNN specs
        :param bool compatible_output:
            not used - inserted to match PyNN specs
        global controller
        timer = None
        if conf.config.getboolean("Reports", "outputTimesForSections"):
            timer = Timer()
        v = self.vertex.get_v(controller,

        if conf.config.getboolean("Reports", "outputTimesForSections"):

        return v

    def id_to_index(self, id):
        Given the ID(s) of cell(s) in the Population, return its (their) index
        (order in the Population).
        raise NotImplementedError

    def id_to_local_index(self, id):
        Given the ID(s) of cell(s) in the Population, return its (their) index
        (order in the Population), counting only cells on the local MPI node.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def initialize(self, variable, value):
        Set the initial value of one of the state variables of the neurons in this population.

        initialize_attr = getattr(self.vertex, "initialize_%s" % variable,
        if ((initialize_attr == None) or not callable(initialize_attr)):
            raise Exception(
                "Vertex does not support initialization of parameter %s" %


    def is_local(self, id):
        Determine whether the cell with the given ID exists on the local MPI node.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def can_record(self, variable):
        """Determine whether `variable` can be recorded from this population."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def inject(self, current_source):
        Connect a current source to all cells in the Population.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __iter__(self):
        suppose to iterate over local cells
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __len__(self):
        Returns the total number of cells in the population.
        return self.size

    def local_size(self):
        returns the number of local cells ???
        raise NotImplementedError

    def meanSpikeCount(self, gather=True):
        Returns the mean number of spikes per neuron.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def nearest(self, position):
        return the neuron closest to the specificed position
        raise NotImplementedError

    def position_generator(self):
        returns a position generator
        raise NotImplementedError

    def randomInit(self, distribution):
        Set initial membrane potentials for all the cells in the population to random values.

        :param `pyNN.random.RandomDistribution` distribution:
            the distribution used to draw random values.

        newEntryForVInit = {'v_init': distribution}

    def stream(self):
        # If the monitor is enabled, add an edge to the monitor
        global appMonitorVertex
        if appMonitorVertex != None:
            controller.add_edge(graph.Edge(self.vertex, appMonitorVertex))

    def record(self,
        Record spikes from all cells in the Population.
        A flag is set for this population that is passed to the simulation,
        triggering spike time recording.
        record_attr = getattr(self.vertex, "record", None)
        if ((record_attr == None) or not callable(record_attr)):
            raise Exception("Vertex does not support recording of spikes")

        # Tell the vertex to record spikes
        self.recordSpikeFile = to_file

        if stream:

            # If the monitor is enabled, add an edge to the monitor
            global appMonitorVertex
            if appMonitorVertex != None:
                controller.add_edge(graph.Edge(self.vertex, appMonitorVertex))

    def record_gsyn(self, to_file=None):
        Record the synaptic conductance for all cells in the Population.
        A flag is set for this population that is passed to the simulation,
        triggering gsyn value recording.
        if (not hasattr(self.vertex, "record_gsyn")
                or not callable(self.vertex.record_gsyn)):
            raise Exception("Vertex does not support recording of gsyn")

        self.recordGSynFile = to_file

    def record_v(self, to_file=None):
        Record the membrane potential for all cells in the Population.
        A flag is set for this population that is passed to the simulation,
        triggering potential recording.
        if (not hasattr(self.vertex, "record_v")
                or not callable(self.vertex.record_v)):
            raise Exception("Vertex does not support recording of potential")

        self.recordVFile = to_file

    def positions(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def printSpikes(self, filename, gather=True):
        Write spike time information from the population to a given file.
        spikes = self.getSpikes(compatible_output=True)
        if spikes != None:
            first_id = 0
            num_neurons = self.vertex.atoms
            dimensions = self.vertex.atoms
            last_id = self.vertex.atoms - 1
            spikeFile = open(filename, "w")
            spikeFile.write("# first_id = %d\n" % first_id)
            spikeFile.write("# n = %d\n" % num_neurons)
            spikeFile.write("# dimensions = [%d]\n" % dimensions)
            spikeFile.write("# last_id = %d\n" % last_id)
            for (neuronId, time) in spikes:
                spikeFile.write("%d\t%d\n" % (time, neuronId))

    def print_gsyn(self, filename, gather=True):
        Write conductance information from the population to a given file.

