def forward(self, x):
        out = self.conv1(x)
        rp = F.adaptive_max_pool2d(out, (self.s, 1))
        cp = F.adaptive_max_pool2d(out, (1, self.s))
        p = paddle.reshape(self.conv_p(rp), (x.shape[0], self.k, self.s, self.s))
        q = paddle.reshape(self.conv_q(cp), (x.shape[0], self.k, self.s, self.s))
        p = F.sigmoid(p)
        q = F.sigmoid(q)
        p = p / paddle.sum(p, axis=3, keepdim=True)
        q = q / paddle.sum(q, axis=2, keepdim=True)

        p = paddle.reshape(p, (x.shape[0], self.k, 1, self.s, self.s))
        p = paddle.expand(p, (x.shape[0], self.k, x.shape[1] // self.k, self.s, self.s))

        p = paddle.reshape(p, (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], self.s, self.s))

        q = paddle.reshape(q, (x.shape[0], self.k, 1, self.s, self.s))
        q = paddle.expand(q, (x.shape[0], self.k, x.shape[1] // self.k, self.s, self.s))

        q = paddle.reshape(q, (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], self.s, self.s))

        p = self.resize_mat(p, x.shape[2] // self.s)
        q = self.resize_mat(q, x.shape[2] // self.s)
        y = paddle.matmul(p, x)
        y = paddle.matmul(y, q)

        y = self.conv2(y)
        return y
Beispiel #2
    def _build_volume_2d3(self, feat_l, feat_r, maxdisp, disp, stride=1):
        output residual map
        L1 distance-based cost
        size = feat_l.shape

        disp = paddle.unsqueeze(disp, axis=1)
        batch_disp = paddle.expand(disp, shape=[disp.shape[0], maxdisp * 2 - 1, disp.shape[-3], disp.shape[-2],
        batch_disp = batch_disp.reshape(shape=[-1, 1, size[-2], size[-1]])

        batch_shift = paddle.arange(-maxdisp + 1, maxdisp, dtype="float32")
        batch_shift = paddle.expand(batch_shift, shape=[size[0], batch_shift.shape[0]]).reshape(shape=[-1]).unsqueeze(
            axis=[1, 2, 3]) * stride
        batch_disp = batch_disp - batch_shift
        batch_feat_l = paddle.unsqueeze(feat_l, axis=1).expand(
            shape=[size[0], maxdisp * 2 - 1, size[-3], size[-2], size[-1]]).reshape(
            shape=[-1, size[-3], size[-2], size[-1]])
        batch_feat_r = paddle.unsqueeze(feat_r, axis=1).expand(
            shape=[size[0], maxdisp * 2 - 1, size[-3], size[-2], size[-1]]).reshape(
            shape=[-1, size[-3], size[-2], size[-1]])

        cost = paddle.norm(batch_feat_l - self.warp(batch_feat_r, batch_disp), 1, 1) #output residual map
        cost = cost.reshape(shape=[size[0], -1, size[2], size[3]])

        return cost
Beispiel #3
    def _get_rand_mask(self, blocked_query_mask, blocked_key_mask,
                       rand_mask_idx, batch_size, sequence_length):
        return random mask: [B, H, L-G, bs, R * bs]
        # rand_mask_idx: [H, T]
        # blocked_query_mask: [B, L, bs]
        # blocked_key_mask: [B, L, bs]
        bs = self.block_size
        B = batch_size
        L = sequence_length // bs
        H = self.num_heads
        G = self.num_global_blocks
        GB = self.num_global_blocks_back
        GF = self.num_global_blocks_front
        R = self.num_rand_blocks
        temp_block_key_mask = paddle.unsqueeze(blocked_key_mask, 1)
        temp_block_key_mask = paddle.expand(temp_block_key_mask, [B, H, L, -1])
        temp_block_key_mask_list = [
            paddle.gather_nd(temp_block_key_mask[b], rand_mask_idx)
            for b in range(B)
        temp_block_key_mask = paddle.concat(temp_block_key_mask_list, 0)
        temp_block_key_mask = paddle.reshape(temp_block_key_mask,
                                             [B, H, L - G, 1, R * bs])

        temp_blocked_query_mask = paddle.unsqueeze(
            blocked_query_mask[:, GF:-GB], 1)
        temp_blocked_query_mask = paddle.expand(temp_blocked_query_mask,
                                                [B, H, L - G, -1])
        temp_blocked_query_mask = paddle.reshape(temp_blocked_query_mask,
                                                 [B, H, L - G, bs, 1])

        rand_mask = paddle.matmul(temp_blocked_query_mask, temp_block_key_mask)
        return rand_mask
Beispiel #4
    def label2edge(self, label, mask_diag=True):
        # get size
        num_samples = label.shape[1]
        # reshape
        label_i = paddle.transpose(
                          [num_samples, label.shape[0], label.shape[1]]),
            [1, 2, 0])
        label_j = label_i.transpose((0, 2, 1))
        # compute edge
        edge = paddle.cast(paddle.equal(label_i, label_j), 'float32')

