Beispiel #1
def action(table, doc):
    if not isinstance(table, pf.Div) or 'tonytable' not in table.classes:
        return None

    rows = []

    kwargs = {}

    headers = []
    widths = []
    examples = []

    header = pf.Null()
    width = 0
    for elem in table.content:
        if isinstance(elem, pf.Header):
            header, width = build_header(elem)
        elif isinstance(elem, pf.CodeBlock):
            header = pf.Null()
            width = 0

            examples.append(build_code(elem, doc.format))
        elif isinstance(elem, pf.HorizontalRule) and examples:
            if not all(isinstance(header, pf.Null) for header in headers):

            if 'width' not in kwargs:
                kwargs['width'] = widths


            headers = []
            widths = []
            examples = []
            pf.debug("[Warning] The following is ignored by a Tony Table:",

    return pf.Table(*rows, **kwargs)
Beispiel #2
def cmptable(table, doc):
    Comparison Tables: Code blocks are the first-class entities that get added
    to the table. Each code block is pushed onto the current row.
    A horizontal rule (`---`) is used to move to the next row.

    In the first row, the last header (if any) leading upto the i'th
    code block is the header for the i'th column of the table.

    The last block quote (if any) is used as the caption.

    # Example

    ::: cmptable

    > compare inspect of unconstrained and constrained types

    ### Before
    std::visit([&](auto&& x) {
      strm << "got auto: " << x;
    }, v);

    ### After
    inspect (v) {
      <auto> x: strm << "got auto: " << x;


    std::visit([&](auto&& x) {
      using X = std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(x)>;
      if constexpr (C1<X>()) {
        strm << "got C1: " << x;
      } else if constexpr (C2<X>()) {
        strm << "got C2: " << x;
    }, v);

    inspect (v) {
      <C1> c1: strm << "got C1: " << c1;
      <C2> c2: strm << "got C2: " << c2;


    # Generates

    Table: compare inspect of unconstrained and constrained types

    | __Before__                                     | __After__                                   |
    | ```cpp                                         | ```cpp                                      |
    | std::visit([&](auto&& x) {                     | inspect (v) {                               |
    |   strm << "got auto: " << x;                   |   <auto> x: strm << "got auto: " << x;      |
    | }, v);                                         | }                                           |
    |                                                | ```                                         |
    | std::visit([&](auto&& x) {                     | ```cpp                                      |
    |   using X = std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(x)>;  | inspect (v) {                               |
    |   if constexpr (C1<X>()) {                     |   <C1> c1: strm << "got C1: " << c1;        |
    |     strm << "got C1: " << x;                   |   <C2> c2: strm << "got C2: " << c2;        |
    |   } else if constexpr (C2<X>()) {              | }                                           |
    |     strm << "got C2: " << x;                   | ```                                         |
    |   }                                            |                                             |
    | }, v);                                         |                                             |

    if not isinstance(table, pf.Div):
        return None

    if not any(cls in table.classes for cls in ['cmptable', 'tonytable']):
        return None

    rows = []
    kwargs = {}

    headers = []
    widths = []
    examples = []

    header = pf.Null()
    caption = None
    width = 0

    first_row = True

    def warn(elem):
        pf.debug('mpark/wg21:', type(elem), pf.stringify(elem, newlines=False),
                 'in a comparison table is ignored')

    for elem in table.content:
        if isinstance(elem, pf.Header):
            if not isinstance(header, pf.Null):

            if first_row:
                header = pf.Plain(*elem.content)
                width = float(elem.attributes['width']) if 'width' in elem.attributes else 0
        elif isinstance(elem, pf.BlockQuote):
            if caption is not None:

            caption = elem
        elif isinstance(elem, pf.CodeBlock):
            if first_row:

                header = pf.Null()
                width = 0

        elif isinstance(elem, pf.HorizontalRule) and examples:
            first_row = False

            rows.append(pf.TableRow(*[pf.TableCell(example) for example in examples]))
            examples = []

    if not all(isinstance(header, pf.Null) for header in headers):
        kwargs['header'] = pf.TableRow(*[pf.TableCell(header) for header in headers])

    if caption is not None:
        kwargs['caption'] = caption.content[0].content

    kwargs['width'] = widths

    return pf.Table(*rows, **kwargs)
Beispiel #3
def tonytable(table, doc):
    Tony Tables: CodeBlocks are the first-class entities that get added
    to the table. The last (if any) header leading upto a CodeBlock is
    the header that gets attached to the table cell with the CodeBlock.

    Each CodeBlock entry is pushed onto the current row. Horizontal rule
    is used to move to the next row.

    # Example

    ::: tonytable

    ### Before
    std::visit([&](auto&& x) {
      strm << "got auto: " << x;
    }, v);

    ### After
    inspect (v) {
      <auto> x: strm << "got auto: " << x;


    std::visit([&](auto&& x) {
      using X = std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(x)>;
      if constexpr (C1<X>()) {
        strm << "got C1: " << x;
      } else if constexpr (C2<X>()) {
        strm << "got C2: " << x;
    }, v);

    inspect (v) {
      <C1> c1: strm << "got C1: " << c1;
      <C2> c2: strm << "got C2: " << c2;


    # Generates

    | __Before__                                     | __After__                                       |
    | ```cpp                                         | ```cpp                                          |
    | std::visit([&](auto&& x) {                     | inspect (v) {                                   |
    |   strm << "got auto: " << x;                   |   <auto> x: strm << "got auto: " << x;          |
    | }, v);                                         | }                                               |
    |                                                | ```                                             |
    | std::visit([&](auto&& x) {                     | ```cpp                                          |
    |   using X = std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(x)>;  | inspect (v) {                                   |
    |   if constexpr (C1<X>()) {                     |   <C1> c1: strm << "got C1: " << c1;            |
    |     strm << "got C1: " << x;                   |   <C2> c2: strm << "got C2: " << c2;            |
    |   } else if constexpr (C2<X>()) {              | }                                               |
    |     strm << "got C2: " << x;                   | ```                                             |
    |   }                                            |                                                 |
    | }, v);                                         |                                                 |
    def build_header(elem):
        # We use a `pf.RawInline` here because setting the `align`
        # attribute on `pf.Div` does not work for some reason.
        header = pf.Plain(pf.RawInline('<div align="center">', 'html'),
                          pf.RawInline('</div>', 'html'))
        width = float(
            elem.attributes['width']) if 'width' in elem.attributes else 0
        return header, width

    def build_code(elem, format):
        if (format != 'gfm'):
            return elem
        lang = ' lang="{}"'.format(elem.classes[0]) if elem.classes else ''
        code = html.escape(elem.text)
        return pf.RawBlock('\n\n<pre{lang}>\n{code}\n</pre>'.format(lang=lang,

    def build_row(elems):
        return pf.TableRow(*[pf.TableCell(elem) for elem in elems])

    if not isinstance(table, pf.Div) or 'tonytable' not in table.classes:
        return None

    rows = []

    kwargs = {}

    headers = []
    widths = []
    examples = []

    header = pf.Null()
    width = 0
    for elem in table.content:
        if isinstance(elem, pf.Header):
            header, width = build_header(elem)
        elif isinstance(elem, pf.CodeBlock):
            header = pf.Null()
            width = 0

            examples.append(build_code(elem, doc.format))
        elif isinstance(elem, pf.HorizontalRule) and examples:
            if not all(isinstance(header, pf.Null) for header in headers):

            if 'width' not in kwargs:
                kwargs['width'] = widths


            headers = []
            widths = []
            examples = []
            pf.debug("[Warning] The following is ignored by a Tony Table:",

    return pf.Table(*rows, **kwargs)