        global controller
        timeStep = (controller.dao.machineTimeStep * 1.0) / 1000.0
        gsyn = self.get_gsyn(gather, compatible_output=True)
        first_id = 0
        num_neurons = self.vertex.atoms
        dimensions = self.vertex.atoms
        fileHandle = open(filename, "w")
        fileHandle.write("# first_id = %d\n" % first_id)
        fileHandle.write("# n = %d\n" % num_neurons)
        fileHandle.write("# dt = %f\n" % timeStep)
        fileHandle.write("# dimensions = [%d]\n" % dimensions)
        fileHandle.write("# last_id = %d\n" % num_neurons - 1)
        fileHandle = open(filename, "w")
        for (neuronId, time, value) in gsyn:
            fileHandle.write("%f\t%d\t%f\n" % (time, neuronId, value))

    def print_v(self, filename, gather=True):
        Write membrane potential information from the population to a given file.

        global controller
        timeStep = (controller.dao.machineTimeStep * 1.0) / 1000.0
        v = self.get_v(gather, compatible_output=True)
        fileHandle = open(filename, "w")
        first_id = 0
        num_neurons = self.vertex.atoms
        dimensions = self.vertex.atoms
        fileHandle.write("# first_id = %d\n" % first_id)
        fileHandle.write("# n = %d\n" % num_neurons)
        fileHandle.write("# dt = %f\n" % timeStep)
        fileHandle.write("# dimensions = [%d]\n" % dimensions)
        fileHandle.write("# last_id = %d\n" % (num_neurons - 1))
        for (neuronId, time, value) in v:
            fileHandle.write("%f\t%d\n" % (value, neuronId))

    def rset(self, parametername, rand_distr):
        'Random' set. Set the value of parametername to a value taken from
        rand_distr, which should be a RandomDistribution object.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def sample(self, n, rng=None):
        returns a random selection fo neurons from a population in the form
        of a population view
        raise NotImplementedError

    def save_positions(self, file):
        save positions to file
        raise NotImplementedError

    def set(self, *args, **kargs):
        converts key value pairs in key args into a collection of string
        parameter and value entries used with old fashion set.

        Assumes parameters_surrogate will throw error when entries not
        avilable for a vertex is given
        if len(args) == 0:
            for key in kargs.keys():
                self._set_string_value_pair(key, kargs[key])
            for element in range(0, len(args), 2):
                self._set_string_value_pair(args[element], args[element + 1])

    def _set_cell_initial_value(self, id, variable, value):
        set a given cells intial value
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _set_cell_position(self, id, pos):
        sets a cell to a given position
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _set_string_value_pair(self, parameter, value=None):
        Set one or more parameters for every cell in the population.

        param can be a dict, in which case val should not be supplied, or a string
        giving the parameter name, in which case val is the parameter value.
        val can be a numeric value, or list of such (e.g. for setting spike times)::

          p.set("tau_m", 20.0).
          p.set({'tau_m':20, 'v_rest':-65})
        if type(parameter) is str:
            if value == None:
                raise Exception(
                    "Error: No value given in set() function for population parameter. Exiting."
            self.parameters[parameter] = value
        if type(parameter) is not dict:
            raise Exception(
                "Error: invalid parameter type for set() function for population parameter. Exiting."
        # Add a dictionary-structured set of new parameters to the current set:

    def set_mapping_constraint(self, constraint):
        Apply a constraint to a population that restricts the processor
        onto which its sub-populations will be placed.
        placementConstraint = lib_map.VertexConstraints()
        if 'x' in constraint:
            placementConstraint.x = constraint['x']
        if 'y' in constraint:
            placementConstraint.y = constraint['y']
        if 'p' in constraint:
            placementConstraint.p = constraint['p']
        self.vertex.constraints = placementConstraint

    def structure(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def tset(self, parametername, value_array):
        'Topographic' set. Set the value of parametername to the values in
        value_array, which must have the same dimensions as the Population.
        raise NotImplementedError
class Population( object ):
    A collection neuron of the same types. It encapsulates a type of :class:`pacman103.lib.graph.Vertex`
    used with Spiking Neural Networks, comprising n cells (atoms)
    of the same :py:mod:`pacman103.front.pynn.models` type.