        # expand
        edge = edge.unsqueeze(1)
        if self.edge_type == 'dist':
            edge = 1 - edge
        if self.edge_dim == 2:
            edge = paddle.concat([edge, 1 - edge], 1)

        if mask_diag:
            diag_mask = 1.0 - paddle.expand(
                [edge.shape[0], self.edge_dim, edge.shape[2], edge.shape[2]])
            edge = edge * diag_mask
        if self.edge_activation == 'softmax':
            edge = edge / edge.sum(-1).unsqueeze(-1)
        return edge
Beispiel #5
 def forward(self, inputs):
     x = self.bn1(inputs)
     x = paddle.reshape(x, [1, 3 * 16 * 16])
     x = self.fc1(x)
     x = paddle.fluid.layers.unsqueeze(input=x, axes=[2])
     x = self.relu1(x)
     y = paddle.fluid.layers.fill_constant(x.shape,
     # x = paddle.stack([x, y], axis=3)
     x = paddle.slice(x, axes=[0], starts=[0], ends=[1])
     x = paddle.exp(x)
     # y += paddle.fluid.layers.uniform_random(y.shape)
     y = paddle.expand(y, shape=[1, 768, 768, 2])
     x = paddle.expand(x, shape=[1, 768, 768, 2])
     out = paddle.concat([x, y])
     out = self.dp(out)
     out = channel_shuffle(out, 2)
     out1, out2 = paddle.split(out, num_or_sections=2, axis=1)
     outshape = out1.shape
     max_idx = paddle.argmax(out1.reshape(
         (outshape[0], outshape[1], outshape[2] * outshape[3])),
     out2 = out2.reshape(
         (outshape[0], outshape[1], outshape[2] * outshape[3]))
     res, _ = self.lstm(out2)
     return res, max_idx
Beispiel #6
def gen_bias(encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, step):
    decoder_bsz, decoder_seqlen = decoder_inputs.shape[:2]
    encoder_bsz, encoder_seqlen = encoder_inputs.shape[:2]
    attn_bias = paddle.reshape(
        paddle.arange(0, decoder_seqlen, 1, dtype='float32') + 1, [1, -1, 1])
    decoder_bias = paddle.cast(
        (paddle.matmul(attn_bias, 1. / attn_bias, transpose_y=True) >= 1.),
        'float32')  #[1, decoderlen, decoderlen]
    encoder_bias = paddle.unsqueeze(
        paddle.cast(paddle.ones_like(encoder_inputs), 'float32'),
        [1])  #[bsz, 1, encoderlen]
    encoder_bias = paddle.expand(encoder_bias,
                                 [encoder_bsz, decoder_seqlen, encoder_seqlen
                                  ])  #[bsz,decoderlen, encoderlen]
    decoder_bias = paddle.expand(decoder_bias,
                                 [decoder_bsz, decoder_seqlen, decoder_seqlen
                                  ])  #[bsz, decoderlen, decoderlen]
    if step > 0:
        bias = paddle.concat([
            paddle.ones([decoder_bsz, decoder_seqlen, step], 'float32'),
        ], -1)
        bias = paddle.concat([encoder_bias, decoder_bias], -1)
    return bias
Beispiel #7
    def forward(self, x, y):
        if self.bias_x:
            x = paddle.concat([x, paddle.ones_like(x[:, :, :1])], axis=-1)
        if self.bias_y:
            y = paddle.concat([y, paddle.ones_like(x[:, :, :1])], axis=-1)
        # Shape x: (batch_size, num_tokens, input_size + bias_x)
        b = x.shape[0]
        o = self.weight.shape[0]
        # Shape x: (batch_size, output_size, num_tokens, input_size + bias_x)
        x = paddle.expand(paddle.unsqueeze(x, axis=1),
                          shape=(x.shape[0], o, x.shape[1], x.shape[2]))
        # Shape y: (batch_size, output_size, num_tokens, input_size + bias_y)
        y = paddle.expand(paddle.unsqueeze(y, axis=1),
                          shape=(y.shape[0], o, y.shape[1], y.shape[2]))
        # Shape weight: (batch_size, output_size, input_size + bias_x, input_size + bias_y)
        weight = paddle.expand(paddle.unsqueeze(self.weight, axis=0),
                               shape=(b, self.weight.shape[0],

        # Shape: (batch_size, output_size, num_tokens, num_tokens)
        s = paddle.matmul(paddle.matmul(x, weight),
                          paddle.transpose(y, perm=[0, 1, 3, 2]))
        # Remove dim 1 if n_out == 1
        if s.shape[1] == 1:
            s = paddle.squeeze(s, axis=1)
        return s
Beispiel #8
    def warp(self, x, disp):
        warp an image/tensor (im2) back to im1, according to the optical flow
        x: [B, C, H, W] (im2)
        disp: [B, 1, H, W]
        flo: [B, 2, H, W] flow
        output: [B, C, H, W] (im1)
        B, C, H, W = x.shape
        # mesh grid
        xx = paddle.expand(paddle.arange(0, W, step=1, dtype='float32').reshape(shape=[1, -1]), shape=[H, W])
        yy = paddle.expand(paddle.arange(0, H, step=1, dtype='float32').reshape(shape=[-1, 1]), shape=[H, W])

        xx = paddle.expand(xx.reshape(shape=[1, 1, H, W]), shape=[B, 1, H, W])
        yy = paddle.expand(yy.reshape(shape=[1, 1, H, W]), shape=[B, 1, H, W])

