Beispiel #1
def transform_annotation(anno_file, cam_parameters):
    #This stuff right here is mostly pulled from
    #When you switch to your own dataset,
    #this stuff has to go
    cam = camera.Camera.from_flat_rep(cam_parameters)
    jsonfile = json.loads(anno_file)
    bodies = []
    for body in jsonfile['bodies']:
        skel = np.array(body['joints15']).reshape((-1, 4)).transpose()
        #pts contains all projected points of the skeletons
        #in a 3xnum_points numpy array
        pts = panutils.projectPoints(skel[0:3, :], cam.K, cam.R, cam.t,

        #Translate to center x and y coordinates
        pts[0] -= 320
        pts[1] -= 240

        #Extract confidence levels for each point, too
        conf = skel[3, :]
        #Great, now construct a num_pointsx4 annotation list
        annotation_list = np.vstack([pts, conf]).transpose().astype(np.float32)
    if (len(bodies) == 0):
        #There's nobody in the frame!
        return np.empty(shape=(0, 15, 4), dtype=np.float32)
    return np.stack(bodies)
Beispiel #2
def readPanopticJson(panopPath, seq_name, panel, node):
    hd_skel_json_path = panopPath + '/hdPose3d_stage1_coco19/'

    keyPoints = []

    with open(panopPath + '\\calibration_{0}.json'.format(seq_name)) as cfile:
        calib = json.load(cfile)

    cameras = {(cam['panel'], cam['node']): cam for cam in calib['cameras']}

    for k, cam in cameras.items():
        cam['K'] = np.matrix(cam['K'])
        cam['distCoef'] = np.array(cam['distCoef'])
        cam['R'] = np.matrix(cam['R'])
        cam['t'] = np.array(cam['t']).reshape((3, 1))

    for skel_json_fname in os.listdir(hd_skel_json_path):
        frameNo = int(skel_json_fname[12:20])
        with open(hd_skel_json_path + skel_json_fname) as dfile:
            bframe = json.load(dfile)

        cam = cameras[(panel, node)]

        for pNo, body in enumerate(bframe['bodies']):
            # There are 19 3D joints, stored as an array [x1,y1,z1,c1,x2,y2,z2,c2,...]
            # where c1 ... c19 are per-joint detection confidences
            skel = np.array(body['joints19']).reshape((-1, 4)).transpose()

            # Project skeleton into view (this is like cv2.projectPoints)
            pt = panutils.projectPoints(skel[0:3, :], cam['K'], cam['R'],
                                        cam['t'], cam['distCoef'])

            # Show only points detected with confidence
            #valid = skel[3, :] > 0.1

            #pt = pt[:, valid]

            # print(pt)

            kp = keyPointClass(pNo, pt, panel, node, frameNo)


    return keyPoints
Beispiel #3
    # Load the json file with this frame's skeletons
    skel_json_fname = hd_skel_json_path + 'body3DScene_{0:08d}.json'.format(
    with open(skel_json_fname) as dfile:
        bframe = json.load(dfile)

    # Cycle through all detected bodies
    for body in bframe['bodies']:

        # There are 19 3D joints, stored as an array [x1,y1,z1,c1,x2,y2,z2,c2,...]
        # where c1 ... c19 are per-joint detection confidences
        skel = np.array(body['joints19']).reshape((-1, 4)).transpose()

        # Project skeleton into view (this is like cv2.projectPoints)
        pt = panutils.projectPoints(skel[0:3, :], cam['K'], cam['R'], cam['t'],

        # Show only points detected with confidence
        valid = skel[3, :] > 0.1

        plt.plot(pt[0, valid], pt[1, valid], '.', color=colors[body['id']])

        # Plot edges for each bone
        for edge in body_edges:
            if valid[edge[0]] or valid[edge[1]]:
                plt.plot(pt[0, edge], pt[1, edge], color=colors[body['id']])

        # Show the joint numbers
        for ip in xrange(pt.shape[1]):
            if pt[0, ip] >= 0 and pt[0, ip] < im.shape[1] and pt[
                    1, ip] >= 0 and pt[1, ip] < im.shape[0]:
Beispiel #4
                bottom_center_local = [(min_x + max_x) / 2.0, min_y,
                                       (min_z + max_z) / 2.0]
                # Translate back to panoptic
                bottom_center_panoptic = np.linalg.inv(R) * (

