Beispiel #1
def _get_Sbus(ppci, recycle=None):
    baseMVA, bus, gen = ppci["baseMVA"], ppci["bus"], ppci["gen"]
    if not isinstance(recycle, dict) or "Sbus" not in ppci["internal"]:
        return makeSbus(baseMVA, bus, gen)
    if recycle["bus_pq"] or recycle["gen"]:
        return makeSbus(baseMVA, bus, gen)
    return ppci["internal"]["Sbus"]
Beispiel #2
def _run_ac_pf_without_qlims_enforced(ppci, recycle, makeYbus, ppopt):
    baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, ref, pv, pq, _, gbus, V0, ref_gens = _get_pf_variables_from_ppci(ppci)

    ppci, Ybus, Yf, Yt = _get_Y_bus(ppci, recycle, makeYbus, baseMVA, bus, branch)

    ## compute complex bus power injections [generation - load]
    Sbus = makeSbus(baseMVA, bus, gen)

    ## run the power flow
    V, success, it = _call_power_flow_function(baseMVA, bus, branch, Ybus, Sbus, V0, ref, pv, pq, ppopt)

    ## update data matrices with solution
    bus, gen, branch = pfsoln(baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, Ybus, Yf, Yt, V, ref, ref_gens)

    return ppci, success, bus, gen, branch, it
Beispiel #3
def _run_dc_pf(ppci):
    t0 = time()
    baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, ref, pv, pq, on, gbus, _, refgen = _get_pf_variables_from_ppci(

    ## initial state
    Va0 = bus[:, VA] * (pi / 180.)

    ## build B matrices and phase shift injections
    B, Bf, Pbusinj, Pfinj = makeBdc(bus, branch)

    ## updates Bbus matrix
    ppci['internal']['Bbus'] = B

    ## compute complex bus power injections [generation - load]
    ## adjusted for phase shifters and real shunts
    Pbus = makeSbus(baseMVA, bus, gen) - Pbusinj - bus[:, GS] / baseMVA

    ## "run" the power flow
    Va = dcpf(B, Pbus, Va0, ref, pv, pq)

    ## update data matrices with solution
    branch[:, [QF, QT]] = zeros((branch.shape[0], 2))
    branch[:, PF] = (Bf * Va + Pfinj) * baseMVA
    branch[:, PT] = -branch[:, PF]
    bus[:, VA] = Va * (180. / pi)
    ## update Pg for slack generators
    ## (note: other gens at ref bus are accounted for in Pbus)
    ##      Pg = Pinj + Pload + Gs
    ##      newPg = oldPg + newPinj - oldPinj

    ## ext_grid (refgen) buses
    refgenbus = gen[refgen, GEN_BUS].astype(int)
    ## number of ext_grids (refgen) at those buses
    ext_grids_bus = bincount(refgenbus)
        PG] = real(gen[refgen, PG] + (B[refgenbus, :] * Va - Pbus[refgenbus]) *
                   baseMVA / ext_grids_bus[refgenbus])

    # store results from DC powerflow for AC powerflow
    et = time() - t0
    success = True
    iterations = 1
    ppci = _store_results_from_pf_in_ppci(ppci, bus, gen, branch, success,
                                          iterations, et)
    return ppci
def _run_ac_pf_without_qlims_enforced(ppci, options):
    makeYbus, pfsoln = _get_numba_functions(ppci, options)

    baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, ref, pv, pq, _, _, V0, ref_gens = _get_pf_variables_from_ppci(

    ppci, Ybus, Yf, Yt = _get_Y_bus(ppci, options, makeYbus, baseMVA, bus,

    ## compute complex bus power injections [generation - load]
    Sbus = makeSbus(baseMVA, bus, gen)

    ## run the newton power  flow

    V, success, iterations, ppci["internal"]["J"], ppci["internal"][
        "Vm_it"], ppci["internal"]["Va_it"] = newtonpf(Ybus, Sbus, V0, pv, pq,
                                                       ppci, options)

    ## update data matrices with solution
    bus, gen, branch = pfsoln(baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, Ybus, Yf, Yt, V, ref,

    return ppci, success, iterations, bus, gen, branch
Beispiel #5
def newtonpf(Ybus, Sbus, V0, ref, pv, pq, ppci, options):
    """Solves the power flow using a full Newton's method.
    Solves for bus voltages given the full system admittance matrix (for
    all buses), the complex bus power injection vector (for all buses),
    the initial vector of complex bus voltages, and column vectors with
    the lists of bus indices for the swing bus, PV buses, and PQ buses,
    respectively. The bus voltage vector contains the set point for
    generator (including ref bus) buses, and the reference angle of the
    swing bus, as well as an initial guess for remaining magnitudes and
    @see: L{runpf}
    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    Modified by University of Kassel (Florian Schaefer) to use numba

    # options
    tol = options['tolerance_mva']
    max_it = options["max_iteration"]
    numba = options["numba"]
    iwamoto = options["algorithm"] == "iwamoto_nr"
    voltage_depend_loads = options["voltage_depend_loads"]
    dist_slack = options["distributed_slack"]
    v_debug = options["v_debug"]
    use_umfpack = options["use_umfpack"]
    permc_spec = options["permc_spec"]

    baseMVA = ppci['baseMVA']
    bus = ppci['bus']
    gen = ppci['gen']
    slack_weights = bus[:, SL_FAC].astype(float64)  ## contribution factors for distributed slack

    # initialize
    i = 0
    V = V0
    Va = angle(V)
    Vm = abs(V)
    dVa, dVm = None, None
    if iwamoto:
        dVm, dVa = zeros_like(Vm), zeros_like(Va)

    if v_debug:
        Vm_it = Vm.copy()
        Va_it = Va.copy()
        Vm_it = None
        Va_it = None

    # set up indexing for updating V
    if dist_slack and len(ref) > 1:
        pv = r_[ref[1:], pv]
        ref = ref[[0]]

    pvpq = r_[pv, pq]
    # reference buses are always at the top, no matter where they are in the grid (very confusing...)
    # so in the refpvpq, the indices must be adjusted so that ref bus(es) starts with 0
    # todo: is it possible to simplify the indices/lookups and make the code clearer?
    # for columns: columns are in the normal order in Ybus; column numbers for J are reduced by 1 internally
    refpvpq = r_[ref, pvpq]
    # generate lookup pvpq -> index pvpq (used in createJ):
    #   shows for a given row from Ybus, which row in J it becomes
    #   e.g. the first row in J is a PV bus. If the first PV bus in Ybus is in the row 2, the index of the row in Jbus must be 0.
    #   pvpq_lookup will then have a 0 at the index 2
    pvpq_lookup = zeros(max(Ybus.indices) + 1, dtype=int)
    if dist_slack:
        # slack bus is relevant for the function createJ_ds
        pvpq_lookup[refpvpq] = arange(len(refpvpq))
        pvpq_lookup[pvpq] = arange(len(pvpq))