        vgrid = paddle.concat((xx, yy), axis=1) #[B, 2, H, W]
        vgrid[:, :1, :, :] = vgrid[:, :1, :, :] - disp
        # scale grid to [-1,1]
        vgrid[:, 0, :, :] = 2.0 * vgrid[:, 0, :, :] / max(W - 1, 1) - 1.0
        vgrid[:, 1, :, :] = 2.0 * vgrid[:, 1, :, :] / max(H - 1, 1) - 1.0

        vgrid = paddle.transpose(vgrid, [0, 2, 3, 1]) #[B, H, W, 2]
        vgrid.stop_gradient = False

        output = F.grid_sample(x, vgrid)

        return output
def expand_v2_tensor(name: str, x, out_shape, use_tensor_in_list):

    with paddle.static.program_guard(paddle.static.Program(),
        node_x ='x', shape=x.shape, dtype=data_type)
        if use_tensor_in_list:
            out_shape[0] = paddle.assign(
                np.array((out_shape[0], )).astype('int32'))
            out = paddle.expand(node_x, shape=out_shape, name='expand_v2')
            out_shape = np.array(out_shape).astype('int32')
            node_shape = paddle.assign(out_shape, output=None)
            out = paddle.expand(node_x, shape=node_shape, name='expand_v2')

        cpu = paddle.static.cpu_places(1)
        exe = paddle.static.Executor(cpu[0])
        # startup program will call initializer to initialize the parameters.

        outs ={'x': x}, fetch_list=[out])


    return outs[0]
Beispiel #10
    def forward(self, nodes, edges, nums):
        start, cat_nodes = 0, []
        for num in nums:
            sample_nodes = nodes[start:start + num]
                    paddle.expand(sample_nodes.unsqueeze(1), [-1, num, -1]),
                    paddle.expand(sample_nodes.unsqueeze(0), [num, -1, -1])
                ], -1).reshape([num**2, -1]))
            start += num
        cat_nodes = paddle.concat([paddle.concat(cat_nodes), edges], -1)
        cat_nodes = self.relu(self.in_fc(cat_nodes))
        coefs = self.coef_fc(cat_nodes)

        start, residuals = 0, []
        for num in nums:
            residual = F.softmax(
                -paddle.eye(num).unsqueeze(-1) * 1e9 +
                coefs[start:start + num**2].reshape([num, num, -1]), 1)
            residuals.append((residual * cat_nodes[start:start + num**2]
                              .reshape([num, num, -1])).sum(1))
            start += num**2

        nodes += self.relu(self.out_fc(paddle.concat(residuals)))
        return [nodes, cat_nodes]
    def forward(self, inputs):
        Get SOLOv2MaskHead output.

            inputs(list[Tensor]): feature map from each necks with shape of [N, C, H, W]
            ins_pred(Tensor): Output of SOLOv2MaskHead head
        feat_all_level = F.relu(self.convs_all_levels[0](inputs[0]))
        for i in range(1, self.range_level):
            input_p = inputs[i]
            if i == (self.range_level - 1):
                input_feat = input_p
                x_range = paddle.linspace(
                    -1, 1, paddle.shape(input_feat)[-1], dtype='float32')
                y_range = paddle.linspace(
                    -1, 1, paddle.shape(input_feat)[-2], dtype='float32')
                y, x = paddle.meshgrid([y_range, x_range])
                x = paddle.unsqueeze(x, [0, 1])
                y = paddle.unsqueeze(y, [0, 1])
                y = paddle.expand(
                    y, shape=[paddle.shape(input_feat)[0], 1, -1, -1])
                x = paddle.expand(
                    x, shape=[paddle.shape(input_feat)[0], 1, -1, -1])
                coord_feat = paddle.concat([x, y], axis=1)
                input_p = paddle.concat([input_p, coord_feat], axis=1)
            feat_all_level = paddle.add(feat_all_level,
        ins_pred = F.relu(self.conv_pred(feat_all_level))

        return ins_pred
Beispiel #12
    def test_static(self):
        with fluid.program_guard(fluid.Program(), fluid.Program()):
            input = np.random.random([12, 14]).astype("float32")
            x ='x',
                                  shape=[12, 14],

            positive_2 = fluid.layers.fill_constant([1], "int32", 12)
            expand_shape ="expand_shape",

            out_1 = paddle.expand(x, shape=[12, 14])
            out_2 = paddle.expand(x, shape=[positive_2, 14])
            out_3 = paddle.expand(x, shape=expand_shape)

            g0 = fluid.backward.calc_gradient(out_2, x)

            exe = fluid.Executor(place=paddle.NPUPlace(0))
            res_1, res_2, res_3 =,
                                          fetch_list=[out_1, out_2, out_3])

