Beispiel #1
def run(args):

    spec = {
        '-v': '',
        '-h': '=+',
        '-p': '=+',
        '-c': '=+',

        '--help': '',

        '--host': '-h',
        '--project': '-p',
        '--context': '-c',
        '--verbose': '-v',     # arg is an alias for some other arg
        '-help': '--help',

    opt, args = easyargs.get(spec, args)

    if opt['--help']:

    verbose = opt['-v']

        test_run_type = args[0]
        test_run = args[1]
        print("\ncan't get args, try:\n    pdk check_expected --help\n")
        return 1

    # normalize the test run, so they can say stuff like "daily_latest"
    test_run = common.find_test_run(test_run)

    print("TYPE %s" % test_run_type)
    print("test_run %s" % test_run)

    if test_run.endswith('latest'):
        print("this test run name is probably a mistake")
        return 1

    # construct the query for the set of tests that we are expecting

    select_args = [('test_run_type', test_run_type)]

    if '-h' in opt:
        select_args.append(('host', opt['-h']))
    if '-p' in opt:
        select_args.append(('project', opt['-p']))
    if '-c' in opt:
        select_args.append(('context', opt['-c']))

    where_text, where_dict = pdk_db.where_dict(select_args)

    s = "SELECT project, host, test_name, context FROM expected %s " % where_text

    if verbose > 1:

    # perform the query

    c = pdk_db.execute(s, where_dict)

    if verbose > 1:
        print("query done")

    # check each test reported in the query result

    detected = 0

    for (project, host, test_name, context) in c:
        if verbose > 2:
            print("CHECK %s %s %s" % (project, host, test_name))

        c1 = pdk_db.execute("""SELECT status FROM result_scalar
                WHERE test_run = :1 AND project = :2 AND host = :3 AND
                test_name = :4 AND context = :5 """,
                            (test_run, project, host, test_name, context)

        if c1.fetchone() is None:
            # it wasn't there
            if verbose:
                print("        MISSING: %s %s %s" % (project, host, test_name))
                """INSERT INTO result_scalar
                ( test_run, project, host, context, test_name, status, attn )
                VALUES ( :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7 )""",
            detected = detected + 1

            # do some commits from time to time to avoid lock timeouts
            if detected % 10000 == 0:

    # must commit after db updates


    print("detected %d" % detected)
Beispiel #2
def run(args):

    spec = {
        '-v': '',
        '-h': '=+',
        '-p': '=+',
        '-c': '=+',
        '--help': '',
        '--host': '-h',
        '--project': '-p',
        '--context': '-c',
        '--verbose': '-v',  # arg is an alias for some other arg
        '-help': '--help',

    opt, args = easyargs.get(spec, args)

    if opt['--help']:
        print __doc__

    verbose = opt['-v']

        test_run_type = args[0]
        test_run = args[1]
        print "\ncan't get args, try:\n    pdk check_expected --help\n"
        return 1

    # normalize the test run, so they can say stuff like "daily_latest"
    test_run = common.find_test_run(test_run)

    print "TYPE ", test_run_type
    print "test_run", test_run

    if test_run.endswith('latest'):
        print "this test run name is probably a mistake"
        return 1

    # construct the query for the set of tests that we are expecting

    select_args = [('test_run_type', test_run_type)]

    if '-h' in opt:
        select_args.append(('host', opt['-h']))
    if '-p' in opt:
        select_args.append(('project', opt['-p']))
    if '-c' in opt:
        select_args.append(('context', opt['-c']))

    where_text, where_dict = pdk_db.where_dict(select_args)

    s = "SELECT project, host, test_name, context FROM expected %s " % where_text

    if verbose > 1:
        print s
        print where_dict

    # perform the query

    c = pdk_db.execute(s, where_dict)

    if verbose > 1:
        print "query done"

