Beispiel #1
def test_window_with_args():
    # make sure that we are aggregating window functions correctly with arg
    r = Series(np.random.randn(100)).rolling(
        window=10, min_periods=1, win_type="gaussian"
    expected = concat([r.mean(std=10), r.mean(std=0.01)], axis=1)
    expected.columns = ["<lambda>", "<lambda>"]
    result = r.aggregate([lambda x: x.mean(std=10), lambda x: x.mean(std=0.01)])
    tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)

    def a(x):
        return x.mean(std=10)

    def b(x):
        return x.mean(std=0.01)

    expected = concat([r.mean(std=10), r.mean(std=0.01)], axis=1)
    expected.columns = ["a", "b"]
    result = r.aggregate([a, b])
    tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)