    # get jacobian function
    createJ = get_fastest_jacobian_function(pvpq, pq, numba, dist_slack)

    nref = len(ref)
    npv = len(pv)
    npq = len(pq)
    j1 = 0
    j2 = npv  # j1:j2 - V angle of pv buses
    j3 = j2
    j4 = j2 + npq  # j3:j4 - V angle of pq buses
    j5 = j4
    j6 = j4 + npq  # j5:j6 - V mag of pq buses
    j7 = j6
    j8 = j6 + nref # j7:j8 - slacks

    # make initial guess for the slack
    slack = (gen[:, PG].sum() - bus[:, PD].sum()) / baseMVA
    # evaluate F(x0)
    F = _evaluate_Fx(Ybus, V, Sbus, ref, pv, pq, slack_weights, dist_slack, slack)
    converged = _check_for_convergence(F, tol)

    Ybus = Ybus.tocsr()
    J = None

    # do Newton iterations
    while (not converged and i < max_it):
        # update iteration counter
        i = i + 1

        J = create_jacobian_matrix(Ybus, V, ref, refpvpq, pvpq, pq, createJ, pvpq_lookup, nref, npv, npq, numba, slack_weights, dist_slack)

        dx = -1 * spsolve(J, F, permc_spec=permc_spec, use_umfpack=use_umfpack)
        # update voltage
        if npv and not iwamoto:
            Va[pv] = Va[pv] + dx[j1:j2]
        if npq and not iwamoto:
            Va[pq] = Va[pq] + dx[j3:j4]
            Vm[pq] = Vm[pq] + dx[j5:j6]
        if dist_slack:
            slack = slack + dx[j7:j8]

        # iwamoto multiplier to increase convergence
        if iwamoto:
            Vm, Va = _iwamoto_step(Ybus, J, F, dx, pq, npv, npq, dVa, dVm, Vm, Va, pv, j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6)

        V = Vm * exp(1j * Va)
        Vm = abs(V)  # update Vm and Va again in case
        Va = angle(V)  # we wrapped around with a negative Vm

        if v_debug:
            Vm_it = column_stack((Vm_it, Vm))
            Va_it = column_stack((Va_it, Va))

        if voltage_depend_loads:
            Sbus = makeSbus(baseMVA, bus, gen, vm=Vm)

        F = _evaluate_Fx(Ybus, V, Sbus, ref, pv, pq, slack_weights, dist_slack, slack)

        converged = _check_for_convergence(F, tol)

    return V, converged, i, J, Vm_it, Va_it
Beispiel #6
def newtonpf(Ybus, Sbus, V0, pv, pq, ppci, options):
    """Solves the power flow using a full Newton's method.

    Solves for bus voltages given the full system admittance matrix (for
    all buses), the complex bus power injection vector (for all buses),
    the initial vector of complex bus voltages, and column vectors with
    the lists of bus indices for the swing bus, PV buses, and PQ buses,
    respectively. The bus voltage vector contains the set point for
    generator (including ref bus) buses, and the reference angle of the
    swing bus, as well as an initial guess for remaining magnitudes and

    @see: L{runpf}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Richard Lincoln

    Modified by University of Kassel (Florian Schaefer) to use numba

    ## options
    tol = options['tolerance_mva']
    max_it = options["max_iteration"]
    numba = options["numba"]
    iwamoto = options["algorithm"] == "iwamoto_nr"
    voltage_depend_loads = options["voltage_depend_loads"]
    v_debug = options["v_debug"]

    baseMVA = ppci['baseMVA']
    bus = ppci['bus']
    gen = ppci['gen']

    ## initialize
    i = 0
    V = V0
    Va = angle(V)
    Vm = abs(V)
    dVa, dVm = None, None
    if iwamoto:
        dVm, dVa = zeros_like(Vm), zeros_like(Va)

    if v_debug:
        Vm_it = Vm.copy()
        Va_it = Va.copy()
        Vm_it = None
        Va_it = None

    ## set up indexing for updating V
    pvpq = r_[pv, pq]
    # generate lookup pvpq -> index pvpq (used in createJ)
    pvpq_lookup = zeros(max(Ybus.indices) + 1, dtype=int)
    pvpq_lookup[pvpq] = arange(len(pvpq))

    # get jacobian function
    createJ = get_fastest_jacobian_function(pvpq, pq, numba)

    npv = len(pv)
    npq = len(pq)
    j1 = 0
    j2 = npv  ## j1:j2 - V angle of pv buses
    j3 = j2
    j4 = j2 + npq  ## j3:j4 - V angle of pq buses
    j5 = j4
    j6 = j4 + npq  ## j5:j6 - V mag of pq buses

    ## evaluate F(x0)
    F = _evaluate_Fx(Ybus, V, Sbus, pv, pq)
    converged = _check_for_convergence(F, tol)

    Ybus = Ybus.tocsr()
    J = None

    ## do Newton iterations
    while (not converged and i < max_it):
        ## update iteration counter
        i = i + 1

        J = create_jacobian_matrix(Ybus, V, pvpq, pq, createJ, pvpq_lookup,
                                   npv, npq, numba)

        dx = -1 * spsolve(J, F)
        ## update voltage
        if npv and not iwamoto:
            Va[pv] = Va[pv] + dx[j1:j2]
        if npq and not iwamoto:
            Va[pq] = Va[pq] + dx[j3:j4]
            Vm[pq] = Vm[pq] + dx[j5:j6]

        # iwamoto multiplier to increase convergence
        if iwamoto:
            Vm, Va = _iwamoto_step(Ybus, J, F, dx, pq, npv, npq, dVa, dVm, Vm,
                                   Va, pv, j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6)

        V = Vm * exp(1j * Va)
        Vm = abs(V)  ## update Vm and Va again in case
        Va = angle(V)  ## we wrapped around with a negative Vm

        if v_debug:
            Vm_it = column_stack((Vm_it, Vm))
            Va_it = column_stack((Va_it, Va))

        if voltage_depend_loads:
            Sbus = makeSbus(baseMVA, bus, gen, vm=Vm)

        F = _evaluate_Fx(Ybus, V, Sbus, pv, pq)

        converged = _check_for_convergence(F, tol)

    return V, converged, i, J, Vm_it, Va_it
Beispiel #7
def _run_bfswpf(ppci, options, **kwargs):
    SPARSE version of distribution power flow solution according to [1]
    [1] Jen-Hao Teng, "A Direct Approach for Distribution System Load Flow Solutions",
    IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 882-887, July 2003.

