def test_two_nodes(self): """Verify network with two added nodes Scenario: 1. Add two compute nodes 2. Open Networks tab 3. Click Verify Networks 4. Verify that message 'Verification succeeded. Your network is configured correctly' appears """ Tabs() time.sleep(1) Nodes() time.sleep(1) Nodes().nodes_discovered[0] Nodes().nodes_discovered[1] RolesPanel() Nodes() time.sleep(1) Tabs() time.sleep(1) with Networks() as n: self.assertIn( 'Verification succeeded. ' 'Your network is configured correctly.', n.verification_alert.text, 'Verification succeeded')
def test_reset_redeploy(self): """Reset environment after deploy changes Scenario: 1. Add controller and compute nodes 2. Click deploy 3. Add new compute node and deploy changes 4. Reset environment 4. Verify that environment is reseted """ Tabs() Nodes().add_controller_compute_nodes() Nodes() DeployChangesPopup() TaskResultAlert() Nodes() Nodes().nodes_discovered[0] RolesPanel() Nodes() PageObject.wait_until_exists(Nodes().apply_changes) Nodes() DeployChangesPopup() TaskResultAlert() Tabs() Actions().reset_env() Tabs() for node in Nodes().nodes: self.assertEqual('pending addition', node.status.text.lower(), 'Node status is Pending Addition') self.assertTrue(Nodes().deploy_changes.is_enabled())
def test_vlan_id_labels_visibility(self): """Checking vlan id label when vlan tagging is disabled Scenario: 1. Open Networks tab 2. Disable vlan tagging for Management, Storage, VM(Fixed) 3. Open Nodes tab 4. Select controller node 5. Click configure interfaces 6. Verify that 'Vlan Id' isn't visible on Storage, Management, VM(Fixed) network boxes """ label = 'VLAN ID' Tabs() with Networks() as n: time.sleep(1) Tabs() Nodes().nodes[0] NodeInfo() with InterfacesSettings() as s: self.assertNotIn(label, s.interfaces[0].networks['storage'].text, 'vlan id is visible. Storage network') self.assertNotIn(label, s.interfaces[0].networks['management'].text, 'vlan id is visible. Management network') self.assertNotIn(label, s.interfaces[0].networks['vm (fixed)'].text, 'vlan id is visible. VM (Fixed) network')
def test_configure_interfaces_of_several_nodes(self): """Configure interfaces on several nodes Scenario: 1. Add compute node 2. Select compute and controller node and click Configure interfaces 3. Drag and drop Public network from eth0 to eth1 4. Drag and drop Storage network from eth0 to eth2 5. Drag and drop Management network from eth0 to eth1 6. Click Apply 7. Verify that Public and Management networks are on eth1 interface, Storage is on eth2 """ # Go back to nodes page Tabs() # Add second node time.sleep(1) Nodes() Nodes().nodes_discovered[2] RolesPanel() Nodes() time.sleep(1) Tabs() time.sleep(1) Nodes() Nodes().nodes_discovered[1] RolesPanel() Nodes() time.sleep(1) # rearrange interfaces with Nodes() as n: n.nodes[1] n.nodes[2] with InterfacesSettings() as s: ActionChains(browser.driver).drag_and_drop( s.interfaces[0].networks['management'], s.interfaces[1].networks_box).perform() ActionChains(browser.driver).drag_and_drop( s.interfaces[0].networks['storage'], s.interfaces[1].networks_box).perform() time.sleep(1) for i in range(1, 3): # Go to nodes page Tabs() # Verify interfaces settings of each node Nodes().nodes[i] NodeInfo() self.assertIn( 'management', s.interfaces[1].networks, 'management at eht1. Node #{0}'.format(i)) self.assertIn( 'storage', s.interfaces[1].networks, 'storage at eht1. Node #{0}'.format(i))
