Beispiel #1
    def test_overlaps_nested(self, start_shift, closed, other_closed):
        start, shift = start_shift
        interval1 = Interval(start, start + 3 * shift, other_closed)
        interval2 = Interval(start + shift, start + 2 * shift, closed)

        # nested intervals should always overlap
        assert interval1.overlaps(interval2)
Beispiel #2
    def test_overlaps_disjoint(self, start_shift, closed, other_closed):
        start, shift = start_shift
        interval1 = Interval(start, start + shift, other_closed)
        interval2 = Interval(start + 2 * shift, start + 3 * shift, closed)

        # disjoint intervals should never overlap
        assert not interval1.overlaps(interval2)
Beispiel #3
    def test_overlaps_disjoint(self, start_shift, closed, other_closed):
        start, shift = start_shift
        interval1 = Interval(start, start + shift, other_closed)
        interval2 = Interval(start + 2 * shift, start + 3 * shift, closed)

        # disjoint intervals should never overlap
        assert not interval1.overlaps(interval2)
Beispiel #4
    def test_overlaps_nested(self, start_shift, closed, other_closed):
        start, shift = start_shift
        interval1 = Interval(start, start + 3 * shift, other_closed)
        interval2 = Interval(start + shift, start + 2 * shift, closed)

        # nested intervals should always overlap
        assert interval1.overlaps(interval2)
Beispiel #5
    def test_overlaps_endpoint(self, start_shift, closed, other_closed):
        start, shift = start_shift
        interval1 = Interval(start, start + shift, other_closed)
        interval2 = Interval(start + shift, start + 2 * shift, closed)

        # overlap if shared endpoint is closed for both (overlap at a point)
        result = interval1.overlaps(interval2)
        expected = interval1.closed_right and interval2.closed_left
        assert result == expected
Beispiel #6
    def test_overlaps_endpoint(self, start_shift, closed, other_closed):
        start, shift = start_shift
        interval1 = Interval(start, start + shift, other_closed)
        interval2 = Interval(start + shift, start + 2 * shift, closed)

        # overlap if shared endpoint is closed for both (overlap at a point)
        result = interval1.overlaps(interval2)
        expected = interval1.closed_right and interval2.closed_left
        assert result == expected
Beispiel #7
def gather_stayed(genome: Genome, new_positions: NewPositions) -> Stayed:
    if not new_positions:
        return {0: GenomeSegment(start=0, size=len(genome))}
    occupied_by_jumping = get_occupied_by_jumps(new_positions)

