def __init__(self, x, y, z, direction, id):
        self.setPos(x, y, z)
        self.direction = Vec3()
        self.direction.set(direction.getX(), direction.getY(), direction.getZ())
        self.setH(Vec2.signedAngleDeg(Vec2(0,1), Vec2(direction.getX(),direction.getY())))

        if self.direction.length() == 0:
        self.direction /= direction.length()

        min, max = self.getTightBounds()
        size = max - min
        maximum = -1
        for i in size:
            if i > maximum:
                maximum = i

        self.cnode = CollisionNode('bullet')
        self.cnode.setTag( "id", str(id) )
        self.cnode.addSolid(CollisionSphere(0, 0, 0, maximum + 0.3))
        self.cnodePath = self.attachNewNode(self.cnode)
        base.cTrav.addCollider(self.cnodePath, base.event)

        taskMgr.add(self.updateBullet, "update Bullet")

        print radiansToDegrees(atan2(direction.getY(),direction.getX()))
Beispiel #2
    def hunt( self, task ):
        if self.body.node.isEmpty():
            return Task.done

        if == None or or"type") == "destroyed":
            list = render.findAllMatches("**/=type=robot")
            print "list size = " + str(list.size())
            if list.size() < 2:
                return Task.cont

            target = randint(0, list.size() - 1 )
   = list.getPath( target )
            if == self.body.node:
                return Task.cont

        if task.time - self.time <= 0.1:
            return Task.cont
        self.time = task.time
        if calcDistance2D(, self.body.node.getPos().getXy() ) < 1:
            if task.time - self.bulletTime >= 5:
                Bullet(self.body.node.getX(), self.body.node.getY(), self.body.node.getZ(), calcDirection( self.body.node.getPos(), ),
                self.bulletTime = task.time
            direction = calcDirection2D(self.body.node.getPos().getXy(), )
           # print "in hunt direction="
          #  print direction
            self.body.node.setH(Vec2.signedAngleDeg(Vec2(0,1), Vec2(direction.getX(),direction.getY())))
            self.body.node.setX( self.body.node.getX() + direction.getX() )
            self.body.node.setY( self.body.node.getY() + direction.getY() )

        return Task.cont
Beispiel #3
    def randomWalk( self, task ):
        if self.body.node == None or self.body.node.isEmpty():
            return Task.done

        if task.time - self.time <= 0.1:
            return Task.cont
        self.time = task.time
        if calcDistance2D(self.destination, self.body.node.getPos().getXy() ) <= 1:
            self.setRandomPoint( self.destination )

        direction = calcDirection2D(self.body.node.getPos().getXy(), self.destination)
        #print "randomWalk destination ="
        #print direction
        self.body.node.setH(Vec2.signedAngleDeg(Vec2(0,1), Vec2(direction.getX(),direction.getY())))
        self.body.node.setX( self.body.node.getX() + direction.getX() )
        self.body.node.setY( self.body.node.getY() + direction.getY() )
        return Task.cont
Beispiel #4
 def top_right(self):
     return Vec2(self.aspect_ratio/2, .5)
Beispiel #5
 def top_left(self):
     return Vec2(-self.aspect_ratio/2, .5)
Beispiel #6
 def right(self):
     return Vec2(self.aspect_ratio/2, 0)
Beispiel #7
 def left(self):
     return Vec2(-self.aspect_ratio/2, 0)
Beispiel #8
 def size(self):
     return Vec2(self.get_size()[0], self.get_size()[1])
Beispiel #9
    def ai_movement_handler(self, event):
        """This is but nasty hack to make enemies follow character. TODO: remake
        and move to its own module"""
        # TODO: maybe make it possible to chase not for just player?
        # TODO: not all enemies need to behave this way. e.g, for example, we can
        # only affect enemies that have their ['ai'] set to ['chaser']...
        # or something among these lines, will see in future

        # disable this handler if the enemy or player are dead. Without it, game
        # will crash the very next second after one of these events occur
        if self.dead or shared.level.player.dead:

        if "stun" in self.status_effects:
            return event.cont

        player_position = shared.level.player.node.get_pos()
        mov_speed = self.stats["mov_spd"]

        enemy_position = self.node.get_pos()
        vector_to_player = player_position - enemy_position
        distance_to_player = vector_to_player.length()
        # normalizing vector is the key to avoid "flickering" effect, as its
        # basically ignores whatever minor difference in placement there are
        # I dont know how it works, lol
        vector_to_player = vector_to_player.normalized()