            assert np.array_equal(res_1, np.tile(input, (1, 1)))
            assert np.array_equal(res_2, np.tile(input, (1, 1)))
            assert np.array_equal(res_3, np.tile(input, (1, 1)))
Beispiel #13
 def _compute_locations_by_level(self, fpn_stride, feature):
     Compute locations of anchor points of each FPN layer
         fpn_stride (int): The stride of current FPN feature map
         feature (Tensor): Tensor of current FPN feature map
         Anchor points locations of current FPN feature map
     shape_fm = paddle.shape(feature)
     shape_fm.stop_gradient = True
     h, w = shape_fm[2], shape_fm[3]
     shift_x = paddle.arange(0, w * fpn_stride, fpn_stride)
     shift_y = paddle.arange(0, h * fpn_stride, fpn_stride)
     shift_x = paddle.unsqueeze(shift_x, axis=0)
     shift_y = paddle.unsqueeze(shift_y, axis=1)
     shift_x = paddle.expand(shift_x, shape=[h, w])
     shift_y = paddle.expand(shift_y, shape=[h, w])
     shift_x.stop_gradient = True
     shift_y.stop_gradient = True
     shift_x = paddle.reshape(shift_x, shape=[-1])
     shift_y = paddle.reshape(shift_y, shape=[-1])
     location = paddle.stack([shift_x, shift_y],
                             axis=-1) + float(fpn_stride) / 2
     location.stop_gradient = True
     return location
    def forward_decoder(self, x, z):
        data = x[0]
        data_length = x[1]

        embedding_data = self.x_emb(data)

        z_0 = paddle.expand(z.unsqueeze(1), shape=[z.unsqueeze(1).shape[0], \
                embedding_data.shape[1], z.unsqueeze(1).shape[2]])

        x_input = paddle.concat([embedding_data, z_0], axis=-1)

        h_0 = self.decoder_lat(z)
        h_0 = paddle.expand(h_0.unsqueeze(0), \
            shape=[self.decoder_rnn.num_layers, h_0.unsqueeze(0).shape[1], h_0.unsqueeze(0).shape[2]])

        output, _ = self.decoder_rnn(x_input, h_0, sequence_length=data_length)
        y = self.decoder_fc(output)

        recon_loss = F.cross_entropy(paddle.reshape(y[:, :-1], shape=[-1, y.shape[-1]]), \
            paddle.reshape(data[:, 1:], shape=[-1]), \

        return recon_loss
Beispiel #15
    def forward(self, s_emb, q_emb):
        if self.pre_fc:
            s_emb = self.mlp_proj(s_emb)
            q_emb = self.mlp_proj(q_emb)
        n_support = s_emb.shape[0]
        n_query = q_emb.shape[0]

        s_emb_rep = paddle.expand(s_emb,[n_query, s_emb.shape[0], s_emb.shape[1]])
        q_emb_rep = q_emb.unsqueeze(1)
        all_emb = paddle.concat([s_emb_rep, q_emb_rep], 1)
        orig_all_emb =  all_emb

        all_emb_meann = all_emb[:,:n_shot].mean(1)
        all_emb_meanp = all_emb[:,n_shot:2*n_shot].mean(1)
        neg_proto_emb = paddle.transpose(paddle.expand(all_emb_meann,[n_support + 1, all_emb_meann.shape[0], all_emb_meann.shape[1]]),(1,0,2))
        pos_proto_emb = paddle.transpose(paddle.expand(all_emb_meanp,[n_support + 1, all_emb_meanp.shape[0], all_emb_meanp.shape[1]]),(1,0,2))
        all_emb = paddle.stack([all_emb, neg_proto_emb,pos_proto_emb], 2)
        q,s,n,d = all_emb.shape
        x=all_emb.reshape((q*s, n, d))
        attn_x =self.attn_layer(x)
        attn_x=attn_x.reshape((q, s, n, d))
        all_emb = attn_x[:,:,0,]

        all_emb = paddle.concat([all_emb, orig_all_emb],axis = -1)

        if not self.pre_fc:
            all_emb = self.mlp_proj(all_emb)

        return all_emb, None
Beispiel #16
    def forward(self, input, target):
            inputs: feature matrix with shape (batch_size, feat_dim)
            target: ground truth labels with shape (num_classes)
        inputs = input["features"]

        if self.normalize_feature:
            inputs = 1. * inputs / (paddle.expand_as(
                paddle.norm(inputs, p=2, axis=-1, keepdim=True), inputs) +

        bs = inputs.shape[0]

        # compute distance
        dist = paddle.pow(inputs, 2).sum(axis=1, keepdim=True).expand([bs, bs])
        dist = dist + dist.t()
        dist = paddle.addmm(input=dist,
        dist = paddle.clip(dist, min=1e-12).sqrt()

        # hard negative mining
        is_pos = paddle.expand(target, (bs, bs)).equal(
            paddle.expand(target, (bs, bs)).t())
        is_neg = paddle.expand(target, (bs, bs)).not_equal(
            paddle.expand(target, (bs, bs)).t())

        # `dist_ap` means distance(anchor, positive)
        ## both `dist_ap` and `relative_p_inds` with shape [N, 1]
        dist_ap, relative_p_inds = paddle.max(
            paddle.reshape(dist[is_pos], (bs, -1)), axis=1, keepdim=True)
        # `dist_an` means distance(anchor, negative)
        # both `dist_an` and `relative_n_inds` with shape [N, 1]
        dist_an, relative_n_inds = paddle.min(
            paddle.reshape(dist[is_neg], (bs, -1)), axis=1, keepdim=True)
        dist_ap = paddle.max(paddle.reshape(paddle.masked_select(dist, is_pos),
                                            (bs, -1)),
        # `dist_an` means distance(anchor, negative)
        # both `dist_an` and `relative_n_inds` with shape [N, 1]
        dist_an = paddle.min(paddle.reshape(paddle.masked_select(dist, is_neg),
                                            (bs, -1)),
        # shape [N]
        dist_ap = paddle.squeeze(dist_ap, axis=1)
        dist_an = paddle.squeeze(dist_an, axis=1)