    # check each test reported in the query result

    detected = 0

    for (project, host, test_name, context) in c:
        if verbose > 2:
            print "CHECK", project, host, test_name

        c1 = pdk_db.execute(
            """SELECT status FROM result_scalar 
                WHERE test_run = :1 AND project = :2 AND host = :3 AND 
                test_name = :4 AND context = :5 """,
            (test_run, project, host, test_name, context))

        if c1.fetchone() is None:
            # it wasn't there
            if verbose:
                print "        MISSING:", project, host, test_name
                """INSERT INTO result_scalar 
                ( test_run, project, host, context, test_name, status, attn ) 
                VALUES ( :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7 )""",
                (test_run, project, host, context, test_name, 'M', 'Y'))
            detected = detected + 1

            # do some commits from time to time to avoid lock timeouts
            if detected % 10000 == 0:

    # must commit after db updates


    print "detected ", detected
Beispiel #3
def delete(args):
    '''pdk delete -field value -otherfield othervalue ...

    deletes records from the database where all the parameters match

    This command can remove a subset of the records for a test run.
    It can also remove all the records for a test run, but leave
    the test run in the index as an empty dataset.

    The count of records in a test run will be incorrect until
    you update it.

    pdk delete -test_run foo -project bar -context baz -host xyzzy -custom yzzyx

    also accepts:

        -wild   allow wildcards; some queries are dramatically
                inefficient when you use wildcards, so you have to
                actively ask to use them.  if you use * or ?, you
                must specify -wild

        -count  do not delete the records - just show how many are

    import pandokia.helpers.easyargs as easyargs
    import pandokia.common as common
    opt, args = easyargs.get(
            '-test_run': '=+',
            '-project': '=+',
            '-context': '=+',
            '-custom': '=+',
            '-host': '=+',
            '-status': '=+',
            '-wild': '',
            '-count': '',
            '-c': '',
        }, args)

    dont = 0

    if len(args) != 0:
        if '-test_run' not in opt:
            opt['-test_run'] = args
            print("error: -test_run and non-option args used together")

    wild = opt['-wild']
    del opt['-wild']

    count = opt['-count'] | opt['-c']
    del opt['-count']
    del opt['-c']

    if '-test_run' not in opt:
        print("You really have to specify -test_run")
        return 1

    # expand wild cards in test run
    lll = []
    for x in opt['-test_run']:
        lll = lll + common.expand_test_run(x)
    opt['-test_run'] = lll

    if not count:
        lll = []
        for x in opt['-test_run']:
            if check_valuable(x):
                print("test run %s is marked valuable - cannot delete" % x)

    opt['-test_run'] = lll

    if len(lll) == 0:
        # print "No deleteable test runs found"
        dont = 1

    lll = []
    for x in sorted(opt.keys()):
        if x == '-test_run':

        v = opt[x]
        lll.append((x[1:], v))
        if not wild:
            if ('*' in v) or ('?' in v) or ('%' in v):
                print('\nError: must use -wild for %s %s\n' % (x, v))
                dont = 1

    if dont:

    for x in opt['-test_run']:
        where_str, where_dict = pdk_db.where_dict(lll + [('test_run', x)])

        if count:
            c = pdk_db.execute(
                "SELECT count(*) FROM result_scalar %s" % (where_str, ),
            print("%s %s" % (x, c.fetchone()[0]))

            delete_by_query(where_str, where_dict)

        recount([x], verbose=0)

    return 0
Beispiel #4
def main() :

    global xnodes
    global no_run

    # read all the input files
    if readline :
        history = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".steuermann_history")
        try :
        except IOError :
        import atexit
        atexit.register(readline.write_history_file, history)

    # easyargs spec definition:
    #        '-v' : '',              # arg takes no parameter, opt['-v'] is
    #                                # how many times it occurred
    #        '-f' : '=',             # arg takes a parameter
    #        '-mf' : '=+',           # arg takes a parameter, may be specified 
    #                                # several times to get a list
    #        '--verbose' : '-v',     # arg is an alias for some other arg

    opt, args = easyargs.get(allowed_flags, allow_unexpected = True)

    do_all = opt['-a']
    no_run = opt['-n']