                # Translate to Kinect RGB cam
                cam = cameras[(50, idk)]  # 50 means Kinect

                K_cam = np.matrix(cam['K'])
                R_cam = np.matrix(cam['R'])
                T_cam = np.array(cam['t']).reshape((3, 1))
                dist_cam = np.array(cam['distCoef'])
                bottom_center_cam = np.array(R_cam * bottom_center_panoptic +
                bottom_center_pixel = panutils.projectPoints(
                    bottom_center_panoptic, K_cam, R_cam, T_cam, dist_cam)

                # Translate all body points and bbox corners to Kinect RGB cam
                skel_pixel = panutils.projectPoints(skel, K_cam, R_cam, T_cam,
                bbox_corners_local = np.matrix(
                    [x_corners_local, y_corners_local, z_corners_local])
                bbox_corners_pan = np.linalg.inv(R) * (bbox_corners_local)
                bbox_corners_pixel = panutils.projectPoints(
                    bbox_corners_pan, K_cam, R_cam, T_cam, dist_cam)

                # Calculate rotation_y
                orientation_pan_end = np.matrix(-z2).T  # panoptic
                orientation_pan_start = np.matrix([0, 0, 0]).T
                orientation_cam_end = np.array(R_cam * orientation_pan_end +
Beispiel #5
    skel_json_fname = hd_skel_json_path + 'body3DScene_{0:08d}.json'.format(
    with open(skel_json_fname) as dfile:
        bframe = json.load(dfile)

    print bframe['bodies']

    # Cycle through all detected bodies
    for body in bframe['bodies']:

        # There are 15 3D joints, stored as an array [x1,y1,z1,c1,x2,y2,z2,c2,...]
        # where c1 ... c15 are per-joint detection confidences
        skel = np.array(body['joints15']).reshape((-1, 4)).transpose()

        # Project skeleton into view (this is like cv2.projectPoints)
        pt = panutils.projectPoints(skel[0:3, :], cam['K'], cam['R'], cam['t'],

        # Show only points detected with confidence
        valid = skel[3, :] > 0.1

        plt.plot(pt[0, valid], pt[1, valid], '.', color=colors[body['id']])

        # Plot edges for each bone
        for edge in edges:
            if valid[edge[0]] or valid[edge[1]]:
                plt.plot(pt[0, edge], pt[1, edge], color=colors[body['id']])

        # Show the joint numbers
        for ip in xrange(pt.shape[1]):
            if pt[0, ip] >= 0 and pt[0, ip] < im.shape[1] and pt[
                    1, ip] >= 0 and pt[1, ip] < im.shape[0]:
def gen_label_info(dataset_path, label2_path, seq_name, idk, seq_uid,

    cameras = cam_utils.get_cams_matrices(dataset_path, seq_name)
    cam = cameras[(50, idk)]  # 50 means Kinect
    K_cam = np.matrix(cam['K'])
    R_cam = np.matrix(cam['R'])
    T_cam = np.array(cam['t']).reshape((3, 1))
    dist_cam = np.array(cam['distCoef'])

    with open(dataset_path + seq_name +
              '/synctables_{0}.json'.format(seq_name)) as sfile:
        psync = json.load(sfile)

    with open(dataset_path + seq_name +
              '/ksynctables_{0}.json'.format(seq_name)) as ksfile:
        ksync = json.load(ksfile)

    sample_names = []

    for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(hd_skel_json_path):

        for filename in filenames:

            hd_index = int(filename[-13:-5])  # 8 numbers. 1-based

            # Find corresponding RGB frame
            # Compute universal time
            selUnivTime = psync['hd']['univ_time'][
                hd_index + 2 -
                1]  # -2 is some weired offset in synctables. -1 to account for 1-based
            # print('hd_index: {0}, UnivTime: {1: 0.3f} \n'.format(hd_index, selUnivTime))

            k_color = ksync['kinect']['color']['KINECTNODE{0:d}'.format(idk)]
            time_diff_c = abs(selUnivTime -
                              (np.array(k_color['univ_time']) - 6.25))
            time_distc = np.min(time_diff_c)
            cindex = np.argmin(time_diff_c)  # cindex: 0 based

            k_depth = ksync['kinect']['depth']['KINECTNODE{0:d}'.format(idk)]
            time_diff_d = abs(selUnivTime - np.array(k_depth['univ_time']))
            time_distd = np.min(time_diff_d)
            dindex = np.argmin(time_diff_d)  # dindex: 0 based