        # Compute ranking hinge loss
        y = paddle.ones_like(dist_an)
        loss = self.ranking_loss(dist_an, dist_ap, y)
        return {"TripletLossV2": loss}
Beispiel #17
    def get_pred(self, bboxes, bbox_num, im_shape, scale_factor):
        Rescale, clip and filter the bbox from the output of NMS to 
        get final prediction. 
        Currently only support bs = 1.

            bbox_pred (Tensor): The output bboxes with shape [N, 6] after decode
                and NMS, including labels, scores and bboxes.
            bbox_num (Tensor): The number of prediction boxes of each batch with
                shape [1], and is N.
            im_shape (Tensor): The shape of the input image.
            scale_factor (Tensor): The scale factor of the input image.
            pred_result (Tensor): The final prediction results with shape [N, 6]
                including labels, scores and bboxes.
        origin_shape = paddle.floor(im_shape / scale_factor + 0.5)

        origin_shape_list = []
        scale_factor_list = []
        # scale_factor: scale_y, scale_x
        for i in range(bbox_num.shape[0]):
            expand_shape = paddle.expand(origin_shape[i:i + 1, :],
                                         [bbox_num[i], 2])
            scale_y, scale_x = scale_factor[i][0], scale_factor[i][1]
            scale = paddle.concat([scale_x, scale_y, scale_x, scale_y])
            expand_scale = paddle.expand(scale, [bbox_num[i], 4])

        self.origin_shape_list = paddle.concat(origin_shape_list)
        scale_factor_list = paddle.concat(scale_factor_list)

        # bboxes: [N, 6], label, score, bbox
        pred_label = bboxes[:, 0:1]
        pred_score = bboxes[:, 1:2]
        pred_bbox = bboxes[:, 2:]
        # rescale bbox to original image
        scaled_bbox = pred_bbox / scale_factor_list
        origin_h = self.origin_shape_list[:, 0]
        origin_w = self.origin_shape_list[:, 1]
        zeros = paddle.zeros_like(origin_h)
        # clip bbox to [0, original_size]
        x1 = paddle.maximum(paddle.minimum(scaled_bbox[:, 0], origin_w), zeros)
        y1 = paddle.maximum(paddle.minimum(scaled_bbox[:, 1], origin_h), zeros)
        x2 = paddle.maximum(paddle.minimum(scaled_bbox[:, 2], origin_w), zeros)
        y2 = paddle.maximum(paddle.minimum(scaled_bbox[:, 3], origin_h), zeros)
        pred_bbox = paddle.stack([x1, y1, x2, y2], axis=-1)
        # filter empty bbox
        keep_mask = nonempty_bbox(pred_bbox, return_mask=True)
        keep_mask = paddle.unsqueeze(keep_mask, [1])
        pred_label = paddle.where(keep_mask, pred_label,
                                  paddle.ones_like(pred_label) * -1)
        pred_result = paddle.concat([pred_label, pred_score, pred_bbox], axis=1)
        return pred_result
    def get_pred(self, bboxes, bbox_num, im_shape, scale_factor):
        Rescale, clip and filter the bbox from the output of NMS to
        get final prediction.
            bboxes(Tensor): bboxes [N, 10]
            bbox_num(Tensor): bbox_num
            im_shape(Tensor): [1 2]
            scale_factor(Tensor): [1 2]
            bbox_pred(Tensor): The output is the prediction with shape [N, 8]
                               including labels, scores and bboxes. The size of
                               bboxes are corresponding to the original image.
        origin_shape = paddle.floor(im_shape / scale_factor + 0.5)

        origin_shape_list = []
        scale_factor_list = []
        # scale_factor: scale_y, scale_x
        for i in range(bbox_num.shape[0]):
            expand_shape = paddle.expand(origin_shape[i:i + 1, :],
                                         [bbox_num[i], 2])
            scale_y, scale_x = scale_factor[i][0], scale_factor[i][1]
            scale = paddle.concat([
                scale_x, scale_y, scale_x, scale_y, scale_x, scale_y, scale_x,
            expand_scale = paddle.expand(scale, [bbox_num[i], 8])

        origin_shape_list = paddle.concat(origin_shape_list)
        scale_factor_list = paddle.concat(scale_factor_list)