def test_configure_disks_of_several_nodes(self): """Configure disks for several nodes Scenario: 1. Add two compute nodes 2. Select this two nodes and click configure disks 3. Allocate size for Base system volume 4. Click apply changes 5. Verify that changes are correctly applied """ values = [random.randint(100000, 500000) for i in range(4)] # Go back to nodes page Tabs() time.sleep(1) # Add second node Nodes() time.sleep(1) Nodes().select_all_in_group[1].click() RolesPanel() Nodes() time.sleep(1) # change volumes size with Nodes() as n: n.select_all_in_group[1].click() time.sleep(1) with DisksSettings() as s: for i, v in enumerate(values): s.disks[i] time.sleep(1) s.disks[i].volume_group_storage.input.\ clear() s.disks[i].volume_group_storage.input.\ send_keys(v) time.sleep(1) for i in range(1, 3): # Go to nodes page Tabs() time.sleep(1) # Verify disks settings of each node Nodes().nodes[i] NodeInfo() time.sleep(1) for j, v in enumerate(values): self.assertEqual( "{:,}".format(v), s.disks[j].volume_group_storage.input.get_attribute( 'value'), 'Image volume size of disk {0} of node {0} is correct'. format(j, i))
def test_default_settings(self): """Create default environment Scenario: 1. Create environment with default values 2. Click on created environment 3. Verify that correct environment name is displayed 4. Click on information icon and verify all information is displayed correctly 5. Verify all info on Networks and Settings tab """ with Wizard() as w: w.release.select_by_visible_text(OPENSTACK_RELEASE_CENTOS) for i in range(6): w.wait_until_exists() cb = Environments().create_cluster_boxes[0] self.assertIn(OPENSTACK_CENTOS, cb.text) with Nodes() as n: time.sleep(1) self.assertEqual(n.env_name.text, OPENSTACK_CENTOS) self.assertIn('display: block;', n.env_details.get_attribute('style')) self.assertIn(OPENSTACK_CENTOS, n.env_details.text) self.assertIn('New', n.env_details.text) self.assertIn('Multi-node', n.env_details.text) self.assertNotIn('with HA', n.env_details.text) self.assertIn('display: none;', n.env_details.get_attribute('style')) Tabs() with Networks() as n: self.assertTrue(n.flatdhcp_manager. find_element_by_tag_name('input').is_selected()) Tabs() with Settings() as s: self.assertFalse(s.install_savanna. find_element_by_tag_name('input').is_selected()) self.assertFalse(s.install_murano. find_element_by_tag_name('input').is_selected()) self.assertFalse(s.install_ceilometer. find_element_by_tag_name('input').is_selected()) self.assertTrue(s.hypervisor_qemu. find_element_by_tag_name('input').is_selected()) pass
def test_storage_ceph(self): """Create environment with Ceph storage Scenario: 1. Create environment with Ceph storage for Cinder and Glance 2. Click on created environment 3. Open settings tab 4. Verify that Cinder for volumes, Ceph for volumes and images are selected, Ceph for rados isn't selected """ with Wizard() as w: w.release.select_by_visible_text(OPENSTACK_RELEASE_CENTOS) for i in range(4): w.wait_until_exists() cb = Environments().create_cluster_boxes[0] Tabs() with Settings() as s: self.assertTrue(s.ceph_for_volumes. find_element_by_tag_name('input').is_selected()) self.assertTrue(s.ceph_for_images. find_element_by_tag_name('input').is_selected()) self.assertFalse(s.ceph_rados_gw. find_element_by_tag_name('input').is_selected())
def test_neutron_vlan(self): """Create environment with Neutron VLAN network Scenario: 1. Create environment with Neutron VLAN network 2. Click on created environment 3. Open networks tab 4. Verify Neutron parameters are displayed and Neutron with vlan segmentation text is displayed """ with Wizard() as w: w.release.select_by_visible_text(OPENSTACK_RELEASE_CENTOS) for i in range(3): for i in range(3): w.wait_until_exists() cb = Environments().create_cluster_boxes[0] Tabs() with Networks() as n: self.assertEqual(n.segmentation_type.text, 'Neutron with vlan segmentation') self.assertTrue(NeutronParameters().parent.is_displayed())
