Beispiel #1
 def unlink(self):
         close the link to the data logger
     pakbus.send(, pakbus.pkt_bye_cmd(self.l_id, self.c_id))
Beispiel #2
# Data logger PakBus Node Id
NodeId = str2int(cf.get('pakbus', 'node_id'))
# My PakBus Node Id
MyNodeId = str2int(cf.get('pakbus', 'my_node_id'))

# Open socket
s = pakbus.open_socket(cf.get('pakbus', 'host'), cf.getint('pakbus', 'port'), cf.getint('pakbus', 'timeout'))

# check if remote node is up
msg = pakbus.ping_node(s, NodeId, MyNodeId)
if not msg:
    raise Warning('no reply from PakBus node 0x%.3x' % NodeId)

# Main program

# Upload directory data
FileData, Response = pakbus.fileupload(s, NodeId, MyNodeId, '.DIR')

# List files in directory
filedir = pakbus.parse_filedir(FileData)
for file in filedir['files']:
    print file

# say good bye
pakbus.send(s, pakbus.pkt_bye_cmd(NodeId, MyNodeId))

# close socket
Beispiel #3
NodeId = str2int(cf.get('pakbus', 'node_id'))
# My PakBus Node Id
MyNodeId = str2int(cf.get('pakbus', 'my_node_id'))

# Open socket
s = pakbus.open_socket(cf.get('pakbus', 'host'), cf.getint('pakbus', 'port'),
                       cf.getint('pakbus', 'timeout'))

# check if remote node is up
msg = pakbus.ping_node(s, NodeId, MyNodeId)
if not msg:
    raise Warning('no reply from PakBus node 0x%.3x' % NodeId)

# Main program

# Upload directory data
FileData, Response = pakbus.fileupload(s, NodeId, MyNodeId, '.DIR')

# List files in directory
filedir = pakbus.parse_filedir(FileData)
for file in filedir['files']:
    print file

# say good bye
pakbus.send(s, pakbus.pkt_bye_cmd(NodeId, MyNodeId))

# close socket
# infinite loop to constantly collect data every minute
while True:	
	count = 0
	while count < 4:
		data = pakbus.collect_data(s, NodeId, MyNodeId, tabledef, 'Table', CollectMode = 0x07, P1 = start_time, P2 = start_time+sample_gap)
		start_time += sample_gap
		count += 1

#always check that most recent input is 15 sec before next input

print '\n'
# query data
start = - 2000000
print client.singleQuery(start,, BattV)


# say good bye
for i in range(len(device_list)):
        if device_list[i] not in failed_nodes_list:
                pkt = pakbus.pkt_bye_cmd(pakbus_address_list[i], MyNodeId)
                pakbus.send(s, pkt)

# close socket

# infinite loop to constantly collect data every minute
while True:	
	count = 0
	while count < 4:
		data = pakbus.collect_data(s, NodeId, MyNodeId, tabledef, 'Table', CollectMode = 0x07, P1 = start_time, P2 = start_time+sample_gap)
		start_time += sample_gap
		count += 1

#always check that most recent input is 15 sec before next input

print '\n'
# query data
start = - 2000000
print client.singleQuery(start,, BattV)


# say good bye
for i in range(len(device_list)):
    if device_list[i] not in failed_nodes_list:
        pkt = pakbus.pkt_bye_cmd(pakbus_address_list[i], MyNodeId)
        pakbus.send(s, pkt)

# close socket
s = pakbus.open_socket(cf.get('pakbus', 'host'), cf.getint('pakbus', 'port'), cf.getint('pakbus', 'timeout'))

# check if remote node is up
msg = pakbus.ping_node(s, NodeId, MyNodeId)
if not msg:
    raise Warning('no reply from PakBus node 0x%.3x' % NodeId)

# Main program

# Get table definition structure
FileData, RespCode = pakbus.fileupload(s, NodeId, MyNodeId, FileName = '.TDF')

if FileData:
    tabledef = pakbus.parse_tabledef(FileData)
    for tableno in range(1, len(tabledef) + 1):
        print 'Table %d: %s' % (tableno, tabledef[tableno - 1]['Header']['TableName'])
        print 'Table signature: 0x%X' % tabledef[tableno - 1]['Signature']
        print 'Header:', tabledef[tableno - 1]['Header']
        for fieldno in range(1, len(tabledef[tableno - 1]['Fields']) + 1):
            print 'Field %d:' % (fieldno), tabledef[tableno - 1]['Fields'][fieldno - 1]

# say good bye
pkt = pakbus.pkt_bye_cmd(NodeId, MyNodeId)
pakbus.send(s, pkt)

# close socket