    :param int size:
        size (number of cells) of the Population.
    :param `pacman103.front.pynn.models` cellclass:
        specifies the neural model to use for the Population
    :param dict cellparams:
        a dictionary containing model specific parameters and values
    :param `` structure:
        a spatial structure - not supported
    :param string label:
        a label identifying the Population


    def __init__(self, size, cellclass, cellparams, structure=None, label=None):
        Instantiates a :py:object:`Population`.
        global controller, multi_cast_vertex

        # Raise an exception if the Pop. attempts to employ spatial structure
        if structure:
            raise Exception("Spatial structure is unsupported for Populations.")

        # Create a graph vertex for the population and add it to PACMAN
        self.vertex = cellclass(size, label=label, **cellparams)

        #check if the vertex is a cmd sender, if so store for future
        if self.vertex.requires_multi_cast_source():
            if multi_cast_vertex is None:
                multi_cast_vertex = MultiCastSource()
            edge = graph.Edge(multi_cast_vertex, self.vertex)

        self.parameters = PyNNParametersSurrogate(self.vertex)

        #add any dependant edges and verts if needed
        dependant_verts, dependant_edges = \

        if dependant_verts is not None:
            for dependant_vert in dependant_verts:

        if dependant_edges is not None:
            for dependant_edge in dependant_edges:

        #initlise common stuff
        self.size = size
        self.recordSpikeFile = None
        self.recordVFile = None
        self.recordGSynFile = None

    def __add__(self, other):
        merges populations
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _add_recorder(self, variable):
        """Create a new Recorder for the supplied variable."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def all(self):
        Iterator over cell ids on all nodes.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def conductance_based(self):
        returns a boolean based on if the population is a conductance based pop
        raise NotImplementedError

    def describe(self, template='population_default.txt', engine='default'):
        Returns a human-readable description of the population.

        The output may be customized by specifying a different template
        togther with an associated template engine (see ``pyNN.descriptions``).

        If template is None, then a dictionary containing the template context
        will be returned.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def grandparent(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get(self, paramter_name, gather=False):
        Get the values of a parameter for every local cell in the population.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _get_cell_position(self, id):
        returns the position of a cell (no idea what a cell is)
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _get_cell_initial_value(self, id, variable):
        set a given cells intial value
        raise NotImplementedError

    def getSpikes(self, compatible_output=False, gather=True):
        Return a 2-column numpy array containing cell ids and spike times for
        recorded cells.   This is read directly from the memory for the board.
        global controller
        timer = None
        if conf.config.getboolean("Reports", "outputTimesForSections"):
            timer = Timer()
        spikes = self.vertex.getSpikes(controller, controller.dao.run_time, compatible_output)

        if conf.config.getboolean("Reports", "outputTimesForSections"):
        return spikes

    def get_spike_counts(self, gather=True):
        Returns the number of spikes for each neuron.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_gsyn(self, gather=True, compatible_output=False):
        Return a 3-column numpy array containing cell ids and synaptic conductances for recorded cells.

        global controller
        timer = None
        if conf.config.getboolean("Reports", "outputTimesForSections"):
            timer = Timer()
        gsyn = self.vertex.get_gsyn(controller, gather=gather, compatible_output=compatible_output)
        if conf.config.getboolean("Reports", "outputTimesForSections"):
        return gsyn

    def get_v(self, gather=True, compatible_output=False):
        Return a 3-column numpy array containing cell ids, time, and Vm for recorded cells.