    non_jumping_count = genome.len - sum(map(len, occupied_by_jumping))
    if non_jumping_count == 0:"All the genes jumped!")
        return {}
    assert non_jumping_count > 0
    jumping_positions = sorted(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
                               key=lambda pos: pos.start)
    didnt_jump = get_didnt_jump(genome, jumping_positions)
    stayed = {}
    last_filled = 0  # TODO: Use the last filled to set the key in the 'stayed' dictionary
    occupied_iter = iter(
        map(lambda segment: segment.make_interval(), occupied_by_jumping))
    non_jumping_iter = iter(didnt_jump)
    occupied = non_jumping = None
        occupied: Optional[Interval] = next(occupied_iter)
        non_jumping: Optional[GenomeSegment] = next(non_jumping_iter)
        assert non_jumping is not None
        assert occupied is not None
        while True:
            non_jumping_interval = Interval(left=last_filled,
                                            right=last_filled +
            if not non_jumping_interval.overlaps(occupied):
                if non_jumping_interval >= occupied:
                    last_filled = occupied.right
                    occupied: Interval = next(occupied_iter)
                    stayed[last_filled] = non_jumping
                    last_filled += non_jumping.size
                    non_jumping = None
                    non_jumping: GenomeSegment = next(non_jumping_iter)
                if non_jumping_interval.left < occupied.left:
                    step = occupied.left - non_jumping_interval.left
                    assert step > 0, f"occ: {occupied}, non_jump: {non_jumping_interval}"
                    stayed[last_filled] = non_jumping.prefix(step)
                    non_jumping = non_jumping.suffix(step)
                last_filled = occupied.right
                occupied: Interval = next(occupied_iter)
    except StopIteration:
        if non_jumping is not None:
            stayed[last_filled] = non_jumping
            last_filled += non_jumping.size
            for non_jumping in non_jumping_iter:  # Exhaust the iterator
                stayed[last_filled] = non_jumping
                last_filled += non_jumping.size
    return stayed
Beispiel #8
 def test_overlaps_invalid_type(self, other):
     interval = Interval(0, 1)
     msg = '`other` must be an Interval, got {other}'.format(
     with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, msg):
Beispiel #9
 def test_overlaps_self(self, start_shift, closed):
     start, shift = start_shift
     interval = Interval(start, start + shift, closed)
     assert interval.overlaps(interval)
Beispiel #10
 def test_overlaps_invalid_type(self, other):
     interval = Interval(0, 1)
     msg = '`other` must be an Interval, got {other}'.format(
     with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, msg):
Beispiel #11
 def test_overlaps_self(self, start_shift, closed):
     start, shift = start_shift
     interval = Interval(start, start + shift, closed)
     assert interval.overlaps(interval)
Beispiel #12
    def test_interval_overlaps_interval(self, ivl_side, oth_side, ivl_range):

        # class Interval:
        #     def overlaps(self, other: Interval) -> bool

        assert Interval(1, 3).overlaps(Interval(1.5, 2.5))
        assert Interval(1, 3).overlaps(Interval(1, 2))
        assert Interval(1, 3).overlaps(Interval(2, 3))
        assert Interval(1, 3).overlaps(Interval(0.5, 2.5))
        assert Interval(1, 3).overlaps(Interval(1.5, 3.5))

        assert not Interval(1, 3).overlaps(Interval(-1, 1))
        assert not Interval(1, 3).overlaps(Interval(3, 5))

        ivl = Interval(*ivl_range, closed=ivl_side)
        other = Interval(1, 3, closed=oth_side)

        should_overlap = {
            # idx_side:
            #   ivl_side: {ivl_range: expected_result}
            'right': {
                'right': {
                    (-1, 1): False,
                    (1, 3): True,
                    (3, 5): False
                'left': {
                    (-1, 1): False,
                    (1, 3): True,
                    (3, 5): True
                'both': {
                    (-1, 1): False,
                    (1, 3): True,
                    (3, 5): True
                'neither': {
                    (-1, 1): False,
                    (1, 3): True,
                    (3, 5): False
            'left': {
                'right': {
                    (-1, 1): True,
                    (1, 3): True,
                    (3, 5): False
                'left': {
                    (-1, 1): False,
                    (1, 3): True,
                    (3, 5): False
                'both': {
                    (-1, 1): True,
                    (1, 3): True,
                    (3, 5): False
                'neither': {
                    (-1, 1): False,
                    (1, 3): True,
                    (3, 5): False
            'both': {
                'right': {
                    (-1, 1): True,
                    (1, 3): True,
                    (3, 5): False
                'left': {
                    (-1, 1): False,
                    (1, 3): True,
                    (3, 5): True
                'both': {
                    (-1, 1): True,
                    (1, 3): True,
                    (3, 5): True
                'neither': {
                    (-1, 1): False,
                    (1, 3): True,
                    (3, 5): False
            'neither': {
                'right': {
                    (-1, 1): False,
                    (1, 3): True,
                    (3, 5): False
                'left': {
                    (-1, 1): False,
                    (1, 3): True,
                    (3, 5): False
                'both': {
                    (-1, 1): False,
                    (1, 3): True,
                    (3, 5): False
                'neither': {
                    (-1, 1): False,
                    (1, 3): True,
                    (3, 5): False

        result = ivl.overlaps(other)
        expected = should_overlap[oth_side][ivl_side][ivl_range]
        other_result = other.overlaps(ivl)

        assert result == expected == other_result
Beispiel #13
    def test_interval_overlaps_intervalIndex(self, idx_side, ivl_side,

