Beispiel #1
 def __repr__(self) -> str:
     global ANONYMIZED
     if not ANONYMIZED:
         return super().__repr__()
     Return a string representation for a particular DataFrame.
     buf = StringIO("")
     if self._info_repr():
         return buf.getvalue()
     max_rows = get_option("display.max_rows")
     min_rows = get_option("display.min_rows")
     max_cols = get_option("display.max_columns")
     max_colwidth = get_option("display.max_colwidth")
     show_dimensions = get_option("display.show_dimensions")
     if get_option("display.expand_frame_repr"):
         width, _ = console.get_console_size()
         width = None
     formatters = [(Anon(x).get_value if x in self.anonymized else normal)
                   for x in self.columns]
     return buf.getvalue()
Beispiel #2
def _repr_dataframe(df):
    num_rows = pandas.get_option("display.max_rows") or 10
    num_cols = pandas.get_option("display.max_columns") or 20

    if pandas.get_option("display.max_columns") is None and pandas.get_option(
        width, _ = console.get_console_size()
        col_counter = 0
        i = 0
        while col_counter < width:
            col_counter += len(str(df.columns[i])) + 1
            i += 1

        num_cols = i
        i = len(df.columns) - 1
        col_counter = 0
        while col_counter < width:
            col_counter += len(str(df.columns[i])) + 1
            i -= 1

        num_cols += len(df.columns) - i
    result = repr(_repr_frame(df, df.columns, num_rows, num_cols))
    if len(df) > num_rows or len(df.columns) > num_cols:
        return (result.rsplit("\n\n", 1)[0] +
                f"\n\n[{len(df)} rows x {len(df.columns)} columns]")
        return result
def _display(self, max_rows=10, max_width=None, max_colwidth=50):

    summary = ["<regionmask.{}>".format(type(self).__name__)]

    if max_rows is None:
        max_rows = len(self)

    if max_width is None:
        max_width, _ = console.get_console_size()

    summary += _display_metadata(, self.source, max_width=max_width)
    summary += _display_regions_gp(self, max_rows, max_width, max_colwidth)

    summary.append("[{:d} regions]".format(len(self)))

    return "\n".join(summary)
Beispiel #4
def format_object_summary(
    formatter: Callable,
    is_justify: bool = True,
    name: Optional[str] = None,
    indent_for_name: bool = True,
    line_break_each_value: bool = False,
) -> str:
    Return the formatted obj as a unicode string

    obj : object
        must be iterable and support __getitem__
    formatter : callable
        string formatter for an element
    is_justify : boolean
        should justify the display
    name : name, optional
        defaults to the class name of the obj
    indent_for_name : bool, default True
        Whether subsequent lines should be be indented to
        align with the name.
    line_break_each_value : bool, default False
        If True, inserts a line break for each value of ``obj``.
        If False, only break lines when the a line of values gets wider
        than the display width.

        .. versionadded:: 0.25.0

    summary string
    from import get_console_size
    from import _get_adjustment

    display_width, _ = get_console_size()
    if display_width is None:
        display_width = get_option("display.width") or 80
    if name is None:
        name = type(obj).__name__

    if indent_for_name:
        name_len = len(name)
        space1 = f'\n{(" " * (name_len + 1))}'
        space2 = f'\n{(" " * (name_len + 2))}'
        space1 = "\n"
        space2 = "\n "  # space for the opening '['

    n = len(obj)
    if line_break_each_value:
        # If we want to vertically align on each value of obj, we need to
        # separate values by a line break and indent the values
        sep = ",\n " + " " * len(name)
        sep = ","
    max_seq_items = get_option("display.max_seq_items") or n

    # are we a truncated display
    is_truncated = n > max_seq_items

    # adj can optionally handle unicode eastern asian width
    adj = _get_adjustment()

    def _extend_line(s: str, line: str, value: str, display_width: int,
                     next_line_prefix: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:

        if adj.len(line.rstrip()) + adj.len(value.rstrip()) >= display_width:
            s += line.rstrip()
            line = next_line_prefix
        line += value
        return s, line

    def best_len(values: List[str]) -> int:
        if values:
            return max(adj.len(x) for x in values)
            return 0

    close = ", "

    if n == 0:
        summary = f"[]{close}"
    elif n == 1 and not line_break_each_value:
        first = formatter(obj[0])
        summary = f"[{first}]{close}"
    elif n == 2 and not line_break_each_value:
        first = formatter(obj[0])
        last = formatter(obj[-1])
        summary = f"[{first}, {last}]{close}"

        if n > max_seq_items:
            n = min(max_seq_items // 2, 10)
            head = [formatter(x) for x in obj[:n]]
            tail = [formatter(x) for x in obj[-n:]]
            head = []
            tail = [formatter(x) for x in obj]