            # Time difference between HD and Depth camera
                "hd_index:", hd_index, ", cindex=", cindex, ", dindex=",
                'hd-depth diff={0: 0.4f}'.format(selUnivTime -
                'hd-color diff= {0: 0.4f} \n'.format(
                    selUnivTime - k_color['univ_time'][cindex] - 6.25))

            # Filtering if current kinect data is far from the selected time
            color_depth_diff = abs(k_depth['univ_time'][dindex] -
            if color_depth_diff > 6.5:
                print('Skipping {0}, depth-color diff {1:0.3f}\n'.format(
                    hd_index, color_depth_diff))

            if time_distc > 30 or time_distd > 17:
                print('Skipping {0}\n'.format(hd_index))
                print(time_distc, time_distd)

            # print(hd_index, cindex, dindex)

            # Now there exists a corresponding cindex!!!
            # Get body data points from JSON files
            skel_json_fname = hd_skel_json_path + filename

                with open(skel_json_fname) as dfile:
                    bframe = json.load(dfile)
            except Exception as e:
                print('Error reading {0}\n'.format(skel_json_fname))

            label_str = ''
            for id_ in range(len(bframe['bodies'])):

                body = bframe['bodies'][id_]
                skel = np.array(body['joints19']).reshape((-1, 4)).transpose()

                # Filter point with low confidence values
                # Show only points detected with confidence
                valid = skel[3, :] > 0.1  # value is column-indexed base
                valid[3] = True  # Always keep shoulders
                valid[9] = True

                # skel = skel[:, valid] # Don't remove body points < 0.1
                skel = np.delete(skel, (3),
                                 axis=0)  # don't need confidence value anymore

                # (skel[:, 0], skel[:, 3], skel[:, 9]) are neck and 2 shoulders

                # Find middle point of 2 shoulders
                midpoint_along_shoulders = (skel[:, 3] + skel[:, 9]) / 2.0

                # Write unit vector (orientation) going through this midpoint and parallel to ground plane y = 0 and perpendicular to the line
                # => cross product between normal vector of ground plane and line vector
                n = np.array([0, -1, 0])
                m = skel[:,
                         3] - skel[:,
                                   9]  # shoulder vector: from right to left shoulder

                # In opposite direction of Orientation vector
                z2 = np.cross(n, m)
                z2 = z2 / np.linalg.norm(z2)

                # Write unit vector perpendicular to ground plane
                y2 = np.array([0, -1, 0])

                x2 = np.cross(y2, z2)  # y2, z2 order
                x2 = x2 / np.linalg.norm(x2)

                origin2 = midpoint_along_shoulders
                origin1 = np.array([0, 0, 0])

                # T = np.matrix(origin1 - origin2).transpose()

                R = np.matrix([x2, y2, z2])

                # skel2 = np.zeros(shape=skel.shape)  # skel2 is matrix

                # Convert body points to body origin
                skel2 = R * skel
                xs = np.array(skel[0, :]).reshape(-1)
                ys = np.array(skel[1, :]).reshape(-1)
                zs = np.array(skel[2, :]).reshape(-1)

                xs2 = np.array(skel2[0, :]).reshape(
                    -1)  # To remove the second dimension.
                ys2 = np.array(skel2[1, :]).reshape(-1)
                zs2 = np.array(skel2[2, :]).reshape(-1)

                # Find min, max
                min_x = np.inf
                max_x = -np.inf
                min_y = np.inf
                max_y = -np.inf
                min_z = np.inf
                max_z = -np.inf
                # Need mask here to avoid taking account points less than confidence threshold
                for i in range(0, 19):
                    if not valid[i]:
                    if skel2[0, i] < min_x: min_x = skel2[0, i]
                    if skel2[0, i] > max_x: max_x = skel2[0, i]

                    if skel2[1, i] < min_y: min_y = skel2[1, i]
                    if skel2[1, i] > max_y: max_y = skel2[1, i]

                    if skel2[2, i] < min_z: min_z = skel2[2, i]
                    if skel2[2, i] > max_z: max_z = skel2[2, i]

                # Add a margin
                margin = 0  # 5 centimeters
                min_x -= margin
                min_y -= 10  # TODO: hacky
                min_z -= margin
                max_x += margin
                max_y += margin
                max_z += margin