    NOTE: moving this functionality into
    # find any unknown arguments like --something=whatever, set as conditions
    arguments = sys.argv[1:]
    for a in arguments:
        if '--' in a and '=' in a:
            not_allowed_flag = True
            for f in allowed_flags.keys():
                if a.startswith(f):
                    not_allowed_flag = False
            if not_allowed_flag:
                a = a.lstrip('--')
                k, v = a.split('=')
                nodes.saved_conditions[k] = eval(v)

    sm_files = [os.path.abspath(a) for a in args if ('--' not in a and '=' not in a)]
    di_nodes = nodes.read_file_list( sm_files )
    xnodes = di_nodes.node_index

    # get run name
    if '-r' in opt :
        run_name = opt['-r']
    else :
        run_name = "user_%s_%s"%(username,str(' ','_'))

    # get hosts (*.ini) file name
    if '-h' in opt :
        hosts_ini = opt['-h']
    else :
        hosts_ini = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'hosts.ini')

        # Use a user-defined config if it exists
        if os.path.exists(config.hosts_config):
            hosts_ini = config.hosts_config

    # parse common resources from hosts INI file

    db = config.open_db()

    if do_all:
        run_all(xnodes, run_name, hosts_ini, db)
    else :
        run_interactive( xnodes, run_name, hosts_ini, db )
Beispiel #5
def run(args):
    argspec = {
        '-r': '=+',
        '-s': '=',
        '--help': '',
        '--test_run': '-r',
        '--subject': '-s',
    opt, args = easyargs.get(argspec, args)

    if opt['--help']:
    specify a list of test runs to report on

    specify a subject for the email

other parameters are users to send email to (not email addresses)
        return 0

    if '-r' in opt:
        test_runs = [pandokia.common.find_test_run(x) for x in opt['-r']]
        test_runs = [pandokia.common.find_test_run("daily_latest")]

    if args:
        # for each user name, look it up the email address in the table
        users = []
        for user in args:
            found = 0
            c = pdk_db.execute(
                "SELECT email FROM user_prefs WHERE username = :1", (user, ))
            for email, in c:
                users.append((user, email))
                found = 1
            if not found:
                print("No email address known for user %s" % user)
        # get a list of all the (user, email) from the user prefs
        query = """SELECT username, email FROM user_prefs"""
        user_res = pdk_db.execute(query)
        users = [(user, email) for user, email in user_res]

    if '-s' in args:
        subject = args['-s']
        subject = 'Test Results: %s' % ', '.join([x for x in test_runs])

    # compute the email to send to each user; send it.
    for user, email in users:
        if email is None:
        msg = ''
        for x in test_runs:
            newmsg = create_email(user, x)
            if newmsg is not None:
                msg = msg + newmsg
        if len(msg) > 0 and email:
            sendmail(email, subject,
                     '%s\n\n\nThis report created for %s' % (msg, email))
            print("suppress blank email to %s" % email)
Beispiel #6
def run(args):
    opts, args = easyargs.get(
            '-c': 'list',
            '-p': 'list',
            '-h': 'list',
            '--context': '-c',
            '--project': '-p',
            '--host': '-h',
        }, args)

        test_run_type = args[0]
        test_run_pattern = args[1]
        print("can't get args")
        print("   pdk gen_expected test_run_type test_run_pattern")

    test_run_pattern = common.find_test_run(test_run_pattern)

    print("test_run_pattern = %s" % test_run_pattern)

    l = [('test_run', test_run_pattern)]

    if '-c' in opts:
        l = l + [('context', x) for x in opts['-c']]
    if '-p' in opts:
        l = l + [('project', x) for x in opts['-p']]
    if '-h' in opts:
        l = l + [('host', x) for x in opts['-h']]

    if debug:
        for x in l:
            print("	%s" % x)

    where_str, where_dict = pdk_db.where_dict(l)

    sql = "select distinct project, host, context, test_name from result_scalar %s " % where_str
    c = pdk_db.execute(sql, where_dict)

    for (project, host, context, test_name) in c:
        if test_name.endswith("nose.failure.Failure.runTest"):
            # Sometimes nose generates this test name.  I don't want it in the database at all, because
            # the name is not unique, and the record does not contain any useful information about the problem.
            # In any case, we never want to list this test as "expected", even
            # if it leaks into the database.