        # adjust all values to max length if needed
        if is_justify:
            if line_break_each_value:
                # Justify each string in the values of head and tail, so the
                # strings will right align when head and tail are stacked
                # vertically.
                head, tail = _justify(head, tail)
            elif is_truncated or not (len(", ".join(head)) < display_width and
                                      len(", ".join(tail)) < display_width):
                # Each string in head and tail should align with each other
                max_length = max(best_len(head), best_len(tail))
                head = [x.rjust(max_length) for x in head]
                tail = [x.rjust(max_length) for x in tail]
            # If we are not truncated and we are only a single
            # line, then don't justify

        if line_break_each_value:
            # Now head and tail are of type List[Tuple[str]]. Below we
            # convert them into List[str], so there will be one string per
            # value. Also truncate items horizontally if wider than
            # max_space
            max_space = display_width - len(space2)
            value = tail[0]
            for max_items in reversed(range(1, len(value) + 1)):
                pprinted_seq = _pprint_seq(value, max_seq_items=max_items)
                if len(pprinted_seq) < max_space:
            head = [_pprint_seq(x, max_seq_items=max_items) for x in head]
            tail = [_pprint_seq(x, max_seq_items=max_items) for x in tail]

        summary = ""
        line = space2

        for max_items in range(len(head)):
            word = head[max_items] + sep + " "
            summary, line = _extend_line(summary, line, word, display_width,

        if is_truncated:
            # remove trailing space of last line
            summary += line.rstrip() + space2 + "..."
            line = space2

        for max_items in range(len(tail) - 1):
            word = tail[max_items] + sep + " "
            summary, line = _extend_line(summary, line, word, display_width,

        # last value: no sep added + 1 space of width used for trailing ','
        summary, line = _extend_line(summary, line, tail[-1],
                                     display_width - 2, space2)
        summary += line

        # right now close is either '' or ', '
        # Now we want to include the ']', but not the maybe space.
        close = "]" + close.rstrip(" ")
        summary += close

        if len(summary) > (display_width) or line_break_each_value:
            summary += space1
        else:  # one row
            summary += " "

        # remove initial space
        summary = "[" + summary[len(space2):]

    return summary
Beispiel #5
def format_object_summary(obj,
    Return the formatted obj as a unicode string

    obj : object
        must be iterable and support __getitem__
    formatter : callable
        string formatter for an element
    is_justify : boolean
        should justify the display
    name : name, optional
        defaults to the class name of the obj
    indent_for_name : bool, default True
        Whether subsequent lines should be be indented to
        align with the name.

    summary string

    from import get_console_size
    from import _get_adjustment

    display_width, _ = get_console_size()
    if display_width is None:
        display_width = get_option('display.width') or 80
    if name is None:
        name = obj.__class__.__name__

    if indent_for_name:
        name_len = len(name)
        space1 = "\n%s" % (' ' * (name_len + 1))
        space2 = "\n%s" % (' ' * (name_len + 2))
        space1 = "\n"
        space2 = "\n "  # space for the opening '['

    n = len(obj)
    sep = ','
    max_seq_items = get_option('display.max_seq_items') or n

    # are we a truncated display
    is_truncated = n > max_seq_items

    # adj can optionally handle unicode eastern asian width
    adj = _get_adjustment()

    def _extend_line(s, line, value, display_width, next_line_prefix):

        if (adj.len(line.rstrip()) + adj.len(value.rstrip()) >= display_width):
            s += line.rstrip()
            line = next_line_prefix
        line += value
        return s, line

    def best_len(values):
        if values:
            return max(adj.len(x) for x in values)
            return 0

    close = u', '

    if n == 0:
        summary = u'[]{}'.format(close)
    elif n == 1:
        first = formatter(obj[0])
        summary = u'[{}]{}'.format(first, close)
    elif n == 2:
        first = formatter(obj[0])
        last = formatter(obj[-1])
        summary = u'[{}, {}]{}'.format(first, last, close)

        if n > max_seq_items:
            n = min(max_seq_items // 2, 10)
            head = [formatter(x) for x in obj[:n]]
            tail = [formatter(x) for x in obj[-n:]]
            head = []
            tail = [formatter(x) for x in obj]