        # workaround to ensure enemy will stay on its layer, even if its different
        # from player due to size difference or whatever else reasons
        vxy = vector_to_player.get_xy()
        # new_pos = enemy_position + (vector_to_player*mov_speed)
        new_pos = enemy_position + (vxy * mov_speed, 0)
        pos_diff = enemy_position - new_pos

        self.node.set_python_tag("mov_spd", mov_speed)

        action = "idle"

        # trying to find angle that wont suck. Basically its the same thing, as
        # with player. Really thinking about moving it to skill itself #TODO
        hit_vector_x, hit_vector_y = vxy
        hit_vector_2D = -hit_vector_x, hit_vector_y

        y_vec = Vec2(0, 1)
        angle = y_vec.signed_angle_deg(hit_vector_2D)

        # it may be good idea to also track camera angle, if I will decide
        # to implement camera controls, at some point or another. #TODO
        if pos_diff[0] > 0:

        # this thing basically makes enemy move till it hit player, than play
        # attack animation. May backfire if player's sprite size is not equal
        # to player's hitbox
        if distance_to_player > shared.game_data.sprite_size[0] * 2:
            action = "move"
            # cast the very first skill available. #TODO: add something to affect
            # order of skills in self.skills
            skill = self.get_available_skill()
            if skill:
                # skill.cast(direction = (vector_to_player*(shared.DEFAULT_SPRITE_SIZE[0]/2)),
                skill.cast(direction=vector_to_player, angle=angle)

        # workaround for issue when enemy keeps running into player despite already
        # colliding with it, which cause enemy's animation to go wild.
        # idk about the numbers yet. I think, ideally it should be calculated from
        # player's hitbox and enemy's hitbox... but for now this will do
        if distance_to_player > 6:
        # self.object.set_pos(new_pos)

        if not self.node.get_python_tag("using_skill"):

        return event.cont
Beispiel #10
 def center_on_screen(self):
     self.position = Vec2(
         int((self.screen_resolution[0] - self.size[0]) / 2),
         int((self.screen_resolution[1] - self.size[1]) / 2)
Beispiel #11
def test_vec2_len():
    assert len(Vec2(2, -3)) == 2
Beispiel #12
def test_vec2_power():
    assert Vec2(2, -3)**2 == Vec2(4, 9)
Beispiel #13
def test_round():
    original_vector = Vec2(2.3, -2.6)

    rounded_vector = round(original_vector)
    assert rounded_vector.x == 2
    assert rounded_vector.y == -3
Beispiel #14
def test_vec2_sum():
    original_vector = Vec2(2, 3)

    assert original_vector + original_vector == Vec2(4, 6)
    assert original_vector + 3 == Vec2(5, 6)
Beispiel #15
def test_vec2_creation():
    assert Vec2(x=1, y=2) == Vec2(1, 2) == Vec2((1, 2))
Beispiel #16
def test_ceil():
    original_vector = Vec2(2.3, -2.6)

    rounded_vector = ceil(original_vector)
    assert rounded_vector.x == 3
    assert rounded_vector.y == -2
Beispiel #17
 def bottom_left(self):
     return Vec2(-self.aspect_ratio/2, -.5)
Beispiel #18
 def bottom_right(self):
     return Vec2(self.aspect_ratio/2, -.5)
Beispiel #19
 def assignAtlasPos(self, x, y):
     """ Assigns this source a position in the shadow atlas. This is called
     by the shadow atlas. Coordinates are float from 0 .. 1 """
     self.atlasPos = Vec2(x, y)
     self.doesHaveAtlasPos = True
Beispiel #20
def test_vec2_swizzle_mask():
    original_vector = Vec2(3, 5)

    assert original_vector.yx == Vec2(5, 3)
    assert original_vector.xy == original_vector
Beispiel #21
    def __init__(self, showbase):

        self.showbase = showbase
        # This disables the default mouse based camera control used by panda. This default control is awkward, and won't be used., -150, 200), 0, 0)
        # Gives the camera an initial position and rotation., = 0, 0
        # Sets up variables for storing the mouse coordinates

        self.orbiting = False
        # A boolean variable for specifying whether the camera is in orbiting mode. Orbiting mode refers to when the camera is being moved
        # because the user is holding down the right mouse button. = Vec3()
        # sets up a vector variable for the camera's target. The target will be the coordinates that the camera is currently focusing on.