        # bboxes: [N, 10], label, score, bbox
        pred_label_score = bboxes[:, 0:2]
        pred_bbox = bboxes[:, 2:]

        # rescale bbox to original image
        pred_bbox = pred_bbox.reshape([-1, 8])
        scaled_bbox = pred_bbox / scale_factor_list
        origin_h = origin_shape_list[:, 0]
        origin_w = origin_shape_list[:, 1]

        bboxes = scaled_bbox
        zeros = paddle.zeros_like(origin_h)
        x1 = paddle.maximum(paddle.minimum(bboxes[:, 0], origin_w - 1), zeros)
        y1 = paddle.maximum(paddle.minimum(bboxes[:, 1], origin_h - 1), zeros)
        x2 = paddle.maximum(paddle.minimum(bboxes[:, 2], origin_w - 1), zeros)
        y2 = paddle.maximum(paddle.minimum(bboxes[:, 3], origin_h - 1), zeros)
        x3 = paddle.maximum(paddle.minimum(bboxes[:, 4], origin_w - 1), zeros)
        y3 = paddle.maximum(paddle.minimum(bboxes[:, 5], origin_h - 1), zeros)
        x4 = paddle.maximum(paddle.minimum(bboxes[:, 6], origin_w - 1), zeros)
        y4 = paddle.maximum(paddle.minimum(bboxes[:, 7], origin_h - 1), zeros)
        pred_bbox = paddle.stack([x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4], axis=-1)
        pred_result = paddle.concat([pred_label_score, pred_bbox], axis=1)
        return pred_result
Beispiel #19
    def get_pred(self, bboxes, bbox_num, im_shape, scale_factor):
        Rescale, clip and filter the bbox from the output of NMS to 
        get final prediction.

            bboxes(Tensor): The output of __call__ with shape [N, 6]
            bbox_pred(Tensor): The output is the prediction with shape [N, 6]
                               including labels, scores and bboxes. The size of
                               bboxes are corresponding to the original image.

        origin_shape = paddle.floor(im_shape / scale_factor + 0.5)

        origin_shape_list = []
        scale_factor_list = []
        # scale_factor: scale_y, scale_x
        for i in range(bbox_num.shape[0]):
            expand_shape = paddle.expand(origin_shape[i:i + 1, :],
                                         [bbox_num[i], 2])
            scale_y, scale_x = scale_factor[i][0], scale_factor[i][1]
            scale = paddle.concat([scale_x, scale_y, scale_x, scale_y])
            expand_scale = paddle.expand(scale, [bbox_num[i], 4])
            # TODO: Because paddle.expand transform error when dygraph
            # to static, use reshape to avoid mistakes.
            expand_scale = paddle.reshape(expand_scale, [bbox_num[i], 4])

        self.origin_shape_list = paddle.concat(origin_shape_list)
        scale_factor_list = paddle.concat(scale_factor_list)

        # bboxes: [N, 6], label, score, bbox
        pred_label = bboxes[:, 0:1]
        pred_score = bboxes[:, 1:2]
        pred_bbox = bboxes[:, 2:]
        # rescale bbox to original image
        scaled_bbox = pred_bbox / scale_factor_list
        origin_h = self.origin_shape_list[:, 0]
        origin_w = self.origin_shape_list[:, 1]
        zeros = paddle.zeros_like(origin_h)
        # clip bbox to [0, original_size]
        x1 = paddle.maximum(paddle.minimum(scaled_bbox[:, 0], origin_w), zeros)
        y1 = paddle.maximum(paddle.minimum(scaled_bbox[:, 1], origin_h), zeros)
        x2 = paddle.maximum(paddle.minimum(scaled_bbox[:, 2], origin_w), zeros)
        y2 = paddle.maximum(paddle.minimum(scaled_bbox[:, 3], origin_h), zeros)
        pred_bbox = paddle.stack([x1, y1, x2, y2], axis=-1)
        # filter empty bbox
        keep_mask = nonempty_bbox(pred_bbox, return_mask=True)
        keep_mask = paddle.unsqueeze(keep_mask, [1])
        pred_label = paddle.where(keep_mask, pred_label,
                                  paddle.ones_like(pred_label) * -1)
        pred_result = paddle.concat([pred_label, pred_score, pred_bbox],
        return pred_result
def calc_dist_matrix(x, y):
    """Calculate Euclidean distance matrix with paddle.Tensor"""
    n = x.shape[0]
    m = y.shape[0]
    d = x.shape[1]
    x = x.unsqueeze(1)
    x = paddle.expand(x, [n, m, d])
    y = y.unsqueeze(0)
    y = paddle.expand(y, [n, m, d])
    dist_matrix = paddle.sqrt(paddle.pow(x - y, 2).sum(2))
    return dist_matrix
Beispiel #21
 def forward(self, r):
     batch_size = r.size
     K = self.K
     ratio_r = r / self.cut_r
     phi = 1 - 6 * ratio_r.pow(5) + 15 * ratio_r.pow(4) - 10 * ratio_r.pow(
     phi = paddle.expand(phi, shape=[batch_size, K])
     local_r = paddle.expand(r, shape=[batch_size, K])
     g = phi * paddle.exp(
         -self.beta.expand([batch_size, K]) *
         (paddle.exp(-local_r) -[batch_size, K]))**2)
     return g
Beispiel #22
 def get_prediction(self, bbox_head_out, rois):
     if len(bbox_head_out) == 1:
         proposal, proposal_num = rois
         score, delta = bbox_head_out[0]
         bbox_prob = F.softmax(score)
         delta = paddle.reshape(delta, (-1, self.delta_dim, 4))
         num_stage = len(rois)
         proposal_list = []
         prob_list = []
         delta_list = []
         for stage, (proposals, bboxhead) in zip(rois, bbox_head_out):
             score, delta = bboxhead
             proposal, proposal_num = proposals
             if stage in self.score_stage:
                 bbox_prob = F.softmax(score)
             if stage in self.delta_stage:
         bbox_prob = paddle.mean(paddle.stack(prob_list), axis=0)
         delta = paddle.mean(paddle.stack(delta_list), axis=0)
         proposal = paddle.mean(paddle.stack(proposal_list), axis=0)
         delta = paddle.reshape(delta, (-1, self.out_dim, 4))
         if self.cls_agnostic:
             N, C, M = delta.shape
             delta = delta[:, 1:2, :]
             delta = paddle.expand(delta, [N, self.num_classes, M])
     bboxes = (proposal, proposal_num)
     bbox_pred = (delta, bbox_prob)
     return bbox_pred, bboxes
Beispiel #23
    def forward(self, node_feat, edge_feat):
        # get size
        num_tasks = node_feat.shape[0]
        num_data = node_feat.shape[1]