        :param bool gather:
            not used - inserted to match PyNN specs
        :param bool compatible_output:
            not used - inserted to match PyNN specs
        global controller
        timer = None
        if conf.config.getboolean("Reports", "outputTimesForSections"):
            timer = Timer()
        v = self.vertex.get_v(controller, gather=gather, compatible_output=compatible_output)

        if conf.config.getboolean("Reports", "outputTimesForSections"):

        return v

    def id_to_index(self, id):
        Given the ID(s) of cell(s) in the Population, return its (their) index
        (order in the Population).
        raise NotImplementedError

    def id_to_local_index(self, id):
        Given the ID(s) of cell(s) in the Population, return its (their) index
        (order in the Population), counting only cells on the local MPI node.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def initialize(self, variable, value):
        Set the initial value of one of the state variables of the neurons in this population.

        initialize_attr = getattr(self.vertex, "initialize_%s" % variable, None)
        if ((initialize_attr == None) or not callable(initialize_attr)):
            raise Exception("Vertex does not support initialization of parameter %s" % variable)


    def is_local(self, id):
        Determine whether the cell with the given ID exists on the local MPI node.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def can_record(self, variable):
        """Determine whether `variable` can be recorded from this population."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def inject(self, current_source):
        Connect a current source to all cells in the Population.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __iter__(self):
        suppose to iterate over local cells
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __len__(self):
        Returns the total number of cells in the population.
        return self.size

    def local_size(self):
        returns the number of local cells ???
        raise NotImplementedError

    def meanSpikeCount(self, gather=True):
        Returns the mean number of spikes per neuron.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def nearest(self, position):
        return the neuron closest to the specificed position
        raise NotImplementedError

    def position_generator(self):
        returns a position generator
        raise NotImplementedError

    def randomInit(self, distribution):
        Set initial membrane potentials for all the cells in the population to random values.

        :param `pyNN.random.RandomDistribution` distribution:
            the distribution used to draw random values.

        newEntryForVInit = {'v_init': distribution}

    def stream(self):
        # If the monitor is enabled, add an edge to the monitor
        global appMonitorVertex
        if appMonitorVertex != None:
            controller.add_edge(graph.Edge(self.vertex, appMonitorVertex))
    def record(self, to_file=None,
               focus=None, visualiser_mode=visualiser_modes.RASTER,
               visualiser_2d_dimension=None, visualiser_raster_seperate=None,
               visualiser_no_colours=None, visualiser_average_period_tics=None,
        Record spikes from all cells in the Population.
        A flag is set for this population that is passed to the simulation,
        triggering spike time recording.
        record_attr = getattr(self.vertex, "record", None)
        if ((record_attr == None) or not callable(record_attr)):
            raise Exception("Vertex does not support recording of spikes")

        # Tell the vertex to record spikes
        self.recordSpikeFile = to_file
        if stream:
            self.vertex.setup_visualizer(focus=focus, visualiser_mode=visualiser_mode,

            # If the monitor is enabled, add an edge to the monitor
            global appMonitorVertex
            if appMonitorVertex != None:
                controller.add_edge(graph.Edge(self.vertex, appMonitorVertex))

    def record_gsyn(self, to_file=None):
        Record the synaptic conductance for all cells in the Population.
        A flag is set for this population that is passed to the simulation,
        triggering gsyn value recording.
        if (not hasattr(self.vertex, "record_gsyn")
                or not callable(self.vertex.record_gsyn)):
            raise Exception("Vertex does not support recording of gsyn")

        self.recordGSynFile = to_file

    def record_v(self, to_file=None):
        Record the membrane potential for all cells in the Population.
        A flag is set for this population that is passed to the simulation,
        triggering potential recording.
        if (not hasattr(self.vertex, "record_v")
                or not callable(self.vertex.record_v)):
            raise Exception("Vertex does not support recording of potential")

        self.recordVFile = to_file

    def positions(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def printSpikes(self, filename, gather=True):
        Write spike time information from the population to a given file.
        spikes = self.getSpikes(compatible_output=True)
        if spikes != None:
            first_id = 0
            num_neurons = self.vertex.atoms
            dimensions = self.vertex.atoms
            last_id = self.vertex.atoms - 1
            spikeFile = open(filename, "w")
            spikeFile.write("# first_id = %d\n" % first_id)
            spikeFile.write("# n = %d\n" % num_neurons)
            spikeFile.write("# dimensions = [%d]\n" % dimensions)
            spikeFile.write("# last_id = %d\n" % last_id)
            for (neuronId, time) in spikes:
                spikeFile.write("%d\t%d\n" % (time, neuronId))

    def print_gsyn(self, filename, gather=True):
        Write conductance information from the population to a given file.