                # Draw bounding box
                x_corners_local = [
                    min_x, min_x, min_x, min_x, max_x, max_x, max_x, max_x
                y_corners_local = [
                    min_y, min_y, max_y, max_y, min_y, min_y, max_y, max_y
                z_corners_local = [
                    min_z, max_z, min_z, max_z, min_z, max_z, min_z, max_z

                height = max_y - min_y  # 1 is +, other is -. Because origin is between shoulders
                width = max_x - min_x
                length = max_z - min_z

                # Find bottom center of bbox
                bottom_center_local = [(min_x + max_x) / 2.0, min_y,
                                       (min_z + max_z) / 2.0]
                # Translate back to panoptic
                bottom_center_panoptic = np.linalg.inv(R) * (

                # Translate to Kinect RGB cam
                bottom_center_cam = np.array(R_cam * bottom_center_panoptic +

                # TODO: prune all ground truth bboxes that are outside of  [-3.75, 3.75], [0, 6.75]

                bottom_center_bev = Point(bottom_center_cam[0] / 1000.0,
                                          bottom_center_cam[2] / 1000.0)

                area_extents = [[-3.99, 3.99], [0, 6.995]]

                fov_pt_right_z = area_extents[1][1]
                fov_pt_right_x = fov_pt_right_z * math.tan(fovx / 2)

                fov_pt_left_x = -fov_pt_right_x
                fov_pt_left_z = fov_pt_right_z

                fov_pt_right = Point(fov_pt_right_x, fov_pt_right_z)
                fov_pt_left = Point(fov_pt_left_x, fov_pt_left_z)
                cam_center = Point(0, 0)
                in_triangle = point_in_triangle(bottom_center_bev, fov_pt_left,
                                                fov_pt_right, cam_center)

                if in_triangle is True and area_extents[0][
                        0] < bottom_center_bev.x < area_extents[0][1]:
                    print("In area extents and camera view!")
                    print("Outisde the view and area extents!")

                bottom_center_pixel = panutils.projectPoints(
                    bottom_center_panoptic, K_cam, R_cam, T_cam, dist_cam)

                # Translate all body points and bbox corners to Kinect RGB cam
                skel_pixel = panutils.projectPoints(skel, K_cam, R_cam, T_cam,
                bbox_corners_local = np.matrix(
                    [x_corners_local, y_corners_local, z_corners_local])
                bbox_corners_pan = np.linalg.inv(R) * (bbox_corners_local)
                bbox_corners_pixel = panutils.projectPoints(
                    bbox_corners_pan, K_cam, R_cam, T_cam, dist_cam)

                # Calculate rotation_y
                orientation_pan_end = np.matrix(-z2).T  # panoptic
                orientation_pan_start = np.matrix([0, 0, 0]).T
                orientation_cam_end = np.array(R_cam * orientation_pan_end +
                orientation_cam_start = np.array(R_cam *
                                                 orientation_pan_start + T_cam)
                orientation_cam_vec = orientation_cam_end - orientation_cam_start
                ry = -np.arctan2(orientation_cam_vec[2],
                ry = ry.item()

                x = bottom_center_cam[0].item() / 100.0
                y = bottom_center_cam[1].item() / 100.0
                z = bottom_center_cam[2].item() / 100.0
                l = (length + 15) / 100.0
                w = (width + 15) / 100.0
                h = (height + 15) / 100.0
                box_3d = np.array([x, y, z, l, w, h, ry])
                # (3, 3) K_cam
                img_box = project_to_image_space(
                    image_size=[1920, 1080])

                if img_box is not None:
                    label_str += 'Pedestrian 0.00 0 0 ' + str(img_box[0]) + ' ' + str(img_box[1]) + ' ' + str(
                        img_box[2]) + ' ' + str(img_box[3]) + ' ' + str(h) + ' ' + str(w) + ' ' + str(l) \
                                 + ' ' + str(x) + ' ' + str(y) + ' ' + str(z) + ' ' + str(ry) + '\n'

                ### VISUALIZATION
                # origin = [0, 0, 0]
                # X, Y, Z = zip(origin, origin, origin)
                # # x2 = np.cross(y2, z2)
                # # U, V, W = zip(x2, y2, z2)
                # O, L, I = zip([0, 5, 0], [5, 0, 0], [0, 0, 5])
                # fig = plt.figure()
                # ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
                # # ax.quiver(X, Y, Z, U, V, W, arrow_length_ratio=0.01)
                # ax.quiver(X, Y, Z, O, L, I, arrow_length_ratio=0.01)
                # ax.plot3D([midpoint_along_shoulders[0]], [midpoint_along_shoulders[1]], [midpoint_along_shoulders[2]], '.')