        # get eye matrix (batch_size x 2 x node_size x node_size)
        diag_mask = 1.0 - paddle.expand(
            [num_tasks, self.edge_dim, num_data, num_data])

        # set diagonal as zero and normalize
        edge_feat = F.normalize(edge_feat * diag_mask, p=1, axis=-1)

        # compute attention and aggregate
        aggr_feat = paddle.bmm(
            paddle.concat(paddle.split(edge_feat, 2, 1),
                          self.edge_dim).squeeze(1), node_feat)

        node_feat = paddle.transpose(
                 paddle.concat(paddle.split(aggr_feat, 2, 1), -1)], -1),
            (0, 2, 1))

        # non-linear transform
        node_feat = paddle.transpose(,
                                     (0, 2, 1, 3)).squeeze(-1)
        return node_feat
Beispiel #24
def _encoder_forward(self, src, src_mask=[None, None]):
    output = src
    if src_mask[1] is not None:
        head_mask = src_mask[1]
        if len(head_mask.shape) == 1:
            head_mask = paddle.unsqueeze(
                    paddle.unsqueeze(paddle.unsqueeze(head_mask, 0), 0), -1),
            head_mask = paddle.expand(head_mask,
                                      shape=[self.num_layers] +
        elif len(head_mask.shape) == 2:
            head_mask = paddle.unsqueeze(
                paddle.unsqueeze(paddle.unsqueeze(head_mask, 1), -1), -1)
        head_mask = [None] * self.num_layers

    for i, mod in enumerate(self.layers):
        output = mod(output, src_mask=[src_mask[0], head_mask[i]])

    if self.norm is not None:
        output = self.norm(output)

    return output
Beispiel #25
 def ctcloss(self, f_char, tcl_pos, tcl_mask, tcl_label, label_t):
     f_char = paddle.transpose(f_char, [0, 2, 3, 1])
     tcl_pos = paddle.reshape(tcl_pos, [-1, 3])
     tcl_pos = paddle.cast(tcl_pos, dtype=int)
     f_tcl_char = paddle.gather_nd(f_char, tcl_pos)
     f_tcl_char = paddle.reshape(f_tcl_char,
                                 [-1, 64, 37])  # len(Lexicon_Table)+1
     f_tcl_char_fg, f_tcl_char_bg = paddle.split(f_tcl_char, [36, 1],
     f_tcl_char_bg = f_tcl_char_bg * tcl_mask + (1.0 - tcl_mask) * 20.0
     b, c, l = tcl_mask.shape
     tcl_mask_fg = paddle.expand(x=tcl_mask, shape=[b, c, 36 * l])
     tcl_mask_fg.stop_gradient = True
     f_tcl_char_fg = f_tcl_char_fg * tcl_mask_fg + (1.0 -
                                                    tcl_mask_fg) * (-20.0)
     f_tcl_char_mask = paddle.concat([f_tcl_char_fg, f_tcl_char_bg], axis=2)
     f_tcl_char_ld = paddle.transpose(f_tcl_char_mask, (1, 0, 2))
     N, B, _ = f_tcl_char_ld.shape
     input_lengths = paddle.to_tensor([N] * B, dtype='int64')
     cost = paddle.nn.functional.ctc_loss(log_probs=f_tcl_char_ld,
     cost = cost.mean()
     return cost
Beispiel #26
 def forward(self, r):
     batch_size = r.size
     K = self.K
     local_r = paddle.expand(r, shape=[batch_size, K])
     g = paddle.exp(-self.beta.expand([batch_size, K]) *
                    (local_r -[batch_size, K]))**2)
     return g
Beispiel #27
    def loss(self, embeds):
        Computes the softmax loss according the section 2.1 of GE2E.
        :param embeds: the embeddings as a tensor of shape (speakers_per_batch, 
        utterances_per_speaker, embedding_size)
        :return: the loss and the EER for this batch of embeddings.
        speakers_per_batch, utterances_per_speaker = embeds.shape[:2]

        # Loss
        sim_matrix, *_ = self.similarity_matrix(embeds)
        sim_matrix = sim_matrix.reshape(
            [speakers_per_batch * utterances_per_speaker, speakers_per_batch])
        target = paddle.arange(0, speakers_per_batch,
        target = paddle.expand(target,
                               [speakers_per_batch, utterances_per_speaker])
        target = paddle.reshape(target, [-1])

        loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()(sim_matrix, target)