    :param ppci: matpower-style case data
    :param options: pf options
    :return: results (pypower style), success (flag about PF convergence)
    time_start = time()  # starting pf calculation timing

    baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, ref, pv, pq, _, gbus, V0, ref_gens = _get_pf_variables_from_ppci(ppci)

    enforce_q_lims, tolerance_mva, max_iteration, calculate_voltage_angles, numba = _get_options(options)

    numba, makeYbus = _import_numba_extensions_if_flag_is_true(numba)

    nobus = bus.shape[0]
    nobranch = branch.shape[0]

    # generate Sbus
    Sbus = makeSbus(baseMVA, bus, gen)
    # generate results for original bus ordering
    # Ybus, Yf, Yt = makeYbus(baseMVA, bus, branch)
    ppci, Ybus, Yf, Yt = _get_Y_bus(ppci, options, makeYbus, baseMVA, bus, branch)

    # creating network graph from list of branches
    bus_from = branch[:, F_BUS].real.astype(int)
    bus_to = branch[:, T_BUS].real.astype(int)
    G = csr_matrix((np.ones(nobranch), (bus_from, bus_to)),
                   shape=(nobus, nobus))
    # create spanning trees using breadth-first-search
    # TODO add efficiency warning if a network is heavy-meshed
    G_trees = []
    for refbus in ref:
        G_trees.append(csgraph.breadth_first_tree(G, refbus, directed=False))

        # depth-first-search bus ordering and generating Direct Load Flow matrix DLF = BCBV * BIBC
        ppci, DLF, buses_ordered_bfs_nets = _get_bibc_bcbv(ppci, options, bus, branch, G)

    # if there are trafos with phase-shift calculate Ybus without phase-shift for bfswpf
    any_trafo_shift = (branch[:, SHIFT] != 0).any()
    if any_trafo_shift:
        branch_noshift = branch.copy()
        branch_noshift[:, SHIFT] = 0
        Ybus_noshift, Yf_noshift, _ = makeYbus(baseMVA, bus, branch_noshift)
        Ybus_noshift = Ybus.copy()

    # #-----  run the power flow  -----
    V_final, success = _bfswpf(DLF, bus, gen, branch, baseMVA, Ybus_noshift,
                               Sbus, V0, ref, pv, pq, buses_ordered_bfs_nets,
                               options, **kwargs)

    # if phase-shifting trafos are present adjust final state vector angles accordingly
    if calculate_voltage_angles and any_trafo_shift:
        brch_shift_mask = branch[:, SHIFT] != 0
        trafos_shift = dict(list(zip(list(zip(branch[brch_shift_mask, F_BUS].real.astype(int),
                                              branch[brch_shift_mask, T_BUS].real.astype(int))),
                                     branch[brch_shift_mask, SHIFT].real)))
        for trafo_ind, shift_degree in iteritems(trafos_shift):
            neti = 0
            # if multiple reference nodes, find in which network trafo is located
            if len(ref) > 0:
                for refbusi in range(len(ref)):
                    if trafo_ind[0] in buses_ordered_bfs_nets[refbusi]:
                        neti = refbusi
            G_tree = G_trees[neti]
            buses_ordered_bfs = buses_ordered_bfs_nets[neti]
            if (np.argwhere(buses_ordered_bfs == trafo_ind[0]) <
                    np.argwhere(buses_ordered_bfs == trafo_ind[1])):
                lv_bus = trafo_ind[1]
                shift_degree *= -1
                lv_bus = trafo_ind[0]

            buses_shifted_from_root = csgraph.breadth_first_order(G_tree, lv_bus,
                                                                  directed=True, return_predecessors=False)
            V_final[buses_shifted_from_root] *= np.exp(1j * np.pi / 180 * shift_degree)

    # #----- output results to ppc ------
    ppci["et"] = time() - time_start  # pf time end

    bus, gen, branch = pfsoln(baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, Ybus, Yf, Yt, V_final, ref, ref_gens)
    # bus, gen, branch = pfsoln_bfsw(baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, V_final, ref, pv, pq, BIBC, ysh_f,ysh_t,Iinj, Sbus)

    ppci["success"] = success

    ppci["bus"], ppci["gen"], ppci["branch"] = bus, gen, branch

    return ppci, success
Beispiel #8
def _bfswpf(DLF, bus, gen, branch, baseMVA, Ybus, Sbus, V0, ref, pv, pq, buses_ordered_bfs_nets,
            options, **kwargs):
    distribution power flow solution according to [1]
    :param DLF: direct-Load-Flow matrix which relates bus current injections to voltage drops from the root bus

    :param bus: buses martix
    :param gen: generators matrix
    :param branch: branches matrix
    :param baseMVA:
    :param Ybus: bus admittance matrix
    :param Sbus: vector of power injections
    :param V0: initial voltage state vector
    :param ref: reference bus index
    :param pv: PV buses indices
    :param pq: PQ buses indices
    :param buses_ordered_bfs_nets: buses ordered according to breadth-first search

    :return: power flow result
    enforce_q_lims = options["enforce_q_lims"]
    tolerance_mva = options["tolerance_mva"]
    max_iteration = options["max_iteration"]
    voltage_depend_loads = options["voltage_depend_loads"]
    # setting options
    max_it = max_iteration  # maximum iterations
    verbose = kwargs["VERBOSE"]  # verbose is set in run._runpppf() #

    # tolerance for the inner loop for PV nodes
    if 'tolerance_mva_pv' in kwargs:
        tol_mva_inner = kwargs['tolerance_mva_pv']
        tol_mva_inner = 1.e-2

    if 'max_iter_pv' in kwargs:
        max_iter_pv = kwargs['max_iter_pv']
        max_iter_pv = 20

    nobus = bus.shape[0]
    ngen = gen.shape[0]

    mask_root = ~ (bus[:, BUS_TYPE] == 3)  # mask for eliminating root bus
    norefs = len(ref)

    Ysh = _makeYsh_bfsw(bus, branch, baseMVA)

    # detect generators on PV buses which have status ON
    gen_pv = np.in1d(gen[:, GEN_BUS], pv) & (gen[:, GEN_STATUS] > 0)
    qg_lim = np.zeros(ngen, dtype=bool)  # initialize generators which violated Q limits

    Iinj = np.conj(Sbus / V0) - Ysh * V0   # Initial current injections

    # initiate reference voltage vector
    V_ref = np.ones(nobus, dtype=complex)
    for neti, buses_ordered_bfs in enumerate(buses_ordered_bfs_nets):
        V_ref[buses_ordered_bfs] *= V0[ref[neti]]
    V = V0.copy()

    n_iter = 0
    converged = 0
    if verbose:
        print(' -- AC Power Flow (Backward/Forward sweep)\n')

    while not converged and n_iter < max_it:
        n_iter_inner = 0
        n_iter += 1

        deltaV = DLF * Iinj[mask_root]
        V[mask_root] = V_ref[mask_root] + deltaV

        # ##
        # inner loop for considering PV buses
        # TODO improve PV buses inner loop
        inner_loop_converged = False
        while not inner_loop_converged and len(pv) > 0:

            pvi = pv - norefs  # internal PV buses indices, assuming reference node is always 0

