Beispiel #1
    def _create_arithmetic_method(cls, op):

        pd_op = ops.get_array_op(op)

        def arithmetic_method(self, other):
            if isinstance(other, cls):
                other = other._ndarray

            result = pd_op(self._ndarray, other)

            if op is divmod or op is ops.rdivmod:
                a, b = result
                if isinstance(a, np.ndarray):
                    # for e.g. op vs TimedeltaArray, we may already
                    #  have an ExtensionArray, in which case we do not wrap
                    return self._wrap_ndarray_result(
                        a), self._wrap_ndarray_result(b)
                return a, b

            if isinstance(result, np.ndarray):
                # for e.g. multiplication vs TimedeltaArray, we may already
                #  have an ExtensionArray, in which case we do not wrap
                return self._wrap_ndarray_result(result)
            return result

        return compat.set_function_name(arithmetic_method,
                                        f"__{op.__name__}__", cls)
Beispiel #2
    def _cmp_method(self, other, op):
        if isinstance(other, PandasArray):
            other = other._ndarray

        pd_op = ops.get_array_op(op)
        result = pd_op(self._ndarray, other)

        if op is divmod or op is ops.rdivmod:
            a, b = result
            if isinstance(a, np.ndarray):
                # for e.g. op vs TimedeltaArray, we may already
                #  have an ExtensionArray, in which case we do not wrap
                return self._wrap_ndarray_result(a), self._wrap_ndarray_result(b)
            return a, b

        if isinstance(result, np.ndarray):
            # for e.g. multiplication vs TimedeltaArray, we may already
            #  have an ExtensionArray, in which case we do not wrap
            return self._wrap_ndarray_result(result)
        return result
Beispiel #3
    def _cmp_method(self, other, op):
        if isinstance(other, PandasArray):
            other = other._ndarray

        other = ops.maybe_prepare_scalar_for_op(other, (len(self),))
        pd_op = ops.get_array_op(op)
        other = ensure_wrapped_if_datetimelike(other)
        with np.errstate(all="ignore"):
            result = pd_op(self._ndarray, other)

        if op is divmod or op is ops.rdivmod:
            a, b = result
            if isinstance(a, np.ndarray):
                # for e.g. op vs TimedeltaArray, we may already
                #  have an ExtensionArray, in which case we do not wrap
                return self._wrap_ndarray_result(a), self._wrap_ndarray_result(b)
            return a, b

        if isinstance(result, np.ndarray):
            # for e.g. multiplication vs TimedeltaArray, we may already
            #  have an ExtensionArray, in which case we do not wrap
            return self._wrap_ndarray_result(result)
        return result
Beispiel #4
    def _arith_method(self, other, op):
        op_name = op.__name__
        omask = None

        if isinstance(other, BaseMaskedArray):
            other, omask = other._data, other._mask

        elif is_list_like(other):
            if not isinstance(other, ExtensionArray):
                other = np.asarray(other)
            if other.ndim > 1:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "can only perform ops with 1-d structures")

        # We wrap the non-masked arithmetic logic used for numpy dtypes
        #  in Series/Index arithmetic ops.
        other = ops.maybe_prepare_scalar_for_op(other, (len(self), ))
        pd_op = ops.get_array_op(op)
        other = ensure_wrapped_if_datetimelike(other)

        if op_name in {"pow", "rpow"} and isinstance(other, np.bool_):
            # Avoid DeprecationWarning: In future, it will be an error
            #  for 'np.bool_' scalars to be interpreted as an index
            #  e.g. test_array_scalar_like_equivalence
            other = bool(other)

        mask = self._propagate_mask(omask, other)

        if other is libmissing.NA:
            result = np.ones_like(self._data)
            if self.dtype.kind == "b":
                if op_name in {
                        "floordiv", "rfloordiv", "mod", "rmod", "pow", "rpow"
                    dtype = "int8"
                elif op_name in {"truediv", "rtruediv"}:
                    dtype = "float64"
                    dtype = "bool"
                result = result.astype(dtype)
            elif "truediv" in op_name and self.dtype.kind != "f":
                # The actual data here doesn't matter since the mask
                #  will be all-True, but since this is division, we want
                #  to end up with floating dtype.
                result = result.astype(np.float64)
            # Make sure we do this before the "pow" mask checks
            #  to get an expected exception message on shape mismatch.
            if self.dtype.kind in ["i", "u"
                                   ] and op_name in ["floordiv", "mod"]:
                # TODO(GH#30188) ATM we don't match the behavior of non-masked
                #  types with respect to floordiv-by-zero
                pd_op = op

            elif self.dtype.kind == "b" and ("div" in op_name or "pow"
                                             in op_name or "mod" in op_name):
                # TODO(GH#41165): should these be disallowed?
                pd_op = op

            with np.errstate(all="ignore"):
                result = pd_op(self._data, other)

        if op_name == "pow":
            # 1 ** x is 1.
            mask = np.where((self._data == 1) & ~self._mask, False, mask)
            # x ** 0 is 1.
            if omask is not None:
                mask = np.where((other == 0) & ~omask, False, mask)
            elif other is not libmissing.NA:
                mask = np.where(other == 0, False, mask)

        elif op_name == "rpow":
            # 1 ** x is 1.
            if omask is not None:
                mask = np.where((other == 1) & ~omask, False, mask)
            elif other is not libmissing.NA:
                mask = np.where(other == 1, False, mask)
            # x ** 0 is 1.
            mask = np.where((self._data == 0) & ~self._mask, False, mask)

        return self._maybe_mask_result(result, mask)