        # EER (not backpropagated)
        with paddle.no_grad():
            ground_truth = target.numpy()
            inv_argmax = lambda i: np.eye(
                1, speakers_per_batch, i,[0]
            labels = np.array([inv_argmax(i) for i in ground_truth])
            preds = sim_matrix.numpy()

            # Snippet from
            fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(labels.flatten(), preds.flatten())
            eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x), 0., 1.)

        return loss, eer
Beispiel #28
    def cal_adj_acc(self, pred_eval, model):
        labels = pred_eval['sup_labels']
        adj_list = pred_eval['adj']

        cnt_sum, cnt_correct = 0, 0
        for ii in range(len(adj_list)):
            adj = adj_list[ii]
            s_label = labels['support']
            q_label = labels['query'][ii]
            n_support = s_label.shape[0]
            n_query = q_label.shape[0]

            s_label = paddle.expand(s_label, [n_query, s_label.shape[0]])
            q_label = q_label.unsqueeze(1)
            total_label = paddle.concat([s_label, q_label], 1)

            label_edge = model.layers.label2edge(total_label)
            pred_edge = adj  #/adj.sum(1)
            pred_edge = paddle.where(pred_edge >= 0.5,
                                     paddle.ones_like(pred_edge), pred_edge)
            pred_edge = paddle.where(pred_edge < 0.5,
                                     paddle.zeros_like(pred_edge), pred_edge)

            cor = paddle.cast(pred_edge == label_edge, dtype='float32').sum()
            incor = paddle.cast(pred_edge != label_edge, dtype='float32').sum()

            cnt_sum += (cor + incor)
            cnt_correct += cor

        acc = cnt_correct / cnt_sum
        return acc
Beispiel #29
    def ctcloss(self, f_char, tcl_pos, tcl_mask, tcl_label, label_t):
        f_char = paddle.transpose(f_char, [0, 2, 3, 1])
        tcl_pos = paddle.reshape(tcl_pos, [-1, 3])
        tcl_pos = paddle.cast(tcl_pos, dtype=int)
        f_tcl_char = paddle.gather_nd(f_char, tcl_pos)
        f_tcl_char = paddle.reshape(f_tcl_char,
                                    [-1, 64, 37])  # len(Lexicon_Table)+1
        f_tcl_char_fg, f_tcl_char_bg = paddle.split(f_tcl_char, [36, 1],
        f_tcl_char_bg = f_tcl_char_bg * tcl_mask + (1.0 - tcl_mask) * 20.0
        b, c, l = tcl_mask.shape
        tcl_mask_fg = paddle.expand(x=tcl_mask, shape=[b, c, 36 * l])
        tcl_mask_fg.stop_gradient = True
        f_tcl_char_fg = f_tcl_char_fg * tcl_mask_fg + (1.0 -
                                                       tcl_mask_fg) * (-20.0)
        f_tcl_char_mask = paddle.concat([f_tcl_char_fg, f_tcl_char_bg], axis=2)
        f_tcl_char_ld = paddle.transpose(f_tcl_char_mask, (1, 0, 2))
        N, B, _ = f_tcl_char_ld.shape
        input_lengths = paddle.to_tensor([N] * B, dtype='int64')
        loss_out = paddle.fluid.layers.warpctc(f_tcl_char_ld, tcl_label,
                                               self.pad_num, True,
                                               input_lengths, label_t)

        cost = paddle.fluid.layers.squeeze(loss_out, [-1])
        cost = cost.mean()
        return cost
    def __call__(self, bbox_head_out, rois, im_shape, scale_factor):
        bbox_pred, cls_prob = bbox_head_out
        roi, rois_num = rois
        origin_shape = paddle.floor(im_shape / scale_factor + 0.5)
        scale_list = []
        origin_shape_list = []
        for idx, roi_per_im in enumerate(roi):
            rois_num_per_im = rois_num[idx]
            expand_im_shape = paddle.expand(im_shape[idx, :],
                                            [rois_num_per_im, 2])

        origin_shape = paddle.concat(origin_shape_list)

        # [N, C*4]
        bbox = paddle.concat(roi)
        bbox = delta2bbox(bbox_pred, bbox, self.prior_box_var)
        scores = cls_prob[:, :-1]

        # [N*C, 4]

        bbox_num_class = bbox.shape[1] // 4
        bbox = paddle.reshape(bbox, [-1, bbox_num_class, 4])

        origin_h = paddle.unsqueeze(origin_shape[:, 0], axis=1)
        origin_w = paddle.unsqueeze(origin_shape[:, 1], axis=1)
        zeros = paddle.zeros_like(origin_h)
        x1 = paddle.maximum(paddle.minimum(bbox[:, :, 0], origin_w), zeros)
        y1 = paddle.maximum(paddle.minimum(bbox[:, :, 1], origin_h), zeros)
        x2 = paddle.maximum(paddle.minimum(bbox[:, :, 2], origin_w), zeros)
        y2 = paddle.maximum(paddle.minimum(bbox[:, :, 3], origin_h), zeros)
        bbox = paddle.stack([x1, y1, x2, y2], axis=-1)
        bboxes = (bbox, rois_num)
        return bboxes, scores