            Vmis = (np.abs(gen[gen_pv, VG])) ** 2 - (np.abs(V[pv])) ** 2
            # TODO improve getting values from sparse DLF matrix - DLF[pvi, pvi] is unefficient
            dQ = (Vmis / (2 * DLF[pvi, pvi].A1.imag)).flatten()

            gen[gen_pv, QG] += dQ

            if enforce_q_lims:  # check Q violation limits
                ## find gens with violated Q constraints
                qg_max_lim = (gen[:, QG] > gen[:, QMAX]) & gen_pv
                qg_min_lim = (gen[:, QG] < gen[:, QMIN]) & gen_pv

                if qg_min_lim.any():
                    gen[qg_min_lim, QG] = gen[qg_min_lim, QMIN]
                    bus[gen[qg_min_lim, GEN_BUS].astype(int), BUS_TYPE] = 1  # convert to PQ bus

                if qg_max_lim.any():
                    gen[qg_max_lim, QG] = gen[qg_max_lim, QMAX]
                    bus[gen[qg_max_lim, GEN_BUS].astype(int), BUS_TYPE] = 1  # convert to PQ bus

                # TODO: correct: once all the PV buses are converted to PQ buses, conversion back to PV is not possible
                qg_lim_new = qg_min_lim | qg_max_lim
                if qg_lim_new.any():
                    pq2pv = (qg_lim != qg_lim_new) & qg_lim
                    # convert PQ to PV bus
                    if pq2pv.any():
                        bus[gen[qg_max_lim, GEN_BUS].astype(int), BUS_TYPE] = 2  # convert to PV bus

                    qg_lim = qg_lim_new.copy()
                    ref, pv, pq = bustypes(bus, gen)

            # avoid calling makeSbus, update only Sbus for pv nodes
            Sbus = (makeSbus(baseMVA, bus, gen, vm=abs(V))
                    if voltage_depend_loads else
                    makeSbus(baseMVA, bus, gen))
            Iinj = np.conj(Sbus / V) - Ysh * V
            deltaV = DLF * Iinj[mask_root]
            V[mask_root] = V_ref[mask_root] + deltaV

            if n_iter_inner > max_iter_pv:
                raise LoadflowNotConverged(" FBSW Power Flow did not converge - inner iterations for PV nodes "
                                           "reached maximum value of {0}!".format(max_iter_pv))

            n_iter_inner += 1

            if np.all(np.abs(dQ) < tol_mva_inner):  # inner loop termination criterion
                inner_loop_converged = True

        # testing termination criterion -
        if voltage_depend_loads:
            Sbus = makeSbus(baseMVA, bus, gen, vm=abs(V))
        F = _evaluate_Fx(Ybus, V, Sbus, pv, pq)
        # check tolerance
        converged = _check_for_convergence(F, tolerance_mva)

        if converged and verbose:
            print("\nFwd-back sweep power flow converged in "
                  "{0} iterations.\n".format(n_iter))

        # updating injected currents
        Iinj = np.conj(Sbus / V) - Ysh * V

    return V, converged
Beispiel #9
def opf_consfcn(x, om, Ybus, Yf, Yt, ppopt, il=None, *args):
    """Evaluates nonlinear constraints and their Jacobian for OPF.

    Constraint evaluation function for AC optimal power flow, suitable
    for use with L{pips}. Computes constraint vectors and their gradients.

    @param x: optimization vector
    @param om: OPF model object
    @param Ybus: bus admittance matrix
    @param Yf: admittance matrix for "from" end of constrained branches
    @param Yt: admittance matrix for "to" end of constrained branches
    @param ppopt: PYPOWER options vector
    @param il: (optional) vector of branch indices corresponding to
    branches with flow limits (all others are assumed to be
    unconstrained). The default is C{range(nl)} (all branches).
    C{Yf} and C{Yt} contain only the rows corresponding to C{il}.

    @return: C{h} - vector of inequality constraint values (flow limits)
    limit^2 - flow^2, where the flow can be apparent power real power or
    current, depending on value of C{OPF_FLOW_LIM} in C{ppopt} (only for
    constrained lines). C{g} - vector of equality constraint values (power
    balances). C{dh} - (optional) inequality constraint gradients, column
    j is gradient of h(j). C{dg} - (optional) equality constraint gradients.

    @see: L{opf_costfcn}, L{opf_hessfcn}

    @author: Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez (PSERC Cornell & Universidad
    Autonoma de Manizales)
    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    ##----- initialize -----

    ## unpack data
    ppc = om.get_ppc()
    baseMVA, bus, gen, branch = \
        ppc["baseMVA"], ppc["bus"], ppc["gen"], ppc["branch"]
    vv, _, _, _ = om.get_idx()

    ## problem dimensions
    nb = bus.shape[0]  ## number of buses
    nl = branch.shape[0]  ## number of branches
    ng = gen.shape[0]  ## number of dispatchable injections
    nxyz = len(x)  ## total number of control vars of all types

    ## set default constrained lines
    if il is None:
        il = arange(nl)  ## all lines have limits by default
    nl2 = len(il)  ## number of constrained lines

    ## grab Pg & Qg
    Pg = x[vv["i1"]["Pg"]:vv["iN"]["Pg"]]  ## active generation in p.u.
    Qg = x[vv["i1"]["Qg"]:vv["iN"]["Qg"]]  ## reactive generation in p.u.

    ## put Pg & Qg back in gen
    gen[:, PG] = Pg * baseMVA  ## active generation in MW
    gen[:, QG] = Qg * baseMVA  ## reactive generation in MVAr

    ## rebuild Sbus
    Sbus = makeSbus(baseMVA, bus, gen)  ## net injected power in p.u.

    ## ----- evaluate constraints -----
    ## reconstruct V
    Va = x[vv["i1"]["Va"]:vv["iN"]["Va"]]
    Vm = x[vv["i1"]["Vm"]:vv["iN"]["Vm"]]
    V = Vm * exp(1j * Va)

    ## evaluate power flow equations
    mis = V * conj(Ybus * V) - Sbus

    ##----- evaluate constraint function values -----
    ## first, the equality constraints (power flow)
    g = r_[mis.real,  ## active power mismatch for all buses
           mis.imag]  ## reactive power mismatch for all buses

    ## then, the inequality constraints (branch flow limits)
    if nl2 > 0:
        flow_max = (branch[il, RATE_A] / baseMVA)**2
        flow_max[flow_max == 0] = Inf
        if ppopt['OPF_FLOW_LIM'] == 2:  ## current magnitude limit, |I|
            If = Yf * V
            It = Yt * V
            h = r_[If * conj(If) - flow_max,  ## branch I limits (from bus)
                   It * conj(It) - flow_max].real  ## branch I limits (to bus)
            ## compute branch power flows
            ## complex power injected at "from" bus (p.u.)
            Sf = V[branch[il, F_BUS].astype(int)] * conj(Yf * V)
            ## complex power injected at "to" bus (p.u.)
            St = V[branch[il, T_BUS].astype(int)] * conj(Yt * V)
            if ppopt['OPF_FLOW_LIM'] == 1:  ## active power limit, P (Pan Wei)
                h = r_[Sf.real**2 - flow_max,  ## branch P limits (from bus)
                       St.real**2 - flow_max]  ## branch P limits (to bus)
            else:  ## apparent power limit, |S|
                h = r_[Sf * conj(Sf) - flow_max,  ## branch S limits (from bus)
                       St * conj(St) -
                       flow_max].real  ## branch S limits (to bus)
        h = zeros((0, 1))