        # class Interval:
        #     def overlaps(self, other: IntervalIndex) -> IntegerArray1D

        # class IntervalIndex:
        #     def overlaps(self, other: Interval) -> IntegerArray1D

        idx = IntervalIndex.from_tuples([(0, 1), (2, 3), (1, 3)],
        ivl = Interval(*ivl_range, closed=ivl_side)

        should_overlap = {
            # idx_side:
            #   ivl_side: {ivl_range: expected_result}
            'right': {
                'right': {
                    (1, 3): [1, 2],
                    (1, 2): [2],
                    (0, 2): [0, 2],
                    (3, 4): []
                'left': {
                    (1, 3): [0, 1, 2],
                    (1, 2): [0, 2],
                    (0, 2): [0, 2],
                    (3, 4): [1, 2]
                'both': {
                    (1, 3): [0, 1, 2],
                    (1, 2): [0, 2],
                    (0, 2): [0, 2],
                    (3, 4): [1, 2]
                'neither': {
                    (1, 3): [1, 2],
                    (1, 2): [2],
                    (0, 2): [0, 2],
                    (3, 4): []
            'left': {
                'right': {
                    (1, 3): [1, 2],
                    (1, 2): [1, 2],
                    (0, 2): [0, 1, 2],
                    (3, 4): []
                'left': {
                    (1, 3): [1, 2],
                    (1, 2): [2],
                    (0, 2): [0, 2],
                    (3, 4): []
                'both': {
                    (1, 3): [1, 2],
                    (1, 2): [1, 2],
                    (0, 2): [0, 1, 2],
                    (3, 4): []
                'neither': {
                    (1, 3): [1, 2],
                    (1, 2): [2],
                    (0, 2): [0, 2],
                    (3, 4): []
            'both': {
                'right': {
                    (1, 3): [1, 2],
                    (1, 2): [1, 2],
                    (0, 2): [0, 1, 2],
                    (3, 4): []
                'left': {
                    (1, 3): [0, 1, 2],
                    (1, 2): [0, 2],
                    (0, 2): [0, 2],
                    (3, 4): [1, 2]
                'both': {
                    (1, 3): [0, 1, 2],
                    (1, 2): [0, 1, 2],
                    (0, 2): [0, 1, 2],
                    (3, 4): [1, 2]
                'neither': {
                    (1, 3): [1, 2],
                    (1, 2): [2],
                    (0, 2): [0, 2],
                    (3, 4): []
            'neither': {
                'right': {
                    (1, 3): [1, 2],
                    (1, 2): [2],
                    (0, 2): [0, 2],
                    (3, 4): []
                'left': {
                    (1, 3): [1, 2],
                    (1, 2): [2],
                    (0, 2): [0, 2],
                    (3, 4): []
                'both': {
                    (1, 3): [1, 2],
                    (1, 2): [2],
                    (0, 2): [0, 2],
                    (3, 4): []
                'neither': {
                    (1, 3): [1, 2],
                    (1, 2): [2],
                    (0, 2): [0, 2],
                    (3, 4): []

        result = ivl.overlaps(idx)
        expected = np.array(should_overlap[idx_side][ivl_side][ivl_range])
        other_result = idx.overlaps(ivl)

        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(other_result, expected)
 def test_overlaps_invalid_type(self, other):
     interval = Interval(0, 1)
     msg = '`other` must be an Interval, got {other}'.format(
     with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
Beispiel #15
 def test_overlaps_invalid_type(self, other):
     interval = Interval(0, 1)
     msg = '`other` must be an Interval, got {other}'.format(
     with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):