                # fig = plt.figure()
                # ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
                # colors =, 1, 30)).tolist()
                # # Local
                # body_edges = np.array(
                #     [[1, 2], [1, 4], [4, 5], [5, 6], [1, 3], [3, 7], [7, 8], [8, 9], [3, 13], [13, 14], [14, 15],
                #      [1, 10], [10, 11], [11, 12]]) - 1
                # # Plot edges for each bone
                # # ax.plot3D([0], [0], [0], '.')
                # for edge in body_edges:
                #     ax.plot3D([skel2[0, edge[0]], skel2[0, edge[1]]], [skel2[1, edge[0]], skel2[1, edge[1]]], zs=[skel2[2, edge[0]], skel2[2, edge[1]]])
                # ax.plot3D(x_corners_local, y_corners_local, z_corners_local, '.')  # Plot 3D bbox corners
                # ax.plot3D([bottom_center_local[0]], [bottom_center_local[1]], [bottom_center_local[2]], '.')  # Plot bottom center of bbox
                # ax.set_xlabel('$Xlocal$', fontsize=20)
                # ax.set_ylabel('$Ylocal$')
                # ax.set_zlabel('$Zlocal$')
                # ax.set_aspect(1)

                # ax.plot3D([x2[0]], [x2[1]], [x2[2]], '.') # Plot 3 unit vectors local
                # ax.plot3D([y2[0]], [y2[1]], [y2[2]], '.')
                # ax.plot3D([z2[0]], [z2[1]], [z2[2]], '.')

                # Local
                # ax.plot3D([0], [0], [0], '.')
                # for edge in body_edges:
                #     ax.plot3D([skel[0, edge[0]], skel[0, edge[1]]], [skel[1, edge[0]], skel[1, edge[1]]], zs=[skel[2, edge[0]], skel[2, edge[1]]])
                # ax.plot3D([midpoint_along_shoulders[0]], [midpoint_along_shoulders[1]], [midpoint_along_shoulders[2]], '.')
                # ax.set_xlabel('$Xpan$', fontsize=20)
                # ax.set_ylabel('$Ypan$')
                # ax.set_zlabel('$Zpan$')