def test_hypervisor_kvm(self): """Create environment with KVM hypervisor Scenario: 1. Create environment with KVM hypervisor 2. Click on created environment 3. Open settings tab 4. Verify KVM hypervisor is selected """ with Wizard() as w: w.release.select_by_visible_text(OPENSTACK_RELEASE_CENTOS) for i in range(4): w.wait_until_exists() cb = Environments().create_cluster_boxes[0] Tabs() with Settings() as s: self.assertTrue(s.hypervisor_kvm. find_element_by_tag_name('input').is_selected())
def reset_env(cls): PageObject.click_element(Actions(), 'reset') PageObject.wait_element(Actions(), 'reset_popup') time.sleep(2) PageObject.click_element(Actions(), 'reset_popup') PageObject.click_element(Tabs(), 'nodes') PageObject.long_wait_element(Actions(), 'pending_nodes')
def test_vlan_id_values(self): """Checking correctness of vlan id on Networks tab Scenario: 1. Open Networks tab 2. Enable vlan tagging for Management, Storage, VM(Fixed) and enter values in range from 110 to 200 3. Open Nodes tab 4. Select controller node 5. Click configure interfaces 6. Verify that 'Vlan Id' values are correct on Storage, Management, VM(Fixed) network boxes """ label = 'VLAN ID: {0}' vlans = [random.randint(110, 200) for i in range(3)] Tabs() with Networks() as n:[0])[1]) n.fixed.vlan_id.clear() n.fixed.vlan_id.send_keys(vlans[2]) time.sleep(1) Tabs() Nodes().nodes[0] NodeInfo() with InterfacesSettings() as s: self.assertIn( label.format(vlans[0]), s.interfaces[0]. networks['management'].text, 'vlan id is correct. Management network') self.assertIn( label.format(vlans[1]), s.interfaces[0]. networks['storage'].text, 'vlan id is correct. Storage network') self.assertIn( label.format(vlans[2]), s.interfaces[0]. networks['vm (fixed)'].text, 'vlan id is correct. VM (Fixed) network')
def setUp(self): """Each test precondition Steps: 1. Click on created environment 2. Open Settings tab """ BaseTestCase.setUp(self) Environments().create_cluster_boxes[0].click() Tabs()
def setUp(self): """Each test precondition Steps: 1. Create environment with default values 2. Open created environment 3. Open actions tab """ BaseTestCase.clear_nailgun_database() preconditions.Environment.simple_flat() Environments().create_cluster_boxes[0].click() Tabs()
def setUp(self): """Each test precondition Steps: 1. Create simple environment with default values 2. Click on created environment and open Networks tab """ BaseTestCase.clear_nailgun_database() BaseTestCase.setUp(self) preconditions.Environment.simple_flat() Tabs() time.sleep(1)
def test_cancel_reset(self): """Cancel reset environment Scenario: 1. Add controller and compute nodes 2. Deploy claster 3. Click reset after deploying and click cancel on popup 4. Verify that environment isn't reseted """ Tabs() Nodes().add_controller_compute_nodes() Nodes() DeployChangesPopup() TaskResultAlert() Tabs() Actions().cancel_reset() Tabs() for node in Nodes().nodes: self.assertEqual('ready', node.status.text.lower(), 'Node status is Ready') Actions().verify_disabled_deploy
def test_simple_reset(self): """Reset simple environment Scenario: 1. Add controller and compute nodes 2. Deploy claster 3. Click reset after deploying 4. Verify that environment is reseted """ Tabs() Nodes().add_controller_compute_nodes() Nodes() DeployChangesPopup() TaskResultAlert() Tabs() Actions().reset_env() Tabs() for node in Nodes().nodes: self.assertEqual('pending addition', node.status.text.lower(), 'Node status is Pending Addition') self.assertTrue(Nodes().deploy_changes.is_enabled())