        if debug:
            print("expect %s %s %s %s %s" %
                  (test_run_type, project, host, context, test_name))
        # insert to the expected table; if the record is already there, it's
        # ok.
                'insert into expected ( test_run_type, project, host, context, test_name ) values ( :1, :2, :3, :4, :5 )',
                (test_run_type, project, host, context, test_name))
        except pdk_db.IntegrityError as e:
            if debug:
                print("exception %s" % e)
def run(args):
    argspec = {
        '-r': '=+',
        '-s': '=',
        '--help': '',
        '--test_run': '-r',
        '--subject': '-s',
    opt, args = easyargs.get(argspec, args)

    if opt['--help']:
    specify a list of test runs to report on

    specify a subject for the email

other parameters are users to send email to (not email addresses)
        return 0

    if '-r' in opt:
        test_runs = [pandokia.common.find_test_run(x) for x in opt['-r']]
        test_runs = [pandokia.common.find_test_run("daily_latest")]

    if args:
        # for each user name, look it up the email address in the table
        users = []
        for user in args:
            found = 0
            c = pdk_db.execute(
                "SELECT email FROM user_prefs WHERE username = :1", (user,))
            for email, in c:
                users.append((user, email))
                found = 1
            if not found:
                print("No email address known for user %s" % user)
        # get a list of all the (user, email) from the user prefs
        query = """SELECT username, email FROM user_prefs"""
        user_res = pdk_db.execute(query)
        users = [(user, email) for user, email in user_res]

    if '-s' in args:
        subject = args['-s']
        subject = 'Test Results: %s' % ', '.join([x for x in test_runs])

    # compute the email to send to each user; send it.
    for user, email in users:
        if email is None:
        msg = ''
        for x in test_runs:
            newmsg = create_email(user, x)
            if newmsg is not None:
                msg = msg + newmsg
        if len(msg) > 0 and email:
                email, subject, '%s\n\n\nThis report created for %s' %
                (msg, email))
            print("suppress blank email to %s" % email)
Beispiel #8
def main():

    global xnodes
    global no_run

    # read all the input files
    if readline:
        history = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".steuermann_history")
        except IOError:
        import atexit
        atexit.register(readline.write_history_file, history)

    # easyargs spec definition:
    #        '-v' : '',              # arg takes no parameter, opt['-v'] is
    #                                # how many times it occurred
    #        '-f' : '=',             # arg takes a parameter
    #        '-mf' : '=+',           # arg takes a parameter, may be specified
    #                                # several times to get a list
    #        '--verbose' : '-v',     # arg is an alias for some other arg

    opt, args = easyargs.get(allowed_flags, allow_unexpected=True)

    do_all = opt['-a']
    no_run = opt['-n']
    NOTE: moving this functionality into
    # find any unknown arguments like --something=whatever, set as conditions
    arguments = sys.argv[1:]
    for a in arguments:
        if '--' in a and '=' in a:
            not_allowed_flag = True
            for f in allowed_flags.keys():
                if a.startswith(f):
                    not_allowed_flag = False
            if not_allowed_flag:
                a = a.lstrip('--')
                k, v = a.split('=')
                nodes.saved_conditions[k] = eval(v)

    sm_files = [
        os.path.abspath(a) for a in args if ('--' not in a and '=' not in a)
    di_nodes = nodes.read_file_list(sm_files)
    xnodes = di_nodes.node_index