                # # Load the corresponding Kinect image
                # colors =, 1, 30)).tolist()
                # kinect_img_path = dataset_path + seq_name + '/kinectImgs/'
                # image_path = kinect_img_path + '{0:02d}_{1:02d}/{0:02d}_{1:02d}_{2:08d}.jpg'.format(cam['panel'],
                #                                                                                     cam['node'], cindex)
                # im = plt.imread(image_path)
                # plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15))
                # plt.title('3D Body Projection on Kinect RGB view ({0})'.format(cam['name']))
                # plt.imshow(im)
                # currentAxis = plt.gca()
                # currentAxis.set_autoscale_on(False)
                # # Plot bbox corners and bottom center in pixel frame
                # plt.plot(bbox_corners_pixel[0, :], bbox_corners_pixel[1, :], '.')
                # plt.plot(bottom_center_pixel[0], bottom_center_pixel[1], '.', color=colors[7])
                # # Plot 2D image box
                # if img_box is not None:
                #     plt.plot(img_box[[0, 2]], img_box[[1, 3]], '.')
                # # Plot bbox edges
                # plt.plot([bbox_corners_pixel[0, 0], bbox_corners_pixel[0, 1]], [bbox_corners_pixel[1, 0], bbox_corners_pixel[1, 1]], color='g', linestyle='-', linewidth=2)
                # plt.plot([bbox_corners_pixel[0, 0], bbox_corners_pixel[0, 2]], [bbox_corners_pixel[1, 0], bbox_corners_pixel[1, 2]], color='g', linestyle='-', linewidth=2)
                # plt.plot([bbox_corners_pixel[0, 2], bbox_corners_pixel[0, 3]], [bbox_corners_pixel[1, 2], bbox_corners_pixel[1, 3]], color='g', linestyle='-', linewidth=2)
                # plt.plot([bbox_corners_pixel[0, 3], bbox_corners_pixel[0, 1]],
                #          [bbox_corners_pixel[1, 3], bbox_corners_pixel[1, 1]], color='g', linestyle='-', linewidth=2)
                # plt.plot([bbox_corners_pixel[0, 4], bbox_corners_pixel[0, 5]],
                #          [bbox_corners_pixel[1, 4], bbox_corners_pixel[1, 5]], color='g', linestyle='-', linewidth=2)
                # plt.plot([bbox_corners_pixel[0, 5], bbox_corners_pixel[0, 7]],
                #          [bbox_corners_pixel[1, 5], bbox_corners_pixel[1, 7]], color='g', linestyle='-', linewidth=2)
                # plt.plot([bbox_corners_pixel[0, 4], bbox_corners_pixel[0, 6]],
                #          [bbox_corners_pixel[1, 4], bbox_corners_pixel[1, 6]], color='g', linestyle='-', linewidth=2)
                # plt.plot([bbox_corners_pixel[0, 6], bbox_corners_pixel[0, 7]],
                #          [bbox_corners_pixel[1, 6], bbox_corners_pixel[1, 7]], color='g', linestyle='-', linewidth=2)
                # plt.plot([bbox_corners_pixel[0, 4], bbox_corners_pixel[0, 0]],
                #          [bbox_corners_pixel[1, 4], bbox_corners_pixel[1, 0]], color='g', linestyle='-', linewidth=2)
                # plt.plot([bbox_corners_pixel[0, 1], bbox_corners_pixel[0, 5]],
                #          [bbox_corners_pixel[1, 1], bbox_corners_pixel[1, 5]], color='g', linestyle='-', linewidth=2)
                # plt.plot([bbox_corners_pixel[0, 2], bbox_corners_pixel[0, 6]],
                #          [bbox_corners_pixel[1, 2], bbox_corners_pixel[1, 6]], color='g', linestyle='-', linewidth=2)
                # plt.plot([bbox_corners_pixel[0, 3], bbox_corners_pixel[0, 7]],
                #          [bbox_corners_pixel[1, 3], bbox_corners_pixel[1, 7]], color='g', linestyle='-', linewidth=2)
                # # Check if no points visible in the image, if no points, don't plot bbox in pixel frame, just save the skel_cam in the file only.
                # if skel_pixel.size != 0:
                #     plt.plot(skel_pixel[0, :], skel_pixel[1, :], '.',color=colors[body['id']])  # Plot body points in pixel frame
                #     num_points_out_range = 0
                #     for i in range(len(skel_pixel[0, :])): # There's 19 body points
                #         if skel_pixel[0, i] < 0 or skel_pixel[0, i] > 1920 or skel_pixel[1, i] < 0 or skel_pixel[1, i] > 1080:
                #             num_points_out_range += 1
                # # Count percents
                # occlusion_percent = num_points_out_range / len(skel_pixel[0, :]) # 19
                # # Plot percent # on image
                # plt.text(bbox_corners_pixel[0, 7], bbox_corners_pixel[1, 7] - 5, '{0:0.3}'.format(occlusion_percent), color=colors[body['id']])
                # bbox_img_path = output_path + seq_name + '/training/bbox_imgs/'
                # if not os.path.exists(bbox_img_path):
                #     os.mkdir(bbox_img_path)
                # plt.savefig(bbox_img_path + '/{0:02d}{1:08d}.png'.format(idk, cindex))


            # If this condition is true, all GT bounding boxes are outside BEV extents and cam view. Skip this sample.
            if label_str == '' and len(bframe['bodies']) != 0:

            # If there're 2 HD frames corresponding to 1 Kinect frame, then the latter will be recorded.
            with open(
                    label2_path + '/{0:02d}{1:02d}{2:02d}{3:06d}.txt'.format(
                        50, idk, seq_uid, cindex), 'w') as lfile:

