Beispiel #1
 def test_ensure_int(self):
     self.assertEqual(5, ensure_int(5))
     self.assertEqual(5, ensure_int(float(5.0)))
     with self.assertRaises(NotIntegerException):
     with self.assertRaises(NotIntegerException):
     with self.assertRaises(NotIntegerException):
     with self.assertRaises(NotIntegerException):
Beispiel #2
def get_numpy_type(type_char: Union[NumpyTypeChars, str, int],
                   size: int) -> np.dtype:
    Gets the numpy data type corresponding to the type char ('i', 'u', 'f')
    and size in bits of the value.
    :param type_char: NumpyTypeChars, string, or integer corresponding to char in ('i', 'u', 'f')
    :param size: number of BITS in the data
    :return: numpy dtype
    type_char = get_type_char_char(type_char)
    size = ensure_int(size)
    if size <= 0:
        raise DataSizeNotPositiveError(
            'Cannot make a negative-sized numpy type')
    if type_char == NumpyTypeChars.INTEGER.value:
        if size == 8:
            return np.int8
        elif size == 16:
            return np.int16
        elif size == 32:
            return np.int32
        elif size == 64:
            return np.int64
    elif type_char == NumpyTypeChars.UNSIGNED.value:
        if size == 8:
            return np.uint8
        elif size == 16:
            return np.uint16
        elif size == 32:
            return np.uint32
        elif size == 64:
            return np.uint64
    elif type_char == NumpyTypeChars.FLOAT.value:
        if size == 16:
            return np.float16
        elif size == 32:
            return np.float32
        elif size == 64:
            return np.float64
    elif type_char == NumpyTypeChars.STRING.value:
            num_chars = ensure_int(size / 32)
        except NotIntegerException:
            raise NumBytesForStringInvalidError(
                'Could not get numpy type for string.'
                ' Number of bits must be multiple of 32')
        return '<U{}'.format(num_chars)
    raise ValueError('Could not find match for char {} and size {}'.format(
        type_char, size))
Beispiel #3
def get_type_char_char(type_char: Union[NumpyTypeChars, str, int]) -> str:
    Gets the character representation of the char or int.
    :param type_char: NumpyTypeChars enum, string, or integer to convert into an integer.
    :return: string corresponding to parameter
    if isinstance(type_char, NumpyTypeChars):
        return type_char.value
    if isinstance(type_char, int):
        return chr(type_char)
    if isinstance(type_char, float):
        return chr(ensure_int(type_char))
    if isinstance(type_char, str):
        if len(type_char) == 1:
            return type_char
            raise CharConversionException(
                'Could not convert string \'{}\'into '
                'char because its length was > 1'.format(type_char))
    # last ditch, try to cast it as int
        return chr(int(type_char))
    except TypeError:
        raise CharConversionException(
            'Could not convert type: {} for value: {}'.format(
                type(type_char), type_char))
def round_array_returning_integers(arr: array, num_decimals: int) -> array:
    Multiplies the array by 10^num_decimals, rounds the array, and returns an integer array
    :param arr: source array
    :param num_decimals: number of decimals to keep
    :return: 64-bit integer array with rounded data
        num_decimals = ensure_int(num_decimals)
    except NotIntegerException:
        raise NotIntegerException('Could not round array, parameter ''num_decimals'' was not an integer')
    if num_decimals < 0:
        raise ValueError('Could not round array, parameter ''num_decimals'' cannot be negative')
    rounded_array = arr * pow(10, num_decimals)
    rounded_array = around(rounded_array)
    return rounded_array.astype(int64)
Beispiel #5
def determine_required_bytes_unsigned_integer(value: int) -> int:
    Determines the number of bytes that are required to store value
    :param value: an UNSIGNED integer
    :return: 1, 2, 4, or 8
    value = ensure_int(value)
    if value < 0:
        raise IntegerNotUnsignedException
    if (value >> 8) == 0:
        return 1
    if (value >> 16) == 0:
        return 2
    if (value >> 32) == 0:
        return 4
    if (value >> 64) == 0:
        return 8
    raise IntegerLargerThan64BitsException
Beispiel #6
def get_type_char_int(type_char: Union[NumpyTypeChars, str, int]) -> int:
    Gets the integer ord() of the character
    :param type_char: NumpyTypeChars enum, string, or integer to convert into an integer.
    :return: integer corresponding to the char (or int)
    if isinstance(type_char, NumpyTypeChars):
        return ord(type_char.value)
    if isinstance(type_char, str):
        return ord(type_char)
    if isinstance(type_char, int):
        return type_char
        return ensure_int(type_char)
        raise CharConversionException(
            'Could not convert type: {} for value: {}'.format(
                type(type_char), type_char))
Beispiel #7
def determine_required_bytes_signed_integer(value: int) -> int:
    Determines the number of bytes that are required to store value
    :param value: a SIGNED integer
    :return: 1, 2, 4, or 8
    value = ensure_int(value)
    if value < 0:
        value *= -1
        value -= 1
    if (value >> 7) == 0:
        return 1
    if (value >> 15) == 0:
        return 2
    if (value >> 31) == 0:
        return 4
    if (value >> 63) == 0:
        return 8
    raise IntegerLargerThan64BitsException