    # get run name
    if '-r' in opt:
        run_name = opt['-r']
        run_name = "user_%s_%s" % (username, str(
  ' ', '_'))

    # get hosts (*.ini) file name
    if '-h' in opt:
        hosts_ini = opt['-h']
        hosts_ini = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'hosts.ini')

        # Use a user-defined config if it exists
        if os.path.exists(config.hosts_config):
            hosts_ini = config.hosts_config

    # parse common resources from hosts INI file

    db = config.open_db()

    if do_all:
        run_all(xnodes, run_name, hosts_ini, db)
        run_interactive(xnodes, run_name, hosts_ini, db)
Beispiel #9
        f = urllib2.urlopen(req)
    except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
        print("HTTP ERROR", e.code)
        return 1
    return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':
    opt, args = easyargs.get({
        '-p': '=',  # password
        '-f': '=',  # password from file
        '-u': '',  # upload
        '-d': '=',  # upload destination directory (default .)
        '-h': '=',  # host name
    if '-p' in opt:
        password = opt['-p']
    elif '-f' in opt:
        password = open(opt['-f'], 'r').readline().strip()

    if not ('-h' in opt):
        print("must give host name with -h")
    host = opt['-h']
    if '-d' in opt:
        directory = opt['-d']
Beispiel #10
def delete(args):
    '''pdk delete -field value -otherfield othervalue ...

    deletes records from the database where all the parameters match

    This command can remove a subset of the records for a test run.
    It can also remove all the records for a test run, but leave
    the test run in the index as an empty dataset.

    The count of records in a test run will be incorrect until
    you update it.

    pdk delete -test_run foo -project bar -context baz -host xyzzy

    also accepts:

        -wild   allow wildcards; some queries are dramatically
                inefficient when you use wildcards, so you have to
                actively ask to use them.  if you use * or ?, you
                must specify -wild

        -count  do not delete the records - just show how many are

    import pandokia.helpers.easyargs as easyargs
    import pandokia.common as common
    opt, args = easyargs.get(
            '-test_run': '=+',
            '-project': '=+',
            '-context': '=+',
            '-host': '=+',
            '-status': '=+',
            '-wild': '',
            '-count': '',
            '-c': '',

    dont = 0

    if len(args) != 0:
        if '-test_run' not in opt:
            opt['-test_run'] = args
            print("error: -test_run and non-option args used together")

    wild = opt['-wild']
    del opt['-wild']

    count = opt['-count'] | opt['-c']
    del opt['-count']
    del opt['-c']

    if '-test_run' not in opt:
        print("You really have to specify -test_run")
        return 1

    # expand wild cards in test run
    lll = []
    for x in opt['-test_run']:
        lll = lll + common.expand_test_run(x)
    opt['-test_run'] = lll

    if not count:
        lll = []
        for x in opt['-test_run']:
            if check_valuable(x):
                print("test run %s is marked valuable - cannot delete" % x)

    opt['-test_run'] = lll

    if len(lll) == 0:
        # print "No deleteable test runs found"
        dont = 1

    lll = []
    for x in sorted(opt.keys()):
        if x == '-test_run':

        v = opt[x]
        lll.append((x[1:], v))
        if not wild:
            if ('*' in v) or ('?' in v) or ('%' in v):
                print('\nError: must use -wild for %s %s\n' % (x, v))
                dont = 1

    if dont:

    for x in opt['-test_run']:
        where_str, where_dict = pdk_db.where_dict(lll + [('test_run', x)])

        if count:
            c = pdk_db.execute(
                "SELECT count(*) FROM result_scalar %s" %
                (where_str,), where_dict)
            print("%s %s" % (x, c.fetchone()[0]))

            delete_by_query(where_str, where_dict)

        recount([x], verbose=0)

    return 0
Beispiel #11
def run(args):
    opts, args = easyargs.get({
        '-c': 'list',
        '-p': 'list',
        '-h': 'list',
        '--context': '-c',
        '--project': '-p',
        '--host': '-h',
    }, args)