    ##----- evaluate partials of constraints -----
    ## index ranges
    iVa = arange(vv["i1"]["Va"], vv["iN"]["Va"])
    iVm = arange(vv["i1"]["Vm"], vv["iN"]["Vm"])
    iPg = arange(vv["i1"]["Pg"], vv["iN"]["Pg"])
    iQg = arange(vv["i1"]["Qg"], vv["iN"]["Qg"])
    iVaVmPgQg = r_[iVa, iVm, iPg, iQg].T

    ## compute partials of injected bus powers
    dSbus_dVm, dSbus_dVa = dSbus_dV(Ybus, V)  ## w.r.t. V
    ## Pbus w.r.t. Pg, Qbus w.r.t. Qg
    neg_Cg = sparse((-ones(ng), (gen[:, GEN_BUS], range(ng))), (nb, ng))

    ## construct Jacobian of equality constraints (power flow) and transpose it
    dg = lil_matrix((2 * nb, nxyz))
    blank = sparse((nb, ng))
    dg[:, iVaVmPgQg] = vstack(
            ## P mismatch w.r.t Va, Vm, Pg, Qg
            hstack([dSbus_dVa.real, dSbus_dVm.real, neg_Cg, blank]),
            ## Q mismatch w.r.t Va, Vm, Pg, Qg
            hstack([dSbus_dVa.imag, dSbus_dVm.imag, blank, neg_Cg])
    dg = dg.T

    if nl2 > 0:
        ## compute partials of Flows w.r.t. V
        if ppopt['OPF_FLOW_LIM'] == 2:  ## current
            dFf_dVa, dFf_dVm, dFt_dVa, dFt_dVm, Ff, Ft = \
                    dIbr_dV(branch[il, :], Yf, Yt, V)
        else:  ## power
            dFf_dVa, dFf_dVm, dFt_dVa, dFt_dVm, Ff, Ft = \
                    dSbr_dV(branch[il, :], Yf, Yt, V)
        if ppopt['OPF_FLOW_LIM'] == 1:  ## real part of flow (active power)
            dFf_dVa = dFf_dVa.real
            dFf_dVm = dFf_dVm.real
            dFt_dVa = dFt_dVa.real
            dFt_dVm = dFt_dVm.real
            Ff = Ff.real
            Ft = Ft.real

        ## squared magnitude of flow (of complex power or current, or real power)
        df_dVa, df_dVm, dt_dVa, dt_dVm = \
                dAbr_dV(dFf_dVa, dFf_dVm, dFt_dVa, dFt_dVm, Ff, Ft)

        ## construct Jacobian of inequality constraints (branch limits)
        ## and transpose it.
        dh = lil_matrix((2 * nl2, nxyz))
        dh[:, r_[iVa, iVm].T] = vstack(
                hstack([df_dVa, df_dVm]),  ## "from" flow limit
                hstack([dt_dVa, dt_dVm])  ## "to" flow limit
        dh = dh.T
        dh = None

    return h, g, dh, dg
Beispiel #10
def decoupledpf(Ybus, Sbus, V0, pv, pq, ppci, options):
    """Solves the power flow using a fast decoupled method.

    Solves for bus voltages given the full system admittance matrix (for
    all buses), the complex bus power injection vector (for all buses),
    the initial vector of complex bus voltages, the FDPF matrices B prime
    and B double prime, and column vectors with the lists of bus indices
    for the swing bus, PV buses, and PQ buses, respectively. The bus voltage
    vector contains the set point for generator (including ref bus)
    buses, and the reference angle of the swing bus, as well as an initial
    guess for remaining magnitudes and angles. C{ppopt} is a PYPOWER options
    vector which can be used to set the termination tolerance, maximum
    number of iterations, and output options (see L{ppoption} for details).
    Uses default options if this parameter is not given. Returns the
    final complex voltages, a flag which indicates whether it converged
    or not, and the number of iterations performed.

    @see: L{runpf}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)

    Modified to consider voltage_depend_loads
    # old algortihm options to the new ones
    pp2pypower_algo = {'fdbx': 2, 'fdxb': 3}

    # options
    tol = options["tolerance_mva"]
    max_it = options["max_iteration"]
    # No use currently for numba. TODO: Check if can be applied in Bp and Bpp
    # numba = options["numba"]

    # NOTE: options["algorithm"] is either 'fdbx' or 'fdxb'. Otherwise, error
    algorithm = pp2pypower_algo[options["algorithm"]]

    voltage_depend_loads = options["voltage_depend_loads"]
    v_debug = options["v_debug"]

    baseMVA = ppci["baseMVA"]
    bus = ppci["bus"]
    branch = ppci["branch"]
    gen = ppci["gen"]

    # initialize
    i = 0
    V = V0
    Va = angle(V)
    Vm = abs(V)
    dVa, dVm = None, None

    if v_debug:
        Vm_it = Vm.copy()
        Va_it = Va.copy()
        Vm_it = None
        Va_it = None

    # set up indexing for updating V
    pvpq = r_[pv, pq]

    # evaluate initial mismatch
    P, Q = _evaluate_mis(Ybus, V, Sbus, pvpq, pq)

    # check tolerance
    converged = _check_for_convergence(P, Q, tol)

    # create and reduce B matrices
    Bp, Bpp = makeB(baseMVA, bus, real(branch), algorithm)
    # splu requires a CSC matrix
    Bp = Bp[array([pvpq]).T, pvpq].tocsc()
    Bpp = Bpp[array([pq]).T, pq].tocsc()

    # factor B matrices
    Bp_solver = splu(Bp)
    Bpp_solver = splu(Bpp)

    # do P and Q iterations
    while (not converged and i < max_it):
        # update iteration counter
        i = i + 1

        # -----  do P iteration, update Va  -----
        dVa = -Bp_solver.solve(P)

        # update voltage
        Va[pvpq] = Va[pvpq] + dVa
        V = Vm * exp(1j * Va)

        # evalute mismatch
        P, Q = _evaluate_mis(Ybus, V, Sbus, pvpq, pq)

        # check tolerance
        if _check_for_convergence(P, Q, tol):
            converged = True

        # -----  do Q iteration, update Vm  -----
        dVm = -Bpp_solver.solve(Q)

        # update voltage
        Vm[pq] = Vm[pq] + dVm
        V = Vm * exp(1j * Va)

        if v_debug:
            Vm_it = column_stack((Vm_it, Vm))
            Va_it = column_stack((Va_it, Va))

        if voltage_depend_loads:
            Sbus = makeSbus(baseMVA, bus, gen, vm=Vm)