        global controller
        timeStep = (controller.dao.machineTimeStep*1.0)/1000.0
        gsyn = self.get_gsyn(gather, compatible_output=True)
        first_id = 0
        num_neurons = self.vertex.atoms
        dimensions = self.vertex.atoms
        fileHandle = open(filename, "w")
        fileHandle.write("# first_id = %d\n" % first_id)
        fileHandle.write("# n = %d\n" % num_neurons)
        fileHandle.write("# dt = %f\n" % timeStep)
        fileHandle.write("# dimensions = [%d]\n" % dimensions)
        fileHandle.write("# last_id = %d\n" % num_neurons-1)
        fileHandle = open(filename, "w")
        for (neuronId, time, value) in gsyn:
            fileHandle.write("%f\t%d\t%f\n" % (time, neuronId, value))

    def print_v(self, filename, gather=True):
        Write membrane potential information from the population to a given file.

        global controller
        timeStep = (controller.dao.machineTimeStep*1.0)/1000.0
        v = self.get_v(gather, compatible_output=True)
        fileHandle = open(filename, "w")
        first_id = 0
        num_neurons = self.vertex.atoms
        dimensions = self.vertex.atoms
        fileHandle.write("# first_id = %d\n" % first_id)
        fileHandle.write("# n = %d\n" % num_neurons)
        fileHandle.write("# dt = %f\n" % timeStep)
        fileHandle.write("# dimensions = [%d]\n" % dimensions)
        fileHandle.write("# last_id = %d\n" % (num_neurons-1))
        for (neuronId, time, value) in v:
            fileHandle.write("%f\t%d\n" % (value, neuronId))

    def rset(self, parametername, rand_distr):
        'Random' set. Set the value of parametername to a value taken from
        rand_distr, which should be a RandomDistribution object.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def sample(self, n, rng=None):
        returns a random selection fo neurons from a population in the form
        of a population view
        raise NotImplementedError

    def save_positions(self, file):
        save positions to file
        raise NotImplementedError

    def set(self, *args, **kargs):
        converts key value pairs in key args into a collection of string
        parameter and value entries used with old fashion set.

        Assumes parameters_surrogate will throw error when entries not
        avilable for a vertex is given
        if len(args) == 0:
            for key in kargs.keys():
                self._set_string_value_pair(key, kargs[key])
            for element in range(0, len(args), 2):
                self._set_string_value_pair(args[element], args[element+1])

    def _set_cell_initial_value(self, id, variable, value):
        set a given cells intial value
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _set_cell_position(self, id, pos):
        sets a cell to a given position
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _set_string_value_pair(self, parameter, value=None):
        Set one or more parameters for every cell in the population.

        param can be a dict, in which case val should not be supplied, or a string
        giving the parameter name, in which case val is the parameter value.
        val can be a numeric value, or list of such (e.g. for setting spike times)::

          p.set("tau_m", 20.0).
          p.set({'tau_m':20, 'v_rest':-65})
        if type(parameter) is str:
            if value==None:
                raise Exception("Error: No value given in set() function for population parameter. Exiting.")
            self.parameters[parameter] = value
        if type(parameter) is not dict:
                raise Exception("Error: invalid parameter type for set() function for population parameter. Exiting.")
        # Add a dictionary-structured set of new parameters to the current set:

    def set_mapping_constraint(self, constraint):
        Apply a constraint to a population that restricts the processor
        onto which its sub-populations will be placed.
        placementConstraint = lib_map.VertexConstraints()
        if 'x' in constraint:
            placementConstraint.x = constraint['x']
        if 'y' in constraint:
            placementConstraint.y = constraint['y']
        if 'p' in constraint:
            placementConstraint.p = constraint['p']
        self.vertex.constraints = placementConstraint

    def structure(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def tset(self, parametername, value_array):
        'Topographic' set. Set the value of parametername to the values in
        value_array, which must have the same dimensions as the Population.
        raise NotImplementedError