def test_stop_reset(self): """Stop and then reset environment Scenario: 1. Add controller and compute nodes 2. Click deploy 3. Click stop 4. Reset environment 4. Verify that environment is reseted """ Tabs() Nodes().add_controller_compute_nodes() Nodes() DeployChangesPopup() Actions() Actions().stop_deploy_process() Tabs() Actions().reset_env() Tabs() for node in Nodes().nodes: self.assertEqual('pending addition', node.status.text.lower(), 'Node status is Pending Addition') self.assertTrue(Nodes().deploy_changes.is_enabled())
def setUpClass(cls): """Global precondition Steps: 1. Create simple environment with default values 2. Click on created environment and open networks tab 3. Select VLAN Manager and save settings """ BaseTestCase.setUpClass() preconditions.Environment.simple_flat() Tabs() with Networks() as n: time.sleep(1)
def test_one_node(self): """Verify network with one added nodes Scenario: 1. Add one controller node 2. Open Networks tab 3. Click Verify Networks 4. Verify that message 'At least two nodes are required' appears """ Tabs() time.sleep(1) Nodes() time.sleep(1) Nodes().nodes_discovered[0] RolesPanel() Nodes() time.sleep(1) Tabs() time.sleep(1) with Networks() as n: self.assertIn( 'At least two nodes are required', n.verification_alert.text, 'Alert text contains "At least two nodes are required"')
def test_rename(self): """Rename environment Scenario: 1. Clear environment name 2. Enter new name 3. Click Rename 4. Verify environment name is changed """ value = 'Happy environment' with Actions() as a: time.sleep(1) Tabs() self.assertEqual(value, Nodes().env_name.text, 'Environment has been renamed')
def test_stop_deploy(self): """Stop deploy Scenario: 1. Add controller and compute nodes 2. Click deploy 3. Click stop 4. Verify that environment isn't deployed """ Tabs() Nodes().add_controller_compute_nodes() Nodes() DeployChangesPopup() Actions() Actions().stop_deploy_process() PageObject.find_element(Nodes(), 'nodes', 'status', 0) for node in Nodes().nodes: self.assertEqual('pending addition', node.status.text.lower(), 'Node status is Pending Addition') self.assertTrue(Nodes().deploy_changes.is_enabled())
def test_services(self): """Create environment with Sahara, Murano, Ceilometer selected Scenario: 1. Create environment with Install Sahara, Murano, Ceilometer selected 2. Click on created environment 3. Open settings tab 4. Verify that Install Sahara, Murano, Ceilometer checkboxes are selected """ with Wizard() as w: w.release.select_by_visible_text(OPENSTACK_RELEASE_CENTOS) for i in range(3): w.wait_until_exists() Tabs() with Settings() as s: self.assertTrue( s.install_sahara.find_element_by_tag_name( 'input').is_selected()) self.assertTrue( s.install_murano.find_element_by_tag_name( 'input').is_selected()) self.assertTrue( s.install_ceilometer.find_element_by_tag_name( 'input').is_selected())
def test_unallocated_nodes_counter(self): """Unallocated nodes counter Scenario: 1. Add new node with compute role 2. Verify that number of unallocated nodes was reduced on 1 """ initial = int(Header().unallocated_nodes.text) discovered = len(Nodes().nodes_discovered) Tabs() for i in range(discovered): time.sleep(1) Nodes() time.sleep(1) Nodes().nodes_discovered[0] RolesPanel() Nodes() time.sleep(1) self.assertEqual(str(initial - i - 1), Header().unallocated_nodes.text, 'Unallocated nodes amount')
def stop_deploy_process(cls): PageObject.click_element(Actions(), 'stop_deploy') PageObject.wait_element(Actions, "stop_deploy_popup") PageObject.click_element(Actions(), 'stop_deploy_popup') PageObject.click_element(Tabs(), 'nodes') PageObject.long_wait_element(Actions(), 'pending_nodes')
def cancel_reset(cls): Actions() PageObject.click_element(Actions(), 'cancel_popup') PageObject.click_element(Tabs(), 'nodes')
def setUp(self): BaseTestCase.setUp(self) Environments().create_cluster_boxes[0].click() Tabs() time.sleep(1)