        # evalute mismatch
        P, Q = _evaluate_mis(Ybus, V, Sbus, pvpq, pq)

        # check tolerance
        if _check_for_convergence(P, Q, tol):
            converged = True

    # the newtonpf/newtonpf funtion returns J. We are returning Bp and Bpp
    return V, converged, i, Bp, Bpp, Vm_it, Va_it
Beispiel #11
    def ts_newtonpf(self, net):
        options = net["_options"]

        bus = self.ppci["bus"]
        branch = self.ppci["branch"]
        gen = self.ppci["gen"]
        # compute complex bus power injections [generation - load]
        # self.Cg = _get_Cg(gen_on, bus)
        # Sbus = _get_Sbus(self.baseMVA, bus, gen, self.Cg)
        Sbus = makeSbus(self.baseMVA, bus, gen)

        # run the newton power  flow
        V, success, _, _, _, _ = nr_pf.newtonpf(self.Ybus, Sbus, self.V,
                                                self.pv, self.pq, self.ppci,

        if not success:
            logger.warning("Loadflow not converged")
  "Lines of of service:")
            raise LoadflowNotConverged("Power Flow did not converge after")

        if self.ppci["gen"].shape[
                0] == 1 and not options["voltage_depend_loads"]:
            pfsoln = pf_solution_single_slack
            pfsoln = pfsoln_full

        bus, gen, branch = pfsoln(self.baseMVA,

        self.ppci["bus"] = bus
        self.ppci["branch"] = branch
        self.ppci["gen"] = gen
        self.ppci["success"] = success
        self.ppci["et"] = None

        # ppci doesn't contain out of service elements, but ppc does -> copy results accordingly
        self.ppc = _copy_results_ppci_to_ppc(self.ppci, self.ppc,

        # raise if PF was not successful. If DC -> success is always 1
        if self.ppc["success"] != 1:
            _clean_up(net, res=False)
            net["_ppc"] = self.ppc
            net["converged"] = True

        self.V = V

        _extract_results(net, self.ppc)

        return net
pp_net._pd2ppc_lookups = {
    "bus": np.array([], dtype=int),
    "ext_grid": np.array([], dtype=int),
    "gen": np.array([], dtype=int),
    "branch": np.array([], dtype=int)
# convert pandapower net to ppc
ppc, ppci = _pd2ppc(pp_net)
baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, ref, pv, pq, on, gbus, _, refgen = _get_pf_variables_from_ppci(
Va0 = bus[:, VA] * (np.pi / 180.)
B, Bf, Pbusinj, Pfinj = makeBdc(bus, branch)
from pandapower.pypower.idx_brch import F_BUS, T_BUS, BR_X, TAP, SHIFT, BR_STATUS

Pbus = makeSbus(baseMVA, bus, gen) - Pbusinj - bus[:, GS] / baseMVA
Pbus_pp_ro = Pbus[pp_vect_converter]
error_p = np.abs(np.real(Sdc_me) - np.real(Pbus_pp_ro))
test_ok = True

#### pandapower DC algo (yet another one)
Va = copy.deepcopy(Va0)
pvpq = np.r_[pv, pq]
pvpq_matrix = B[pvpq.T, :].tocsc()[:, pvpq]
ref_matrix = np.transpose(Pbus[pvpq] - B[pvpq.T, :].tocsc()[:, ref] * Va0[ref])
Va[pvpq] = np.real(scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve(pvpq_matrix, ref_matrix))

if np.max(error_p) > tol:
    test_ok = False
Beispiel #13
    def _aux_test(self, pn_net):
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as path:
            case_name = os.path.join(path, "this_case.json")
            pp.to_json(pn_net, case_name)

            real_init_file = pp.from_json(case_name)
            backend = LightSimBackend()
            with warnings.catch_warnings():

        nb_sub = backend.n_sub
        pp_net = backend.init_pp_backend._grid
        # first i deactivate all slack bus in pp that are connected but not handled in ls
        pp_net.ext_grid["in_service"].loc[:] = False
        pp_net.ext_grid["in_service"].iloc[0] = True
        conv = backend.runpf()
        conv_pp = backend.init_pp_backend.runpf()

        assert conv_pp, "Error: pandapower do not converge, impossible to perform the necessary checks"
        assert conv, "Error: lightsim do not converge"

        por_pp, qor_pp, vor_pp, aor_pp = copy.deepcopy(
        pex_pp, qex_pp, vex_pp, aex_pp = copy.deepcopy(

        # I- Check for divergence and equality of flows"
        por_ls, qor_ls, vor_ls, aor_ls = backend.lines_or_info()
        max_mis = np.max(np.abs(por_ls - por_pp))
        assert max_mis <= self.tol, f"Error: por do not match, maximum absolute error is {max_mis:.5f} MW"
        max_mis = np.max(np.abs(qor_ls - qor_pp))
        assert max_mis <= self.tol, f"Error: qor do not match, maximum absolute error is {max_mis:.5f} MVAr"
        max_mis = np.max(np.abs(vor_ls - vor_pp))
        assert max_mis <= self.tol, f"Error: vor do not match, maximum absolute error is {max_mis:.5f} kV"
        max_mis = np.max(np.abs(aor_ls - aor_pp))
        assert max_mis <= self.tol, f"Error: aor do not match, maximum absolute error is {max_mis:.5f} A"

        # "II - Check for possible solver issues"
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            pp.runpp(backend.init_pp_backend._grid, v_debug=True)
        v_tmp = backend.init_pp_backend._grid.res_bus[
            "vm_pu"].values[:nb_sub] + 0j
        v_tmp *= np.exp(
            1j * np.pi / 180. *
        v_tmp = np.concatenate((v_tmp, v_tmp))
        backend._grid.ac_pf(v_tmp, 1000, 1e-5)

        Y_pp = backend.init_pp_backend._grid._ppc["internal"]["Ybus"]
        Sbus = backend.init_pp_backend._grid._ppc["internal"]["Sbus"]
        pv_ = backend.init_pp_backend._grid._ppc["internal"]["pv"]
        pq_ = backend.init_pp_backend._grid._ppc["internal"]["pq"]
        max_iter = 10
        tol_this = 1e-8
        All_Vms = backend.init_pp_backend._grid._ppc["internal"]["Vm_it"]
        AllVas = backend.init_pp_backend._grid._ppc["internal"]["Va_it"]

        for index_V in range(All_Vms.shape[1] - 1, -1, -1):
            nb_iter = All_Vms.shape[1] - 1
            # i check from easiest to hardest, so from the last iteartion of pandapower to the first iteration of pandapower
            # take the same V as pandapower
            V_init = All_Vms[:, index_V] * (np.cos(AllVas[:, index_V]) +
                                            1j * np.sin(AllVas[:, index_V]))
            # V_init *= np.exp(1j * AllVas[:, 0])
            V_init_ref = copy.deepcopy(V_init)
            solver = ClassSolver()
            solver.solve(scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(Y_pp), V_init, Sbus, pv_, pq_,
                         max_iter, tol_this)
            time_for_nr = solver.get_timers()[3]
            if TIMER_INFO:
                    f"\t Info: Time to perform {nb_iter - index_V} NR iterations for a grid with {nb_sub} "
                    f"buses: {1000. * time_for_nr:.2f}ms")
            error_va = np.abs(
                solver.get_Va() -
            assert np.max(error_va) <= self.tol, f"Error: VA do not match for iteration {index_V}, maximum absolute " \
                                                 f"error is {np.max(error_va):.5f} rad"

            error_vm = np.abs(
                np.abs(solver.get_Vm() - np.abs(
            assert np.max(error_vm) <= self.tol, f"\t Error: VM do not match for iteration {index_V}, maximum absolute " \
                                                 f"error  is {np.max(error_vm):.5f} pu"

        if TIMER_INFO:

        # 'III - Check the data conversion'
        pp_vect_converter = backend.init_pp_backend._grid._pd2ppc_lookups[
        pp_net = backend.init_pp_backend._grid

        # 1) Checking Sbus conversion
        Sbus_pp = backend.init_pp_backend._grid._ppc["internal"]["Sbus"]
        Sbus_pp_right_order = Sbus_pp[pp_vect_converter]
        Sbus_me = backend._grid.get_Sbus()
        error_p = np.abs(np.real(Sbus_me) - np.real(Sbus_pp_right_order))
        assert np.max(error_p) <= self.tol, f"\t Error: P do not match for Sbus, maximum absolute error is " \
                                            f"{np.max(error_p):.5f} MW, \t Error: significative difference for bus " \
                                            f"index (lightsim): {np.where(error_p > self.tol)[0]}"

        error_q = np.abs(np.imag(Sbus_me) - np.imag(Sbus_pp_right_order))
        assert np.max(error_q) <= self.tol, f"\t Error: Q do not match for Sbus, maximum absolute error is " \
                                            f"{np.max(error_q):.5f} MVAr, \t Error: significative difference for bus " \
                                            f"index (lightsim): {np.where(error_q > self.tol)[0]}"

        # 2)  Checking Ybus conversion"
        Y_me = backend._grid.get_Ybus()
        Y_pp = backend.init_pp_backend._grid._ppc["internal"]["Ybus"]
        Y_pp_right_order = Y_pp[pp_vect_converter.reshape(nb_sub, 1),
                                pp_vect_converter.reshape(1, nb_sub)]
        error_p = np.abs(np.real(Y_me) - np.real(Y_pp_right_order))
        assert np.max(error_p) <= self.tol, f"Error: P do not match for Ybus, maximum absolute error " \
                                            f"is {np.max(error_p):.5f}"

        error_q = np.abs(np.imag(Y_me) - np.imag(Y_pp_right_order))
        assert np.max(error_q) <= self.tol, f"\t Error: Q do not match for Ybus, maximum absolute error is " \

        # "IV - Check for the initialization (dc powerflow)"
        # 1) check that the results are same for dc lightsim and dc pandapower
        Vinit = np.ones(backend.nb_bus_total,
                        dtype=np.complex_) * pp_net["_options"]["init_vm_pu"]
        Vdc = backend._grid.dc_pf(Vinit, max_iter, tol_this)
        Ydc_me = backend._grid.get_Ybus()
        Sdc_me = backend._grid.get_Sbus()
        assert np.max(np.abs(V_init_ref[pp_vect_converter] - Vdc[:nb_sub])) <= 100.*self.tol,\
            f"\t Error for the DC approximation: resulting voltages are different " \
            f"{np.max(np.abs(V_init_ref[pp_vect_converter] - Vdc[:nb_sub])):.5f}pu"

        if np.max(np.abs(V_init_ref[pp_vect_converter] -
                         Vdc[:nb_sub])) >= self.tol:
                "\t Warning: maximum difference after DC approximation is "
                "{np.max(np.abs(V_init_ref[pp_vect_converter] - Vdc[:nb_sub])):.5f} which is higher than "
                "the tolerance (this is just a warning because we noticed this could happen even if the "
                "results match perfectly. Probably some conversion issue with complex number and "
                "radian / degree.")
        # "2) check that the Sbus vector is same for PP and lightisim in DC"
        from pandapower.pd2ppc import _pd2ppc
        from import _get_pf_variables_from_ppci
        from pandapower.pypower.idx_brch import F_BUS, T_BUS, BR_X, TAP, SHIFT, BR_STATUS
        from pandapower.pypower.idx_bus import VA, GS
        from pandapower.pypower.makeBdc import makeBdc
        from pandapower.pypower.makeSbus import makeSbus

        pp_net._pd2ppc_lookups = {
            "bus": np.array([], dtype=int),
            "ext_grid": np.array([], dtype=int),
            "gen": np.array([], dtype=int),
            "branch": np.array([], dtype=int)
        # convert pandapower net to ppc
        ppc, ppci = _pd2ppc(pp_net)
        baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, ref, pv, pq, on, gbus, _, refgen = _get_pf_variables_from_ppci(
        Va0 = bus[:, VA] * (np.pi / 180.)
        B, Bf, Pbusinj, Pfinj = makeBdc(bus, branch)

        Pbus = makeSbus(baseMVA, bus, gen) - Pbusinj - bus[:, GS] / baseMVA
        Pbus_pp_ro = Pbus[pp_vect_converter]
        error_p = np.abs(np.real(Sdc_me) - np.real(Pbus_pp_ro))
        test_ok = True

        #### pandapower DC algo (yet another one)
        Va = copy.deepcopy(Va0)
        pvpq = np.r_[pv, pq]
        pvpq_matrix = B[pvpq.T, :].tocsc()[:, pvpq]
        ref_matrix = np.transpose(Pbus[pvpq] -
                                  B[pvpq.T, :].tocsc()[:, ref] * Va0[ref])
        Va[pvpq] = np.real(scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve(pvpq_matrix,

        assert np.max(error_p) <= self.tol, f"\t Error: P do not match for Sbus (dc), maximum absolute error is " \
                                            f"{np.max(error_p):.5f} MW, \nError: significative difference for bus " \
                                            f"index (lightsim): {np.where(error_p > self.tol)[0]}"

        error_q = np.abs(np.imag(Sdc_me) - np.imag(Pbus_pp_ro))
        assert np.max(error_q) <= self.tol, f"\t Error: Q do not match for Sbus (dc), maximum absolute error is " \
                                            f"{np.max(error_q):.5f} MVAr, \n\t Error: significative difference for " \
                                            f"bus index (lightsim): {np.where(error_q > self.tol)[0]}"