        self.camDist = 150
        # A variable that will determine how far the camera is from it's target focus

        self.panRateDivisor = 10
        # This variable is used as a divisor when calculating how far to move the camera when panning. Higher numbers will yield slower panning
        # and lower numbers will yield faster panning. This must not be set to 0.

        self.panZoneSize = .1
        # This variable controls how close the mouse cursor needs to be to the edge of the screen to start panning the camera. It must be less than 1,
        # and I recommend keeping it less than .2

        self.panLimitsX = Vec2(-1000, 1000)
        self.panLimitsY = Vec2(-1000, 1000)
        # These two vairables will serve as limits for how far the camera can pan, so you don't scroll away from the map.

        self.maxZoomOut = 500
        self.maxZoomIn = 25
        # These two variables set the max distance a person can zoom in or out

        self.orbitRate = 75
        # This is the rate of speed that the camera will rotate when middle mouse is pressed and mouse moved
        # recommended rate 50-100

        self.setTarget(0, 0, 0)
        # calls the setTarget function to set the current target position to the origin.

        self.turnCameraAroundPoint(0, 0)
        # calls the turnCameraAroundPoint function with a turn amount of 0 to set the camera position based on the target and camera distance

        self.accept("mouse2", self.startOrbit)
        # sets up the camrea handler to accept a right mouse click and start the "drag" mode.

        self.accept("mouse2-up", self.stopOrbit)
        # sets up the camrea handler to understand when the right mouse button has been released, and ends the "drag" mode when
        # the release is detected.

        self.storeX = 0
        self.storeY = 0
        # for storing of the x and y for the orbit

        # The next pair of lines use lambda, which creates an on-the-spot one-shot function.

        self.accept("wheel_up", self.zoomIn)
        # sets up the camera handler to detet when the mouse wheel is rolled upwards and uses a lambda function to call the
        # adjustCamDist function  with the argument 0.9

        self.accept("wheel_down", self.zoomOut)
        # sets up the camera handler to detet when the mouse wheel is rolled upwards and uses a lambda function to call the
        # adjustCamDist function  with the argument 1.1

        # Keys array (down if 1, up if 0)
        self.keys = {"cam-left": 0, "cam-right": 0, "cam-up": 0, "cam-down": 0}

        # Using Arrow Keys
        self.accept("arrow_left", self.setValue, [self.keys, "cam-left", 1])
        self.accept("arrow_right", self.setValue, [self.keys, "cam-right", 1])
        self.accept("arrow_up", self.setValue, [self.keys, "cam-up", 1])
        self.accept("arrow_down", self.setValue, [self.keys, "cam-down", 1])
        self.accept("arrow_left-up", self.setValue, [self.keys, "cam-left", 0])
        self.accept("arrow_right-up", self.setValue,
                    [self.keys, "cam-right", 0])
        self.accept("arrow_up-up", self.setValue, [self.keys, "cam-up", 0])
        self.accept("arrow_down-up", self.setValue, [self.keys, "cam-down", 0])

        self.keyPanRate = 1.5
        # pan rate for when user presses the arrow keys

        # set up plane for checking collision with for mouse-3d world
        self.plane = Plane(Vec3(0, 0, 1), Point3(0, 0, 0))
        globals_list.append([e, sys.getsizeof(e)])
    globals_list.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
    print('scene size:', globals_list)

def average_position(l):
    average = list()
    for i in range(len(l[0])):
        average.append(sum(e[i] for e in l) / len(l))

    return average

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from ursina import *
    app = Ursina()
    e1 = Entity(position = (0,0,0))
    e2 = Entity(position = (0,1,1))
    distance(e1, e2)

    between_color = lerp(color.lime, color.magenta, .5)
    print(lerp((0,0), (0,1), .5))
    print(lerp(Vec2(0,0), Vec2(0,1), .5))
    print(lerp([0,0], [0,1], .5))

    print(round(Vec3(.38, .1351, 353.26), 2))
Beispiel #23
 def removeFromAtlas(self):
     """ Deletes the atlas coordinates, called by the atlas after the
     Source got removed from the atlas """
     self.doesHaveAtlasPos = False
     self.atlasPos = Vec2(0)