            ############### val.txt ###################
            # Output: Generate val.txt
                50, idk, seq_uid, cindex))

        kinect_imgs_samples = []
        processed_kinect_img_path = args.output + args.seq + '/training/rgb_images/'
        for (_, _, filenames) in os.walk(processed_kinect_img_path):
            kinect_imgs_samples = [filename[-17:-4] for filename in filenames]

        valid_samples = [
            valid_sample for valid_sample in kinect_imgs_samples
            if valid_sample in sample_names

        with open(args.output + args.seq + '/test_panoptic.txt', 'w') as vfile:
Beispiel #7
def draw_ground_truth(img, init_cam_x, init_cam_z, cam_pos_x, cam_pos_z,
        gt_pose_file = os.path.join(
            cwd, "hdFace3d/faceRecon3D_hd" + frameNo + ".json")
        with open(gt_pose_file) as dfile:
            fframe = json.load(dfile)
    except IOError as e:
        print('Error reading {0}\n'.format(gt_pose_file) + e.strerror)
    i = 0
    cameras = {(cam['panel'], cam['node']): cam for cam in calib['cameras']}
    cam = cameras[0, 0]
    for face in fframe['people']:
        face3d = np.array(face['face70']['landmarks']).reshape(
            (-1, 3)).transpose()
        face2d = panutils.projectPoints(face3d, cam['K'], cam['R'], cam['t'],
        face2d = face2d[0:2, :]
        _, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP(face3d.T,
        color = cv2.cvtColor(
            np.uint8([[[(130 // len(fframe['people']) * i) + 10, 255, 255]]]),
        color = (int(color[0, 0, 0]), int(color[0, 0, 1]), int(color[0, 0, 2]))

        [a, b, c] = face3d
        [start_x, _, start_z] = [np.average(a), np.average(b), np.average(c)]
        start_x = int((start_x - init_cam_x) * scale_multiplier)
        start_z = int((start_z - init_cam_z) * scale_multiplier)
        start_x += cam_pos_x
        start_z += cam_pos_z
        top_left = (int(start_x - 6), int(start_z - 6))
        bottom_right = (int(start_x + 6), int(start_z + 6))
        cv2.rectangle(img, top_left, bottom_right, color, -1)
        arrow_vec = np.array([0, 0, 1]) * 30
        r = R.from_rotvec(rvec.T)
        arrow_vec = r.apply(arrow_vec)

        [end_x, _, end_z] = [start_x, 0, start_z] + arrow_vec[0]
        cv2.arrowedLine(img, (int(start_x), int(start_z)),
                        (int(end_x), int(end_z)), color)
        i += 1
        points = []
        for point in face_points[0]:
            point_x = face3d[0, point]
            point_y = face3d[1, point]
            point_z = face3d[2, point]

            cam_rel_x = (face3d[0, point] - init_cam_x) * scale_multiplier
            cam_rel_z = (face3d[2, point] - init_cam_z) * scale_multiplier

            cam_rel_x += cam_pos_x
            cam_rel_z += cam_pos_z

  , (int(cam_rel_x), int(cam_rel_z)), 2, color, -1)
            points.append([point_x, point_y, point_z])

        points = np.array(points)
        c, normal = fitPlaneLTSQ(points)
        [a, b, c] = face3d[:, face_points[0]]
        [start_x, _, start_z] = [np.average(a), np.average(b), np.average(c)]
        n = normal / np.linalg.norm(normal) * 30
        start_x = int((start_x - init_cam_x) * scale_multiplier)
        start_z = int((start_z - init_cam_z) * scale_multiplier)
        start_x += cam_pos_x
        start_z += cam_pos_z
        x = int((n[0] - init_cam_x) * scale_multiplier)
        z = int((n[2] - init_cam_z) * scale_multiplier)
        x += cam_pos_x
        z += cam_pos_z
        cv2.arrowedLine(img, (start_x, start_z), (x, z), (127, 255, 0))
        for tri in face_tri:
            [a, b, c] = face3d[:, tri].T
            n = GetNormal(a, b, c)
            n = n / np.linalg.norm(n) * 30

            [start_x, _, start_z] = GetAvg(a, b, c)
            start_x = int((start_x - init_cam_x) * scale_multiplier)
            start_z = int((start_z - init_cam_z) * scale_multiplier)
            start_x += cam_pos_x
            start_z += cam_pos_z

            x = int((n[0] - init_cam_x) * scale_multiplier)
            z = int((n[2] - init_cam_z) * scale_multiplier)
            x += cam_pos_x
            z += cam_pos_z

            cv2.line(img, (start_x, start_z), (x, z), (127, 127, 127))
    return None