        # adjust all values to max length if needed
        if is_justify:

            # however, if we are not truncated and we are only a single
            # line, then don't justify
            if (is_truncated
                    or not (len(', '.join(head)) < display_width
                            and len(', '.join(tail)) < display_width)):
                max_len = max(best_len(head), best_len(tail))
                head = [x.rjust(max_len) for x in head]
                tail = [x.rjust(max_len) for x in tail]

        summary = ""
        line = space2

        for i in range(len(head)):
            word = head[i] + sep + ' '
            summary, line = _extend_line(summary, line, word, display_width,

        if is_truncated:
            # remove trailing space of last line
            summary += line.rstrip() + space2 + '...'
            line = space2

        for i in range(len(tail) - 1):
            word = tail[i] + sep + ' '
            summary, line = _extend_line(summary, line, word, display_width,

        # last value: no sep added + 1 space of width used for trailing ','
        summary, line = _extend_line(summary, line, tail[-1],
                                     display_width - 2, space2)
        summary += line

        # right now close is either '' or ', '
        # Now we want to include the ']', but not the maybe space.
        close = ']' + close.rstrip(' ')
        summary += close

        if len(summary) > (display_width):
            summary += space1
        else:  # one row
            summary += ' '

        # remove initial space
        summary = '[' + summary[len(space2):]

    return summary
Beispiel #6
def format_object_summary(obj, formatter, is_justify=True, name=None):
    Return the formatted obj as a unicode string

    obj : object
        must be iterable and support __getitem__
    formatter : callable
        string formatter for an element
    is_justify : boolean
        should justify the display
    name : name, optiona
        defaults to the class name of the obj

    summary string

    from import get_console_size
    from import _get_adjustment

    display_width, _ = get_console_size()
    if display_width is None:
        display_width = get_option('display.width') or 80
    if name is None:
        name = obj.__class__.__name__

    space1 = "\n%s" % (' ' * (len(name) + 1))
    space2 = "\n%s" % (' ' * (len(name) + 2))

    n = len(obj)
    sep = ','
    max_seq_items = get_option('display.max_seq_items') or n

    # are we a truncated display
    is_truncated = n > max_seq_items

    # adj can optionally handle unicode eastern asian width
    adj = _get_adjustment()

    def _extend_line(s, line, value, display_width, next_line_prefix):

        if (adj.len(line.rstrip()) + adj.len(value.rstrip()) >=
            s += line.rstrip()
            line = next_line_prefix
        line += value
        return s, line

    def best_len(values):
        if values:
            return max(adj.len(x) for x in values)
            return 0

    if n == 0:
        summary = '[], '
    elif n == 1:
        first = formatter(obj[0])
        summary = '[%s], ' % first
    elif n == 2:
        first = formatter(obj[0])
        last = formatter(obj[-1])
        summary = '[%s, %s], ' % (first, last)

        if n > max_seq_items:
            n = min(max_seq_items // 2, 10)
            head = [formatter(x) for x in obj[:n]]
            tail = [formatter(x) for x in obj[-n:]]
            head = []
            tail = [formatter(x) for x in obj]

        # adjust all values to max length if needed
        if is_justify:

            # however, if we are not truncated and we are only a single
            # line, then don't justify
            if (is_truncated or
                    not (len(', '.join(head)) < display_width and
                         len(', '.join(tail)) < display_width)):
                max_len = max(best_len(head), best_len(tail))
                head = [x.rjust(max_len) for x in head]
                tail = [x.rjust(max_len) for x in tail]

        summary = ""
        line = space2

        for i in range(len(head)):
            word = head[i] + sep + ' '
            summary, line = _extend_line(summary, line, word,
                                         display_width, space2)

        if is_truncated:
            # remove trailing space of last line
            summary += line.rstrip() + space2 + '...'
            line = space2

        for i in range(len(tail) - 1):
            word = tail[i] + sep + ' '
            summary, line = _extend_line(summary, line, word,
                                         display_width, space2)

        # last value: no sep added + 1 space of width used for trailing ','
        summary, line = _extend_line(summary, line, tail[-1],
                                     display_width - 2, space2)
        summary += line
        summary += '],'

        if len(summary) > (display_width):
            summary += space1
        else:  # one row
            summary += ' '

        # remove initial space
        summary = '[' + summary[len(space2):]

    return summary