        # "3) check that the Ybus matrix is same for PP and lightisim in DC"
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
        Ydc_pp = backend.init_pp_backend._grid._ppc["internal"]["Bbus"]
        Ydc_pp_right_order = Ydc_pp[pp_vect_converter.reshape(nb_sub, 1),
                                    pp_vect_converter.reshape(1, nb_sub)]
        error_p = np.abs(np.real(Ydc_me) - np.real(Ydc_pp_right_order))
        assert np.max(error_p) <= self.tol, f"Error: P do not match for Ybus (dc mode), maximum absolute error " \
                                            f"is {np.max(error_p):.5f}"
        error_q = np.abs(np.imag(Ydc_me) - np.imag(Ydc_pp_right_order))
        assert np.max(error_q) <= self.tol, f"\t Error: Q do not match for Ybus (dc mdoe), maximum absolute error " \
                                            f"is {np.max(error_q):.5f}"

        # "3) check that lightsim ac pf init with pp dc pf give same results (than pp)"
        Vinit = np.ones(backend.nb_bus_total,
                        dtype=np.complex_) * pp_net["_options"]["init_vm_pu"]
        Vinit[:nb_sub] = V_init_ref[pp_vect_converter]
        conv = backend._grid.ac_pf(Vinit, max_iter, tol_this)
        assert conv.shape[
            0] > 0, "\t Error: the lightsim diverge when initialized with pandapower Vinit_dc"
        lpor, lqor, lvor, laor = backend._grid.get_lineor_res()
        tpor, tqor, tvor, taor = backend._grid.get_trafohv_res()
        tpex, tqex, tvex, taex = backend._grid.get_trafolv_res()
        nb_trafo = tpor.shape[0]
        nb_powerline = lpor.shape[0]
        p_or_me2 = np.concatenate((lpor, tpor))
        q_or_me2 = np.concatenate((lqor, tqor))
        v_or_me2 = np.concatenate((lvor, tvor))
        a_or_me2 = 1000. * np.concatenate((laor, taor))
        test_ok = True
        # pdb.set_trace()
        max_mis = np.max(np.abs(p_or_me2 - por_pp))
        assert np.max(
        ) <= self.tol, f"\t Error: por do not match, maximum absolute error is {max_mis:.5f} MW"
        max_mis = np.max(np.abs(q_or_me2 - qor_pp))
        assert np.max(
        ) <= self.tol, f"\t Error: qor do not match, maximum absolute error is {max_mis:.5f} MVAr"
        max_mis = np.max(np.abs(v_or_me2 - vor_pp))
        assert np.max(
        ) <= self.tol, f"\t Error: vor do not match, maximum absolute error is {max_mis:.5f} kV"
        max_mis = np.max(np.abs(a_or_me2 - aor_pp))
        assert np.max(
        ) <= self.tol, f"\t Error: aor do not match, maximum absolute error is {max_mis:.5f} A"

        # "V - Check trafo proper conversion to r,x, b"
        from lightsim2grid_cpp import GridModel, PandaPowerConverter, SolverType
        from pandapower.build_branch import _calc_branch_values_from_trafo_df, get_trafo_values
        from pandapower.build_branch import _calc_nominal_ratio_from_dataframe, _calc_r_x_y_from_dataframe
        from pandapower.build_branch import _calc_tap_from_dataframe, BASE_KV, _calc_r_x_from_dataframe

        # my trafo parameters
        converter = PandaPowerConverter()
        tap_neutral = 1.0 * pp_net.trafo["tap_neutral"].values
        tap_neutral[~np.isfinite(tap_neutral)] = 0.
        if np.any(tap_neutral != 0.):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "lightsim converter supposes that tap_neutral is 0 for the transformers"
        tap_step_pct = 1.0 * pp_net.trafo["tap_step_percent"].values
        tap_step_pct[~np.isfinite(tap_step_pct)] = 0.
        tap_pos = 1.0 * pp_net.trafo["tap_pos"].values
        tap_pos[~np.isfinite(tap_pos)] = 0.
        shift_ = 1.0 * pp_net.trafo["shift_degree"].values
        shift_[~np.isfinite(shift_)] = 0.
        is_tap_hv_side = pp_net.trafo["tap_side"].values == "hv"
        is_tap_hv_side[~np.isfinite(is_tap_hv_side)] = True
        if np.any(pp_net.trafo["tap_phase_shifter"].values):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "ideal phase shifter are not modeled. Please remove all trafo with "
                "pp_net.trafo[\"tap_phase_shifter\"] set to True.")
        tap_angles_ = 1.0 * pp_net.trafo["tap_step_degree"].values
        tap_angles_[~np.isfinite(tap_angles_)] = 0.
        tap_angles_ = np.deg2rad(tap_angles_)
        trafo_r, trafo_x, trafo_b = \
                                      tap_angles_,  # in radian !
        # pandapower trafo parameters
        ppc = copy.deepcopy(pp_net._ppc)
        bus_lookup = pp_net["_pd2ppc_lookups"]["bus"]
        trafo_df = pp_net["trafo"]
        lv_bus = get_trafo_values(trafo_df, "lv_bus")
        vn_lv = ppc["bus"][bus_lookup[lv_bus], BASE_KV]
        vn_trafo_hv, vn_trafo_lv, shift_pp = _calc_tap_from_dataframe(
            pp_net, trafo_df)
        ratio = _calc_nominal_ratio_from_dataframe(ppc, trafo_df, vn_trafo_hv,
                                                   vn_trafo_lv, bus_lookup)
        r_t, x_t, b_t = _calc_r_x_y_from_dataframe(pp_net, trafo_df,
                                                   vn_trafo_lv, vn_lv,

        # check where there are mismatch if any
        val_r_pp = r_t
        val_r_me = trafo_r
        all_equals_r = np.abs(val_r_pp - val_r_me) <= self.tol
        if not np.all(all_equals_r):
            test_ok = False
                f"\t Error: some trafo resistance are not equal, max error: {np.max(np.abs(val_r_pp - val_r_me)):.5f}"

        val_x_pp = x_t
        val_x_me = trafo_x
        all_equals_x = np.abs(val_x_pp - val_x_me) <= self.tol
        assert np.all(all_equals_x), f"\t Error: some trafo x are not equal, max error: " \
                                     f"{np.max(np.abs(val_x_pp - val_x_me)):.5f}"

        val_ib_pp = np.imag(b_t)
        val_ib_me = np.imag(trafo_b)
        all_equals_imag_b = np.abs(val_ib_pp - val_ib_me) <= self.tol
        assert np.all(all_equals_imag_b), f"\t Error: some trafo (imag) b are not equal, max error: " \
                                          f"{np.max(np.abs(val_ib_pp - val_ib_me)):.5f}"

        val_reb_pp = np.real(b_t)
        val_reb_me = np.real(trafo_b)
        all_equals_real_b = np.abs(val_reb_pp - val_reb_me) <= self.tol
        assert np.all(all_equals_real_b), f"\t Error: some trafo (real) b are not equal, max error: " \
                                          f"{np.max(np.abs(val_reb_pp - val_reb_me)):.5f}"