        test_run_type = args[0]
        test_run_pattern = args[1]
        print("can't get args")
        print("   pdk gen_expected test_run_type test_run_pattern")

    test_run_pattern = common.find_test_run(test_run_pattern)

    print("test_run_pattern = %s" % test_run_pattern)

    l = [('test_run', test_run_pattern)]

    if '-c' in opts:
        l = l + [('context', x) for x in opts['-c']]
    if '-p' in opts:
        l = l + [('project', x) for x in opts['-p']]
    if '-h' in opts:
        l = l + [('host', x) for x in opts['-h']]

    if debug:
        for x in l:
            print("	%s" % x)

    where_str, where_dict = pdk_db.where_dict(l)

    sql = "select distinct project, host, context, test_name from result_scalar %s " % where_str
    c = pdk_db.execute(sql, where_dict)

    for (project, host, context, test_name) in c:
        if test_name.endswith("nose.failure.Failure.runTest"):
            # Sometimes nose generates this test name.  I don't want it in the database at all, because
            # the name is not unique, and the record does not contain any useful information about the problem.
            # In any case, we never want to list this test as "expected", even
            # if it leaks into the database.

        if debug:
                "expect %s %s %s %s %s" %
                (test_run_type, project, host, context, test_name))
        # check if the row already exists before insert since the expected table does not have unique enforcement
        # on its columns
        a = pdk_db.execute('select * from expected where test_run_type = :1 and project = :2 and host = :3 and context = :4 and test_name = :5', (test_run_type, project, host, context, test_name))
        y = a.fetchone()
        if y is None:
                    'insert into expected ( test_run_type, project, host, context, test_name ) values ( :1, :2, :3, :4, :5 )',
            except Exception as e:
                if debug:
                    print("exception %s" % e)
Beispiel #12
def run(args):
    opts, args = easyargs.get(
            '-c': 'list',
            '-p': 'list',
            '-h': 'list',
            '-m': 'list',
            '--context': '-c',
            '--project': '-p',
            '--host': '-h',
            '--custom': '-m',
        }, args)

        test_run_type = args[0]
        test_run_pattern = args[1]
        print("can't get args")
        print("   pdk gen_expected test_run_type test_run_pattern")

    test_run_pattern = common.find_test_run(test_run_pattern)

    print("test_run_pattern = ", test_run_pattern)

    l = [('test_run', test_run_pattern)]

    if '-c' in opts:
        l = l + [('context', x) for x in opts['-c']]
    if '-p' in opts:
        l = l + [('project', x) for x in opts['-p']]
    if '-h' in opts:
        l = l + [('host', x) for x in opts['-h']]
    if '-m' in opts:
        l = l + [('custom', x) for x in opts['-m']]

    if debug:
        for x in l:
            print("	", x)

    where_str, where_dict = pdk_db.where_dict(l)

    sql = "select distinct project, host, context, custom, test_name from result_scalar %s " % where_str
    c = pdk_db.execute(sql, where_dict)

    for (project, host, context, custom, test_name) in c:
        if test_name.endswith("nose.failure.Failure.runTest"):
            # Sometimes nose generates this test name.  I don't want it in the database at all, because
            # the name is not unique, and the record does not contain any useful information about the problem.
            # In any case, we never want to list this test as "expected", even if it leaks into the database.

        if debug:
            print("expect ", test_run_type, project, host, context, custom,
        a = pdk_db.execute(
            'select * from expected where test_run_type = :1 and project = :2 and host = :3 and context = :4 and custom = :5 and test_name = :6',
            (test_run_type, project, host, context, custom, test_name))
        y = a.fetchone()
        if y is None:
                    'insert into expected ( test_run_type, project, host, context, custom, test_name ) values ( :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6 )',
                    (test_run_type, project, host, context, custom, test_name))
            except Exception as e:
                if debug:
                    print("exception", e)